-TIIE SCIiANTOX TUTBUXE THURSDAY rOUXDTO, DECEMBER 20, 1894. GORMAN'S HMD DEPOT Matchless Coat Values Another Rare Owportunity Is Presented This Morning in Stylishly. Made Ladies' Coats The Prices Are the Lowest of the Present Sea son, . ElKht from a makor who was glad to avail himself of our offer. He had loo many garments ami too little money, and than we pnrchused upon our own ternm. Kueh wrnp Is exquisitely made and trimmed In the latest fashionable style; the materials are the best and such as have fouinlreat favor nmonf? the ladles of taste. Such of ferings ns these have not been shown In Scranton this year, 40 Inehes lontf, double breasted, large sleeves and tight-llttlnij. Kegular prices until now were 1H 17, and f3). . USEFUL HANDKERCHIEFS. Rpmnrknble varieties and values lmvc been broUKht here for the holidays. The prices are conspicuous for their small noss, while the qualities and styles oc cupy the highest place known to Hand kerchief manufacturers. LADIES' HOSIERY LADIES' UNDERWEAR MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S GLOVES HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS HOLIDAY LINENS APRONSANDFILLOWSHAMS HOLIDAY RIBBONS Every color for decorating, every kind. UMBRELLAS From the best mnkers. The assortment Is particularly Interesting;, as It Includes ell grades from the ordinary to the finest. Open Evenings I'ntil Christmas. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. 'mm mm rev? felt! 4"" d&mMl R, -:-REEVES, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton; Dr. Reeves has had Ions and varied ox- erlence In h:ultal ami private praetlco .uu tirmn nil iiuuui uiui cinuilie Uluues f men, women and children, CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE, He, with his assistants, treat all dls eases of ho nervous system, diseases of the eye, cur, noso and thront, dyspepsia. rheumatism, lost vitality, premature Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup- xions, Piooii-poisomnt,', tits, epilepsy, in discretion und errors of youth, lust man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vlua' dunce nsinnia, diseases or mo Heart, lungs, ver, moneys, manner, siomacn, etc. Young Men Positively Cured. Offer to tho I'lirlic for Catarrh. ' Any ono suffering with Cuturrh who wishes to bo permanently, oulcklv nn cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVK DOLI.AIIS. The doctor has discovered a Boeclllc for this dreaded disease. Von ecu treat und cure yourself and fumily with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatmen Iree. OFFICH HOritS-DaUy, 9 a. m. to 9 p, m. i nmioiiys, ju io iz ano & lo -t. 1 CHAIRS, OTTOMANS. hassocks; CARPET SWEEPERS, MATS, ETC, Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. T C - -A. A. Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE.' four doors above Wyoming llouso. ' TltlCKBUKG.- The Ancient Order of Foresters met last evening and adopted by-laws. The borough council met last evening and discussed some important business in regard to the crosswalks. Charles Oarlln has returned after spending a few days with Wilkes-Barre frlands. . ' August Smith was In Jennyn yester day, y '. Starr's mines of ithls place have shut down for iih reimalndor of the year. Michael Mullln visited friends In Hyde Park yesterday. I L 9 ...as- mm I ID NEWS OF THIS ' VICINITY TfJNKffAMOCK. The funeral of Mrs. Wltllrow was not held yesterday, as at first contemplated, but will occur at 10 a. m. today. Rev. George Hine, of the Hantiat church. will conduct the services. A razzle-dazzle "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company played to empty benches at the ( era house Tuesday nlpht. acant lots have Increased in value about 25 percent., and those with builtl- Hiks on about 15 per cent, in this bor ough in the last elirht months. As a place for those who wish to retire from actlvo business und live quietly and comfortably no finer or pleasanter place could be found. Mrs. If. V. Hurdwell is spending the week in Wllkes-liiirro. A Washington township road view called out a larire number of nennle up thereTuesday who were interested In the' proposed chance of road. It Is on the highway lending from Vose to Lemon, and Hie viewers were N. 1' Wilcox, of Nicholson, and T. W. Tiffanv and Fred Jliller, of Tunkhannock town ship, r Charles Lewis, a teacher in the pri mary department of the Iteaumont schools, has been offered the principal-' ship of the D'ushore schools In Sullivan county and accepted It. The vacancy made by his departure will be filled by Miss Fassett, u well known Forkston young lady. The barn of Elmer Shefller, at Vose, was destroyed by lire at about 10 o'clock Tuesday night. It contained a lot of hay, a cutter and other stuff, all of which went up In smoke. George Guilder and daughter, Lena, will go to New York city Saturday to spend the holidays with relatives. Miss Ida Iiiungess, nn estimable young lady In Exeter township, who baa been critically 111, is reported bet ter. A Wllkes-Bnrre veterinary surgeon was called to examine the fine herd of Jersey and Guernsey cows belonging to frank Whcaton, a wealthy farmer up In Lemon township, a few days since, and found them badly affected with tuberculosis. As a result several of them kwere slaughtered and It Is prob able that the rest may have to be. Ills stock Is exceptionally fine and the kill ing of them seems almost wanton. Al though the matter has been kept very quiet It is assented that there Is lots of It in the county. One man who 1ms much to do wtlh cattle asserted that the cattle In this section "are just rot ten with it." William N. Reynolds, jr., Is homo from Lafayette college for his holiday vacation. M1ss Fannie Ball has returned front Washington, D. C. The Mehoopany graded school build Ing has been furnished with a new cab Inet organ, and the people will give nn entertainment Friday evening to raise funds to pay for It. It is said that the Factoryvllle people are greatly agitated over finding the carcass of a dead horse In the reservoir from which their drinking water Is furnished, and the wretch who placed it there will be summarily dealt with if discovered. Mrs. S. S. Ilreese was called to Wilkes-Barre last evening on account of the critical illness of her mother-in- law. Christmas exercises will be held nt nearly all the churches in town and nightly rehearsals are In vogue. Henry Leipham, a well known 'Wash ington township farmer, is a victim of locomotor ataxia. James Stonier 13 nursing a smashed hand. The Laceyville band held a fair last week, and in its report of the affair the Bralntrim Messenger speaks thu,sly of J. W. De Witt, band leader, who Is a Tunkhannock boy: The success of the fair is due to the management and un tiring efforts of the manager, J. W. DeWitt, who had charge of all the details and who did much more than his share of the work. As a fair man ager Mr. DeWitt has proved himself a success, and any organization contem plating a fair can be assured a success by securing his services. Miss Eunice Day, of Nicholson, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Day. Landlord Nelson Lee, of the Keeler House, is reported on the mend. The rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church announces special services on Christmas morning. A prayer service and sermon will occur at 10 a. m. Belief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pnln In the bladder, kidneys, back und every part of the urinary pas sages In mule or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is -your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 123 I'enn uve nue, Scranton, Ph. ' AVOCA. John Alkman, who has been spending a short time with his brother, Charles, of West Avoca, left for his home nt Dagus Mines, Elk county, on Monday. Mrs. Dr. Sitterley and Miss Carrie Snyder were visitors at Plttston yes terday. The pupils of No. 2 school will hold an entertulnment in O'Malley's hall on Friday afternoon and night. .It will consist of singing, recitations and dia logues. It promises to be an excellent affair, and admission is only B cents. The prayer meeting tonight In Lang oliffe Presbyterian church will be con ducted by Kcv. A. J. Welsley. Mrs. Harry Kneebone, who was 111, Is now able to be about. Chester Smiles, of Plttston, was a vis itor In town yesterday. " Mrs. John McQueen, of West Avoca', called on Plttston friends on Monday. . , Rheumatism Cured In n Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to S days. Ils notion upon the syitum Is reniarkuble and mysterious. It removes, nt onco tho cause and tho disease Immediately disap pears. The first doso greatly benollls, 76 cents. Bold by Matthews Bros., Drug gists, Scranton, ., JI10NTK0SE. ;. . Samuel Dessauer and Harry Beach, students In Lehigh university, are vis iting their parents here. They will be at home until after New Year's. A. W. Lyons has returned from a trip to New York. Walter Sims, who has been here for the past four weeks with his wife, who has boon very ill, has returned to Scran ton. ..... James Stoddard, who has been em ployed In York state for the past few months, has returned to Montrose, and Is running the engine at the pumping station for the Consumers' Water com pany. ' "Ten Nights In ft Barroom" Is to be played In the armory on Monday 'night, Dec. 24, The company that is to pro- duce It comes highly Indorsed by the press. The roads in this vicinity have been In bad condition this week, on account of the freeze. The Tribune's Christmas number was much admired by its manyeaders here. ' . The Royal Arcanum lodge here is in a most nourishing condition, tanui dates are being received at nearly every meeting. Photographer Schmidt expects to spend Christmas with his family in Scranton. Loads of evergreen are being hauled to the different churches to be used In the Christmas exercises. Dr. O'Boyle, of Susquehanna, was here yesterday. 1IALLST1LU). The teachers' meeting on Friday evening will be Ihrid at the home of G. W. Oapwell, on Church street. Horace Simmrell, of Factoryvllle, vis lied lure last week. Miss Kittle A. Pike and Miss Fannie Simmrell, two of the feachers of the high scho;d, were Jn the Parlor City on Saturday. The CTnriBtnias number oCThe Trib une ils spoken of wry highly by the many readers It has in this place. Purry Pros., of Brooklyn, N. Y., In strumentalists, assisted by Miss Lena Clark, elocutionists, gave a fine enter tainment to a large audience In Youpg Men's Christian association hall last evening. There will be a tree In the Presby terian church in this place on Christ mas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Curry, of Pttts ton, visited their many friends in this place last week. Mr. Curry was form erly Bfcimtary of the Railroad Young Men's Christian association. It is rumored (that Hallstead Is to have a new brick sohool house In the near future. The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mich ael MeManus died Tuesday morning very suddenly. The funeral will be hold tomorrow tat 1! o'clock. Interment in the Catholic cemetery. Master Burt Wailson, of Main streot had the misfortune to lhnve a bullet go through his hand in one flf the shanties, as tlhey are called by the boys, near his home on Monday evening. He does nut know ufliHiher some one threw the cartridge down the stove pipe into tiio fire or whether some one Uliot a re- volvor through one of the cracks. H knows that he got shot. At present tie Is doing well. The High School Literary union will hold its first meeting on Friday After noon. The Hallntcod Fire Engine and Hose company, No. 1, -lected Its officers for the next year last evening. They are as follows: President, M. S. Lamb vice-president, L. E. Tiffany; secretary, A. H. Chichester; financial secretary, C. W. Bankes; treasurer, Michael Hays; foreman. Frank Lawrence; assistant foreman, A. H. Chichester; second as sifitant foreman. Nelson McLoud; pipe man, Earl Talmage; first assistant plpeman, J. L. Ross; second assistant pipeman, Marvin Barnes; third assist ant pipeman, Will Hoover; trustees, C. B. Van Wormer and M. S. Lamb. R. B. Georgia, of the Binghamton Herald, wa3 in town yesterday. Miss Lena Clark, of Binghamton, is visiting friends In town. John Ohide.iter 'is visiting friends In Susquehanna. The taxpayers of this borough are re quested to meet at the Railroad Young Men's Christian associaton hall on St urdy evening at 7 o'clock to give their vknvs in rcgad to the lighting of this borough with electric lights. G. W. Capwell, thox hustling conduc tor on the milk train which runs from Blnctomton to Washington, N. J., is taking his vacation. C. W. Bankes and Varum Shaw spent Sunday In Susqudhanna. v Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wesley are visit ing their daughter in Ohio. AKCUBALD. M. F. Gllhool, of this place, and Miss Annie Manley, of Mitdholl, South Da kota, were married here yesterday af ternoon at 4 o chK'k. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Lucas In St. Thomas' church. The bride was r..t tended by her coupln, Miss Nora Bar unit, and the groom by P. F. Kielty The bride wore steel color lansdowne, with pmii trimming and liait to match. The bridesmaid's dress was golden brown cashmere, beautifully trimmed. There were many friends of the young people present to witness the ceremony. At Its coneliii-iioii the bridal party en joyed a drive ito Scranton and on their return supper was partaken of at the home of the bride's grandiflother, Mrs. John Burke, or White Oak street. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Gilhool will leave for South Dakota, where they will spend the honeymoon. Mr. Gilhool is a popular and elllelent assistant super intendent of the Metropolitan Dlfe In surance company. His bride is nn amiable and "accomplished young lady, a worthy eomivanlon of her husband. The. marriage of John Dane, jr., of Cemetery rtiwt, to Miss Katie Hughes, of Salem streot, Is1 announced to take plac on Chrintmns Day. John W. Dally, of Daurel street, was hurt by a fall of rock In the Delaw are anil Hudson mine on Monday. His leg and side were bruised. Ills Injuries are not of a scirious nature. ' John J. Flanagan nd P. F. McCaf frey, of Scranton, called on business friends here yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. Mldhael McDonnell, of Taylor, vlnlted friends here on Tues day. The Laekawflnnfi Transit company has added several beautiful oars to its line and In tha.t respect the line is now well equipped. The unseasonable "re frlgor.iitors" ithut did service for the pant few months have ftjl been called In. The public schools will close on Fri day for the Christmas vacation. Tiiey will nut re-open unitil Jan. 2. The fair of St. Thomas' congregation, whloh has bern closed since Thanks giving, will re-open on Saturday even ing and will continue nightly until closed finally eauiy In January. , Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yenrs by mil lions of mothers for their children wliilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the. child, softens the gums, allays all pain: cures wind colic, and is the best rcniody for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of tho world. Bo sure and sskfor "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and luk9 no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. - , EOKKST piTY. Miss Merrltta Donovan has returned to Scranton after a week's visit with relatives In tlhs city. ' Misses Flora' and Stella Allen, of Forest City, were the guests of Sliss Charlotte Giles, of Lincoln . avenue, yesterday afternoon. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Coleman, of Dundaff, spent yesterday In this city. Miss Mamo Corby is 'the- guest of Miss Mame Cunimlngs, of Crenn lldge. The fuieral services over the remains of the late James F. Farrell, who died in the Lackawanna hospital In Scran ton on Sunday morning, occurred yes terday. A high mass was celebrated In St. Rose church at 9.30 o'clock with Rev. Father Curran oflleiating. CAKBOXDALK. Burgess Maxey is confined to his home by an attack of grip. I. Prcscott, of Susquehanna, was a visitor In town yesterday. L. C. Smith, of Carbondale, was In this place yesterday. special train has been secured on the Erie railroad to leave Carbondale for this place after the concert on Christmas night. Joseph D. Cllffton and his excellent company will begin a three nights. stand at the Opera House next Monday evening. The play Monday evening will bo "The Ranch King;" Tuesday even- lng."Myrtle Ferns" will be produced, and Wednesday evening "Libby Pri son," a grand historical war drama, will be presented. Prices, 15, 23 and 33 cents. paper was circulated among the business men of this place during the week for the purpose of hiring a night policeman, and they generously con tributed. A meeting of the business men was held Tuesday afternoon. J. W. Larabee was elected as president; John M. Brown, secretary, and E. F. Ames, treasurer. Dr. Taylor, J. R. Fleming and F. M. Dolph were elected as a committee to select the new police man. Levi Bunting was the choice of those present, and the new officer as sumed his duties last evening. l'ECKVILLE. The Methodist Episcopal church Sunday school will hold their Christ mas entertainment on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2G. Dr. J. B. Grover Is suffering from an attack of quinsy sore throat. The Carnival of Days, held by the Young People's society of the Presby terian church, netted the sum of $178.11. Mrs. C. H. Bloes and Mrs. A. Shaffer, of Dunmore, called on Mr. and Mrs. W S. Bloes last Tuesday. Oriental Star lodge DSS, Free and Ac- cepted Masons, elected the following officers last Tuesday evening for the ensuing Masonic year, who will be In stalled on the evening of St. John's day, Wednesday, Dec. 27: Worshipful master, M. S. Shaffer; junior warden, George A. Bell; senior warden, Alton F. Klzcr; secretary, Edwin H. Rltter treasurer, John D. Peck; representa tive to grand lodgp, William H. Rltter; nier; trustees, Windsor Foster, Joseph G. Bell, Samuel M. Rogers. OLYTHMT. Mrs. Jane O'Boyle, who has been visiting the past few weeks at Pater son, N. J., has returned. Tho Father Mathew Opera house, which has been remodeled, will be opened for the first time this evening with "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The op?ra house Is now one of the finest outside of large cities, and has cost the society over $6,000. The advance agent of Minnie Sew ard's Theatrical company was in town yesterday making arrangements for the appearance of the company here next week. llONESDALE. Miss Ilanna.h Schoell will bo married to Julius Herbold, of Buffalo, nit the home of her brother, Fred Schoell, on Blast Htreot, at 12.30 today. Only the Immediate relatives will be present. Joseph Orandall, of the College of Dentistry, Philadelphia, 1s home for tho holidays. James M. Welch called on Carbondale fi'lends Tuesday. William Ferber circulated among his Soranton acquaintances, Tuesday. John FiniiLrty, of Erie, Pa., attended the funeral of his grandmother Tues day. James and Thomas Finnerty also came home from college to attend the funeral. !S3!H:H93!3m!:E!2BHHi:iEI3;!!!gKi;:HC ME BELL only and alone had the is mucus, as Tiic Weanrcll SiM Co., . I Brodcii Fretideitftal & Co., js Iljilc Park Clothing Store, S The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very liest and choicest grade of Clothing, and having nought them for less than half their actual value, we are now oll'erintj them to the public on the same basis 5 rm rm Ono Lot Uoys'Kilt Capo QQU One Lot of Boys' Douulo .' AO S Overcoats, regular pi ice 2 2o JO j Breasted Suils, worth $1.75 UU K S. E2 ch - - - - - : - . - 1 w bj Ui j Boys' Double Breasted Union Cawinierc nml Cbcviot Suils; j; a tilso Boys' w arm nnd Durable Capo Overcoats, regular 01 I " a in-ice, fiOO and S3.U0. . . . . . 0 "' K !3 Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot nnd Cassiniere Bcefor Suits; also S Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $.l)0, R! Men's Sinple and Double Breasted Cassiniere nnd Cheviot 51 Suits; also Men's Black and Blue Overcoats, value $8 and $11) 3 Men's All Wool Cheviot nnd Cassimero Sack or Cutaway Suils; S also Ulu-ck nnd Blue Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00, S Men's Extra Fine Blnek nnd Blue (-lay Worsted Cutaway or B , Sack Suits; nlso Fine Blue and Black Kersey and Melton S l'oolo Overcoats, valuo $-0,00, . , ' . S i Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, is3caiaaissaaiesiiiiat!iiaiiaaaiiBsiiaBiiisiiiBsasGcas9a9BiBia!iiiiiiiBiai3sszB2asaEiBfiKsxii8l7 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, - i:0ISTIf!5 AND PUHMG MACHINERY.' i (icncral OHics: SCRANTON. PA. ; lillllpfli Mrs. Annie Scltrclncr Allentov.il, Ta. Hood's h tha Gradsst Raised from a Weak anc Low Condition To Perfect Health and Strength After Four Years Suffering. "C. I. I'.ood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen I think Iloo;t's Sarsr.parl'la i: tlio grandest discovery jet made, and it ftil.V even Kioro than you claim for It. M" v.ifo h:v been sli'k fur tho last four years. For tire yean slio was so bad that s'.io was unaklo t '. any of licr housework. Wo had good physician: but silo did not recover licr health. Shu va lufferlng from Brlglit's disoaso and Lameness in tho CccU. tier toiiijuo was covered with blisters; had n: appetite, and was vpry weak and low villi cral debility. I insisted on her talcing HoudV Sarsaparllla, and slio has been improviiij; cvci since. She has taken five bottles, und Is so wci: ooasCures that for three months slio lias dona her house work, and wa havo seven children." Alt'. SLll!:i:i.Ni;n, Allentowa, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills ero liver Ills, constipation, I)ilioa5'.K's,i, jaundice. slci; iK'ailache. lndli:r.sioi muud b rum b m Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. UHG and BLASTIKQ MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH. DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Towdcr Co. '8 Orange Gun Povvde? Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fu3e nnd Repanno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives Instruments In every sense of tho torm as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. SO Firth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave.New Telephone Bdg ROOF TIMING AND SOLDERING All done away with by tho use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin. sheet iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which wiil prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ing or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and it's cost does not exceed one-liflh that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by tho Job or jiouno. oii'.raeis laiieii oy AN'iONIO HAKTJIAf IN, C27 Birch St. II Fill I" Kiit and courage to liny three entire !5 (allows : Ifi West Third Street, New York Waverly Pluck, New York Ml South Maiti Avenue, Scranton 4.(0 g 7.651 M I" DAI 1B7 1 1 " PO 6 fe8 fit O LEADERS OF 1 11 ' n 0 E live i air 3 409402 Lactanna Avenue. ci?s- A LARGE STOCK OF 3 llUlBIII jg II SPECIAL PRICES. 2 (3 - - - - . m wsi Of 2 p i A 1 T! I fh TV I If ' A A ft d EUOMaVvttOOQSii - I0W READY. 1 eft- ri I I THINGS I Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50.' A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plusli and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each.1 LASE.LS, Tn Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel. S KELTS, Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 iND AOS LACKA. AVE. III ill 1 11L And our Grand Holiday Display is ushered before you in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled wheu you enter our store (as it's far superior to our last year's display), and goods arc so much cheaper. Come here any day and take your time to look. Our store is a GRAND FREE FAIR, without the raffle and wheel of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also see beautifully fitted up departments. And in the basement the same way, but more of the solid and substantial. Our Credit System ? Oh ! yes'; that's in the same working order as heretofore. We want you to make use of it. We extend goods to you as liberally that way as though you paid cash. Hundreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp Stands, Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan and Up holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch, Maple and Ma hogany Rockers, in antique and novel designs. Book cases with desks and without; Ladies' Fancy Desks in different woods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta bles, etc., etc. Nearly five thousand of the handsom est and loveliest things you ever set eyes on. Come and walkthrough. We'll welcome you. Sty - LOW PRICES. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers