-. . 7 THE; ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA ' COUNTYi I; V- . ...... i EIGHT TAGES 56 COLUMNS. SSCKAXTOX, PA., TUESDAY MOltNlXtt, FEBRUARY l!3, IW. TWO CENTS A COPY. v.- THE I Sale of The Seas The choicest housekeeping linens that the world's manufacturer produce at. prices lower than the makers expected to et for lliem from the jobbers. it's a areat opport unity for money saving, anil a chance to secure Table Linens. Nap kin and Towels of superb quullly, at prices Huoh as you usually pay for arad-s thut ure.at best no lietter than fairly pood. The list submitted here Is too lengthy to admit of full descriptions, but We earnestly Invite every housekeeper in the valley u call and look the slock over. Jt represents months of successful effort on our part to outdo our own best pre vious record In this annual sale, and the result Is so satisfactory that we're both surprised and delighted with It. CRISPLY TOLD FACTS. No room for anything else with so much thut Is rich In vulue exqulslto in de iKii and quality before uh. . Cream Linen Table Damasks. All new. Illsher price represent the finest good manufactured, with napkin 1o match. None are low grade. Ml In. wide- f.4 In. wide ill! In. wide Mi In. wide it.'"'. 64 In. wide ..3c. 12 in. wide !i"c. 72 III. wide ''. 72 III. wide 75i Bleached Linen Damask. 4(1 In. wide !4 III. w ide in. wide fi In. wide.... US III. Wide T2 In. wide 7- In. wide 42c-. ; 5c. tff'i-e. '.l.'ic. Kxtrn Double Damask Table Linen, 72 Inches wide, Jl.r.O uml $1.(15. Napkins ill ull sizes to match. High Class Towels, Lower qualities at reduced prices If you Want them. I.') dozen l'.leached Huck, fancy bor ders, ldc. n puir. M dozen Bleached Huck, Hemmed fancy, 2.V. a pair. fcl dozen Damask Towels. White or r'ancy Colored Border, very extra, 2m. a pair. SO dozen Bleached Damask Towels, red, blue or plain borders, knotted fringe, 2))c. a pair. So dozen Heavy Unmask Towels, blue, red or gold borders, 87Ve. a pair. 4l dozen. Uleachel Duniu.sk Towels, knot ted fringe, plain or fancy border, :i7'nc. a pair. 45 dozen extra lartre and heavy Damusk Towels, l'.leached, 45c. a pair. dozen extra quality Bleached Huck Tuwels, llem-SUched. fawy. 4Jc. a pair. 25 dozen extra tine and large Damask Towels, knotted fringe, borders, assorted. Sic. each. 20 dozen very extra quality Bleached Huck Towels. llem-Stltched, exquisite Damask borders, etc., 35c. each. 15 dozen very large size Birds Kve Bleached 1,1 nm Towels, Hem-St Itched, very line, 75c. a pair. 10 dozen new Idea Bleached I.lnen Da mask Towels, .two row open work, knot ted fringe, fiilc. each. 10 dozen matchless Blenched Damask Towels, knotted fringe, broad diamond net work, border, CTc. each. Great Table Napkin Sale. All finer Damasks referred to above ore exactly matched, but the sale Includes be sides these every make, size and quality In the trade. Lack of space alone pre vent detail being given here. Scotch and Russian Crash All qualities. Bleached and unbleached. Price way down. - Bargains in White Bed Spreads. Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles patterns' $ (!9 I-arne Crochet Quilts, Marseilles patterns 75 Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles pattern 87 Hemmed 'rochet Quilts, Marseilles pattern 1,10 Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseille pattern 1.19 Marseilles Quilts, la rue and heavy.. l.:)7' Marseille Quilts, large and heavv.. 1.55 Marseilles Quilts, Urge and heavy.. 1.19 The above represent the best-known makes, and the rat tern are the very new est. In point of value we've never seen their equal. Duree Satin Finished Quilts. A new thing lif America, but long known s the representative high-class Bed iprrad of Britain. Three extra large sizes Hi '-'. t'.Xi and $2. V.. These prices during- sale only. Huslin and Sheetings. 4-4 T'nbleached (Uncle Remus) 4-4 1'nbleached Atlanta p 4-4 1'nbleached "Atlantic H" , 4-4 1'nbleached "Atktntio A" 4-4 Bleached "Feerlens" 4-4 Bleached 'HII1" 4-4 Uleached "LonesdiUe" " 4-4 Bleached "Fruit of the Tyoom"... t-4 Vnbleached "Dockwood" t-4 I'nbleached "Lock wood" i-4 Bleached "liOokwood" IV-Inch Bleached "Lockweod" 6-4 Bleached "tjockwood".. f.-4 Bleached. ITtlea, or V v -miu" 3V. 444c 6c. fi'si'. H'vc. l4e. I)C. '4c. 10' '(.. M'-e. 12c! lOtl. Si ,le"i'2- ,Y.V-'a orN Y- Miii::ia -4 Bleached. Vtlca orS T Mills 17, -4 I'n-bleached, I Tt lea or If.' Y. MlilsilH 13c. 17c. 18'4c. i 'noieacnei, i ilea or N. T Mills S-4 Unbleached "Loekwood"... 10-4 Bleached "Lockwood" 21c. 19c, 19c. Notwithstanding this big; array of fig ure and fact we've only told you half the food thing that await you at this Greatest of our Orea Sales. Sals open Friday, Feb. a, and continues ten days only. GLOBE WAREHOUSE SALVATION JUT REVOLT General and Mrs. Ballington bouth Retire from Office. EVA BOOTH NOW IX COMMAND Newspaper Man Are Excluded from Stormy Session Held at tho Head quarters of the Army-Mr. and Mrs. liooth Will Kemain in America. New York. Feb. 21 Ballington Booth and his wife have retired from the command of the Salvation army in America. Kva Booth has been placed In coinniand temporarily. Such In structions were cabled to her today from the London headquarters. Sir. and Mrs. Booth accepted their dismis sal very quietly. They were asked If they would eo to KiiKlund or remain In America. "We will remain here." snld the ex-cotiimuiider. "We ure American citizens. Our children are Americans, und we do not Intend to ko to KiiKlund." Today was a lively day at I In head quarters or the army In One Hundred and Fortieth street. From 10 r.Vlock in the mornlntr until late In the ul'U'niooii u heated conference was held in the au ditorium. The most prominent slutT otllcers In America were present. After the commissioner: tnim alii'Oiul nun stated their side of the case, Air. anil Mrs. Booth were sent for to Rive their statement. Mr. Booth spoKe for an hour, and his wile occupied the same lenKth of lime. The newspaper men were excluded, and what transpired could not be learned. At 6 o'clock this evenlnx ex-Corn-maiuler Booth called the reporters Into his wife's former ollice and made the following stutcinent: "The tiesslon today was com rtoseu of the most prominent start officers In the American Held, therefore most ef ficient, most responsible ami most rep resentative. Some 4U.0(il) adherents were represented. It was a KatherinRr not of my calllliB tOKdher but one convened by the smld stuff to which Mrs. Booth uml myself were Invited that we might give oiir version of the case after the same stuff hud heard the tielu commis sioner, Kva Booth and Colonel Nicols' side of the case." Cominunder Booth denied thut he whs not dismissed and pave proof to show thut he wus. ContinuiUK Commander Ilooth said: "Since today's session Mrs. Jiooth and myself have been waited upon and questioned as to our plans. We pro pose to quietly retire. We accept our dismissal. We will probably turn over iitl the property in our possession. We will first, however, consult lawyers and some of the lending citizens in the l.'nlted States." ANT1-KNGUSH FEKLINO. Vtiquestlonably tt decided antl-Kn-Kllsh feeling has strongly, manifested Itself in the ranks of the Salvation Army In this city. Taken all in all the end looks ominous for the Ameri can army. A representative of the I 'lilted Press put the question to Jittl lliiftton Booth this cvenins;. if his de cision of today to accept the situation and retire from the army wa llnul. The ex-commander puused a moment and then said: "Well, that Is my de cision ..Jay. I-do not know what will be my decision tomorrow." It is claimed by many Salvationists that If the commissioned officers of the army In America should decide to re bel against OiiRllsh domination, and summon to lead an American Salva tion Army, Bullinntnii Booth and his wife, they will willingly retnd. Col onel Alex M. Nic.nl, who Is leading the fight against the Ballington Booths, and who Is practically In temporary command of the army In this country, was seen this evening. He said: "CommlSHioner Kva Booth met the officer" In council this afternoon with myself and made a statement upon the present difficulties. She afterwards met privately the lending field and staff officers and received assurance of un swerving loyalty to the Hob of the one world the flag of the Salvution army. "All likelihood of a split is over. There will, no doubt, be a grreat fight between both sides for Home time to come, but Miss Kva Booth and her leaders are contldent of an ultimately glorious victory. A pathetic scene occurred as Mr. and Mrs. Ballington Booth were leaving their old quarters in the armory. Mrs. Booth came running over to Iter hus bnnd, just as he announced that he would retire from the army command. She nestled close to his breast and. looking up Into his face. Raid: "But you are still my commander." "Oh. yes," replied Mr. Booth, "nnd you are my queen." Some one then proposed three cheers for Mr. nnd Mrs. Booth, and they were given with a will. Mr. and Mrs. Booth shook hands with the reporters, bade them farewell and drove away from the building In a cab. AS TO THE EXTRA SESSION. Mr. PlnfilCT Docs Not Sec t'io Necessity of Further financial Legislation. Washington, Feb. 24. Chairman Wngley, of the ways and means com mittee. In reply to an Inquiry as to whether any importance Is to he at tached to the published report that the president may call an extra session of congress If there be no financial legis lation before adjournment, paid: "I do not. T assume that the presi dent has made no such declaration. If the .president wants more revenue to put an end to deficiencies and to obvi ate , the necessity of paying out re deemed greenbacks to meet current ex penditures, to be presnted for a second redemption one hundred and thlrtv flve millions of deficiency having al ready necessitated the puyiiiR out of one hundred and thirty-five millions of redeemed legal tender note he has only to ask his Democratic friends In the senate to support the revenue bill which has passed the house liistend of sididly voting with the Populists against It. Whnt other financial legis lation the president expect tne major ity of the present senate to agree to I cannot conceive, for I presume that he would not regard another 16 to 1 free coinage vote by the senate po necessary to the restoration of confi dence and prosperity be to suggest to him the desirability of calling; the sen ate In extra session." SCARLET FEVER EPI DEM I C. School Closed In Wayne County Owing to Sickness Abroad. Lyons, Feb. 24. An epidemic of scar let fever and diphtheria Is at present raging throughout Wayne county. At Newark a number of cases of scarlet fever ore reported, and two deaths from the disease last weeki resulted In the board of education hold ins a meet ing and ordering the puljlic schools closed. At Port fllbson. a small vllluge In Ontario county, three mile west of Newark, scarlet fever Is raping and the public school has been closed. Woleott Jiaa many diphtheria cases on hnnd and the public schools In that villnge have been closed. . In Bnso school litis been closed and a number of houses are un der quarantine. Henorts made by reg istrar of vital stutlstlcs throughout Wayne county show a large Increase in the mortality rate, deaths being principally due to throat und lung dis orders and scarlet fever. REPUBLICAN OPINIONS TAKEN Preiidential Preferences in Pennsyl vania, West Virginia and Ohio. Pittsburg, Feb. 24. The Commercial Oazette hus made a canvass of Penn sylvania. West Virginia and Ohio to as certain the preference of the ltepubli cuns of those states for the presidency. It is ascertained that Major McKlnlcy up to the announcement of Senator guay's candidacy was lirst choice in Pennsylvania, his principal strength, however being- in the western part of the state. Speaker Keed was a strong second to Mr. McKlnley and the first choice of Philadelphia and eusteru Pennsylvania. It Is conceded that Quay will have the solid delegation from this state. The Commercial Cazettc's advices from West Virginia show that the delegation from that state will be solid for McKln ley unless Senator Klliins should decide to be a candidate. A partial canvass of Ohio shows the people tin-re refuse to seriously consider a second choice. BALL MABXATKS MEET. Huslness Transacted, at the Annual Spring (iuthcrlns of the National l.cngiie-r.hungcs In tho Agreement. New York. Feb. 24. The annual spring meeting of the National heague tit Professional Baseball Players com menced today ut the Fifth Avenue hotel. The principal business of the meeting will be the publication of the schedule, which has been drawn up by President Nick Young. A great deal of work has to be waded through before the league will pass on the schedule, and It is doubtful II' It will be reached before tomorrow night. The national board. which Is composed of President Nick Young. A. II. Soden. C. H. Byrne and John T. Brush, con vened at a few minutes after 111 o'clock. The hearing of the application of John M. Ward for the release of his name from the reserve list of the New York club took up the whole of the first ses sion. Both President Freedmun nnd Ward appeared before the hoard und presented their statements. Ward claimed that a contract hnd not been formally tendered to him by the club and that therefore, the organisation had no right to keep his name on the reserve. After n lengthy discussion the bou id released Mr. Ward's name from the reserve list. The time of the meeting was spent In making and discussing: changes in the national agreement. The first material change was the ad dition of another delegate to the nation al board which now consists of five members Instead of four as formerly. The name was changed to the National Board of Arbitration. The fees which each chili shall puy to the National league for protection are fixed ns fol lows: Class A. $7."i; B, M; C, flu; , HU; K. and F. $10. which shall In clude the right of reservation. The board will determine the classes on a. basis of the population of the cities comprising the league according to tho last census. OKAFTINU LIMIT. From Oct. 1 to Jan. 1 was the time limit fixed for the draftlnu. of players by National league chilis from the min or clubs. This shortens the drafting period by one month. The sums to be paid by league clubs for drafting play ers from the lesser organizations are: To class A. JAOO: B. tiiOl); C. j(K; D, $lm); K, 7:: and F. J."0. National leairue dubs are prohibited from npprouiiiing minor league play ers during the playing season and from making arrangements to draft them at the end or the season. The condi tions as to release and reservation re main unchanged. Section V of Article 1'3 caused a long and animated discussion, und ufier a lot of debate the section was modified to read In part as follows: "Any club, member of any minor league party to this agreement that shall enter Into any negotiation to be come a member or co-operate with any organization whose existence shall In any manner conllict with tho letter and spirit of this agreement, or the inter ests of any of the clubs operating It. shall forthwith forfeit all liRiiis and privileges conferred by this agreement, said forfeit to Include Its membership In any association party to this agree ment and all rights und iirivllenes of players. The penalty herein Imposed shall be positive and final, ami shall not he revoked unless by unanimous consent of the hoard, or upon appeal, by a three-fourths vote of the major league. The same rule applies to man agers and players." The other, changes were unimportant. MI. N'On I.EAOI K. A meeting of the minor league asso ciations wns held In the hotel (luring the day for the purpose of oiganiKimr the lesser organisations and consider ing grievances which the lesser mag nates claim exist, but which the na tional league delegates appear to repu diate. The following leagues were rep resented: Interstate league, C. II. pow er. Pittsburg: Western league. Ben Johnson. Cincinnati: Western associa tion. T. .1. Hic!'.py. St. Joseph. Mo.; New Knglar.d league, T. II. Muinune. Bos ton ; Eastern league, P. T. Powers. New York: Pennsylvania state league. Frank Hough. Philadelphia; Atlantic associa tion, Sam Crane, New York. CAfSK OF IMSASTF.K. The South African H.namlte Tragedy Is lixpinincd. Johannesburg. Feb. 24. Inquiry Into the causes of the recent explosion of dynamite at Viedendoi p has elicited th fact that a truck load uif detonators was placed on u Fide track ut the freight depot. A locomotive In shunting cars came Into collision with the car containing the detonators, the contents of the curs exploded from the rhock. and the ex plosion of the detonators caused the explosion of the dynamite, which was contained ill curs standing on a track tiear by. WANT A S1MXIA1. SESSION. Governor .Matthews I Called I'pon by Hcpnhlical State Committee. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 24. A pub committee of the Republican state com mittee called upon (iovermir Matthews today and urged him lo call a special session of .he legislature for the pur pose of passing o new apportionment act. as the acts cf 1SH1 and 1sh:i have Just been overthrown by the Supreme court, leaving the net of ISZ't In force.. It Is almost certain that the governor will deny the request. NF.(;onATixr, with France. Great Briloln Inclined to Make Conces sion on the i:gptlnn Question. London. Feb. 24. -The Pall Mall C.a asette's correspondent In Home tele graphs that advices received there from Cairo say there Is no doubt thut the British government has entered Into negotir.tlonn with France uiion th stibjict of the ivacuution of K.T.vpt. It Is believed, the advices say. thnt Great Btiluln is Inclined to make con cessions to France, . JACKAL EDITOR REBUKED Indignant Citizens Demolish the Plant of the Mitchell Mail. M'BKIDB WARNED TO LEAVE In order to Kldtho Town of a Slanderer the ItusIncsH Men Purchase Mis Nenspapcr and Hum the Printing .Material. Mitchell. S. V., Feb. 24. The entire Mitchell Mail outfit, paper, presses, type and other pharaphernalia. lie. loiiKing to a long established newspa per, was this morning -taken Into the street and publicly burned by a body of business men. The type was melted, the woodwork went up In smoke uml the lion presses were smashed into hundreds of pieces. This uct Is another link In the life tragedy of this paper's editor, it. II. McBrlde. 'A story of blasted hopes, ruined lives and the display, it Is said, of tile malignant efforts to ruin busi ness. Is mixed up In the cuse. McBrlde und John l. Luwler. president of the First National hank, were u number of yeurs ago on friendly terms, the former being editor of the only Democratic paper In this section, nnd the latter prominent In the councils of the Dem ocratic party. Nine yeurs ugo l.awlei mauled .Miss Klla Sturgls, dnughter of (ienerul Sturgls. of the I'nlted States army, and came tu Mitchell to retdde. IK' became president of the First Na tional bunk and continued in that posi- tij.t. ti-k the iiresent time Mrs Ijivv. ler's slster..lrs. Dotismun. of Prairie I luehlen. visited the Uawler family and met McBrlde In a social way. Mrs. Dousman became attracted to McBrlde. I he being a man of more than ordinary ! ability, and married hint. McBrhle's pi-Kate character, however. It Is stated, I was not of the best. Previous to McBride's marriage to ! Mrs. Uousninn. l.awler was requested I by one of the nearest relatives of Mrs. ! iiousman to Inform her cf the private character of McBrlde, and he did so. This wus all that I.uwler did in opposi tion to the marriage, according to rela tives. Many happy social gatherings, trips to the seashore and winter resi dences In New York followed until Mc Brlde. tirintr of domestic life, went af ter other and more exciting pleasures. A detective soon reported the matter of violated marriage vows and other acts. Mrs. Dousman separated from McBrlde and secured a divorce. SYSTEMATIC PERSECUTION. McBrlde then returned to Mitchell and commended systematic attacks up on Latwlt-r, his family and the First National bank. Funnel's who deposit ed In the bank known to McBrlde.' and those who were not known, were hunt ed un and given u "tip" that they had better take their money out of the bank, and in consequence-the bank's support among farmers hus steadily decreased for the past three years. Every week's Issue contained some al lusion to the bank and its president, bused on falsehood, but appealing in such a ma niter thut iio action ut law could be taken against him. This career of McBride's wns idly looked upon by the people until the news ami- a week ago that John I), l.awler had suddenly died in Sioux City, of apoplexy, whither he hud gone on business. The full force of McBrhle's long continued abuse then came home to the citizens and they resolved to rid the town of the editor. This crystal lised into u meeting of the foremost citizens Huturduy night and as a result, a committee called upon McBiide and Informed hhn that they had come to buy his outfit, with the further proviso that he Would have to leave the town. .McBrlde uscnted to the proposition and stated that he would sell the plant Monday morning to the citizens. At the appointed time, the citizens culled on McBiide, but in the meantime he hud been bolstered up by some of his friends and he purposely Rot out of the reach of the committee and the latter uppolnted one of their number to be come McBride's agent, gave him sulll-cit-nt money to pay for the plant and then proceeded to destroy the whole outfit. Th" committee are now hunting for Mi-Bride to Impress upon his mind that his stay In Mitchell must be brief. THIMJS CAMF. HIS WAY. An l nfortunate Austrian Who Met with Tuo AeulJents Yesterday. Peter Sedol, an Austrian. 28 years old, and unmarried, whose home Is in Park Pluce, had the misfortune of getting rousted by fire and run over by a horse all within two hours yesterday after noon. He Was employed at the South Steel mill and got painfully burned about the face, hands, hack und chest soon after dinner. The heut came from one of the boilers. But he was not so seri ously burned that there was any feur for his life. Ai I. Is own request In or der to facilitate mutters not wishing to bide the time In which an umbulunce would take to come for him. he start ed off on u street cur for the Lackawan na hospital. There were two of his fel low luliorcis with him. They got as fur us the rear entranep lo the hospital without Incident, hut while they were wailing lor admit tance, a runaway horse broke out of Cobb's livery sialic, came down Uny mond court on full gullop and ran Into the three men. Horse and men got nil tangled up uml when the hospital at tendant:! cHine out there was a hetero geneous mass of humanity, horsellesh and harness jiu.ibhd up together in the ull". Sedol. the burned man. was the only one Injured. He got a large g.isli on the head, hut after examination of the wound the doctors found it to lie noth ing more serious than a painful flesh wound, lie will be around in a few Weeks. 'IK AM PS IN A FKIF. FIGHT. A (lang of Wandering Willies Crcato a li.stnrhi:noo in the Central Citv. Word was telephoned to police head quarters at 2 o'clock yesterday after noon thot a gang of tramps, six or seven In number, were engaged in a free light at the corner of Penn avenue nr.d Vine street. The patrol wagon car ried three policemen to the scene with all haste, but at their approach the tramps scattered in all directions and all escaped but one. He was too drunk to move with suf ficient alacrity to evade the officers, and as a consequence found himself in a cell. WILL BE AR;t Kl) TOI1AY. nosehino rase I o ll.ive a Hearing Be fore the Supreme Court nt 1 1 A. M. The argument of the case of the com monwealth against Joseph Bosch I no was to have taken place before the Su preme court at Philadelphia yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, but was con tinued until this morning at the same hour. Boschtnn was convicted of the mur der of Frank Confortl. at Dunmore. In November. 1W4. ami the court of this county refused to grant a new trial. An appeal was then taken to the Supreme court with a view to' having the dc clblon of tire lower court reversed. Today Attorney Oeorge Horn will tnHke the argument In Bnschlno's be half, anil District Attorney John It. Jones will appear for the common wealth. Bnschlno's friends have not raised any money for him. and his at torneys have been compelled to bear the expense of taking the case to the Supreme court. WATFK IN BUFFALO. The Thaw Puts an I nd to the Famine Due to Ice forming. Buffalo. Feb. 24. Warmer wer-ther has remedied the water famine by lend ing assistance to the wik of disengag ing the Ice that has choked the inlet tunnel. This inoruiiig the city wus well supplied with pure water and all alarm had subsided. The loss entailed by tho two days' water famine, however, can not be estimated. Many factories had to suspend busi ness entirely on Saturday, and all were hampered. The factory owned by the. mayor of the city was one of those which shut down rather than use up water stored in tuuks for lire protec tion. WAR 1 (IDA. fifteen lunurgcnut apttircd-No Mention of Spanish l.osscs-1'he Rebel Leader Made Prisoner. Havana. Feb. 24. The commander of a detachment of Spunish troops who have urrivl-d at Mariano, a suburb of Havana, reports that he met and dis persed the bands of rebels led by VII Uwieiivu tnd Buldnmoro Acosta. who hud been operating In the vicinity of Punta Brave, province of Havana, about twenty miles southwest of Mariano. People living In the neigh borhood of Punta Brava carried into the. town twenty dead rebels. Fifteen of the Insurgents were captured. No mention of the Spanish logseB Is made In the report. Additional troops have been sent to Marino. The rebel leader known as "El Ingle slto." was cuptured today between Unities and San Nlcolus. in the south western part of this province. He wus made a prisoner by Colonel Seguras column. A court martial has been or dered to try him. (Signed) J. Frank Clark. Havana, Feb. 22, via Tatnpn. Fla., Feb. 24. The government accounts of the attack upon Jurtioo, a railroad town midway between Havana and Matan zus, on the 18th are vague and lucking In many Important details. Those gleaned from residents of the town are quite different. The attack was mudo by Aguirre, with 4'10 men. The volun teers of Jiirucn, numbering 2.10 men, surrendered by preconcerted arrange ments. They joined the Insurgents, taking with them 10,004 rounds of am munition. They freed 2K prisoners, burned the jail, the town hall and many other buildings. The train loud of troops sent from Havana was attacked upon arrival and driven from the cars, one of which was armored. Seven sol diers were found dead in that car. Some of the soldiers ran and joined the rebels being lired at by their comrades as they deserted. Others held together and es caped only after many were shot. The town, which was an important one of over 2.000 inhabitants, Is now in ruins. The railroad station Ih' one of the few buildings that escaped. After the burning of Juruco, n series of engage ments with the parties of Oomez and Maceo followed lusting two days. The insurgents as usual moved about from pluce to place tiring the columns of Henerals Aldecoa, Linares and Colonel Hernandez, and occasionally giving them a short tight, hut moving on when the troops began artillery tire. In ad dition to the forces which have recent ly Joined Gomez bands of Orien tals are west through Santa Clara and Mantaitzas provinces. Government troops are being concentrated In the territory In which Gomez and Maceo now operate and a decisive encounter at Hn early day seems probable. DINNER TO CARLISLE. Christopher Columbus Baldwin I'.nter tulns the Secretary of the Treasury. New York. Feb. 24. Christopher Col umbus Baldwin, the naval officer of the port of New York, gave a dinner to night at the Metropolitan club In honor of the Hon. John G. Carlisle, secre tary of the treasury. Covers were laid for thirty guests. Mr. Baldwin presided. On his right sat Secretary Carlisle and on his left Sen ator Yilus. Directly opposite were seated Perry Belmont and Fred It. Coudert. Among others present Hon. John T. Carroll, of Washington; Hon. Roswell P. Flower. Hon. Seth Low, Chuiies Lancer, Edward King. John A. Mc Call. Wheeler II. Peck ham, Frederick D. Tappan, Edward N. Glhbs, D. O. Mills and J. Plprpont Morgan. The only Information that could he obtained as to what took place at the dinner was that Chairman Buldwln proposed the health of Secretary Cur lisle when the covers were removed and that was drank with enthusiasm. Sec retory Carlisle then thanked those pressent for the reception given him. THAT DURYEA MURDER. kohnikl killed Ills Wife in a lit of Jeal ous Rago. The details of the Ditryea murder, mention of which wns mude in the Tri bune yesterday, came to light during the day. Michael Kollnskt is the mur derer. He lived on the back road at Duryea and he killed his wife in a lit of jealous rage. 'Ifhey kept a hoarding house and Kol lnl accused his wife of unfaithful ness. She threatened to leave him and he picked up a poker and beat her skull In. She lingered for several hours. Koliuski is now in the Luzerne county prison. Pension for Mrs. Gresham. Washington. Ft-b. 24. In the senate to day the hill Kraiitlng a pension of fJW a month to -the widow of the late Secre tary of Slate Waller Q. (ilesham. as brig adier general (with un amendment re ported by Hie pension committee reducing -the amount to Sum was taken up und after some discus:. Ion the cnniiiiltt.-e amendment was ugree. to, and th bill (granting Mrs.. flreshum a pension of a month) was passed. (ovcrnor Hastings' Visitors. llarrishurg. Pn., Feb. 24. Senators Pen rose ur l Thomas, ex-.Maistrate Durham and William It. Gill are here tonight for the purpose of seeing Governor Muslim', it Is helleved they hove come lo confer with him regarding the cuvancy on the bench lo Philadelphia, but they decline to ray why they are here. Trensurr Cold Reserve. Washington. Feb. 21. The treasury gold reserve nt the close of business today stojd at tlW.TiA.T-X. The withdrawals for the 'ay nmounttd lo x."l.llio. So far alio, it J!i.mo.iW of the $U1.im.(ii. for which the ltnnds were sold, have bepn paid. I'n to today $"I."..iio,iiii of the new bonds have been delivered. - Small Pugs Box. Bethlehem. Pa., Feb. 24. Stanton Abbott lid Paddy Sheehun lioxcd six romvls here lorlght, which resulted In a draw. In a 4-round bout .hei ween Frank Farley and Peie Sheehan the decision was awarded to Farley. . Bishop of l.os Ancclcs. 1 trolt. Mich., Feb. 2i.-Kev. Jos Ilors fall Johnson, of Christ F.plscopul church, of this city, was today consecrated llrst bishop of Los. Angeles. MORE TROUBLE AT GUIANA Venezuelan Government Sends 'An other. Protest to England. THREATENED COMPLICATIONS Tho Movements of tnglisb Capitalists Who Seek to Purchase Land in the Dis puted Territory Arouses Suspicion British Uuianu Indifferent. Georgetown, British Oulana, Fob. Id. On the eve of the departure of the I'nlted States mull from this colony, a report hus gained currency thut fur ther and serious complications are like ly to arise in connection with the ques tion of the boundaries between the col ony of British Oulana and Venezuela. It Is reported that the Venezuelan gov ernment, has within the past day or two, lodged with the government of British tltiinna, to he forwarded to the imperial government a formul protest against any concession of land within the contested territory being granted by the British government. The re port is suld to be couched in courteous, but firm latv.vuuge, and unless a halt is called by the colonial government In grunting, and the Imperial govern ment in approving, of further conces sions within the contested regions, there muy be trouble that hitherto hus been avoided. It Is not difficult to find the cause for Venezuela taking this fresh move In the iuestlon of the territorial limits of the two countries. CAPITALISTS ON THE ALERT. The British secretary of state for the colonies, Joseph Chamberlain, lias made no secret of the fact that he hus before him) an application by a num ber of capitalists for a large tract of land within the disputed territory: that these capitalists offer to purchase, for a capital sum, a specific tract of land. In the northwest district, with abso lute right to the minerals and precious stones therein: timber, railroad and township tights, us well as leave to sell the concession or portions of It, to a public company. This application Is under consideration by the local gov ernment at the present time. The situation in British (litiana re mains unchanged; the colonists have accepted and absolutely rely upon the statement of the administration that the home government will assert their territorial rights up to the Schom burghk line at least. And as no moye bus been mude to disturb the existing arrangement of affairs, the colonists treat with cooMniMfferenee the preten sions of the Venezuelans. PREACHERS LEAD A BOYCOTT Minsters of Cleveland. Ohio, to l'orco Merchants to Close ICvenlngs. Toronto, Out., Feb. !4. Just before noon yesterday a little girl, who was crossing the Rosedale bridge, at the second ravine, saw a man walk on the bridge and throw his hut over the rail ing. Then ne paused, climbed the rnll and leaped headlong Into the depths be low, a distance of liio feet. The act was most deliberate and done so quickly that the frightened child had not time to cry out. In its descent the body turned twice In the air. striking the ground with a crush that could be heard lift y yards nwuy. Death wus lnstuiitaii"ous and the body was shockingly mangled. When the police and u few pedestrians arrived on the scene It wus discovered that the dead man was James Scott, for forty years a prominent dry goods merchant on Kintf street, Kast. Mr. Scott was suffering from an acute form of neu rasthenia and his malady hud undoubt edly affected his mind. ROW AT NICARAGUA. The City of I con Declares Against Presi dent Zcluin. Washington, Feb. IM. According to news received from Sun Juan Del Nor to, Nicaraguu, nn uprising is imminent in that country. Newspapers have been suppressed but reports brought to San Juan by passengers from the in terior are to the effect that the city of Leon has declared itself in favor of Baca against President Zelays and de-i munis to Zelaya's resignation. Keluya considers himself strong enough to put down the movement trusting for sup port to the conservatives nnd the friendly government of Honduras. Oreat excitement prevailed through out Nicaragua, especially as most of the national arms and ammunition are in Leon. The latest advices are that Zalaya has declared himself "dictator" and that all hLs ministry have left him. At last reports the people of Leon were up In arms and a fight was Imminent. - - - LONDON IS INTERESTED. BoliiiRhroke Club Would Like to See Corhett l itslmmonti l ight. Cleveland, O.. Feb. 24. James J. Cor hett hus received a telegram inform ing him that the Bolingbroke club, of London, offers a purse of W.OOO to be contested for by himself and Boh Fltz slmmous, and will allow each $.00 for expenses. Corhett said to a I'nlted Press re porter that he would accept the offer and would sign the articles of agree ment as soon as the Bolingbroke club forwarded them. He also said that as a guarantee ot his sincerity he would deposit as large a sum of money as the club wished. VICTORIA SAILS AWAY. Reporters Are I'nnble to Interview Dr. Jameson or Any of His Men. London. Feb. 24. No reporters were allowed aboard the transport Victoria today nnd all efforts to obtain com munication with Dr. Jameson or any of his ofllcers failed. Later In the day the Victoria sailed from Devonport to sea. Nobody on board the Victoria knew the destination of the steamer when she left Devonport, hut It was expected that she would he met at sea tonight, when Dr. Jameson would be taken off. LEAP TO DEATH. Sensational Suicide of a Toronto, Ont-, Merchant. Cleveland. O.. Feb. 24. The ministers of this city have reiiuested merchants, saloonkeepers and theater managers to close In the evenings during the three weeks of the coming revival, beginning March 1. Manager Norris. of the Grand Opera house, has refused to cancel his dates and the ministers and their committees announce that they will boycott him. (icnernl Pollonx in Command. Rome. Feb. 21. Lieutenant fleneral Lul gl Polloux, formerly a minister of war, has been appointed to the chief com mand of the huliun forces in Africa, the troops of which will lie- formed into two divisions respectively communded by Gen erals Ualalleri and lleiiseh. Barber Lacked enterprise. Haverhllle. Mass.,' Feb. 24. IaiuIs Vall- quet, a barber, for fefusliig to shave a colored man, was today lined -5 in the doUcm i 1 11 HI Y'S New Dress Goods Large and Magnifcent Stock of Foreign and Domestic V 1 1 Novelties Unique and exclusive designs. Our Stock as usual com prises the Latest Pari3 Novelties, and being our own importation, the de signs are exclusive, and in addition our stock of Is very complete and we cordially invite an early inspection while the lines are complete. Elegant Stock of Latest Trim mings. 5J0and512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Our gOC School Shoes Are Trade fits' Our Winter Shoes must' go. You need the Shoes; we need the room. SlHlLtYMAVIES 114 AND U WYOMINS AVE. GO TO WEICiEL, THE JEWELER, For your Wedding and Birthday Gifts. We are constantly receiving new goods. IF YOU NEED GLASSES Give us a Trial. Satis- . faction Guaranteed. W. J. Wenchel 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. WEATHER REPORT. For easterni Pennsylvania, fair anil sllKhlly colder, northwesterly to wester ly winds. New York, Feb. IK. Herald's weather forecast: In -the Middle states nnd Ne Knuhind today, clear, considerably colder weather and fresh wettlerly to northerly winds will prevail. On Wednesday In both of these sections fair, slltthtly colder weather will prevail, with fresh northerly to northeasterly winds, followed by cloudi ness, with rain or snow on the Mlddel At lantic sealmard and posBlbly by hiifh wlnda on the coast, and on Thursday partly cloudy weather, with sllKht temperature changes preceded on coat by high north easterly wind and ralu or snow. Staple Goois MS, EtC 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers