::"'r V'. EIGHT r AGES 64 COLUMNS. SCIt ANTON, FA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1895. TWO CENTS A COrY. f. A'Weels AMONG s: s, Ten may rather together all the fabric for spring and summer wear that ever came from a loom, and look them over, taking the full merit of each Into ac count, and after all U said and done, you'll be bound to admit that there Is not one In the lot that will take the place of these rich silken weaves, for solid comfort and unmatchable elegance. Silks are no longer a luxury. A dozen different things have brought about a price revolution In the silk markets of the world, until the Queen of Textiles (Silk) has become a sort of people's fabric. The proof for this assertion lies In the Econ omic Bilk Values which follow. NO. 1 Complete lino 57-lnch Fancy enua in nMif m&ll effects: also fancy Plaids and Clan Tartans for waists and children s wear. 50c. NO. 2 10 Pieces ?.inoi Silks, llcht grounds, with dainty stripes In dell- cat tints. An Ideal sua lor sum mer waists. 50c. NO. 3 NO. 4 NO. 5 Another mixed lot white. navy and black grounds, with spots, figures and stripes; 20 pieces la ail; value toe. to 76c; special price 39c. NO. 6 EXTRA . SPECIAL For one week ire will offer a capital range of the celebrated "Llbery" and China Silks manufactured by Cheney Bros., and guarantee them to be their well known standard $1.00 quality. Exquisite pattern on . Black, Navy and Cream rounds. Price for One Week Only 59 Cents. IS g assorted lot of figured If Taffeta Silks, light, medium and 1 1 dark grounds In all sorts of ways; 1 1 II actual values range from 73c to XL j I VV Price for choice, II tj Satin Rhadames, Y If full range of desirable shadings, 1 1 1 and astonishing value at I 5 Pieces If 27-Inch Black Taffeta YV II Silks, exactly the same thing 1 II as our usual $1.00 quality. This II FARR BILL JSN0W ft LAW It Has the Approvul of Governor Hastings. QUAY COUNTY BILL LINGERS A Llvolt Debate in the House Over the Apportionment Mcnsures-.Mr.Fow, of I'bllujolphls, Makes a Few Ketnnrks. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. Uarrlsuurtr. May 16. The house pastt-U on seoond roadlns; today without nuich opposition the ronttrtslonal si ntorlal and k-Rtslatlve apportionment bills us reported from committee. They will come up next Tiwstluy for third reading and filial pusa&Ke. The bouse congressional and senatorial appor tionment 1m different from the somite bills and the result will be that all the measures on this subject will go to a conference committee, assuming thai they pass la Uth houses. The Judicial apportionment passed the house six weeks ago and Is now hung up 111 the somite committee. The only bUl of the three passing the house today on which there was any thing like a tight was the legislative apportionment. The members whoso counties lose In representation tried to amend tt so as to leave the present district Intact and failed, ltepresjuta tlve Foeht wanted to amend the sena torial measure, and failed.. Representa tive Fow. the leader of the minority, tried his hand on the congressional ap portionment with no better results. The congressional apportionment was taken up at the opening ot the morning session, Mr. Fow moved to amend by Inserting the senate bill so far as It relates to Philadelphia. The measure makes Ave districts in that city Repub lican and leaves undisturbed the old Randall district. The house refused to make the change. Then the Thlladel phian launched forth In a bitter at tack on the bill. -I desire to call the attention of the bouse to the Inequitable and unjust features of the bill so far as it regards the redisricting of Philadelphia." said Mr. Fow. "The party to which I am attached has been evidently and In tentionally Ignored by the geographical lines that the dominant party will have six sure and safe districts. It also looks to me that certain gentlemen now representing the Republican party In congress are to be retired from politi cal life by its provisions. Congress men Adams and Bingham are thrown together in the Second district and Congressmen Reyburn and Halterman In the Third, while three districts are created in which no congressman at present resides. This stamps the bill. In my estima tion," Mr. Fow added, "as a political deal, rather than a desire to perform a constitutional duty upon honest lines. There are at present 80,000 Democratic voters in that city whose business In terests at least demand a representa tive in the national legislature. Are you going to be so unfair and unjust as to gerrymander them out of that repre sentation? We pay taxes and support the government as well as the major ity upon the floor of the house, and it Is not fair, honest or Just to Ignore us al together." Mr. Harvey, of Luzerne, tried Inef fectually to amend the bill by desig nating the districts outside of Philadel phia and Allegheny county by the names of the majority county in each Instead of by numbers. The Gains and Losses. Under the house apportionment Alle gheny and Philadelphia gain a con gressman each; Allegheny also gains a senator and four representatives. The legislative apportionment bill gives Allegheny county four additional rep resentatives. It makes no change In the representation from Philadelphia, although the geographical construction of nearly every district Is changed. The legislative ratio Is 26,000. Under this ratio there will be only 202 mem bers of the house. Instead of 204 as at present. Blair, Cambria, Clearfield and Jefferson each gain a representa tive by this apportionment, and Bed ford, Chester, Clarion, Columbia. Craw ford, Huntingdon, Lawrence, Mercer, Somerset and Bradford each lose one. Mr. Muehlbronner's newspaper bill, which was recalled yesterday from the governor, was amended and then passed finally. The bill as changed ex tends the provisions of the act relating In second class cities passed several weeks ago so as to Include one dally newspaper printed In the German lan guage. The bill creating a commission to ascertain the bent methods of untlllz lng convict labor In the Institutions of Pennsylvania so as not to Interfere with legislative Industries also passed finally. The senate resolution fixing the time of final adjournment for Thursday, June 3, was referred to the rule com mittee when It reached ne houne. The resolution will be "hung up" In the com mittee until the senate disposes of the 203 house bills on Its calendar for final passage. The leaders of the house will now take their time In considering the senate bills In order to force the sena tors to. act on the house bills. The chances are that the session will be extended to June 13, tnd maybe later. If this feeling prevails. The apportionment of bills out of the way the house proceeded to considera tion on third reading and final passage of the forty-eight bills reported last Thursday from the appropriations com mittee. The bill appropriating $4,333 to Walter H. Lewis, of Wast Chester, etenographer of the election commit tee In the session of 1803. was killed. The bill appropriating $4,800 for two ad ditional clerks In the adjutant general's department to copy the muster rolls of Pennsylvania soldiers In the late war was also defeated. The Hem of $1,170 In the bill appropriating $36,700 to the State Insane hospital at Norrls town was stricken out. This money was to have been used by the trustees of the institution for the construction of water works. Quay County BUI Lingers. The Quay county movement Is on a standstill. The bill creating the new county lo still lingering on the house calendar for final passage, and it now looks as if It 'Will stay there.' The friends of the measure intended calling It up yesterday, but a canvass of the house showed they were not in as good shape as they supposod, and the bill was allowed to, ga over for a few duys. Senator Quuy Is urging Its passage, al though It Is said he 1b not lining up his friends for It. All he this done Is to ask them to support it. It they refuse no effort has been uiudo on his part to force then Into line. Major Sam Loach, of White Haven, and other Schuylkill county Republi cans, are here lobbying against tho bill. Mutt T. Long, of lltuleton, a well known Insurance agent, Is also on the ground. He Is asking votes for the bill. Tho ndvocntes of the new county will not call up the bill until they ure cer tain they have enough votes to put It through. If they cannot secure the requisite 103, they will allow the meas ure to remain on the calendar so as not to give their opponents tho satisfaction of killing tt. Fnrr Hill Approved. Compulsory educutlon Is a certainty. Oovernor Hastings today signed the Fai r bill. The ultimate success of this measure Is a vindication of the old say ing "the third time Is the charm." Threo times this bill pussed the legislature. Twice It wus vetoed by Governor I'nttl sou. and now It becomes a law by the signature of Governor Hastings. When the action of the governor was an nounced this morning Representative t'lirr, of Scrantun, the champion of the bill, was warmly congratulated. by his colleagues ami members of the legisla tive committee of the Junior Order of United American Mcchunics on the floor of the house. In a communication to the house. Governor Hastings gives the following explanation for signing the bill: "By giving my approval to this meas ure, there will appear upon our statute books for the llrst time in the hlHtory of the commonwealth a compulsory ed ucational law. "The general assembly In the ses sions of Vn and ls3. passed a com pulsory educational act somewhat simi lar to the present measure, each of which met with executive disapproval. There appears to be throughout the commonwealth a general desire for such a law. I have not received a sin gle protest from any citizen against this bill so far as I recall. The unanim ity with which It was passed by the legislature as well as the large num ber of requests made upon me to sign it clearly Indicate the general desire on the part of the people for a compulsory educational law. Under these condi tions, I am convinced that I should not obtrude any lndlvldaul judgment which I may have on this question of public policy. This measure provides for compulsory education In perhaps the least objectionable form to those who oppose It on principle and offends as lit tle against the personal rights of the citizen as possible. I, therefore, ap prove the bill, but If by experience the expectations of the people are not realized future legislation doubtless will meet their demands." Evening Session. Appropriation bills on third reading and final passage was the order for the night. The following passed finally: Appropriating $29,000 to pay the de ficiency in the salaries and expenses of the Inspectors of coal mines; appro priating $25,000 to Felix C. Negley, of Allegheny county, for services and ex penses as recruiting agent during the war of the rebellion; erection of monu ments to Pennsylvania organizations, engaged in the battle of Chlcamaugua, Look Out Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and so forth, $25,000. Of the state board of health, $12,000; salary secretary of agriculture for months of April and May, 1895. $583. The bill appropriating $10,982 to pay the expense of the committee on con tested elections of 1893 was defeated. LEWIS SKIPS OUT. A Citizen of Hallstead Departs for Fields t'nknown Leaving Wife Ilehind. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Pa., May 18. K. Lewis, working In the silk mill In this place, left here on Tuesday for parts un known. Last Saturday he sold his horse to F. H. Johnson, and Monday he went to Eilnghamton and drew his money from the bank. and that night he told n neighbor that he had accepted a position In a meat market In that city. He then began to pack his trunk, filling It up with things that belonged to his wife. He then gave her $6.50 and departed on the milk train. Mrs. Lewis found out that he was not In Iilnghamton and traced him to Watertown, N. T where all trace of him was lost. She left here today for her father's home In Central New York. Mr. Lewis leaves a fow unpaid bills In town. Mrs. Lewis thinks her hus band's mind Is unsettled. THIS MORNING'S FIRE. Frame Building at the Notch Totally Destroy od. An alarm of fire was sounded from box 82, on the corner of Illoom avenue and Market street, at 2 o'clock this morning. The fire broke out In a frame house In tho Notch, which was totally destroyed. There was no water available. Cnlonol Wcthorwlll Head. Pottsvllln, Pa., May 1(1. Colonol John Macomb Wetherlll, a gallant soldier and wealthy cltlxen of Pottsvllle, died this morning. He was 97 ysars old and was a great grandson of Samuel Wetherlll, the founder of the Free or Fighting Quakers. Death was caused by paralysis. A Detective Detested. Philadelphia, May 10. Joseph It, Ma Munus, a detective employed at Glmbel Bras', establishment In this city, was ar rested today on the charge of stealing dia monds and' Jewelry to tho value of $1.0(10 from the firm. McManus confessed and was held In $1,500 ball for trial. STATE GLEANINGS. Pottsvllle's health board recommends the purchase of a crematory to burn gar bage. , Commodore W. T. Sampson Inspected government armor plate at the Bethlehem Iran works. , Two of Schuylkill county's three judges have been for months, and are still, too sick to hold court. Smoke has settled so thickly upon the Carnegie library, at Pittsburg, that the names carved upon It cannot be read. It is probable Norrlstown will Invoke the aid of tho law to prevent the removal of General Hancock's remains to Arlington, Upon the request of the Junior Ameri can Mechanics, at Reading, a circus hauled down the French flag and hoisted the Stars and Btrlpes over Its main tent. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY One Hundred and Seventh Anniversary Cxcrciresat Pittsburg. CX-GOV. UEAVEK IS I'KBSBNT EloqiAmt Sermon by liov. Sumuel Mutch more. Retiring Chairman Dr. Booth IsKlected Moderator-Ills Election a Victory for Antl-llrlgge Men. Pittsburg, Pa., May 16. The one hun died and seventh general assembly of the Northern Presbyterian church opened Us session here today In tho Third Presbyterian church with the customary ceremonies. Dr. McUwan, chairman of tho local committee, tliH clerks of the assembly, and many prominent ministers, ex-moderators of the church were present. The opening session wus occupied entirely by tho delivery of the sermon of the retiring moderator, He v. Kainuel A. Mutch more. . IX, of Philadelphia. He took for his text Mark, xlii, 34: "For tho Bon of Man Is as a man taking a far Journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man Ilia work, and commanded the por ter to watch." Dr. Mutchmore spoke on the "Labor, Sentinel and Signal Services or tho Church." Dr. Mutchmore's sermon -was a surprise to the commissioners, In that tt contained no keynote on the burning question of seminary control. Uusually the moderator's sermon touches on the great Issues that are to como before the assembly. Dr. Mutchmore's sermon is notably free from such allusions. Ex-Governor Beaver, the one-legged veteran and an unswerving conserva tive, nominated Dr. Booth for modera tor at the opening of tho afternoon session today. He extolled Dr. Booth as a great and successful pastor who had Ave times declined flattering calls to college presidencies. "We laymen want for moderator a man," said he, "who believes that the word of Ood which is contained In the Bible is the only rule of faith and practice. We want a man who believes that the pol icy of the Presbyterian church Is apos tolic, that its government ought to govern." Kobort Adams Mentlnnod. Professor Zenos, of McCormack sem inary, seconded the nomination on be half of the Chicago presbytery. Rev. Dr. S. S. Croyer, of Minnesota, placed in nomination the name of Robert N. Adams, the home missionary superin tendent In that state. He called for his support In the name of peace and har mony. Rev. Clarence W. Backus, of Kansas, proposed Rev. Dr. William N. Page, of Topeka, as a conservative who was free from any connection with the disturbing questions in the church. E. E. White, a prominent liberal of Colum bua, O., and a newly-elected president of Lane seminary trustees, Beconded Dr. Page's nomination. He spoke in In praise of Dr. Booth, but urged the choice of a man who was far from the storm center of the church. One out side the personal Immediate conflicts; one whose heart was not distressed and whose feelings had not been, hurt by the disturbances In th church. He asked the assembly to go Into the se rene atmosphere of peace and repose, and select as moderator a "pastor of a church, where 'wealth does not ring Itself constantly In his ears.' " Dr. Lampe, of New York, urged the election of Dr. Booth. On the roll the vote stood as follows: Booth, 300; Page, 165; Adams, 83. Dr. Booth was escort ed to the platform by Governor Beaver and Professor Zenos, and formally wel comed to the chair by the retiring moderator. Dr. Booth spoke pleasant ly of the unsolicited honor which had come upon him, declaring that he had found It a safe and sound rule In this world to take what comes to us. He declared that he had left the storm center far behind. He recalled the re union of the two churches which had taken place In that church twenty-five years before, and referred to the un derstanding at that time that a revi sion of the church creeds might be at tempted. "Revision was attempted," said he, "but It was laid aside without a ripple or a murmur." Victory for Antl-Brlgc Men. After adjournment Dr. Booth re ceived the congratulations of his friends. The election Is a victory for the out and out antl-Briggs men.' To night the commissioners celebrated the sacrament of the Lqrd's supper In the assembly church. Dr. Booth and his advisers worked until a late hour making up the mem bership of the assembly committees. The Important committees this year will be on bills and overtures by which the question of the treatment to Union seminary students will be considered; on theological seminaries which will tako up the questions relating to these Institutions; on home and foreign mis sions which examines the minutes of the two missionary boards of the church. Dr. Booth Is pastor of the Rutgcr's church, New York city. NO CHANGE IN READING. The Road's Competitors llnve Not Stated Their Demands. Now York, MaMy 16. P. W. Whlt rldge, of counsel rto tho reorganization commltteee of the Reading railroad, says In relation to .the frequent con flicting rumors affecting the company: "If any change In the ownership of the Reading property has been effected It Is) news to me. No such reported change would affect the purposes of the reorganization committee. The reor ganization will not be actively pursued until next fall or winter. There Is no change whatever in relation to the at titude of the Reading administration on the subject of the company's de mands fir 21 per cent, of the production of anthracite and there will be no change. Reading's competitors have nut plainly stated their demands." FIGHTING MAD AT PHELAN. Washington Dootor Threatens to Trounce the St. Louis Priest. St. Louis, May 16. Rev. Father Phe lan, who caustically criticised the tend encies of the Society of Christian En deavor, has received a specimen letter from Dr. John H. Selffert, of Washing ton, D. C He calls Father Phelan's article a "hell-born Insult," and declares that ho Is Indignant at tho statements mado, because his duughter Is an En deavorer. Speaking of his duughter he says "She Is a sincere and humble Christian and dors not go to the Christian Kn duavor meetings to see and be with men. Your base, hellish Insult Is en tirely uncalled for, and If I ever get In roach of you I'll let you feel my pres ence quite sensibly, I may be In St. Louis next full," ONE HAD TO DIE. Uiinco O'llrlen's Reason for lining Wuddoll with II II I lots. Purls, May 16. The examination of Thomus O'Brien, the notorious Ameri can bunco stoerer, for the murder of Heed Wuddell on March 27, was hold today. When tho magistrate asked O'Urlen why he killed Wuddoll, lie said: "It wus necessary that one of us should disappear. I knew him to he cupuble of everything, so I made a point of act ing first. He got what he deserved." The prisoner was committed for trial nt the next hchhIuii of tho court assizes. MEDAL FPU MltTlilAimiSOX. Ex-President Is Honored by Members of the Newark Historical Society. Newark, N. J Muy 10. This city is aglow with decorations In honor of the soml-cervtenlul anniversary of the New Jersey Historical society and the visit of ex-Preslilent Harrison us the chief guest of the society. Five hundred In vitations hod been Issued to the prin cipal 'theologians, staitesini, and Jur ists of (he state, and more than double that number were In the Essex Lyceum, on Clinton street, at 11 o'clock, when the regulur business meeting was opened. Ex-rresldent Harrison whs re ceived by Franklin Murphy, chairman of the committee of arrangements, and members of the society, and driven at once to the Lyceum, where he was presented with the gold medal com memorative of tho Washington centen nial In 1889. The presentation Bpeeeh was made by Dr. Austin Scott, president of Rutgers college. New Brunswick, N. J. The address of welcome was deliv ered by Professor Woodrow Wilson, Ph. D., LL. D., of Princeton university, and the works of the society was elab orated by the corresponding secretary, William Nelson. The medal presented to Mr. Harrison la of solid gold encased In a black mo rocco case on a cushion of royal purple. The face bears the likeness of George Washington, and these words In a cir cle: "Waahlngtonl Centennial Medal, New Jersey Historical Society, 1789, April 1889." On the reverse side is the seal of the state,, the seal of the federal govern ment, and the combination seal of the society, encircled by a wreath of oak leaves. Within the wreath and above the cluster of seals are the words: "Above all things hold dear your na tional union." The medal was struck by the society to commemorate the formation of the constitutional government of the United States, and the centennial of the Inauguration of George Washington as the first president, on April 30, 1779. Why the medal la presented to ex-President Harrison, rather than to Presi dent Cleveland is because the former was In ofllce at the time of the cen tennial celebration In New York city. General Harrison made one of his usual happy and felicitous speeches in accepting the medal, and was liberally applauded. General Harrison left for New York this afternoon. BESIDE THE CORPSE. Gruesome Surroundings of a Wedding Ceremony in a Florida Town. Qulncy, Fla., Mya 16. Standing by the corpse of a man who had been murdered, Louis Dorneck and Miss Margaret Gore wore married here this afternoon. In an affray this morning Fred Cox was cut to the heart by Ed Higglns and killed. The corpse was re moved to Coroner Plttman's office and an Inquest begun. This afternoon the proceedings were Interrupted by the entrance of Mr. Dorneck and Miss Our , who begged Coroner Pittman to marry them immediately. The coroner had been showing the Jury the wound In the murdered man's brenst, and his hands were bloody. He suggested a more appropriate place for tho ceremony, but Mr. Dorneck ex plained that Miss Gore's father was In pursuit and that delay would be dan gerous. Accordingly Coroner Pittman hastily said the words that made the Couple one. As the groom handed the marriage li cense to the coroner, the blood on the fingers of the latter made a stain on the document. The bride did not seem to be affected by the morgue-like sur roundings. She Is the daughter of a wealthy cigar manufacturer and the groom Is one of her father's employes. COMPANY G INSPECTED. Colonel Coarsen Expresses Satisfaction - at the rixccllent Showing, Special to the Scranton Trlbuna. Montrose, May 10. The third muster and Inspection of Company J occurred tonight. Colonel Coursen and Adju tant Millar, the Inspecting officers, were present. Colonel Coursen said to The Tribune Correspondent: "I am gratified beyond measure at the fact that Company G will live. The appearance of the company and their numbers all are astounding, and as their colonel I am proud ot them." Fifty-four man responded to roll call. FOREIGN FLASHES. In an attack of native trlbemon on the British post at KamnaV India, seven coolies wore killed. The French naval expenditures for the coming year are estimated at $54,000,1180, with $1,600,000 for new ships. The kerosene and naphtha manufactur ers of Russia have reached an agreement to regulate the export trade. Emperor William, of German, has sent Emperor Francis Josoph, of Austria, the baton of a field marshal In the German army, By a vote of 10 to 4 the committee of the upper house of (Vie Prussian diet passed a motion favoring an International bimetal lic agreement. Italian Catholics are said to have been forbidden by the pope to tako part In the coming election because he la kept vir tually a prisoner in th Vatican. The pope has appealed to the czar for clemency for several priests who were ar rested for political offerees In Russia and deported to Siberia and the Caucasus. JUDGE'S SCATHING CHARGE Foreign Building Associations Are Hound I y Scored. DEFENSE IN SLAUGHTER CASE The Objections to Paying Twelvo Par Cent. Interest Are HuHalncd by tbo Court Important Decision Worthy of Contemplation, , Harrlsburg, Pa., May 10. Yesterday there was tried before Judge Mcpher son the cuse of the New York Building and Loan association ngalnst David Slaughter. Tho plaintiff Is a New York corporation doing what Is called build ing ussoclutlon business In this state. The action was to recover from Slaughter the sum of f'J.MO, which has been louned by the plaintiff to Mm on a mortgage, the dues, fines and Interest on which amounted to a sum In excess of 12 per cent, per annum on the princi pal. The defense wus that the foreign corporation has no right to do busl iichh us a building association in this state, arid that all Interest, and so forth, and that an excess of 0 per cent, per annum Is usury. TIiIh defence was sus tained by the court, and a verdict of l:741M4 in favor of the plaintiff (being the amount of the principal due by Slaughter, with 0 per cent, interest) was rendered by the Jury, subject, however, to the reserved question of law whether there can be any recovery at all In the action, which was a proceeding on the mortgage. In his charge to the Jury, Judge McPherson spoke substantially as follows: "The plaintiff In this proceeding be longs to a cluss of corporations that for the lust year or two have grown' to be very numerous In the state of Pennsyl vania, and It Is certainly high time that their legal position Is definitely under stood by the general public. They are mere Intruders In this state In this' class of business. The state of Penn sylvania, for good reasons of Its own, has chartered building and loan asso ciations. Our own associations are, for the most part, local In their character, and are managed by persons with whom the members of the association are, or may become, acquainted. Asso ciations like the plaintiff are scattered all over the country, and what their character and by whom they are man aged nobody knows. They send their agents to our state and undertake and agree to do business with our citizens and lend them money. They undertake to violate our usury laws, and It Is much to be feared -that in some In stances they have gone further than the violation of the usury laws and have become traps for the unwary. There are some foreign corporations that have the right to do business with in our state, but they must do a lawful business, and that is a business that does not violate our usury laws. They have no right to come here and make contracts upon which they can collect more than 6 per cent, interest, and I think If It was definitely understood that they could not charge more than 6 per cent, interest they would soon change the field of their operations. In my Judgment-we would be the gain ers by that; I for one would be heartily glad to see them all leave." THURSTON SUSTAINED. Hawaiian Government I'pholds Its Min ister's Conduct. Honolulu, May 8, by steamer Aus tralia. Minister Hatch has handed !o Minister Willis his answer In regard to the recall of Thurston, which will go forward by this mail. It Is a lengthy document and makes a general denial of the charges against the Hawaiian min ister. The tatter's course Is upheld In every particular. Gresham Is Informed that Thurston will not be returned to Washington, but the letter does not name his successor. Lord Klmberly, British secretary of state for foreign affairs, has decided that Walker and Rickard, who are be ing punished for treason, must be pro tected as British subjects, but does not Indicate what steps will be taken. The Hawaiian government will not admit that the men arc British subjects, as they were naturalized here. - . IHE PITZEL CASE AGAIN. Grand Jury llnds True Dill Against Con- splrntors. Philadelphia, May 1(1. The Brand jury today found a true bill against Jeptha D. Howe, Marlon Hcdgcpeth and Hermann Mudgett. alias H. H. Holmes. charging them with conspiring to cheat and defraud the Fidelity Mutual l.lr association of Philadelphia out of $10,- uuu. This Is the case which attracted much attention a few months ago bv reason of the alleged fraud perpetrated by the nerenciants In palming nff a dead body found In a house on Cnllowhlll street as that of Benjamin Pltzel, whose life was Insured In the Fidelity association for J10.000. Pltzel Is said to be alive. SOME ENGLISH LAW. Ilosslo Hellwood Forced to Pay Her Lover's Doctor Hills. London, May IS. Bessie Bellwood, the muslo hall singer, as the result of a BUlt brought against her by a physi cian; was today condemned to pay him -00 us compensation for attendance on the lute Marquis of Allesbury. . She was tho mistress of the notorious nobleman, after she shook off the duko of Manchester. TO BRING CATTLE NORTH. Two Unndred Thousand Head to Leave Texas and Now Mexico. Denver, May 16. During the next sixty days trains of cattle cars will run over the Union- Pacific, Denver and Gulf tracks. This Is In order that 200,000 head now awaiting shipment In Texas and New Mexico may be transferred to Wyoming and Montana feeding ranges. ARSENIC IN HIS STOMACH. The Theory of Suicide Seems to Have Boen Disproved. 1 Rochester, N. Y., May 16. Dr. H. M. Smith, chemist, of Syracuse university, swore at the Inquest on Ray M. Culver, at Clyde today, that the dead man's stomach contained arsenic In the form of Paris green and In other forms, and also copper and gave his positive opinion that deuth resulted from these poisons. Inasmuch as the body was found In the Clyde river, anchored by a rope and railway flshplute, with a handkerchief tied around the neck tightly enough to have caused death, the theory of suicide seems to have been disproved. The In quest is still In progress. HAWAIIAN SITUATION. The ttcpubllo la Preserved at the Point of the Musket. Sun Francisco, May 16. Private let ters received from Honolulu yesterduy by the steamer Australia declare that a change of administration will soon take place there. According to letters all that Is preserving the present gov ernment Is the fact that It possesses the arms necessary to quell another out break. Passengers on, the Australia yesterday, confided the fact that the republic is on Its last legs. "An alarm Is likely to be sounded any night," remarked one passenger, "and If It Is, you can expect to hear of the downfall of the republic." Kx-MlnUter Thurston's uneasiness has become so apparent to the opposing forces that the latter have gained more courage. The fact that Mr. Thurston favors a change Is no longer u secret, and when we left Honolulu It was com mon talk that he was then planning to carry out to a successful end thy reversion of the republic to the mon archy. AKCHB1S1I0I".S J I BILE E. Most Hcv. John Joseph Williams Cele brates the I ifilcth Anniversary of ills Ordination as a priest. Boston, May 10. Today was begun what promises to be the grandest cele bration In Catholic circles that has ever taken place In this section of the coun try. The occasion Is the fiftieth anni versary of the ordination to the priest hood of Most Rev. John Joseph Will lams, archbishop of the arch-dlocese of jston. Priests and people flocked to do him honor, and the religious ser vices were carried out with all the pomp and splendor of the church. From the Pope down to the humblest Catholic under his care the archbishop receives some token of the affection and reverence In which he is held. Pope Leo XIII forwarded a gold medal and an autograph letter to the arch bishop of Boston, to make known the esteem In which Archbishop Williams Is held at the Vatican. Monslgnor Sa tolll, the papal delegate in this country, will hand them to the archbishop. BLASTING SOURS THE MILK. Residents Along the Drainage Canal Arc Drinking Black Coffee. Lemont, 111., May 16. The village of Lemont is doomed to ue sour milk until the drainage canal is completed. The milkmen and a number of careful, thinking citizens unite in the theory that the heavy blasting on the drainage canal here acts on the same principle as heavy thunder. The fact that sweet milk cannot be kept for more than twelve hours verifies the theory. However, It Is a problem for scientists to investigate. HELPING M'KINLEY'S BOOM. Ohio Society in New Vork Will Embrace a Coming Opportunity. New York, May 16. The visit of Gov ernor McKinley, of Ohio, to this city on Decoration Day Is to be taken advan tage of by his friends to give further prominence to his presidential boom. The most prominent friends of the governor in this city are found In the Ohio society, which is doing all It can in a quiet way to help along his presi dential aspirations. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL SUED. Nina Cooper Wants $10,000 for a Breach of Promise to Marry. Flint, Mich., May 16. Nina D. Cooper, a Davidson Station young lady, has begun suit In the circuit court against Sanford H. Westcott, principal of the schools of that village, for J10.000 for breach of promise of marriage. The plaintiff is a daughter of Rev. John Cooper, of Mlllington, and a nleoe of Rev. Mr. Bryant, of Davidson, with whom she makes her home. TELEGRAPHIC SPARKS. The Southern Cotton Oil company will reduce Its capital stock to C.tVM.iW. One hundred years of l!fo were cele brated by the town of Plymouth, Conn. The retrenchments In Italy's navnl de partment the coming year will reach II, 000,0). A great cloudburst at Rock Run Creek, Ky., swept John Cole's house away and did much damsge to crops. A New York Jury declared John Gnr vey, the "Astor tramp," Insnne, and he was sent to an Insane asylum. In an attempt to recover a "S-cent heav-Ing-llne the tug MhruI whs wrecked off Cape Flatteryt Wash., causing $25,(XW Ions. By the explosion of four mills of the Schaghtlooko (N. Y.) Powder company Chauncry Lohnes was killed and Charles Clum was fatally hint. Tho parents of Donald McNuUa and Miss Scott, who eloped from Bloomings ton. III., united In requesting them to re turn homo and be forgiven. Because of arrest for alleged complicity In the thefts of ex-State Treasurer Tuy. lor, of South Dakota, H. M. Benedict now sues various South Dakota and Illinois of ficials for fc!t,000 dnmages. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Kx-Bpeaker Reed, who left Washing ton on Tuesday night, Is said to have Ills commltteos pretty well outlined for tho next congress. Commissioner Rice, the new member of the civil service commission, qualified yes terday afternoon and Immediately en tered upon tho discharge of his duties. Secretary Lamont smiled . yesterday when asked about the absurd story that ex-Congressman Outhwalte, of Ohio, was coming homo from Europo to allow him to resign and accept his place. Admiral John J. Almy, retired, died at his residence In thlB city yesterday after a long Illness. He was born In Rhode Isl and on April 24, 1816, and entered the navy as midshipman when 14 years old. On April 24, 1877, he was placed on the retired list on account of age, after having served In the pavy forty-seven years and eleven months. WEATHER REPORT. , For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; warmer; southerly winds; becoming variable, . FIN OUR MAY SALE ' OP Muslin ' Umiderweai BEGINS TODAY. to call special atteatkin to the following spocial lumbers in OOWKlii A Tucked Yoke Muslin Ruffle Gown, At 69c eacl) Embroidered Yoke Cam bric Gowns, 98c., Former price, $1.2ij Empire, Square Neck, Embroidered Ruffle Gown, $1.15, Recent pricei $1.50 "The Fedora," Cambric Gown, Square Neck, Handsomely trimmed1 $1.19, Recent price, $1.6 Skirts in great variety, The Umbrella Skirts, Handsomely trimmed with Lace and Em broidery, from $1.75 to $7.50 each Fpe?!als la CkJUreo s Oew&t, Drawers aat Caderiraieta, Also Children's Gicraua Draauz ana Boys' GV stu and Pique Kilts. Examine tfie goods and yes will appredcte thtir Talus. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE fi. A, reSHJRY, Agent for Charles A. , Schieren & Co.'s Beltloi The Very Best. 313 Spruce St., Scrantcn , Patent leatta AM Russet Ste For tho Youth, the Boy, tao Man, Mietr Fc?l QurtShoea makeusbu.y. 114 and 110 Wyo ming avenue, W holetale and retail. LEWIS.MILLY&BAVIES Just Received'' A beautiful line of Efi-' ' gagement and Wed ; ding Rings. Also a fine line of 1 . WEDDING PRESENTS V f.; In . Sterling Silver . Dorflinger's Cut Glass, ' v and Porcelain Clock,' ' at - , iw. ; j. Weichel9s: 408 Spruce Street , Vv.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers