THE RCUANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24, 1894. UPRISING IN MANCHURIA Mohammedans Are Becoming Active in That Territory. CHINESE METHODS OF TOKTl'KE Japanese Prisoners of War .Are Burned nt tbo Stake 'and Dolled Alivc-Tlie apacus 'Warriors Surpassed by the Ingenuity of .Mongolian. py the Vnlted Fress. . London, Dpt. 23 A dispatch from Tientsin to the Central News say it l! reported there that an uprising has tak en plaice among the Mohammedans In Manchuria. San FranclBcu, Dee.23 A private let ter from Tokio says that there will be jio peace until the Japanese enter Pekin. From an official high in autrorlty tine correspondent learns that If a Chinese embassy, should come to Japan with overtures of peace the Japanese would insist upon the occupation of the Chi nese capital as one of the terms, and and the Chinese will agree to tills. It Is learned from good authority that, besides the ldemnlty already indicated, the Japanese will demand the penin sula on which Port Arthur is situated und t'he islund of Formosa. The Chi nese will agree to this, as they are pow erless, and they also fear a revolution by the two big secret societies, the Ka lao Hul and the White Lily. The foreign advisers of Vleroy LI-Hung-Chang made a fortune in supply dngpoorarms to the Chinese army. Most of the Chinese rifles captured by the Japanese were of "untliiuuted make, and it lie ammunition did not lit the guns. It is' said that Detrlng ami Von Hanncken will be able to retire with several mil lions apiece nt the close of the war. Other correspondents at Toklo give Some details of the taking of Port Ar thur. The writers say they cannot give many details, as they are to horrible for publication. Capt. Harstow of the Jap 'unese Btnanidhip line, which runs along t'heooust, tells of many instances of Chi nese barbarity to Japanese prisoners of war. Just before the capture of Port Arthur a number of Japanese scouts tvere captured by the Chinese, who tor tured them. Some were burned at the stake. Others were boiled alive in big vats of hot water. When the Japanese entered Port Ar thur the sights they saw maddened them The Captain says no pen can describe the fearful mutilations practised upon the Japanese captives, lie says an Am erican who paw much of Apache war fare In Arizona declared that the Chi nese excelled those ravages in hideous ingenuity and in Infamous mangling of the dead. Over 800 of the Chinese garrison of Port Arthur were put to the sword be fore they pould escape, tiut theCaptaln declares that there Is no foundation for the statement that shopkeepers were phot. Some 200 soldiers and officers of Ll-IIung-Ohang's force escaped-In- a body from Port Arthur to Shan Hal Ka-wn un the main land but the Chinese resi dents, infuriated beonuse of the loss of Port Arthur, killed the officersand then tortured to death all the common sol diers. I I Hung Chang Is llulky. Washington, Dec. 2:!. It Is reported that Moukden has been deserted by the populace In view of the license exer cised by Chinese soldiers. There is also ne'ws .that Manchuria Is overrun by plundering deserters and that utter anarchy prevails. Another report Is that LI Hung Chang has refused to re turn to Pekin. from Tien Tsln to as sist Prince Rung and Prince Chlng In the administration of the war. The statement Is alfo made that arrange ments were completed In the latter part of November for moving the Chi nese court from Pekin. If the Japanese troops showed any disposition to reach the capital, the emperor was to leave at once. The probable place of retirement is given as Chang Chla Ken. Congratulatory demonstrations over Japanese victories have been held. in Japan. Patriotism Is still rampant nnd the noble families of Japan are making tontrlbutlons to the war fund. Do You know That no one In the city but Davldow Bros, ran sell you a set of solid silver teaspoons for 3.99? DOWN TO A BUSINESS BASIS. From the Detroit Free Press. He stepped out of a doorway on Mon roe avenue, the other night and con fronted a pedestrian to say: "Time is 'money and I will detain yon but a moment." "That's right what Is It?" was the query. i "You have no money for such as tne?" , "No, sir no, sir!" "Because I would mnke for the .near est saloon arid spend It for drink." , ' "That's It, exactly." J-:- "Hut, on the other hand, you are a humane man arid" would not gee me 1 Jn want of food iff! . , --" "I might be willing to (ill you up at a restaurant', but I'm not ljuying beer for tramps." ' "Certainly not. We now come o Busi ness. To All me up at the cheapest res taurant In this town would cost you from $6 to $8 as I ihave eaten nothing for a week. On the other hand, you can buy me off for( 15 cents In cash, HenMment doe not enter Into the question. You either pay out at least $6 or only 15 cents. It Is for you to nay whMi. Owing to the hard times you" "Here's your 15," saW the pedestrian Its he Jingled two coins In his palm. "Thanks 'that's business." . "But as you have consumed 30 cents' pursing Mothers Should SIGNATURE. onjie.c SLL t:m&. j worth of my valuable t,lme I'll replace H in my pocket and send you a bill for the ballanceJ Strailght buslnass-wio sen timentgood night!" And the tramp watched him out of flight and heaved a long sigh and whis pered to himself: "That's a horse on me, and I guess I'd butter look around for a saddle or harness!" 1XDISTRIAL TOPICS. The Central and Lehigh Valley rail roads have compromised their crossing dispute ait Allentown.. The Davis & Thomas Co., of Cjita sauqua has Just been chartered to manufacture Iron and steel. The Leesport furnace, which has been Idle three years, has started up, giving employment i to about sixty men. , The Delaware and Hudson company proposes to extend Its Adirondack branch thirty miles, from North Creek to Long Lake. Rabbi J. Leonard Levy, of Philadel phia, has started coal yeards to supply the poor with, fuel at cost. A bucket Is retailed at 5 cents. The usual price at this season of the year Is 8 cents a bucket. The work Is constantly on the Increase. In the brief period of opera tion, nearly 15,000 buckets of coal have already been sold. A doubt as to the re-election of President Harris, of the Reading rail road, has been dispelled by the official announcement from the Read ing office that proxies representing 300,000 shares had been received In sup port of Mr. Harris, and that proxies representing from 50.000 to 60.000 shares more were In sight. It Is further stated that wince the stock books closed fully 150,000 shares had become disfranchised by reason' of transfers, leaving about 650,000 shares that are entitled to vote. That President Harris will secure n large majority of these there appears to be no longer any doubt among the best-posted men on the street. Philadelphia Stockholder: "The be lief is now general that despite oppo sition, the present Lehigh Valley man agement will be maintained In power. Handicapped as it has been during the last few years It has, however, been able to accomplish much good for. security-holders. The so-called protec tive committee in opposition to the present management makes the an nouncement that a public meeting of stockholders will be held In this city this week, when it Is contemplated to fashion a ticket to be voted upon at the ensuing election a ticket which it was further stated will Include several members of the present board of direc tors. It is significant in connection with the opposition that City Treasurer McCreary, who was somewhat active at the beginning -of the contest, has withdrawn from further participation In it." Philadelphia Inquirer: "The com panies are maintaining tidewater prices firmly, and are even getting a few orders nt the new circular, but a considerable quantity of coal Is being peddled out by middlemen who pur chase largely before the advanced prices were establishes The individu al operators are not doing much. Com plaint Is made by customers of the Le high Valley that they find great dlffl culty In getting deliveries over the Reading tracks, as much as three weeks being required to get coal through. The Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Navigation and shippers over the New Jersey Central have practically sus pended mining operations for the year. The Reading will work three days this week, as R has not yet filled Its quota for the month. The New York compa nies are generally arranging to ob serve the allotment strictly. The ag gregate output, however, continues In excesss of the actual consumption." "It might be supposed," says the New York Sun, "that railroads which bear usually geographical name a would Bhow by their titles what points they connect, but there are many exceptions In this respect and some of them are surprising. The St. Louis nnd San Francisco railroad, for Instance, might be supposed to run from St. Louis to San Francisco. Actually It runs 327 miles west of St. Louis, The Minne apolis and St. Louis railroad would np- pear to run from Minneapolis to St Louis. It actually runs from Minne apolis to Angus, la., about half way to St. Louis. The Omaha and St. Louis railroad does not run from Omaha to St. Louis, but from Omaha to Pattons- burg. Mo. St. Louis is 267 miles further east. The Toledo, St. Louis and Kan sas City railroad (or "Clover Leaf, aa It Is more generally called) runs from Toledo to St. Louis, which Is the west ern terminus of the road. Kansas City Is 325 miles away. The Toledo, Peoria and Western rallroad does not run from Toledo to Peoria, but from the Indiana state line to Warsaw, III. The New York, Chicago. nnd St. Louis railroad (or Nickel Plate,-ns It is universally called) does not run from New York to Chicago and St. Louis. ' It runs from Buffalo to Chicago, nnd a passenger upon it coming, enst. and landing at lluffalo' would be over 400 miles from New York, while'a passenger upon It going' west and iandlng nt Chicago would be'SOO miles from. St, Louis. The Philadelphia . nd Erie railroad runs from Sunbury, Pa., to Erie. The Penn sylvania, ' Poughkeepsle and Boston railroad Is ninety-six miles long, from Slatlngton, Pa.,, to Campbell Hall, on the Ontario and Western. The Fort Worth and Denver City railroad Is wholly In Texas, does not touch Denver City, and does not run Into Colorado. These peculiarities In railroad nomen clature are supplemented by another. Allthecoul-carrylng roads running lntl tudlnnlly In the eastern states have as part of their title the words, "and Western." Here are some of them Delaware, Lackawanna and Western the New York, Lake Erie and Western. the New York, Ontario and Western FLESH AND DL0OE) AnSatifc the Lake -Erie and Western1; the Nor folk and Western; the New York, Sus quehanna and Western; the Pltsburg nd Western, The quantity of coal transported by these railroads colleo Mvely amounts to more than 50,000,000 tons In a year." The Sun overlooks one queerly named road, the "New York, Pittsburg nnd Chicago," which, so far from traversing the 900 miles suggested Ul Us title, runs from New Clalllee, Pa., Kast Liverpool, O., a distance of seventeen miles. Solid Silvor IVns . nd Tenholders. Davldow Bros. Pon't Forget the Itnby. Buy silver-plate muss at Davldow Bros. STOCKS AND BONDS. By. the United J'ress. New York, Dec. ' 22. Trading at the Stock exchange today was exceedingly ght and the changes confined within nar row limits. There whs very little In tnc way of news to affect prices. Electric as unusually nctlve anil prices dropped from 3t:St to UJ',4. Distillers were firm, risi ng to 10. SiiKar was weuk, but only fell om 9ffi to t . The variations In the rangers, Coalers, Western Union ana unklines were merely fractlunal. I he market closed about sleuJy In tone. Sales, ,0(10 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket nre given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dlm- mick, manager for William l.lun, Allen & 'o., stock brokers, 412 Spruce Btroot, cruntun. Yes. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- Clos. lug. est. est. Ing. A., T. 8. V.. 4- A. S. R. V W: W-ij, 90ri Wit 8!i ('., M. & S. P.. Ot tiS'i B84 67-14 57Ti ('., It. I. ft V... 24 OS't K's 01 r-i ('., 11. & Q 71 - 7IH. 71 VI1 71! C. & N. W.... 9S'i 97vli 97V ('. (!. C. &th 3i Can. South.... 51 lil 51 51 51 ('lies. 0 17U 7"j- 17'A 17' 1). V. V. Co.... 9 ll-'i, 9"fc 9-S, I)., L. & W..... .... Wi Wit, lOWh W;l I). ? II I'.'iiU. 12ii"i, lai'fc llllivs lMi ien. Kiec :u 34!i 33',i viy, Jersey Cen.t.., 9:4 j. &, N... -....'. K!i 5:t:i; Kl-V 63ft 5:1' i Lake Shore. ,.i:i7-'i 'IWK, I-'W'h 1:I7" 137!fc Man. Kin Inr lul'i HM'a 10P4 104', Mo. I'ac 2" 2C' St'i Nut. Lead US Nat. Cord 8 7'a V-j Vi 7i New Kng :t! 31't, 2V 31T, 31'j N. V. 0 99"-; . 99' t, HOTi !)! (int. & West., lf.i.i V. R 15?!, 15 '14-'i -15-4 tr.'-i W. Vnlon 87! 87'i, 86?, 87 c. O. R -'; 7h 71! 71-Ti "d':' CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WIIEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May 58 5814 58 5Si January Sl'i M 5f'4 54 ' OATS. May 32'i . M(, Sl'i 3114 Jnnunry 2S:li ' 28, lis-, 28, CORN. May 48 48' i 48 48 January 4514 4r'i 45 45t LARD. May 7.0H 7.02 (1.97 R.97 January G.7J 0.75 6.7J ,6.7:! PORK. May 11.95 11.97 11.95 lf.97 January 11.55 11.56 11.52 11.52 Scrnnton Hoard of 1 rude Kxchango Quo' tutlons. Tnr Val. I . Bid. No. Bus. Ask 10 10 100 Scrnnton Packing Co 120 50 Providence & Ablng ton Turnpike 75 5 G 1 10 CO 10 25 10 100 loo 10IO 00 50 Scranton (llnss Co.. TrnderS Nnt'l Bank Mt. J ess up Coal Co.. Mooslo Mount'n Coal 70 110 500 Co CO Lncka. & Montrose Railroad 50 Scra'n SavliiRS Rank 200 Third Nat'l Hank.... 350 375 Klrst Nnt'l Hunk ma Scranton Trac Co. ...... 10 100 1110 100 50 100 100 400 30 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co.. 78 loo Allegheny Liimr Co 100 5 5m) Scranton Glass Co. (llonils) COO 7 600 Stevens Coal Com'y (Bonds) COO 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co. .j 65 20 50 Dime Dep. & Din. Hank C2 50 100 1U0 Sornnton Ajtle Works .... 75 National Horlni? an Drilling Co 20 20 100 Kcon'my Unlit, Heat nnd Power Co 7 .... 100 4 25 Crystal Luke Water Co 100 100 00 100 UK) Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply t:o 100 Spring Brook Water Co 100 100 100 Klrst National Bank (Cnrbondnle) 250 100 Lncka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 135 15 100 Scranton Bedding Co 1(13 30 lim Honta Class Co.; 20 1(1 Iihi Scrn'n Lace Cur. Co 98 Scranton Luce Curtain stock sold nt par Saturday. 1 New York Produce .Market. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 22. Flour Dull, stealv. Wheat Fairly uctlve, firm; No. 2 red store nnd elevator, 59al!0c. ; afloat, Wyti We.; f. o. 1)., (iWlal'.l-iic: ungraded -ed 7ai;:'c; No. 1 northern, fi8",c.; options closeil llrm at 4c advance; January, K0i February, tm'ic.j March, Gl-V'.: Mav, IHe.; June, Write; July, IKic,; December, Wi-fcc. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, Gln7?, elevator; 53a5i!c. atluut; steamer mixed, 49c; No. 3 red, 48!.; options were dull nnd Weak; December, Itlc. : January, WW.I February, 51Mjfc.: May, 52'i,c. Dats Dull, ensler; options dull weaker; ,De cember, Stfr.; January, iBe.-; Fehrnary, 3fc; May, Xttyc.; spot prices, No. ?, 3.'l',j.u 33rtc; No. 2 white, 37a3814'.; No. 2 f!hl- cago, 3iaafHK.A; No. 8, Slle.;-No. 8 white, 37c; mixed western, SlaSije.; white do. and white stute, SSiitlc Provisions yulet, un clumped. Lard yulet, steady; western stenm, 57.10; December nnd Jjinuary, J7.10 rellneil, dull; continent, 77.55; South Amer lea,"; compound, 51i,a5c. Butter yulet, easy. Cheese Dull, Btendy. Ekks yulut, choice steady; stnte und Penn gylvnnla, 212u22p. ; refrigerator, 14alSe. western fresh, 21c; do, per c-nse, 2a3.50 southern, 18a201ic; limed, l?al3'ie. lluffalo Stock Murkct. . By the United Press. Buffalo, Dec. 22.-Cattle Receipts, 1,410 head; on sale, 40 head; market sternly fair to extra fat heifers, M.25u3.90: light to good fat butchers' cows &nd bulls, $2.25 n2.50; veuls good to extra, $Ba7.25; light, j'J.inafi. nogs iteceipts, Zi.iKM head; on sale, 12,750 head; market barely steady for light grades, steady for others; good Yorkers, $4.20a4.25; mixed packers, J4.30a 4.40; mediums and heavy mixed, t4.35a4.4ll good too xtra heavy, $4.45a4.50; pigs, S4.25a 4.30; roughs, !3.50a3.70; stags, 3a3.50. Sheer and Lambs Receipts, 6,400 head; on snle, 13,000 head; market dull ami weuk; ll?lt to choice lambs, (3.25a3.8ll; extra, JX9oa1; Canadas, I3.90a4.10; fair to good sheep, $).75a2.50; choice to fancy, $2.40u2.75; extra wethers,- $3.75a4. Chicago Stock Murkpt. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 22. Cattle-Receipts, 1,000 head; market firm; common to extra steers, $2.90a5.75; stockers and feeders. 2a3.40; cows and bulls, $l.25n3.40; calves. $2 a5. Hogs Receipts, 17,000; head; market weak; heavy, S4.25a4.55; common to choice mixed, $4.10a4.50; . choice assorted, t4,25a 4.35; light, tt.90a4.20; pigs, J2.25a3.80. Sheep Receipts, 2,500 head; market llrm; Infe rior to choice, I1.50n3.35; lambs, f2.2f.a4. Plillndgiphln Tallow Market. By the United Press. I'hlludephln, Dee. 22.-tnllow Is quiet nnd steady, vlu: City, prime, In hhJs, 4Hn44r.; country, prime, In bbls, 4o. ; do. dark In bbls, 4'4n4V4c.j cakes, Co.; grease, 4c. Oil Market. By the United Press. , Pittsburg, Dec. 22.-OI1 closed ftt 93; the only bid. 01 CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 28 CENTS. THIS BULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AitJfl 1NSEKT1SU JTKH.Ii;. jRjejitsJWntd T X) MAKE BIO MONEY 8ELL1NQ OUR hlectric TeleDhone, Best seller on earth. ent nil complete ready to set up, lines of any istanco. A Dractioai Electric Telephone. Our agents ma inK $3 to tin a day eat?. E-veryuody buys; t)l money wittioot worn. Price Low, Anyone can make $76 per month. Address W. P. Harriaou & Uo.. Clerk No. II. Columbus, O. . TIT-ANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO ' V handle our line, no ueddllna?. Balarr, 5 per mouth and exDenaes uaid to all. Uoods entirely ni-w Annlv uuirklv. P.O. Bat. 5303. Btmton, Haw ...... Help Wntd-Malt. ' ' WANTEU UOOD 8ULICITORTO SOLICIT the nrintins trade of ficrnuton aud vi cinity. Apply to , Tribune office. AT ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK cauvaawir. Audi-ess T. a., cui'a Tribune office, Scranton. Pa. for Rent. IOK KEN'IV FURNISHED AND UNHIB ulshed rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue, OB RENT-SIX KOOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Addrew THOMAS E, EVANS, aear 1182 Lureru, Hyde Park. VOB RENT-NI(JtLY FURNISHED HALL 1 sultulilo for luJire rnoma JOHN JEH- MYN, lit) Wyomlnu uvenuo. - ' For Sale. 1 M. COBB ARRIVED THS UORN1NU J with a carload of Perclierou horsen; weight from 11.') to P150. Can be boou at 334 Raymond court. ...... Special Notices, THE ANNUAL MEETING OFTHE HTuCK -a. uoluers or the Mo ran ton Illuminating Heat and Power Coimianv will be held at the orlii-e of the company, 130 Wyoming avenue,, on Tuesday, January 15, 1894, at 4- o'clock p. m.. ior vnu eiectum oi directors nr tue eusn- IJB? Year and such other ImsineMB h mav tome before them. FREDC. HAND. Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 8, 1B04. ,HE ' ANNUAL MEETINO OF ' THE Ktockboldcrs of the Tlilid National Dunk of Scranton, will be held in their directors' room on i ueiciay, January 8th, in, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock p. ul HENRY BELLN.Jk.. Secretary. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX bibitiona aud lectuie.unon auv snbioet de sired. Those exhibitions will be iUnstratod. having iu my possession the moat powerful dissolving stereoptieons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. T"OU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Wuok.r War Illustrations IMll-lftiiS. Two Volume Folia 10.50; payable monthly,' 12.00. Delivered by uprcsH complnto, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. AlOUUV , Old Ulbson street, Scrautou, Pa. BLANK OOOKH, PAMPHLETS, MA(3JU lines, etc., bound or rebound at Thk Tnim'ND office. Quick work. Kcaaonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT Ml corner Spruce struct and Franklin ftvo- liue. TwontT mal tk-kots for l.50. (iood able board. - Scaled Proposals, OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE ftE O reived at the oftire of the Scranton Board of Honltu until Saturday, Dec. '2, ltttM, at 11! o'clock, for furnishing pea coal delivered at the crematory; the contract to continue from Jan. 1, IblS, to April 1, lNMi. The board will umd between twenty and thirty tons per month, aud reserve the riht to r.Ject any or an lima. wsij'i r,a Biiiitun, necreiary. Real Estate. ' L'ARMS EXC'HANHEU FOR HOUSKS : 1 honsea e-lianged for farms. B. ER NEST t'OMKUYS, Heal Estate Agent, )S Washington, Price Building. Strayed, OTHAY ED-BLACK MARE. POUR WHITE L7 feet with star forehead, think In HPiKb- borhnod of Throop. Return to DR. C. W. AUAMS, Llndun street, Scranton. ISTRAYED-TO MY PREMISES A LIVER J color setter doit: white spot on forehead and breast. The owner can have same by pay- lug cost. JOHN JLHU, William street. Situations Wanted. J ANTE D POSITION AS STENOORA VV pliersr any kind of office work by young man or Trlbnno otttce. experience. Address C, j a. i LTOUNO MAN (19) DESIRES POSITION IN 1 dentistry: threu reara exDerienoe as drug clerk; can furnish rofoienco. Adurrss A. Triliuue oltlcu. . SITUATION WANTED BY AN INTULLI- J sent vouns uiau. '21 veara of aite: fair ed ucatiun: well acoualuted with cltv and undsr- stands horaas: ood referencen Address WIL LI K ( ., care Tribune. Banking. REPORT OF THR CONDITION OP THK THIRD. NATIONAL BANK, nt Bcrnnton, In the state of Pennsylvania, nt the close of bunliicsa, Dec. IV, 181)4: RKSOURCE9. Loans nnd discount J1,2B,1SG 6 Overdraft!), secured und unse cured 1.028 62 l'. S.'TJondfi to secure clrcula tlon 80.WIO 00 Prpmlums on V, 8. bonds.' 943 75 Stocks. necnrltlei, etc........... 4:,",128 5 Uunklncr house, furniture?, and fixtures U-:'. 28,074 46 Dun from NutlunAI batiks '(not Reserve Audits). '. 10,003 911 Due from State Ranks aud Bnnkrrs 7.420 20 Due from approved reserve aReiU , ..; 203,4 97 Checks nnd other cash items... M KxchanKiss idf Clearing house.. S.iiOi) 37 Notes of other National bunks. 2,480 00 Fractional paper currency, - nickels and cents 1,183 & Lawful money Reserve In Uault vln: Specie JNIO.160 79 lgul tender notes.. 26.400 00 12C.GC0 79 Redemption fund with 1', 8 Treasurer (0 per cenL of cir culation) . S.COO 00 Due from V. 8. Treasurer, other than 6 per cent, redemption fund 4,000 00 Total ...'.....!.... $2,264,328 34 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In. I 200.000 no Surplus fund 20l),00iM10 Undivided prltlts, less expenses nnd taxes paid National bank notes outHtund Ing Duo to other National hanks... Due to State banks and bank ers '.".'...v..-.;. ;i ; Dividends unpaid, . .. ...... C0.1CC C9 rj,ooo oo 25,138 K v S.753 IV1 50 IndlvMunlrdnuoslts subVH't to check ;!"f;34,7f M Deniniul certincam of deposit. Certified checks Cnshler's checks outstanding., Nolcs and bills ro-dlscounted., Hills payable Liabilities other than those above stated,.......'. ' 5.470 Wi 3,9.13 31 480 07 None ' None one Total a... ...(.... 43,204,328 M State of Pennsylvania, County ef Lack awanna, ss.: I, WM. H, PECK, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the.1 above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. H. PECK, .Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22d day of December, 1894. ' SAM'L W. EDGAR, Notary Public, Correct Attest: WM. CONNKLL. HENRY BEL1N, JR., GEO. H. CAT LIN , Directors. INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Greatest Value we have ever been able to obtain We offer them at the following - CUT PRICES:1 NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up x3 doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO, 3. 40 doz. Pure Linent hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of doz. NO. 4 loo doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each,or $1.50 for 4 doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Every letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY &. w Better Bedding Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton bv the ' FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND LAGER BREWERY. Sfannfaeturari of the Celebrated P1LSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY J foo,ooo Barrels per Annum sr RE VIVO RE8T0RE8 VITALITY, pet a a i - tviaoe a t a l s . 15thD.y.flW 0f Me. THE GREAT 30th utodnces the above results ln'30 days. It act owertunr and quioijy. uura waao an oiasra isii ouna men will rwalu their lost manhood, and old men will recover thtlr routbtal mtor by uiiu It E VIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous nta. Lost Vitality, lmpoteucr, Nightly luuluiont Lost Power, Falling Mrmory, Waitliis DtsaaMS, and all sfftcta of aelf-atUM or ucsh and lndlscratlou which nnttU ona for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at tha seal of disease, but is a great nerva tonlo and blood builder, bring lug back the pink flow to pale cheeks aid re staring the fire of youth. It wards off Intuitu aad Consumption. Insist on bating RE VIVO, n other, II can be carried la vest pocket. By lntl) 1.00 per pack tits, ot all tor SS-OO, with poel tlve wrlttea guarantee to care or reiuni theaioney. Circular ires. Addresa 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.. S3 River St., CHICAGO, IU for sale by Matthews Bros.. Dfult' Sorautoe . tm. PXTTKB W0B CO., Inc'p- CaelUI, 1 ,000,0 BaUn SH.BO MHOK IN THE TVOB1JD. "A dollar tavid it a doiUt tmd." ThlsLaMllea' Bellil French longola Kid Hot. toa boot dallverad fraa anywhere la the U.S., on receipt oi uasn, aioiwy wwr, or 1'oeul 1 Not for il.M). Bqnals every war Ike boots old la all null stone fur tlM. We siaka tkla boot euraalna, therefore we guar anttt the, tlyli eaef wrr, and If any ooe (a not aattefled mm win raiuDO we moarj r send another pair. Opera Toe or Common Berne, widths Ism 1 to i and kali ii n v b Kii el: iliea. Smd your tit; ind Will it nt pea. Illustrated Cauv loirua FREE nmrr79unc nn FEDERAL ST., UU1IUI wiiui. ui BOW ftwetal firmi to Dta BOSTON. ILLS. (en. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Mi TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'gj"" ROOF TUNING AND SOLDERING All done awny with by the use of HART- MAN'S PATKNT PAINT, which constats of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, aulvanlzed tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs. which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack Inn; or breaking of the brick. It will out lant tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-nfth that of the cost of tinning. la sold by the Jot) ANTONIO HAKTMAKN, (27 Birch St A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest charms a woman eaa possesa. fotaoici'a Gomflkxion Powoaa gives it. lit Day. bay WALLACE 209 Washington Ave Scranton Beddins Co. CHEAPEST IRON BEDS lliM5"VtVlg: i UiiHaOUR-liwf TO OUR PATRONS I M'ashburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rous thut they Mill this year hold to their tistiul custom of millinn STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until (he new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washhurn-Croshy Co. will take no risks, and will nllow the new wheut fully three months to mature before grinding. Tliis careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour fur above other brands. r 4 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant share of Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Bhort and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine . Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON. PA. SHAW, EMERSON; KRAKAUER, ' NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. Mill III J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealen 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, lacPEHNYROYAL PILLS,H Ask tor DA. (COWS tP Bend tor clroulejr. lrlee fl.tM) per ! POJiee lor .00. i M01T8 CXIIIIIOAL CO CloveliMd, Ohio. For Sale by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 Penn Avenue. h Ja- iicoTery. llttl A It .V U a. r f lTb)uftir Xmlitlttttt iaato(;ara Car , lMM A (MM vua. MbftUiupuun or laaftnnj, vi.ou pr wi nj ordfr w lite alt a .tMli atKlHuma For tale By JOHN H, PHElPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. Wcilkce .-... Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. IN THE CITY, us in expecting a large the trade : Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlt Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. fCLOUGH &WAK CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. reliable Female PILL offered to Ladies, any reoommeua married Ladiaa. VBaTaTTSOTAIi FIIM M ae no other. RESTORE LOST VIGOR will th t"i aeia a wee Bell wltk WRtmif Utr.outUobilitf, I,ueeefeial fewer in ellbeieti, jverveutuvDi fron can. If tg(titl, auch UaublM Umd I 11 atgiecita, euca uqudim itu it uiiil.ltoj.. (oi 5. With enrtti ritta ill uunt lu sure as tnluuS I be aokef. AiMr.H COi - Cl.Tl4n(l(0at, fhrmclt, cor. Wyoming Avenue and HELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers