.1 35; - -. .. . THE fidlAKTOTT TIinJtTNJ5 WEDNESDAY M02OTIT0. FEBBTXAltY Be Leader 124-126 Wycsing Ave, In consequence of extensive, altera tlons now going on, we are compelled to postpone stock taking until some future date. We start Monday with the greatest of all previous sales. Don't miss it. Below we quote some of the specials. One lot of black figured Brilliant ine Skirts, lined throughout, vel vet facing, LEADER'S PRICE, $1.-1. One lot of children's figured Per cale Aprons and Dresses, trimmed with lace and embroidery, slses 2 to 10. LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. 10 dosen ladles' J. 11. Corsets in white and drab, boned throughout with whalebone, sixes 18 to 30, worth $1.00, LEADER'S PRICE. 69c. 10 gross Castile Soup. LEADER'S PRICE, 2c a cake. gross ct Copco Soap, sold every where at Gc a cake. LEADER'S PRICE. 8 cakes for Sac. One lot of Ladles' Cambric Cor set Covers, high neck, trimmed with embroidery, LEADER'S PRICE. 12'C. One lot of Ladies' Cambric Cor set Covers, square or V neck, trimmed with embroidery. LEADER'S PRICE. 21c. One lot of ladles' line Muslin Drawers, cluster of tucks, LEADER'S PRICE. 2-C. One lot of ladles' fine Muslin Drawers, trimmed with embroid ery and tucks, LEADER'S PRICE. 29c One lot of ladles' Muslin Skirts with hemstitched cambric ruffle, or trimmed with embroidery. LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. One lot of ladies' ' Muslin Gowns, empire or mother huhbard style, ' trimmed with insertion and em broidery, LEADER'S PRICE. 69c. 15 pieces of all-wool Plaids, worth SOc a yard, LEADER'S PRICE, 16c. 1 case of double fold wool DreBS Goods, In spring effects, worth 25c. LEADER'S PRICE. 16c. Balance of the Dress Goods that were 12o during clearance sale. LEADER'S PRICE, 0. 1,000 yards of Wash Silks in checks, stripes and plaids, LEADER'S PRICE. 23c. 15 pieces of corded Dimities, new prints, worth 8c. LEADER'S PRICE, 5C. 25 pieces of French Organdies, worth S5c, LEADER'S PRICE, 13c 25 pieces of printed Cambrics, in short lengths, were !)e, LEADER'S PRICE, 60. 25 pieces of printed Batiste, extra quality, would be cheap at 10c, LEADER'S PRICE, 6e. 25 dozen Gingham Aprons, extra large, worth 2.1c. LEADER'S PRICE. 13e. 25 Ticking Pillows, each containing 3V. lbs. best feathers, regulur price $1.98, LEADER'S PRICE. $1.11 200 bleached Towels, good quality, worth 8c, LEADER'S PRICE. Be. 25 pieces best quality 4-4 brown Muslin, LEADER'S PRICE, Be a yard. 25 pieces checked and striped Out ing Flannel, regular 9c quality, LEADER'S PRICE. Be. 25 pieces of yard wide Hill Bleached Muslin. LEADER'S PRICE. 6c. All millinery goods at half price. All Klankets and Comforts at 50c on the dollar. LEBECK &CORIN WILKES-BARRE, DIVORCED BY DEATH. Mrs, Suroros Keoelv a Telegram That Ends Legal Prooeedlngs, A sensational ending to a divorce case occurred here yesterday before J. V. Urownell. an examiner In the case. Mrs. Paul Summa. who resides at Kingston, two miles from here, tiled papers in divorce against her husband some two years ago, charging him with cruelty and desertion. The case dragged along In court until today when a hear ing was finally begun. While the wo man was giving her testimony a tele gram dated Jersey City was handed 'to her which read: "Your husband just died." A moment later the witness began to look pale; she broke down nnd wept like a child. She was taken to the home of a friend where she became hysterica and thoroughly exhausted. Further proceedings have been aban doned aa the death of the husband makes them void. The remains are ex pected to arrive at Kingston today for Interment. JEMMITZ CONVICTED. A Vlrdlct of Mnrdor In the First Degree In the Hlaakman Mine Case. The Blackinan mine murderer, An thony Jemmltst, who killed Andrew Teasley, in June last, was yesterday afternoon convicted of murder In the first degree. The Jury was out twenty four hours and the verdict meets with general approval from those who are Intimate with the facts In the case. As soon as the verdict had been polled the prisoners head dropped on his breast and he was heard to say to his attor ney: "This Is my last hope, I guess." Ap llcation wil be made in a few days for a new trial. TORTURED FOR GOLD. Casper Wagner Abased by ' Gang of Robbers. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 6. The residence of Casper Wagner, an aged and re tired wagon maker In O'Hara township, five miles from Sharpsburg, was broken Into Monday night and Mr. Wagner abused and robbed of a sum of money. About midnight four masked men bat tered down the front door. As they entered, the aged couple lied through the rear and became separated in the dark. Two of the thieves overtook Wagner and carried him back to the house. They then demanded his money and proceeded to torture him with a lighted lamp. Finally Wagner pro duced his money bag, containing $150, and the thieves left Wagner aroused his neighbors and went In search for his wife, tracking her by the marks of her bare feet in the half frozen mud to a stable half a mile distant. She was lyong on the ground almost exhausted. Wagner and his wife are more than 74 years old and suffered greatly. The robbers were tracked four miles, where all trace was lost. STRIKES A NEGRO AND DIES. Slngalar Fatality In the Case of a Slma Lamberman. . Selma, Ala.. Feb. 6. Columbus C. Oayle died yesterday under peculiar circumstances. Mr. Uayle employed a number of negroes In his lumber yard. Three months ago he struck one of them In the mouth, breaking the skin on one of his knuckles. In one hour he began suffering excruciating pain and went to his home. Physicians attend ed him regularly, and finally amputat ed the wounded finger. Great ulcers then broke out In his wrist and he lost his sight and went Into a stupor, from which he never aroused. He said It was a blue-gum negro he struck, whose bite Is said to be as poisonous aa the most deadly reptile. COST OF THE With England Alone There Hu Been en Increase in Our Imports ot $47i7!4.3io and a Decrease in BRITISH EXPORTS TO Articles. ' Beer and ale Spirits Wool Cotton piece goods, gray Cotton piece goods, bleached Cotton piece goods, dyed Jute yarn Jute manufactures Linen yarn Linen manufactures Silk Silk manufactures Bilk, other goods Woollen and worsted yarn Woollen tissues Worsted Carpets ., Hardware and cutlery Pig Iron Bar, angle, bolt, rod Iron Railroad Iron Hoops, sheets, boiler and armor plates Tin plates Cast and wrought iron Old Iron Steel, unwrought 1-ead, pig, sheet and manufactured Tin, unwrought Steam engines, locomotive Kteum engines, agricultural Steam engine, others Spinning machinery Textile inui'hlnery Other machinery '. Apparel und slops Millinery and embroidery Alkali Mags and sacks Cement Earthen and chlnaware Paper and envelopes Total At per sterling Increase In exports BRITISH IMPORTS FROM Articles. Oxen and bulls Wheat and flour Huron Suit beef Fresh beef Hams Ment, other Pork, salt Copper ore Copper, retail us Copper, unwrought Cotton Tallow and stearlne Lumber Leather Total At So per sterling Dec reuse in Imports WILL SEER MOTH POLE Another Foolhardy Expedition Is Being Manned. A bIG SCHEME IS UNFOLDED Borchgrevink, the Norwegian Traveler, Arranges to Invade the Great South ern Continent, Still In known, but Claimed by England. 1 , - ,T ,VIA, I'd, U. . . ft " , v, grevink, the antarctic explorer and Dt.lnnllut n 1 1 1. u , avoninff tn tilt n,,vll,IOI ( V U I U . - . ....... w.. - - Cunurd line steamship ITmbrla from Liverpool, lie Claims me uisiincuon of being the first civilized man to set . ... .. I. .. t, K..1 i ....... i t i hd lha -rant twt . i , nnai , , i , i i iv. u. . . antarctic continent. Mr. Borchgrevink luiu a lew ui inn experiences in frozen regions of the south. He is the son of an englishwoman, but was born In Christiana, Sweden, In 1864. He be gan his southern expedition by sailing as a common seaman on the whaling l.uflr IntflmHn nn nlrf PMft hllllt twen- ty-three years ago. The expedition was mieu out in iam aim leu wnwuntTT Sept. 20 of that year, and sighted Cape l.laru n T 1A 1 -Hf. t-T, ll,fPlprl in getting as far south as the seventy- rourtn uegree 01 latitude, np m i-uu-vinced that a continent exists that will cover an area of not less than 4.000,000 square miles. After his lecturing tour in mis coun try, which will last about three months, Mr. Horchgrevlnk will return to Kng lnnd to prepare for another southern polar expedition. Horchgrevlnk has taugnc me wona preiiy mum nn n im,,u.a nhftiit th rrnnt continent which lies in the southern polar seas, and if his plans as now arranged are carried out he will be able to tell much more after he gets buck from an expedition which he Is to undertake next winter. The scheme that the explorer nas in ia ti travel 160 miles Inland on snow shoes and sledges, with three Norwegian companions, that he may reach the south magnetic pole. He ex pects that It will take him more than two years to do so, but he talks of the undertaking as If such a trip were to him nothing more man a nine gaum through Kurope to an ordinary man. All the Money Is at Hand. C 1, I n iv r.f tha KmiHHwl PI. riPll i t iOll. Mr. Horchgrevlnk said: "The most dlltlcult part of the matter has already been accomplished. That is the rais ing of the money, a commercial com pany has been formed In Kngland for whnlinir and netting cargoes of guano from the antarctic regions. This company has agreed to send out an expedition next September. Eleven scientists are to go with the ex- ii.i.,.. -. hnvn .imrtpreil the aux- illary steamer Jason, the whaler which took Mr. Nansen into me arcnu regiuim. "We will sail rlgnt tor uapu uuie, iu tha nw fintlnent. We ex - M1IIV1I " ' " " ..v - pect to get there by Nov. 1. We will have another seventy-mur ijh ni.-uinr. and a naptha launch with us. The two steamers will leave us and return to Melbourne after whaling for a time. With three Norwegian irienus, mi .ik Mnntfj tth(M.a. I will start in land from Cape Adare and traverse a country that was never entered by human being as far aa we know. We will go from Cape Adare to Coulman -,-Vi . rii.tanr-o of Hixtv miles, over the snow, and from there we contem plate a two and a half months Journey over the mainland, traveling across the plateau of Icac and snow on sledges. V e want to locate the south magnetic pole. England Claims the Continent. inn- pt nodi t ion I reached sFl II ' seventy-four degrees and ten minutes south latitude. OUl we num. iu' . ....!. uii rin unless l am very r v. if the eineditlon suc- ceeds, the results to science will be the most important in nii "Do you think that there is a great nw,nnt hre. or merely an island? Mr. Borchgrevink was asked. "I am quite sure it is a cumincm, and one probably three times as large ii purono " he answered very posi tively. "Rock specimens which I brought up have satisfied scientists that It Is a continent and not an island." "To whom does It belong?" "Well England claims It," replied Mr. Borchgrevink. "When Captain Sir James Clark Ross landed on Possession Island, which Is off the coast of the new continent, more than half a cen tury ago, from her majesty's ships, Erebus and Terror, he took possession of the mainland, which ho never stepped upon, In the name of the queen." FORTUNE FOR AN EDITOR. Kansas Man Called to Paris to Share ths Money of a Coantesa. Wichita, Kan.. Feb. 5. C. B. Mc Donald, editor of the Oxfard Register, a little country paper In Sumner county, started Sunday for Paris, France. He started on the invitation of a Russian countess, who recently lost her hus band and wishes to share her fortune with Mr. McDonald, who la her cousin. The countess In question was a Miss McDonald, a shopgirl in Chicago at the time of the world's fair. A Russian count fell In love with her and married WILSON BILL. Our Exports of $26,104,780, THE UNITED STATES. Year Ending Dee. Jl. 184. It. 185.5011 187.537 70.S4. W.4W 1.810.9-S 4.618,-24 -j,s; 5t,iwi -67.-S4 T7.7-- , -!,750 17.27 StM.SO 81'7,ti 412 1S.9W l.SSliiCT - t.1-9.578 143.8HO ' 147.478 33.H48 34.:3 8.4- OT.7I5 11.0-3 H9.MS 3u!.3-4 1.4K4.591 1,158 4,832.144 28.5.9 ios.67. 157.RU 1S814 71.437 2M.3-7 14.114 24.714 65,871 S7.3N 2 781,!7 2,578.219 44,0.1 64.494 5.104 12.170 S25,i 330, NM Is.ttS 37.3W 12.019 8.&-!i 2, (Mil -.UH 1,241 80 20.1W2 i,iw 1,192 3.-S3 233.470 478.815 M.hitf -2,770 7S.4S 10fi.!l"8 44.7Wt f.S.i Tiit.itM 770, 1S6 14.31 12.0.2 235.372 2-3.4M 7-1,294 wr.,1.5 31,329 32.410 , , , 13,286,5ns Stf.432.u4j 22.843.371 $114.210. 80I . 47.7M,310 THE UNITED 6TATES. Year Ending eDc. 31. 1S94. 189.1. 6,7-8.913 4.915.834 13.384.843 13.145.8i1 5.082.9:11 4.WS.0W 332,713 " 274,013 $.720,337 S.4u.184 '.',li31,272 2.097.4-6 02.498 5.l 4,241. 227 4,-93.tri0 22.809 1U.8S0 119.904 411.853 1,SA,"i74 037.44 S4.710.h18 E.700.427 '. 218.790 1M.888 1.7.123 1.301,044 2.504,020 2,734.936 ... 66,890,678 ... $334. 453. 390 61, 809. 772 $31 18.348.KH) .. S26.1O4.7S0 -Philadelphia Bulletin. her. She sent McDonald a check for $1,500 to pay his way to France. WALL STREET REVIEW. New York. Feb. 5. Business at the Stock Exchange was virtually crowded Into the last hour of trading, and during this time commission houses had no rea- sun to comuiuln or a luck of order. Early iu the day brokers and operators were walling to hear from Washington In the mutter of the bond Issue. The success of the loan was generally admitted weeks ago but the amount or tne dims, nearly Vi (Ml.txHt Mimulv antonlshed the street. The piiees, loo, were a great deal better than expected, the average being above 110. The syndlcute. It will be remembered, was under II",. The magnitude of the bids nnd the prices tendered led to general business buying of the market and prices moved up any wnere rrom M to 2"n per cent. Sugar was a feature and after fulling from to 7.T rose to 109'i. The early decline was the result of the passing of the sugar Dounty Dy tne Diinaesratn. in the last hour the shorts were the most consDicuous buyers. Leather, preferred, moved up from 64? to 4J7H on reports from Boston that the money for the February dividend will be in the bank. The west ern stocks, such as St. Paul. Rock Island and Burlington and (Jiilncy were In better demand on tne splendid snowing or earn ing recently published. Speculation closed strong with an advancing tendency. The total sales were 28V,w snares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, ALLEN ft CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP- iloca broxer, 412 Hpnice street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos Ing. est. est. Ing. Am. ronacco 1:0. . vs-1 st Am. i ouon uii ii i", I,,, l1t Am. SiiKur Re'g Co. 107 Kik', 107a 10 Ateh. To. & 8. Fe..., lu'i Wj, If,', )6j, Canada aoutnern... 4 '.' 4W !:', Chicago Qus 65 W, 65 X Chic. & N. W 101 102'4 Vn 10.'Vi Chic. B. ft Q 7Si, 7X'S 77 77 C. C. C. & St. L 36(i 37' 36'i 37'4 CMC., I Ml. t. P.. 74 71'i 73 7.i'i Chic, It. I. ft Pau... 72 73 7P 72 ii'i. 01 iiuu j .9 uvy4 ifi uit. ec j. !. io'i ):,', lu'i Oen. Electric 29'i 29i 27 U 9 Lake Shore 146'Si 146t W, 146i ix)ii8. & ivasn 4n n M. K. ft Texas, Pr... 26i 27ii 26Hi 27'4 ilan. Elevated 1064 107' KsJli 107H ilo. Pai? 23'i 23 23i 21 Nut. Cordage 5 r, ba C' Nat. Lead 2i4 26 26 2:;'4j N. J. Central ln It ll Ws - . 1. venirui :ih :s ai m N. Y., 8. ft W 11 11 11 11 N. Y., 8. ft W., Pr... 30 81 30 31 Nor. Pac 4'i 4Vj 4t 4'i Ontario ft West 15 16; 15', 15'4 UHlKflH iSB 4V OH X9 Pac Mall 2'i 29 29 29U Phil. & Read 14 U 14 14V Southern It. it 10 W 10 1(Hi Southern R. R., Pr.. SO'i 32 SOU" 32 Tenn. C. ft I S SiU, 30'j 32'i Texas I'aclllc K'i 8'i I'nlon Puclttc V't 8 71 g Wabash 71 7,i 71 ' Wabash, Pr 17', 175, 17 u Western Union dt- .",', 84'i s."i'u W. L 12', 12i Vl 12' 17. S. Leather lu'j 1u- W'4 wi V. S. Leather, Pr... G5i S7-H 65', 67 U. 3. Leather 27 27 25Va 27i CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. ing. est. est. Ing. May C7 W; 6ti elL July w at tk,H C7U OATS. " May 21'i 21'i 5I'i t-'ORN. 4 ' Muy SO'.J SOTj SHIS SO'i J"&KU S1' 31? 'H 3IM, lay B.H0 S.S2 5.75 5.77 J'liy 52 5.92 6.90 i. PORK. May 10.35 10.52 ' 10.35 10.47 Kcranton Board of Trad Exchans Qno-tstions-AII Quotations lluied on Mr of 1 00. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 135 Seranton Lace Curtain Co go National Boring ft Drilling Co. ... to First National Hank fcj Scrantan Jar ft Stopper Co , 25 Seranton Glass Co jj Sprlr.g Brook Water Co 105 Klmliurft Boulevard Co 'oo Seranton Asle Works go Traders' National Bank 11214 m Seranton Savings Hank 200 Seranton Traction Co 'ii Bonta Plate Ulass Co jj Seranton Car Keplacer Co jm Traders' National Bank us Scianton Packing Co BONDS. . Seranton Glass Co 200 Seranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 no Soranton Traction Co 05 People's 8treet Railway, first mortgage due 191S no Seranton ft Pittston Trac. Co m People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 ... Lacks. Valley Trac. Co.. first mortgage due 1825 10 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lscka. Township School S 02 City of Seranton Street Imp CV .., 102 Seranton Axle Works 100 Borough of Winton $ loo Rush Brook Coal Co 10i) Ksw York Produae Market. New York, Feb. 6. Flour Cnchanged. WheatSpot market dull, firm, VjC. higher; No. S red store snd elevator, 71' ,c.; afloat, 32c; f. o. b., 82i.HK2.-Sr.; ungraded red, 70a83c; No. 1 northern, 76',u-.; options active. Irregular, closed steady at ,a-ic. over yesterday; No. 2 red February. 74'jc; March, 75V.; May, 73'c; June and July, 72V- Corn Spots dull, firmer; No. 2 st 36',4c: elevator; 37'ic. afloat; options were dull and Arm at unchanged prices to He. advance; February. 37c; May, tn'ic.; July, gTljc. Oats Spots more active, barely steady; No. S at 25-T4C.: No. 1 white. S6a26Uc; No. 2 Chicago, 26c.: No. at 24c; No. 2 white, 2S'ic: mixed western, 24Ha26c; white do., 26a28c; white state, 261ia28c.;: options dul, easier; February, 24V.; March, 25Uc; Msy. 254c Prov'l slons Quiet, steady, unchanged. Lard Suiet, weak; western ateam closed at ,78',4c; city, 15.35; May closed K.10 aomU nal; reflnei, dull: continent. 16.15; South America. 86.40; compound. 4Ss5c. Pork Steady, nioUerate demand; mess, Slla iiJSi. liutter Fancy nrm. good demand; western creamery held I2al6c: da. factory ttulJc; other unchanged. Cneese Fair demand, unchanged, t-'ags Liberal sup ply, uoout steady; limed, cuae, )2aS.M uinera unenqngea. -Toledo Grain Market. Toledo. O., Feb. (.Wheat Receipts, d.m ousneis; snipmenis.i z.2tu pusneu nrm: Mo. rred May, 76Vc: July. 7lc No. S red eash. t2Wc. Corn ReeeiDts. 21 476 bushels: shipments, 8.6U0 bushels: No. 2 mixea cssn, 2sc; May, no. uata Ke relpts. none; shipments, none; nothing do ing. Clovers eed Receipts. 650 bags; ship ments, .111 oags; . steaay; f eoruary, i.diMi; Jiarcn, w.w. Kaffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. N. Y . Foh K Cattle Slow. light butchers' steers, f3.25s3.40; veals, dull: S6:75a7.25. Hon Dull and lower: Yorkers, St.4a4.5; god mediums, t4.40a i.w; pigs, .4ua4.to; rougns, w. iiui4; stags, 82.75a3.50. Sheep snd lambs Inactive, prime lambs. I1.85a5; god. 84.60a4.7r: light to tair. Httl.tio; mixed sneep, x2.sua3.itt choice wethers, S3a3.85; culls and common, Philadelphia- Tallow Marker. Phluadelphla, Feb. C-Tallow is quiet and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, in hogsheads, ic; country, prime. In Darreis, ae. ; country, uurg, in barrels, J'ajc; cases, 4c; grease, 3'.4,c, "How to Car All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the race, nanus, nose, etc., leaving the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great neanng ana curative powers are dob sessed by no other remedy. Ask your aruggisi lor swayne s ointment. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD. VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CKNTH. THIB KUI..H AP PLIES TO BMAT.T. TOIT ADS.. FX. CEPT LOCAL 8tTUATION8, WHICH Altti I.HSCKIKO FrtEB. Hlp Wanted Mala. fVsA, HrANTED-N AO (NT IN EVERY 8E0 T lion toranvais: 14.00 to 15 00 a day mads: Mils st aight; alms mail to sell ktapls Uoods 10 aeaiers; nesi siae line ,.vuu a inonin: sai. ary or larss commission made; experienos niineceuary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing 10., cincinnau, u. YTANTKD AN EXPERT STEAM FITTER M to soliolt work and make estimates: a good opportunity to the right party. Addreu ni e.ai r 11 ilk, 1 riuun, oniee. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IS very town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., vv ANTED OIHL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply 613 Brack court. vv ANTED OIRL TO DO OE. ERAL bonsework: small famllv and wood wages; must have references. MKS, GEORGE BEKOH. 100 South Main ave. 1ITANTED LADY AOENT IN HCRAN. V ton to sell snd introduce Snyder's eaks Icing: exparleneed cauvasssr preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Writs for particulars st ones and get benefit of holiday trade, t. a. skiuek cu., Cincinnati, 0. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER- 1 getie saleswomen to rspresent na Guaranteed t a day without Intsrferingwith other duties. Healthful own pat Ion. writs for particulars, inclosing stamp, Mango Cliera losl Company. No, 72 John street. New York. agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO soli our new "Ideal Orator and Manual ot Elocntlon," embracing the Deisarte system of exprsaslon and physical enltnre. Illus trated; 40 photos from life. Hells at sight; uuerai Terms, jitiuress Dl CV1A ui I , DUO Matlou aa. 2, ruiiaaeipnut. I'a. A OENTH WANTED TO SELL CIOARS; A m. fid per nonin aaiary ana expenses paid. Address, with two-cant stamp, FIGARO CI- UAH I U LDIOBga AGENT8-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro piaiers: price rrom J upwsra; salary ana ex peaaes paid: out lit free. Address, with stamp, ontniuan jar ur v-w., vnicagu A GENTS TO 8ELL CIGARS TO DEALERS: V t2S waaklr snd extmasea: exnerlenos un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 48 v an isureo si., vuioago. CALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 25 per ewe commiasioa; sample oooa msneaires. aaaress 1 a. iu, button L, .ew lors. A T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO i sell new Hsbtnlne sail ns table cloth. mos qnito and house fly liquid st 10 cents and 25 cents a no tie. sample tree. BUL.uiA.NO a ru Co, Baltimore, aid. A GENT8 UINDE'ri PATENT UNIVEil- 1 V aal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "PyrFointd"Hair Pins. Lib, oral commissions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Aaoress r. J. Box its, Mew lork. eoeclal Masting of Stockholdera. BY DIRECTION OK THE BOARD OF Directors of the Seranton Glass Com pany there will be a special meeting of the atocsnoiaera or saiu c impany nolo at tne ot- nee ot tne company, s Lauaawanhs avenue In ,hut.ntUA,.n,M U, tV-hn,... 1.1.1. IH06. st 10 o'clock a. iu for tbe purpose of nuihnrizing tin- Board of Directors of said Company, and it. proper officer, to sell snd conv y the lots of real estate of tbe company, annate in ins city ot scraaton, ra., not en cumbered br mortiraacs hr the comnanv. and also a certain lot of land situate In ths city of irencon. . ami transact snrn oiner nasi sen aa may properly come before aaid meet ing. U. o. WAKKK.N, , Secretary. tsrranton. Pa.. Jan. II, 1HII6. For Sal. POB BALE SEW. MODERN ELEVEN 1 room house near Green iiidge at., 1615 Honaey ava., Greta Kldge; barxaiu. OWNER. I" 7OR BALEONE OF HEWnEST counlrr nlaces near Seranton: laree modern nous' and nne grounds. Mlis. 1IABY AVLE8WORTH. Clarks Green, Pa. FOR SALE Z POOL TABLES, t BILLIARD taldes and one combination tutd,! Alan bargains in new and second hand clntfcs and balls Just now. J. B. VAN KLECK, West minster root noom. For Rent. yOR REST TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL Washburn at. POR RENT-ONE MX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE a- m auii'iiiej u n(iellis etVtt. fj'OR RENT NICKui FURNISHED HALL ' ani 1. tl!a t.. LJm ,nim. Trill VT 1 C u MTS, 110 Wyoming ovenua. IOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY A' occupied bv Ths Seranton Trili ne.known as the Hlisser Buildinr. corner of Spruce St. and 1 enn are. Potsnasina civen immediately. The premi es consist of the bi tiding in the rraroi ine ouuaing on tne corner ol spruce street and Penu venue, together with ths Lavement, and also the entire fourth floor of tbe corner bniidiug. Can Us rented for Lodge purposes as well as putnc meeting. Sizes of hall. Slj 1(10 with a s-cond ball on same floor. 22x55. For tiartlrnlara innnlM am the premisea f RudolDh Blaaaar. nr h. oflice of The Kcranton Tribune. Wanted To Rent WANTED A FLAT OR SUITE OK rooms, furnished or Bnfnrnlsharf mi. venieat to postoffice; stats terms. Address V- T., Tribune office. . WANTED SINGLE ROUSE OR 4JOT tagis. with vard and a-ardan. within near city limit; st.te terms, etc Address FRENCH. Tribune office. ress rectal Notices. "THE SOLDIER IN OUB CIVIL WAR. i want ini reuc contains all of Vvatal. T -.11-1. , - ... T mum nmum lauiuun UlU MT X-Ctarea.BOOW ing the tores In sctnal battle, sketoaed on the spot. Two volnsass, 2,600 pictures, Hold on easy monthly parmenU Delirersd by ex rreas foilete. all ehargss prepaid. Address P. a MOODY. 02. Adams Ave., Seranton, Pa T1LANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA- II Htlaasm B.TJS knit A nS aw.k...J m. ftriaa Tmn IT MM affiim On irk tvnrsr Raaavwaku prfcm 01 CENT 0iminlIIJj7 Cotton Novy open for inspection. The line comprises Dimities in various grades, Ddcbess Jaconets, Percales and Cambrics, Rejane Dimity, Zephyr D, etc., Printed Marsalia, . Tdll? Chatelaine, Cbantilly Lac? Gatiz?, Plttmefis, Lappets, French Organdies, etc. Mere words cannot describe the wonderful beauty of our line this season. . The senses of seeing and feeling alone can do them justice. ? CONNOLLY & Sltuatlona Wantatt SITtJATION WANTED BY AN EXPERt enosd man as salasmaa, beokkaepsr or shipping eierk; best refereacsa; wholesale trade preferred. Address a. A. L., Tribune olflc. CI1UATION WANTED BV A BOY It k .years ot age. willing to Isara aay kind of trad. A'tdrtas 16 Mton are. sr ITUATION WAXTED-BY A YOCNO man 19 rears ol m wllline to learn a trad or ntak himself usefal about a shop or wlioksal stor; must bar work of sons ama. Address la 8ton are. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO man wbo has had van years' xprine as bookkmper, oashler and saleauan oa in roaa witn on or tn largest wholesal gro cery, drug aad liquor houses in New York siat; oat ot rrnns. MAtHlWIi Hill' RYMOKK, Tribune offlc. . , SITUATION WANTED TAKING CARE of horses or driving: good at most any kind of work. CHARLkY KNOWLES, luk opruo st. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man; will do anv kind of work; stor wors prrrra, Addrasa btor, reekvllU, r., r. u. box aid. rOVSQ MAN WIBHRR A WOHITinW Afl 1 bookkeeper or elerking: Is willing to do BurtBiHgi oun wiv9 rooa rrancs ir acs- ssry. Aaaress n. u. u., Tnoun omc. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNO HAN If years of ag as assistant steward, tl re man or any kind ot work. Address J. J. Y iriuuo omc. CITUATION WANTED AS COACHMAN or general naeful man around house. Ad. dress JAMES AUSTIN. 323 Cntr st CITUATION WANTED BY PRACTICAL L? olntur friima ininar ad mat tti&lrAP thoroughly conversant with detail of the art trade: ranaoie. Aaaress ricruaic Tribune omce. Monty to Loan. UO F(l ON STRAIGHT MORT gag D. B. REPLOQLE, Atty., l" Bprnce st Boardar Wantad. A'ANTED-A YOUNG GENTLEMAN T V boarder: Brood board and front fur. niahed room. (KM Pin st. Medical. A SURG CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to core MM out of aver 1.000: two aus win late tne worst case of lnnam itistory out ot bed. $2.00 pr pint bottle. Manufactured and sold hv MRS. DR. HAMILTON, a4g Northaaiptoa siren, wiiacs-oarre, ra. and for sal at 116 New Yark St., Uresa Ridge. SbKANIUPI, KA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists, DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. Office, 225 Washington avenue. C C. L.AUBACH. BURGEON DENTIST. No. 11a Wyoming avenue. & M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX. change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Woman, corner Wyoming avenue and "Spruce street, Bcranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, s a. m. to u. m. DR. O. EDOAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to eiB spruce street, ricranton, i'a. (just opposite court House Square.) wn V ft V Ana Tl T.1 X XT A 1,W 1 . . call Z0S2. lJis. or women, oostretrics ana and all ais. of can. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 112 North Washington avenue. AV. Mt 1 W & , f I1A1.1IVEI XJ, .... . J, n r T enev tb A rwiirj, T TUtTVTl diseases or tne uye, tsar, nose and Throat; office. 122 Wyoming av. Real. aence, va vine street. DR. L. M. GATES. 12S WASHINGTON avenue, omce nours, I to a. m., i.ag to I and 7 to p. ra. Kesidence ju Ataui son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at 603 Linden street. Jmc Hours i to p. m. DR. S. W. LAMEREAl'X. A SPECIAI 1st on chronic diseases or the neart. lunas. liver, kidney atnd genlto uri nary diseases, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos, 32 Adams avenue. Oflice hours. 1 to fi p. ni. Lawyers. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Ltw. Repuniican building, Washington avenue, Seran ton, Pa. JESSUP8 ft HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at uv, t:ommonweann building, Washington avenue. W. H. JE9SITP, HORACE K. HAND. W. II. JESSITp, JR. PATTERSON ft WTt,COX. ATTOTt- neys ann lounnniun l i.a w , uiuitcv and t Library building. Scrsnton. Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys ana i. ounseiiors, common wealth building. Rooms 1. 10 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT- Ijiw, Room a, t-oai i-.xcnange, seran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEV- at-Law, rooms sj, w ana is, vontmon wewlth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT. Law. omce, 311 opruce st ncrsnton. ra. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-TAW, 421 Lackawanna ave.. scran ton, fa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNKT-AT- Law, Dime itang Building, Bcrsnton, Money to loan In large suras at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT- law, commonweaiia ouuaing, seranton, Pa. H. C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT UW, w LttcKswtnns aivenue C. COMEOYS, 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. KEPLOGLB, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on rsai atai s aunty, tap Spruce street. . . B. F. KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW 120 WJ,0tn.'ns"hvs.. Seranton, Ja. J AS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNBT-AT- law, 4b Commonwealth bid g. Bcranton. JT, It, C. RANCK. 1M WYOMING AVE. OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT Or! Wash WALLACE, TRY US. 83.04 UCKA, AVE. C0& 1D1I1 Wire Sreens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611' LACKA wanna avanu, Seranton, Pa, ananufao. turar of Wlr 8crns. ,,, Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, , Rooms let, K and K Commonwealth puiioina. gcranton. E 1, Wir.Tnn ADnuTTDfa ,sim raar of C0 Washington avenue. ' HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, . 423 Sprue at. cor. Wash. av.. Seranton. BS2W11 MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Prio building, U Washington avsnu. Bcranton. , Schools. SCHOOL. Or THE LACKAWANNA. Seranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at r- . quest. Opens September t. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. naiilin ii. ISUILL.L. WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTEN TlH R.hMAl , 1 . . . rn 'mUl' m "mm, opens Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINOS AND Loan Association will loan you mony on eaaler farms and pay you batter oa Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callander. tlm Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CL-ARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurseryman; stor 1W Washington ave nue; green house, 1X0 North Main ave nue; aiora telepnon is. Hotels and Restaurants. THK ELK CAFE, US and 127 FRANK' 11a avenua. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIQLER, Proprietor. BCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. A W passenger depot. Conducted) on tli European plan, VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLB. Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR DailS, picnics, pm, rm.-eiri.una, - dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, ovr Hula-arts mnaln atnre MEQARGEK BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paier um, Warehouse, 130 Washington av., Seran ton, fa, FRANK P. BROWN ft CO, WHOLE- sale dealers in wooawsr. iwrua- -., Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawannaave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant ana auunor. iv . Williams Building, opposite postoMIc. Agent for the Rex Fire Eatlnaulsher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES lentriiat-.aiiruad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) inihm.ii coal used exclusively. Insur- i- ni..niiniii and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1895. Trains leave ai-ru-muii i i -niiun, vin,-Krre. etc at k.2l, 9.15. 11.30 a. m.. 1 "0 2 00 3.05. 6 W. 7.10 p. ni. Sundays, I.UO a'."tn., 100. 2-15. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic vu, .. hi. vr nw York. Newark and Kllzabeth. 8 20 (express) a. m.. 1.2V (express with Buf fet psrlor car), S.05 (express) p. m. Suu-- 9ia n m. Train leavlna 1.20 p. ni. arrives at Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, s.21 p. m. and New Vork 6.45 p. m. rur Maucn t-.niiim, aikiiiusm, dfiiii,. hem. Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. in.. I 20, 3.05, 5 00 (except 1'hlladelphiu) p. in. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Ilarrltburg, via Allen town, 8.20 a. tn 1.20, 5.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.1a p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Hsinrnlna. leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a- m.. 1.10, 1.30, t.80 (express with Bullet parlor car) p. ni. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday .27 Thrnusrh tickets to all points at lowest rates mav be had on application in ad vance to th ticket agent at the station. ii. r. -i-w i.x. Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OL.HAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE) AND ni,udiN RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, ty WT , Tr . an trains will at Vfl0 rr've at new Lacka m'B MM wanna avenua station fir r . ton ststlon for.Csrbondsle and Interme diate points at z.z. ;. . "S-T. """"' a. m., 12.00, 2.20, XK, 5.15, . 9.10 and 11.20 p. m. .. ' . -, . , For Farvlew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 9.25 and 1910 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 5.15 For Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 5.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For W'Hkes-Barre snd Intermediate rslnts at 7.4A. 9.45, 9. and 10.46 a. m., 12.05, S8. 4.00, 8.10, ., 8.16 and 11.39 p. m. Trains win rn m ,,.vh .iuun from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a. m , 12.00. 1.17, 1.34. 140, 4.64. & 5S. 7.45. 9.11 snd 11.93 p m. From Honesnaie, nirman anq rir vlw at S 24 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17. 3.40. 6.55 and 7.45 p. m. . From Montreal, Saratoga, Ainany, etc., at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. - !!!. I1.k ,.i Inla.n, I . f niUI V, '-- c m t,,u ....ciiiimi.t. ...- . a, in m t- , , pnDll at . .v.iiw ." -. mtt .xm 114, fc39. 5.10, 9.W. 1 and 11.1C p. m. Fabrics 1L?B OPHOLSTER FDRHITDRE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hiie 0?er Mattresses, , Make aDd Repair Spriaft Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Hattrcssea. Nov. 17. 1896. Train leaves Seranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.4S a. m.. 11.05, 1.20, 2 and 11.38 p. m., via D., U ft W. R. R 8.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m and 13 p. ni. i Leave Bcranton for Pittston snd Wilkes. Barre, via D., L. ft W. R. K., 6.00, 8.09, 11.28 a, m., 3.40. 6.07. 8.52 p. m. . Leave Seranton For White Haven, Ha. sleton, Pottnvllle and all points on th ,.eY.rMelo'r snd Pottsvllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R 6.39 a. m., via D. ft H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05. 1.20, 2.38. 4.00 p. m., via D.. L. ft W. R. R. 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m.. 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Seranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and ali Intermedial points, via D. ft H. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12.06, I. 20. 3.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D U ft W. R. R.. 6.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m.. 1 30 p. m Leav Seranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Klnilra, Ithaca. Oeneva and all Intermediate points via D ft H. R. R.. 8 45 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D L. ft V. R. R., 8.08, 9.56 a m.. 1.30 p. m. Leave Seranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west via D ft H. R. H.. 8.45 a. tn., 12.05. 9.15, 11.88 p. m.. via Ti., L. ft W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, S.O.. 9.55 n. m., 1.30, 8.50 p. m., via E. ft W. V. R. R., 8.41 p. m. For Klmlra and the wait vis Salamanca, via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05. 8.06 p. ni.. Via D.. L. ft W. R. R., 8.US, 9.65 a tn., 1.30. and 6.07 p. ni. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. ft B. Junction or Wilkes-Barrw and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspen-ton Bridge. , . ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt. CIIAS. 8. LEE. Oen. Pass. Aft., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHKR. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and "Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 189S. Trains leave Seranton as follows: Ex- fress for New York snd all points East. 40. 2.60, 5.16, 8.00 and 9.65 a. ni.; 12.56 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton, Phlladel. phia and the South, 6.15. 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.. 12.55 and 8 34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, Kl. mlrs. Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections st Buffalo to all points In th West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 at. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m, Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, 6.05 P- m. y Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, mica and Richfield Brings, 2.35 a. m. ami 1.24 p. m. i Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland. Pittston. Wilkes-. Barre, Plymouth, Bioomsburg and Dan. ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate ata. tlons, 6.00. 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. ni. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and S.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oil all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket ollice. Erie and Wyoming Valley. ' Trains leave Seranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.U0 a. tn. and 3.29 p. ni. Also for lluneadale. llawley and local Dollit at 7.U0, 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. , All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barr at 13) a. m. and 3.1!) p. ni. KCKAIVTON D9 VISION. In Effect Septensbaa- 93ad, IMS rtk anaa. Mta C03 toi Station 4 a. ? 2 fi'TrslDS Dallr. KsJ ill eeDtundaT. a. ArrlTM T .. 7S5 N. Y. Franklin ii T 10, West 4tnd ntreau 70M Weehawken r alArrtve Leavel l lSjBaacosk JuncUonT I0M Hjmui. 18 !M 19 al 19 401 Starlight Preston park Como Poyntella eltnonC Pleasant MtL Unlondalej Forset City Carboodaie White Brldff Maylield Jermya Archibald WlBtOB PeokTlD Olrpnan Dleksoa Throop pronden park Maaa auvantoa hil. It (3 III5M 111 mii all 4nia6 41U99 Mil lJ S-flllll (Kill 111 7W' MM uii or aril oa 18 11 03 lSdl on 789, 4 04 7 84 4 0 78 41W a a i-l IS.flOBTj 74114 171 lonosof 'a a 748 48H a Lear Arrive is ar All train run dally except Paaday. t slgoules that trains stop oa signal for wager. Secure rates via Ontario a Western berara wrchsslag tickets aad sava naoasy. Day aaa aiagt iprea vo to sea. J n intaM. Sae-Paaa sea. . mtoroft, Dir. Ptss, Aft,. SraiuaT ,., 7 40j mi .... 785 .... .... 810 .... ...J m, .... 9 'I -J .... 9 99 ..m2 .... 831 ..J .... 9 41 ...J 9 0S mm 9 68 ..mm Sm "5 .... 6 08 ,.,J I M III ,.J 704 884 ..J t7 f8 .ITj 71818 48 ,.mt 7I41I4B .. imtn ..13 TffXl SM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers