e THE (5tiLNT0N TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. MAY 27, 1895. PUBLIC OPENING Decoration Day PUBLIC OPENING Decoration Day SEVEN MILES FROM CITY. 15 MINUTES' RIDE FROM TOWN. Decoration Day . . .... Free Excursion T Decoration t 4 I a r No Rent at Lorraine. No Taxes at Lorraine. No Mortgages at Lorraine. -No Interest at Lorraine. 4 SGRANTON'S NEW SUB-DIVISION. Lorraine, the beautiful new suburb, that will be opened to the public Thursday, May 30th, "Decoration Day," is seven miles north of Scranton, at Clark's Summit station, D., L & W. R. R., main line. Lorraine lies on the northerly side of the Factoryville and Abington Turnpike, and slopes gently south and east, overlooking the thriving villages of Clark's Summit and Clark's Green. These rapidly growing hamlets less than half a mile apart and will be directly connected by Main avenue, which starts from Clark's Summit at the intersection of the Winola Road with the Factoryville and Abington Turnpike, and runs through "Lorraine" northward to the Philadelphia and Great Bend Turnpike at Clark's Green. Lorraine is decidedly Scranton's most picturesque, most healthy and most accessible suburb. No Notes at Lorraine. Free Railroad Fare at Lorraine. Nree Life Insurance at Lorraine. Free Improvements at Lorraine. r 300 SPLENDID BUILDING LOTS On Sale "Decoration Day," Thursday, May 30th. LORRAINE 40 FEET WIDE BY 84 TO 160 FEET DEEP. We sell you upon the most helpful and practical plan of home-owning ever originated. LOTS. $IOO 150 200 250 300 TERMS OF SALE: FIRST PAYMENT. - $1. OO I.50 2.00 - 2.5O - 3.00 WEEKLY PAYMENT. $1.00 LOO 1.70 2.00 Ten per cent off for cash in thirty days. TREMENDOUS CASH OFFER. $2,000 IN PRIZES TO BUILDERS. To encourage the quick building of handsome houses we will give $300 in cash to the first house cost ing $51,00 or upwards, completed at Lorraine by Jan. 1, '96. To the second house under like conditions, $250. third " " . " 200. fourth " " " " 150. fifth " 44 " " 100. And $ioo each in cash to the next fifteen houses fin ished under similar conditions a grand total of twenty prize values, $2,000 in all. Free Railroad Fare. We will give a commutation ticket for one year to the head of each family building and residing at Lorraine by Jan. i, '96. Free Life Insurance. r We make agreement with every person in good health at the time of purchase, to secure to their heirs the deed of the property with out further payment of any kind, in event of their death before lot has been paid for in full, provided said payments have never been more than two weeks in arrears. W TOU S11D LIVE AT LORRAINE. 1. Lorraine has twelve trains a day. 2. Lorraine is only fifteen minutes' ride from Scranton. 3. Lorraine trains get to Scranton before 7 a. m. 4. Lorraine is in the most rapidly growing section within twenty miles of Scranton. , 5. Lorraine is only seven miles from Court House Square. 6. Lorraine is only two miles from city line. 7. Lorraine has $150,000 of handsome buildings around it now. 8. Lorraine is not undermined. 9. Lorraine has no "reservation of minerals." 10. Lorraine has pure air, water and perfect drainage. 11. Lorraine is free of taxes, mortgages, notes, interest. 12. Lorraine has free transportation, free life insurance, free improvements. Free Improvements At our own expense and with out a fraction of cost to purchasers, we grade all streets, build substan tial board sidewalks on streets and plant choice variety of shade trees on all streets. Thousands of dol lars have already been laid out by us in this way upon Lorraine. , Restrictions. ' Proper restrictions will be in serted in every deed to insure the maintenance of the qualifications most desirable in a suburban home. Leave Depot 10.30 a. m. Free Excursion Trains Decoration Day. become to our: office for railroad tickets.-sw Leave Depot 1.45 P-m. WOOD, HARMON & CO., Largest Suburban Real Estate Operators in the World. Decoration Day , Free Excursion Decoration Day . . .... Trains 10,30 A. H., 1.46 Wybtning Avenue, - 1 V 1 . ' - M, , II , Scranton, Pa 11 1 ' Trains 10.30 A.M., M5P.M. P. M, m
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