THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 24, 1894. SPECIA t BARGAINS , At NORTON'S Webster's large dictionarycloth cover, A reprint of the old edition, 97c Large pocket edition, cloth cover, 15c. 50-cent books, cloth cover, 35c. 50-cent books, cloth cover, 25c. 35-ccnt books, cloth cover, 17c. , 25-ccnt books, cloth cover, 15c. 25-cent paper cover novels 5c. - Children's picture and story books, Fancy pasteboard covers, 10c. upwards. Holmes' Autocrat Breakfast Table, New edition, half price the old, 75c. Webster's new international dictionary, Increased in size and quality, And reduced in price, Is a small library alone -Teloubets notes on Bible lessons, 1805, Subscriptions received for all periodi cals at the publishers prices. Xcw store, 115 Wyoming avenue. Old store, 3:2 Lackawanna avenue. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And always have :.' i Good Bread. ' MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE S :. TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. THE GENUINE POPUHR ' Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIO LS ; G. B. & CO. . IMPRINTED ON EftCH CIGAR. Qarney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court Houto Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All formi of Hernia specialty. Wall known Sorauton physlouai in chart. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., L!M., 203 Washington Aveniia. 1 PERSONAL. Joseph Hoylan, of Carbondale, was In this city yesterday. Charles Twlss and T. H. Qonware, of Klmlra, were here yesterday. Dr. William Stanton, of Whitney's Point N. Y Is at the Valley House. Congressman J. A. Scranton returned Saturday morning from Washington. O. M. and C. Y. Hanes, of Toledo, have 1en the guests of O. H. Johnson at the Wyoming since Saturday. Mrs. Rogers Israel has been appointed organizing secretary of the Women's aux iliary for the Archdeaconry of Scranton. John J. Murphy, T. J. Duffy, Frank Leonard and John Brown, of this city, and John P. Manley, of Dunmore, re turned Saturday from . Georgetown col lege at Washington, to spend the Christ mas holidays at the homes. George B. Carter leaves for western New York this morning, where he will fill several engagements. New Year's day Mr. Cartel1 will give his first twilight re cital at 4 p. m. and will be assisted by the noted soprano of the Kngllsh Lutheran church of New York. One of the organ selections will be the Pastoral Serenade, by Kbelnberger. Davldow Rros.' Line of fruit knives Is the largest and most varied in the city, . Coll Yourself And be convinced of Davldow Rros. hand Rome line of sterling silver novelties. The Bcctcra-Gruhara Contest, for the diamond ring In the interest of the Church of the. Sacred Heart, at Plains, becomes more Interesting daily. The friends of Hon. John Graham, at Wilkes Barre, are making earnest efforts in his behalf and it looks as though Scranton would have to hustle in order to secure the prize. $3.90 Is the Ridiculously Low Price That Davldow Bros, are selling a set of solid Bllver teaspoons at. Do You Want Solid Silver Teaspoons? If you go to Davldow Bros, they will sell you a set at $3.90; others . charge $6.00. The Busiest Place on the avenue Saturday night was the shoe store of the B-Bros. Some of their 10,000 pairs of Xmas slippers will hang on every Xmas tree in the Lackawanna val ley. The remaining lot will be sold at a Bacrlflctf today. Trade early and get a pair. Extra clerks. bur Line of Genuine Tortoise And shell hairpins Is the handsomest In the city. Davldow Bros, Visit the G-Bros. today. ' "Wiener Beer." During Christmas and the Holiday week the K. Koblnsons Son's Brewery will put upon the market for their customers an Kxtra Brewing of the finest Beer ever In troduced in this section of the country.' Drink "Wiener Beer" from the E. Robin sons Son's Brewery. Watch Boxes In Sterling Silver . ' and silver-plate. Davldow Bros. Snonhte IFOR. Scenes on the Business Thorough fares During" Saturday Sight. YOUNG AXD OLD WERE HAITY They Thronged tho Streets I mil It Bo came Almost a Physical Impossibility to Move Ahout-Clcrks Were Tired and Weary. 1 ; It Is probable that never before did Lackawanna avenue contain such a hurrying, dense and gay crowd of shop pers as that of Saturday night. Even for busy Scranton It was an unusual sight; it was. not .the lugging, station ary, unmovable gathering of a circus or parade day, but it was a shifting, seething good natured mass of men and women and boys Rnd girls, who, with more or'less gaiety, were taking a last crack at the cheaper kind of Christmas gofids. The throng offered an admirable op portunity for studying character; there were persons of high and low degree, pug-nosed girls and sallow-faced men, weary-eyed women and troops of laugh ing factory girls and of course ,the om nipresent boys of the street, who, with out the possession of a copper cent among them, got more fun out of the excitement than many who jingled J-0-gold pieces against fattened pocket books. Surely, a Saturday night crowd and a wage-earning crowd did not buy as valuable presents as did the fashion able shopper of the afternoon, but the number of purchases made and the way clerks were compelled to mo(ve at a lively pace kept an observer wondering where all the dimes and quarters came from. ' ' Stores Were Crowded. An Idea of the crowd may be Inferred from the fact that at several of the cheap goods stores men were stationed at the doors to prevent people entering until a batch of thirty or fifty had b'een permitted to pass Into the street. The sidewalks were so densely packed that many persons chose the roadway as the easiest way of progress. What with the troops of persons crossing and re crossing the street, the clanging of street car gongs, the murmur of con versation, the Jostling and shoving and the bright lights and holiday decora tions the scene reminded -the traveler more of gay Paris on a shop night than life in a small inland city. It was quite amusing to observe how some people with very little to do made an awful fuss about it, while others with more to think of In a minute than many are occupied with In a day seemed to wear their tribulations, with ease. A sour-vlsaged man with his fore head wrinkled like the ridges on a washboard came bumping along down the avenue. He had a medium sized bundlo In his left hand and with his other hand was pulling along a young American of eight winters, who held like grim death to a little 10 cent wagon painted red, of course. The boy's ex perience might have been likened to a boat In mid-stream, trying to make sldewlse progress against a strong cur rent. He was being pulled along vio lently by his father and in his flying career was being smartly bumped and thumped about; his little red cart was forever getting tangled In somebody's legs and at every such experience the father tried to overcome the difficulty by a' Vigorous Jerk, with the result that the boy fell to the sidewalk three times In one block. The pair probably reached home safely, but out of temper and sadly in need of repair, A Family Party. In marked contrast was the experi ence of a happy family party, father and mother and three children, who trooped along at the heels of the pair with the red cart.- They were evident ly poor, but were well-fed and happy; the man weighed over 200 pounds and had cherry cheeks like Santa Claus; In his arms were a half dozen bundles of various sizes and shapes and two of the children were clinging to his coat. The mother, with hat awry and hair dishev elled and carrying a number of pack ages, trailed the procession with the youngest child. All were good natured and did not seem to be In the least con cerned by the Jostle of the throng. The father with beaming face and large avoirdupois forged slowly along like a snow plow In a packed drift; he was oblivious and nonchalant to every thing save his own brood and laughed and Joked when after passing the gauntlet all stood waiting on the cor ner for a South Side car. in U 11 We Are Showing Complete Lines of Silks.'; s ' '. Ki Kia (wash). ncy Taffetas (for waists), Haskell's DRESS PATTERNS AND SUITINGS Fancy Handkerchiefs and Fans, Pocket Books, id Gloves and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Store Open Evenings. MEARS & 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. "IP AT FIRST 10U DON'T SIC . ' CfiED," TRY ftPO LIO In one of the stores while the little boxes were dying along the elevated carrier system at a lively pace, while every minute meant several dollars of profit, while shoppers stood several rows deep along the counters and atfhve the din and confusion arose the callope voice of a man, saying, "pass out to the right; now, don't shove" In all this bustle and turmoil someone asked a weary clerk how long the store would be open. She Wat Ready to Faint. "Oh, lordy, don't ask me," she said, "I hope it will stop soon; I'm ready to faint." ' Whether she collapsed or not was not learned, but such an ending would not have been surprising. To a man, the fortitude of those girls was something Incomprehensible, and any attempt to understand how they could even chew gum so vigorously after the day's hard work was a question bordering on magic. Possibly some of them looked yery attractive when they began work in the morning; maybe their hair was then frizzed to excruciation, their cheeks naturally tinted, eyes sparkling and bright and every ribbon, buckle, drapery and apron In Its correct placf, but later in the evening well, the girls had much sympathy; they were not In the least like a thing of beauty and a Joy forever, nor were they fair to look upon. Queer, mysterious woman may enjoy Christmas shopping, but a man can be pardoned for preferring a prize fight to a holiday night melee in a store. - Purchase One Of those handsome collarettes for your sweetheart. You can have them at Davl dow Bros. QUICK PIECE OF WORK. Quarterly licport of Third National Bank Prepared in an Hour and A Quarter. Saturday morning at 1,0.45 the Third National bank of this city received no tice from AVashlngton to furnish the quarterly statement of Its financial con dition required by the government of all national banks. An hour and a quarter later the report was ready for transmission to Washington. This is a wonderful record and shows the perfect condition in which the books of th Institution are kept at all times. It Is a notable tribute to the ex act business methods of the cashier, William H. Peck. . The report, which appears In another column, shows that the bank Is in an excellent financial condition. - of Muntcl Clocks Comprises everything from the plain oak to the imported Venetian onyx clocks. Davldow Bros. When Silverware F.nters Your mind for Xmas presents call at Duvidow Bros. The $40,000 School House, for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There are still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Krothlngham, Office, Theater Lobby. Our Line of Corsage Pins Is complete. Davldow Bios. Great variety of Sleds, Clipper Wagons and Doll Carriages. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Silver Shaving Cups and Brushes, Quadruple plate. Davidow Bros. , Our l ine of Corsage Pins Is complete. Davidow Bros. Fern baskets at Clark's for Xmas pres ents. Purchase One Of those handsome collarettes for your sweetheart. You can have them at Davl dow Bros. Palmb at Clark's for Xmas presents. When Silverware Enters Your mind fur Xmas presents call at Duvidow Bros. Brush and Comb, Manicure, Toilet and Shaving Sets. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Watches Silver or Mcklu Plated, Gold Filled or Solid Gold. Watches for everyone. Watches that ev eryone run for and Watches that ure guaranteed. Davldow Bros. Santa Claus couldn't make a wiser choice of a gift for his little friends than to present them those funny, .droll and mirth-commanding "Queer People." All parts can now be had at The Tribune business office. Duplex Link Buttons New patent. Latest designs. No more trouble, gentlemen, if you have a pair of Duplex Link Cuff Buttons, at Duvidow Bros. Davis' Automatic Inkstands. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. AY TRAD liijj Black. HAGEN, BEAT IIS HV Patrick McGee Does Not Believe In the I'eace-on-Earth Idea. NEITHER DOES MICHAEL liUKXS The Latter Became Intoxicated Saturday Night and Turned His l umlly Out of the House- Ho Now Awaits a Hear ing in Central Station House. An early start toward celebrating Christmas was made by Patrick Mc Oee, of River street, near South Wash ington avenue, Saturday morning. He got boiling drunk and wound up the celebration yesterday morning by beat ing his wife and mother-in-law. A hurry call was telephoned to the central police station at 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon and when Policemen Haag, Burke and I. F. Jones arrived at the McOee residence with the patrol wagon, the mother-in-law had received an ugly cut extending nearly across her forehead, and McGee and the In terior of the house were covered with blood. Mrs. McGee had been very bad ly beaten. While arresting McGee tho officers were Interfered with by a neighbor, Michael Kelly, who was also drunk. He was taken along with McGee to the station house. Turned Thcin Out of the House. After getting drunk and turning his entire family out of doors at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, Michael Burns, of Irving avenue, was arrested by Patrol man Coleman. Before turning the household out into the cold night Burns beat his sou and daughter severely. In yesterday morning's police court the wife failed to appear against her husband, who was remanded by the mayor for a hearing this morning. All yesterday different members of the familyincluding a nephew, were Inter ceding for Burns with the mayor and chief of police. SHEA ENGAGEMENT CLOSES. Hip Van Winkle and Suarcs of New York ' Produced Saturday. Thomas E. Shea and company closed their engagement at the Academy of Music Saturday night, when "The Snares of New York" was produced in an excellent manner. The house was crowded, even standing room being at a premium. In the afternoon "Rip Van Winkle" was given. Cout Clusps, Coot Hungers. Hut Marks. All In sterling silver. Davldow Bros Solid Silver Thimbles, 25c. 60c., 75c, 11.00 and (1.25. Davldow Bros. Gold Pens and Pencils. ' PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Rings for the Duby, Rings for the MIsb, Kings for the Lady, Wedding Rings for your sweetheart, Rings for yourself or friends. Davldow Bros. Vases, Something New, IC. quislta Designs. Nobby and neat patterns. Duvidow Bros. Oxford, International, Bagster and Hol man's Bibles. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Silver Shaving Cups and Brushes, Quadruple plate. Davidow Bros. Those Queer People There's No Better Christmas Present for the Little Ones. All parts on sale now at The Tribune business office. NOVELTIES . FOR THE HOLIDAYS. . , Books, Booklets, Art Calen dars and Xmas Goods of all descriptions. Ulgh Class Framing a specialty. PRATT'S, 312 Lackawanna Ave A STORY WITHOUT WORDS. We've had a big trade on Smoking Jackets during the past week. Folks say our prices are lower than other dealers ask. Our styles are all new. They make very appropriate gifts. Materials are Flannels, Cheviots, Tricots, Velvets and Im ported Figured Silks, lined with Silks and Satins, some quilted, others plain. - Drop in and look at 'em. No charge for that. , aJSN PE1 CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, S. L GALLEN, CompleteOutfitters. A Souvenir presented to each purchaser of a pair of Ladies' Shoes, In our Shoe Department. PRESENTS You intend to make some ' one a Christmas Present. DO Not Worry Do not lose your temper, but make a bee line for China Hall As they have such an array of Goods suitable for Gift Making that it will be a pleasure instead of a worry to make such selection. SILUERWflRE, DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS. Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass, Lamps, Tables, Chafing Dishes, 5 O'Clock Teas, etc. U 116 Wyoming Ave. gCHANK gCHANK CHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK JCHANK gCHANK gCHANK (CHANK CHANK gCHANK CHANK CHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK UN NEW. NEW. STORE, NEW COODS, NEW PRICES. You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. ft U 4I0 Spruce St. A SUGGESTION Of course you are in a quandary what to give for a Xmas present. Now your mind will be great ly relieved by visiting either of our stores, where our lines of Bath Robes, Canes,Umbrellas,Leather Goods, Neckwear, Gloves, Suspenders and Night Shirts are complete. Our assortment is cer tainly the largest and best in the city. Christian, THE li HATTER 4I2 SPRUCE ST. AND 205 LACK. AVE. We're pleasing an a ran ui ucimmc aitrci tiuu E MILLAR MUm REEFERS LARGE VARIETY, GOOD We want to show you MEN'S 5TRICTLY woolen Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors THE FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. GREAT REV011 IN PRICES, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for - 25c Velvet Hats Trimmed with Jet and Tips, worth $5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets, worth 39c, for 15c CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable goods in Jackets, Plush and Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. HI CHAINS FOR Something nice for a Christmas Gift. some dear mend's hair. Leave orders uh early an possible. E. M. HETZEL, TO WITH EVERY PAIR OP ICE SKATES BOLD BY VS BETWEEN NOW AND NEW YEAR'S, WE WILL GIVE FREE ONE TICKET GOOD FOR ONE ADMISSION AT ANY TIME TO EITHER OF THE ICE SKATING RINKS. C. M. FLOREY Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, 222 WYOMING AVENUE. army of boys with Mams iit'uuiiiudmcs vacu mi I REEFERS STYLES AND LOW PRICES. our A ALL and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Chains made out of your own or 230 Lacka. Ave, NEW STORE, ,133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doing a general Drug, Paint and Oil business at the above location, during the erection of our store building recently destroyed by Are. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 223. All orders promptly tilled and delivered la any purt of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. our gift presentation. umxuai vr h4to ftiBIV i1 X ' . 4 m Goods
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