TIIE KCK ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5, 1894. S3 AT First Measures Are Passed In the Senate and Huusc. KEMAKKABLB l'EXSIOX BILL Mr. Peffer Comes to the Front in Excel lent Stylo-Tho Vcutb of Myron II. - Wright Formally Announceii-Pro-ccedings in the House. J3y the United Press. Washington, Dec. 4. The first bill passed at this session was a somewhat remarkable one. It was a house pen sion bill in favor of Mary Martin, nnd was reported this morning by Mr. Onl Jlnger (N. H.) from the senate commit tee on pensions. It contains the usual provision that the pension Is to cease "if the soldier returns." The explana tion was that the man disappeared twenty years ngo and has not since been heard from. Several bills were Introduced by Mr. Peffer (Kan.,) one being to repeal that part of the resumption uct Which pro vides for the sale of bonds; another was to provide for the government con trol of freight railroads. Mr. Blunchard (La.) offered a resolu tion instructing the committee on ap propriations to report an amendment to the urgency deficiency bill, appropriat ing a sulfk'ient amount to pay the sugar bounty on the sugar crop of 1894 under the terms of the act of 1S90. Laid over for. the present. Mr. Lodge (Mass.) offered resolutions which were agreed to, calling on the president for the convspomlence relat ing to affairs at Itluefields, and culling on .the secretary of the navy for the reports or letters of Rear Admiral Wal ker In relation to the Sandwich islands. A message having been received from the house announcing the recent death of Representative Wright, of Pennsyl vania, the senate on motion of Mr. Quay adjourned at lL'.SD, Mr. Quay stat ing that he would hereafter ask the senate to take further uction In the matter. Proceedings in House. Mr. Storer. (Rep., Ohio), introduced In the house of representatives today, and the house adopted, a resolution ex tending until the first session of the next congress the time allowed the board of engineers surveying proposed routes for canals to connect Lake Kite with the Ohio river, under the provi sions of the river and harbor bill for the present yewr. A bill appropriating JIM.OOO for the ex pense connected with the dedication of the Chicgamauga and Chattanooga National Military park on Nov. 1U and EO, 1S9D, was passed. A bill providing for the establishment of the Shiloh National Military park by the purchase of 3,000 acres of the ground upon which that battle wa3 fought, was taken up. It appropriates $150,000, the money to be expended under direction of the secretary of war. Mr. Hender son, (Rep.), advocated the passage of the bill. .The appropriations were, re duced from $150,000 to $75,000, and as thus amended passed. First Free Coinage Hill. The first free coinage bill of the ses sion was introduced in the house today by Mr. Hurtmau, of Montana. The bill provides for a silver dollar of 412', grains of standard silver, and author izes the holders of silver bullion to the amount of $100 or more to hove the same coined at any United Sta tes mint. 'The dollars coined are to be legal tender for all debts, public and private. rOKESTClTY. Coasting is being Indulged In on roine of tha hills in this place, and a few sleighs have been out. There haa also been some skating on Leek's pond. Today the marriage of Miss Alma Kennedy to Oeorge Hmton, both well known and estimable young people of tills place, will be solemnized in 1Ze liamton, X. Y. A large building Is being erected In the war of the Davles House. It will be used by Nelson Kell as a blafltsmlth shop. 1 Dr. J. W. McOuIre, of Vandllng, was piofessionally engaged in this borough yesterday. Henry J. Evans, J. F. Evans and Jiihn Evans, of Clifford, were in this pUice yesterday. Mrs. George Maxey Is visiting at Olyphant. , S. Brown, of Elmira, was a visitor in town yesterday. Frank Walker is seriously 111 of ln fluinatory rheumatism. l. L. Kannery, of Honesdale, spent yesterday In our city. John Lang has accepted a position in II. C. Ames & Co.'s bank, made vacant by the resignation of Archie Pentecost, who will attend school In this place for the winter. The long promised and looked for street railway will soon be a reality, at least a far as the southern bound ary line of this place. The track has been laid to A point above '. Rlch mondalc and the gang of mon working from the Forest City line are down us far as McKloskey'B hotel in Vandllng. The masons started yesterday at the abutments for the , bridge that will span the Lackawanna at Simpson, and the crossing of the Erie tracks at Simp son, over which there has been delay and trouble, will be perfected next Sunday. SAVED BY A DOG. Timely Rescue of n Lone Woman fromu Negro. By the United Press. Sm-ino-fioiii n Dpi. 4. Lateladt even ing a negro tramp entered the residence of Mrs. Catharine Iirown. a widow 50 years old, living near this city, and asked for something to eat, wmie Mrs. Brown, who was alone, was get ting him some food, he grabbed und threw her to the iloor, A large Irish softer dog attacked the negro, who fled. PRESIDENTS DIDN'T MEET. They Will, However, Uct Together Again Within a few Days, and un Agreement Is Regarded us Highly Probable. Speclul to the Scrtinton Tribune. Philadelphia, Dec. 4. It was an nounced last week that a meeting of the anthracite carrying railroads would ho held i) ll Monday in New York, simul taneously with the meeting of the coal sales agents. This wus, Indeed, the original Intention, but the former meot- hiL'. for some reason, has been deferred for a few days, at the wish of President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania railroad, who is studying the anthracite situa tion with more than common care. Those who know Intimate that Mr. Roberts is more disposed at this minute than he has been at any prior time to join with the other coal-owning und coal carrying railroads In a genuine restriction of next year's output In conformity with thu needs of the market. The policy of the Pennsylvania railroad hcretofoie has been to pay lit tle or no attention to restrictive agree ments; but a change from this policy, In the near future, is regarded by well Informed men In the coal trade in this city as possible, If not probable. crease of 1,394,909 tons, and 3,140,060 tons coke, a decrease of 457,892 tons. It is reported that the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern will. In the spring, extend Its line from Stroudsburg to Baylors burg, a distance of ten miles; where It would connect with the Bath branch of the Central and give ft entrance into the entire slate region of Northampton and Lehigh counties. Below Wind Gap the rond would connect nlso with the famous Boston and Poughkeepsie line. In the event of Mr. Larval! going to the Lehigh Coal and Navigation com pany, the Hazleton Sentinel - thinks that Albert Lelsenrlng will likely be called to the management of the Le high and Wilkes-Barre. The late E. B. Lelsenrlng was desirous during hfs Ufa of making Mr. Lawall vice president of the Coal and Navigation company and relieving him of the, detail work in that way. The directors regretted that such an arrangement was not made be fore the death of the president. Mr. Lawall Is probably the best informed man on mining affairs in the region and obviously the best man for the place. The Ontario," Carbondale and Scran- ton railway, operating between Scran- ton and Jackson, N. Y., a distance of fifty-three miles, has been certified to the attorney general by Secretary Stewart as liable to the fine of $5,000 provided for by the act of May, 18S9, for the neglect or refusal of such corpora tions operating In Pennsylvania to muke report unnually to the depart ment of Internal affairs on or before Aug. 31 of their operations fur the fiscal yeur ending June 30. This is the first time the department has certified a de linquent corporation for the Imposition of this penalty. The attorney general Is expected to at once Institute proceed ings against the company. , FIRST BILL OF THE SESSION, Congressman Hurtlett's Mcssuge to Re peal the Odious Income Tax. Washington, Dec. 4. The first bill of the session Is offered by Major liartlett, of New York city. It proposes to repeal the Income tax and Is looked upon as foreshadowing the position of the Now York delegation during this session upon this Important subject. Major Bartlett Is one of the five Dem ocrats who were saved from the wreck in the lute election. He will also have the distinguished honor of being the only Democrat In the house from New- York who has been re-elected when the Fifty-fourth congress assembles. The other four members will begin their first term next December. Mr. Bartlett voted against the tariff bill becuusc of the income tax feature and is also distinguished as the only man who has opposed Mr. Cleveland's financial policy in recent years who has lived, practically, to realize his position INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Pottsville Miners' Journal wants John Wanamaker for president of the Reading. Lunch cars will be introduced next summer on all branches of the Lehigh Valley system. It Is said a movement is on foot in Ney York to establish a complete sys tem of pneumatic transmission. President King, of Erie, who has Just resigned the presidency, will continue to be a receiver of the company. Wlllium J. Walters, late of Plymouth, has been appointed fire boss at the Hol lenback No. 2 colliery, Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company. Hickory Swamp colliery, near Shamo kin, operated by the Union Coal com pany, shut down Monday night for mii Indefinite period, throwing 500 men and boys out of employment. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company has broken ground for the sinking of an air shaft at Chancey, near Plymouth. The shaft will be a second opening. The rate of wages for the miners of the Schuylkill coal region for the last half of November and the first half of December will be 9 per cent, below the $2.50 basis. This Is 1 per cent, lower than last month. I. It. Molster. of Wilkes-Barre, has been appointed superintendent of the Wyoming division of the Lehigh Val ley Coal company, und Robert S. Mer cur, formerly assistant district engi neer, division engineer. Fred E. 55or bey hna been appointed division super intendent of the Hazleton region. una Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coul and coke orig inating and carried over its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for year thus fur has been 14,039.850 tons, compared with 1,6,192,051 tons In the corresponding pe Hod of 18!i3, a decrease of 1,S52,801 tons, of which 11,499,790 tons were coal, a de T" "What a Lovely Complexion! Wk "Isn't her complexion 'charming!" These are expressions we hear every day, made by women in reference toothers, which reveal a pardonable envy, and one which can bo gratified. The secret of good health, as indicated by a rich color, and well-rounded figure, is found in a good digestion. Shopping tours, dances and entertainments indulged in, will leave you utterly fagged out, unless , you are obtaining all the value from your food; and it is so easy to accom plish this that you will wonderno one has spoken to you of itbefore. Try with each meal, and at bed-time, a wlncglassful or more of the Genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, which you will find to be most acceptable to the palate as a beverage, and will lift you right on to the plune of the vivacious and trim-figured sister you admire so much, and who seems capable of enduring endless fatigue. Then, again, we must remember the nursing mother, where two lives are dependent upon the proper nourishing of the one. Surely nothing caq be more valuable to the mother, nor give mora comfort to the baby, by producing a generous flow of milk, than the GENUINE JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT. Defective nutrition is the foundation of all ailments. A healthy, well-nourished body can withstand almost any disease. There is resistance power in such a body. I have been tklnr the Gtmiinf Jehann Itoff't Moll Extract mvself for a yeur or lo, nnd find it un excellent tonic unaappetiur. Without doubt it U'the bt Malt Extract iu the market. v. A. Whittem Druggln, Chestnut Hlil. BR WAKE: OF IMITATIONS. A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX. CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. rANTED-HPKCIALTY ADVERTISING V V canvusaurs familiar with premium mer cantile trade; money milker of KH. Also clover pen. i-invassura on urea teat seller of the day. SUnluy liru.i uy, 6 K. liitli fct., Now York. WANTI D - ACTIVE BALESME.VI TO V r hiimllM tmr linp. nn imilillinir. Sft!arY. 8"5 per moiilh nnd expanses paid to all. Uoods entirely now. Aimlv nuicklv. P. O. Box. bJUb. liOBtllTl, Miisi. Wanted. T ANTED-TWO GOOD WORK HOUSES for thoir keen: reliable unrtv. For information address J.i Tribuno oltico. The girulne signature Helo Wanted Females. J hi:r and addressing ciiruliits for U4. at home. Mo cimvnailiijf. Position permanent. lU'piy with stiimiHl envelope, alias jhakie. n UK I'M, Asiihina. u. STOCKS AM) BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 4. The course of iirlceH at tlio Slock exchange today was very ir regular, but un undertone of strength was noted. At the opening there were moderately heavy sales of the Grangers, me result or the poor Htntemunt of the HI. 1'uul and Hock Inland for November. St. Paul fell 1, lturlliiKton ,, Rock Inland und Northwest The decline led to purcliuHes to cover short sales und the early loss was more thun recovered, ex cept in tho case of St. Paul und North west, which rallied to F,i and li4 re spectively. After the Grangers, the in dustrials were most prominent in tlie dealings. Siifiar dropped to S2:li and later advanced gradually to Chicago Gas trave every evidence of covering by un important short Interests. The peneral list after the opening weakness, Improved nnd closed strong. Totul sales, W'VW shares. the range of toduy' prices for the uc- tlve stocks of the New York stock ma. ket are given below. The quotations nro furnished The Tribune by G. dil II. Dlm- mlcK, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scianton, Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inir. Am. Sugar Rc'g Co. 83 2 Ki'4 A. M. T iMi. t'-i 93'3 93i Atch., To. & S. Fe... 47 4"i 4'- 4-. Ches. & Ohio 17pi 17:li 17'Si 17'i Chicago Gas 69 72 0 71 Chic. & N. W I Vfi't 'M'' K Chic, li. & Q l':4 7iHi P, 7M-4 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 5S-'S M'k 67 DHl c inc., jv. i. o: i wy ni,2 wr.'a uivj Delaware & Hud....l2."4 12IH4 12G'i 12G'i D., L. & V HJ2'i 10254 K2'i 102 Dist. & C. ! 8"i 8'4 8ta S'i Gen. Electric 84? 85i 84i 85 Lake Shore VM lM'i, V.K 1 Ji Louis. & Xush 54!B G4',j 68 H'4 Manhattan Ele 10U 10U lu.Vt; .Mo. Paclllc 27v 28'i 27 2S',i Nat. Cordage 7 8 764 8 Nat. Lend 3S(4 S8 3W4 S8i N. J. central 9314 4'i OH', ill' N. Y. Central 9!) .W, !i9 !i N. Y. & N. K 31 31'i 3fP44 31 N. V., L. 13. & W.... 11T, 1U4 1174 11:4 N. Y., S. & W 15U &4 15'. 15U N. Y., S. & , Pr... 42'i 42a 42'i 42',a Nor. I'aoillc, Pr 18 IS IS 18 ont. & West ir,'i ir'4 l.-.'; ir,'. Phil. & Head Hi 30 10 Texas Pacific .) !)!4 1 nion ruciiic ji-i 11 4 11 4 !!, Wabash, Pr 13" H'i 13 14 West. Union 87 87 I7 87 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. WHEAT. Muy fil'4 01 60 CUV December & 07 Oti f,ii Junumy 07 07 07 07', OATS. May 22 22 22 32 December 29'i 29 29 Srtj January 30 30 29", CORN. jiay is- u'i December 47 47 4ii 47 January 4ii4 4i',4 47 471 LARD. January 7.02 7.02 0.92 0.92 Hay 7.20 7.20 7.15 7.1.1 PORK. January 12.10 12.10 12.00 12.00 May 12.00 12.50 12.35 12.35 New York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 4. Flour Firm, more active. Wheat Active, prices Uc higher No. 2 red store und elevator,. iMafloc afloat, ti-ut2c; r. o. d., oiuii2c. : un graded red, COuirjc; No. 1 northern, C9c. options closed linn at Uuc. under yester day; January, Ol'ic; February, 02'ic, Mureh, 0:)c; .May, WVic; July, 0,'c; De cember, fiu'4c Corn Dull, easier, closing steady: No. 2, 0?4c elevator; r alloat Bteamer mixed, 02c, ; No. 3, 01a.r2c. ; op tions closed steady lit c advance to e, decline; December, MV4c. ; January,, 63V4-'. May, C3c. Onts-Fulrly active,' firmer options dull, Hteady, unchanged; Decem ber, 34c; January, 3Uc; No. 2, 34Vl :ilc; No. 2 white, 39c.; No. 2 Chicago, 30a3."ic ; No. 3, 34c.; No. 3 white, :c mixed western, 34Via33'ic; white do., 83u 42c; while state, 38a 12c Beef yulcr Tierccd ,Heef Inactive. ( ut Aleuts- (Julet, steady. Lard Quiet, lower; west ern steam, $7.30; city, 0a0c; December, $7.20; January, $7.30; May, $7.00; refined, dull; continent, $7.70; South America, $8.20 compound, OliaO'ic Pork Quiet, firm Butter-Dull, lower; Mate dairy, 13a23c do. creamery, 18n24c. ; Pennsylvania do. lSa2lc; western dairy, HnlUc; do. cream ery, lfa23c; do. factory, lUallc. ; El gins, 2i,c; Imitation creamery. 10n20c Cheese Quiet, unchnnged. Eggs Quiet fancy fresh, firm; Btate and Pennsyl vania, 2iia27c. ; western fresh, aiiiSi'ji.; do, per case, $3.20ul; southern, 23a2lc. Duffnlo Stuck Market. By the United Press. Hufraio. Dec 4. Cattle Receipt. 040 head; on sale, 40 head; market steady good steers, $l.4.r,a4.0l); light to good butch era, $3.0uu4; bulls, $2a2.0O. Hogs Heeelptn, 10,000 head; on sale, 9,000 head; mnrke steudy for good grades, easy for others good Yorkers, $4.0Tia4.(W; mixed pnekers J4.00a4.00; good mediums and heavy, 11.70a 4.70; roughs, $3.75n4.10; good pigs, $4.00n 4.70. Sheep und Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head; on sale, 3,iOU head; market steady good sheep, $3.Wa3.70; fair, $3.2,'.a3.00 mixed sheep, $2.20a3; export ewes. $2.2ua 3.70; Canada lambs, Slal.lu; extra, $1.20. (B Nock libol. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 4. Cattle Receipts, C.000 heud: market stendy; common to extra steers, $3a0.00; stoekers nnd feeders, 2a 3.30; cows and bulls, $1.25a3.40; calves, $1.50 a0.25. Hogs Receipts, 44,000 head; nvir ket weak; heavy, $l.40u4.70; cominou to choice mixed, $4.30a4.CV, choice assorted, $t.40ai.50; light, $4.1Ou4.40; nigs, $2.0Oa4. Sheep Receipts, 10,000 heud; market stronger; inferior to choice-, $l.o0a3.00 lambs, $2ul."5. l'hlludclphla Tallow .Market. Bv the United Press, Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Tallow is quiet nnd steady. We quote: City prime In hhos, 4c; country prime, in bbls, 4c country, dark, in bbls, 4uie. ; cakes, 0c, grease, 4c. ' Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 4-OH opened and lowest, , 85c; highest and closed, 87c, V onno lw Help Wanted Male. WANTED-AN KXPKklENCBD BOOK ' canvasser. Address T. 13.. cai'o Tribune illce, Herantou, Pa. For Rent. jOK BENT-SIX KOOM HOUSE ON WKST 1 lackuwuiina n venue. Address THOMAS '. EVANS, uer 1132 Luzeruo, Hydo Park. 'OR BENT ONE HALF STORE. 120 Penu 1 el'Mi - 4 1. OUR DISPLAY OF ART NOVELTIES Now Ready and consists of many choice things that will no doubt be bought quick. Come early. II 011 III SPECIE I OUR KID ME DEPARTMENT. A large quantity of Real Kid Gloves, iu a variety of shades, all good. Our former price was $1.50 Now 98c. The best Kid Glove opportunity of the season. THE FAIRY-WARDROBE . Is one of the greatest hits of Modern times. Plenty now on hand of our Famous $5.00 Mackintoshes. A splendid Christ mas Gift. CONNOLLY &. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. ,'011 RENT-NICELY PUKN1HHKD HALL Huitublo for luliro rooms. JOHN JElt- MYN, illl WyumluK uvenue. For Sole. IOH BALK CHEAP ONE LAKUE AND I una Kiiinll mifii: also four allow Ciisa". 1 11- (juiro O. W. 1'Hl'i'Z, 41(1 Lackawanna avenue. ?OH HALK-JUBT AKK1VED WITH 41) . head of llliuolnhoi'HeH; uuod workers and drivers; w.lxbt from 1,0X1 to 1.0U0; aeveral mutclittd ti'ums nmou' the lot. Can be seen at jr. ill . I ohms, km Kayinnnd (jourt. Teal Estate. IAKMH EXCHANOEU FOR HOUBKS; a nuuEun v avui,iikvi' iui (aims. iv. i it NU9T COM Eli YB, Kcal Eatatu Afeut, WashinKton. l'rire nulldinK. Found. X)UND NEAR BUAI3HT LAKE A TUR key which the owner may have by imy U clmrif.M. KKMHST WARK, Chineliilla. Special Notices. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hlbitinns and leetuiu nnon any Hubiuet d." sired. These exhibition) will be illustrate I, Having iu my jiossesslon the most powerful dissolving stereoiiticoiis made. v ii en i. TFik.ni nniv, VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Lefilie'a Illustrated Week, y War Illustrations 1W1-18i'k'). Two Volumo Folio. (ltLSii; jiayable montlily, fi.00. Delivered by exiirom complete, Prepaid. Addiess V, O. ilOUUl, ui uiliBou (.treel, Scianton, I'll. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA -zuiun, etc., bound or reliound ut Tiik TiMiii'Nti ollico. tvui'-k work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT 144 corner Snruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tlekots for J3.50. Uood mole board. legal. TN RE ESTATE OF EZEKIEL OUMAER, 1 deeeaced. Iu tho Orphans' Court of tho County of Lackawanna: Notice Is herobv given to all nersr.ns inter ested iu mid estate, that the fund In tne hands of Fred Oiunaor and Georio W. Cramer, ex ecutors of the last win and testament or the said Ezeklel Uumaer. doceaecd, as shown by tlieir tlnal account, wlueli linslieen tiled in and confirmed absolutely by the siid Court, will be distributed bv lion. W. Archbald. Presi dent Judjjc. at his Chnmbtra, Court House, Scrnnton. Fa., on the Hth day or January. Hwo. at 4 o'clock p. ui., at which timo and place all prson interested in aaid fuud are re quired to attend and present their elnhns, or be rorovor aotmrrca ironi .coming in on said fund. By order or said Coirt made Nov. iUtu, mk. WATSON &DIEHL. Attorneys for Executors. Scrantnn, Pa., De.:. 5. 1S!U. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-The undersiKiiod, an auditor arDointed by tue Court of Com mon Pious of Lackawann county to audit tho fund iirislnij from the snoritl sale of per mnal nroiiertv of Emtnii Diem, and to leoort distribution thereof, will attend to thoilutioj if his nuoi'liit nent at the omcs of Willurd. Warren Hi Kuapp. In the Republican RuildinK, Wusliinirton avenue. Scruntou, Pennavlvania. on Buturday, .Innuary 1-. 105)5, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place all per sons interested are requested to nnpear and present thoir claims, or be forever debarred from comitur in upon said fund. UUAKLLS 1'. U'JUAbl,,, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDER piqued, an nuditor appointed by tliyi'r phans' Court of Lackawanna county, to audit the final ncnonnt of T.E Koynolds and Rod erick W. Poweil, executors ot tho last will and testament of K vim M. Joues, deceased, unci to report distribution of tne funds iu the hands of said accountant, will att.imd to the duties of Ids appointment at his oHice ut No. 11 Wy mlngavcnuo, ou Thursday, December Ui), IHII1, at U o'clock a. id., at which tiuu all uersons in terested may npnear and preiout their claims or be forever debarred UiTofrom n. r. AKKKLKY, Auditor. Charter Applications. T. THE COURT OF COMMON PLKAS OF 1 Lackawnnna County, No. 1811, January Term. A. D. l(ij: Noticii is hereby clvon that an application will lie made to the said court on Saturday, the l.ith dav of December A. D. ll)i, at 1) o'clock a. in., under the "Corporation Act of one thou sand eiiiht hundred and seventy-four," and thesnpnl ineiits tlieroto, by llsrlin F. Hheri daii. John E. Jenkins, Kecso A. Phillips. Ed ward Donley, and .lolin Thomas, lor the chnr ter of an iuiended corporation to be called tin "Oxford Mil es Accidental Fuud." the charac ter and object ff which la the providing a fund by hbvs incut from its members, for the ben efit of its members injured by accident; for the families of mmibers who din. and for a member in ease of the death of his wife, and forthoe rurposesto have, possom and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and p.lviljm a ci n tiii ieu ov t im sain act ana its sunuioineiits The said charter Is now on tlb in t!i i ollico of tho Prothonotary nf L ickawauna county to tue abovo term anil iiumoer. J. C. VAUUUAN, Solicitor, Situations Wanted. DKPOHTER-SOEKR. RELIABLE YOUNti IV married men, tliorouuli nnd competent I'K iil reporter, wisties pirinaiicnc position on live dully or weekly: five yean' goneral expe rience; cnu edit copy and teletrrnph, read proof mid cover local; familiar with tporting and theairi' nl fields, uood press nvnnt: refer- eiices I rom Rood papers; salary moderate. Ad dress U. U. 'I UiUhs, Aitooi a, J'u. AirANTED A YOUNG MAN, 28, WANTS f position as stenograpner, cleric, or any Unlit position. Can luinieh itood references. Addross Stenographer, care Tribune otllce. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO i3 Kirl to do housework or to tak care of ciilidron. Ailclrits L,. tj., rnimore avenue. Situation wanted-a competent O stenocraphor desires posltiou au stenog rapher and typewriter. Cau eivo refureneo. I. U , Tribune olhce. CMTUATION WANTED-AS BAHTENDEU; O two years' experience in nrst-clias place; refornnocs from old employers. UEOKQK E. DOWNEY, Box 8'J2, Montrose, P. OITUATION WANTED DRESSMAKER O would like to iro out by the day, or take woric st noma, aiiresa ivz Piiruee street. Mntlicra ! Mothers ! ! Mother ! ! ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlnir Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, itllayi nil pain; cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy, for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part ot the world. . He Bure and "Mra WJnilloW'B Sonthtlif. C. ....... ,, and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a uoius. . ., . - Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the 'IB FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. si n - BEST AND CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN THE CITY. UWEBT'S Y 11 1 WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWRY & SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH I BACK STULTZ 2 BAUER end Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONTS MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING t TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to nssure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their Ubual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers arc of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. . PO W D E Kl MUr.ft PHT7I JPr PMNJ7TI lummiiuuii a u villi LtfiiiJ Manufactured at tlie Wapwallopen Mills, Lt corns coumy, r., uno t wu miuutoii, Dulanare, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa. Third National Bank Building. AdKirciEs : THOS. FORD. Httston, Pa. JOHN B. BlllTti Ktl.N, fiytnoutn. fa. E. W. MULUlAN, WilUes Burro, Pa. Jmnti for thu Rtmllnn (Miffmlal ram, pany'u Uih tipkivus. nmKB nnoK co., inc-p. capiti. Oi .oM.wa, BKST Ol.ftO SUOE IH THE WOIU.O. "A dollar erJ It a dollar tamed" t Thltacllce' Sol lit French Dongola KM But ton Boot delivered f me tnywhero in tho U.S., oa KaolptofCaoh, Money uraor, or I'oital note ior fi.au. Kqiiiil overy wny the boom old In nil retail tome tor tlM. Xio tonka UiU boot ounclvee, therefore we guar antt tho ttylt and nr, wid if any one u not MUlsilod '0 will reiuoa w nioucy or eudnothorvlr. Opera oe or common bodm. widlhl C, IV K, K UK. c 1 to I and halt i. Bind your nit; will nt you. Illustrated Cita-kiKue FREE (3 FEDERAL ST.. Special term to 'iur. W0M Dexter Shoe Go., Atlantic Refining Co Manufacturer and Dealer) Id OlfeS Linseed Oil, Napthes and Gano lliiee ot all grades. Axle Oreaiie, Pinion Oicate and Colliery Cora- pound; also a largo line ot Par amne Wax Caiullt?. fa also handle the Famous CIIOWN ACM IS OIU the only family safety burning oil In tho market. Wm. Mason, Manager. Office: Coal Exchagne, Wyoming Ave. .Works at Pine Brook. Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar ShingleB. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber lind Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. Miscellaneous stocks of Miue Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE vou beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new terns to select from at pat MERCEREAU & CONNELL 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. ever offered to Ladiee, espeolally reoommend 1 ed to married Ladies. Auk for I)B. KOTT'S msmOtAX, FIUS and take no other, tar Send for circular. Prico 1.00 yer box, 6 boxe nr .00. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO- - Clovaliuid, Ohio. For Sal by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 Ponn Avonuo. BR PENNYROYAL PILL RESTORE LOST YIGOR W itdonvarv. Will brarA vm rnln a tttk flnltt with WBITTII yOtlARAN i KR to Cur Hrooi Debility, r.o of riiutl Pow in Itbei its, luvoluntirf EniiioHi(roMinf ctuit. If bvglecttd, uch trouble le4 it I u a iniuile II fHiMr k,. ka..,l 1 t,.u fnr Vk. W llh OTfT T M. order rt live wrlttta KUtrttite to cut or rrio4 th moftoy Addrn For sal by JOHN H. PHILPS, Fharmaclirt, cor. Wyoming Avtnut and Spruca Stfcct, Scranton, Pa ( .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers