" '. ........... EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SSCRANTON, PA., TIIUBSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. SILKS IJEAMNG STYLES, KINDS, COMBINATION glialig Owelty Meets Now overcrowd the fixture! of our Immense silk department to such an f extent that we have determined to find relief by offering special values for 10 days, beginning- Tuesday.' November 13 During; that bargain period ' buyers ' wlll'have oor price Hats pretty much their own way, the values being; such as to Induce sales, even If not for Im mediate see. At the same time, pur chasers have the satisfaction of knowing that THE MARKET OFFERS NOTHING NEWER, BETTER OR MORE DESIRABLE THAN CAN BE FOUND IN THE SPLENDID SILK STOCK NOW SUBMITTED FOR THEIR INSPECTION For Street For Brain . For Mby. Linings For Trimmings, ., That silk weaves were ever used for, look our ' stock through. If your thought run in fashion's latest and most approved grooves we can fill the bill to the smallest detail. , Iileces 22-Inch Oros Grain Silks n black and colored grounds; new and striking broche effects, suitable for waists or complete costumes. Special Price, $1 pieces Fancy Seed Taffetas In fashion's very latest conceits, designed especially for nobby 15 waists ana trimmings. Special Price, $1 pieces Taefftas with beautiful seed Camele stripe effects; style . reaches its climax here. . Special Price, 75c i .i ' pieces, $ distinct styles, assort ' ment and shade list unlimited. ' We had ladles' waists in mind , when we bought these. , Special Price, 69c 4 pieces Brocade Satins. Two LS styles. All the desirable light . tints, such as Rose, light Blue, , '; Old Rose, New Nile, Cardinal, Cream and White. f Special Price, 75c ' 1 C ' CM' ' ,n- B'cs; Oros Grain, Special Price, $1 fHESE :. AR? ; ' QtifTyAI .- HINTS : ' Take the ftfnt then and have the . - Whole truth by a visit of Inspection..', :. 'tASETOUSE-. Alllg . nr. .nr II WeYnll 'ft n . ics Are: -20 WAITIKG FOIt THE POWERS The Only Hope for Unhappy Chris tiaos in Turkey. MOSLEMS WITHOUT MERCY They Pisa and Execute Dntoherles with Unparalleled Crncty-The Powers Must Interior to Save the Ex termination of Christians. Boston. Nov. IS. Reliable corrc spondence received in Boston from Constantinople states that the attitude of the Moslems in Marash at the end of October was bo menacing tihat the heads of the Christian sects called to gether on the governor asking special measures of protection. Oir Friday the governor having; paid no attention to this request, the Moslems attacked the Christians, wounding quite a number and causing a general flight of all parties to their homes. The heads of the Christian sects then made a new petition for protection, this time in writing;, and addressed separately to the governor and the commander of the troops. Still nothing; was done to check the Moslem and a general assault was made on the Christian quarter, and a large number of Christians were killed and wounded. The Armenian bishop and the Ar menian Catholic bishop and the Prot estant rtastors sent a collective tele gram saying that, the. slaughter was stui going on ana begging for something- to be done to stop it. The Turks say that the reason of the massacre is the assassination of four police by the people of Zeltoun, .twenty mjles front Marash. The worst of .It is that the sultan and pashas sill conslderthia crime In another place as sufficient to justify the massacre in Marash. There Is not a doubt that the mas sacre was ordered from here. The tone of the remark among the staff at the Sultan's palace has been all along that the Armenians shall be killed be fore the reforms can be executed. Noth ing has been done in any place to pun ish the crlmnals, but In all the places where the massacres have occurred great numbers of Armenians have been arrested as though those who escaped had committed crime In escaping. You must not believe one of the stories that are sent out by the Turks about con flicts at these plates where massacres occur. No conflict occurs. There may be in some cases a reason in the con duct of Armenians elsewhere for in dignation, but In every case so far when a massacre occurs it is a cold blooded, deliberate affair, gotten up separately from any alleged cause. The Powers Must Aet. Unless the powers Intervene shortly in a way that will compel the Sultan to order the massacres to cease there is no knowing1 where the matter will end. The most Infamous falsehoods as to attacks of Armenians upon Turkish women and children are being dili gently circulated in the city and in the country in order to Are the hearts of the Moslems and the government Is open ly arming or favoring the arming of the Moslem populace, while searching Ar monlans. to take away even their Jack kniv'es lest some Moslem should be hurt when the massacre is undertaken. The effervescence here against the Sultan is taking more form. There was some revolt of the Albanian bodyguard of the sultan and a fight of some im portance in the palace grounds. A num ber of the Moslem patriotic committee attempted to kill the minister of ma rine. They had previously ordered him to resign on pain of death. It Is said that the minister was only wounded, but it Is very hard to get accurate in formation of any of these things. The situation is going to be worse be fore it is better. The feeling is that an American man-of-war should be sent to Beyrout, one to Smyrna, leaving at Alexanaretta the Marblehead, now there, one to this city, and. If possible, one to the Black Sea coast. Washington, Nov. 13. Secretary Ol- ney was oloseted with President Cleve land for an hour this morning. On his return from the white house he stated to the United Press representative that ne naa received no dispatch from Min ister Terrell confirmatory of the star tling story transmitted from Constanti nople to the Cologne Gaxette In regard to the massacre of missionaries In Tur key. - . Berlin, Nov. 13 A dispatch to the Cologne Gazette from Its correspond ent In Constantinople says that all of ine unristian and Armenian teachers between Erzoum and Treblzond have been massacred. LOSS OF THE RUNG PAI. Particulars Concerning the Destrnetion of the Chinese Croft. San Francisco, Nov. 13. Meagre par ticulars of the loss of the steamer Kung Pal, off Klnshow Bay, were re ceived by the steamer Coptic. The Kung Pal belonged to the China Mer chants' Steam Navigation company. She blew up when on a voyage from Tien Tsln to Klnchow. She was carry ing troops, to. the number of about a thousand, and had six foreign officers and one foreign passenger on board. Out of this number nine Chinese and two foreigners only are reported safe. All the rest seem to have perished. . The Kung Pal was fifteen years old, having been built In Lelth 1n 1880 and It had long been notorious that her boil ers were In a dangerous condition. SHERMAN FOR M'KINLEY. lie Will Lead the Promotion Forces In Ohio. Los Angeles. Cal. Nov. 13. Colonel H. O. Otis, editor of the Los Angeles Times, has received from Senator Sher man the following letter In response to a congratulatory note on the senator's decision to lead the party forces in fa vor of Governor McKlnley's nomination for the presidency: "The recent elections have cleared the political sky and I believe fairly open a way for the nomination of Major McKlnley. He will be heartily support ed from Ohio, and I trust will be nom inated and elected.' MORMONS RIDE ON THE RAIL. Masked Keatneklsna THss Take Two Exbortere from the State. Ashland, K., Nov. It. At White Post, Pike county, last night a score of armed men, all masked, went into a church and, taking two Morman ex torters, placed them astride rails and In that fashion escorted them across Tug River Into West Virginia They then released them with a warning that If they ever returned to Kentucky they would be horsewhipped, tarred and feathered and a rougher ride given them. YALE'S NEW SCHEME. A fteeoad Foot Rail ttlab Will Pis Prlnee tote's Game, c . New Haven, Conn., Nov. 13. The Tale foot ball management have start ed a new scheme .to develop the eleven for the Princeton gaune. A captain has been appointed (or the second eleven and ha will make hla men play exactly the game Princeton played against Harvard and Cornell. - As Princeton has been playing strictly the same kind of a game all the fall it is' the opinion at Yale that she cannot com pletely change her style of play in time to meet Yale, and the Yale 'Varsity, drilled by the second team In this same kind of work, should be better able to defeat it. Alex. Brown, the- oarsman, and a prominent candidate for tackle, will be the captain of the second eleven this fall. PHILADELPHIA LEXOW. Additional Testimony Is Introduced in tho Investigation of tho Quaker City Municipal Affairs. Philadelphia. Nov. 13. The State Sen atorial committee, which Is Investigat ing the municipal affairs-of Philadel phia, continued Its session this after noon. Addison F. Bender, who during the past ten days has been examining the cleaning of asphalt paved streets in Philadelphia on behalf of the citizens Municipal Association, was the first witness. He told at some length of the insufficient force employed In doing the work, which la contrary to the specifi cations of the contracts. The witness further testified to the unsatisfactory manner In which several streets are be. lng paved. Bernard Bowen, who class ed himself as a practical pavlor, whose occupation as walking delegate of the National Pavlors and Rammers asso elation, testified that it would cost $4 per yard to pave the streets according to the contracts, and that at tne present price at which the work has beenza ward' ed ($2.87 per cubic yard) the contracts could not be carried out. He told of the inferiority of paving blocks used in Philadelphia to those used in New York Mr. Bowen testified to having sent sev eral sworn complaints to the authorl ties regard. ng inferior paving, but that tne complaints availed nothing. Dennis Mahoney, a contractor, stated that no "fitted" Belgian paving blocks were used in Philadelphia, as reaulred by law, only rough paving blacks being utilized. Mr. Mahoney created a slight ripple of laughter when he declared that "fitted" paving blocks were used In New York and Boston because no other kind would be tolerated. The wit ness then testified to the non-fulfiill-ment of contracts as regards the re moval of ashes, the cleaning of streets and the cremation of garbage. John Maneely. an ex-lnsoector of the collection of garbage, told of the feed ing of the garbage to hogs In Dela ware county, in May and June last, by the American Incineration company and the United States Fuel and Manu facturing company, instead of cremat ing It. The refuse, the witness con tinued, was also fed to cattle In other places. Charles A. Richardson, who Is affili ated with the Citizen's Municipal asso ciation, testified that the Davina- of streets by the street rallways( the thor- ougnrares occupied by the railways) Is done Irrespective of the laws, and he also related an ineffectual interview which he and other members of the as sociation had in 1893 with the citv au thorities in this respect. Mr. Richard son referred to the liberal profits of the Philadelphia street railways, which ract lea mm to believe that , the com panies should pave the highways as the ordinances stipulate. At 4.10 p. m. the committee adjourned until Thursday. Nov. 21. KEEPS HIS WORD. Wanamaker Pays a Debt That the Re publican Committee Repudiated. . Indianapolis, Nov. 13. John Wana maker, ex-postmaster general, has made his word good by sending his per sonal check to W. T. Durbtn, of Ander son, for 110,000. Just before the elec tion of 1892, when Mr. Wanamaker was passing through this city, the State Republican committee asked him for 310,000. Wanamaker told them to ad vance It and he would see that the na tional Republican committee repaid them. On this assurance Durbln, then an officer of the committee, borrowed $10 -000 for campaign use. The national committee repudiated the debt. Thus after three years and considerable pres sure from this end of the line Mr. Wanamaker has made good his guar antee. LYNCHING IN GEORGIA. Negro Assailant of a Little Girl Hanged and Riddled with Ballets. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13. Homersvllle, Ga., comes to the front with another lynching. Lewis Jefferson, the liegro who last Thursday night attempted to assault little Miss Wilson Frobel, after having been pursued by a determined posse, was captured and placed in Jail. He made a full confession. While he was being taken before the magistrate at Argyle for a committal trial, the officer In going through a thicket near . town was suddenly at tacked from behind by parties un known, was overpowered and the cul prit taken off and hanged by the neck and the body riddled with bullets. DECISION ON BEANS. United States Supremo Court Says They Are Vegetables snd Not Seeds. Washington, Nov. 13. The United States Supreme court decided officially that beans are vegetables. The ques tion arose In the case of Hyman Sons and others against the collector of the port of New York. The plaintiffs sought to recover duties paid upon beans un der the vegetable classification, claim' lng that they should be admitted free as seeds. Chief Justice Fuller read the opinion of the court, holding that as beans are regarded as vegetables by common usage they should be so considered by customs officials. i THEY SAW THE BROWNIES. Mrs. Clovcland snd the Babies Are Spectators at a Matinee. Washington, Nov. 13. Mrs. Graver and Esther Cleveland, were spectators at the matinee of Palmer Cox's Brown ies in the Lafayette Square theater this afternoon. It was the first time the children had ever seen a stage performance. These Postof flees All Right. Washington. Nov. IS. A lint nf noaiof. flees Investigated by secret agents and found In an excellent and satisfactory con dition In Pennsylvania, was given out by the postofllce department today. They are:" Chambersburg, Shenandoah, Sha mokln, Mahanoy City. Reading, Carlisle, Franklin, Beaver Falls and Huntington. Memorial Services. : 1 Jkl n KT n.. 1 . 1 . ncftuiufti -. .-.v.. mtriiiunai per vices were held In Christ cathedral todav in memory of the late Bishop Howe, In the presence of a large number of clergymen prominent In the Episcopal church. Bishop Potter, of New York, deUvered the princi pal address. Senator Sherman III. , Washington. Nov. IS. Senator '. ' John Sherman, of Ohio, is suffering from a se vere cold and Intermittent fever. Al though there Is said to be nothing serious in his condition, he denies himself to call ers, MECCA OF THE AFFLICTED Invalids Continue to Flock to Denver in Great Droves. KAILKOADS GIVE FREE PAKE Tho Miraculous Cares Imputed to Schlat ter Bring tho Deaf, Dumb, Halt and Blind from All Sections Seek ing a Ucallng Touch. Denver, Nov. 13. At the Union Depot yesterday the scenes rivaled those at the Grotto of Lourdes, so graphically depleted by Zola. Every train that ar rived, from the first break of day to midnight, was filled with its quota of sick, feeble and emaciated Invalids who have come for treatment by Schlatter, the New Mexico healer. This is the last week of the healer in Den ver and the visitors are afraid that when he reaches a larger city it will be next to impossible to approach him for the laying on of hands. Cripples are as numerous as the able bodied among the travelers, and the lower hotels are turning away guests who desire to be within reasonable dis tance of their goal when the Bun rises In the morning and they get ready to take their position in the almost end less line that haunts the healer's neigh borhood. Cold weather does not deter them from gathering in the early hours of the morning, and the residents of the vicinity do a thriving trade in hot bricks, and coffee to cheer the pilgrims, lllg I'nion Paelfio Delegation. One special train arrived last even ing carrying 300 people from along the line of the Union Railway company, to whom free passes had been given by the management, so confident are the railway men in tho supernatural heal er. A circular had been issued by tho Union Pacific announcing that the train would leave Omaha Saturday night, and that all who suifered among the road s employes would be carried to Denver free of charge. When they arrived here last evening the Interior of the depot resembled a hospital, for they came with broken limbs, distorted arms, and fractures of various mem bers that defied the best surgical skill of the railway company. They were provided with lodgings in the local ity where Schlatter holds forth during week days, and tomorrow the pilgrims win return to their homes in Nebraska. It Is stated that this extraordinary faith of a corporation Is due to the re markable cure effected in the case of the wife of General Manager Dlckln son, who came for treatment In a pri vate car and stood in line all day like the most ordinary citizen. Her grati tude for relief is attested by this ex tension of free transportation. She was a sufferer from a deafness that de prived her of the pleasures of life. No medical or surgical aid proved effect. Ive, and at last she consented to come to the healer. When she departed she said she felt better already, and her mends noticed an improvement, but the healer told her she was' not to ex pect an instantaneous cure. ' Superintendent Dickinson Is so over' joyed that he has Issued a general or der that as fast as the men can be spared from the line or the shop, they are to be allowed to come with their sick to Denver and return as speedily as possible, that others may take their piace in tne line bexore the New Mex ican Messiah. They were scattered all over town last night in the cheap loaging-nouses. BASE BALL P0W-W0W. Magnates of the National, Eastern and Western Leagues Meet la New York Powers Wants Representation. New York, Nov. 13. The annual fall meeting of the National Base Ball League was commenced to-day at the firtn Avenue Hotel. 1 The board of directors went into ses slon first and got through the execu tlve business. The treasurer's account was approved and accepted. A num ber of appeals from players asking to nave lines innicted during the past sea son remitted, were refused. A letter was received from John M, Ward, ex-captaln of the New York base ball club, asking that his name be taken from the reserve list of players, as he has retired permanently from base ball, and keeping his name on the reserve list Injures him in his present profession. The matter was referred to the National board meeting on the first or January. Baltimore was declared the winner of tne championship of 1895. The question of fines, umpires and Sunday playing were aiscussed, but no decisions were arrived at and they re main in exactly ine same poslton as be fore. The meeting then adjourned until 11 o clock to-morrow morning, when the first business to be taken up will be the Harry vv riB.it memorial matter. A very important deal was made dur ing the afternoon. Billy Nash, the cap tain and third baseman of the Boston team, was exchanged for Billy Hamil ton, the outfielder of the Philadelnhia club. There were rumors of other deals but this was the only one consummated. Jack Doyle, ex-captaln and ex-manager of the New Yorks, was In great de mand, but Manager Irwin thought that If he WkS considered such a prize by others e might also prove useful to the New Yorx and no deal was made. There was a very strong delegation from the Eastern and Western Leagues in the hotel to-day. President P. T. Powers and his confreres will apply for representation on the National board. The board has the Jurisdiction over all matters concerning the minor leagues and the latter think they should have a personal representation when matters concerning them are discussed. SCHULER'S AWFUL CRIME. Murders Ills Wife and Elght-Yesr-Old DsMghter and Then Shoots Himself. Evidence of Insanity. Laredo, Tex., Nov. 13. Last Monday evening a tall, fine-looking man. ac companied by a woman, registered at the Hotel Hamilton as C. Schuler and family. With them was a pretty girl, 8 years old. Yesterday at 8 o'clock the man hired a buggy and took the wo man and girl to the depot despite the Inclement weather. At S o'clock he re turned the buggy and ate supper at the Hotel Hamilton, retiring after ward. : Last night A. Shepherd discovered two bodies lying In the brush In Chacon Bottom, just beyond a small reservoir, two and a half miles from central city. He noticed the trails where the bodies had been dragged through the thorns and the prints of the buggy wheels on the ground. Being afraid to touch the bodies he came In and notified Recor der Pierce what he had seen. Officers proceeded at once to the place and searched the bodies of the woman and child. They were Identified as the per sons who had gone riding with Schuler yesterday evening.. While the news of the find was flying over the -city an other chapter In this horrible affair was enacted at the-Hotel Hamilton. At o'clock this morning tike proprietor of the hotel knocked at Schuler's room and asked hlm-where his family were. He replied that he had taken them last evening to Asteo, where they had taken the limited train for Mexico. "I think you are mistaken," said the proprietor. "Your family is not in Mexico." Schuler shut the door and drawing a revolver, shot himself through tne heart. On his person was found a cigar case with over $1,600 In green backs. The cigar case contained the name of Sam Kuens. It Is believed his brother Is in Fort Worth and he was at once notified of the tragedy. Schuler stated during his stay here that he had beeen master mechanic for a railroad. Schuler spent most of his time in saloons and his actions indicated that he was either unbalanced or meditat ing the horrible murders which he com mitted yesterday. Robbery tho .Motive xaier aeveiopments make it appear that robbery was the motive for the murders. It is believed the murdered woman was Mrs. Caroline Menn, of Dallas, Tex. Her child was a girl of auout iu years. The murderer is sup posed to be William or Sam Kuntz. of Kansas City. Kunts stated while here that, he had been a master mechanic for a railroad, and letters were found in his trunk addressed to William Kuntz, lo7 Grand avenue. Kansas Cltv. In the murdered woman's trunk was found a marriage license bearing the names of Catherine Menn and Theodore Menn. A letter was found in the woman's effects, dated Oct. 4, from G. B. Brown a Fort Worth, Tex., merchant, ad dressed to Mrs. Caroline Menn. Dallas. Tex., the merchant requesting her to, send a check for $25. From this It Is inferred the woman had a bank ac count. Bhe stated that Mr. Christen her son. kent a hotel at Fort Worth and it Is believed Kunts stopped at this noiei, iouna out the woman had monev. enticed her to come here to murder her and get the money. A telegram was received nere todav from Fort Worth adding that Mrs. Menn's son has left mat city to come here. An Insurance policy for $3,000 In his own favor, a deed of trust, executed by Catherine Menn on property In East St. Louis, a photograph of Kunts and Pictures or a handsome young woman and a child of 6 years were found In Kuntz's trunk, besides the letters ad dressed to William Kuntz, Kansas vuy. FIVE LIVES LOST. A Steam Oyster Boat Sinks Near Rock- away Beseh in s Heavy Sea. New York, Nov. 13. Five lives were lost this morning by the capsizing of tne steam oyster boat James W. Boyle, near Kockaway Inlet. A strong wind from the northeast was rolling up a Dig swell over the shores which aenn rated the ocean and the lower tmv whn Captain Robert H. Deakln, of the tug uuni mutual, returning rrom sea with a string of city-refuse scows saw tho oyster boat headed to the eastward ana making ror the mouth of the Inlet, wmun is me entrance to Jamaica Bay inat was at 7 o'clock. The tide was half ebb, and the tug was struggling along, making slow headway. Half an hour later Captain Deakln saw the oyster boat steaming around the boll buoy, which marks the channel, and leading to the northwest for the inlet. The change of course brought her Into the trough of the sea, and she rolled heavily, she had gone but a few lengths when a big sea was seen to sweep over tier lurwura aecK, wnere there was an open gangwav. It lifted eft th. house, and upper deck and keeled the vessel over. Before she righted an omer comber dashed Itself over the ucHiesa cran, and she dlsaDnenreri from view. Only the top of the pilot house was left to mark the spot where ne went aown. captain Deakln brought his tug and tow around and neauea duck towards the buoy. He had four scows, on each of which were twenty-five men and the keeper's fam ilies. He did not dare to anchor them in such a sea, 'and therefore kept his iuw w,in mm. iook mm three-quarters of an hour to reach the wreckage Floating about were the pilot house, upper deck, doors, blinds, sashes and other bits of Joiner work, but, though he scanned the water carefully, not a sign was there of the crew. All had gone down with the steamer. As soon as the Mutual reached the city the owners of the James W. Boyle were notified. Thev nre t.m. w Boyle and Captain Peter McDonald, an oysterman of Princess Bay, Ttaten Is- It was learned from M. Boyle that tho men on the oyster boat were the cap tain, Peter McDonald. Jr.. 28 years old. and iimmeu. or rrlncess Bav: John r inn, as years Old. or Knnrimit w ir Deck Hand John Newbury, 40 years' old' n2m.S!7'e To"envllle. S. I.: John Carroll, deck hand and cook, 40 years old, a widower, of Hoboken, N. J.j and Walter B. Wood, of Inwood. L. i. Ho leaves a widow and four children. The James W. Boyle left Bridgeport, Conn., yesterday afternoon laden with seed oyster for Mr. Wood. Mr. Wood went with the vessel to Bridgeport, and as he has not yet returned to his home. It Is believed that he also came back on the boat, and i thw... alJrS,n8rnhore who met an ""timely fate. .v - une OI lne largest of the steam ovster (Wt n nri ten years ago. u"' In the place where she sank are lb.0.UL"!y.e,n..,'lthom? ater. She j,imiijr inaurea RAN INTO A FREIGHT TRAIN. Terrible Accident at Lin.fxi.j-T.. Yonng Men Fatally Injured. Maunch Chunk. Pn v ii a . ble accident occurred at Lansford last evening. Harry Buss, of Nesquehon wa dr,vlng Harry Clarkson. of Philadelphia, a commercial ,. around Coaldalo and Lansford and was on the way to the Central Railroad sta- iiun j maKe a train, when the horse became unmanageable and ran Into a freight train on the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company's tracks. Both occupants were thrown out of the ve- nicie. Young Buss will not' recover imi Clarkson remained unconscious all night The horse was killed. REAR END COLLISION. Four Men Killed and Seversl Are Severely Injsred. America, Ala,. Nov. 13. The rear end collision which occurred on the South ern road near this place yesterday af ternoon between a work train and a train loaded with coal. Is more serious than was at first supposed. Tony - Cunningham. Mose McGhee, Luke Bolles and Sam Franklin, negro laborers on the work train, were killed. Engineer Matthews and Fireman Phil lips and Lewell, of the coal train, and Anderson Townsend and Pink Wil liams, of the work train, were seriously Injured. Had 'Em with Slight Variations. I Waahlntna Mav 1 Uj.-m uit- an Insane man from Missouri, called a the white house this afternoon and made an Ineffectual attempt to see Vlce-Presl-dent Stevenson and the president. He said he was pursued by a crasy sword fish and wanted orotectlon from h fAV. ernment, HUyar was taken to the police station, j . t. '. irA . . , HAWAII AND THE JAPANESE More Trouble Seems to be Brewing in the Land of Volcanos. MIKADO'S SUBJECTS ACTIVE They Drink Firewater and Make Trouble for tho Native Polleo-Jnpan Evi dently Desires to Possess the Sandwich Islands. Honolulu, Nov. , via San Francisco, Nov. 13 (Correspondence of the United Press per steamer Cootie). The new Japanese consul general, Shlmamura, arrived here yesterday. He had been consul general at New York and Mex ico. He says his government Is dis satisfied with the failure of the Hawai ian government to live up to the terms of the immigration treaty with Japan in trying to check the influx here of Japanese. He Is to give special atten tion to that subject. This government has for some time looked with much apprehension upon the increasing pro dominance In number of Japanese In Hawaii over the other nationalities as well as upon the restless and fac tious temper shown by them. On this account they have stopped the Importation of Japanese contract laborers and caused Chinese to be sup plied instead. On the evening of Nov. 4 over 100 Japanese in Japtown were engaged in a riotous conflict. The police had to be called out in force, and they used their clubs freely. Several Japs were cut with knives. Sixteen were nrrantrl These people had been drinking heav ily on ineir emperor s birthday. Yes terday the men arrested appealed to Consul Shimidzle against the rough clubbing they received from the native policemen. The Japanese show a ten dency to antagonize the authorities. Japan Coveta the Island. Washington. Nov. 13. The United Press dispatches from Honolulu, which state that the Japanese government la dissatisfied with Hawaii because of the alleged failure of the latter govern ment to respect the terms of the Immi gration treaty with Japan, excite some attention here In view of the known de sire of the Japanese people to acquire possession of the Hawaiian Islands. The population is a very mixed one. The natives, full-blooded and half caste, number about 40,000; there are 25.000 Japanese, 15,000 Chinese, and 20,000 whites, the latter being mainly Ameri cans. The Japanese government has disclaimed any desire to acquire Ha waii, but the common people are pos sessed of the Idea and it Is feared they may compel their government to take some aggressive steps looking to the acquisition of the country. it is pointed out that Fujil, who waa the Japanese consul general at Hono lulu when Queen Llliuokalanl was de posed, was an Intimate friend of Paul lawman, wno was tne queen's confl dentlal advisor, and that upon his re turn to Japan after the provisional government waa established he carried with him a strong prejudice against the Dole administration. Fujll now holds an Important post In the Toklo iweign omce ana it is openly asserted here that his Influence Is all against the present government and In favor of ine annexation or the Island. WITHOUT FOOD SIXTY HOURS Privations of the crew of the Wrecked Steamer Missoula. Cleveland. Ohio. Nov. IS Th of the lost steamer Missoula no Moil through considerable suffering on Lake oupenor oeiore tney reached human habitation, according to stories told by survivors who reached this place to day. First Mate Gorman and several memuers or tne crew arrived on thn steamer Yuma, Gorman stated that the Mlsnoiilo Vs. came disabled Friday night a week ago and was not abandoned until one hour before she foundered Hat In launching one of the lifeboats live of me crew were tnrown into the water and the compass was lost also all of the provisions. The men were without too from Saturday night until Tuesday noon, over slxtv hours, n. nicy leueiveq waa rrom some fishermen. . , - .. . uvu ACCUSED OF DOUBLE TRAGEDY Well-to-rto Iowa Farmer Charged with minng an Aged Cos pie. 8kux City. Iowa. Nov. la a tlon has been caused In Cherokee ceunty by the arrest of George Mon tague, a well-to-do- German farmer, on the charge of killing Mr. and Mrs. Bchultz, an old couple, two years ago. The murder was a most brutal affair, the heads of the victims being beaten to a Jelly. Montague la a hrnthai- n th dered woman, and was arrested at the instance of a neighbor. h t.- confessed to the crime. Montague will nave a nearinir at Vnhi. n, n..- day. SAID THE QUICK WAS DEAD. Mistake of a Coroner's Jury Righted by a Meeona inquest. rtUI ltt. HI. rvnv. IX. A llftrltf - iuuna in a creeK a rew miles from hero this morning. Several witnesses Iden tified It aS that Of Lawrenro Vnhna onH Coroner Hoefer's Jury returned a ver- uiL-i in accoraance with the evidence Buumiueu. A few minutes later T.n turned up alive and well. A ummi in. quest was held, which developed the in- iuiiiiauun mat ine Dody was that of x numus nogan, an inmate of the poor farm. GRANGERS AT WORCESTER. Patrons of Husbandry from Twenty-Six states Respond to Roll Call. Worcester. Mass.. Nov. 13 The Na tional Grange Patrons of HuahanHrv opened Its twenty-ninth annual session in Horticultural hall In this city today. There were in attendance tha ronilar officers of the organization and dele gates from twenty-six states answered to tne roil call. The morning proceedlnn won. degree and were merely formal- The annual address of Master J. H. Brig ham was delivered this afternoon. Died In a Buggy. York. Pa.. Nov. IS. C. R wn- ! oldest member of the York county bar, had an attack of heart disease while out driving this afternoon and died In tha buggy. Mr. Wallace was 7S years old. He read law under Thaddeus Btvna. at in. caster, and was admitted here in 1849. Oil miller Kilted. Franklin. Pa,. Nov. IX la.t ni.h. James Hughes, aged 62 years, a well- known driller and oil Well contractor, was Instantly killed In this city by accidental ly driving over a steep embankment and his horse falllnsr on him. ttm l.v. m widow and several children. Death of S. H. Myers. Franklin, Pa.. Nor. It Hon. 8. B. My ers, ex-member or the legislature, waa found dead In bed at his residence In this city this morning by his wife. Death re sulted from heart failure caused by a se vere attack of asthma. Mr. Myers was M years of age, and leaves a widow and n cBuaren. FINIEY'S SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' Muslin Uederwear For One Week, Com mencing Thursday.. November. 14th, ' 10 doa Gowns with Tuckea ufl " Embroidered Yokes, at 60. eaeh, dozen Downs, with Tucked Yoke and Embroidered Ruffle .M.8Se, 10 dozen Bu filed Cambric Gowns ...910. The greatest bargain of the season. 8 dozen. Empire Gowns ... $Lli E dozen Gowns, Tucket Yoke. Sailor Collar MM...W.W Also a large assortment of Gowns handsomely trimmed with Tucking. Embroidery and Laoe, at 11.16, 11.45. $1.65, U., U.S 13.00, $3.50, $,0, ft.W. $(.091 and $1.00 each. All these goods are Included In eii regular line, the quality aaa finish of which are so well known that comments are not necessary. Goods and price selves. peak (or them- Outlng Flannel Oowna f nr. Lull a, anal Children, 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Bmisy. Every Foot . In. the Family Properly Fitted.' .eroaJ 18 Salespeople Busy Every Day and Evening, 114 AND 116 WTOMUrw AT Open Evenlafs Vatil Jan. V LAMR Just MtinL A beautiful line tl Banquet Lamps, and Bric-a-Brac, yt?ry, - suitable for a WEDDING OR HOLIDAY GIF? Call and see theml W. J. WEICHEL, Jeweler 406 SPRUCE) ST- JENNIE METCALF IN PRISON. She Was m Meatser of tha Daltea Gsaf sad Made a Keeord as a Horsefblef . Boston, Nov. IX Jennie Metcalf. II years old. has been comrnltted to the Massachusetts Reformatory prison at Sherburn for two year as a United States prisoner front Oklahoma Terri tory, having; been found guilty of horse-stealing. Jennie was a member of the notorious Dalton gang and waa captured months ago after a horse-ateanac ex pedition near Pawnee, Oklanoias. She was also a valuable witness In a mur der case, the murderer afteWard being executed. She deserted tutr httsbaad on joining the Dalton trans;. The girl Is absolutely uneducated aaa her sentence is an unusually light one, owing to u assistance ahe rendered the govern ment and to her desire to reform. Wreok of the frrawadds. New York. Nov. 13. The s waddv. stranded off Asbu Krobably become a totv ave left her. The sea im orescn over er. v WEATHER R.EPORT,, - Per Eastern PenasyhSuOa, taitlrtwaT.' Weather taaoer nrs ry ha-K, will mt2a$ araer Thursday ere aLactV' v V 1"-
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