THE KCBANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY ' MORNING. " TEBBUAH"? 2f. 1896. THE NATI0NALLAWE1AKERS Review of the Work of a Day in Congress. MORGAN'S SfEECH WAS PROSY Ilia Defence of the Cubans Lsoked Oratorical Fireworks Nacsssary to Arouse Enthnslssm-Coasldarstlon of th Indian Bill la tba Houm. WnshlnKton, Feb. 24. The contlnua lion of the xneech of Senator Mor- Kan (Dem.. Alu.) in the senate toduy In support of the concurrent resoiuium for the recnirnltlnn of Cuban belllKer- t-ncy did not arouHe a particle of the excitement and enthusiasm which the first part of the speech, last Thursday, together with the other speeches of that day aroused. It was too much of a historical review and was inter spersed with the rending of too many letters and reports (for the most part tedious and pretentious) to uttriwt at tention or to arouse enthusiasm. The only forcible parts of Jt were these: "Mr. Morgan expressed his astonish' Jiwmt that, lu view of the Spanish atro cities In the island," this grand, free republic could alt Indifferently by knowing the facts, and not unsheathe th sword, and strike to death the brutal monarch who Inflicted them." And he declured that the American people "could go no further in their forbearance without a stain on the na tlonul honor." He will finish his speech tomorrow. The resolution of Mr. I,odire (Kep Mass.) for an Inquiry into the facts and circumstances of recent bond Issues was taken up and-discussed till the close of the morning: hour, when it went to the calendar without action. In opposing It, Mr. Hill (Dem.. N. Y.) characterized It as a "stub in the dark," and as having no foundation. cut "the walls and complaints of dis appointed bidders." The senate today confirmed the fol lowing nominations: John H. Harlow. of Missouri, and AVIUium O. Klce, of New York, to be civil' service commis sioners; William W. ftaldwln, of New York, to be third assistant secretary of State. EDUCATION OF INDIAN'S. The perennial contest over the ap propriation of money for the education f Indian children at contract' sectar ian schools came up in the house toduy in th course of the consideration of the Indian appropriation bill, and was fought out In an hour and a half. The result was, that by a vote of 93 to 64 the provision that the secretary of the Interior shall make contracts with present contract schools for the edu cation of Indian pupils to an extent not exceeding 60 per cent, of the amount ao used for the fiscal year 18SU, was strloken out on motion of Mr. Linton (Rep., Mich.) and an amendment in serted prohibiting the secretary of the interior from spending any of the money appropriated for education In a sectarian Institution. Under existing conditions only (Juiinlic schools are in contract relations Kith the Interior de partment, the other churches having abandoned their claims to public money. In Ills speech In support of the amendment. Mr Linton attributed the overwhelming change In the personnel In the house by the election of 1894 to the sentlmupt In the country against the appropriation of public funds for sectarian schools or institutions. The amendment was advocated by Messrs, Cooper (Rep., Wis.); Pearson (Rep., N. C); Watson (Rep., O.); Halner (Rep., Neb.); and Gvosvenor (Rep., O.); and opposed by Messrs. Gamble (Rep., S. D ); Eddy (Rep., Minn.); Walsh (Dem., N. Y.): and Sherman (Rep.. N. Y.) Consideration of the bill was conclud ed with the exception of the paragraph directing the purchase of title of the Ogden Land company to the lands within the Allegheny and Cattaugus reservations In New York,, and that was postponed until tomorrow. Speaker Reed announced that he had algned the urgent deficiency and diplo matic and consular appropriation bills, and at CIO o'clock the house odjourned. COACHMAN SUES MRS. HILTON Wants MOO Promised for Saving tier from tier Husband's Assaults. New York,' Feb'. i4. Coachman Ber nard Markell, formerly employed by Henry O. Hilton. Jr., uud his wife. Syl via Gerrish Hilton, has brought suit against the latter to recover $'00 prom ised him for Interposing of his strong right arm when her husband attacked her. llaokell, In fact, hns been prom ised $1,600, for three times did he step In and save the defendant from vio lence from her husband and It was worth $600 to Mrs, Hilton each time. Wackell specifies places and dates when the assaults occurred. He swears that after these assaults he was In the habit of rubbing Mrs. Hil ton's bruises and bathing her body, limbs and face with witch hazel. He ays that he has repeatedly demanded the payment of the $500 and he has been refused. The defendant denies all the charges made in the complaint. WILL HLOW.'Ut THINGS. A Bridgeport Inventor Says Ha Has a Com binatloa Stronger Than Dyasmlt . Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 24. A com- Cny has been organized and a tract of id purchased for the building of u plant to manufacture a cannon Invent ed by William Dorus. The cannon will use the new explosive invented by Thomas Carroll. It Is promised .thatLthe new cannon Will astonish tht,wtrh1 because it can Use Carroll's wonderful explosive, which the inventor says hus an explosive force seventy per cent, greater than that of dynamite, in uppearance the explosive looks like brown sugar and the component parts by themselves are armless. IMAGINES HERSELF DEAD. Houltar Hallucination of Mrs. Elizabeth Noble, of Sumroftvllls, Ind. Elwnod. Ind., Feh. 24. Rome time ngo Mrs. Elizabeth Noble; of Kummltville, began to show signs of mental aberra tion. She was under treatment at a nanltarlum in Indianapolis, but she failed to obtain relief and has become Insane. Her delusion consists In her Imagin ing she is a corpse and that she cannot walk or talk. She insists she is dead and that she has been for some time. Bhe will be taken to the Richmond Mylum. FASTS FOR FIVE WEEKS. Me la Sinking, but Is Determined to Break the Record. Dansvllle, N, Y., Feb. 24. Mrs. Val entine Kurtz, of South Dansvllle, has now abstained from food for a period of thirty-four days, and having got along so far without collapse Is trying to outdo all records In the fasting line. For the first two weeks of her self imposed task her neighbors endeavored to dissuade her from her attempt, but now all are urging her to break all world's records. She is very weak, and confined to her bed. THEATER COMBINATION. Managers la the Leading Cities Perfeet a Gigantic Pool. Cleveland, O., Feb. 24. Manager Harts, of the Euclid Avenue opera house, tonight announced that a com bination of the managers of the leading theaters in the leading cities of the United States had been formed. This la the culmination of the movement which had its origin In New York some time ago. The arrangement guaran tees to the houses In the combination thirty weeks of first-class attractions during each Mason, The arrangement is to go into effect next August and to continue for two years. The New York agents of the combi nation are Klaw & Krlansrer and Al Hayman who will do the booking for the circuit. The theaters In the combi nation are the Hollis and Museum, of Boston; Montauk and Oolumbia, of Brooklyn; Garrick, Empire und two others In New York; Academy, in Bal timore; Lafayette, in Washington; Walnut, Broad, Chestnut and Opera House. In Philadelphia; Alvln. in Pitts burg; EUclid Avenue, In Cleveland; Co lumbia and Hooley's, In Chicago; Da vidson, in Milwaukee; Tabor, in Den ver; Baldwin and California.. In San Francisco, and theaters in -rialt Lake City, Kansas City, Nashville. Memphis and New Orleans, and other, cities in the west and south. REVIVAL LNDS IN TIGHT. Interior of an Ohio Church Wrecked and Many Members Injured. Portsmouth, Ohio, Feb. 24. The re vival meetings at McColloch church. In Brush Creek township, ended last night In a bloody encounter between the Pvies and Crabtree factions of the con gregation. The Pyles crowd demand ed that Marion Crabtree b expelled from the church on account of alleged indiscretions with a married woman in the neighborhood. The Crabtrees resented, and the discussion developed into an engagement. Clubs und knives were used freely, but the furniture fur nished the favorite weapons. When one of the Pyles begun to use a revolver Rev. Mr. Cummins, the preacher, who had been trylni? to quell the disturbance, tied. Finally the lights were extinguished and the warriors adjourned to the exterior, where the battle raged until the Pyles forces fled, with two men badly wounded with knife cuts. One of the Crabtrees stop ped a bullet with his left leg, und broken heads und minor wounds were borne by nearly every participant In the affray. The Interior of the church was almost completely wrecked. AGAINST DEATH DANCES. Osage Indiana Ordered to Cease tho Custom by Thslr Chief. Pawhuska. O. T., Feb. 24. Chief De bolt, the head medicine man of the Osage tribe of Indians, and the active politician, hus Issued an Imperative order discontinuing death dunces in the nation. When an Osage dlts, accord ing to a long-established c-UHtom, all his relatives go absolutely naked until the death dance, which occurs thirty days after the fatality. This custom of going naked has played havoc with them, making them subject to colds that Invariably ended In consumption. Seven per cent, of the adults of the tribe are now in the last stages of consumption, and it Is this alarming fact that called forth the edict. The importance of the measure Is so great that death dances will be treason against the nation. OUR CHIEF CITIES. Boston is said to have the crookedest streets. Portland, Ore., claims to have lMi mil lionaires. Albuny and Austin have the finest State bullcllntis. Chicago has the largest Bohemian col ony, 25, lor,. UalvcHion, New York and Key West are Island cities. New York has the largest colony of Ger mans, 2H).7:'3. Philadelphia had the largest EnglUh colony, iW.S.'U. The leading city In the manufacture of iron is Pittsburg. The most northern city in our territory is Sitka, o Alaska. The most southern city of the Initcd States Is Key West. The city having the longest blocks Is said to be Louisville, Ky. The 4u.uui people of Little Itock, Ark., live on eight square miles. Jersey city covers twelve and ona-huir squure miles of territory. Boston has thirty-seven square miles of area and 6W.00U population. New York has the best water supply. Its aqueduct cost WvXXl.ouO. Chicago Is firs in the number of Its Pol ish inhabitants, having 24.0D8. St. Louis is the largest tobucco manu facturing centre in the world. The assessed valuation of property In New York city Is tl.6l3,0".735. St. Auifustlne enjoys the reputation of having the most equable climate. HarrlDburg. Pa., has 60.000 population und nine square miles of territory. Savannah. Ua., has tt.Mii" population liv ing on live squure miles of K round. Philadelphia is said to ha ve mora trees than any other c ny In the country. Helena, Mont., claims to be the richest city., of its population, In the world. Newark. N. J., has clghleeen square miles of territory and ZX,u population. The 800,(i0 people of Detroit occupy twenty-nine square miles of territory. Boston has more Scotch than live in any nltv f Uenilmul. save the four tamest. , Cleveland. (.. Is said to have the hand somest residence miviu in mis inumrj . New Orleans has 235,001) people, and ex tends over sixty square miles of territory. Alleglienv t'itv has seven and one-third square miies oi' area and 115.000 popula tion. , . Memphis. Tenn., has 75.OU0 population squeezed Into four square miles of terri torv. Th 190,wi0 people of Louisville live on an area of fourteen and oiM-hulf square miles. . , Philadelphia In area Is one of the largest cities in the world, having lLU'i square miles. . , Denver, Col., has I.VUXpO population, who occupy forty-three and four-fifths square The bonded debt of Philadelphia is $32,-758.Rt.-i, and the assessed valuation Is 37ii!t,- 3.r,4i'. Cleveland. O., has an area of thirty-two and one-hulf squure miles and 330,000 popu lation. The citv having the longest streets of unbroken continuity is said to be Wash ington. St. Lotils has more Hermann than live In any city of Germany except the ten largest. In Omaha, Neb., lOO.OUtl people live on twenty-four and one-half squure miles of ground. , The area of Baltimore Is thirty-one and one-hulf square miles, and its population is r,:,x. St. Paul has an area of fifty-live an. I two-fifths square miles, on which live 170. WW people. New York has an Irish population of lWi.tls. the largest of any city in the United Stair.'. Raleigh, N. '., has the rcvutiillon of be ing one of the p rettlest cities In the United States. One or the highest cities In th, 1 !i!t."l States is Leadvllle, Col., nearly H.ouo f.-et uhove sea level. The H'M.oipe population of Vlttslnirg In habit twenty-seven and three-llfths square miles or ground. The 8imi people of Portland. Ore., have plenty of elbow room In their alxty square miles of ground. Denver Is the only city with natu-al stream of water flowing through the gut ters in its streets. Virginia City was the product of a single mine, it having been built around the famous Comstock. Bt. Louis has an area of elxty-one and one-third square miles and an estimated population or 60O.0U0. Cincinnati has a population or 340.009. livng on an area of twenty-four and one fourth square miles. The cities which stood the longest sie8 during the Civil War were Vlcksburg, Mss., anil Petersburg. Va. Salt Lake City, Utah. Is the only rlty in the United States situated on salt water and yet far from the seashore. Tampa. Fla.. Is a Cuban city, a Incite proportion of the population being Cubans engaged in the manufacture of cigars. The public debt of Allegheny City Is very small for its size, being $2,444,500. while the resources of the city amount to S0, 0U0.U00. The city limits If Brooklyn comprise sev eral square miles, and the population, at the beginnig of IK'j, was estimated at 1,053,3. Baltimore, as well as Brooklyn, is a city of churches, each having a. arrester num ber in proportion to the population than any other cities In the United States. , St. Louis Globe-Democrat.- "How to Care All Skin Oiaaases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internal medicine reaulred. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayns'a Ointment THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street Kevisw. New York. Feb. l'4. The railway und miscellaneous speculation was decide -Uy strong toduy and business was on a large scale. The sale of etocks reached S22.7 shares and wan unusually well dis tributed. London came higher and the foreign houses bought Louisville and Nashville. Ht. Paul. Denver and Hio Urande, Lake Shore and other interna tional favorites. Firms with European connections and local commission houses were also liberal buyer of the railway mortgages. The strength of the market is still ascribed to the success or the gov ernment loan, the high price commanded bv the new bonis and the ease In money considering the heavy payments into the treasury. The foreign demand Is alrfo a highly encouraging; feature. The ad vance in prices at one time was equal to per cent., and was almost marked In the cases of Lake Shore. Denver ami Kio Urande, Metropolitan Traction, Sugar, Omuha ami the low-prced western Issue. There were u few weak spits, notably Bal timore and Ohio. Missouri Pacitlc and leather Preferred. Italtimnre and Ohio fell 114 to 34H on rumors that the report of the export accountant will be unfavora ble. The deficit of Kuu.QOO reported by the Missouri Paclitc for the year was use I against this stack, which sold as low in tlht at one time. leather Preferred was sold on the theory that the dlrec4ora ut their meeting this week will pass the divi dend on the Preferred. In the closing deal ings the market was strong and net changes as compared with Friday's finals show gains or 'uJ1- per cent. St. Paul, which was the must active stock, for 80,400 shares. The dealings in Sugar aggregated 2i.5"t shar. s, und in Louisville and Nashville 23.SUO. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLF.N AY CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stock broker. 412 Spruce street. Op'n-High-Low-Closing, est. eat. ing. Am. Tobacco Co.... M4; 82i Sl'i wls Am. Cotton Oil 17'i 17' 17 IT1, Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. lit; U7 llii 117 Canada Southern... 51 G2 61 Sl'-i A ten.. To. & 8. Fe... 174 17s 17-i 1?3 Ches. & Ohio 17", 177 177, I Chicago lias ti! 634 v Chic, and N. W lwJV4 10..V, P6' lliu'-, Chic., B. & Q W M1 8ih c. c. c. & St. i 8tm4 :itt so Chic, Mil. St. P.. 7! 79 79", 7si; Chic. K. I. & Pac... 74i 74 74 74 V, v.. l. & w na:vi vai itii'i km. Disl. C. F 13. M', 18 1S ien. Klectiic. 31 11 81, S2-i Lake Shore 1474 lWfc 347 Louis. & Nash ,rv4'? I'm1- M'a f"V4 SI. K. Tex.. Pr... 30H So1!, 30a y Manhattan Kle lobVj loti'a lota lo.; Jlo. Pac 23V4 23' 224 Nat. Lead 2tos -''"-J -''H: N. J. Central lOSVi 1084 108V 10HV N. Y. Central MHa 9S-' SS1 N. Y., L. K. r W.... 17H 17's, 171, 17U N. Y., S. fr W 1 lSi 10', 10Vd N. Y S. & V., Pr... 2si 2's iN's 2a Nor. Pac...-. 4 4'-, 4i Ontario & West 15 U.-l If.", Omaha 4IS 424 41 42 Pac. .Mail 94 24 24 29 '.J Phil. & Head 1314 13 1 13'i Southern K. It 104 I0&4 Wj juh Southern H. 1!., P.r. :!S 834 33' j, Tenn. C. & Iron :4 S3r- 334 33'-.. Texas Pacific V 9 a Union Paelllc 8 walwsh 7 7V 7 7 Wabash. Pr 1H4 14 mv, 19- Western Union 84 W; 84 Rii'-i W. L 12 114 12 T2'i V, S. Leather 11 l 11 Ji U. 8. Leather. Pr.... KXi4 S4 674 "i 1. 8. Rubber l4 2S, 284 284 CHICAGO BOARD Or TRADE PRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. Ing. est. est, ing. May fi.i 664 5 J'y J W tw 'J3i OATS. 8 Mav 21 214 21 13i "'.' -I'll iil"4 CORN. Mav July LARD. May .... Mav .... I'ORIC. July .... .... 31 1 30 30i 3'"4 ... 31" 214 "04 yi'-a r..r,7 9.y- 10.02 10.07 d.92 5.70 S.70 Sera o ton Board of Trade ExehangeQuo tatlona All Ouotations Based on Pur of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 135 Scranton Lace Curtain Co B0 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... f0 First National Bank 6S9 Scranton Jar St Stopper Co 25 Sprlr.g Dreok Water Co 105 f lmhurst Boulevard Co 100 cranton Axis Worka go Scranton Savings Hank 200 Hiranton Traction Co 15 Bouta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Roplacer Co loo Scan ton Packing Co its Weston Mill Co 250 Lackawanna Iron & Hteel Co.. ... 1,0 Scranton Bedding Co ij BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 200 Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 no Scranton Traction Co 05 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 191 no Scranton Plttston Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway. Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due 1825 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 6 U2 City of Bcrnnton Street Imp t ... 102 Scranton Axle Worka 100 Borough of Wlnton 6 100 Rush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produce Market. New York, Feb. 24. Flour Dull, firm, unchanged. Winter wheat Low grade. $2.h)a3: do. fulr to- fancy. $ lo. patents, $:!.90u4.1"; .Minnesota clear. I2.TO.I 3.:;n; do. straight. $3a:i.f0; do. patents, $!4.2ia 4.30; low extras, $2 .r.laH; city mills, $4 ISa 4.2.'.; do. patents. $4.2Ua4. to. Southern flour Dull, steady, common to fair extra. 2.4iU 3; good to choice do.. $3u3.30. Rye flour Quiet, steady: I2.40a2.85. Wheat .More ac tive, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, to'ic; ufloat. tflVsaSlc. ; f. o. b.. 81aS2'4C; ungraded red, U7aS3e. ; No. 1 northern, 754a 754'".; options were moderately active and linn ait lal4c advance! No. 2 red Keb ruarv, T-'sC.; .March, 7!i34c.; May, ' 72s:.; June and July, 71c. Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2 at ;i737',c. elevator; 38a3S',4e. ufloat; options were dull and firm at -,i-'- advance; ON THE VERGE Of Giving Up the FiglitAn . F.l. 11 lira Citicn'ti Last Resource Proves u Success. From the Elmlra Gazette. Do you know Mr. J. S. Hodder, of 214 South Main street? He has been a business man and permanent resident of Elmira for over twenty years. A man whose statement cannot be dis puted. Well, Mr. Dodder's case In a nutshell is that he has been a sufferer from kidney disorders, but doesn't suf fer ;ny more. We will let 'him tell what has brought about the change. Here is how he spoke of his case to our representative: "I have never been well since the cloning: of the war, where. In the service of my country, I con tracted kidney and bladder disorders. The complaint hus gradually been growing on me. 1 had sharp pains In the small of my, back, just back of the hips, and when they left it was only to be followed by a dull, heavy pain which remained continually. I could lie In but one or two positions in bed or the pain would be almost un bearable. 1 was always very Fore over the kidneys, and the urine emitted a strong odor. At times I felt exist ence a task. I tried this, that and the other thing, to no avail, and was on the verge of giving up entirely when I saw Dean's Kidney Pills advertised. I thought as a last resort I would Rive them a trial; they were highly recom mended, and I would use just this) one more remedy. I began takinir them, and I am very glad indeed to give my statement, that suffering humanity may receive the same benefit I have. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills satisfied me they were helping me. Now the pain Is all gone, and I am entirely -well this, after years of sickness. My sleep at night Is srood and refreshing. I do not feel any more that tired feel ing I used to on rising, all thanks due to Doan's Kidney Pills.'.' ... - Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents prr box. six boxes for 12.60. By mall on receipt of price by Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agsnta Cor V. S. February. 37c.; May, Stfc.; July. 274c Os ts Firmer, moderaiely active; options dull, firmer; February, 2,c. ; March. 2.". V'.; .May. 2tk'.; spot prices. No. 2 at - 2U'c. ; No. 2 while. 27a27l4C. ; No. 2 Chl- axo. 27i; No. 3 ut 25; No. 3 white, 2ii'4c; nnxe.l western, 24',u20li;C.: white state and western, 27a2Jc. Beef Dull, steady; family, $10al2: extra mess, . Beef hams Quiet; I14.50al6. Tterced beef Dull, steady; city extra India mess, Sl& 16.50. Cut meats Quiet, steady; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 6c.; do. shoulders. 4Ha 4,o. ; do. hamis. 8a8&c. Lard guiot, easy; western steam. S6.70; city, Sia7.l0; May, $5.85; refined, quiet; continent, pi; South America. Pi. 2a; compound, 4a."i'. Pork Steady, firm, good demand: state dairy, 19c.; creamery, 13al(ic. ; western creamery, 14a21c; do. held, 12al8c. ; do. factory, 8-jal2)'.; Elgins, 21c; imitation creamery, Jlul.V. ; rolls, 8allc. Cheese Fair demand, fancy firm; state large, tia IOV4C.; do. fancy, 10Hc; do. small, Salome.; part skims. 3'4i7c.; full eklms, l4a3c. F.K6S Fair supply, barely steady; state and Pennsylvania, 13lnlS4c. ; southern, lial2ac. : ice house, rase, $1.7!Wt3; western fresh, 12HjUi:Jc.; limed, case, J2u3. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo. O., Feb. 24. Wheat Receipts. 7.463 bushels; shipments. 2,600 bushels; easy; No. 2 red cash. 7344c; May, 74MiC.; July, 70'c: No. 3 red CBJh, 72c. Corn Receipts, 13.M0 bushels; shipments, 1.WW bushels; quiet; No. 2 mixed cash, 29c; No. 3 do., 2S'ic.; No. 3 yellow, 29c; No. 2 White, 28a2k.'. Oats Receipts. 1.541 bush els; nominal. - Cloverseed Receipts. l.tiUO bags; shipments, 1.430 bags; Him; Prima cash, Sl.45; .March. $4.42'.... Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. y.. Feb. 24.-CattleDull, slow; good to choice steers. S3.90a4.03; mixed butchers, $3.403.75; good 40 choice fut heifers, $3.33a4; stockere and feeders slow, light to good mockers, 2.40a3.l"5; feeders, I3.25a3.05; veals, good to prime, SC:50a7.5O: light to fair. 44u4.60. Hogs Finn; Yorkers. 34.35u4.4U: routhi. l3.(T,a 3u; stags. x:Sa3.tH); pigs fair to best, $4.25a 4.!i. Sheep und lambs Lower for lambs; icn.i.v lur Kiieep; prime to oest iambs, 34.tiua4.7n; good to choic. 14.4r.u4.li0: mixed sheep, god to choice. 3.6a4: common o mil, f.s.juj.iu; exports. J3.4ua3.0i. Chicago Live Stook. Union Stock yards, ill., Feb. 2l.-Cattle -Receipts lo.coo head; market firm and ivaiuc. nigner; common to extra steers, J3.30a4.65; stocker and feeders, $2.7"a3.85; cows end bulls, $1.6083.50; calves. $3afi.25; jexans, 2.3ja3.9u. Hogs Receipts, 36,0u0 iirju; iiiHiKec weaK and BalOc. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $3." 4.20; common to ehnica mli.,1 flt'..11i. choice assorted, $4.15a4.20: light, U5a4!2n; P .1, Sheep-Receipts. I4.i0 I".,1 '" ,""erior 10 cnoice, $2.00a Oil Marfcat. Oil City. Pu., Feb. 24.-Credlt balances opened. 1 3... and closed. 1.33. At the . i. ? ,l"e P"o"s opened. $1.33; high est. 11.33: lnn-nal u.l Pittsburg. Pa., Feb. 24. Credit balances i! L "' ,,M,on ul exenange opeiu-d, Jl.Jo; highest, $1.3(i; lowest und closed, $U0. FLORIDA. Personal ly-Condueted Tours via Penn sylvania Railroad. There la no doubt but that every one ' , nine a desire to Visit Florida. th "linH rr t;.i.. .. ... A-i.nin, Ullll that many have been deterred from so uiiis uy uw mougnt or a long and tiresome railroad i.mna.r Pe,18e-. and a thousand and one other inese nave Been overcome by the Inauffuratlnn r.r , H r., nla Railroad Company's personally con- iuuis iu jui-Kson vine, a special train of iinYri,llu.i , , - . ' , " 1 1 . . 1 1, 1 1 1 iiiunen the run from New York to Jacksonville in. thirty hours; a tourist agent and chaperon accompany each tour to Iook after the comfort of passengers while en luiue, mm me iow rates oneml bring the tours within tho means of al most every one. The tours, allowing two weeks' stay In Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia on Feb. 25 and March 3, 18H6. The rate. Including transporta tion, meals en route, and Pullman berth on special train. Is $50.00 from New York atid $4S.0) from Philadel phia: proportionate Kites from other points. For further Information apply to Ticket Agents, or address Tourist Agent, 11S6 Broadway. New Xork. or Room 411. Broad Street Station, Phila delphia, to whom application for space should also be tnade. T A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL EE LE89 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE .AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agsnta Wanted. AOKNTS WANTED TO SELL CIOAB8; Hi per month salary and expenses paid. Aildrest. with two-csnt stamp. FldAKO CI UAH CO.. Chicago. Y ' A N T EI) -T WO GOOD MEN TO SELL ? V toa und coffee on commission in and around Kcrautou; will furnish each with horao and wag n and pay 20 per cent, com mission: a small bond required. For particu lars address C. C, Tribune office. A" GENTS TO SELL OUR " PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from 3 upward; salary and ex penses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFOCO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO 8EI.L CIGARS TO DEALERS; $25 weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 43 Van Buren St., Chicago, CALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE L IKeT 23 0 per cent, commission; sample book moiled free. Address L. N. CO., station L, New York. T ON CE AGE. VTS APPOINTED-TO V sell now liglitninu' selling table cloth. mm qnito and bouse flv liquid ut Id cents und 25 ccits a Lo'tle. Sample lie.'. UOLGlAXO JI F'U Co., Baltimore. Md. VOENTS - HIS DK'tT PATENT" UN IVeIT 1 V snl Hair Curlers and Wavers (in.'d with out heat 1. nd 'Tyr Poiutpd"Hair Pins. Lib ersl comminaions, Freo sample and full pur ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4 01'. New Vork. Cxecutor'a Notice. INSTATE OF ADELIA U RCHAFFER, I j lute of tho city of Scranton, Lackawanna cotinty, I'h , d -cased. Letters testamentary upon tbenbnvo rained estate having been granted to the under signed, all p -rsnbS hiving claims or demands ag.ili st 1I10 saiit estate will present them f'r payment, and tline I'ldubtcd thereto will please ui-ke imm diate favment to WALTtB Hv.OTT ANDREWS. Excutor. No. SI West X.Ut Street, Jew Vcrk. H. Wki.i.ks, Attorney for Estate, Scranton. Pa. Business Opportunity. MtlPPLB CREEK IN VESTMENTS RR J liable Information, with Cripn e Creli map free: 3 years on ground: Soll",0IX) rapital, I'hu Woods invostujent Co , ColoradoSpriiigs, Colo. Soeclal Notices. "PUE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." J You want this relic. Contains sll of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures.hor ing the forces In actual battlo. sketched on tb Blxit. Two volumes, 2,0uu pictures. Sold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex I reus complete, nil charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 022 Adams Ae.. Scranton. Pa. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, UAGA zines, etc..' bound or rebound at-Til g Tkiblnb office, yuick work. Heasonabl prices. MadicaL, A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure DUO ont of erery I.OOO; two doses will take the worst case of inflam t story not or bed. f'2.00 per pint bottle. Manufactured and oold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, a4s Northampton Street, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. and for sale at 116 New Vork St., Urctn Ridge. SCRANTON. PA. mi Coninollv They come in Gilt, Silver, Spangles, Leather, Elastic, Silk, Etc. The Buckles are entirely new and novel and very substantially made, FROM 25c. UP. PERISIAN CONNOLLY Help Wanted Malt. VANtijSav1Cocai take eharitof an aasooy for a new pat ented article; ood salary and cemminion to th rlfht party. Apply, stating references, to.. N. H. 8. Co., Tompls Bld'. Philadelphia. SALBSMEN-tiA DAY: NO CAN V Ass ist : no deliverlss; no oollections: ssineles free: aids line or exoluslrs. stPRH, 8141 Marks! St., 1'hlladelphia. WANTKD AN AORNT IN EVERY BSC tion tocaDTMs; 14.00 to $5 00 a day made: sella at sight; alaoa man to sell Staple Oooda to dealers; beat aldo line t'n.00 a month; sal ary or lsr cemmisaioa made; experisocs unuecsaury. Clifton Soap and Manufaotur liir Co.. CinHnnati, O. WANTKD-AN EXPERT STEAM FITTER to solicit ork and make estimain; a good opportunity to the rltfht party. Address STEAM FITTER. Tribune offl.-e. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock snhanrln- tions: a monopoly; big money for saents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO.. Borden Blocs. Chloaio. UL Heist Wanted Female. COOD, STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN FOR T general homework. Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1U42 N. ilsln avenue. I ADIES-I MAKE BIO WAGES DOING J pleasant home work, and will gladly tend 11111 particulars 10 an aanainv 1 cent aismp Aiin at. a. DiLooinSi uiwraaoe, iuiail. AMhD-LAD AGHNT IN BfJkAii toil to sell and introduce Suder'a oaks icing; experienoed ranvasaer preferred; work permanent anu very prontame. write for particular! at once and gat benefit of holiday trade. T. H. SNYDER A CO . Cincinnati, O Wi ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO NER setio ftaleswoman to rstmisant ns. Guaranteed t a day withoot interferiugwlttt other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, tnoloaing stamp, Mango Chem leal Company. No. 78 John street. New York. For Sal. 1.X1K SALE-BAR FIXTURES IN FIH8T- r olasa order, J. F. BEST, Roaring Brook nosei, wo i,eaar avenue. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT COR ner of Meade and Barks street. All mod ern improvement on premises. MRS. A.NNIE bicjwajw, Liunmorv, rs. FOR 8ALR-1 PAIR BAY MARES: 1 black paoer : very fast : prices law. OUERXBEY BROTHERS. 14 Wyoming Ave. T?OR SALE-ONE OF f HE FINEST V country plaoss near Scranton; lares tnoneru neune anu nne grounas. sua, maki AYLESWORTH, Clarks Oreen, Pa. Fcr Rent. I70R RENT KKOM APK1L 1, LARUE I1 U.llr hi.a JI)J UnlKaaawaisaA. .11 m,1 ern appliance Inquire 24:1 N. Washington arrnue. m ui iun uuuiD. a,w u i uj t v pli a, . bis uiuaa- 1?6r RENT-TEN ROOM HOUSK; ALL model u couveaiences. Inquire at l-fll vvaenuurn si. C1RKKN RJOGE-GOOD EIGHT f house. Apply X02 Marlon Ht. ROOM OR RENT ONE-HALF DOl'BLE HOUSE 715 Onlncv avenue. Rent reasonable, Opposits Morns Taylor Hospital. POR RENT-ON E SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE L court. Inquire 6i Arlsnie are. F'OR RENT NICEtit FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms. JdUN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming ovemie. FOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY occupied by The Scranton Trih ne. known as the Blosser Building, corner of Spruce St. and t enn ave. Possession given Immediately. The prcnilf 8 consist of the bidldiug in the rear of the bnildinc on the corner of suruce Btroet and Penu avenue, together with the bi-emont, ana also tue entire lourtu noor ot the corner building. Can bo rented for Lodge purposes as well ns public meetings. Sizes of hall. SiljclOO with a s cond hall on sums floor, .'51.06. For particulars inquire on the Dremiaes. f Rudolph Kloeser. or at the ottice of The Scranton Tribune. FOR RENT. The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna nnd I'cnn Aves., being 50 feet front nnd nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, .and adapt floors for school, office, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Stockholders' Meeting, rPHE ANN CAL. MEETING OFTHEBTOtK 1 ho dn f tho Dickson Mnnufactnrina l'i mnany for the election of officers, and the consider a tlnn of such other bnln-ts aa may lie bromtht leforo them, will be held at the office of tho enmnnnv in ncrantnn on Wednes day, the ilth day of March nrxt, at 10 o'cicck - a 1 1 iji-DL'IVil ' . . .. . a. III. n n. n. uiiinu, Scranton. February -), isvu. NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, for tie election of directors and transaction of Bnch other busi ness as mar properly come before the meet ing, will tie held st the oftlcs at the onpanr. in the city of Heranton, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. March 4. IsHH st 2 o'clock p. m. The polls will remain oon for one hour. The tranefer books will be closed nn February 21, 1600, and reopens I on March 5. IWI. .1. r. iii(4ui."u., Eecretary. Scrauton, Pa.. Feb M. I Clairvoyant. TAVOTTE. 1 HE YOUNGEST CLAIRVoY f I ant and palmist in the world, is located at 210 South Main avenue. She tells past.pres ent and future, gives names, addresses, lost or stolen, and consultations on all business transactions. . MADAME AUBREY. GREATEST LIVING rlairvovant in tbs world: tells mat. present and future. 31 1 Mul berry street Lost. ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, A LADY'S gold watch, between Johnson's store and Olyphant. Finder will be rewarded by re tnrnlne saaie to Johnaon's Coal Co. Store De partment, Price burg. Of Special Interest Now are the New BELTS; RIBBONS "ave & WALLACE, TRYUS. I02-M4 UCXL IVL, COR. IDl. Situations Warttasl, CITUAfflON WANTED AS BUTOHd.-t. BY O one who thoroughly underttaada meat builnsaa: can sommaad a good trade; prefer to worn in oaan mar set; wltb sooa liamu ana flrst-ola. reference. D. UOKOAN, M West Market street. SIT UATION-W ANTED BT FIBSlTo? March aa collector, by sue of business qualifications: wall used to city and out ot oity; with good habits and reference. Ad- ureas wupfAfl, jsjs w. M,rs sireet. ClTUATION WANTED BY A YOU NO u girl to do general houiawork ia a small family. Address L. E, 115 N. Fillmore ave. ITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI noad man aa aaleaman. hookkeener or tllnnin. .tub. ... M.AH..n&.. U 1. ......1., ... . wmy I Q.T, .HUV,. trade preferred. Address O. A. L, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNO LaDY aa clerk ; has had experience in dry goods and shoes, also in office work; osn furnish refnrasos if required; ia snxious to obtain a posltlen. Address ANXIOUS. Tribnn nfflo. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES IA R. I SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAV 19, 18IS- Train Leave Wilkst-Barra Follows 7.25 a.m., waek days, for Sunbury Harrlaburg, Phils alphia, Baltl mora, Wathlngton, and for Pittf burg and the West. 10.15 & m wak days, for Hazlaton. PotUville, Rggdlnf, Norristown and Phlladalphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and tho West. 3,17 p. m., wssk days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and th West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washingto n and Pitts burs; and the West. G.OO p. m., wssk days, for Hazlston and Pottsyills. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pass. Agsnt. S. M. PREVOST, General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness und comfort. TIME TAbLC IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1883. Tinlim leave Si-ramon for Plttston, Wllkes-Barre, etc at 8.2D. 9.15. 11.30 a. in . 1 20. 1U0. 3.05. t.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, vO a. m 1.00, Z.V. 7. 10 p. in. Kor Atlantic City, 8 0 a. m. . For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., X.'iD (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3. OS (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. ni. Train leaving :t0 p. in. arrives ut Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. p. m. and New York 6 43 p. m. For Munch Chunk, Allcntowii. llKhlu hem, Kaston and Phiiudelphla, 8.11) a. m., I.itu. 3.03, fi.OD (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday. 2.15 p. in. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.3) a. m.. 1.20 p. m. For ftcadinx. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Alli'iuown. 8.20 a. in., 1.20, 3.0V p. ni. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsvlllc. 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m 1.10, 1.3). 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Termlnnl, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. 11. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHATTSEV. On Supt DELAWARE! AND nLUSMN RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, g,-Tr sJM m July w, an iraius win aj AY M SKI arrive S( new i-sckh-M M B wanna avenue station ftW r n follows: f Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate points at 2.2'. '": - nd. 101 a. m.. 12.00. 2 20. 3.65, 6.U, M 7.25, 9.10 and 1IForFarvlew. Waymart snd Honeadalt at 7.00. 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.U0. 2.20 and 5.19 p, m. . . Iha A A I l-or aidhm, , " -. - and Montreal at 6.4.1 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. Pftr VV IlKSS-narrv inu iii.qi mcuiaie points at 7.45. 8.43, 9.38 and 10.45 a. m., 12.05, 1 JO 2 38. 4.00. 5.10. .0o, 9.1a and 11.38 p. m. 1 1 1 ...I. . mt H.,ranlnn al.h.M iraine ....,ul( from Carbondsle and intermediate points it 7 40. 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17, 134 3 40, 4.54, 5.55. 7.45, 9.11 and lL33j. m. ITrom rionesuuic, nimaii anu rmr view at 9.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 6.65 and S P. m. From Montreal, Brius, Aisany, eic, at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. r rvm TT ii9rw-uui btj iiu itiiei iiisruiasiv rolnts at 2.15, 9.04, 10 Oi and 11.66 a. m., l.l( 1. a ia m tm eta mum 11 1J n Wallace !'ne 20cH.urue' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, : Renovate Featbera, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresn '4 Nov. 17. 1196. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A 11. H. it. at 7.41 a. m 12.03, 1.20, i 88 and 11.38 p. m via D . L. 4 W. It. Si., loo, 8.08, 11.20 a. ni.. and 1.3 p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkoi Barre. via pa L. W. B. R., I.ou, tM, U.2S a. m 1.40, 1.07. 8.33 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. H fleton. Pottnvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllls branches, via B. W. V. R. R 1.39 a. m., via D. H. R. R at 7.45 a. in., 13.06, l., 188, 4.00 p. m-' y'.!i ?".L- W. R. R. 8.00, 3.08, 11.20 ft. m.. 1.J0, 3 40 p, m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermedials Polnl". via D. A H. R. R. 7.45 a. m., U Cu, .SO, 8.M, 4.00, U.J8 p. m.. via D U W. R. R.. (.00. 8.08. 11.30 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhsnnock. To. wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and all intermediate points via D H. R. R., 8.4 s. m , lit OS and 11.36 p. m via D L. a W. R. R., 1.08. 9 35 a. in., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all Points west via D 4k It. R. R 8.46 a. m . . .18. 1138 p. m., via D., L. eV W. R. It. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.66 a. m.. 1.30. I. 60 p. m. via E. ft W. V. H. R., 9.41 p. m. tor Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, Via D. H. R. R., 8.46 a. m. 12 06, 1 .03 p. m . vla, Pa. w- H . " u -' and 8.07 p. m. Pulrnan parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. B. Junction or Wllkes-Barrs and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. AOLL.,N WILBUR. Osn. Bupt. CHA8. S. LEE. Oen. Pass, Agt.. Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHBR, Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 1899. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Kg rress for New York and all points East, 40. 2.(0. 6.13, 1.00 and 9.3 a. m.; 18.66 an J 3.34 p. m. Express for Eauton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the Mouth, 3.15, 8.00 and 9.35 a. m.. 12.33 and 8 34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.5S p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oawego, El mira, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.36 a. m., and 1.21 p. ni., making close oonnsotlons at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m, Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, (.01 p. m. Expresi for Cortland, Syracuse, Oawego, ft lea and Klchfleld Spring!, 2.3Sa. m. and 124 P. m. . Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan vllle, making cloae connections at North umberland for Wllliamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta lions, COO, 9.65 a. m. and 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 08 snd 11.20 s. m. Plymouth and later mediate stations, 3.44 and 8.63 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaohes oa all express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, Cltr ticket office, 323 Lackawanna avenue, depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and intermediate points on tho Erie rail road at T.uu a. in. una t.a p. m. aiw iur iLine-iiale. Ha. lev and local points at 7.WI, 9.40 a. in. uud 3.29 p. m. All the above are llirougn trains 10 anu froni llonesdule. .... Tialns leave for WIlkeS'Barrs at 139 m. und 2.19 p. m. SCRAKTOJI D1T9IIO. In Kneel September Mad. IBM. Rerin Meaae. sM 141 I2C3 801 5 S h Tratns Dally, U 'fcicej Arrive Lea vs. rai'N Y. rrenklla K.I 1 tOjWest 4nd street) 7 00 Weehawken ... J ! - ...J9l r s Arrive ' Leavel I I3i Vaneoek Junctloai 1 0M Has cock 931 41 tM 991 8l (M tarUfftt Preston Park couio Poyetelle Beltnonl Pleasant Mt Cnlondale Forset Cltf Carbopdale White Bridge Majfltld Jennyn Archibald Wlnton PeckTtlle Olyphaat Incksoa Tbroos) ProTtdenes rark Pises i rJ io4 19 S3) 13 11 is ci fllffl 11491 50 tl 91 4,nn 7 71913 411 7l4i34 r sot ssi ttil 834 797.3H T 91, 4 04 Stl 401 T88 410 T 89 4 14 7 4i ft rr T4 4S8 . str a 41IIIM S3 II 181 MM lie 98:11 111 mi oil 90 11 OfJ 19,11 08) IS 11 H 1WIU37! ISlOSfil scranion sf U aDfSTs ArmtJ AD tralaa run dallr eioept gtiaday. I slfBlMUiatuslasstoaeBsigial tor pass saarera. secure rates via onwne wsbmsu uiauf (lreuaslnt ticket and save Baay. Lkct Eiersss to tke West. Bay as J. C. Ararsoa, Osn. Fwel Aft. rrUtcroft,DlT.l ia4TVSsTaavasa,r,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers