J EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SC11ANTOX, TA., WEDNESDAY MOltXIXO, DECEMBER 5, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. 5 FOR AN BjEI BALLOT The Republican Rallying Cry for 1896 Will be Fair Elections. EX-S1'CAKCK REED'S POLICY He Will Advocate a Conservative Course and Will Kndcavor to Avoid Agita tions of Any Kind-Tho Soma Able to Care for Itself. By the United Tress. Washington. Dec. 4. Anions the Re publican lenders there is much anxiety with regard to the course to be pursued by the party during the coming two years. Without exception they are Im pressed with the great responsibility which the tremendous victory of November has placed upon them, and the wisest of them express themselves as frightened at its magnitude rather than Jubilant over the fact of success. They are unanimous In declaring that the future of the party depends uopn the conservatism und wisdom of the new Republican house, and on the skill with which the unwieldy majority, composed of inexperienced and un known men, is handled by Speaker Heed. There Is unanimous party approval of the policy of conservatism outlined by Mr. Heed, and the utmost, confidence is expressed In the programme which he wishes to carry out. It is recognized, however, that nil his energies und all his skill In management will be required to control tlu disproportionate major ity. The next speaker not only will use his influence to prevent tariff agitation, but will frown upon any attempt to resurrect the force bill or revive the system of federal supervision which was discarded by the present congress. The ex-speaker believes that the time for that sort of thing Is past, and that with the new evidences In the south of a disposition to divide on something else than the color line it will be more wise to approach a rectification of the evils in the ccftiduet of elections there by other and less stringent methods. This, however, does not mean that the question of fraud in elections will be a subject tabooed. The exact oppo site is the truth, and it is the Intention of the Hopubllenn leaders to have such a complete airing of election methods In the south and elsewhere that a public sentiment will be created which will demand a thorough overhauling of defective statutes In evey state. The possibility of this will make the elections committee perhaps the most conspicuous of any of the committees in the next house. There will be twenty six contests before this committee, most of them from the south, and while there will be no attempt to unseat Democrats by the wholesale and seat Republican contestants, an opportun ity will bi Rffo.-deJ in the consideration of these-CTses to so agitate the Whole question of election methods as to rouse the country to the peril which lies In a continuance of the present order of things. An endeavor will be made to have this investigation as free from partisan vlndlctiveness as possible. The chair man of the elections committee will, in all probability, be either Judge Panleis, of New York, or Representa tive McCall, of Massachusetts, both of ihom are experienced lawyers and neither of whom is a bitter partisan. Whichever of these is placed at the head of the committee will nccept the position with the understanding that conservatism is to be a rule of the committee, but that such a representa tion of t!.e suffrage question Is to be made to the country that it will be a live Issue until every state In the Union has purged Its statutes of unjust elec tion laws and guaranteed the sanctity of the ballot. SUSPENSION BRIDGES. Engineers Decide thnt a Span Over 3.200 I'ect is Impracticable. By the United Tress. Newport, R. I., Dec. 4. Captain W. H. Slgsby, who, with Colonel Ray mond and Lieutenant Burr, was ap pointed In October by the secretary of war to determine the greatest prac ticable length of a span for a suspen sion bridge, Bays that the report has been forwarded to the department. It contains the statement that It is not only possible, but practicable, to build a six track suspension bridge with a span of 3,200 feet at a cost of $23,000,000. The New York and New Jersey Bridge company engineers say that 1,700 feet Is the longest practicable span, and that to span the North river at 4,333 feet would be Impossible. Captain Bixby says the amount of traffic the $23,000,000 bridge suggested could accommodate would warrant the expense of Its construction. TOR UNIFORM RATES. Operators Request .'Miners to Join Them in an Appeal. By the United Press. Pltt9burg, Pa., Dec. 4. At a meeting of coal operators of this district held In Pittsburg today resolutions were unani mously adopted that in view of the fact that the coal miners have found it Im possible to establish and maintain the Columbus, Ohio, wage scale, as the uni form rate in the district, It is deemed necessary In order .to meet competition, that the rates for those paying the dis trict price be reduced so as to make the mining rates uniform. The operators request the miners to Join with them In an appeal to the state board of arbitration. DISEASE GERMS IN MILK. They May Bo Destroyed by a Tempera ture of 170 Degrees. By the United Press. Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 4. It has been discovered at the state experiment sta tion that milk heated to 170 degrees will totally destroy all disease germs. Including tuberculosis, and not alter Its sweetness or butter-making properties In the least. RESULT OF A STRANGE SUIT. Lawyer SiJJall Tries to Collect Damages ' from a Judge. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 4. The suit brought by Lawyer Theodore Slddall against Judge F. Amadee Bregy to re cover $100,000 damages for alleged im proper rulings against him In the com- mon pleas court, wus today dismissed by Judge Dallas in the United States circuit court for want of jurisdiction. Judgo Dallas held that "this tribunal has no authority to review the judg ments of the state courts and hold their Judges responsible for failure to correct ly discharge their Judicial duties." Sld dall claimed that he was Injured by Judge Hregy's rulings in his (Slddall's) recent divoirce suit. EIGHT HOUSES BURNED. Mill Creek Is Visited by a Disastrous lire. By tho United Tress. Wllkes-Harre, Pa., Dec. 4. Eight houses belonging to the Keystone Coal company at Mill Creek were destroyed by tire this afternoon. They were oc cupied by miners and their families. The loss is estimated at $7,000, covered by insurance. The origin is unknown. DEAD RETURNS TO LIFE. Strange Case of .Mrs. llurtsig, Who Re covers Heuson After tight Years and rinds Her Husband with Another Wife. By tho United Tress. Chicago, Dec. 4. Mrs. Percy Anna Hartslg, supposed to have been burled for the past eight years In Elmwood cemetery, Detroit, appeared in the of fice of her son In the Security building this city two weeks ago. According to the story of her son, Lewis W". Hartslg, his mother, after es caping from the Pontiae, Mich., lunatic asylum, returned to their liome at De troit, eight years ago and while prepar ations were being made for her. return to the asylum she fled from the house and this, was the last seen of her until two weeks ago. The body of a woman was found on the railroad tracks short ly after her disappearance which was identified as Mrs. Hartslg by her rela tives and was burled in the family lot. Mrs. Hartslg says she went by the night train to Benton Harbor, Mich., and was taken in charge by the police and sent to n sanitarium where she stayed twelve months. Her reason was restored but her mind was a blank. She came to Chicago and secured a situation as nurse In Evanston where she has since lived in that city un known to her family. She states that two weeks ago she was reading a news paper and happened to see a paragraph stating that E. A. Hartslg had been indicted on a charge of forgery and at once went to the criminal court. The sight of the name seemed to clear her mind and she distinctly remembered her past. Jonas E. Hartslg, husband of Mrs. Hartslg, believing his wife dead, mar ried a second time three years ago. He has one daughter by the second mar riage. Mrs. Hartslg has told her sons that she will secure a divorce from her husband. TOXGHAKS ROUTED. Japanese and Korcuns March 'Against Them at Kougjl. By the United Tress. London, Dec. 4. A dispatch' from Seoul, Korea, dated Dec. 3, says: "A combined force of Japanese and Koreans were conveyed by steamer to Asan and marched thence to KongJI to attack the rebellious Tonghaks. 'This force routed thousands of Tong haks and killed a large number." Must Present His Card. By the United Press. Tokto, Dec. i. Japan has notified China that no further peace proposals will be considered unless made by a regularly accredited ambassador from the Chin ese court. At tho same time Japan re minds China that It Is not Japan, but China that Is BUing for peace. Japan is dlssatistied with China's temporizing pol icy and claims lha tChina is seeking con cessions in advance of a formal confer ence looking to a settlement. The Oirls Wero Excited. By the United Press. New York, Pec. 4. A fire which origi nated In the work rooms of D. J. Solomon & Co., on the fourth tloor of 547 Broadway, this evening, caused a loss of at least li:.rtf, 000. There were nearly p) girls in tho building when the lire was discovered, and for a time there was the wildest excite ment. They were all taken out safely, however. Liabilities Si 00,000 By the United Press. New York, Dec. 4. Eugene Arnhelm, trading as Marks Bros., manufacturers of cloth capes and pants, confessed Judg ments today for JlS.OuO. Liabilities esti mated at JlaU'W. The concern did a large i business with parties In Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, Reading, Cleveland, Chicago and Minneapolis. Evans Was Moderate. By the United Press. Columbia, S. C. Dec. 4. At noon today John Gary Evans was Inaugurated gov ernor before tho two houses of tho gen eral assembly, In the hall of tho lower house. Evans' naugural was character ized by unexpected moderation. Los Angeles Republican. By the United Prees. Los Angelos. Calo., Dec. 4. The munic ipal election has resulted in a victory for the complete Republican ticket with the exception of a few minor olllces. STATE NOTES. rottsvllle has raised over $1,200 for the relief of the fever-stricken people of Mt. Carbon. Mrs. Thomas J. Stewart, wife of Secre tary of Internal Affairs Stewart, of this state, died at Norrlgtown last evening after a lingering Illness. Gus Koegel and Fred Tholmer, young Germans, walking around the world on a KOu) wager, arrived in Harrisburg 175 miles ahead of schedule time. David M. Andrews, of Washington county, has been appointed a member of the soldiers' and sailors' Erie house com mission, vice Representative Sull, de ceased. Thieves robbed the Jewelry store of J. F. Lewis, at Northeast, Erie county, of S3,0u0 worth of watches and Jewelry, Sunday morning, and escaped from the town on' a hand-car. CABLE CULLINGS. Fivo Italian anarchists went to prison for terms ranging between one and five years. France's senate committee also favors the great credit to force a war on Mada gascar. The pope will annually publish the names of American contributors to Peter's pence. . Three train hands burned to death in the wreck and lire of an oil train on the Kla xon railway, Russia. M. Cavlagnac Indignantly told the French deputies that their flnane budget was higher per capita than that of any other great state. LEHIGH VALLEY WRECK Disaster Caused by Carelessness In Not Displaying 1'lag. BRAKEMAN STECKEL KILLED Through the Neglect of Trainmen a Crash Occurs at llemlngton Twenty Cars und a Loeoinntlvo Piled in u Tangled Muss-Traffic Belayed. By the United Press. Flemlngton, N. J., Dec. 4. A railroad wreck in which a great amount of dam age was done and a brakeman fatally Injured occurred early this morning on the Lehigh Valley railroad at Neshantc. About 4 o'clock a coal train drawn by engine No. 412 stopped to take water at the tank. Soon afterward another coal train came up at a high rate of speed and crashed into the rear of the stand ing train. Twenty cars and the locomotive were piled In a tangled mass. Traillc was de layed five hours. Francis W. Steckel, a brnkeman, was thrown down a steep embankment and so badly injured that he died this after noon. The accident was caused by the carelessness of the crew of the stalled train In not sending a flagman back to give notice of danger. .MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. l'ifteenth Annual Convention of the So clcty-Officers Elected. By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 4. The second ses sion of the fifteenth annual conven tion of the American Socioty of Me chanical Engineers began In this city today. A number of committee reports were presented and papers were read by W. J. Kelp, on "Relative Test of Cast Iron," and by O. M. Sinclair, on "Notes on Steel Forglngs." The election of olllcers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, E. F. C. Davis, Richmond, Va.; vice presidents, T. H. Hull, New York city; Jesse M. Smith, Detroit, Mich.; M. L. Holman, St. Louis, Mo.; managers, John C. Kafer, New York city; Charles A. Bauer, Springfield, O.; Arthur C. Walworth, Boston; treas urer, William H. Wiley, New York city; secretary, Professor F. R. Hutton, New York city. , BOARD OF CHARITIES. The State Organization Meets at Harris burg-Questions Considered. By tho United Press. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 4. Until a late hour tonight the etate board of chari ties heard representatives of the vari ous hospitals and charitable institu tions of the state In behalf of state a.ld. Dr. 8. Wolr Mitchell and other Phlladelphlans Urged the recommend ation by the board of a bill to build an other state hospital near Philadelphia, where the indigent insane now being treated nt Blockley almshouse might be treated. Dr. Korndoeffer, of Philadelphia, and other .prominent homeopathic physi cians favored the building of a hos pital to be under the direction of their school of medicine. The board will have another meeting tomorrow. CONVERT AND PASTOR DOUSED During a Christening the Bottom of the " Baptistry tiuve Way. By tho United Press. Pottsvllle, Dec. 4. While Maria Gar rett, a negro maiden, was being bap tized In Olivet Baptist church the false bottom of the baptistry gave away, and the convert, the pastor in charge. Rev. T. A. .Hanna, and a deacon were submerged. Great excitement ensued, and the girl's father threw off his coat and rushed up the pulpit steps. The pastor and the young girl were taken out of the water uninjured, and the services were continued. BILL COOK IN TEXAS. ' Entire Gang Is Hard Pressed by tho State Hungers. By the United Press. Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 4. Captain V. J. McDonald and the detachment of state rangers who captured a portion of the Cook gang near Bellevue, Tex., last month, left this morning for north ern Texas, where another portion of the gang has been located. It Is said that the enure gang, eight een strong and being led by Bill Cook, Is now in Texas, having taken refugee from the United States marshals In the Indian Territory. NEW DIPHTHERIA CURE Detroit Chemists Are Preparing to Make Antitoxlnc. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 4. The notification to the Marine hospital service that Park E. Davis & Co., the Detroit chem ists, were preparing to manufacture antl-txolne, the new remedy for diph theria, has been fully confirmed and has awakened great Interest here. Dr. Roux's discovery has created such a sensation in Europe that American physicians are anxious to put It to a thorough test. BYRNES PREFERS CHARGES. Captain Joslah Wcstcrvclt Will Be Placed on Trial. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 4. Superintendent Byrnes today preferred charges against Captain Joslah A. Westyvelt, of the East One Hundred and Fourth Street station, and he will be placed on trial on Dec. 10 before the commissioners. The charges are negleet of duty In falling to suppress policy shops In his precinct. CLEVER ROGUE'S SCHEME. Raises Check and Buncos an I'nsnspcct- Ingjay. By the United Press. Altoona, Pa., Dec. 4. The Second Na tional bank of this city, which only re cently reopened after having lost $100, 000 through the peculations or the cashier, was Victimized again last week out of $1,188 by a clever sharper. On Friday last a man giving the name of Brown deposited a New York draft for $1,200 In the bank. On Saturday he returned and stated that he could get 3 per cent. Interest on the money at another bank. and that he would like ito have It. The cashier paid him out 11,200 in cash and the man dis appeared and has not since been seen. The draft was returned with the infor mation that it was good for only $12, and that I had been very cleverly raised to $1,200. BRILLIANT WEDDING. Miss May Cooper und Archibald MeBou gall Are Made One for Life- Notes of the Event. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Dec. 4. The residence of B. G. Cooper, on Susquehanna avenue, was the scene of a brllllat social event this evening, It being occasioned by the marriage of his daughter, Miss May, to Archibald McDougall. the popular manager of Music hall. The ceremony was performed In the rear parlor by Rev. T. W. Swan, and was witnessed by a large company consisting of rela tives and friends of the contracting parties. , The bride was dressed in a beautiful gown of ivory satin trimmed with duchess lace and a veil caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by Henrlette Cooper as maid of honor, and Miss Abl H. Butler, of "Wllkes-Uarre, and Miss Bell McCullom as brides maids. The groom was attended by George Cooper, a brother of the bride. The wedding march wa3 rendered by Oppenhelmer's orchestra, of Wllkes Barre. In the parlor where the cere mony took place and throughout the house, beautiful flowers, banks of palms, potted plants and roses taste fully arranged sent forth their perfume In abundanoe.. At the close of the ceremony the entire party sat down to a bounteous wedding supper. Mr. Mc Dougall and his bride departed on the midnight train for an extended wed ding tour, which will Include several of the eastern cities. Upon their return they will take up their residence on Exeter street. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. l ive Persons Arc Killed in an Accident of Mysterious Origin. By the United Press. Ottawa, Dec. 4. A dynamite explo sion occurred this morning in Hull, Que., near Ottawa. Four men and a boy were killed. Several persons were wounded. The explosion occurred about 10 o'clock. It shook the town of Hull and In the vicinity of Wall and Dume streets a number of houses were wrecked. The dynamite was to have been used, a ltltle at a time, in blasting for the lay ing of water pipes. What caused the explosion is not known. It is supposed the cabin where the dynamite and cartridges were kept caught fire. It Is not known how many are wounded. Houses all around were badly shaken up. M'KINNEY EXPELLED. - . Was Too Frco with tho Funds of the , Brotherhood. By the United Press. Cleveland, O., Dec. 4. J. W. MeKln ney, of Chicago, who was elected secre tary and treasurer of the Brotherhood of Decorators and Painters of America at the Buffalo convention, was expelled from olllce today at the special conven tion of the brotherhood. He was charged with intercepting money belonging to the order before being installed In office and of starting a secession movement. All the pro ceedings of the Buffalo convention were declared llliegal because enough dele gates were not present. . Ives' Great Game. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 4. Frank C. Ives played the game of his life tonight in the second Installment of the big billiard tourney, putting Schaefer so far behind that It is doubtful If the wizard will ever come uny where near him In tho present contest. Schaefer was rattled to start with and he never got over it. At the conclusion of tho night's piny the score stood: Ives, 1,200; Schaefer, C19. Consul Guutlcr Dead. By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 4. The steamer Sapl naw, which arrived this afternoon from San Domingo City, reports that Stanislas Cautler, United States consul at Cape Haytl for the past twenty-three years, died from general debility after ten days' Illness, on Nov. 2ti. He was 72 years of age and leaves a widow and six children. What's the Matter with New Haven ? By the United Press. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 4. The Re publicans carried the city today, electing Colonel A. C. Hendrlck mayor by a major ity which will probably figuro up from 1,0)0 to 1.2U0. The Republicans secure con trol of both branches of the city govern ment. Mayor-elect Hendrlck Is the first Republican mayor in a number of years. Republicans Muke Gains. By the United Press. Boston, Dec. 4. Municipal elections were held toduy in twenty-one of the thirty-one cities of the commonwealth, and In most Instances a full vote was polled. The Republicans have made largo gains. Noted Choir Leader Dead. By the United Press. Pottsvllle, Pa., Dec. 4. Ewyllyn Evans, aged 42 years, of Centralia, once a noted leader of Welsh eisteddfod choirs, was killed this morning In Centralia colliery by the premature explosion of a blast. Evans leaves a wife and six children. MINOR WIRINGS. Bacilli in oysters caused the typhlod epidemic at Wesleyan institute, New Haven, Conn. Arthur M. Bailey, member of a Suicide club, at West Duluth, Minn., cut his throat with a razor and died. Ex-Governor Leon Abbott, of New Jer sey, died at his home In Jersey City short ly before i o'clock yesterday afternoon. In a wreck of an Alexandria passenger train on the Washington (D. C.) iron bridge. Fireman William S. Walker was killed. Morris Halms' Philadelphia wife has prosecuted him at Niagara Falls, N. Y for bigumy In marrying a 15-year-old Ro chester girl. False entries In the books of the First National bank of Johnsonville, Term., ruined the bank and caused the arrest of Its president, J. E. Crandall. Mr. Gelssenbalner, of New Jersey, has resigned the chairmanship of the house committee on Immigration and naturalis ation to kecept the chairmanship of the comintttcee on naval affairs. After beating Lumberman H. C. Fos ter, of Wisconsin, out of $00,000 and being arrested and escaping, Dr. It. C. Flower, of Boston,, has been rearrested In Gal veston, Tex., and taken to Chicago. HT BE MJBE RIPPER An Irish Aristocrat Held for a Terri ble Crime. HE IS SAID TO BE DEMENTED The Sensational Arrest gf Snundcrson. Tho Prisoner Is a Nephew of Colonel Saunderson, M. P., and Is Keluted to Many Titled 1'amilics. By the United Press. London, Dec. 4. On Nov. 26, It was announced that a mysterious murder had been committed in Kensington, a western suburb of this metropolis. The body of a comely woman of the un fortunate class, about 30 years of age, was found in a frequented thorough fare, Hollond Villas Road, Kensington, with her throat cut from ear to ear. Some of the London newspapers claimed that this murder seemed to be a crime of the class committed by "Jack the Ripper." It is announced today that a young man named Regi nald Saunderson, son of Mr. Llewellyn Saunderson, a prominent gentleman of the County of Dublin, has been arrest ed and charged with the crime. Saunderson la the second son of Llewellyn Tralierne Basset Saunder son, esq., a Justice of the peace of Dub lin county, who married Lady Rachel Mary Scott, third sister of the earl of Clonmel. The family resides at De Vescl Terrace, Kingstown, near Dub lin, the queen of watering places in Ireland: The prisoner's uncle Is the famous Colonel Saunderson, member of parliament of 'the north of Ireland. Reginald Is also related through his mother to many titled families. One of -his aunts is Lady Monck, and an other Is the wife of Hon. George Fitz Clarence, grandson of William IV. It is said that the prisoner'.') mind is un balanced. Saunderson was arrested at Kllle shandra, near Armagh. He in only 21 years of age, and 'his mental condition has long caused anxiety to his friends. Recently Saunderson has been taking a morbid interest in the South End murder case, the crime for which James Canham Read was executed at Chelmsford this morning. T AIT'S CASE BEFORE JURY. Defaulting Tcllerof tho Chemical Bank Will Be Prosecuted. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 4. United States DIs trlct Attorney Mott today laid before the federal grand Jury the case of John R. Talt, the defaulting teller of the Chemical National bank. The pectila tlons of Talt were discovered by the bank officials about a month ago, and an examination proved that $15,500 had been misappropriated by Talt Friends of Talt Interceded on his be half, and his. ..family made good some of the shortage, promising to indemnify the bank agulnst all loss. On this account no steps were taken for a time to bring about the prosecu tion of Talt. Negotiations between the cashier's friends and the bank of ficials fell through recently, however, and President Williams laid thenatter before the United States district at torney, who brought It to the atten tion of the grand jury today. President Williams said today that no further consideration would be shown Talt. REAL TRAGEDY ON THE STAGE In Atnuteur Theatricals, a Lawyer kills His Rich friend. By the United Press. Vienna, Dec. 4. Herr Salski, a law yer, unintentionally killed his friend, Czynskl, a wealthy tradesman, on the stage of the principal theater In Prze mysl last evening. Both were perform ing in amateur theatricals. Salski played the part of a conspira tor who stabbed a spy represented by Czynskl. He was very nervous. When he turned his dagger on Czynskl, he slipped and lunged forward. The dag ger entered his friend's breast. The audience arose as Czynskl fell and crowded excitedly to the stage. The wounded man died before their eyes. Salski was arrested, but was liberated as soon as the stabbing was shown to have been purely accidental. TO ABOLISH FOOT BALL. Georgetown College Faculty Will Allow No More Games I'ndcr Present Rules. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Washington, Dec. 4. The faculty of Georgetown college at a meeting today decided to abolish foot ball contests with outside elevens, collegiate or otherwise, until tho game Is radically changed so as with reasonable cer tainty to preclude the danger of serious casualties. This action was no doubt brought about by the recent Injuries to Captain Bahen, of the Georgetown team. LAW WILL HE ENFORCED. Preparations for Collecting Income Tax Arc Helng Made. By the United Press. Washington, Dee. 4. Preparations are In progress for the enforcement of the Income tax laws, although both the president's message and the report of the secretary of the treasury are silent on the subject. Secretary Carlisle and Commissioner Miller had an extended conference this afternoon as to the details of the regu lations to be Issued. TWENTY TIMES A MOTHER. A Woman 38 Years of Age, Who Has Had a Score of Children. By tho United Press. Oil City. Pa., Dec. 4.-Mrs William Steen, who, with her husband, lives on Colbert avenue extension, recently gave birth to her twentieth child. Mrs. Steen is only 3S years old. The oldest child is 21 years and there have been no twins and triplets In the family. RETURNED BONDS IN A TRANCE Queer Story Developed by a Woman's Suit for $10,000. By the United Press. Norwich. Conn., Doc. 4. A suit for 110,000 brought by Mrs. Mary Johnson, the wealthiest woman In Norwich, against Dr. Clinton E. Stark, a promi nent practitioner, has brought to light a atrange story of fraud. Stark was Mrs. Johnson' physician. She gave him a power of attorney and entrusted him with $150,000 worth of bonds. She found by looking over his memoranda thnt $50,000 of the bonds were missing, She charged him with the loss, and he finally admitted that the bonds were not In his possession. He agreed, how ever, to return her the bonds on a cer tain night at her residence, and said he would have to go Into a trance to find them. Mrs. Johnson agreed, and on the appointed night had two deputy sheriffs concealed In the closet of the room where the doctor was to begin the trance. He came on time, and went into a trance, after which he took Mrs. Johnson by the hand and led her through evory room In the house. He picked up missing bonds in every room, but Mrs. Johnson says she be lieves he had them up his sleeve. She declined to have him arrested, .but brought suit against him. LEVIED ON THE CORPSE. Sexton Noll's Peculiar Method of Collect ing SStl for the Storage of a Dcud Body for a few Hon rs. By tho United Press. Reading, Pa., Dec. 4. Daniel Kelm, one of the wealthiest citizens of Berks county, fell asleep in the Oley Reformed church, near his home in Oley town Bhlp, while attending the funeral ser vices of a neighbor today, and never awoke. Heart disease is thought to have been the cause of his death. He was about 70 years of age, an eccentric character hereabouts. The body of Kelm was removed to tho house of Sexton Noll, adjoining the church, and a brother of the dead man, Benjamin Keim, was sent for. When the brother arrived an unexpected com plication arose. Noll positively refused to allow Kelm's body to be removed from his house until he had been paid $50 for allowing It to be taken there. Keim was taken aback by the demand and refused to pay the money. With the undertaker he drove away and came here and consulted a lawyer. As a result of the conference a detec tive was sent to Noll's house this morn ing to have the body removed. At first Noll was inclined to resist tho removal of tho body, but when threatened with arrest he ceased to interfere. BUILDINGS STOLEN. Late Subjects of the Czar Commit Depre dations at Port Lincoln. By tho United Press. Grand Forks, N. D., Dec. 4. A large number of Indictments have been found against Russian farmers from Emmons county for stealing and carrying off government buildings at Fort Lincoln, five miles south of Mandan. The depre dations, according to Major G. Gooding, the government representa tive at the fort, have been going on for some time. On Saturduy a band num berlng over 1.00 men put in an appear ance with forty-live teams ready to remove every inch of lumber from the spot. Major Gooding protested, but the thieves drova him away with bricks and stones and continued to demolish the buildings. Even the old Custer House, which the people of the slope have endeavored to preserve, was torn to pieces. Of 117 buildings at the fort very few remain. Deputy United States Marshal Hen nesay, of this city, and Hannah, of Grafton, were at Bismarck and made a raid on the thieves on Sunday. Pickets posted by the thieves gave notice of their coming and the entire party made an effort to escape, but the deputies succeeded In capturing eight of them and secured the names of forty others. Five were left In Jail at Bismarck and three were brought here as witnesses before the grand Jury. The Cost of State Printing. By the United Press. Harrisburg. Pa., Dec. 4. The report of the superintendent of public printing shows that the cost of state printing last year was S139.77l.S0, and the cost of sun plies and paper, $M.u26.G0. Over 240.UOO volumes were Issued, .2,oSo pamphlets and 37.5SU geological maps. The reports of the geological survey are completed. County Commissioners Meet. By tho United Press. Harrisburg, Ta., Dee. 4. The executive pnmmi t tt(f. nf Ihft PpimvKfi niii fitnfa Association of County Commissioners held a meeting ncre today. mo object or tho meeting was tho preparation of bills to be presented at the next session of the state legislature. Iicward for Tommy Dowd. By tho United Press. Richmond, Va., Dec. 4. The Phlladol phla authorities have located Thomas Dowd, alias Clark, .the noted burglar, who with others committed tlio Farmville burglary and escaped from tho penlten tiury here. Reward will be paid upon the delivery of Dowd at the pententiury. Shoe Dealers Tail. Dy the United Press. Wilkes-Hurre, Dec. 4. Evans & Bahny, shoe dealers In this city, were closed by the sheriff this afternoon. Over $:,UU0 In Judgments were entered up against them today. The failure Is one of the lurgest in this city for some years past. FROM WASHINGTON. The amount expended on the new con gressional library up - to the present Is W.337.43S. A net decrease In the public debt of $31, 4t,SSl, less cash In the treasury, dur ing November, is reported. Two now indictments have been pre sented against Captain H. W. Howgafc, for embeizlement while disbursing oillcer In the signal service. Secretary Herbert has Issued a circular to Intending bidders for the three tor pedo boats, proposals for which will be opened in about two months. Mr. Curtis, of New York, introduced a bill to restrict the appointment of eadels to West Point and tho naval academy to one actual resident of the congressional districts, one from each territory and the District of Columbia and ten to be ap pointed at large by the president. Tlo circulation, according to the official treasury statement, decreased during tho month of November $HS66,971, making the circulation of all kinds of money In tho United States on Dec. 1 at 1, C37.22C.4j1. or J23T2 per capita. As compared with Dec. 1, 1813, the amount of money in circula tion Is 9,768,000 less than then. Representative McMillan, of Tennessee, who was the prime mover for un Income tax law, says there is no danger that it will be repealed or that there will be no appropriation for It this year. Chairman Sayers, of the house appropriations com mltteee, says that the Income tux will be provided for In the urgency deficiency bill. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair north winds; becoming variable. INLETS JL ANOTHER SPECIAL WEEK IN OUR n DEPARTMENT. It being our intention not to carry over a piece of Dress Goods that we can turn into cash, we make the fol lowing quotations, ONE LOT fine all wool mixed Suit' iii!s, former price, $5.00. This Week's Price $2.50 a Suit 0XE LOT extra fine Silk and Wool Scotch Suitings. Special price for This Week $3.25 a MU ONE LOT 52-inch Covert Cloth, ex tra quality. Former prices, Ji.oo This Week 75c ANOTHER LOT, the last of the sea son, of our special Foreign Cash mere in 40 and 46-inch. The price This Week Will Be 35c, aud 45a Interesting prices oa Fine Black Dress Goods. See our Velvetiua Cords for Dress and Coat Sleeves; also in Cream for Babies' Cloaks. Fine German 50-inch Seal Flush, FIN LEY'S 610 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGEXT FOR . i. Ill ill THE VERY BEST. SI3 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. We will have wet weather. We will furnish you with SHOES for wet weather. It will be a healthful invest nient. 114 Wyoming Avenue, STORE OPEN EVENINGS. I HAVE just returned from New York buying Holiday Goods. We are receiving thein daily, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to call and see our Gne line o! Jewelry and Novelties, whether you buy or not N. B. Look at our show windows as you pass. W. J. WEIGHEL 408 SPRUCE STREET, us T WEEK ONLY HI NEAR DIME BAN If.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers