TIIE KCBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOIININO. NOVEMBER 28, 1894. Industrial and MINE, MILL AND RAILROAD. It was officially announced on Mon day tha t the steel rail pool nan been or ganized for 1895. The meeting at which this was accomplished was held on Wednesday and Thursday of last week and wa attended by every manufac turer of rails' in the country. It was decided to fix the price of steel rails for 1895 at $22, a reduction of $2 from the present .price. All rails weighing above forty-five pounds to the yard are to be considered standard Bectlons, whereas the limit this year is fifty pounds. Street girder rails will be sold at $24. Those who were present at the meeting declare that the feeling In favor of harmonious co-operation In the trade next year was more pronounced than at any meeting held In recent years. It was the universal Judgment, says the Philadelphia Inquirer, that the orders for rails next year will be con siderably larger than this. The meet ing developed one point and that Is that the steel manufacturers of the country will not see their business sacrificed the coming year. Prices are already down to bed rock and might have gone lower but for the determination of the steel pool to hold rigidly to the new prices. Inasmuch as the prices of several forms of steel products are based upon the price of steel rails, the agreement will be far reaching In Its effects. The anthracite coal trade, says the Philadelphia Stockholder, Is in a wait ing condition, as the trade will make no extensive purchases jintil there is some definite direction as to prices out lined. As it Is now, there Is no telling whether the course will be upward, downward or steady on the present basis. This doubt must be removed be fore any permanent Improvement In the market occurs, and It remains for a cold spell to create activity in the trade, or some emphatic favorable action by the shippers themselves. It Is a well known faqt that they have grown weary losing money In such a useless contention as has been waged, and it can be stated authoritatively that they all long for a satisfactory readjustment of existing differences. Exactly on what basis the effort will be made to accom plish this Is not known to a certainty, but it is believed another trial will be given to the restrictive policy which has been so long In force. As an Indi cation that this Btep will be taken, the announcement Is made that the Head ing collieries will be closed tonight, and will not resume operations before next Monday, If then. It is usual when a holiday comes late in the week to sus pend operations until the following Monday; but In the present condition of the trade the Bhut-down is signifi cant, foreshadowing a revival of the old policy. It Is understood that the other producing companies will also sus pend operations for the same period. Speaking of a probable contest for control and a demand for the stock lists of the Lehigh Valley Railroad company, an official says that the stock list has not yet been prepared, and will not be for some time, as the transfer books only closed Nov. 15. So far as he can Judge, he thinks .the number of share holders is about the same as last year about 8,000. The bulk of the stock Is held in Philadelphia and New York, and the foreign holdings amount to less than 20,000 shares. No large blocks of the stock have changed hands of late, and he does not believe that any organ ized opposition to the Wilbur, manage ment will develop. . At the meeting of the stockholders of the New York, Lake Kile and Western Railroad company in New York yester day the old board of directors was re-elected. 13. H. Harrlman, represent ing the Erie protective committee, crit icised the annual report. He was re fused any explanation by the receivers. New York, Nov. 27. The anthracite coal sales agents today voted to make the December allotment 2,500,000 tons. Tidewater prices were advanced to $3.75 for stove, $3.60 for egg and chest nut and $3.50 for grate. The ngenls, up to a late hour, were still In session considering prices. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: The agreement entered into between the Trunk lines and the Central Trafllc associations for the dispensing of com missions will take effect Dec. 15 All the companies are shipping all the coal they possibly can, and the Lacka wanna will continue to rush, coal to the West until the close of navigation. Navigation on the Delaware and Hud son canal between Honesdale and Rond out will close for the season this week. The last boats were loaded at the Hones dale docks on Saturday. The transfer books of the Lehigh Val ley railroad closed Nov. 15, and the work of preparing for the annual election has commenced. The number of stockhold ers are about 8,000, and few hold more than fifty shares. This stock being al ways held for Investments It is widely distributed. , The anthracite coal interests In Phila delphia, says the Times, are very much inclined to believe that the situation has bettered since the railroad presidents held their meeting last week. They claim that the moral Influence which will be the result of such a gathering will prevent further demoralization and may bring about a correction of exist Ing abuses. The Reading railroad reports Its coal tonnage for the week ending Nov. 17 at 327, SCO tons, an Increase of 25,000 tons over t)ie corresponding week last year. . Total tonnage for the year to Nov. 17 was 11,879,036 tons, a decrease of 843,453 tons from last year. The total ship ments of anthracite for the week end lng Nov. 17 were 1,048,418 tons, an In crease of 220,325 tons or 26.6 per cent, over the Corresponding week last year. IS PERFECT miiLSTIlW , I USE THE GENUINE JOHAnUliOFFS MALT EXTRACT AND FIND THAT IT MEATLY.ADS ME' JN THE PROPER MSAfLATOA ii7orJ( Mi Commercial. The shipments for the year to date reached a total of 20,183,765 tons, a de crease of 1,937,922 tons or 5.1 per cent, from last year. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the year thus far has been 14,217,203 tons, com pared with 16,160,856 tons In the corre sponding period of 1893, a decrease of 1,913,653 tons, of which 11,183,750 tons were coal, a decrease of 1,425,603 tons, and 3,033,453 tons coke, a decrease of 518,050 tons. STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Nov. 27. During the morn ing hours speculation at the Stock Ex change was practically at a standstill, except for Erie and Northwest, wlhlch were affected by. special causes. Erie was pressed for Sale on the general be lief that the statement for the year would be unfavorable and Northwest was Inclined to weakness because of sales by professional traders and others who were confident that the dividend would have to be reduced. Subsequent events proved the correctness of both the stories. Just previous to 12.30, the time agreed upon for the announcement of the Northwest dividend, brokers gathered around the chairman and everybody was on the anxious bench. A rumor was then got afloat that the regular rate had been declared. This started a nervous short Into covering, and the purchases for this account led to a rise from 96 to 99. Burlington and Qulncy, St. Paul and other stocks, which are heavily oversold, also moved up at this time.s Then came the official announcement of the declaration of l?i per cent, quarterly on the preferred and 2'4 per cent, semi-annually on the com mon, the latter a reduction of i per oent. for the six months. Many brokers misunderstood the chairman and thinking that the com mon dividend had been reduced to l, sold the stock. They quickly realized their mistake and bought back the stock. As a result the common recov ered to 98; St. Paul, in the meantime, sold down to 58; Rock Island to 01 Vt. and Burlington to 70. Sugar moved up from 87 to 89; Lackawanna from 158 to 160M;; Delaware and Hudson, 127 to 129V4; Reading from 15 to 16; Man hattan from 105 to 106. The upward movement was stimulated by rumors that anthracite coal companies hod de cided to reduce the output for Decem ber and restore prices of coal. Erie was heavy throughout and sold down to 10, with a rally to 11. The arfnual report was very unfavorable, showing a deficit of $1,167,407. Speculation closed strong with inactive issues anywhere from Vs to 2'itc. higher than on yesterday. Northwest gained ; New York Cen tral lost ; Northern Pacific preferred , and Erie 1. Sules were 150,000. The range of today's prices for tho ac tive stock of the New York stock mnrkot are given below. The quotations are fur nished Tho Tribune by CI. du B. Dlmmlok, manager for William Linn, Allen A Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton. Op'n- IIlRh- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. Am. Cot. Oil 27 27 27 21 Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. 88't, 8il 87i ffflti, Atuh., To. & S. Fe... 4 5 l' 5 Can. South 50?. 51 6u 51 Ches. & Ohio 17V, 17 17 17?, Chicago Gas 72 7'J 72 7:is Chic. & N. V 974 99 9S Chic., B. & Q 70 71VI 70'j, 70-j, C. C. C. & St. L 37 37'i 37 37'i Chic, Mil. & St. P.. . 58 584 58' i 68 Chic, K. I. & P 61 iil CI 611.. Delaware & Hud. ...12714 12'4 127 129'4 D. . L. & W. 159 16014 159 ItiO'j Dlst. & C. V 84 9 8, 9 Gen Hlectrio M 35'4 3t 3; Luke Shore., ...,(....134'4 134 m 121 Louis. & Nash 63V BJT4 63 f3"i Manhattan Kle 1U5V4 lui;i4 105 lu5" Mich Central ; '4 M 99 99 Mo. Pacific 27.4 2714 2714 27'4 Nut. Cordage 9 9 8 8 Nut. lud 39 40 Wi 39 N. J. Central . 9414 95 M K N. Y. Central 98 98 9S4 Vn N. Y. &N. 14 31 31 31 31 N. Y., L. K. & W.... 1214 12 10 11 N. Y S. & W 15 15 15 15 Nor. Paolllc, Pr 17 17 17 17 Ont. ft West 15 15 15 15 Phil, ft Read 15 lii 15 10 Texas Pacific 9 9 9 9 I'nloll Paclllc 12 12 11 12 Wabash 6 (i 6 6 Wabash. Pr 13 13 13 13 West. Union 87 87 87 87 Dividend declare 4. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. WHEAT. May 00 C0 69 59 November ....... 64 54 64 64 December 50 65 54 54 OATS. May 32 32 32 S2 November 28 28 28 28 December .. 28 28 28 28 CORN. " May 48 48 48 48 November 48 48 48 48 leeember 4U 47 4ti 4i; January , 7.00 7.07 7.00 7.00 May 7.17 7.22 7.10 'l.lu Junuary' 12.12 12.15 11.90 11.90 May 12.42 , 12.48 12.22 12.22 Scranton Wholesale Market. Scranton, Nov. 27 Fruits and Produce- Dried apples, per lb Oaic. ; evaporated apples, 8al0c. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 6a 6c. ; English currants, 2a2'4c; luyer rai sins, $1.75al.80; muscatels, 4a5c. per lb., $lul.40 per box; new Valenclus, ta7e. por lb. Beans Marrowfats, $2.35a2.40 per bush el; mediums, 8.70al.75. Peas Green, Jl.liial.15 per bushel; split, $2.50a2.60; lentels, 6u8c. per lb. Potatoes 65aG0c. bushel. Onions Bushel, 55aC0c. Butter 17a24c. per lb. Cheese 9ullc. per lb. Eggs Fresh, 24u25c.; coolers, 17nl8c. Meats Hams, 10c; small hams, lie; skinned hams, 12c; California hams. 8c; shoulders, 8c; bellies, 8c; smoked breakfast bacon, 10c. Smoked Beef Outsldes, 13c; sets, 15c; Insidcs and knuckles, lGc; Acme sliced smoked beef, 1-lb. cans, $2.45 dozen. OF FOOD 1 f 7A OitjieelsJcLbfai 'BimMlorjmtArum Pork-Mess, $17; short cut. $18. Lard Leaf, In tierces, 9c; In tubs, 9c; 10-pound palls, lOVio. per pound; E pound palls, '10c, .. per pound; 3-pound polls, 1014c. per pound; compound lard, tierces, 6c; tubs, Cc; 10-pound palls, 7c per pound; 6-pound palls, 7c. per pound; 3-pound palls, 7c per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel, $3.85a4; Ohio and Indiana amber, $3; Gra ham, $3; rye flour, $3. Feed Mixed, per cwt., $1.16. Grain Rye, C5c; corn, GlaWc; oats 40a 45c. per bushel. Rye Straw-Per ton, $12al4. Hay-14.50nlG. Buckwheat Flour $2.10a2.16 per 100. New York Produce .Murket. By tho United Preps. New York, Nov. 27. Flour Closed oulet and easy. Wheut Dull. c. lower; No. 2 red store and elevator, 58c; afloat, 69c; f. o. b., 69a60c; ungraded red, 60aiWc; No. 1 northern, C6n67c; options closed weak at ae. decline; Junuary, 5914c; Feb ruary, W4c; March, til ic; May, 62c; June, 63c; November, 08c; December, iS'.ic Corn Firm, active; No. 2, 6714c eleva tor; 57V4u57c. utlout: ungraded mixed, 62 u54f.; steamer mixed, 53a54c; No. 3. 52u52c; No. 2 white, 571ic; options dull nd weak at '4ac decline; November, r0c.; December, 54c; Junuary, 62c; May, 524 Oats Dull; options dull, firm; Novem ber, 33c. ; December, 33c; January, 34c; February, 35 c; May. 35c; Bpot prices, No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 37a:iSc; No. 2 Chicago, 38c; No. 3, 32c; No. 3 white, 3Gc. ; mixed western, 33a34c; white do. and white state, 37ullc. Beef Quiet, steady. Tlerced Beef Active. Cut Meats Dull weak; middles, nom- Inul. Lard Quiet; western steam. $7.30: city, Cc. ; options, December, $7.26; November, $7.30; January, $7.30; refined, steadier; con tinent, $7.70; South America, $8.20; com pound, 5'4a5c Pork Dull, steady. Butter Quiet, Bteady; state dairy, 13a 2314c; do. creamery, 15a2l!c; do. factory, lOalSe. ; Elglns, 26c; Imitation creamery, 13u20c Cheese Firm, fair demand. Eggs Quiet, about steady; state and Pennsylvania, 24u25c; western fresh, 23 u24c; do. per case, $3.25a4; southern, 23a 23c. Toledo Uruin Market. By the United Press. Toledo, Nov. 27. Wheat Receipts, 29,- 000 bushels; market firm; No. 2 red rash, 54i,4c; December, 54c; May, 68c; No. 3 red cash, 51c Corn Receipts, 162.000 bushels; ship ments, 2,000 bushels; market quiet; No. 2 mixed cash, 41V.c; No. 3 do., 43c; No. 3 yellow cash, 44c Oats Receipts, .4,000 bushels; market nominal. Clover Seed Receipts. 410 bags; ship ments, 329 bags; inurket firm; caxh, $5.57; December, $5.62; January, $5.65; Febru ary, $5.70. Buffalo Stock .Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Nov. 27. Cattle Receipts, 1.000 head; on sale, ISO head; market dull; tut cows, $2a2.75; a few choice butchers' steers, $3.25a3.60. Hogs Receipts, 7.000 head: on sale, 4,300 head; market slow and lower, closed weak for Yorkers and light, steady for good heavy; Yorkers, $4.40a4.45; mixed packers, $4.55u4.G0; choice mediums, $4. 60a 4.65; choice heavy, $4.70u4.75; roughs, $3.85a 4.25; stags, $3n3.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; on sale, 8.5U0 head; market easy; Canada lambs, $3.9ou4.1o; common to fair native lambs, $2.75u3.25; dull to fulr sheep, $lu2; export ewes, $2.75u3.25. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Nov. 27. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; market heavy; common to extra steers, $2.75a6.25; Blockers and feeders, S2a 3.26; cows and bulls, $lu3.25; calves, $1.50u 2.25. Hogs Receipts, 27.000 head; market stronger; heavy, $4.254.30; common to choice mixed, $4a4.05; choice assorted, $4.20 ul.XO; light. $4.10u4.20; pigs, $2.60a3.75. Sheep RocelptH, 6.0U0 head; market weak; Inferior to choice, 76ca$3; lambs, $1.50u3.75. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 27. Tallow Is quiet but firmly held. We quote: City prime, In hhds, 4c; country, prime, In bbls, 4c. ; do. dark, In bbls, 4,I4a4c; cakes, 5c; grease, 4c Oil Market. By tho United Press. Pittsburg, Nov. 27. Oil, opened and low est, 82c; highest and close, 83c. FOREST CITY. About 5.30 Monday evening an ncei dbiit occurred In No. 2 shaft of the Hill side company In which three persons met with Injury. The small electric motor was returning to its place for the nlg'ht, and riding on it were the switch boy, John Smith, aged 15 years, and liv ing on Hudson street, and two Slavs, John Dlko and Peter Sproke, when the larger electric motor backed up a trip of empty cars, the smaller motor and the cars coming together with terrific force. John Smith received the worst Injury, having his leg smashed so badly, that after a careful examination by Dr. Dvvyer and Dr. Hlukeslee, It was decid ed that amputation would be necessary. The operation was skilfully done by Dr. Dwyer, assisted by Dr. Blakcslce. The little follow survived the ordeal and was resting easily yesterday. Dlko re ceived a flesh wound on the leg and Sproke had his hand slightly Injured. MAYFIELI). C. S. Hoyt was in the Pioneer City last night. John McOowan was a Scranton vis itor yesterday. J. C. Turner and Attorney Baxtres3er were at Edgerton yesterday. This was Mr. Baxtresser's first visit to a coal breaker. John Mulrhead, of West Pittsto'n, was a Maylleld visitor yesterday. He is do ing some boring for the Delaware and Hudson Canal company near Powderly. M. O. Grennell, of Carbondale, was in our borough Monday. John McDonald is working for the Lackawanna Valley Rapid Transit com pany at their Canbondale and Forest City extension. David Silverman, of New York, Is visiting his sister, Mrs. David Mendle sohn, on Hill street. SLAPPED THE COLONEL. Lieutenant B. C. Welsh lias Been Found Mentally I'nsounU. By the United Press. Washington, Nov. 27. An order was Issued at the war department today placing First Lieutenant B. C. Welsh, of the Fifteenth Infantry, on the retired list of the army. During the late Chicago strike, Lieu tenant Welsh had trouble with the col onel of his regiment and slapped his face. The act caused the department commander to inquire Into the sanity of Lieutenant Welsh, and the board, which conducted the examination, found him mentally unsound and for this rea son he was today retired. He was ap pointed to the Military academy in September, 1877, from Pennsylvania, his native state. He is now stationed at Fort Sheridan, Ills. A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest charms a woman can possess. PouoRi'a OoatrLuuoM Ifomoum gives it. ml CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAROB WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. 1IFE AGENTS AND COLLECTORS J wanted. To good nud bright energutio mm we chd olfir big inducement". Ap ply John h. Hoffmann, Hocin 13, Old Post otliea building. llTANTED SPKcTaLTY ADVERTISING canvassers fumlliur with prominoi mer cantile trad; money maker of 18'Jt. Also clever gen. canvassers on greatest seller of thj day. Stanley Brad oy. a E. lilth St., Now York. IlfANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN' TO ' v handle our line, no peddling. Salurr, Sift per month and expenses paid to all. (ioods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. U. Box, 630$, Boston, Uuss. , Helo Wanted Females. fURLWATirirB vT work. Must know how to cook and bake. Hood wanes to right party. 311 Mulberry St. T ADIEH CAN MAKE S DAILY BY FOLD. I J ing and addressing cirrulaiB for us, at home. No ranvusslng. Position permanent. Koply with stamped envelope. SUSS MARIE WORTH, Ashland. O. Help Wanted Male. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WTANTED SALESM A N; SALARY FROM VV start: peruianont place BROWN BROS. Company, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. QALESMES, 875 MONTH AND EXPKN BBS O Self sellr: exneri'inee unnecessary. KNEELA.ND M F O. CO., Chicago. VV ANTED A EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Auurosg ia.. cars inuune offleo, Sernntun. Ph. For Sale. TOR SALE DRL'O STORE WILL BE J Bold at a bargain on account ut aiekness of propriettr. Addrjss "Quinine", care of thlso'tlee. I.-'ORSM.E-NEW 8LNHLE HOUSE NEXT 1 to V2lOlW stroet. All modern Improve ments. Apply to T. J. DCUOA.-I, Rooms U and HI. Lilirarv Biiildinif. For Rent. 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR KENT FURNACE heat, if wanted, $W. aiil North Oaiileld ftvouue. T7IURN1SHED HOUSE TO RENT FORNIX JL months. ti'J Wyoming avenue. LfOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST l.acnawamia avenue. Aanress j iiu jiao i f PI, 1 ln . T,.u.i - 1T..J- a. r.v Aim, Hear no, ijuzerue, uyua rttrs. IOR RENT-ONE HALF STORE. l5 Penn 1 nvmiu-, 30 per month. TOR RENT NIt'KLY FURNISHED HALL J1 suitable for lulgo room). JOHN J E ti ll YN, ll'J Wyomiuu ovenuj. Real Estate. I.'ARIIS EXUHANUED FOR UOUSK8 ; J houses exi'haniced for farms. R. ER NEST COMK.UYS. Real Estate Agent, 123 WaxhinKtou, Price Building. ABAROAI.o NEW U ROOM HOUSE ON lart?e Int. with alley. Sujipliod with all latest conveniences; up:rb location: Hinill rash pay .uent Uown. Address A NO. I, Trib one olHo. Special Notices. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitinns and tectum upon any subject dp sired. These exhibitions will be illustrate.!, having in my possession the most powerful dissolving Btereoptico:)s made. E. H. CALL, Tribuno OfBoe. rOU WANT THIS RELIO - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustratio: 8 IK01-1BIU. Two Volume Folio, $1(1.00: payable monthly, $.'.00. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiesa P. O. MOODY, CIS Uibson Ktree', Scranton, Pa. B LANK ROOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A- zines. etc.. bound or rebound at Thk TiiniUNB ollice. yuick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT HI corner spruce street un I Fruukilu ave nue. Twenty meal ticketH (or $.M. Good table board. Lost. OST-A MILEAGE BOOK .WITH NAMK I J H. C. Levi, between Kristol House and Wayne avenue Ktturn to Bristol tiouse; will bo rewarded legal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDER slxiied, nn auditor appointed by the r plmns' Court of Lackawanna county, to audit the flnnlaCRuii'it f T. E Reynolds and Rod erick W. Howe 1, exo 'ulors ot the last w.ll and testament or Evuu JI. .'ones. ilcccHBcd. and t report distrihutioii of tho funds in t ie har.di of said a TountantM, -will alt-mi to the duties of his appointment at hU oft! :e at No. ad VV y. miiiKUveune, on Thursday, December 2 lstit, at U o'clock a. ni.. at which timi all nonor s In. terosted uiuy ap'iear an I pres-nt their claims or bj (cr jver debarred th relrom H. F. AKERLKY, Anditir. Charter ppllcatlonj. IN THE ( OuRT OF I OMMON PLKAS OF 1 l.nckaw. nnn County, No ltd, January Term, A. P. IMIV Notice is lur.'by fflvon that an application will be made to tiie taid court on Saturday, the loth day of December A. D. ISM, at I) o'clock a. in., under the "Corporation Acti f one thou sand elpht hundred and seventy-four," and thesupi 1 ments llieroto. by Murlin F. Sheri dan, John K. Jenkins. Reese A. Phillips, Ed ward Donley, and John Thomas, for the chnr terof nn Intended corporatl n to be called tin "Oxford VI t Accidental Fund," the charac ter and object ( f which is the providinir a fund by as s ment from its mombors, for tha ben efit of its members injured by accident: for the families of members who din. und for a membi r n case ot th" death ot Ills wife, and lor thee l urposesto have. p(Bes and enjoy II the rights, benefits an 1 p.-ivil -sea ri h terrei by tlix s.iid act and it sunplemenu. The Bald churtor is now oil til ) in til i.Mlco of the Prothonotary of I, liswanna county to the above term and number. J C. VAUHIIAN, Solicitor. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED A TOUNO MAN" O must h tve work at once, t nn drive and milk; would like to work en a fatin: good ref ereui e Address D., 1310 Jackson btrent . ClrUATION WANTED TO GO OCT BY i ' the day wasliintr nr cleaning by a compe tent woman. Call or address Mrs. Ru,sell, 17211 Cedar avenue. OITUATlON WANTED By A BOY 15 O years of nge, s ofll nr errunl boy. Is willing to work: ran furnish I esc i f refer ences. Address H. A., 'I rlnune office. SITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING, Ironing or cleaning by the day. Call or address U B., SW Nortu Sumner avenue, Hyde Park. CirUATION WANTED IN MEAT BUSI O ness by a young min wlih long experi ence. Will board ut home or with employer, best reference furnished. Address Butcher, Tribune office. WANIEDrA PLACE BY A CARPEN ter. a good worker, iu or near tha city, C D., Tribune office. ' MITER BHOH CO.. Inc'p. Capital, l,O00,0i BEST St.BO 8HOB IN THK WORLD. "A dollar inriii it a dollar tarrud." , This Ladles' Solid Kreocli IhingoU Kid Bat. ton lioot dtllverad free anywhere in the U.S., on receipt otubsd, moiwj jraer, or Postal Note fer M. Equals every war the boots sold la all retail stores for 12.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar anlM IboJII, itytt and nar, and If any en is sot sauaflcd will reinna uie nosey rundaneUwriMir. Onera Toe or Common Sense, 1 to I and halt tea. Stnd your tit; v we Kill t fOM. S Illustrated Dexter Shoe Co.; BOSTON, Sftcial Iwm ( Da irt. ml 5i m.vs lMSI'1 Cat 1 I 'Vs rate 143 FEDERAL ST.. (onnolh) & Wallace f air7'V,'-aswS TP- - CONNOLLY & o Belter Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. - BEST AND N.A. HURT'S WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINW&Y i SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH 4 BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of lirst-class ORGANS A1USICAL HERCHAND1SE, MUSIC, ETC. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufacture! at tha Wnpwnlioprn Mills, Li leine county, Pa., und nt Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN.Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Nations! Dank Buildius. AOENf'lES : THOS. FOBD. I ittston. P. JOHN B. SiilTH & SON, Plymouth. Po, E. W. MULLIGAN. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Agents for tho Kepauno Chemical Com pauy'B High Explosives. THE SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED runs daily via BIG 4 ROUTE (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis By.) between flinni i Columbus, Springfield, Dayton, Indian apolis, Peoria and ST. LOUIS, with magnificent Wagner Sleeping ear. Combination Library and Cafe care. Ele gant Coaches and Dining cars. " The Finest Train in America." See that your tickets read via tha B1Q 4 ROUTE. Time tables and Information cheerfully furnished on application to S. J. GATES. Gen'l Eastern Ag't, 40 Exchange st Buffalo, N. T. M. B. ftigalls, President; D. B. Martin. General Passenger Agent; B. O. UoCetf pick, Trafflo Manager, Cincinnati, a n oats, Coats. w& An immense stock now on hand. Hard work to get them, but we've got No advance in prices. Don't fail to call on us if you want a Coat or Cape. We can fit you. We can suit you, in style,quality and price WALLACE 209 28Jsa Ave' CHEAPEST IRON BEDS TO our (AUTION " Washbiirn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that thev will thin vear hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY Oil) WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. Ncto wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grindiii);. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. tf s? MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cednr Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Tellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU & CONNELL 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Coats, m V Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. IN THE CITY. patrons: Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlt Onk. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. S GONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers