THE BCRANTON TRIBUNE-tfftlDAY MOIiNItfCr. MAY 17, 1895. 0(ip Neighbors WILKES-BRRRE. ' The Tribune lips opened a branch of fice at No. 2, Lann!nir building. Public Square, Wllkes-Barre. for the transaction of business. The publishers propone to extend the circulation or The irtuune m Wllkes-Barre and the surrounding towns. and to that end will present a very com plete department or Luxerno county new. For success In this undertaking depend ence Is Disced unnn the superiority of The Tribune as a purveyor of all the news or the day domestic, foreign, iocm. commercial and financial. The general In terests of the people of Wllkes-nnrre and the Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially unci otherwise. It Is the purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a nowapupcr as valuable, to the general public as the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to Hve hours earlier than the . Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. IMPORTANT MUSICAL EVENT. Annual Spring Concert of the Concordia Society a Pleasing Affair. The annual spring concert of tht Gorans Vereln Concordia was held lust evening In their handsome new hull, mi Northampton and Washington streets, before one of the largest audioncvu that has ever assembled In this hall. The programme opened with the over ture, "Paragraph 3," by Sttppe, played in :an excellent manner by the or chestra.' This was followed by a souk for mixed chorus and orchestra, "l-'ru-llngsdithrambe," by Haldamus. The mixed chorus showed up well, being well balanced and strong. Mlys Francos Hoffhelmer sang a contralto solo, "Dearest Heart of My Heart," by IV Koven, and It was warmly received, be ing followed by a double number for male chorus, a capella. The first was a Neapolitan volkslied, "Santa Lucia." and the second a student's song by Attenhoefer. Both were well rendered and heartily encored. The next number was one of the finest of the evening, being a performance of Rodes' Seventh Violin Com-erto by A- N. Rlppard, with full orchestral ac companiment. Mr. Rlppard's Interpre tation of this brilliant number, crowded with technical difficulties, was superb, and his bowing was especially flue. The concerto rails upon the performer for every known form of bowing, all of which was splendidly done. In the slow movement Mr. Rlppard showed great beauty and strength of tone, and the brilliant rondo, which closed the concerto, he played at a very rapid tempo, and executed It with delicacy, but firmness throughout. At the close Mr. Rlppard received a deserved en core, for the music lovers of this city have seldom heard the violin played better than Mr. Rlppard did last eve ning. The first part closed with Schu mann's male chorus "Sonntags am Rheln," sung without accompaniment. The second part opened with a com position by S. L. Laciar, one of the Concordia members, for male quartette and string sextette. The voices wera J. C. Atkin and A. C. Campbell, first tenor; Charles Helfrich and J. R. Ed gar, second tenor; George Kraft and W. A. O'Nlell, first bass; W. E. Wood ruff and J. P. Burns, second bass; and the strings, A. X. Rlppard, first violin; W. P. Rieg, second violin; Professor Pokarney, first viola; F. W. Innes, sec ond viola; T. H. Rlppard, first cello, and S. L. Laciar, second cello. The work was very well received by the audience. It was followed by a mixed chorus without accompaniment, Men dlessohn's "Auf Dem See." and this was In turn followed by Miss Ousaie De Mols, who sang two soprana solos, " "Tis Springtime," by Eohm; and a aereimue, vy evin. .UIS3 ue .UOIS was In excellent voice and sang well. Then came a male chorus, "Ubers Jahr," by Von der Stucken, one of the moat beautiful of the many beautiful choruses the Concordia has ever sung. J. C. Atkin sang "I Think of Thee," by Beethoven, In his usual splendid way, and the concert closed by the "Sang an Aeglr," for male chorus and orcheBtra, words and music being by Kaiser Wil lielm II, of Germany. The male chorus showed splendid training and both the members them selves and Professor Hausen are en titled to great credit for the manner In which they acquitted themselves. The Concordia has never given a better or more successful entertainment than this one. A CONDEMNED VERDICT. The Incotnprehenslblencss of the. Aver age Jury. Seldom has a verdict rendered by a jury been the subject of so much ad verse criticism as has that of murder In the second degree In the case of Hen dricks, charged with the murder of Barney Relck. If the Jury had ac quitted the defendant there might have been disappointment, but In any event public sentiment would have said the Jury thought (there was a doubt of guilt and gave the prisoner the benefit of lit. Such a verdict could have been de fended. Had a verdict of murder In the first degree .been rendered it could have been justified by the evidence. There could not powlbly have existed In this case "the elements or conditions that constitute murder in the second degree. Such a verdict In Indefensible. Barney Relck was lured from his home, led to a secluded spot for the pur pose of robbing him. He was struck a murderous blow and killed. Hen dricks and three others were charged "with the murder. It was a deliberate, cold-blooded, cownrdly murder. When the Jurors retired ten of them were con vinced that a verdict of murder In the flint degreo had been established. Two were In favor of acquittal. After a few hours a compromise on murder in the second degree was reached. Under the circumstances such a verdict is ut terly Indefensible. James Hendricks is either guilty of murder In the first de gree or he Is an Innocent man. ' Deplorable as such miscarriages of Justice are, and they are altogether too frequent, they supply am overwhelming argument In favor of a change in our Jury system that will permit three fourths of the Jurors to render a ver dict. In almost every instance where nuch a travesty upon justice occurs it Is due to one or two men on the Jury, and tco frequently the actuating mo tive of the dissenters is only too ap parent. Unsatisfactory and Indefensible as this compromise verdict Is, it neverthe less vindicates the action of the county commissioners in employing detectives to ferret out the perpetrators of the bloody crime. Morever, this verdict vindicates the Barring and McSweemey detective agency 4n the management of the case. By their verdict the Jury de clare that the evidence secured by the Barring agency established the fact that Hendricks was an active partici pant In the murder of Barney Relck. Thait was all the detectives could be ex pected to do. If the jurors failed in their duty the responsibility rests not upon any one but themselves. The Barring and MoSweeney agency stands Justified and vindicated Just as fully as though a verdict of murder In the first degree had been rendered. The oounty commissioners are vindicated In employing this agency to bring the murderers to Justice after a lapse of fif teen months of failure by the ordinary means. Hendricks has escaped the gallows; lit Is not by any means certain that the other three will, IS QUAY COUNTY DEAD? The Belief Very General That the Dill Cannot Now Puss. The fact that the advocates of the Quay county bill In the legislature feared to risk a vote on that measure on Wednesday has convinced Its op ponents that the bill Is as good as dead. The announcement that I . will be called up on Tuesday or Wednesday Of next week causes no apprehension whatever here, lluzlctonlans here yesterday were very confident In their predictions that the bill will yet pass the house at the present session. They explain the failure to call It up on AVednesday on the grounds that a number or the friends of the measure were unavoid ably absent from their seats, atid as they do nut claim that they have any votes to spare they did not propose to take any risks. "On Tuesday or Wed nesday next," said one. "we will put it through in great shape." If the Quay county bill shall be finally defeated the credit will belong in n much larger measure to the determined efforts of the people of Schuylkill county than to any opposition that has come from Wilkes-ltarre. ALLEGED EMBEZZLEMENT. Serious Charges Against o Man Who llns llccn Grcutly Honored. Yesterday afternoon the Times sprung a great sensation upon the com munity by charging thu,t S. S. Chan, who went to Europe ostensibly on a visit about two months ago, was an embezzler to the amount of $100,000 or more. Chan has been the city ticket agent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company, and also represented a num ber of steamship lines, doing a general business as a ticket agent. The de tails of the alleged embezzlement have not been made public, but there Is lit tle doubt that Chan has been Uolns business In a crooked way. The Timet however, greatly overstates the amount of the defalcation, as the writer of this Is assured 'that he bad no opportunity to appropriate any such amount of money. All the facts will become known In a few days ojid until that time comes The Tribune will be con tent with, a simple announcement that Chau has gone wrong. He has also been very highly respected by every one and was regarded as an honorable and conscientious man by all who had business relations with him. ANOTHER KILLING. Fatal Quarrel Between Two Farmers The Older Kills the Yonngcr. A most deplorable quarrel has for some time existed between Captain James Williams and William Chapman, both of Jackson township. On Wed nesday the two men had an encounter and Williams shot and almostly in stantly killed Chapman. Willtacs Is a man of 63 years, and Chapman about 3S. Immediately after the shooting Williams surrendered himself to 'Squire Atkinson, who committed him to the custody of the township constable, and he was brought to Wllkes-Barre yes terday and confined in the county Jail. Williams claims that he acted in self- defense, that Chapman first struck him on the head with a stone, then Jumped upon him and tried to strangle him. Williams then drew a revolver and fired one shot Into his adversary's abdomen, which speedily proved faital. In sup port of this story Williams shows a bad-looking wound on his head and he claims he was struck with a stone by Chapman. The case Is a most deplora ble one. A Strike at a Mine. Yesterday morning the drivers and car runners at South shaft No. 1 of the Susquehanna Coal company at Nantl coke, inaugurated a strike, and work was at once suspended by Superintend ent Morgan. It appears that nearly a month ago three boys employed at the mine were discharged, all for apparent ly good reasons. On Wednesday night the other boys employed at the mine went to the mine foreman and demand ed the reinstatement of the three dis charged boys, declaring they would all refuse to go to work yesterday morning unless their demand was at once com plied with. Yesterday morning Super intendent Morgan tried reason with the boys, but they would not be rea soned with, so the superintendent or dered themaway and directed the works be closed down. Hundreds of men are thrown out of employment by the ac tion' of these boys. Mr. Morgan says next Monday work will be resumed, but with a different lot of boys as drivers. Broke Ills Wheel. On Wednesday evening about 11 o'clock as a young man was riding down Franklin street on his bicycle at a pretty rapid speed his wheel went into one of the numerous hides In the asphalt, precipitating him to the pave, severely Injuring one of his legs, be sides breaking his wheel. He Is seri ously considering the question of bring ing a suit for damages against the city. It would seem that the least the au thorities should do is to level up those holes In some way, even If It be done only by filling them with ashes or fine cinders. There Is not much doubt that damages could be recovered for in juries sustained as a result of the neg lect Indicated. The Survey Completed. The civil engineers who made the sur vey of the proposed new county of Grow, completed their work on Wednes day evening and returned to their homes yesterday. The commissioners appointed by the governor will how pro ceed to make up their report, and If the facts conform to the requirements of the act of assembly, as to territory and population, the governor will Issue his proclamation, designating a time for holding a special election at which the voters In the territory embraced in the survey will decide for themselves whether or not they desire a new county. . A Teacher.' Excursion, An effort Is being made among the teachers In the publlo schools to secure a party of twenty-five of their number to constitute an excursion to Denver, Colorado, to attend the sessions of the National Educational ' association In that city on- July 6. A meeting of teachers has been held and the prelim inary steps taken to effect an organlza Dou)d the tlon. If twenty-five can be secured for the excursion a special car will be fur Ished by the Pennsylvania Railroad company to run through from Wllkes Barre to Denver. Miss Jennie Randall Is president of the association and Miss Austin secretary. Aspirants for West Point. Tomorrow the nineteen candidates for the cadetship at West Point will appear at the Union street school building to bo examined as to their mental and educational qualifications for the ap pointment. The examiners designated by Congresf.mun Lelsenrlng are County Superintendent Harrison, City Super intendent Coughlln and Professor Shlel, of IMttston, Tho congressman has very properly thrown the appointment open to competition, promising to appoint the one who pusses the best t-xutiilnu-tlun. PERSONALS. I. P. Hand. Jr., Is home from La fayette college, sick with todisllitls. The wire of Mayor Nichols Is passing through, a serious Illness, but hopes are entertained of her entire recovery. Alderman Ford has opened his olllce In the Weltznnkorn building. In tho same rooma occupied by his predeces sor, the late Alderman Zelgler. John Lanlng, Jr., has returned from Hear Luke, where he has been spend ing several days. He reports several Inches of enow fell there Tuesday. Senwtois Mitchell. Snyder, Fruit, Sailor and Short were In the city yes terday on a tour of Inspection of the hospitals and charitable institutions. They visited the city hosplitnl. Theiictxt time tho Democrats succeed in electing the member of congress from this district his name should be John T. Lenahan. Ho would make hla mark prtiity high In the house of rep resentatives. Abednego Reese, a well-known and popular citizen, has moved to West Vir ginia, where he hai accepted the posi tion of general superintendent of the Gayton Coal company. In which Hon. George W. Shonk and Cither Luzerne capitalists are large Interested. BRIEF NOTES. As a smasher of alibis Attorney John T. Lenahan has demonstrated that he has few equals and no superiors. It begins to look as if the new coun ty bill were ready for a funeral. Two years more of peace will therefore fol low. The cantata of "Daniel" was per formed at Germanla hall last evening before a large audience in a highly creditable manner. There Is no better evldetnce of the rapid growth of Wllkes-Barre than the large number of new dwellings that are in course of erection. The Times' dally reports of the Hen dricks murder trial was one of the best pieces of reportorlal - work ever executed In this city. Harrison, Fisher and Kearney, the other three men charged with tho Relck murder, will be tried at the June term of quarter sessions. Mrs. Gilbert Young, of Kidder street. sustained severe burns In her efforts to extinguish a fire thait was accident ally kindled In her house and threat ened its destruction. Frank Consavitz has been sent to Jail for assaulting a fellow country man with a pick-handle. The affair occurred at one of the Hungarian Bat tlements In the suburbs. A new township la to be created out of a portion of Hazle. If the good peo ple of that section cannot have a new county they will In any event have a new township. Wllkes-.UB.rre won't kick that. The first raft of. the season passed down the Susquehanna river on Wed nesday and recalled to the older settlers the olden time when rafting was an Important Industry. Rafts are now sel dom seen here. Hugh Maloy, of Drifton, and John O'Hara, of Eckley, were the two Jurors who wanted to acquit Hendricks, but finally consented to a verdict of mur der In the second degree. That was a fine-looking body of young fellows who presented them selves for physical examination as as pirants for the West Point cadetship. Now for the more trying mental and educational examination. The people of Wllkes-Harre have good cause to be proud of the Ninth Regiment band. It is a splendid or ganization and has a superb leader In Professor Alexander. The band has Just been supplied with neat uniforms, the creations of Joseph P. Burns, an antiat in his line of business. The Ice cream and strawberry festival at the Old Ladles' Home this afternoon and evening promises to be a very pleasant affair. A musical programme will be rendered, among the partici pants being Miss Annette Reynolds, of Beranton; Miss Eva M. Patterson, Miss Adele Breakstone, Clark Wright Ev ans, A. Rlppard. Fred Smith, Mrs. R. B, Hrundage, Miss Bertha Mitchell, J. C. Atkins and the Independent Glee and Banjo club. A large number of tickets have been disposed of. Fifty cents pays for refreshments and the musical entertainment. If the llaby Js Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has bean used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Oums, Allays all l'aln; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. .Sold by Druggists In ev ery part of the world. He sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ,. Liable to Misconstruction. From the Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Mrs. Snaggs I am so glad that Mr. Rloomfleld Is rid of his chills and agilo. Mr. Snags But he Isn't. "You said he was." "I didn't." ' "You siild the og no had given him the cold shake." "Well?" Hero the discussion ended. Low Hnto F.xeurslons Wont, via the Nickel Plate Ttoad. Elegant Din ing Car Service on all trains. Relief In Six Hour. , Distressing Kldhey and Bladder dis eases relieved In six ho'jrs by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary pas sages, In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this la your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, ,125 Penn ave nue, Beranton, Pa. Co uho and Effect. I asked how she liked the play, t She Said It tlreBome was; You see, her beau was In the cast, f VAnd hugged the star from first to last, i Whlcn fact explains the .cause. '' . Boston Courier. Ualley. PITTSTON. Edward Bach told, who has been act ing as assistant for W. F. Stale? for a number of yours, has resigned his posi tion on account of 111 health. Fritz Webber, who has been connected with W. L, McDougall, and has proven him self to be proficient In tho art of watch repairing, lius accepted the position vacated by Mr. Bochtold. The league game of basket ball, which was to have been played this evening between the Wllkes-Barre and Ptttston Young Men's Christian association teams, has been Kistponed until Thurs day evening, May 28. This Is the sec ond time the game has been put off by the Wllltes-Harro players, and gives us the privilege of thinking that they have lost their nerve. All tickets dated May 17 will hold good until May 23. Manager 'Poets, of the Hcranton Bas ket Ball team, uf the Thirteenth regi ment, was In town Inst evening to ar range for a game with Plttslon players. The game will probably be pluyed on Thursday evening, May 23, and will bo for the benefit of the Thirteenth regi ment. G. II. Wood, fireman on Plttston shift engine of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, left last evening for (lalesburg, 111., to attend the con vention of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. Eddie Joyce has refitted his barber shop at the Junction with new furniture of a modern Btylo. He hus also added a new chair. John Redding, engineer on the Le high Valley railroad, Is probably the luckiest man in this, vicinity. A few days since he purchased a ticket on a rulllo for a horse, buggy and harness for the sum of to cents. The raffle was held at Sayre and Mr. Redding was the possessor of the lucky number, and now airs his family In hla new equip aire. A search warrant was Issued for the thieves who entered the hen coops of George Lewis and Charles Rommel, on Monday night, and supplied themselves with game stock. The chickens were returned. This morning Mrs. Lewis again caught the thief at the hennery and notified her husband, who Immedi ately gave chase up Exeter street and overtook the thief, who Is now Incarcer ated In the West Side ban tile. Ex-Lieutenant Governor L. A. Watres and Attorney Lemuel Amerman, as rep resenting the Scranton and Plttston Traction company, will confer with the Hughestown borough council this even ing and their attorney, W. H. Gillespie, with regard to laying of tracks within the city limits. It is understood that If an amicable arrangement Is not made this evening, the council will apply for an Injunction to prevent the laying of the company's tracks. Harry Tinker, of Tunkhannock, was a visitor In this city yesterday. Wall paper from 7 cents a roll up, at W. F. Moyer & Bros., 98 South Main street. TUNKHANNOCK. I cannot sing the old songs, and I am glad I can't; there are so many people who shout and rave and rant, that when I hear the old songs they rather make me tired, and I could wish tho singers were gathered' up and fired. The cold weather has killed all the plums, but the plumbers came through all right. Miss Emma Titus will move her mil linery store Into the Bardwell block, next to the postofflce, April 1, when the building she now occupies will be re modeled for Paul Billings & Sons' busi ness office. Triton Hose company and Temple Commandery and have selected new uniforms alike In every particular, and It Is not Improbable that the title of the band will be changed to Triton Cornet band soon. The hose boys are making active preparations for their Ice cream social on Friday evening, May 24, when the band will give an open-air concert If the weather Is favorable. The receipts will be used to pay for the new uniforms, which the boys hope to get In time for parade on Decoration Day. Volney B. Cushlng, the noted temper ance orator from Maine, will speak at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sun day evening, June 16, nnd again during the week following. He is said to be one of tho most gifted temperance orators on the American platform, nnd It Is purposed to have him give ad dresses at various points In the county. Including Mehoopnny, Meshoppcn, Laceyvlllo, Nicholson and Factoryvllle. Ho comes under the auspices of the county Woman's Christian Temperance union, who are at considerable ex pense to bring him here, and It Is hoped that those In reach of his appointments will endeavor to hear birr.. Garfield McKelvey, who has been do ing the plumbing work for his sister, Mrs. 15. E. Brown, returned yesterday to Olyphnnt, where he has a situation. Warren H. Kllburn, on aged resident of Tunkhannock township, who has been reduced to penury by sickness and the alleged perfidy of supposed friends, applied for relief yesterday and wns admitted as a town charge. An Owego paper si sites as a solemn fact that shad In large numbers have gone up the Susquehanna river as far as that place this season. That's nothing. They come up the river as far as this place every season, but there's always an express Mil to pay. The remit Ins of Mrs. 1'tw-lie Klshpaugh, Eczema Most Distressing of Skin Diseases Instantly Relieved by ticura f WHEN ALL ELSE PAILS A warm bath with Cutlcura Soap, and a single application of Cutlcura, the great Skin Cure, af ford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perma nent, and economical cure when all other methods and remedies fail. Sold throuihont ths world. BrtUih tfAi T. Hi" Elt ft Sunk, I, Klns-Kuwrd-jit., lomltn. I'ottis iiuia ft uuauicu, Cour., sol Props., Ikatos, II, S. A. ODD FELLOWS. Ms.ons, I. O. B. ot A., O. A. R 8. of V O. U. A M., In fact all lodges and societies intending to run excursions can nave the best priminc In the city at lowest priors by calling t Tns Tbiduns Job Depart-mont. who died at the home of her son, Wil bur, eX Sayre, were brought here yes terday for burial, She was the relict of the lata Charles Klshpaugh, ot this place, and was upward of 70 years of age. Her death occurred on Wednes day morning, after an Illness of only about twenty-four hours, Attorney F. F, Drake Is spending a couple of days at Harrlsburg. Tho "Ys" have elected the following officers for their society: President, Mrs. C. J. Reed; first vice, Miss Lillian As held; second vice, Mrs. O. M. Ofl terhout; third vice, Mrs. J. Howard Hungerford; recording secretary, Miss Margery DoWHt; corresponding secre tary, Miss Grace Clifford; treasurer, Miss Ella Brown. The Zodiacal sign was all wrong Wednesday and the Triton-Keystone ball game ought never to have been played. It wua played or attempted, rather and academy boys walloped the ground with their foes. The loss of thej game to the latter is attributed to a combination of circumstances, all of which seemed to work against our boys. Another game will be played on the home ground May 25, when It is hoped that the Keystone boys will not have It nil their own way. The old covered bridge at Kelservlllo Is In bad repair and the county com missioners are looking after It. We lutvo forty-four county bridges, eigh teen of which are of the old covered wooden type, built from thirty to forty five years ago. Of necessity, they are a considerable expense to the county. TAYLOR. M. C. Judge attended the convention of the Total Abwtlnenne societies of tho Scranton diocese, held In Carbondule yestnrdny. Thomas Sutcllff, of Mooslc, was a visitor In this borough last evening. John Powell, one of the borough po lice officers, yesterday sent a petition, signed by a large number of petitioners, to Governor Hastings at Harrlsburg, to appoint him as Justice of the peace Instead of John H. Powell, who was re cently ent to the Danville Insane asy lum, A charter was on Wednesday granted to the Taylor 811k Manufacturing com pany, located In this borough. The cap ital stock Is $25,000. The directors are: P. Mulherln, M. C. Judge, James P. Law, William H. Judge, of Taylor; M. P. Judge, H. J. McMCaffrey, H. W. Slebecker, of Scranton. John Reynolds, of Scranton, was a visitor here laBt evening. The arrangements for the entertain ment and social of the Rendham Ath letic club are progressing and an excel lent programme has been prepared. Ml NOOK A Supervisor Gibbons has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. James Mangan, of Main street, is slightly Indisposed. John McVarlsh and Peter Judge have shaken the dust of Mlnooka from their feet, and left for parts unknown. The employes of the Greenwood mines will receive their pay on Monday, May 20. Dr. Reeves, 411 Spruce St., Scrantm, specialist on diseases of men, nightly losses, varicocele, spermatorrhoea, etc. The Ladles' Irish Catholic Benevo lent union, of Mlnooka, held their regu lar meeting last evening at the Young Men's Institute hall. The Mlnookas will cross bats with the Anthracites, of Mooslc on May 19, on Burke's ground. ' PRICEBURQ. Frank Dobner, a miner at the On tario mines, was badly crushed about the head yesterday by being caught by a car that jumped off the track. Young man, consult Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce St., Scranton. He will cure you quickly. Mrs. William Smith Is dangerously ill at her home, on Main street. Master Dan Fallon, of Main street, taak part dn Professor Korn't muslcale at Scranton last evening. M. F. Fadden Is putting a plaza on the South, Side of his hotel. Suspicious of That Company. From the Chicago Tribune. "Mr. Chugwater," inquired the agent, "are you carrying any life Insurance?" "I am not." "Haven't you ever thought you ought to be Insured?" "I have." "Our company Is one of the strongest and best In the country. One of Its pe culiar features Is that you don't have to" "Would your company Insure me for J20.0UO?" . "It would." "Do you think I would pass the neces sary examination?" "I haven't any doubt of It whatever." '"Well," snorted Mr. Chugwater, "If your company would take a risk of $20,000 on such a wind-broken, consumptive, dys peptic, rheumatic, broken-down, hump shouldered, lean, withered and drled-up old hulk as I am, I don't want to have any thing to do with It. tlood day." Nine Months In Hctl. Cured in 24 Hours. T. J, Blackmore. of lialler & Black more, Pittsburg, l'a says: "A short time since I procured a bottle of 'MYSTIC CURB." It got me out of the house In twenty-four hours. I took to my bed with Rheumatism nine months ugo and the MYSTIC CURE' Is the only medicine that did me any good. I had live of the best physicians In the city, but I received Very little relief from them. I know the 'MYSTIC CURE' to be what It Is rep resented and take pleasure In recom mending It to other poor sufferers. Sold by Carl Lorons, Druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton. Fast Mall Service. Through Increased postal facilities a letter posted In Palis at midday can be delivered In London at 8 p. m.,by means of an "express messenger's" arrangement. For Pin Worms, Eczema, Hives, In fact, any ot the various torturing. Itchy dis eases of the skin, Doan's Ointment Is nn Instant and positive remedy. Get It from your dealer. Wanted. WANTKD -ONE COPY OF" THE TRIBUN B ot Mill of tin following dittss: Wedues dny. August 1, IMM; Wedurndsy, August 15, 1MWI; Hatnrdnr, August 18, lKOi; WwOiesilay, Oetobr III, I MX; Katurdav. December 22, 1U; Saturday, Decamber , MM. Trlbuus oUlctf, Sprue BtroMt Real Est is t OTH tK BALKON MULDKKHY STREET Ji Monroe, Irvlnv and rresoott avonuos price from SIMM to S4,000. U. F. HOKN, 111 Washington avenue. Houss en Credit. H OUHKB BUILT ON CUEDIT. AD- drnslook box8lS, Beranton. Horass at Auction. I HELL A HORSE 1,80(1 pounds: pony DUO lbs. and many others Friday afternoon (.'u sick s stable. W. U. MOURE. II OnSES AT AITCTION-I WILL HAVE drivers, drauirht. and business horses at Cuslck s stablo to sell Friday, M ,y 17, after noon. W. B. MOO UK. Monsy to Loan. $000, sill aanuu and itpwahiihtii )UU, loan on real rstato security. P.O. HliPLO 5LK, attorney, 408 Bpruoa stnwt. Connolly AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. We offer SWIVEL SILKS The quality is the highest grade ever produced in this weave and the DESIGNS - ARE - EXQUISITE. THEIR ACTUAL VALUE IS GO CENTS. Our Special Price Is 31c. Per Yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 20Pa CARPETS CLEANED, FEATHERS RENOVATED, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, BED SPRINGS REPAIRED, Etc. JjCatWe don't ask you satisfied with our work. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE) WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED. FREE. Help Wanted Male. WANTEDVELL?K every town to solicit .took subscrip tion!; s monopoly; hit money for agent.; no capital required. EDWAHD C. FISH CO., Borden Block, Chicago. I1L SALESMEN RKSIDENT SALESMEN wanted, gcquaintod with th. local and n.nrby druu and grocery trade, to handle onr hue of high grail cigars, Addreis. uivlnff references, J. EDWARD COWLES CO., 143 Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. iTmjoYou3SuirADYwr ing manner., to in entertaining oallers at the "Ladle.' Cooking Match" at Uoldsmith'. Bazaar. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO E1.ER getio saleswomen to reprccnt us. Guaranteed $Q a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Ji-" for particulars, Inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 73 John street, Sew ork. Agents Wanted. AGENTS HINDE'8 PATENT UNlVbK sol Hair Curlers and Waver, fused with out heatl, and "Pyr Pointed"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 456. New otn. W" ANTD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our line, no wddllng. Salary, 175 per month and expenses paid to all. Woods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6J0S, Boston, Mass. For Rent. iRrIsntJKSK V offlce In new Williams building. Box 11M, postoruce. OFFICES TO LET. DBS kou; vu i.m nnd Assembly Hall to let. D. B. Rk.P- I. DOLE, 4W Sprure street fliWO 9-HOOM HOUSES FOR RENT ON J Jefferson avonuo; also a house and lot for sale atUlenbnin; a nice mtminei resilience. Inquire of a. N. Callender, Dime Bank Build, ing. fURN ISHED HOUSE TO RENT EIGHT r rooms; modern Improvements, Hl Oreeu Ridge street, corner Wyoming. TMJRRKNT-A BUILDINOON FRANKLIN JP nvenue. sultablo lor business. Address P. O. Box UK I.-OK R ENT-TH E PHOTOO R A PH "AL r l-ry formerly occupied by C. L. Orlfnn, including room, for h"";ik"'ui"R:., . w,f minir avenue. CHAfl. HUILAUEB. nOR RENT A LARGE; . -STORY BUILD- i i a. CM L'..b1(t. vnnii' Mill till lit for wholesale bnslnew. CAKSON DAVIES, Scranton I70R RENT FUR WISH ED AND UNCUR 1 uished room, at SKI Lackawanna avcmv 170R "RENT-SI X ROOM HOUSE ON W JEST I1 Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, acar IIStLunrno, Hyde Park. VOR REN T-NICKLY 'FURNISH KDHALL I1 anitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JEtt MYN, 1IU Wyoming ovenne. For Sate. 1 riOR SALE SEVERAL GOOD ' sll UK Ailaaina vainnr. IOR SALE - FIRST CLASS PACING horses nt your own price- Come and see them. W. M. JKRMYN. Prieelmrg. Pa. fxeeutrlx'a Notice. INSTATE OF CAPTAIN WILLIAM KELe i William Kellow, lata ot fcoraulon, Lacka wanna county, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the under signed, all per. ins having claim, or demand, again.t the said estnte will present them for payment, and those Indebted thereto will will please make immediate payment to FKANCS8A. KKLLOW. Execiitilx. JONES POWDERLY. Attorneys for Estate Special Notice. T ARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES u at reauceu prints. . m stock, too big fn fact, of watches, good watches, which we are willing to .ell at very close figures, barely coat, to reduce, at Mer coreau Connell's, NOTICE ON AND AFTER MAY I, I will make monthly tour ot the follow tng place, giving free opn air advertising ex hibition, with the eterooptlconi Tavlorvllle, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Olyphant, Peokvllle, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibition, givon on Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tising are ill) por month. Address E. H. Call, Tribune office, city. UrpHR SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Losllo's famous old War Pictures. show ing the forces In actual battle sketched on the pot. Two volumes, 2.0UO pictures. Bold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex- ress complete, all charge, prepaid. Address p. o. MOODY, 022 Adam. Ave., Meranton, Pa. KLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA xlnes, etc., bound or rebound at Tin TmvuNS office. V.utck work. Reasonable prices. ONE CENT for a few days a large purchase of to pay us for Cleaning your Carpets unless you are perfectly mmm bedims Proposals. OrricK or the Board or Commissiosebs or Public Gboi'nos and Buildings, DAsiel H. Hastings, J. C. Eelaket. Governor. Superintendent Amos H. Mtlin. Auditor General. Samuel M. Jackson, State Treasurer. PROPOSALS FOR FUFNISHINO 8TA tionery. Furniture. Fuel and other Sup plies. In compliance with the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, we hereby invite sealed proposals, at price, below maximum rati, fixed in schedules, to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel and other supplies for the several departments of the State Government, and for making repairs in the several departments and for the distribu tion of the public documents, for the year end ing the first Monday of June, A. D. IfW. Separate proposals will be rscsired and Sep arate contracts awarded as announced in said schedules. Each proposal mast be accompa nied by a bond with approved surety or sure ties, conditioned for the faithlul performance of the oontract, and addressed and delivered to th Board of Commissioners of Pnblic Grounds and Buildings before IS o'clock m , ot Tuesdav, the 4th day of June. A. D. 1185, at which time the proposals will be opened and published, in the Reception Room of the Ex ecutive Deportment, at Harrisbnrg, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter at practica ble. Blank bonds and schedule, containing all necessary information can be obtained at this Department. J. C DELANEY. For the Board of Cemnilssionera ot Public Ground! and Buildings. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK celved at the office of the Secretary of the Scrantou Board of Control until 7.S0p. m. Mon day, Mav ST. ll!o. for the erection and com. S lotion of a two-room addition to N a 3d school, ladison avenue and Piue street. Ninth ward, Scranton. Pennsylvania, in accordance with plana and spkeiflcations now ready in the hands ot Brown Morris architects. Price Building, N. Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. The sum of Sl.'iO, in csh or oertified check, shall be inclosed with each proposal, which sum shall 1 forfeited to the school dis trict in case ot refusal or omission on the part of the contractor wkoss proposal shall be ac cepted to execute contract within ten days after tho awarding of the same. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Scrsnten B ard ot Control, EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Secretary. Scranton. Pa., May 14. 1885. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN AT O house c eanlng and washing. Address 61V Lee court, city. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY ill years of age; possess a good business edu cation, as grocery olerk or cashier; strictly honest: wants position immediately. AddrefS "FAITHFUL," Ws3 Lackawanna avenue, 7 ANTED-BY--BOOKKEEPER AND V typewriter, who understand a little shorthand with It. a position; or else clerk ing. Ad.lress R. RIEQEL. care Tribune. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPKRI tnoed butcher; English preferred; have not been long In the country: will work for small salary. Apply MORGAN. 607 Gar field avenue, Hyde Park, Soranton. Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 618 Bpruce atreet. Scranton. Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) PR. A. J. OONNBI.L, OKFICB 101 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug stroe. Residence, T2 Vine st. Ofiice hours: 10.S0 to 12 n. m. and- S to 4 and 6.30 to 7.3u p. m. Sun day, 3 top. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, SU North Washington avenue. . nKCL. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED diseases of the Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat; olllco, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. DR L. M. GATES, 128 WASHINGTON avenue. Ofllce hours, S to a. m., 1.30 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence S09 Madi son avenue, JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., OFFICES 52 and 61 Commonwealth building; resi dence 7U Madison ave.; otlloe hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to t; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology, DR. PARKS HAS REMOVED HIS OF rices tocornerBulte over Lorens A Koem pel's drug stroe, cor. Washington ave nue and Linden street. Olllce hours, 10 12 a. ra., 2-4 and 7-8 p, m. Telephone No. 8002. DR. KAY, 206 PENN AVE.; 1 to 1 P. M.; call 2002. DIs. of women, obstretrlce and and all dls. of chll. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collgo or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. RKV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BU ELI- MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open April s. Wallace ONLY 3 CENTS FOR CLEANING Brussels k Ingrain Carpets im and 604 Lack, are., Corner Idaou. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Heaiachei prevented snd cured by hvla yonr eye. scientifically examined and fitted accurately by DR. SHIJYIBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satlstactloa guaranteed in every case. 305 Spruce Street Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT. torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re. publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOP neys and Counsellors at Law; offices t and 8 Library building-, Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL H. PATTERSON. . WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common, wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nos. 19 and 20, Burr building. Washing, ton avenue. FRANK T. OK ELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room fr. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. "- JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 65, Common, wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa, L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in largo sums at 6 per cent. C. R. FITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building. Scran. ton, To. C. COM EG VS. Kl SPRUCE STREET. D. B. P.EPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 402 Spruce street. B. F. K1LLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyom i n g ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 136 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla. Office, S25 Nor'.h Washington avenue. C. C."HLaUBACh78URGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, 515 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK It it avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, W. U. SCHBNCK. Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broadway. at Union Square, New York. American plan, i50 per day and upward. wItminsteriiotelT B. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. DAVIS A VON STORCH, ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24, 25 and 20. . Commonwealth building, Soranton. If ITWALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 600 Washington avenue. EeWIsTiANCOCK. JH ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. liHOWN MORRIS, AKCiliu.Ci'S. Prtoi building. US .Washington aven'je, Beranton. ; Seeds. u R CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store i46 Washington ave nu" green house, 1350 North Main ave nuo; Btoro telcphoe 782. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR bails, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For t.?rns address R. J. Bauer, conductor 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberis music store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Ssran- ; ton, ra. FRANK P. BROWN CO;, WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil ClojthjJHWstJjacltaw THOMAS" AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 1 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postonice. Agent for the Rex Fir Extinguisher.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers