THE SCItJLNTON THIBUKE MONDAY MOENING, MAY 27, 1 895. . I .gltlllllMHrmm... ... .... ..... ........ H,-. .... ................................. , ,.. .....I....... ....................................................... I...................................................................................... ':!? fit frl.1 . A SPRIN Our Daring Offer and Bold Dash for Patronage Will Bring a Host of Buyers. FIVE DOLLAR DOLLA DEFIANCE TO BACKWARD TEN -aft I I 1 M 4 M 13 1 Secures choice of 500 ALL-WOOL Men's Summer Suits, sold elsewhere at $10.00 and Si 2.00: everv color and design, in- eluding Black and Blue Undressed Worsteds. Remember our guarantee goes witn every suit, as to color, wear ana ftt. Large stocks of Clothing are piled up, the tables groaning underneath its weight; so we start this unheard-of cut and slash NOW, when the people will buy new Spring Suits, to attract people from every walk of life, from every town, village or hamlet in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We 1 must move this tremendous mass of modern merchandise- NOW. , ,: . We defy any house, no matter how glaring their advertis ing may seem, or how plausible their reasons for a sale may be, to come within 50 per cent, of our price. We Deal in Facts, Not Fat ar?s Secures choice of 500 Men's All-Wool Summer Suits, made to retail at $15.00 and $18.00. We have grown great and big in doing the square thing. We cut the price of Men's Spring Suits in half, in thirds, at a time when you are getting ready to don a new Suit of Clothes. The Suits include elegant Black Clay Worsteds, durable Serges, Brown and Black Thebets, beautiful Tweeds, neat effects in Worsted and Cassimeres and Cheviots. Every one brand new, of this season's make and style. Stylish dressers desirous of having "Un-to-Date" Sorinef Clothes this is your chance. We are to determined to It is our loss and your gain. M E I MK OF I n You cannot equal our values. True values need but to be seen to be recognized. - MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION. Leaders the Clothing Trade of Scranton. HACKETT, 220 jptflMMMUIIlim V EASTERN LEAGUE. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Wllkes-Barre 7 Rochester.. 4 SATURDAY'S RESULTS. Syracnio 13 Scranton 3 Wllkes-Barre 6 Rochester B Providence 6 .Toronto S Buffalo 10 Springfield 8 By winning from Rochester yester day Wllkes-Barre la within one Rame of a tie with Sprlnfffleld for first po sition. Although Scranton Is In sixth place we have an advantage In hav ing played fewer frames than any of the clubs, excepting; Syracuse and Providence. Standlug of Eastern Leaeno Clubs. Springfield .... Wllkes-llarre Syracuse Providence .., Buffalo Scranton Toronto 22 Rochester 23 W. 15 14 12 11 13 10 p.c. .6S2 .ttiO .r.s5 ,W2 .47fi .34 .174 Today's Eastern League Gtimcs. IWilkes-Barre at Rochester. Providence at Toronto. Springfield at Buffalo. IN LUCK AGAIN. Wllkcs-Barre Win a Called Game from Rochester. Rochester, N. Y., May 26. Rochester lost another hard-luck game this after noon to Wllkes-Barre. The game was called at the beginning of the eighth Inning on account of rain. The score then was 4 to,7 In favor of the visitors. O'Brien had made a three-bagger and scored on Duryea'a htt to right. A fumble of McMahon and four balls filled the bases. Daly, who had been hitting freely, was due to bring at least two men in and tie the score. He had two balls and no Btrike when the game was called. Attendance, 1,600. Score: ROCHESTER. M. H. Bhinnlrk, 2b Daly, cf Hamburg, lb Lush. If Payne,, rf 0'Brien Sb. ....... Hanrahart, is.:..'. White, o Duryea, p 0 4 0 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 O. 8 1 8 4 1 a' 1 2 0 A. 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 n o. 3 ' 0 1 2 1., 1 r lo 2, .8 r- o o 1 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 Totals 4 8 20 McMahon hit with batted ball. ;.; WILKES-BARRE. l,yttle, cf '. 2 Shannon, 2b 0 Belts, If ,., 0 Lusotte, rf r. 2 ; Earl, lb 1 DlgRlns.-..,..y-"4-" Jr Smith. 3b.....s.,V.v-i"- McMahon, S..... ....... 0 Meekln. p 2 fi . , Mat!.. VKt:fc:.Wi'.ir 1 ' 1 Rochester 1 0 3 0 0 0 04 Wllkes-Barre 2 0 2 2 0 1 07 Earned runs Rochester, 1: Wllkes Barre, 1. First base on errors Rochester, 1: Wllkes-Barre. 3. Two-base hits-Daly, DlffB'.ns. Sacrifice hits Payne, net's. Double plays Shlnnlck to Hamhurx; Shannon to Earl. Left on bases Roches ter. 8: Wllkps-Haxre, 7. Bases on balls Off Duryea, 3; off Meekln, 3. Struck out By Duryea, 1: by Meekln, 1. Hit by pitched balls Hamburg, McMahon. Wild pitches Duryea, 1; Meekln, 2. Time 1.13. Umpire Hurst, THEY LOST THEIR BATS. Scranton Failed to Crock tlio Ball When the Bases Wcro Occupied, and Syracuse Won-Twelve Runs Scored by Syracuse In the Last Three Innings. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Syracuse. May 2K Scranton had one run to the good In .today's frame with Syracuse until the seventh Inning when the home team opened upon Brown and knocked out fuur runs. Four runs were made In each of the Innings follow ing, errors by Clark and Radford con tributing to Scranton's defeat. Brown was very effective during the first part of the game,, but later he lost command of the ball, permitting Syracuse to make over two hits to Scranton's one, and presenting many of the enemy with first on balls. Scran ton had several opportunities to knock out a run or two when the bases were occupied, but Day kept their hits well scattered. Fifteen hundred persons saw the game. Score; SYRACUSE. R. H. O. A. K. Welch, cf 4 2 2 0 0 fl'mon, If 2 110 0 Mlnnahan, 3b 2 4 ' 1 " 2 1 Orillln. If 2 11 0 0 Power, bl 3 4 8 0 0 Eagan. 2b 0 0 6 3 0 Moss, ss 0 2 2 2 1 Hess, c 0 1 8 0 0 Day. D 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 13 15 27 11 2 SCRANTON. R. H. O. A. E. Word, 2b 0 2 2 4 1 Radford, ss 10-6 3-2 Sweeney, rf 1 0 3 0 0 Clark, lb 0 16 0 1 Whitehead, 3b 0 ' 1 4 2 0 IlnKnrn, c 0 12 0 0 Johnson, cf 1 0 3 0 0 Brady, If 0 0 2 1 0 Brown, p , 0 1.0,0 0 Totnls 3 0 27 10 4 Syracuse 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 413 Scranton 0 0000200 18 Earned runs Syracuse, 4; Scranton, 0. First bnse on errors Syracuse, 2; Scran ton, 1. Deft on bases Syracuse, 12; Scran ton, 8. First base on balls Off Day, 8; off Drown, 10. Struck out By Day, 2; by llrown, 2. Two-hase hits Moss, Ward. Sacrifice hits Eai;an 2. Mlnnahan, Grif fin, Hens, Radford, Clark, Johnson. Stolon bases En gan, Clark, Sweeney. Double plays Ward to Radford to Clark. Hit hy pitcher By Day, 1. Umpires Oaffnoy and Swartwood. Time 1.65. Saturday's Eastern League Games. At Rochester Rochester 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 06 Wllkes-lUirre 0 0401100 (1 ' HI le Rochester, 13; Wllkcs-Barre, 9. Er rors Rochester, 4. Batteries McPurtlln and White; Keenan and Dlgfflns. Umpire Hurst. y,. ... . ' At Buffalo - - . ; Buffalo . 8 1 -UyO 0 0 0 6 10 Springfield ..fl 1 H f 1 1 0 16 HltR-HufTnlo, 12; Springfield, 16. Errors Buffalo, 1; SprlnKfleld, t,:.- Batteries WadBworth and Dowse; Orubr and Oun oh. Umpire Snyder. At Toronto Providence 1 00.000220000 1 6 Toronto 13OO1OOO0000O-5 Hits Providence, 10; Toronto, 9. Errors Providence, 2; Toronto, 4. Batteries Lovett and McCauley; Crane and Lake. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of National League. p. w. l. r.c. Pittsburg ; 23 20 8 .714 Cincinnati 30 20 10 . .G7 Chicago 30 19 11 .633 Cleveland 29 17 12 .6'i7 New York 23 13 12 .M0 Philadelphia 25 13 12 .I2Q Boston 24 12 12 M Baltimore 22 11 11 .SW Ifrooklyn 2 10 1G .SS5 St. Louis 30 11 19 .370 Washington 26 9 17 iSW Louisville 26 6 20 .200 Sunday Games. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 1 00031 20 7 Cleveland 0 00010210-4 Hits Cincinnati, 9; Cleveland, 12. Er rors Cleveland, 4. Batteries Rhlnes and Merrltt; Wallace and O'Connor. Umpire McDonald. At Louisville Brooklyn 2 6 0 0 0 0 3 1 11 Louisville 0 000000000 Hits Brooklyn, 17; Louisville, 5. Errors Louisville, 6. Batteries Lucid and Grim; Luby, Borchers and Zahner. Umpire Betts. At Chicago Chicago 0 1 0 3 4 0 2 0 1-11 Baltimore 0 3 3 0 1 1 2 1 112 Hits Chicago, 12; Baltimore, 17. Errors Chicago, 4; Baltimore, 1. Batteries Terry and Moran; Hoffer, Qleason and Robinson. Umpire Murray, At St. Louis St. Lou Is 6 0 2 1 4 0 4 7 -23 Washington ..,..,.0 3OOOO02 1 7 Hlts-St. Louis, 22; Washington, 6. Er rorsSt. LouIb, 2; Washington, 8. Batter ies HreltenHteln and Ivitz; Stockdale, Mullarkey, McUulre and Cougar, Umpire Long. Saturday's National Leaguo Results. At Cleveland Cleveland, 8; New York.ll. At Iioulsvllle Louisville, 7; Brooklyn, 9. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 1; Boston, 0. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 8; Philadel phia, 4. At Chicago Chicago. 7; Baltimore, 8. At St. Louis St. Louis, 1; Washington, 6. Saturday College domes. At Philadelphia University of Pennsyl vania, 14; Cornell, 8. At Easton Lafayette, 4: Princeton, 6. At Bothlvliem (ton innings) Lehigh, 8; Carlisle, 4. At Providence Harvard, 7; Brown, 0. Change In the State Leagno. Reading, Pa., May 26. President Han Ion, of the State league, will visit Atlantic City tomorrow for the purpose of secur ing grounds at that place. If he Is suc cessful he will place a club thoro at onu. In the event of Mr. Hanlon making sat isfactory arrangements, the name of the slate league will be changed to the Inter state league. , Rain In Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y., May 26. The Buffalo Springfield gumo was stopped In the fourth Inning by rain, tho scoro then being one to nothing In favor of Springfield. DIAMOND DUST. - Springfield lost Its second wind. Wllkes-Barra played an errorless game Saturduy, By losing to Buffalo Saturday Spring field closed the week with a string of five straight defeats. Wllkes-Barre made a splendid showing last week and Is almost neck and neck with the leaders. ' . r Today's game scheduled for Scrnh,tOrt'it Syracuse was played Friday.. The 12-ln-nlng tie between the two clubs In tnls city on the opening day of the season will be played off In this olty. . AmotMi the Amateurs. ' LIHle Potatoes Hard to Peel defeated No.. J Hebrew school by a scor of 4 to J Saturday.; (. ,: .,, . ... ; The Comets of No. 14 school will here after be known as the Preparatory Jun iors. They challenge any team under 15 years and wish to meet the Little Ty coons on Thursday at 4 p. m. Answer In The Tribune. At Kingston Saturday the Young Men's Christian association defeated Wyoming seminary by a score of 8 to 3. The Trilbys challenge any club In the city under 18 years of ag. First game to be played on home grounds. Answer through The Tribune. The Scranton Business college team was defeated by the Keystone academy club, of Factory vllle, at the Base Ball park Sat urday by a score of 16 to 7. Tho North End Stars challenge the Scranton Business college team to a game of hall Thursdoy, May 31, at 4 o'clock on the Driving park crouds. Answer through Tho Trfbune. J. Williams, captain. STRONG KACINg"tRI0. Corse r, Winnns and Coleman to Repre sent tho Scranton Illcyclo Club. Amateur bicyclists, particularly those of the '.Scranton Bicycle club, ore pleased over the prospect that this city will be represented on the tracks of this vicinity by at leaslt one excellent club trio. The Scranton club has changed its mind .over a previous decision not to carry a racing itooim this season and h'is secured the presence here of f. B. Corser, of Pottsvllle, who, with George Wlnann and Robert Coloman, of thlo city, will comprise the club's tenm. Th(y ere hi training and are speeding on the Driving Park track. Corser gave an excellent account of himself last year, and his preliminary work this season Indicates Increased speed nnd all-around Improvement. T.'lnans also gives evidence of coming around Into excellent form. Coleman is tin airport untried youngster, but his practice work Indicates that he will fihow wpeed and power. Corner Is eng'nigod as advertising solicitor Pur the Horn.niton Life. . The team will appear In the Learue of American Wheelmen's circuit races In WHkes-larre, June 21 and 22; Cnr bondale, June 26, and Berwick, June 29, and in oren local meets In this section of the state. For its elower riders, the Sera niton Bicycle club has made a pleasing ar rangement in connection with the Dec oration Day run from Stroudsburg to Port Jervli A large number who do not wlh to make quick time wll leave hero at 6.1B a. m. via tlhe Lackawanna road for Btroudnburg, where they will breakfast. At Dlngman's ferry they will wait for the main party, which will leave thin city at 8 o'clock. From Port .Inrvla they will 'board the Erie and Wyoming Volley train, and will reach Scrumton ait 8 o'clock p. m. SEEN FROM TIiFtRAIN. Travelers on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Need Ask No Moro Questions. . '' One of, the Instest dainty adventla Img conceits of Charles 8. Lee, the Le litgih Valley's nw general passenger agent, consists of a superbly printed booklet of vest pocket size, entitled "Seen front tho Train." It Is printed In colors. Illustrated with marginal nnd thumb-nail engravings showing pictur esque scenes along the line of the Val ley railroad, and contains brief explan atory notices descriptive of each sta tion. ' With this pretty pamphlet in hand the traveler can, beginning -In New York, take the Desbrossea or Cortland street ferry for Jersey City, and thence ride to Buffalo, without having to ask a single question about the localities through which he passes. It Is an Idea whlnh ouM to ba wejl appreciated.: . ; ' ' ,:' IF" YOU are weak and worn out, or have that tired feeling Hood's Sarsaparllla la Just the medicine to restore your strength and give you a good appetite. Hood's p&kes pure blood. .' :f' " V . For -a dinner pill and general family cathartic we confidently recommend HOOD'S PILLS. . MILD, SWEET, TENDER, 'STRAWBERRY BRAND" . . . . The Finest That Are Offered to the Trade. LUGE BROS. GASH STORES, 122 N. Main Avenne, Scraatea, ON OTHER SIDEOF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. FAREWELL TO MRS. ROBERTS Closing Session of the Welsh Philosophi cal Soolety Was Oberved at the Snmo Tlmo-Spoclul Services at the Washburn Street Church. Saturday evening's session of the Welsh Philosophical society was the final meeting of the season. The affair took the form of a farewell to Mrs. Margaret E. Roberts, who Is about to leave this country to take up her resi dence In Wales. Mrs. Roberts Is a wo man of refinement who has contributed largely to local scientific work, and Is a llterateur of note. The lady hns been connected with the society for a number of years past, and It Is owing to the great esteem with which she Is held by the members that the meeting of Saturday evening was made a fare well one In her honor. After Henry P. Davis had disposed of all the questions In i the "question box," Librarian D. C. Powell announced the beginning of the complimentary to Mrs. Roberts. Among the gentlemen who spoke were: Mr. Powell, Henry P. Davis, Dr. Heath, Judge H. M. Edwards, Mrs. Yost and Mrs. Williams, of Eynon street, Wil liam Evans and party sang several se lections during the intervals. Mrs. Roberts' response to the kind words of her fellow-members was full of best wishes for the welfare of the society. She talked for nearly thirty minutes in an Interesting strain, and her speech was replete with thoughts, characteristic- of the speaker. The meeting was a ,very enjoyable one throughout. The session just passed of the society has been fruitful In many ways. New members have been added, thus enfustng new blood into an or ganisation. Which has perpetuated Itself by use of Hyde Park's best known Welshmen for a number of years past. Mr. Powell has performed the duties of librarian with fidelity. M. ' ' ." ', At the Presbyterian. -Special singing services were held both morning and evening yesterday in the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. At the latter session the hand some main auditorium was crowded with attendants, many coming from the central city. A quartette, consisting of Misses Ada Hall, Anna Rose, Phoebe Smith and Clara Saunders, Hector James, D. M. Jones, D. M. Davis, F. B. Wood and Arthur Van Oorder, sang sacred music In a beautiful manner, under the leadership of Tallle Morgan. Miss Abbe Denman also assisted. The rendition of a beautiful chorus, In the evening was especially fine. L. Jones, of Landls street, was organist of the day. West Sldo Melange. The Druids met yesterday and re hearsed In the Tabernacle church. Chief Ferber is recovering; from an attack of rheumatism. The Hyde Park .Literary nnd Debat ing; society will meet this evening. The society always presents a good pro gramme and the public te Invited to en Joy It any time. Rev. Hugh Davis, of the Welsh Cal vlnlstlc Methodist church, has re turned after a two weeks' absence. Tomorrow evening the Christian En deavor society of ithe Welsh Calvlnls tlc Methodist church will conduct a so cial. Word has been received here that Rev. Owen James, of Hollldaysburg, formerly pastor of the Scranton Street church, has been elected president of the Roger William seminary, of Nash ville, Tenn. Mr. James leaves on in fluential pastorate at Hollldaysburg for the college presidency. A few palls of water quenched a small fire which occasioned an alarm from box 44 Saturday morning. The blaze was among some old rubbish and barrete In the rear of the house of John Williams, of Tenth street. In Meara' hall last evening a large audience listened to a tnlk on temper ance 'by Mrs. Harry, of St. Louis, who Is In tho city In the Interest of the Catholic Total Abstinence societies. The talk was given under the auspices of St. Cecelia's Ladles' society of this side. v - The Misses Annette Williams, Bertha Emory and Anna Stcvans spent yes terday with Kingston friends. The United choir met last evening in St. David's hall. The Scranton Glee club sang last evening. The organization Is practic ing quietly, though whth effect. i 1 H ?a A 1 1 i ssmnwii.wsnMiuS9uK)Mi b Silo iuthI'KS TBUU. COMMIT UtCOMl l.T mAslNCM 'i i ABSOLUTELY PURE .THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAFORAL CIGARETTE " Hm toetf Ik Tilt qt Tliae ' MORE HOLD THAN AIL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED Clarke Bros, have secured the ser vices of Clements Relchart. a weJI knewn sausage and bologna maker, who will work In the meat department. Ira Brader and wife. Ellas Jones and wife visited Lake Wlnola yesterday. Mrs. S. D. Oaufman and Mrs. Nau man are visiting New Jersey relatives. Humphrey Evans, of North Hyde Park nvenue, Is 111 with pneumonia. Mrs. George Courtrlght, of Philadel phia, Is visiting Mrs. T. J. Luce, of North Main avenue. Alfred Paine has been reappointed Janitor at the Simpson Methodist Epis copal church. Profersor W. George Powell was much venker last evening than he hns been during the present attack of sick ness. Robert Morris Lodge Base Ball club challenge the west Side Young Men's ir.ttltuto to a friendly game on Dec oration Day morning. Call at the West Side office and arrange details. The body of the Late John Cannon, of Hampton street, was Interred Sat urday in the Hyde Park Catholic cem etery. Funeral services were held in St. Patrick's church. Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Mun son, of South Hyde Park avenue, a boy. Baptismal services were conducted yesterday morning In the Scranton Street Baptlat church. Ida Morgan, a 7-year-old child of Mrs. Sarah Morgan, of Rebecca ave nue, will be burled this afternoon. West Side Rusinoss Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cnblnet rhotos. SI. 40 per dozen. They are Just lovely.- Con vince yoursi'lf by calling at Startler's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Retfere Standard J:tva Coffee Is unexcelled. Tho leading rcAVe of the day. For sule only at V. V. M: son & Co. Flno Groceries, 116 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have, to soli. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and nee the stock of J. C. King, 1KM and lit Jackson street. WALL PAPER-Go to Fred Reynolds, I0 North Main avenue, nnd see his complete line of Wall Paper. Paints nnd Window Shades. Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING William D. Orlfnths, 113 North Main avenue, does llrst-elass Plumbing, Steam Hest and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. WHY SUFFER When you can get your eyes eclen tiflcally tested Any loss ot vision from age or detect can be corrected by the usu ot the Acro-Crystal lenses, which will stop all pain in the heud. Have no other. The Acro-Crystal lenses are sold only by DeWITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER. Hours: Dally, 1) to II a. m., 1 totund Tto p-m 203 LACK. VL, SCRANTON, PA. bA-.V! ; r. 5k n. .t'... 4 :.'.-";i,-SiS. v r mm DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated sinft of Ensllth and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Fostcffico Building, Corner Penn Avenue end Spruce Street. The doctor Is a graduae of the Unlver. slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology nnd Burgery at the Medico-t'hlrurgtcnl collcgo of Philadel phia. His specialties arc Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE HERYODS SYSTEM Tho symptoms of which are dlr.zlness,lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men and women, ball risinre In throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, tumble to concentrate the mind on ona subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mlnd,which limits them for performing fho actual du ties of life, making happiness impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirits. evil forebodings, cowardice, fenr, d roam. mel ancholy, tire iasy of company, feeling as tired In the morning :is when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thouRht, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately, ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Youug Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call, upon tho doctor and be exam m1. Hepnres the worst cases of Ner vous Lebility, Scrofula, Old Soros, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female - Weakness, Affec tions of iho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description, 'v Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidonlf,. otiloo hours dally frra t a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 1 Fnclose five 2-cont stamps for symtpom blanks and my book rolled "New Life." I will pay ooo thousand dollars in pold to anyone whom I cannot cure of KPI LEFTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. 13. ORBWrtR, Old Post Oftlce Building, corner Pens avenue and Spruro street, SCRANTON, PA. French Injection Componnd Cnrfi positively, quickly. (nn merely chprks.) ituarnntaexl or money rnfundtnl. Avoid dangerous iwncdlra. IMcflOU cents twbottlo. HAX Holll. (wih cum ecvcruut caw) nun t prepaid. MX5urr ironx obfMTailwt, with only KtemtficaUy made syrlngo, to ivuy auuraw iur ivj.isj. lf"'BMf .vwtouv ISM) o.lli WrlUra t G:Hirsatil Car tnr . ' l,OQr MANHOOD, Im'Ui cf younpr and middle, fttvil i:-tu una wotrcn. Tii. nvrclcfEcctaof YOUIHFliti HnrnilMi oi' trofilmonL I'linofiS. nrortiiiM.iff wtmfcf Bom, Nervous 1 WilUy, Nfchl ly Kmiarions, CoDsmnnticn, imnitT.Kxti.iiit't'nrtt rimtiinftiidiojiofpowwof WioUcft" i ,UvffCTiiuiiti:tlnironolorirta(1y, buaioewsuid muiw r.-tjrc.iqulrUywrtU)yIhr. EIcdrtnucftHpnnUk Ncrvat ttmlii. Iticy uct only cura by rtArHiiff attliotwat of dia cis, but aro n fn-it Nt;ilVK XON1C d l(LVil t;i:iLhf.-:t(, hrimnnfr tmck tlio tlnk rW tm pal cbrpkii m:d rtvoninv tho FTUK itV TorrTITto tl. patlen. Uy mxii, t-1 . no per box or 0 for with wHu ica ffdurantPi: to mre or rpfmi (lie monty, T-iK'lC UwJHiiUallih A WW OrnU Co., lio.t 8dia Hw TWaV For brio by JOHN H. PHELPS, prug lft Wyoming- ave. una 6pruc strU . ,. ;
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