4 '- ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE "WTED NE SD AY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 185. - Pure and Baking mm Each ingredient is tested before compounding, and It must be found of the highest standard. The baking powder itself is tested. That's why each spoonful does perfect work. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGMNSIlT SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT THIS COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. YOUR LINEN LOOKS RIGHT - FEELS RIGHT WEARS RIGHT WHEN LAUNORIEO -AT- The Lackawanna. When Looking Do Not Fail to See Our Fall Styles. ' I27 WYOMING AVENUE N. B. Prices Guaranteed. CITY AUTO. The directors of St. Joseph's society will meet thin afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Bristol, of Haslacher's millinery tore, was in New York city yesterday. The Tri-County Christian Endeavor nnon will hold a convention In this city on Friday. Nov. . Workman will today fctgln to lay the concrete base for' the asphalt pave on the new Hoarlng Brook bridge. Dr. and Mrs. George B. Reynolds have returned from their wedding tour. They will reside at J05 North Main avenue. The Rev. Dr. Cole, of Philadelphia, will speak at the revival services In the Simp son Methodist Episcopal church this even ing. The contract with M. A. Donahoe for grading Fllmore avenue between Wash burn and Division street was yesterday executed by City Controller Wldmayer and Mayor conneu. Voder the official seal of their company the Edge Moor bridge DeoDle yesterday ac cepted the offer of Controller Wldmayer to take their flnal estimate, minus the cost or tne inspection. Thar will be a meeting of the flro de partment committee of common council tonight to take action on the petition for a fire company In the First ward. The committee will also pass on the (Ire limits ordinance. Warren & Knapp, attorneys for Ezra Finn ft sons, Drought action in assumpni In I'rothonotary Pryor's office yesterday against it. E. Hurley for 1813.82 for ma terial rurnisnea, interest irom uci, is, J93, Is included. Carl, the Interesting littlo son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holllster, of 221 Ash street, llr1 In at nleht after an Illness of six weeks. He was 6 years and 4 months of age. Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. John YankowskI, a Polander, entered W. Hrown's store In the Eighteenth ward Monday night and beat Mrs. Urown, the storekeeper's wife In an altercation over change. Aiierman Miliar mai mif-nt ieia him In $600 ball to answer at court. On Thursday evening. Nov. 21, the mem bers of Company A of the Thirteenth regi ment will elect a successor to First Lieu tenant Cox. On the following evening Company C will select a captain to suoceed H. H. Cnase, wno nsa rraigneu nis cum mand. . ,. -.-., . Th afreet's and bridges committee of se lect council wlH on Thursday afternoon So to the South Bide to look into the ad ihilttv f Discing an Iron fence on the Cedar avenue bridge retaining wall and to consult with ths officials of the Delaware and Hudson company regarding the re moval of the depot platform at Cherry street. Un-rne ileanaes were yesterday grant ed to Patrick Nalty and Bridget A. Burke, Koran ton; pardon B. atone and Louise K. Tyler, Waverlyi Frank gauschmolr and Jessie l rwiDie. rvinui III -L , - , , , ' flcranton, and Bridget Devers, Archbald; Walter Kofgnsky and RosaUa Lutka, Scranton; Lafayette Snyder and Llxsle Woodward, Jermyn; Anthony Dsewlont- howskl and Lauraetta eewnisney, rcn. vaia; usniei n.isnuiowi aim j Archbald; Burton Rutan, WAymart, and Matilda Kooney, caroonaaie. - Notions. Not much, lo be sure, but why not get Mi.ni wtiAra Avervthlnir In the best, be It thread or whalebones. No matter how lit , tie, our clerks will be attentive to your 7 wants, . : Mears Hagen. LADIES' NIGHT AT ELK DOM. toeir Elegant Franklin Avenoe Quarters Thrown Open to ths Fair Sea. For the third time In Its history the flcranton Lodge of Elks, last wight threw open Its elegant Franklin avenue quarters to the ladles. That their chlv aJry waa appreciated waa evident from tne generous response to their Invlta tJon. Over one hundred ladles, the wives, sisters, etc., of the "best people on earth" were there, and It la not rieklnfr anything to say that they were glad tney came, tor tney were royally entertained after the exceedingly pleasant ana novel manner of enter tlnment observed by the Elks. - At t o'clock the parlors, resplendent in illumination -and floral decorations, were filled to overflowing and while Voiomon Goldsmith and Del fllmrell. of the reception committee, were making the visitors realise that they must iej themselves "right at home," the J.;k orchestra of twenty-seven pieces, led by Bauer, discoursed delightful and enlivening promenade music from the r.r parlor. When an hour or so had b-n spent In Introduction and social e t the orchestra struck up a march, nJ. haaded by the reception commit. t-e, the Jtlks and Elkesses riled up f re to tne meeting nan, wnero daat and delicious "graslng" was overed. Their then gave themselves t to toe care of Chief Zlegler for ill PR uehiiibi . : FII1R WILLIAMS S IllllLT. Sure. 1MB Powder, about an hour at the end of which time the Elks' own distinguished kind of frolic was Inaugurated. Alderman Millar was made chairman and most happily did he fill the office. Homo of his Judicial acts or. last nigm will, no doubt, make It difficult for him to assume his usual courtly dignity this morning. For instance: Hon. Alex. T. Conncll was lined 25 cents for com ing to the session In a full dress suit, and straw hat; Judge P. P. Smith got 60 cents fine for being the most pP ular Democrat In Pennsylvania; Hon. Charles P. O'Malley had to pay 25 cents because he allowed Judge Klce to come near to beating Judge Wlllard; Peter Zlegler was fined 25 cents ror getting the ice-cooler full; J. K. Cohen paid a like sum for wearing Joseph Levy's neck-tie to the session; Charles H. Schadt was let off with a quarter fine for monopolizing the Ice business; ev ery Elk in the house who brought a ludy was fined 25 cents, and every one who didn't bring a lady was fined 0 cents, and on motion of Alex. Conner!, the alderman himself was fined 11 for being the bi'st chairman that had ever graced an Elk's social session. Some of the F.mcrtsiners. These' Jovialities were merely Inter spersed between the literary and mu sical programme by way of variety, and while thpy were hugely enjoyed they were only side issues. Among those who entertained were the Elks' quartette, composed of John T. Watklns. Thomas Nynon, George Dewltt and C. P. Col- vln;Mlss Adela breakstone, Mrs. Frank llrundage. Miss Margaret . Jones and Editor E. J. Lynett and Attorney J. M. Harris, who made addresses. The ac companist was Lew Jones. K. J. Fish, J. C. Zurflleu ana w. s. Gould served as sergeants-at-arms. END OF THE FLOWER SHOW. The Attractions That Were Fcatnros of tlio Cloning Night. The chrysanthemum show of 189S Is now a thing of the past, as at 11 o'clock Inst evening the doors were closed to the nubile. This show has been In al most cverv resuect a most magnlficant spectacle and many of the visitors who attended, some of them every oay ana evening, felt aulte a pang of regret aa they looked for the last time on the beautiful sight. All any yesterday ana far into the evening, the spacious the ater was thronged with Seranton's best Deorile. and the ever-moving concourse of visitors presented a pamorama of changing colors, beautiful costumes and bright ana Interested races. Tncre waa a very general request for the con tinuance of the show for one or two davH more, but the, theater could not be engaged, as other attractions are booked. There Is hardly a city In this country that could duplicate this exhibition, or approach It, either In artistic effect or In variety or profusion. George Fan court, who Is an expert florist and of national reputation aa a grower, speak ing to a Tribune reporter yesterday. Etated that he had never attended an exhibition that compared with It, ex cept In extent, and as for general effect and artistic arrangement, this show was par excellence. Mr. Clark Returns Tbanka. Mr. Clark said last evening: "I wish to thank The Tribune and the other local papers. They have taken a very kind interest in the welfare or this year's show, and much of the success of the enterprise Is due to their work I also desire to thank the general nub ile, whose Interest and patronage has been above expectation. The generous donors of the prizes I have already thanked In person, but I will take this means of thanking them publicly through the columns of The Tribune. The Interest taken has been far above my expectations, and I am more than satisfied." Last evening the theater was thronged and many paused to view the beautiful display of cut flowers on the stage and also the display of fruit, preserved In glass Jars, from the stock of E, G. Cour sen. The special feature of the evening waa the appearance of Miss Breakstone.who has established herself as a genuine favorite. Miss breakstone's first se lection was the "Low Backed Car." in which she sang some of the lines, being accompanies an during the reading by Mr. Lindsay on the piano. Never did she nppear to better advantage. She possesses a ucautirm voice, and read the lines with exquisite grace and fin Inh. In response to an encore, she gave Kiioy-B "Elf Child." Her next selection was, by special request, "Mammy's Lll" Baby Boy," and in thla she showed her most pleaslnu work, being twice recalled. Ths Other Entertainers. Miss Breakstone was assisted by the itreen mage wneeimen's quartette, who sang "Juanlta" and "Marchner's serenade" in line voice and good articU' latlon, and by Hector H. James, bari tone, who sang the "Turnkey's Song' from tho opera of "Rob Roy," in splen. did stvln And with flna ofrnnt The entertainment and the music of tne snow were under the direction of Mr. James, and were a very pleasant luuiure ui ine exninition. An American watch, guaranteed time keeper, only 4.i7. Turnquest, 206 Wash, ave. . An American watch, guaranteed time, keeper, only 11.87. Turnquest, 2U3 Wash ave. Watch repairing done by Turnquest, 20S " pmimacuon guaranteed. Miss llardenbinh's Plannfnrta Bahonl n ,vwuBu.j uigii htkuv ana prutf Ten sive school for the study of the pianoforte, A (hn,,ii.1il. kl.k ... 'uB"i uiTOij biiu inierprtiaiion. flnAMiil ln.l.ilnll.,n I- L It J , .... . , ...pi. hlviwii 111 vnuu m ubi u eii u catlon and In training of teachers. C32 Madson avenue. Diamond setting done by Turnquest, 206 Wash. ave. P?St,,uV',t w,tcn cn8jl t Turnquesfs, Watch repairing done by Turnquest, 205 i? nu. .To. Diiuniuviiun suaranieea, Free Lesture Coarse at Wood's Colleio Prof. Geo. Howell, superintendent of public schools at scranton. Is to deliver I course of ten lectures on law and mlscel laneous topics before the students of Wood's College, Lack's ave. una i.mi..i miiui, ma nure to prove most Interesting, are to be free to the stu- uii( ''- w vuiibhb, irio learn ers of the Publlo Schools and the news- .aha f.al. l,t 1 1 V D 1 1 .III. n , y Invited. - The first lecture, on "Books." Is to be given Thursday evening, Nov. 14, 7.20 o'ciock. u. Williams, 7 , President Watch repairing done by Turnquest, 206 wasn. ave. . pansiaction guaranteed. 1 . The Beat Investments. No young person can do better than en lar "Wood's College." Scranton. Thnr. ough coursef In bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, penmanship, Eng., etc, with all Kinarea topics. km students now attending. ' KM graduates located la good paying places last year. If you seek valuable education, easier Vork and higher pay, come and see the great scnooi or send tor college journal. " . r . O. F. Williams, President f Watch repairing done by Turnquest, SOS I Wash, are, Satisfsctloa guaranteed. CftKDIDATES MM DP Want the Offices to Be Distributed at the February Clectloa. SOME OP THE AMBITIOUS ONES List la Already Qalt Largs, although All of Talsat las Wat Yet Besa Heard From-Maay Lively Coa testa Promised. No little Interest Is already shown In the municipal election to take place In February, at which a mayor, city treasurer, city controller and three city assessors will be elected for terms of three years. Select councllmen will ho elected In the odd numbered wards, and common councllmen and school con trollers In the even numbered wards. The contests for these offices will be waged with vigor In every ward In the city, and will result in a very large vote being polled. Only four candidatea have aa yet publicly announced themselves as can didates for city offices, and It Is a sig nificant fact that all of them are Repub licans. There Is every prospect of a de cisive victory by the Republicans at the spring election In this city, and conse quently the Democratic brethren are not tumbling over one another In a wild desire to put In applications for nominations. In fact not a single Democrat has as yet come forward and declared himself. James G. Bailey, C. G. Boland, M. J. Kelly and John E. Roche have for months been spoken of by Democrats In connection with the mayoralty, and the names of Mr. Boland. Stephen Spruks, 11. T. Koen ler and Mr. Kelly have also been linked with tho office of city treasurer. John J. Gaffney and the city controller ship have been mentioned together but none of these gentlemen have up to this time announced themselves as can didates. On the Other Side of the Fence. The status of affairs In tho Republi can camp with regard to the office of mayor Is known by the general public. Daniel Williams and Thomas D. Davlos, both residents of the West Side, have formally announced that they are can didates for the Republican nomina tion for city treasurer, and Wade Finn, of the Second ward, has repeatedly, during the last year, stated that he is a candidate for the nomination al though he has as yet refrained from making any announcement of the fact through the public prints. Fred J. Wld mayer will be opposed for the nomina tion for city controller by C. W. West- pfahl, chairman of the select council. Candidates for the city assessorshlps are shy about coming forward. Since their powers were greatly reduced by the creation of the board of revslon and appeals the office of city assessor Is not near so desirable as It was and the temptation to seek It has been greatly lessened In consequence. Charles Fowler, of the Thirteenth, is one of those mentioned as a possble Re publican candidate. There are no lack of candidates for the ward offices. In the First, Finlvy Ross will try to succeed himself as select councilman and will probably lie successful, although ex-Select Council man George Archbald threatens to en compass Mr. Ross' defeat by becoming a candidate himself. Th's news has not greatly disturbed Mr. Ross. In ths Second Ward. Peter Kelly, the selectman from the Third ward, will also ask for another term, but his right to It will be con tested by ex-Select Councilman James Kearney, Prof. J. J. Costello and Michael Fog. All are Democrats. R. H. Williams, who now represents the Fifth ward In the upper branch, would not object to another term. He will be opposed for the Republican nomi nation by E. E. Kobathan and Con tractor E. E. Hughes. P. F. Cannon, Democrat, Is also mentioned as a can didate for the office. In the Seventh ward John E. Roche will seek a re-election to the select. It Is a strongly Democratic ward and as yet no one has been announced as an opposition candidate to Mr. Roche. In the Ninth, Eleventh and Thirteenth wards the lines of battle have not yet been drawn. Charles Stone. Remib I- can, and Fred Phillips, Democrats, are mentioned for select council In the Eleventh. Horatio T. Fellows will ask tho voters of the Fifteenth ward to send him back to the select for four years more, but he will be opposed for the Republican nomination by Thomas D. Thomas and posHltly one or two others. J. A. Lans Ing la not likely to nave opposlton in the Seventeenth ward. He was elected a year ago to fill the unexpired term or Sheriff Clemona. Charles W. West pfahl. It Is said, will not be a can didate ror re-election from the Nine- teenth nor has any other Republican been advanced ror the office. D. W. Vaughan and Edward Frable will con test for the Democratic nomination in that ward. In the Twenty-first ward Thomas MCHale and John McAndrew Democrats, are candidates for tho offi;e of aelect council. The Other Ward Offices. Morris V. Morris, common council' man, and C. H. von Storch, school con troller, will be candidates for re-elec tlon In the Second ward, and Simon Thomas will ask the voters of the Fourth ward to give him another term In the lower branch. He will be oo posed by John Fern. Richard Nichols and A. B. Eynon, Republicans, and Benson Daves, Democrat, are candi datea for school controller in the ward. - In the Sixth ward there promises to be a lively battle ror school controller. John P. Mahon, the present Incumbent, John Casey and M. J. O'Toole, Demo crats, and John Hale, Republican, are spoken of as candidates. John Regan wants to succeed himself as common counollman of the ward. Dr. John O Malley and F. L. Wormaer. Demo crat and Republican respectively, are named as candidates ror school con troller in the Eighth, and Fred S. God frey and Wlllam J. Schiffer are spoken or in connection witn the office of com mon council. Mr. Godfrey Is the pres ent counollman from the ward, and al though he Is spoken of for another term has not announced himself as a candi date. Edward Wensel will make an effort to have himself returned to the com mon council from the Tenth ward, n' 1 William A. Hoffman Is a candidate for the seat of W. S. Watrous on the board of school control. Both are Republl cans. Over la the Twelfth Wsrd. Morgan Sweeney, who now repre sents the Twelfth ward In the common council, baa announced that he will seek a re-election, and P. J. Messltt and Patrick Mawn have likewise announced that they will be candidates for the office. Jamea O'Boyle, of the same ward, wants another term on the school board, and ex-controller Joseph McNalley will be hla opponent. P. 0. Nealla. common councilman, and T. J. Jennings, school controller of the Four teenth ward, will try to aucceed them selves, and the same la true of Loreni Zeldler and O. B. Bchrlefer, who hold similar offices in the sixteenth ward. . P. J. Noone will be a candidate to sue reed himself In tho common council from the Eighteenth ward and In the same ward P. F. Langan will oppose Thomas coar, wno la amomoua for an other term on the school board. ' D. P. Battle la likely to have a hard time to aucceed himself aa the common counollman of the Twentieth ward. Among those who are mentioned aa can didates are Peter Haggerty, Michael McGrall, Edward Jordan and Michael McOarry. W. O. O'Malley will not aeek another term on the school board from that ward, but there la no lack of can didates for that office. Those already mentioned are Joseph Hannlck, Joha Gibbons and M. J. Donahoe. The Twentieth ward has been the , Kane of some fierce ward contests la the paat and if the gentlemen named lock horns at the approaching election there will be a fight such aa ha not been suroaaaed In Interest by any of recent years. They are alt well known men. have many friends and once en tered In the contest will battle furiously for victory. THEY MET IN MOIR'S SHOP. And Coagreasssan J. A. Seraatoa Waa Told Home Plain Blent Troths. There was a little gathering In the tailor shop of Captain James Molr, on Lackawanna avenue, Monday night Captain Molr Is a candidate for the Republican nomination for mayor, and the gathering contained many of his friends. About fifty persons were pres ent and the king pin or the gathering was Congressman Joseph A. Scranton; that Is, Mr. Scranton was the king pin until just fore the meeting dispersed wnen someone iook excepuun to nis harrangue about the "Connell ring," and told the congressman what a little man he really was. The scranton episode occurred after adjournment, and while the men pres ent were standing In groups Vbout the room. Mr. Scranton exploded the same old something about the "Connell ring," but was brought to a rignt-aoout Dy Max Zlzelman, of the Seventeenth ward, who said: "Mr. Scranton, you are the most un grateful man in Lackawanna county, and you have proper cause to be ashamed of yourself. Vou can thank only William Connell for the position you noia today, ana you wouidn t dare use the expressions you have here to night only for the fact that you have a secure berth for two years more." Tho congressman Btood abashed while Ziz elman waa talking, and before he could resume hla equipoise Zlzelman con tinued: What Mr. Zlzelman Said. 'You have no right nor grounds for slandering Mr. Connell, and his friends. J, however, have a rlcht to criticize them, but I wouldn't do It In your poor style. They kept me from getting the nomination for select council in the Seventeenth ward, but you " How dare you! How dare you speak so to me young man!" exclaimed Mr. Scranton, now thoroughly aroused. "Because I dare; that's why. And yoo arc not In a position to resent it," was the reply. 'Here s a cigar." said Mr. Scranton. handing a nerfecto to the young man, and that's how the meeting ended. During the evening Captain Molr was endorsed for the mayoralty, Thomas I), Davles for treasurer and Charles W, Westpfahl for city controller. Mr. Wcstpfahl, however, would not become a candidate until after "powerful In fluence" had been brought to bear on nun. Some of ThokO Who Attended. In addition to those already men tioned there were present City Trens urer Reese O. Brooks, Select Council- men Wade M. Finn and Flnlay Ross, ex-City Controller George Elsele, Max Klzleman. Rowland Thomas. John H Fellows, George Okell. Charles Schank. George B. Thompson and a score of others. There was little of formality In the meeting and what was said and done happened in an unconventional con versational way. From the beginning. tne idoa or advancing the Interests of the candidates chosen seemed to give away to the more Important purpose of downing what was referred to as the "Connell ring." Such, at least, was the trend of Mr. Scranton's language before the meet ing had fairly settled Itself. Ho want ed, he said, to Impress everybody pres ont with the purpose and necessity of "downing the Connell ring at all costs. And Mr. Davles followed a moment later by exclaiming that the cause of his defeat for county treasurer In last year's campaign hud been traced di rectly to the Yankee wards and the central city and South Shlu wards. where Connell's Inlluence was most felt" When this assertion was made there was a dead silence until some one In a low voice Queried: "How about the cutting given Davles on tno west side?" There was, how ever, no reply to the question. Mr. Davles was forthwith advanced as the choice of the gathering for the treasurer nomination. Mr. Westpfshl Appeared. By this time it waa 9 o'clock and Mr. Westpfahl, who had been mentioned for city controller.appearcd In the door way. His name was Immediately put In nomination, but one of his friends arose and said: "Mr. Westpfahl does not want this office nor the candidacy; he believes, as i ao, mat a candidate should be chosen rrom tne central city." This sentiment was voiced in terse ana emphatic language bv Mr. Wt pfahl himself, and Max Zlzelman was mentioned as a suitable sublcct. Mr. Zlzelman nosltvely declined to nrc.nt Mr. Westpfahl was then assured that If ne pusneu the right Fred. J. wldmayer wouid be disgusted and frightened and would leave Mr. Westpfahl a clear field Still the popular choice of tho meeting reiuaea nis assent. Things had thus become mixed nnrf serious when Mr. Scranton, Mr. Brooks ana air. wiscie outtonholcd the refrac tory Westnfahl In a nnraer nrhra M Els.ele asked him If he was positive he count get me enum Bide delegation ir. tvempiuni said ne certainly could then there were whlsnertn Irs. peetlnti lations and certain arguments which must have warmed him up. for the nnen session was resumed and he consented to necome a candidate for the nomina tion, ana asserted he could whip Mr, 1A.'i,lniiivH. ... ...... 1 . . r . Mr.. Hrooks tho Only One. The question of finances was broached ana air. urooKS was the first to resrmml aaying he waa ready to chip In hilt share. There were no other chippers and so the money Issue was relegated to the executive committee, whose whose names are unknown. It was seen that there could be no agreement on candidates for nomina tions for assessors and their selection was ieu to tne main candidates. Karthqunke at Florence Florence. Nov. lfi.A Huht was felt In this city this morning. No uuiiiaso waa uone. Buy your watchos from Turnquest. Buy your watches from Turnquest, Buy your watches from Turnquest Turnquesfs, watches. 14k. solid gold Ladles' .watches, only fio.iti, at lurnqueaifl. wasn. ave. 14k. solid gold Ladles' watches, only fio.iu, ii jurnquesu, vn wasn. ave. Turnquesfs, watches, Comfort la Travel Is realized In tho highest degree on the famous fast trains of the Michigan. Cen tral, "The Niagara Falls Route," between Buffalo and Chicago, In connection with me tnrougn trains rrom tne east. Fas, seneers are granted the nrlvllece of ston ping off en route at Niagara Falls, or. If time will not permit, can obtain from the car window, or the platform, at Falls View, the grandest and most comprehen sive view of the great catract. All-day trains stop from five to ten minutes. For full Information Inquire of local ticket agents, or address W. H. Underwood, Eastern Passenger agent Buffalo, N, Y. 14k. solid gold Ladles' watches, only 111.71. at Turnauest's. 206 Wash. ava. Turnquesfs, watches. A Carnival of Nations will be held In the parlors or the Green Ridge Presby terlan church Thursday and Friday even Ing. Nov. 14 and If. From i.80 hot supper will be served on Thursday evening, and refreshments the following evening. The uooa iNignt ami ty itttie ones notn even ings. 14k. solid gold Ladles' watches, only $1175, at Turnquesfs, 206 Wash, ave. 14k. solid gold Ladles' watches, only (16.71, at Turnquesfs, tot Wash, ava As yoar grocer for Monsoon Tea. It will bum you. ' y. ay. c. a. comox Quarterly Session Held la Their Kooms last Evcaing. ,. REPARING TOR BLOOHSBURG The State Secretary, Miae Mary Dana. Was Present aad Oatllasd the Pro gramme for the Stato Coavea tloa -Seraatoa Women Lead. The Young Women's Christian asso ciation met In regular convention at their hall, on Washington avenue, last evening, and heard encouraging re ports of the excellent work that has been accompllsnea aunng me three months by the offlcera and mem bers. Mra TV H. Klnnle n resided and offer ed the opening prayer, and Miss Stahl heber read the twenty-seventh Psalm. Then was heard the report of the treas urer, Misa Hannah Deacon; tne secre tary, Miss Tolles, and the secretary of the South Side Drancn. miss ai. n. Root. The report of the various clasaea was most interesting as It showed the measure of practical results achieved by the association. Much importance also attached to this meeting because It so closely pre cedes the annual Btate convention, which .Is to be held In Bloomsburg. beginning Friday next, and continuing until Monday. Miss Mary Dunn, the state secretary, was present at last evening's convention, and gave an out line of contemplated worn at tno state meeting. The convention will open at 2.30 p. m. Friday, and will continue until Monday morning. Sesslone will be held in the Lutheran Methodist ana Presbyterian churches and Normal hall at tho school. There will be addresses on the following subjects: "City work Its Scope and results In Pennsyl vania." "Our Association Frieaa," 'Machinery and Power In Committee Work," "Relation of Physical Train ing to Younir Women's Christian Asso ciation Work." On Sunday evening the delegates will speak in tho differ cnt churches and at 9.30 o'clock that night a farewell meeting will be held In Normal hall. Prominent Persons Who Will Attend. Among the prominent Christian work ers who have signified their Intention to be present are: Rev. E. T. Jeffers, D. v., York; Mr. K. if. uucnaiew. WilkeB-Barre; Mr. George G. Many, Scranton; Miss E. K. Price, Chicago; Miss Grace L. Wlgg, Boston; Miss Nel lie Allen, New York; Miss Anna C. Skeele, Mansfield; Miss Sara S. Kirk, West Chester; Miss Sara Carson, New York. Mrs. H. M. Jioles, of this city, has for seven years been the president and will be asked to accept another term. Mrs. L. A. Watres Is recording secretary; Mrs. M. F. Kays, corresponding secre tary; Mrs. H. J. Carr, treasurer. All thcae are Scranton ladies. Other Scran tonians on the executive committee are Mrs. L. M. Gates, Mrs. I. F. Everhart. Miss Florence Colvln. On the advisory board are three prominent Bcranton men, Col. E. II. Ripple, Col. H. M. Botes and Col. L. A. Watres. Scranton will have the banner delegation at the con ventlon. It Is expected that the party from this city will number over thirty. Four Now Associations Admlttod. Miss Dunn, the state secretary, will report among other encouraging thinga that the association now numbers 6,000 members In this state and that four new associations were admitted during the year. These are Waynesburg College. Dickinson College, Stroudsburg Normal school and south Pittsburg. NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC. Programme of the Conetrt to Do Given cxt Monday Evening. Following Is the programme of the concert to be given Nov. 18 at Young mens cnrisuan Association nail: PART 1. Symphonic, No. 13 Haydn v loiinceuo aoio. (a.) Nocturne, oo. 9 Chonln (h.) Spinning 8ong Popper Aria, "Casta Dlra," (Norma) Bellini auks urenelli. Violin Solo, "Fantalnlnet Bolero". Leonard 1 A It 1 11. film rfM ff "Vnrln tinna Ti n tnn- Schubert two violins, viola and vtollncello. Flute Solo, (a.) Aria, "Happy Spirits In Elysium d'Ornhee" Gluck (b.) Allegro Brilliants Tersehack rraumerei toy request) Schumann 1,'Espagnole Cowen uouuie uass nolo, "variations." od. 18. Lehmnn Songs, (a.l Dor Hidalgo Schumann to.j ne iioves Me boves Me Not." Mascagnl Miss nrannlll. Two Hungarian Dances Brahms TicKeis lor sate at Powell's and Sander son's. Diagram opens Thursday. Nov. It, i uuiis juan s vansiian association. Joslah Qnlnef Nosaiaatcd. Boston. Nov. 12. The Democratic muni clpal convention thla evening nominated ex-A'sistant Secretary of State Joslah guincy tor mayor ey acclamation. Ladies and Gentlemen. For the latest styles and lowest prices in nns snoes try ins vommonweaun snoe store, Washington avenue, An American watch, guaranteed time keeper, only 11.87. Turnquest, 206eWash ave. An American watch, guaranteed time- Keeper, only 11.87. Turnquest, 206 wasn ave. Turnquesfs, watohes. Buy your watches from Turnquest. For solid gold or gold filled watches, to Turnquesfs, 206 Wash. ave. go Watch repairing done by Turnquest, 206 wasn. ave. satisfaction guaranteed. " Buy your watches from Turnquest Buy tho Weber. and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Turnquesfs, watches. An American watch, guaranteed time keeper, only 14.87. Turnquest, 205 Wash ave. WE HAVE CREATED A NEW ERA III PRICES ON 0 UR MOTTO has been Down with Fancy Price, and the remit la. that you can today buy a Magnificent Hat or Bonnet at a saving of from ONE TO FIVE DOLLARS HASLACBER'S-:-UILLINER N. uasta, atassx ' ' 24 Lc.i a...,3 Atx rail m FIRST OF STANDARD COURSE. Brilllsat Coaeeit at the Y. M. C A. Ball Last Night. The first of the entertainments of the standard course at the Young Men's Christian association waa glvea last evening by Edouara Remtuyl. violin virtuoso, assisted by Miss Pauline Stela, soprano, and Jiflle. Louise Ro man, pianist ana sagene Js. Dana, baritone. The concirt waa wall pat ronized and society waa largely repre sented In the audience. ' The osenlna number or the pro- f -amine waa a piano aolo, "Valse from aust," a Gounod-Liszt composition, by M'lle. Louise Roman. Miss Ro man's playing Immediately found fav or with the audience, ao much so that when -she next appeared and played a Nocturne" rrom cnopin ana "Trot oe Cavalerle" from Rubinstein, an encore amounting almoat to an ovation was given her. There is a solidity In her manner of execution that Is rare with female performers, and an entire ab sence of gymnastic display In her touoh. A "concerto Romantlque" In five parts waa the first violin solo given by Kemenyl last night It showed the versatility and genius of the performer, ror wnetner in the light ana rancirui music of the allegro movement or the sad and low and soulful music of the andante movement the master hand of the violin virtuoso was ever present. That "there Is a chord in muslo that touches the heart of the most unmusi cal" found an exemplification In Re menyl's playing of this aame number which contained bealdea the parts men tioned a recitative and cansonetta of varied character. The "Choral Noc turne," a Chopln-Remenyl composition, and "Malaquena." a Spanish dance, were his next numbers and were well re ceived. His final selection, one of his own composition, called forth raptur ous applause from the audience, to whom Rcmenyl bowed his acknowledge ments. They were not satisfied with thla and he was obliged to ressond with popular airs with variations containing among other tunes the "Last Roae of Hummer" and Scotch bagpipe Imita tions. The concert was concluded with the Ave Maria," adapted from the "Caval leria Ruatlcana." It waa given by Miss Btein, soprano; Miss Roman, pianist; Mr. Davis, baritone, and Remenyl, vio linist Paper Milt lltirnsd ion,., nov. . rne plant or the York Wall Paper company In this city was completely destroyed by fire thla af ternoon. The plant was worth 200,000, and was insured for $100,000. Snmnur Hotel Burned. .. Tnn1.waa T v ...... ML. - iiwiwH., ,, nuv ii. inq Lawrence Beach hotel, a summer resort near here, was burned early this morning. Loss. 1100,000; fully Insured. Will be here in a very short time. Now is the Time to Select Your Gifts. Don't forget to look at Berry's beautiful stock of Novelties. All new and right up to Date. BERRY, THE JEWELER 417 Lackawanna Ava. Store Open Evenings. High Grade pii Mi, Emerson, Malcolm Love. Cloogh A Varren Cirpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices, J, LAKE STELLE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. OPENING or THE Winter Season IMBPKCTION OF OUE III MBNBE BTOCK OF ... . Chll GttUK. BliC-A lip, SIMM Wi, It -ON- tnesdajr Nov. 12th to Thursday, 14th lncltulre. . Louis - Rupprocht, Snecteeot to Eugene Kleberg. 231 Ponn Ava., Opp. Baptist Church lsrHsadom soaveaira will pe aistrnratei daring oe.nleg Ur Closing soar for this oeou&ate'cUck. - m m of m w Uohuliag ths saialsa ajraehssj ef teeth ey aa eattietf aew Keesaa S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., CHRISTMAS Doit Fail to Get One Of Our American Lynx Fur Capes 30 inches long and 3 yards sweep. We are selling them or $8.98 $4.98 WH1 tuy a vefy fine Kersey Jacket, the very newest styles. I INVITE 1!) IH3PECT10M Of our line of high class gar ments, superior productions of novelties in Collarettes, Capes and Jackets. As re gards quality and workman ship, and made under our personal supervision. J. BOLZ, 138 Wyoming Avtm The Onl Pncueal Farrier la Hit Ctt Bargains In Pianos II that is what you want, they can be had every day At Powell's Music Store, 336030 Wyoming; Ave SPECIALTIES! Chickering. Gildemeester & Kroeger, Iverscc Pond, Sterling. Winter Will Soon Here 'And to be pnpared to meat tas eoM weather yon want a seasoaaUe Salt of an Orerooat or both' 1ND THE BEST PUCE TO VISIT FOR SOXETrllllS 0005 III MERCHANT TAILMI&8 IS ItlLO ill 406 Lackaianna lit THERE YOU WILL FIND 'raelasgMtstMk to attest fon nlogi Always of the Bait, fastest tylei in Dotting, and insAe p ea Ike Itfl alp by Kaput Workakta. tVNothlng allowed toteare tfceestal lishmsnt ualass satisfactory to the ss tom.r, and the lowest prices ninstrtisf with Good Merchant Tailoring. Economical Underwear Costs more than cheap stuff but worth it keeps you well, strong and happy. A fall line to select from. CHRISTIAN At 411 Spruce, 105LtoL TNI On.lBMTC PIATIOD tie tl m-wt oajjregalar tea natal tf of w.sntiin Ay .., BJa Bl HATS AT fll I ' - 7 '
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