mm I- the; only republican daily; in lackavvanna: county. EIGHT PAG7C56 COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 189H. TWO CENTS A COPY. . Y :: They're New and Correct IN CUT, FABRIC . AHB STYLE -. . And they'll be much worn during the early Spring. Separate Dress Skirts Hnv come to stay for a season at leant, and as usual, we're just a little ahead of the procession, and show now what others will ask you to look at a little later on. Consult any authority on current fashion, and they'll tell you that the Spring and Summer of '9C will be the great est separate Skirt .and Waist sea son on record. Where one was sold last year three will be sold this year - y No, no, It Isn't a bit too early for buying. These skirts are just the right weight for the cold weather of early Spring; in fact, we had them mad up especially for pres ent wear, believing that many of our lady patrons will welcome them as timely and appropriate flrst-of-the-season garments. Their Cost Is Moderate All of these Skirts are from five to sis yards wide. They are lined throughout and finished In the best possible manner. The higher grades have the new and popular 'Rustle" Linings so much In demand, and will be found worthy the attention of the very best trade. . Fancy Mohair Skirts $1.49 Figured Crepon Skirts 2.50 7de Wale Diagonal Skirts 8.T3 L.w Mohair Skirts 6.00 Vufted Cheviot Skirts 0.00 Tufted Cheviot Skirts, extra heavy. $6.50 611k and Mohair Skirts (feather weight) I8.S0 Finest New Crepon Skirts; $9.50 ; Novelties in figure and stripe effects. These give but a hint at what to ex pect, but there's lots more to select from- Of Comrse We've got the Waists as well. WAREHOUSE DAMAGES FR0;,1 THE FL000 Hi-id ges and Buildings Are Destroyed t Strouasburg. RESIDENTS RESCUED IX BOATS Traffic oa the D-. L. 4 W. Is Delayed by a Washout at llridgevllls An Iran Bridge oa the Wilkes-Barrs and Easter Qmi Down. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Stroudsiburg, Feb. 6. The heavy rains that have prevailed here have caused considerable damage and still greater destruction Is fenred.The Iron bridge on the line of the New York, Susquchunna and Western railroad hus been washed away. A number of outbuildings and sheds of the Strouds burg woolen mill have been destroyed and damaged, and gangs are busily em ployed hauling wool from a large build ing whtch Is in danger and which has about $40,000 worth of material In it. The upper and lower ends of the town are flooded and several families were rescued from their homes In boats, the streets being raging torrents. The creeks are still rising and the iron foot bridge Is guarded by police who allow no one to cighs, as It is unsafe. A washout at BrldKevllle on the line of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad, delayed traffic on that line for about seven hours, and a landslide at Forge cut. a few miles be low here, caused considerable damage. It Is still raining heavily and the water from the Pocono mountains has not yet arrived, but when the water reaches here no doubt the damage will be ex ceedingly great. An Iron bridge on the Wilkes-Burre and Eastern railroad, about two miles above here, was partially washed away, about thirty feet disappearing In the raging: torrent. Traffic will be delayed on this line Indefinitely. M. K. S. FLOOD AT IIAWLEY. The Uottle and Stopper Works Threatened-Livery Stable Moistened. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hawley, Pa., Feb. 6. The ice In the Middle creek and I.ackawaxen river came down this afternoon and dammed up in the eddy at this place. It was thought at one time that the plant of the bottle stopper works, owned by Langan Bros., was In great danger. At Blalsden's livery stable it was necessary to move out the wagons, horses and other stock in the barns, owing to the high water. About 5 o'clock In the afternoon the Ice gave way and passed out quietly and no great damage resulted. A. II. V. ON LEH1UII AND J I'M ATA. Great Darasie to Property at, Allentown and Elsewhere. Bethlehem, Pa., Feb. 6. Monocary creek has overflowed Its banks from the slate regions to Its outlet 'here and wrought damage which cannot be esti mated tonight. The wires are down and all communication with the slate regions Is cut off and a report that there was a cloud burst at Wind Gap, twenty miles from here, cannot be verified. The tracks of the Lehigh and Lackawanna railroad parallel the creek and have been washed at many places. Bridges here and at Baylors burg and Hath have been torn away. All t raffle has been at a standstill since 10 o'clock this morning. Here, where the creek empties into the Lehigh, Vineyard and Canal streets arc inun dated. I'pwards of 200 families have either deserted their homes or have taken refuge on the second floors. These thoroughfares were flooded in ten min utes and nothing could be saved from cellars or first Moors. The occupants are most nil of the ;oorest class and the loss will fall heavily on them. Bo far as is known no lives have been lost. After rising to the height of twelve feet above low water mark In four hours, and bucking water into Monoc acy creek, the Lehigh river began fall ing at o'clock tonight and put an end to all the fears and apprehensions of a further loss of property. Both streams have begun to fall at the rate of half a foot u" hour and no further damage Ih expected. The damage will amount to many thousands of dollars. At tsttnn and Allentown. Easton. Pa.. Feb. 6. Owing to the heavy rains the rivers In this vicinity are overflowing their banks and caus ing lots of damage. The Hushkill val ley is Inundated, .' and several dams have burst. 1. O. Mice's slaughter house at this place was washed away, carrying wlih t quantities of lard and smoked meats. At Hang this county, Martin's creek, which runs through the town, has risen and covered the bridges, cut ting off trnvel in the town. The bridges are expected to fall. Railroad traffic in the slate regions has been abandoned. Allentown, Pa.. Feb. 6, Rain and melting Ice and snow caused a Hood here today so sudden and strong as to do considerable damage. A large num lier of industries, including a wire mill, woolen mill, furniture factories, foun dries, paint mill, silk mill and bottling establishment, were compelled to shut down this afternoon on account of their basements and lower floors being flood ed. Some of the streets and trolley car routes are so deeply under water as to be useless. If the water rises much higher the city will be without electric lights and power for the trolley cars. In one foundry all the moulds made for the afternoon's casting were destroyed. The Lehigh - river was rising this evening nt the rate of a foot an hour, and, as rain Is still falling and much Ice coming down stream, the worst Is not yet over. Along the Janlats. Newport, Perry County. Pa., Feb. 6. It has rained heavily for twelve hours. The Juniata river Is twelve feet above low water mark and Is ris ing at the rate of a foot an hour. Cel lars that have had nu water In them since the flood -of 1889 are now inun dated. . The trestle under the Iron bridge, at Second, street, across Buffalo creek, has been carried away. N SKUYLKILL OVERFLOWED. Storm at Phllad.tphla-Th. B. O. Station lronsd Out. Philadelphia, Feb. . The cyclonic wind and accompanying rain storm which struck thin .section today, left Its mark behind It In Philadelphia In the shape of swollen streams and dis mantled buildings. With the twenty four hours ending at. 8 o'clock tonight, 3.68 Inches of rain fell In Philadelphia, and at one time the barometer sank to 28.66, the lowest ever recorded by the weather bureau In this city. The greatest velocity by the wind was forty miles an hour. The Delaware river overflowed Its banks and the river front streets In both this city and Cam den, N. J., were submerged, and much damage was done to property and warehouses along the river front The Schuylkill river also overflowed Its banks and In Falrmount Park the river front drives were badly washed out in many places and two bridges spanning small streams were carried away. The station of the Baltimore , and Ohio railroad, fronting on the Schuyl kill river, was drowned out, as It has been before, by four feet of water over its tracks, and train service from the station was abandoned. The company sent its trains south over the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad. - ST. PAIL INVESTIGATION. Testimony Is Taken Retarding the Grounding of the Big Ltnsr oa the Beash at Long Branch. New York. Feb. 6. The investiga tion as to the cause of the running ashore of the steamship St. Paul was commenced today. Captain Jamison testified that he had commanded At lantic steamships for several years and had never met with a serious accident before. He described the last trip of the St. Paul from the time she left Southampton on January 18 until she at l anded on the New Jersey coast, at 1.47 o'clock on the morning of January 2S. "The StPnul and theCampanla,"Cap talu Jamison stated, "were In view of each other until 8.20 on the night of January 24; when the fog settled down. The vessels separated then and after that he did not hear the Campania's steam whistle. The polar star observa tion taken at 6.'.' o'clock on that even ing was satisfactory. At midnight, January 24. Captain Jamison figured that the St. Paul was about thirty-five miles east of Sandy Hook. At that time he was on the bridge and the crew at their posts. There were special watchers at the bow and a lookout In the "crow's nest." No effort was made to signal for a pilot. At midnight deep sea sounding was mude and twenty four fathoms of water reported.- At that time the St. Paul was In the neighborhood of Fire Islund and about twenty minutes later the vessel's speed was reduced from sixteen to six and one half knots an hour, her course being set west.. The St. Paul was stopped and sounding, by hand line taken at 12.45 a. m., January 25. A soft bottom and twenty-two fathoms, of water were reported. Cuptain Jamison, according to his reckoning, expected to find a sandy botton and sixteen fathoms of water at this point and he then be came aware that he was ahead of his course fifteen or sixteen miles and that Instead of being off the shore of Long Island he was approaching the High lands of Naveslnk. The course was changed three minutes later to suit the new position and the vessel's speed was still further checked. A stop was made and soundings taken 1.14 a. m., and seventeen fathoms were reported. Captain Jamison said he prepared to drop anchor when 14 fathoms was called, and the vessel was sent ahead slowly for a mile and a half. Then an other stop was made at 1.37 a. m. and soundings taken. Seventeen fathoms were again reported and, as the tide was at that time high, 18 fathoms were recorded in the log book. The captain concluding thuUhe was six or seven miles from the shore of the Highlands decided to go still further In. He pro ceeded to do so and at 1.47 the St. Paul struck. Then he discovered that the vessel was off the iron pier at Long Branch, eight, or nine miles south of where he had believed her to be. reck oning the change of position at mid night to have been correct. He had thought after midnight that the 22 fathoms of water found was at the In shore end of the muddy channel, but as It turned out it must have been the off shore end. The passengers were sleeping, the captain said, when the St. Paul struck and there was no confusion. They thought the vessel was In port when they were awakened. Captain Jamison was questioned re garding the electrical appliances on the vessel, his opinion of the patent lug and the apparatus for taking soundings while proceeding at a rapid speed. He stated that ho had always found them to be correct but said that sea weed was liable to Interfere with their work ings. Observations of several stars were usually taken, but when the re ports varied he did not take them Into consideration. The twilight observa tions of the polar star on January 24 were borne out by observations of other stars. This was 115 miles to the east of where the St. Paul struck. This closed the hearing for the day, and It will not be resumed, probably, until the return of the other members of the shin's crew, who are now mak ing a trip on the steamship St. Louis. WRECKERS CEASE WORK. The Storm Is a Setback for ths Grounded l.aroington. Patchogue, Fob. 6. The two-masted British steamer, lamlngton, which went ashore during the fog on Tuesday night on the outer bur off this village, was still aground today. The wreckers on account of the storm, ceased their efforts. The storm Is from the wrong direction to float the vessel. Her car go of fruit has not been removed. She Is refKirted to be In sever) feet of sand. She lies about 173 yards from shore. The captain and crew of the Vessel are still near her. RUNAWAY LADS HOMESICK. Didn't Oct Out of Wisconsin on Their Hunt for "Apache Kid." Oconomowoe. Wis., Feb. 6. Fred So lle and Otto Behrend. two of the trio of Oconomowoe lads who started last Sat urday for the wild west, armed with revolvers and 40, to capture "Apache Kid." of Arizona, and thereby earn a reward of $10,000. are reported by the authorities of Burlington. Wis., - as being in that city today, penniless and homesick. They are each aged 14. TRANSVAAL INVASION. Beginning of the Trisls of the Distorters of Peace st Johannesburg. Johannesburg, Feb. 6. The trial of the members of the reform committee began yesterday with the formal evi dence of the mining commissioner. He testified that the men held the town with the avowed Intention of op posing the government of the Trans vaal. Qnnv for President. Media, Pa., Feb. 6. Thomas V. Cooper, ex-collector of the Philadelphia port, ex state chairman and ex-senator, came out today In an article In his newspaper, the American, for I'nlted States Senator Quay for president. STATE SNAP SHOTS. Charles S. Snyder, a merchant at Oley Llney, Berks county,, hanged himself. While chopping wood at Indlnntown Oap, Cambria county, Lincoln Fitting saw a big wildcat. Luserne had 102 prisoners In the East ern penitentiary In M9T, and they cost the county S4.OU0. The rope with which John Brown, of Bangor, hanged himself in . Easton jail broke, thus saving his life. BOND BILUND COINAGE Chief Topics for Talk la the Senite nd Hoase. RESOLUTION PR0N NR. MORGAN Scheme to tieeure Recognition for Silver la Foreign Leads-Turpi F.ton Election of Senators by Di rect Vote ef the People. Washington, Feb. 6. The matter of greatest public concern in connection with the proceedings of the senate, when It met today was the disposition to be made of the resolution offered by Mr. Quay, (Hep., Pa.), last Tuesday to recommit the house tariff bill, with the free coinage substitute, to the finance committee with instructions to report them back as separate proposi tions. The resolution came up after the routine morning business and was modified by Mr. Quay by striking out the phrase as to Instructions and In serting in lieu of it the words "for further consideration." Mr. Quay also, in order to accommo date senators who desired to proceed with other business, proposed that the resolution He over Monday next after the morning business. Mr. Sherman, (Hep.. O.), could not see the necessity of delay, and proposed Immediate ac tion upon It, but an objection was In terposed by Mr. Hill. (Idem., N. Y ). and Mr. Quay's proposition was agreed to the resolution going over till Mon day next. Mr. Morgan's Resolution. Later on In the day Mr. Morgan, (Dem.. Ala.), gave notice of an am Vd ment to the resolution, the point of which is that countries which will by law make United States silver full legal tender money in payment of customs and of goods imported to this country, shall have a deduction of 10 per cent, allowed In United States cus tom duties on such goods if Imported In United States vessels' or In vessels belonging to that country. Resolutions of Inquiry were offered and agreed to In relation to .the bond bids opened yesterday at the treasury and In relation to discrimination against American cattle meat and oth er agricultural products by the gov ernments of Germany, France. Bel glum and Denmark. A Bpeech was made by Mr. Turple. Dem., Ind.). In favor of a constitutional amendment to have United States senators elected directly by the people of the several states. ... , The remainder of the day s session was given to the consideration of the resolution offered by Mr. Dubois, (Rep., Idu ), for the distribution of the general appropriation bills. The matter went over without final action. Coinage Talk in the House. Today's session of the house was de voted exclusively to the further con sideration of the bond bill and the sen ate's free coinage substitute therefor. The features of the day's proceedings were the arguments of Mr. Johnson (Rep., N. D.) against free coinage and by Mr. Johnson (Hep.. Cal.) In favor of It. Entirely unlike 4n manner TSbth htld the undivided attention of the house for an hour on each side of the ques tion of free coinage of silver. In the course of the California member's speech there was a manifestation of the feeling between the factions of the party, Mr. Johnson remarking with much emphasis that If there was to be war, speaking for one of them, the silver Republicans were ready at any time. The debate In favor of the senate substitute was opposed by Mr. Wheeler of Alabama, a member of the commit tee on ways and means who replied to Mr. Dingley's speech of yesterday. He asserted that every allegation of Mr. Dingley's upon which he based his ar gument for the gold standard was fala clous and unsupported by facts. He took each statement of Mr. Dingley's in. detail and made, a plausible argu ment in favor of silver coinage. Other sneakers were C. W. Stone (Rep., Pa.) Settle (Rep., N. C.) and Brewster (Rep., N. Y.) against free coinage and McRae (Dem., Ark.) in favor of it. At 5 o'clock the house took a recess until 7.20 p. m. and will meet again at lO.JOtomorrow morning In continuation of today's legislative session to con tinue the debate on the bill. It was the understanding when the house sep arated this afternoon that general de bate would continue throughout the rest of the week and next Monday and that the five-minute rule should pre vail. BOND BUYERS. Assistant Sseretsry Hopes to Announce Bidders Today. Washington, Feb. 6. By working day and night with expert accountants. Assistant Secretary Curtis hopes to be able to announce tomorrow the names of those who were the successful bid ders at the bond opening on Wednes day. The treasury has already In hand ready for delivery $40,000,000 registered bonds and $22,000,000 coupon bunds. Bonds of the latter character, princi pally of $1,000 denominations are be ing printed and delivered at the treas ury at the lute of $2,000,000 a day. HOLD NO POLITICAL OFFICES. Women. However, Conduct Most of Port Austin's Business Port Austin. Mich., Feb. 6. Port Aus tin comes forward w.'th the claim of being the champion new woman town of the state. Miss Nellie Curtrlght is cashier and manager of Horace O. Snover's bank, while Miss Laura Adam son holds an equally responsible posi tion in the Hall bank. Then there's M. M. Buttars. who runs the famous summer resort hotel and a store at the same time. Maud Kelly practically runs the post office, as assistant postmistress. The Ryan house Is under the management of Miss Maggie Ryan. Dr. Sarah A. Cole practices medicine. There Is hard ly a firm in town which does not em ploy a woman bookkeeper. As yet the political offices are In the hands of nien' - ' LOYAL TO THE QUEEN. But Csssdlans Will Be Glsd to Maintain Peace with I nolo Sam. Ottawa, Qnt., Feb. C The Dominion parliament today adopted a resolution Introduced by Mr. McNeil, assuring Oreut Britain of Canada's unalterable loyalty to her majesty's government, and declaring that should occasion arise no more substantial sacrifices would be made by any other colony than Canada In defense of the empire. The' resolution closes by reiterating the desire of the people of Canada to maintain friendly relations with the United States. In speaking of his motion Mr. Mc Neil said that In the United States the idea appears to prevail that the people of Canada are only desirous of seising the first opportunity to change their al legiance from the crown of England to the republic of the United States. let this respect the views of the Canadian people were entirely misapprehended.- All Canada wanted was to be let alone, but in event of emergency she had at her back an army and navy that was the admiration of the world It would be culpable negligence on the part of Canada to Ignore the fact that there Is a rowdy and irresponsible ele ment In the United States which might give Canada trouble. Mr. Davles said that as regards the United States It became Canadians s to deport themselves that there should be no Just ground for complaint given the neighbors to the south that peace and friendly relations might be main tained. Sir Richard Cartwrlght pointed out n,at under a very slight pretext the friendly relations between tireat Brit ain and the United States may have stood In serious dunger had the recent message of President Cleveland been received In England as It was delivered. The most satisfactory result of Presi dent Cleveland's message was that it was likely to pave the way to a per manent peace footing. Canada at the present moment was one of the weakest spots in the British empire, and for that reason too much consideration could not be given to the continuance of the friendly relations between Canada and the United States. READY FOR THE FIGHT. The Feature May Be Palled Off Bo f ore the President Uss Time to Sign the Bill. Kl Paso Tex., Feb. fl.-The action of congress In passing Delegate Cntron's 1)111 preventing prize fighting In the territories, hus somewhat dampened the ardor of those connected with the enterprise, yet it is probable the star feature of the carnival will be pulled off tomorrow morning before President Cleveland affixes his signature to the measure. That the nassage of the bill by the house had struck consternation to the managers of the carnival was apparent this morning, when contrac tors for the platform were rushing around hunting carpenters to complete their part of the work. It was soon learned that It had been decided to pull off the Maher-Fltzsimmons fight tomorrow morning before the president signs the bill, If it should pass the sen ate. Julian and Stuart held a pro tracted consultation at which Fltzslm mons was an attentive listener. Muher was telephoned at Las Gruces. and ev erything to be agreed upon, but when word came that the senate had taken the expected action and passed the bill promptly. It, seemed to dampen their ardor. It appeared to the outsiders that Malier had become frightened lest the president should sign the bill and It become a law so early tomorrow as to make the fighters subject to penalty. The Irish fighter has not yet come In. Everything Isactlvity tonlghtand while Stuart is riving out that the pro gramme will be carried out ns adver tised, it Is plain that he Is not sure of his ground and that he believes the bill passed by congress cuts off the only sure locality where the fight could be pulled off and the participants es cape with a light fine. It is reported that favorable telegrams were received from Mexico this afternoon, but those opposing the fight are confidant of their ground that the battle never will take place oh' Mexican soil. It is reported tonight that Fitzsinimons - has been notified that he could not train longer In Mexico. The report comes from re liable sources, and it is thought the Australian will have to hunt new quar ters if further training Is necessnry. A prominent sporting man was heard tonight to say he believes the whole thing was off. Word was received from Las Cruces tonight would indi cate that Maher ls perfectly quiet. DEFENSE SATISFIED. Introduces Me F.vldence In the Trials of Pittsburg Officials. Pltst'.'rg, Feb. B. The trial of ex City Attorney W. C. Moreland and W. H. House, his assistant, for jointly con tracting with the Tradesmen's Na tional bank to receive interest on pub lic funds, and receiving it, was con cluded before Judge E. H. Stowe today with the exception of the charge of the court. This will be delivered tomorrow morning and a verdict may be expected shortly after. Cashier Wardrop, of the Tradesmen's bank, from whom so much was ex pected, was able to produce only three checks which had passed through his hands In payment of interest on W. C. Moreland's account. The prosecution did not fully estab lish th existence of a contract to pay Interest to the ex-city attorney on money deposited. This point Is believed most vital to the prosecution, notwith standing evidence was submitted es tablishing the fact of thirteen different payments of In rest on Morclnnd's de posits between December 31, 1S91, and December 28, 1X94. Three per cent, was paid on the balances, the payments ranging from $300 to $000. The defense, evidently satisfied with the situation. Introduced no evidence. DREAM OF GOLDEN DAYS. v - Povern -Stricken Pegga Expect to Be Wealthy in the Year of 1897. Niles, Mich.. Feb. 6. Aloy and Riley H. Pegg, living at Colons, are Indulg ing In u golden dream, which they are confident will soon materialize. In 1897. upon the expiration of a ninety-nine-year lease, they expect to come Into nossesison of a large portion of $6(1.000.000 worth of property located In the heart of the city of Philadelphia. The tenants have advertised for the heirs, now scattered all over the United States, with a view to bringing about a renewal of the lease or purchase of the valuuble property. The Pegg fam ilies are on the verge of poverty, but have steadfastly refused many tempt ing offers of capitalists to part with their claims. LEDGE OF VIRGIN GOLD. tacky Discovert of a Hungry Man Look ing fore Mesl. Butte. Mont., Feb. 6. A rich' gold discovery Is reported from Flint Creek, in the Georgetown district. Nine weeks ngo Sam Snyder, a destitute and hun gry Butte prospector, trailed a deer over the hills, and accidentally discov ered u fabulously rich ledge, which he has been working since alone and In secret. He came to town a few days ago with thousands of dollurs' worth of gold, and the reports of men who have since inspected the property say that Snyder has $1,000,000 in sight, al though his prospect hole is only about ten feet deep. The vein Is only eight Inches wide so far as developed, but is yellow with virgin gold. The report has caused a stampede Into the new district. Losses by Fire. Philadelphia, Feb. 6. It was discovered today that the loss to the UvptlFt Publi cation society, by reason ot Sunday's tire, Is nt least J1M.0UO greater than was at tlrst supposed, by reatfon of the Iohh or about 20.000 engravings and thousands of steel plates and wood cuts which were found today In one of the vaults ruined by water. KMn Murder Trial. West Chester. Pa., Feb. 6.-The Jury In the Elvln murder ruse retired ut 1 o'clock this afternoon. Judge Waddell's charge was short and was against a verdict of murder In the first dtgree. . THIRT Y-SIHIEN DROWNED Terrible Pate of Lot of Bridge Builders at Bristol. SINK IN THE PEQUATICK RIVER While Repairing a Weak Struetur the Bridge Gives Way Narrow Escape af a Passenger Traia oa the New England Mosd. Hartford, Conn.. Feb. 6. This even ing a passenger train on the New Eng land road had a narrow escae from wreck on the bridge between Bristol and Forestville, twenty miles west of here. The bridge began to sink but the train was pulled across. A wreck ing party was then sent out and began to build a new bridge. About 9 o'clock tonight When the men were at work the whole thing went away. Between thirty and forty workmen went down into the Pequatuck river and thirty-six were drowned. Wreck ing train from Hartford left here at 10.30 for the scene of the disaster. GREAT LOCOMOTIVE. First Eleetrie Motor Tamed Oat by the Baldwin Works. Pittsburg. Pa.. Feb. 6. The first electric locomotive built on the West inghouse system at the Baldwin Loco motive works. Philadelphia, arrived here today. This is the first product resulting from the coalition of Wcst inghouse and Baldwin Interests, and ia of a type that Ib expected to work a. revolution In railway travel. It will be used for heavy hauling in the yards at East Pittsburg. It Is the slse of a common box car, being $0 feet long. It Is built entirely of steel, and Is mounted upon eight wheels, 42 Inches in diameter. It will be geared for 800 horse power, but can be made to pull 1,600 horse power. At the former power the new locomotive can draw a loaded freight train forty miles an hour, and at the latter power eighty miles. It Is operated by one man, in a way similar to the common trolley. Either an overhead or under ground wire can be used. The cost is equal to that of a steam locomotive, and the weight of this first one is sixty tons. CONFESSES MANY CRIMES. Giles Says lie Is Sane and Asks to Have Uesth Penalty Inflicted. Lincoln, 111., Feb. 6. In the circuit court Monday afternoon counsel for John L. Giles, convicted Friday for the murder of Lewis McAfee and .given seventeen years in the penitentiary, in termed the court that on Saturday morning the convicted man had con fessed' that he had killed McAfee In a revelation from the Creator. In the afternoon, following his confession to the court, his sentence and the notice of the judge that a death verdict would not have been set aside, Giles asked to be hung. He admitted that he had robbed wherever he traveled to satisfy his wants, and had contemplated the kill ing of other farmers In the vicinity of this place. He claims to be sane now and all the time, except Imbued with the spirit of his mission to change the conditions of society. REFUSES PAY FOR CURE. Chrlstisn Hosiers Agltsted Over the Con duct of a Dakota Farmer. Elk Point. S. D.. Feb. 6. The Chris tian Science colony at Elk Point is en gaged In a curious quarrel concerning the right of their healers to demand compensation for alleged cures. J. B. Schreyer, over whose case the difficulty arose, a farmer north of town. Is not a believer In the doctrlnn, but his wife, when he fell sick with fever, arranged with a neighboring Christian healer to give him treatment without his know ledge, the doctor requiring no faith on the part of the patient. Strange to relate the farmer ' recov ered, and, though a physician had at tended Schreyer, the Christian scien tist took full credit for the cure and presented a bill for his services. Schreyer refused to settle, and the healer threatened to take the matter Into the courts. The affair is the sen sation of the little community. OPPOSED TO PROHIBITION. Supreme Court Justice Grant Convinsed It Hoes Not Prohibit. Lansing, Mich., Feb. 6. Justice C. B. Giant, ot the supreme court, who has made frequent addresses through out the state on the enforcement of the laws, especially the liquor laws, took a firm stand against prohibition and local option in an address at St Paul's Episcopal church Sunday night. Ho urged the enforcement of existing laws, opposed prohibition on the ground that it engendered fraud, de ceit and bribery, and fails to accom plish the ends Its honest promoters wish it to. Justice Orant spent several weeks In Maine last summer, and while there became convinced from personal ob servation that prohibition docs not prohibit by a good deal. Prize Fighting Bill Passed. Washington, Feb. . The bill to prevent prize fighting in the territories, which wus pushed by the senate to-' (Without dlvslon, wus .that passr .ercUy by the house. It now Boes.fie president. FOREIGN GOSSIP. M. StollofT, the Hulgarlan prime min ister at 'ontaiillnoile. will have a confer ence' with the Sultan today and will re- uurtl the sultan to recognise prince ! tr. J as the ruler of Bulgaria. Justin McCarthy has written to the sec. retary of the Anti-Parnclllte party stat ing that the reasons which have led him to deride to resign the leadership are of a purely personal churacter. He will re tain his seat in parliament. BRIEFLY WIRED. Adjutant Martin Howe, of the Soldiers' nnd Sailors' Home, at Grand Islund, Mich., has been dismissed for mismanage. ment. B. D. Mills, of Lincoln. Neb.. Dresldent of the defunct State bank, of Republican City. Neb., has been arrested for em bezzlement. Judge Sueer. of the L'nlted States court. at Macon. Oa., has refused a new trial to Mrs. Nouml under sentence or death tor murdering her husband. The schooner Compeer has arrived at Ssu FrunKinco. with the crew of the Brit ish ship Nine v:ih. who were picked up at sea after deserting the ship, which was sinking. Brown Bros. & Co.. of New York, trens urers of I he National Armenian KiisV'f fund, announce the reiatlpt of tJ.4l.;!3 from Brown Kros. & Co.. of lioston. nnd Cl.524.11 from the same Arm in Philadelphia, which, together with olher contributions, make the total fund now $:!7,9!9,9ti. One hand that shook Sullivan's has taken to stealing. Henry Hesih, of Chi cago, a morphine fiend, yesterday conclud ed to steal something which he could con vert into moruhine. He snatched a nslr of opera glusses and was- arrested. An item in m memorandum book read: Tuesday, Dec. 10. 1695. Met John L. Sulli t John L. g him." van and shook hands with him. MIEI'S New Spring Goods We have now on sale the most elegant stock of Emlbroifeics and we have ever shown.' Our line of Wasl Mess Goods is up to date and com; prises Frcicl Organllcs, aid Sotdi aid IM Bimitlcs Royal Crcmy'l Stripes, Qiaitilly Lace Stripes. . Scotch Giigbams. with all overs and trim mings to match Persian tawis, and lull stock of White Goods. Staple 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Oar gOC School Shoes Our Winter Shoes must go. You need tbe Shoes; we need the room. LE WIS.REILLY & MVHES 114 AND 11 WTOUIKO AVX. WEICIEL THE JEWEIBI .WISHES BVERYBODX Happy New Great reductions in prices before taking inventory in ... . mi Silverware. 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. Shoemaker's Snhride. Pottstown. Feb. C Isac 11. Blelm. young man of this place, committed sul clde last night by putting two two bullet, through his heart. Ueceased was a shoe maker by trade, and was unmarried. He retired to his room at the usual hour, and when hlw brother came In he no ticed a light in Isaac's room. He entered ami found his brother lying dead on the floor. No Trial for "Hat.' Troy. N. T.. Feb. 6. A special dispatch from Schoharie to the Troy Press that Justice Mayham this afternoon rendered a tleclsiun denying tne application ter a new trial for Bartholomew Shwe.. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair and Cold er; brisk northwesterly wind.. i ill mrj r "w -r-r jn ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers