8 TIIE SCRAXTOtf TEIBUin3 SATURDAY MOTCNTKG, OCTOBER 27, 1894. Cify Pastors and Their Hard Work Religious Developments of One Week in All Our Churches. AUXILIARY ACTIVITIES NOTED Carefully Compiled Compendium of News und Personal Mention Helming to the Churches and the llenevolent and Churltuble Kcligious Societies. On two occnslons, notices have ap peared in the dallies roferlng to the es tablishment of a Welsh Episcopal church on the West Side. In order to learn the facts regarding this prospect, we interviewed the rector, Kev. M. II. Mill, whose parish is in Hyde l'ark. and the following is ,in substance, what he said: Mr. Mill admitted that there were a large number of Welsh people in Hyde l'ark raised in the church of Eng land, and that the opportunity of giv ing these people the services In their own language was proper, yet he con cluded that there were at present a great many obstacles in the way be fore they could venture on any such undertaking. The establishing of a new church must llrst receive the sanc tion of the bishop of the diocese as well as meet with the good judgment of the clergy in whose purochial bounds they seek establishment. No official action of any kind has been taken thus far in the matter, and the reports published have been strongly colored by reporters. Provided a sullicient amount of money could be obtained to erect a church building, and the support of a clergy man guaranteed, ithe project would then assume a different phase. A Welsh Episcopal clergyman in this valley could, no doubt, accomplish a vast amount of good. Epworth League Convention. The second annual convention of the Wyoming Epworth league will be held Nov, X and 11, at the Simpson Method ist Episcopal church. Each ' chapter Is expected to send three delegates, who are expected to report on Nov. 8, at the Simpson church, between the hours of 3 and H p. m., when the reception com mittee will meet them and direct them to where they will be entertained. It isexpected that the number of delegates will not fall very far below the 1,000 mark. Kev. J. L. Thomas will be leader of the pinging and the "Finest of Wheat" song book will be used. The following programme has been pre pared: Thursday evening, 7.45 Address of Welcome, Hon. T. H. Dale; response,. Rev. O. L. Severson, president; address, Kev. J. Edward Starr, Toronto, Canada. Friday, Nov. 9. Sunrise prayer meet ing, leader, Kev. C. II. Iienjamin; half hour praise, Kev. J. U Thomas; reports from district presidents; essay, "Con nectional Idea of Methodism," Rev. J. A. Faulkner; essay, "Epworth League and Missions," Miss Mary Nowlan: ad ress, Rev. Dr. L. C. Floyd; "Wesley's Epworth Home," Rev. A. D. Decker. Afternoon, 1.45 Devotions, H. Hicks; essny, "Ideal Junior League' Chnpter," Miss Hattle Wells; "Personnel of Ep worthians," L. C. Murdock; address, Rev, J. O. Woodruff; "Epworth League and Revival Work,"Rev. J. H. Cook; social hour. Evening, 8 Address, Rev. J. G. Oak ley, D. D., of New York. Looking Forward. Mrs. J. F. Hangl and Miss Millie Dlmmick returned home from the Christian" Endeavor state convention last Monday evening. They will pre sent a formal report at the regular business meeting of the Green Ridge Presbyterian society that will be held Nov. 6. The Ladles Aid society of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church will give a tea at the home of Mrs. K. It. Reyn olds, on Sanderson avenue, next Wed nesday afternoon. Next week Ambrose Mulley will put In two chandeliers in the Providence Methodist Episcopal church, Ladies' Aid society of the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church will hold an entertainment next Wednesday evening, when the young people will render a good literary and musical pro gramme. Presiding Elder J. O. Eokman will hold the quarterly meeting at the Park Place Methodist Episcopal church next Wednesday evening. The band of hope of the Tabernncle Congregational church is busily pre paring a sacred cantata, "The Golden Year," that will be presented to the public Thanksgiving evening. Next Monday cvnlng Kev. D. W, Skellinger and Rev. A. W. Cooper will give their lectures on "Coal Mines" at the First Congregational church, South Main avenue. This is probably the last opportunity for the people of the West Side to be entertained by the ex cellent stereopticon of Mr. Skellinger. Progressive Work. The special services held by Rev. A. F. Chaffee In the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church are very well at tended, and he expects to continue them during next wek. The Sunday congregations are also very large. Rev. T. J. Collins held special meet ings last Wednesday and Thursday evenings. At tomorrow morning's ser vice he will receive into full member ship eight persons, and eight others Join by letters, so that the right hand of fellowship will be given to sixteen. In the evening the ordinance of bap tism will be administered. The archdeaconry meetings held last week in St. Paul's church, Montrose, were well attended. Almost all the clergy In the archdeaconry were pros ent. The work accomplished In th& territory covered by the meeting was reported by Rev. Dr. Coxe as being in excellent condition. Not a single one of the parishes is without the services of a regular clergyman. As the result of three weeks evangel. Istlc work, conducted by Kev. Daniel Savage, forty persons were added to the church. Next Thursday evening a reception Will be given to these new converts. The pastor will give them a free tea, which will be served from 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. Other members of the church are also invited to tea, for which twenty cents will be charged. After the social a public meeting will be held, when four brief essays will be rend. A. Hartshorne will speak on "Christianity with an 'I know In It." A Powell will talk on "Christianity a Power In Temptation." J. Fidlam will speak on "Christianity a Sterling Prln ciple," and W. Urown will talk on "Christianity, the Conqueror InDeath.' After these essays, the pastor will pre sent each candidate with a certificate, stating the dute of his conversion and union with the church. A pamphlet has been Issued by the local union of Christian Endeavor workers in Essex county, N. J. It is cnlled "Forward Movement," and gives In detail on account of an evangelis tic movement conducted under the aus pices of the young people's societies, which has accomplished great good. In December of last year Kev. Ford C. Ottman, pastor of the Memorial Pres byterian church, of Newark, N. J., de livered an Inspiring address before the union. Mr. Ottman had recently re turned from the west, where he had conducted a series of revival services, and his address was a vivid descrlp tion of that work. The address stirred up the Endeavorers, and In a speedy consultation it was resolved to call a special meeting and see If the- plans suggested by the speaker of the even ing could not be put Into operation. The delegates met In the beginning of Inst January, and by the 6th of Feb ruary all preparatory work was com pleted and the campaign opened. The work was under the general management of , Rev, F. C. Ottman, while five committees chosen from va rious societies had charge of the de tails of the work. These committees were finance, presB, canvassing, devo tional, usher and music A choir of 200 voices was organized, a solo singer and a cornet player were engaged. Free use was made of printer's ink, the meetings were well advertised and cards were freely scattered. Six of the series of meetings were held from the beginning of February to the middle of April. Over 100 meetings in all were held In fourteeen different churches, at an expenditure of $1,735.54. All this money was collected by the committee on finance, and the largest part of it donated by the various societies. The meetings resulted In nearly 900 people signing cards and . signifying their desire of leading a new life. The pamphlet Is issued by the union and sent to Christian Endeavorers through out the stutes and Canada, that they may learn what can be done by united effort. Three Years' Service. Rev. D. W. Skellinger, of the Wash burn Street Presbyterian church, will close his ministry tomorrow, and next week will remove to Washington, J). C, and take charge of a church be longing to the same denomination In that city. Ho has been on the West Side for three years, during which time he has done very good work and Is much thought of by the people of his charge, who regret his departure. During Mr. Skellinger s ministry In the above church 100 persons have united with the church, and the benevo lences of the people have reached a highernmrk than ever before in the his tory of the organization. During 1S92 the high-water mark was reached, and last year, notwithstanding the hard times, over $1,300 were contributed to various organizations In the denomina tion. The finances of the church were never in better condition. All current expenses were paid, and at the close of each year the treasurer had a few hun dred dollars to spare, after meeting all obligations. The work of erecting a new church was undertaken also dur ing his ministry. The cash on hand, to gether with subscriptions, amount to $500 more than the contractor's bid to put up the church now In progress of erection. And the probability is that a magnificent pipe organ will be erected, subscriptions for which have been started by Mr. Skellinger. The reverend gentleman will leave a large circle of firm friends in the city. He goes to a church full of evangelistic spirit. It is located near the Smithso nian Institute, and the parsonage fronts the People's park. It is a good field to labor in, and one of great promise. Lackawanna llible Society. The annual subscriptions to this so ciety are now due in Scranton and vi cinity. Hev. S. S. Kennedy will call on the subscribers and solicit a renewal of the contributions. A very large number of liiblcs in many languages have been distributed during the ;nst two years, a report of which will be made at the next anniversary, which will occur on Sunday evening, Dec. 9, in the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. McLeod will deliver the address. The Second Presbyterian church will unite in the service. Energetic Workers. The Christian Endeavor society of the Tabernacle Congregationnl church, and the Junior society of the First Congrega tional church, on the West Side, began their winter's work this week. The ladles of fit. David's gave a very pleasant oyster supper last week, which wus well attended by the people of the parish and their friends, nnil they take this opportunity to thank those present for encouraging their effores. Last Monday evening the young peo ple of the Green Kidgo Primitive .Meth odist church passed to lay a Hag walk In front of the church and parsonage and pave the gutter with cobble stone. This will mean an outlny of about $100. The work will be commenced soon, and is to bo finished before the winter sets In. A mission Sunday school has been start ed by the Providence Methodist Episco pal church on Parker street, not far from Leggett's Creek shaft. It Is conducted on the second floor of a private house, which has been rented for the oeeasloa. From thirty to forty scholars meet here every Sunday afternoon at 3.45 o'clock. On Tuesday evenings prayer services are held there, which are also well attended. One probable result of the enthusiastic rally of the llnptlst young people of the Abingtonliaptlst association, held yester day In the Penn Avenue ISaptlst church, will be the formation of a union of the va rious Young People's societies for aggres sive Chrlstiun work. This has long been felt ns necessary among the leaders of this denomination in the above associa tion, and when the scattered forces are welded Into one, better and more effective work can bo accomplished. The marvel ous development of Christian organiza tion among young people has impressed upon .each denomination the duty It owes the rising generation, and never be fore in the history of the Christian church wns there better work done In this direc tion. Theso yVung people, bound together In different camps hy broad Christian prin ciples, will co-operate in "forward move ments" which will have a beneficent influ ence in our county. llricf Jottings. Colonel Hitchcock attended tho synod at Tyrone last week, representing the Green Kldge Presbyterian church. Rev. Rogers Israel Is out of town. The services in St. Luke's will be conducted tomorrow by Kev. A. L. Urban, tho as sistant. Rev. P. R. Hawxhurst is expected home today, and will occupy his pulpit In the Park liaco Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Rev. D. C. Hughes, D.D., attended the Baptist Slate association held this week In Altoona. He left Monday and returned homo yesterday. Samuel Patterson will address tho teach ers of tho Green Kidge Presbyterian Sun day school this evening ut the homo of Colonel Hitchcock. Kev. L. C. Floyd D.D., returned home last Tuesday evening from Husquehnnna, where a very successful mid-year exam ination was conducted. Rev. D. M. Kinter, of Providence, Is preaching a series of four sermons on the "Relation of Faith to a Man'B Salva tion." He will conduct baptismal services tomorrow evening. Rev. William Coney, formerly of this city, now of Tunkhannock, delivered a very Interesting address on the Sunday school teacher's preparation at the arch deaconry meetings held bust week In Mon trose. A large audience listened to Rev. W. O. Watkins' address last Sunday evening on ex-Gdvernor Curtln. And tomorrow even ing the reverend gentleman will speak on the life of I 'liver Wendell Holmes. Evi dently Mr. Watkins keeps abreust of the times. HINTS ON BREATHING. Lois I.oulso Shnrdlow Contributes a Tew Valuuhlo Suggestions. "He lives most life whoever breathes most air," says Mrs. Browning, and it seems to be generally recognized that it is Important to breathe pure air; but thnt bodily strength, mental activity and spiritual Vigor are markedly de pendent upon the manner of breathing. A subject much disputed among teach ers, speakers and singers, is not so well understood. Observe ft healthy, unrestricted child, and we find thnt the greatest activity Is in tho lower part of the lungs, at the diaphragm. Men, uncivilized women and nil animals breathe in tills way. Corset a dog and be will breathe as does a corseted woman, from the chest only. Deep breathing Is essential to health; and the diaphragm, the great breathing muscle, when given room to act will estubllsh slow, deep, even breathing. Mouth breathing Is a curious nflllc tlon, and causes much unnecessary suf fering; I wonder that physicians pay so little attention to it. Retraction of the lips, lines about the eyes and angles of the mouth, giving the person an ex preslon of Idiocy, silliness or suffering, are evidences of this habit of breathing, through the mouth Instead of the nose, and which, If persisted In, may bring about constitutional diseases, BUch as spinal trouble, pigeon hrenit, rickets, etc.. not to mention affections of the nose and throat. Parents and nurses should watch children when they fait asleep and gently close the mouth if it be open, , , , Wafted frpm the World of Melody Interesting News of Music and Musi cians at Home and Abroad. Rl'UEXSTEIX IS DISGUSTED The Great Pianist Will Write No More Operas for on I'ngruteful World. What Our Local Musicians Are Doing Other Events. A $15,000 organ is to be given to Tltts burg and will be set up in the new Music Hall at Schenby Park, Pittsburg. It is intended that free recitals will be given by an expert organist to be en gaged by the city. Fanand & Votey of Detriot will build the organ. Should the plan of free recitals be carried out, it will be the first case under city auspices in this country. In fact, ns tho Buffalo News points out, there very few cities in tills country that have organs suitable for concerts in public places (except churches). Chicago and Cin cinnati 'areJ notable .'exceptions, and there are two or three cities thnt have organs In connection with educational institutions. If the plan is curried out successfully it will mark an era in one department of music in this country. In England free organ recitals have been given. In Liverpool particularly the organ recitals of William T. Best are world-famous. In Paris the organ in the Trocadero has been used for or gan recitals by Guilmant ever since the completion of hall and organ. In this country many organists have attempt ed organ recitals in their respective churches when agreeable to the church congregation, and in some cases these recitals have proven most effective and successful. At the Centennial Exhibi tion, Philadelphia, a speciality was made In the exhibition of organs and consequently organ playing. At the fair last year' In Chicago a still greater effort in this line was made, and many musicians believed that a muslclal turning point was reached when Alex ander Guilmant was brought to Chica go to play at this exhibition and follow ed this performance with others In the larger cities. Certain It is Pittsburg will add largely to her reputation muslclally if an expert organist is en gaged with power to make a success, regardless of cost. The attempt will be watched with Interest by organists, and probably other cities will follow this ex ample later; Scranton last of all. The now chorus choir at the First Presbyterian church appeared for the first time on Sunday evening last nnd rendered a musical programme with a spirit that was highly appreciated by the congregation. The new chorus choir was assisted by Miss Reynolds, of New York, the soloist of the church, together with nn instrumental trio, the harp, played by Miss Gertrude French; llrst violin by Miss Nellie B. Chandler, nnd second violin by Miss Zlta McDonough. The new choir of the church is com posed of the following: Miss Lydla Sailer, Mrs. Dr. Parke, Misses Margaret Torrey, Florence Mathews, Grace Koso, Grace Little, Louise Upper, May Kings bury, Jessie Torrey, Annie Rose; Ed. Kingsbury, Ira Mitchell, W. S. Bart lett, Allan Ramssy, D. C. Richards, Ar thur Foote, James Dickson, Ernest Dolph nnd Alfred Harbor. A special programme will be rendered every Sun day evening. Rubinstein has decided "to write no more operas for an' ungrateful world." He is evidently disgusted with recep tions given "Kinder Der liable" and the "The Demon," both of which were failures. Mme. Albanl's appearance In the lntter work was not enough to save It, and "Kinder Der Halde" was' simply hissed. Rubinstein has been more suc ccsful In his less ambitious works and far more popular, but his best work, many believe, has always been in his Interpretations of the compositions of others. At present he has several minor subjects on hand, one of which is tho ballet music for an opera, but this Is all of the opera he intends writing. Among tho recent meritorious pro ducts of Scrnnton composers may be mentioned the "John R. Jones Cam paign song," by Frof. T, J. Davies, Mus. Bac. The song, which Is written for a male quartette, contains an attractive theme which is worked out with the composer's character istic style and excellence. The song, which will be rendered by cam paign glee clubs during the meet ings previous to election, is one of the striking tributes to the popularity of the district attorney candidate nnd nn excellent musiclnl composition as well. The announcement made by manager Laine of the Frothlnghnm that he has secured the great Innes band for a re turn engagement will be received with pleasure by Scrantonlnns. The enter tainment given by the Innes band Is one of the most unique nnd enjoyable of anything ever presented in the musi cal line in Scranton. The programme Includes musical selections calculated to suit nil classes and contains all grades of composition from popular airs to classic studies. The announcement that the Scranton Oratorio Society will produce the "Chimes of Normandy," will be receiv ed with Interest by lovers of light opera. The "Chimes of Normandy" Beems to possess a charm for tho ordi nary amusement Becker that time can not efface. It is understood that the opera will be placed on the stage with particular nttcntion to customes, scen ery and general effecis, Insuring a first class production. Manager J. II, Lnine, of the Frothlng hnm. In one of the best informed men upon muiiiclaii3 and musical matters In the city. Mr. Laine's long experience ns manager of the celebrated Gilmore band nnd his career ns nn impresario has given him a knowledge of the per sonnel of the great artists, both In this country and Europe, that few managers possess. Tho first number of the Musical Direc tor, a new monthly published by Tallie Morgan, will make Its appearance on Nov. 1. The Director will be devoted to musical matters generally in the Lackawanna valley. The initlnl num ber will contain the articles In the Cnrter-Morgnn-Dnvies controversy re printed entire from The Tribune. Dr. Allen Norton Leete's popular de scriptive song, ' Dan Peyton s Ride, will be distributed at the Academy next week. The song, which Is published by A SURGEQH'3 KNIFE fives you a feeUng of horror and d read. There is no longer necessity for Its use in many diseases formerly ru gurdud aa incurable without cutting, Tba Triumph of Conservative Surgery is well Illustrated by tho fact that RIIPTIIRF or Breach, is now rarit ii ur iuiiu cu(l cured without tho knife and without imln. Clumsy, chuf lug trusses can be thrown away I They never euro but often induce lutlaui niatlon, strangulation and death. TUMORS Ovnrlnti, Fibroid (I'terlno) wiuuii and many others, are now removed without tho perils of cut ting operntiotm. PILE TUMORS, iirtlTa other discuses of tho lower bowel, aro permanently cured without puiu or resort to tho knlfo. CTHMC in the Bladder, no matter oiuuu now largo, is crushed, pul verized, wnshod out and perfectly re moved without outting, STRICTURE iKSSSSraM cutting In hundnxls of raises. For pamphlet, reforenoes and all partial-' lnrs, send 10 oenta (in Btamos) to World's Dispensary Medical Ausodt tiou, 6U3 Main tit liuffulo, H. Y. Ditson, Is written In the doctor's best vein, and Is among the good descriptive songs of the days. Mm. Tt TV .Tflvnt, unnrann1 Mr MftrV J. Bostoni Williams, contralto, and Llew Herbert, basso, of this city, par ticipated in an enjoyable concert at Carbondale on Wednesday evening last. SHARPS AND FLAT8 : Zola is to write a libretto. Robert Dunbar Is Binning In 'Frisco. Mile. Nikfta Is to sing the roll of Car men. Lillian Nordlca will slmr In "The Mes siah." De Pachmann will be heard In Berlin In December. Puccini's new opera will be called the "She Wolf." It Is said that Rubenstcln will compose no more operas. The Sacred Music (society rehearses Tuesday evenings. Calve will sing In Russia this season, in opera, at St. Petersburg. Leoncavallo has written a libretto for an opera by Husisl-l'ei-cio. A cyelus of Wagner operas Is to bo given In St. Petersburg during Lent In Glinka's beautiful opera, "A Life for tho Czar," is shortly to be revived in St. Petersburg. Madame Melba will make an Australian tour next summer, leaving for her native heath Aug. 1, 18K. Eugene Ysnye will mnke a short con cert tour In Germuny before Bulling for this country in November. "Hansel and Gretchel," by Humper dinck, will be the novelty given during the opera season in Strassburg. A piano department has been added to the Scranton School of Music, with Pro fessor Kckman as instructor. Another Australian singer who has re cently made a hit in London is Miss Ada Crossley, a contralto of great promise. Llli Lehman, who has withdrawn from the operatic stuge on account of her health, will give two song recitals in Dresden Sombiich, Calve, Marconi Cotognl nnd Nannettl are mimes of great singers who will sing during the opera season in St. Petersburg. Sir Arthur Sullivan has returned to Lon don for the winter with his health re stored. He will Immediately linish tho music for "King Arthur." Tallie Morgan, the well known musical director, will orgunize a class at Carbon dale next month and will also resume in structing his classes at Moscow. "At Santa Lucia," a two act opera of the "Cuvallerla" type, by Tasca, has been successfully produced at Mnnchester.Kng., by the Carl Rosa opera company. Prof. Halle of Weimar has been ap pointed Concert-Melster of tho Berlin opera orchestra, which position has been Vacant since the death of De Anna. Sars.ate and Sauret will be the violin soloists nt the Philharmonic concerts in Berlin, which will be given this season under the direction of Richard StruusH. Frank Knclsel, one of the first violin ists of Boston, has recently purchased a violin from Gruen of Vienna, a world fa mous Stradlvarius (1717). The price wus $o,WIU. The 1,00flth performance of Gounod's "Faust" will take place shortly In Paris. In celebration of the oeension Ambrolse Thomas has been requested to write Borne special music. Mr. D. A. Kvans' work upon the pipe organ at the Wright-Decker wedding wus greatly enjoyed by the guests assembled at the First Presbyterian church on Thursday evening. Tho Seldl orchestra will mako a three week's tour, beginning on Nov. 19. Tho Boloists will be Miss Lilian Bluuveltt, so prano, nnd the Misses Rose und Utttlle Sutro, ensemble pianists. Camnaninl writes that he has made up his mind to sottle in London as a teacher und concert singer. He has been engaged for the title part In Berlioz's "Faust" ut the Royal Albert Hall on Dec. 13. Cm Nov. 14 tho new opera house In Alex andria, which bears the name of the Khe dive, will be opened with a performance of "Lohengrin. The house Is magnlncenlly equipped and seats 2,5(10 people. Januschowskl, who sang with the Emma Juch opera compnny, hail a great triumph as Klytemnestra in Gluck's "lphlgenla" ut the Imperial Opera, Vienna, recently. Reichman Bung the "Agamemnon." Four operas have been rendered over l,0e0 times between 1X25 nnd W!W at tho Paris oocra: Dolelilleu s Dame Mluncne, 1.V.M; Ilerold'B "Duel," U7; Adam's "Swiss Chalet," 13u9; Auber a "Black Domino, lltxi. "Jabucco," (the Feast of Apples,) tho latest opera by Johann Strauss, has been secured for this country by Director Helnrieh Conrled. He will give It an early production here, probably in Lng llsh. Tho Wagner-Vereln of Berlin gives four concerts this season. Three will be con ducted bv Klindworth, the fourth by Sloe fried Wagner. Lillie Lehman and Eu gene d Albert aro amongst tno soloists engaged. There are fully as many unproduced operas ns unproduced dramas. Tho B03- tonlans receive on nn average one mtinu script a day. Mr. Whitney receives more than he could tear up, li ne uevoicu an his time to that purpose. Mme. Mario Cresto, since Ambrolse Thomas refused to award her a prize at the Conservatory, has been possessed with a desire to get revenge, nnd, among other things, has placarded Paris with ubuslve posters. She has been arrested. After nn absence of two years Fran Mat emu sang for the first time in the Iniier. iul Oneru. Vienna, the 13th of last month She will sail in December for New York. Her tour Is to comprise thirty-six concerts and will extend to Sun Francisco. Two manuscripts of Sebastian Bach have been found In Grimmitschau; one acomnosltionfor three oboes, two violins. viola, four voel con orguno et Basso, the other an unpublished cantata for two horns, two oboes, two violins, violu, and four vocl con rundamento. While in Paris Madame Clara Poolo met and sang for several eminent com posers, who were enthusiastic over her volco ana interpretative iacumcs, una who forthwith Insisted that she should take up their songs and sing them In her concert work in lxmuon. It Is more than likely that only Ger man sinners will bo engaged for the mag- nltleent presentations of "Der Ring des Mbelungen" at Hayreutn in lSWi. Tlio eomounv of all nations, which appeared in this year's festival, brought down too much Bevere criticism tor rensn. Emrland is to have Its Bnyreuth. Tho Earl of Dysart, president of the first Eng lish Wagner-Verein, Is the prime mover in tho project, ino national nngusn opera house will le erected at Richmond Hill, Surrey, and will be devoted to the production ot wagner s music uramas. Von Bulow was In tho habit of telling his pupils that if all the masterpieces of music were lost, with the exception of Bach's-"Preludes and Figures." It would be possible to reconstruct from them tho whole ot our musical literature, f or mm Bach represented the Old Testament and Beethoven tho New. Montreal Is having a winter season of opera at the Theater Francalse. For the initial performance Audran's "Gillette de Mnrbonne" was given. The company Is a French one. With an excellent orchestra of twenty men under M. Dorel, It enter tains the people or Montreal wun a seiec tlon from the light operas. In Boston the Kneisel Qunrtette will give eight concerts in Union Hall during the winter. Numbers of special Interest thnt will bo given are a Svendsen octette for strings, Sgambuti quartette In D flat, the clarionet quintette and a piano quintette in F minor or urnhms, nnd a manuscript quintette by C, M. Loelller. They have a curious law In Munich, which has been a dead letter for moro than a hundred years, but has never been repealed. It prohibits the playing of any musical instrument between sunset and midnight, unless all the windows In the house are closed, and the householder first gives notice from his threshold. The remnrkable success of Sousa's Band has determined Mr. Blakely. the manager. to supplement tho bund by an orchestra which shall also be under tho direction of Mr. Sousa. The orchestra will have a pur pose and scope similar to that of the Strauss Orchestra In Vienna. The pro grammes wi not d rfer In character from those formerly given, but will combine both classic and popular music. TIIE CHINESE VIEW. Win Sang, an Intelligent Philadelphia laundryman, gives his views on his na tive land: "Just you wait. China wantee Japanese to come up to Pekln. Then Just Ilka Amellcans make rat trap, gueeck! Queeck! Alee Japan ese get catchee .Then head off and then China go and make Japan Just like a cemetery on Ridge avenue. Health flints and Riiles of Hygiene Suggestions That May Save) You Many a Doctor's bill. WISDOM FOR THE HOUSEHOLD Thcso Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not Copyrighted, and If They Don't Do You f Any Good, They'll Not Do You Any Harm, The Philadelphia board of health has seconded the report of the Sanitary committe which strongly recommended the establishment by the city of a De partment of Bacteriology, with a direc tor and assistants, such as is now doing valuable work In New York. In cases of diphtheria the bacteriological test can be relied on to give valuable assist ance In making diagnosis. "Ry Its adoption," continues the report, "it will be possible not only to distinguish true diphtheria from pseudo-diphtheria, and thus enable the proper measures to be promptly employed, but In eliminating the non-infectious forms, which do not require Isolation and quarantining, a very great expense to the city will be saved and anxiety and perplex ity incident to a misconception of the true nature of the case will be rllieved, all matters of the highest importance." Further, the committee recommends that an expert bacteriologist be appointed at a salary of $2,500, and an assistant at $1,200, they to devote all their time to the work; that theBulldlng commission be requested to fit up rooms for their accommodation, and that an appropriation of $5000 be solicited from city councils for the pur chase of apparatus and supplies, and for other expenses incident to the work and an additional appropriation of $3700 for the salaries of the bacteriologist and his assistant. The next step to ward the Introduction of blood-serum treatment of diphtheria must, there fore, be made by councils. Thus even the diphtheria Issue seems destined to figure in politics, i A Berlin dispatch says: A committee headed by Prince Scheonaich-Carolath has been formed to received voluntary contributions to a fund to furnish Prof. Behring's anti-diphtheria scrum to poor diphtheria patients. The municipal au thorities of Berlin have allocated 6,000 murks to be devoted to supplying the serum to the four principal hospitals of the city until the end of the year, when the manufacture of serum, it is expected, is to be taken out of private hands. The serum Is now being pre pared on a large scale at the profesor's laboratory in tills city. Veterinary Sur geon Casper, until recently a professor in the veterinary college at Chaiiotten burg, superintends the complicated and dillicult mode of inoculating with the fluid the score of horses need for the purpose, and afterward obtaining the in fected and minimized blood from the animals, which Is subsequently trans formed in the laboratory Into the healing serum itself. The cure is now being in troduced Into the municipal hospitals of this city, Hamburg, Dresden, Bres lau, Konlgsberg and ther cities. There Is no better preventive of ner vious exhaustion that regular, unhur ried muscular exercise. If women would modernte their hurry, lessen their worry and Increase their open-nir exercise, a' large proportion of nervous diseases would be abolished. For those who cannot take a good holiday the best substitute is nn occasional day in bed. Many whose nerves are constant ly strained in their daily vocations have discovered this for themselves. There Is a physician in this city who orders his patients to go to bed for two or three days whenever they can be spared from their business, and he laughs at thoso who spend their holidays toil ing up mountains. It is snid that one of the hardest working women of Eng land, who has for years conducted a large wholesale business, retains ex cellent nerves at an advanced age, owing solely to her habit of taking one day a week In bed. If women cannot avoid frequent ngltatlon they ought, if possible, to give the nervous system time to recover between shocks. Even an hour's seclusion after a good lunch will deprive a hurried, anxious day of much of its Injury. The nerves can often be overcome by stragedy. when they refuse to be controlled by strength of will. If you are tired, says a Washington Star writer, tnke a cup of tea and a cracker about ten minutesbeforeeatlng a heartier meal, and it will be much less apt to disagree with you. Make the tea as the Chinese do. Put a tea Bpoonful of tea in a hot tea cup nnd pour boiling water over it. Set the saucer on top the cup for a moment, then put In the sugar, nnd drink by sipping slowly. Tea exhilarates, while coffee soothes to inaction. Tea, Im properly made. Is rank poison, and that is why so many people suffer from too much tea drinking. It should never be boiled, and is best made in an earthen pot. Carmenclta Is learning to speak Eng lish. She knows several things nbout keeping in condition. "If you like to have slim body, no bad, ugly, fat all round, dunce. If yoik like very little the sore face, dance. If you like it nil comfort in yourself, the liver not still, the Btomnch not up to the belt buckle, dance. If you like very much tho fire, the quick, the youth, the freshness, the good appetite, dance." The brilliant danseuse Is a living illustration of her theory. She keeps the lines of a race horse, the freshness of her girlhood and a comfortable income by seven hours' practice a week. Here Is a recipe for a good tooth powder which can be prepared nt little expense. Take equal parts of castlle soap, orris root and precipitated chalk. Plain cnstlie soap, used every two days, will keep sound teeth In good condition. Chalk Is the principal element in all tooth powders; the precipitated Is a trifle whiter, though no better than the prepared chalk .Flavored with orris or wintergreen, chalk is one of the few perfectly harmless dentifrices on the murket. HEALTH FOR THE MILLION: Health Is an energetic man's capital. Bay rum cleanses the scalp and hair; It should not be used more than twice a week. Drinking a glnss of hot milk upon retir ing at night will probably Induce a rest ful, dreamless sleep. Be exceedingly careful when using tow els In public places. They are usuully great microbe nests. Don'U,burn gas In a room thnt has no fresh- air Inlet. It will muke you drowsy and stupid, if you do. A man who has a perfectly healthy skin Is nlmost certain to be healthy In other re spects. In no way cun the health of the skin be preserved but by frequent bath ing. Exposing the body to tho air and light nnd briskly rubbing the skin with the hand or twine mitten Is tho best substi tute for a water bath and Is almost as good for cleansing the skin. It is plain that nothing can be ensler than to keep bottles In a vohbcI of boiling water twenty or thirty minutes. This method can be used by any one. All that Is necessary Is to try It, with the cer tainty that one will have pure water to drink. M. L. Blair, Aldorman, 6th Ward, Scrnn ton, Pa stated Nov. 9, 'K3: Ho had used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil for sprains, burns, cuts, bruises and rheumutism. Cured every time. the great SKIN CURE Instantly Relieves TORTURING Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of itching, burning, bleeding, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humors, and will in a majority of cases permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy, perma nent, and economical cure when physicians, hospitals, and all other methods fail. CUT1CURA Works wonders," and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, humiliating humors are the most wonderful ever recorded. Bold throinthout tho world. rricc.CtrncriiA, tOc; Boap.'JOi!.; Uesolvent.SI. 1'ottebDki'o and CnKM.Conp., Kola I'ropa., Boston. "All about tho tikia awl Blood," 0-1 page mailed frco. Facial Blemishes, pimply, oily, mothy kin, falling hair, and simple- baby rashes pre vented and cured by Cuticura Soap. MUSCULAR STRAINS, PAINS and weakness, back ache, weak kid neys, rheumatism, and chest pains relieved in one minute, by tho Cu ticura. Anti-Pain. Flatter. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Let Radway's Ready Relief be used on the first Indication of Pain or Un easiness; If threatened with Disease or Sickness, the Cure will be made be fore the family doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CUHKS THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. Not ono hour af ter reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS For headache fwhnthnr Rick nr nrvoun. toothache, neurultfla, rheumatism, lum- ouko, pains ana weakness In tho baoK, Bpine or kidneys, pains around tho liver. pleurisy, swelling of tho Joints and pulnn of all kinds, the application of Radway's neaay nener win allora immetliato easo, and Its continued use for a fow days effout a permanent cure. A CURE FOR ALL Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhoa, Cholera Morbus, A half to a teaspoonful of Ready Relief In a half tumbler of water, rcpaatod as often aa the discharges continue, and a flannel saturated with Ready Rolief placed over the stomach and bowels will af ford Immediate rolief and soon effect a cure. Intornally A half to a toaspoonful In half a tumbler of water will, in a fow min utes euro Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stomrx'h. Nausea, Vomiting, Heartburn, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Flat ulency and all Internal pains. Malaria in Its Various Forms Cured and Prevented. Thero Is not a remedial aroncy in tho world that will euro fever and uiruo and all other malarious, bilious and all other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S PILLS, so quickly as READY RELIEF. Travelers should always carry a botrla of Radway's Ready Relief with thorn. A few drops In wator will prevent sickness or pslns from change of water. It la hotter ilmn French brandy or bitters as a stimu lant. Miners and lumbermen should always be provided with It, Price 60 cents pur bottle. Bold by all drug-gists. Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable. Perfectly tastoless, eloeantly coatod, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. RADWAY'S PILLS for iho cure of all disorders of tho Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, B ladder, Norvous Dls eases, Dizziness, YortlfO, Costlvonoss, riles, SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, ia,,rro-r,M BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE UVER. Observe tho following symptoms result ing from diseases of the digestive org&nj: Constipation, Inward piles, fullness of blood in the head, acidity of the stoinacti, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full ness of weight of the stomach, sour eruc tations, sinking or fluttering of the heart, choking or suffocating sonsatlona when In a lying posture, dimness of vlilon, dots or webs before the light, fovor and dull pain In the hoaa, deQoienoy of perspira tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain In the !(!, chest, llmbe, and stlddon flunhos of beat, burning In tho flc?ih, A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the syatom of all the sbovo-nanwd disorders. Prloe 26o. per box. Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. Send to DR, RADWAY & CO.. Lock Box S6S, New York, for Book of Advtcu. Hare yon Bore Throat, 11 mplea, Copper-Colored Spota, Aches, Old Bim-s. Ulcers In Mouth. Hair Falling? Write Conk Remedy Co., UOT M onlcTemiilM'hlc!io,III.,for proofs of curva. Capital WAOO.OOO. I'allentscured ntnr leum ngo today sonnd arid well, loo-niigp lonU IVee A Handsome Complexion Is one of the groutost charms a woman can posxeRB. Pouoni's CouruiiioN Powukb gives it. PFflfJYRnYfl r'- rrr ftty fjt tm Tm- MOOT'S " PILLS, mmsm j HI! II V I I Ina S moawai m iu suuniu u Ask for BB. KOTT'S PEWSYBC YATj KZAS and take no o UT" Send for oiroular. Vrleo Hfl.OO per lox, boxes for I if Dena lor uuuuiur. rn u 7,uw ir TV.VV it- Twrvvrva rTTimvTifn AL - Caevolund. Ohio. For Sale by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 Penn Avenue. EVERY WOMAN GometuswDMdis reliable, monthly, rwruiaUn medicine. Only harmUM UtA the purest drugs should be usod. It you waul the best, gut Dr. Peal's Fcnnroal Pills Ther are prompt, safe end certain In rssnlt. The Rennlno (Dr. Teal's) wrtt alsap. Buint, BoBtsiijwhoro, 11.00, Addroaa l'4IMD10iaa Co UoToland, O. For Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, now 80 A child's Bicycle, Hnbiier Tlra, now 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 19 A Boy's Blcyclo, Rubber Tire, new 18 i Boys' or Oirla' Bicycle Cushion Tim, new 80 down to 8 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, now., 8U ft Victor B BicyoloH, Paeumatio Tire, sec ond hand 70 1 Victor B Uicycle, Pneumatic Tiro, new 80 1 eccuro B cvolo, Pneumatic Tire, see-ond-band CO 1 Lovel Diumond B oyclo, Eolld Tire, second-hand 10 1 LadiBs' Bicycln, Solid Tire, second hand 88 1 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tiro, second hand 15 1 Vietor C Bicycle, 1)4 in. cushion Tiro, second-hand 33 1 Victor B Bicycle, l!4in. Cushion Tire, aocoudhaiid 40 1 Columbian '93 Bicycle.PneumaticTiro, 05 1 Cbainlosg Bicyclo, Pneumatic Tire, nearly now 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a dis count or one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLTflMS 5 BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVE. inis k LAG BR BEER BREWERY. Manufacturors of the Celebrated LAGER BEER CAPACITY: ioo,ooo Barrels per Annum Instruments In every senso of the terra as applied to I'iiinos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. NKW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. SO Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1115 Adams Ave., '.New Telephone Bdg AYLESWORTH'S nun i mmmin The Finest in the City. The latest improved furnish inijs and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and tgs. 223 Wyoming Ave. rin-tfrraifktd (.-urn Lift. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. mm '7, Made a T i9tuay.;jwe;i ivian lOtbDay.'f Of Me. THE GREAT anth l)ny. produces t ho abovo rcMtll s in' ,10 riny. It art poWfM-tully and quickly. 1,'urcti when all others fall. Young rum will ri-uam tbeir lost manhood. anil old ;.irti will recover tlioir youthful vurcr by usiiu; ItKVIVO. It quickly and surely riw to res Nervous noss. Loft Vitality, Imputi-nry, Nightly Emissions, Lout I'ovrer, Kailiuii Mi-mory, Wastlntf Diseases, and ill cftVctH ot self-.-ituso or (txccKs and indiscretion, which unlits one lnr study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the sent of disease, but Isaercnt nervetouio and tiloml builder, bring ing back the plnlc (.'low to palo i-becks and ro storing tho tire of youth. It ivardi off Insanity nd Consumption. Insist on hsvnic ItKVIVO, no it her. It rau be carried in vest pocket. By rucil 1.00 per package, or tlx tor eS.OU, with n post :tvo written eimmnteo to cure or refund he money. Circular froo. Address '0YAL MEDICINE CO., T3 Rivor St., CHICAGO, III. For sale by Matthews llroi., DrnrB' Scranton , 1'a. Thin Fnmniis Homed V cures qnlpkly nnd per- ninnemly nil nervous iIImmimis, such as J ens Memory, T,o-"i of Hniln Power, llonilnehe, W use ful neis, Lost Vllnllty. nlitlitly emissions, evil dreinns.lmiMtencynnil wnstlnK illseuses caused by youthful error or excesses. Contains ne nptutes Is It nerve tonleiind Moot! builder. Strikes tho nnln ami plinr slrmm nml .lump. Kufllf carried In veslinvket. I per hexi lor W5. Hy nmll prepaid with a written guarantee to euro or money refnnrteil. VYrllo lis for frae medical book, sent senlerlln plain wrapper, which con. tiilns tnstlnionhila and Unnncra! references. No rhnrce for eniisilltnttoiis, llrwure nt itnitti ti'm ntil hv our sdvertlsed scents, or nddrcss KFUVKNF.KII CO., Masonic Ttimplo, Chicago. Ptll.l) IN SCK ANTON, PA., II. C. SANDERSON W ASlllNUTOJj.CUK. Si'UUCE, DUUUOISTS. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue end
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers