fans SCBAKTON TltnUJNE-AfURDAY MORNING: OCTOBER 2 T 1894V IN THE WORLD DF SOCIETY Autumn Doings Amonij Troinintnt Leaders of the Season's Gaycty. 1AUTIES,EI)1)1X(;S AND TEAS Ihe Uiimut of the Week's l.vcnts SoiinaeJ lu Short Purugruphs-Giiests und Kit-ttnuiitci-s-PerbOiiul .Mention Ke dueeJ to u l omptiel Compiles. By reason (if tli inniiy weddings of thi past vtvek hul lit tit- opportunity Iiuh Ixvu nlf'eivd fur oilier ph-uHuiitrios of tin- miulul win-Ill.- Horo mid Uuto lnis liei'ii kIvcii a vi-iy small dlmifii-or fvt'ii iiur ciunpaiiy, but lni'j and formal nf luirs have been conspicuous only by their ubsi nee. From pivw-nt Indica tions soclfty will not enliven itself Kon cially until the eve of the holidays. I! II II It in a curious fact that no one siRn fo clearly Rives, evidence of the pre vailing llower thali the boutoniere of the very proper young num. and, for that matter, the frayed lapel of the or dinarily dressed individual is very much in evidence just now. That this is the season of Die tufted chrysanthe mum goes without saying. The feath ery flower In all Its ninny colored and many sized glory is omnipresent and is seen equally often on the precise frock of the matter-of-fact business man, Clasped to the waist of the high heeled miss or borne In all its cabbage-head proportions on the flat chest of the Charley of cigarette and kid glove in clinations. Kveryone is loyal to the llower and everyone wears it. If it wore believed that the chrysan themum craze Is the product of a scheme advanced a few years ago by -New York florists for the sole object of getting dollars nnd cents, the passion for the flower might be somewhat les sened. These New York florists, know ing the hardiness of the blossom and the simple process which makes it bloom lu any desired color brought it to the public's notice in an Ingenious manner. They secured for n considera tion the patronage and assistance of some of the Impecunious New York swelldom and advertised a "chrysan themum show" to be given in the old Jludlson Sipiare garden. The profits of the first show and that of the year following were divided between the practical florists and needy society. Each year following, the shows in creased in splendor, variety and at tendance until now it costs n pretty penny to gaze nt society gazing at chrysanthemums. The llower eventually became a fad anil was even suggested as the nation al llower when the rose, lilly-of the-vab ley and daisy were set aside that the graceful and natural golden rod of ple blan birth should occupy the pinnacle or national lloral worship. The failure of the llorists in this last enterprise cast no damper on the people's autumn fad. In horrid yellow, washed-out pink or in purple hue that gives nit art. 1st the nightmare it nods Its feathet duster head from every conceivable style of dress ami has come to stay. But with all its misuse and abuse It Is a handsome, gracerm llower when u person of good taste kuows how to wear it and lu what shade of color. I; il T. Cramer von Storch and his bride, nee Miss Jessie JVnnypaeker. who were married Oct. 4. In St. Luke's and re turned from their wedding trip last week Friday, were given a reef lion last evening by Jlr. von Ktorch'n mo ther, Mrs. Theodore von Storch, nt the family homestead, Itinn North Alain ave nue. The day also witnessed the anni versary of Air. von Storch's birth and the wedding anniversary of Ids sister Airs. Frank AI. (Helen Josephine) Valid ling. The guests Included many well known Scrariton people nnd friends from abroad. From 9 o'clock until after midnight the old mansion was ablaze with Jovial light and tilled with good cheer and hospitality. Florist, musi cian and caterer had made every possi ble arrangement for the comfort and entertainment of the guests. Airs, von Storch was assisted in re ceiving by Air. and Airs. T. Cramer vmi Storch and Air. and Airs. F. AI. Vand llng, and the following young ladles as sisted in entertaining: Alisses Aladge and Alice von Storch, May Kingsbury, kuth Jackson, (lesella Smith, of New Atilford; Alay Pen- packer and Jessie lloiee. ' The house was decorated by Clark Willi palms, ferns and wnilnx aiid roses and chrysanthemums. From the din ing room chandelier four wreaths of sinllax were strung to the corners of the table, where they were entwined in lurge clusters of roses. A run, ling sup per was served by Huntington. Music was furnished by Hat. r. The guests from al. find were: Air. and Mrs. Jerome Ueyo .mil son, Afrs. J. U Cramer and William liooth, of Foughkeepsle; Mrs. Lysander O. Par ker und Aliss Parker, of Itoston; Airs, (lllbert Craig, of Albany: Aliss Florence Hurr, of Kingston. N. Y.; Air. and Airs. Charles Aliner and Sidney Miner,, of Wilkes-lluriv. II I! II Several pronounced departures from the various details of correct society weddings appeared in Thursday's swell nuptials lu Newport when Aliss Killth Norman, of Huston, licence Airs. YVIU lam It. Hunter. The bride wore a cream colored satin gown, with puff sleeves, and on the dress, as well us on the long tnl!- veil, were bunches of orange blossoms. She carried an Ivory covered prayer book. There were no bridesmaids, but the'slster of the bride, Aliss Alabel Nor man, gowned In white silk, trimmed with lace, was her maid of honor. She wore a hat trlmed with ostrich feathers nnd carried a bouquet of lillleH of the valley. Air. nnd Airs. Hunter mapped out tin original wedding trip. They left late in the afternon for Providence, where they were to find the bride's fav orite pair of ponies attached to a buggy. In this the newly married couple will drive through Uhode Island to Connec ticut, thence to Stockbrldge, Mass., nnd expect to go west ns far as New York. II II II With five weddings of well known Vest Side people in one night there does not appearany dearth of marriage able Scranton maidens nor an indispo sition on the part of young men to marry them. "In the spring the young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" might be followed by "and In Gilnwres Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator aud corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scrautou. the autumn he takes her for better or worse." Its a very, very small even ing those times when the man In the moon don't smile down on several scenes each including bridal robes, flowers, the minister and that sort of thing. A studious minded literary so ciety recently debated "Why doesn't vegetation begin in the fall when the temperature is the same as in the spring." The debaters might have found good facts for argument If they had observed the amount of autumn nup tial vegetation so greatly lu excess of that of the spring, und even rivalling the month of roses and weddings. n . . , 11 il I' Benjamin Hughes, of Washburn street, celebrated his seventh-lli birth day on Thursday, and the event at tracted considerable attention among the Welsh element of Hyde I 'ark. Air. Hughes has long been a prominent figure in the Cymric circle und, asso ciated with Judge Kilwards ami 1). AI. Jones, has originated many movements of central Interest on the West Side. "Hen Hughes" is one of the most en tertaining conversationalists of the city nnd his relation to the numerous Inci dents in his career in the new und old worlds are always fresh and interest ing. Air. Hughes has also manv recol lections stored up of the early Welsh divines, whose eloquence so 11 red the people of the hills and dales of Cam bria in the forties , and, If placed on record, would be read with avidity. His career has been an eventful one, and such ns supplies a pleasant and sweet retrospect, and, although in his seven tieth year, Air. Hughes can yet sten with agility that would shame manv a man of 4ii. Hundreds of friends have wished him many hnppv returns of the day. 'I I! I' Mr. and Airs. Iteese O. Brooks gave a very enjoyable nnd informal party last evening at their home on Qulncy avenue for Air. nnd Mrs. Henry Evans, of Salt Lake City, and Airs. John Evans, of Westerly, 11. I. Twentv-seven years ago Air. Evans was a resident of this city, but for the last twenty years has been engaged in the mercantile busi ness In the west. Those who comprised last evening's gathering were personal friends of Air. Evans when he lived in Scranton. There were present: Air. and Mrs. H. D. Jones, Air. and Afrs. 1). AI. Jones. Mr. and Airs. A. B. Evnon, Air. and Airs. 1). V. Powell. Air.' and Airs. Morgan Daniels, Air. and Airs. 10. J. Davis, Airs. William Aubrey Powell, -Mrs. Bartholomew, nnd the Alisses Bar tholomew. Airs. Luther Jones, nnd the Alisses Jones, and others. M II II A delightful entertainment was given In Alears' hall last evening for the ben efit of the Washburn Street Presbyte rian church by the well known nnd talented young women comprising the Sunday school class of Airs. E. 1). Fel lows. The entertainment was varied by orchestral music furnished bv Bauer's musicians. The following are among those who participated in the programme of tableaux, vocal and In strumental solos and recitations: Misses Alaud Vlpond. Helen Aloft, Bertha Powell, Lou Deppen, Alai v Ed wards, Alabel Yost, Alabel Swittzer, Bertha Jenkins, Gertrude Becker, Grace Walker and Ethel Porter. i: H H Miss Katie Gehrlng nnd Edward Heckninn were married Thursday by Rev. Air. Zitzleman at the home of the bride's parents in Green Hidge. Aliss Mamie Handerscheldt , of Hazletoii, was the maid or honor, and the groom was attended by his brother. Otto Heckman. tin their return from a wedding trip Air. and Airs. Heckman will reside at i;Ki Sanderson avenue. . , H !l II A pleasant private wedding was Tier formed hist night by Hev. W. G. Wal klus, of the North Alain Avenue Bap tist cliurcli, at his home In Electric City park. The pnr.tles united , were Aaron How-ells and Aliss Alary A. Our vey, both of Peckville. The newlv mar ried couple will probably reside on Court street, this city. II ,1 II Air. and Airs. Add Moore, who were recently married,- were tendered a re ception Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moore, T.V1 Adams avenue. Miss Carrie Von Wornier and Aliss Alargaret Newman assisted In receiv ing. II II II Luclen F. I Morns, of this citv, nnd Miss Ella Bushnell, of Wlndsor.'X. Y., were married at the bride's home Thursday. II 'I H PEP.SOXAT, MENTION: Airs. Fred 10. Stevens is visiling her pa rents at Foster. Miss Alary lleek.of Moscow, Is visiting friends in Green Hidge. Mr. and .Mrs. Perelval Aloiris havo re turned from their wedding trip. Mr. and Airs. J. Elliott (toss havo re turned from a trip to Pittsburg. Mrs. Sidney Hayes, of Olive street, .vis ited .Montrose friends this week. Miss Lillian Chainbeilln, of Brooklyn, Is visiting friends at Green Hidge. Airs. Lysiuiiler Parker und Aliss Parker, of Huston, ure visiting Scrunton friends. . .Mrs. E. C. Pliniiili k, of Sanderson ave nue, is visiting friends In Wilmington, i el. Aliss Annie Stratton, of Adams nvciiue. has returned from a visit to New York city. Aliss Sarah lloadley, of Tinikhiinnoek, s visiting Airs. Wuiiihuld. of Green ltldge street. Air. nnd Mrs. G. W. Frost returned home alter a visit with friends In Wayne county. Hay Kessler. of Urnndt I'n.. vls't'"' friends in the city dining Thursday and Friday. Aliss Emma Brown, of Hnnesdale, is visiting Airs. George Owens, of .Sanderson avenue. Airs. Gilbert Craig, of Albnnv, and Aliss Florence Burr, of Kingston, ' X. Y are in the city. Air. and Airs. W. T.. Carr, of Capnuse avenue, will spend Sunday with friends in Wayniart. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aliner and Sid ney .Miner, of Wilkes-Hiirre, were in the city yesterday. Airs. Alary' L. Blakeslee niid son, El bert, of .Montrose, visited friends lu the city this week. Dan Sehaunnnn, formerly n well known resident of Alontrose, culled upon friends in the city yesterday. Aliss Alary A. Mines, of Plttston, hns returned home after n short visit with W. H. Swartz, of Cherry street. Airs, und Airs. Jerome Deyo nnd son, Airs. J. D. Cramer and William Booth, of Poughkeepsle, are in the city. Silas Kind, the accomplished sketch ar tist, has been added to the staff of the Keranton Engraving company. Aliss Jennie Palmer, Aliss bin Doly nnd Aliss Clara Knrager, of Green Itldge, nre visiting friends in Binghiiniton. Hev. Frank I.. llkirs l'i.. e' I'M cngo, IS the guest of his old college friend, Hev. Warren l. penriitic, " Aliss Ceclla Rwift. of Archbnld. occu pies a position In the School of Mechan ics and Industrial Sciences in this city. Chnrles L: Hawley, the Prohibition can didate for governor, returned yesterday to his home In this city from a central stnte tour. Hev. F. L. Wllkins, D.D., of Chicago, who spoke last night nt the Penn Ave nue Baptist church, Is a guest of Hev. Wurren G. Partridge. Superintendent J. T,. Crawford, of the Simpson it Wutkins Coul company. Is probably one r.f the most enlhiisiaslie connoisseurs of horseflesh In the city. Mr Crawford is the owner of ten blooded ani mals, nearly every one with a record. Five of the steeds nre kept In this city end the oihers are stabled near the mines at Simpson, above Carbondnl". AI the opening of the new houlevnrd this week Air. Crawford's slock was promi nent upon the driveway In the front rank. One might, It would seem, gain a very good Idea any time of Hie flight of a cyclone when seated In n llifhl huggv be hind a pair of Air. Crawford's trotters. Ladies' sliver watches at Duvldow Bros. The $4.0,1100 School Mouse, for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There ure still u few more lots left nt a low price. Arthur Frotliliighnin, Oltlce, Theater Lobby. Wedding presents nt Duvldow l!ros. RALLY OF CHURCH WORKERS They Set and Listened to Reports in l'cnn Avenue Church. STRENGTH 01' THE SOCIETIES A re Churches .Mentioned Thut Have None Whatever-.Members of the Soel Mies I'rgcd to Go forth and do Missionary Work. A rally of young people from the Bap tist churches or Lackawanna and a portion of Wayjie county was held tit the Penn Avenue Baptist church yes terday. The afternoon session was opened by a praise and prayer service, nftcr which the president, Hev. D. C. Hughes, conveyed the greetings of the convention of Baptist churches recent ly held at Altoona. The "Allnute Heports" were then re ceived, liev. James Fielding reporting that at Dalton the Christian Endeavor society had forty members. W. F. Nye, on behalf of the Duryea church, stated that they had fifty members on the Christian Endeavor society roll, with ten associates. P.enton church reported that their society hud col lapsed owing to lack of attendance. Blakely church had a society of eighty members and a boy's brigade was also in full working order. Clark's Green church reported that they were suffer ing from a lack of young people to curry on the work. Clifford church had a society of fifty members, and the Taylor church possessed a young peo ple's union of twenty-five members. Factnryvllle church had a Christian Endeavor society of twenty-five mem bers. Formerly H society of 175 mem bers existed, but owing to the absence or a proper constitution the society be came extinct. Jackson Street Baptist Church Endeavor soc iety was organ ized in Alarch, ISM, with a membership of forty, which had now increased to eighty-five, penn Avenue church re ported a nourishing society of loo mem bers, and Aliss Hamilton stated that the Endeavor society of the Providence church was doing active worjt. Key. T. J. Collins stated that in the Scran ton Street church they had a society of sixty-two members. No Society at Tliroop. Throop church had no society what ever. Hev. W. J. Ford Informed the meeting that the Green Hidge church had a membership of ninety and that excellent work was being accomplished in the musical portion of the church services. Dumnore church reported a society of thirty-five members. No re ports were received from the following churches: Abington, Dunnlngs, Elk dale Forest City, Greenfields, Jerinvn, Hollistervllle, West Lenox. Bethlehem, Newton. Peckville and Scott Vallev Alis Sarah C. Krlgbaum read a papr on "Junior Work." in which several practical recommendations were placed before the meeting. Hev. A. B. O'Neal of Dun more, gave his "Echoes of the Toronto Convention." The convention was held .lolv in t " .-.i i f i i - -.- .v. tW,n minuet - I 1 11 1 In its enthusiasm, conversation and iniuioers. Toronto was the best gov erned city in this or any other land it was a city where the Sabbath was observed, nnd where no open saloons or street car desecrated the peace and quietness of the Lord's day. The first echo he would bring was "the echo of the great multitude of people, the 7,000 delegates who attended on behalf of the Baptist Young People's Union of America. The second echo was the echo of en thusiasm. Those who hud attended great gatherings remembered how hearts were stirred and enthused in such conventions. The most inspiring scene was the "salutation of flags." which was a wonderful idea conceived by the general secretary in which all the states, embraced by the union, gathered around the Hag of their own stale and a speaker representing each slate made n short, crisp speech, llclio of I diication. The third echo was the echo or edu cation, and especially the education of young people for service; the pastors present could well appreciate the great need for the young people who could serve Intelligently i u. ,..,,. nr lh(. blessed Christ. He was a great believer In educational work, as It created self respect and helped to make missionary Baptists of their young people. The forth echo was the echo of loyally, and tlie echo furthermore of denomina tional loyalty; there were other echoes of evangelization which pervaded the entire convention, of missionary spirit and last, the echo of consecration' which he trusted would sink deep into their hearts, If no other echo he had mentioned would find its wuv tlieiv. i Hev. W. J. Ford delivered the Ih-Mt of the fi-minute addresses and said there was more need of consecration than of organization, and he sincerely wished that In tills, the young people would re turn to their homes more full of the consecration to Christ, their master, than of the details of the finest organi zation that human skill could conceive. Here was the great secret of the future history of their society. Lot this be their echo: "Loyalty and Consecra tion." Hev. F. E. Jepson, of Carbondale, followed and said that all organizations had their three degrees of existence their birth, youth and maturity and their societies, he believed, had passed Into the second stage, and soon, lie ex pected, they would pass into maturity, when they would bear fruit In the dis tinct principles of their beloved de nomination, hut the fruit of their work depended upon the direction given by the church' s to the movement, nnd he hoped to in able to share in the golden fruit fulness or the work, and offered two suggestions for Its advancement denominational fidelity and closer Bap tist fellowship. Wants Practical Results. Itov. AL J. Wutkins. of Factory vllle, spoke upon the necessity of directing the enthusiasm of the societies In the proper channels whereby the work would bring about practical results. Speaking of those who apologized for the church, he said, that there ought to lie no need which the church could not attend to. Hev. Warren G. Patridge spoke upon the necessity of the anointing of the Holy Spirit In carrying on the work of the society. The members ought not to think of their own Individual socie ties, butof nil, und especially the weaker churches which that day had not re reported any societies. God baptise them with the true missionary spirit to carry out the work. One-minute prayers were conducted by Luther Keller, Dr. Bcddoe, Hev. W. J. Wutkins. The meeng then pro ceeded to the work of organization und other routine business. The following were the delegates present: Hev. T. J. Collins, Hot War ren G. Partridge, Hev. 1). 0. Hughes, Hev. T. E. Jepson, Carbondale; Itov. W. J. Ford, Hev. Al. J. Wutkins, Factory vllle; Hev. W. J. Watklns. Providence, J. M. Smith, Luther Keller, Miss Ida Watrous, Hev. A. B. O'Neal, Duiimore, L. C. Brink, Mrs. Ger. Weed, Airs. H. B. CrnsBdnle, Airs. Coslette. Miss Hosa Phillips, Clark Lowry, Airs. Thomas Hidgway, Aliss Carrie Bishop, Airs. L. Bought, Miss Dora Smith, Aliss Leah Pardu. Aliss Huth Ball, W. V. Nye. Aliss Ida Bittenbender, Aliss Carrie L. Geary, Mrs. J. H. Gruff, C. (. Carman, Aliss Jennie Williams, Miss Zophe Cul lender, Airs. A. Al. Dershlmer, Miss Jennie Dnvles, Miss Jvssle 10. Senmans, Mrs. H. T. Mallery, Aliss Alabel Mai lory, Mrs. 11. L. Hatch, Mrs. Loveland, Airs. W. Chappell, Miss Nellie Hamil ton, Aliss M. A. Martin, Miss Alda At khiBon, F. AI. Koehler, Mrs: AI. 0. Juck- son, Mrs. J. A. Harvey, Mrs. O. V, Weeks. Airs.- K. M. Wells, Aliss Alpha U Wells, Mrs. M. A. Wells, Airs. S. N. Finn, Airs. 10. M. Henwood, Aliss Ixna Al. Clark, Miss Gertrude A. Peet. Aliss Pearl Wells, Airs. H. S. Smith, Airs. E. S. Williams, Mrs. Alfred Huberts, Aliss Cassle Huberts, Aliss Cella Lewis, Aliss J. Hoderlck, Aliss Ida Lewis, Mrs. Alin nie Protheroe. John H. House, Airs. W. J. Hoskins, Airs. Lucy Evans, Air. nnd Airs. S. I). Hobinson. Mrs. B. W. Kerr Aliss Alattle Slorr, Miss Mame Clark! Miss Annie Peters, Aliss Ida Strang' Aliss Huth Allller, A. 10. Douglass ,) H Lewis, J. H. Ellis, H. It. Biitlan.l. S. It' Y uge. Hev. J. H. Fielding, Dalton; Miss Blunoh Griflin, Dalton. A New I uion Formed. A new union wus organized to com prise the churches within the Abington association for the purpose of consoli dating the individual societies, nnd the evening session, which was very largely u tended, wus held under the auspice's of this newly formed union. Hev. 1). C. Hughes presided und made a few pre fatory remarks. Hev. Frank S. Dob bins, of Philadelphia, delivered an elo quent address to young people and gave an excellent illustration of the imper fection of human nature, by explaining thut the organ they had just heard was Imperfect, the naker had sharp ened some note and flattened others, in order to make a general compromise. Hie minister may be a little "sharp" and the deacons a little "flat," but all should combine together to make a har monious whole. Speaking of the socie ties that were represented before him, lV made, several .suggestions .as to their work, and replied to objections which had been raised to the work of junior societies. Hev. Frank L. Wllkins, general secre tary of the Y'oung Peopl.-'s union or the I'nited States and Canada, said; "I bring you tlie greetings or the young Baptists of Ohio, AVest Virginia and nlso of the Empire state, and from tlie latter I bring a message from a glori ous consecration meeting held at Rochester. N. , last night, nnd when I say that the meeting extended beyond !.:!0, the time when the average Bap tist Is hunting for his hat and looking nt the clock, you will know that is a meeting which absorbed their attention, baptists of the Century, "There are In America over 3,1100,001) Baptists and this shows the magnitude not only of our churches, but of the work that can be accomplished by these societies. Our work is continental and educational, and from tlie banners you will observe that it is divided Into two departments, the junior section, in cluding those up to IK years of age, and the senior section, from that age to as long ns they can do anything. Wo ; have three points to observe, the devo i tional life, the 'go' life, 'go and work," and the building life. When we start to convert some one we must have a knowledge of doctrine. The bnnnoM show that the Bible must be read every day. I don't know whether you have many Catholics in Scranton. but I can show you tilings which should shame a Protestant. A Catholic with his book tinder his arm going to church und the Protestant with the Sunday paper in his pocket. Which is the paper of this city. Brother Partridge V" Hev. W. G. Partridge Do you mean the Baptist paper. Air. Wllkins No; I mean the secular paper, the best daily. Air. Partridge Oh, It would not be safe to say, but they claim that there are four. Air. Wllkins then gave an exhaustive address as to the details of the Baptist Junior society und its work and his reasons for being a Baptist. Clock ornaments at Davidow Bros. LKTTl-RS l'KOM Till' 1'1-Ol'LF. fl'mler this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for piiblioHtlon, by the writer's nuine. The Tribune will not lie held re sponsible lor opinions here expressed.) Imposition on the Public. Editor of The Tribune. Sir I rude flown to the oily yesterday on a Laurel Hill street car und took a transfer to Green Itldge, hut the con ductor would not let me ride on it, and so 1 had to puy another fare. He said there were two lines to Green Hidge, the People's ami the Suburban. 1 have been Informed thai both lines belong to the same company. If so, what is II but imposition, agreeing to give transfers uud then not letting a man use them'.' John Davy. Scranton, Oct. X - Ladies' foil chains nt Davidow Bros. .Music boxes Inclusively Best timde. Play any desired number of tunes. GuuUelii & Sons, manufacturers ln:i(i Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only f."i and (l. Specialty: old music boxes curvfuly ih pulled and improved With new tunes. Gold rings, $1, nt Davidow Bros. iUflYOH'S Great Fight He Wins in Spite or Prejudice, Bigotry iinii Organized Opposition. There Is no longer a question of Pro fessor Alunyon's complete victory over the old method of treating disease. Tu spite of the prejudice and bigotry which refused his system a fair trial, and the orgunized opposition of practitioners of other schools, it has secured the en dorsement of the people. Thousands have been cured after having been pro nounced Incurable by other doctors, nnd reports from the boards of health of va rious cities show that the death rate has been decreased by the use or Alun yon's Remedies. Alunyon's Rheumatism Cure never falls to relieve In 1 to 3 hours, and cures in a few days. Price, 2.".c. Alunyon's Dyspepsia Cure Is guaran teed to cure all forms of Indigestion und stomach troubles. Price, 25c. Alunyon's Catarrh Cure soothes and heals the allllcled purls and restores them to health. No failure; a cure guaranteed. Price, 2.1c. Alunyon's Liver Cure corrects head ache, bllllotisness. Jaundice, constlpn tlon nnd nil liver diseases. Price 2ric. Alunyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains In the back, loins or groins, all forms of kidney diseases. Price, 2.1c. Alunyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impurities of the blood. V 'Ice, 2"i. Alunyon's Catlmrlc Insures a' free and natural movement of the bowels with out the least pain or discomfort. Alunyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. s Alunpon's Asthma Herbs nre guaran teed to relieve asthma. In two minutes. Alunyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up cold in a few hours. Price, 2,"ic. AIunyon'B Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, nllriys soreness and speed ily heals the luirgs. Price, 2.'e. Alunyon's Nerve Cure restores over worked and overstrained nerves' to a healthy condition. Price, 25c. Alunyon's Headache Cure stops head ache in three minutes. Price, 2.'io. Alunyon's Vltallzer imparts new' life, restores lost powers to weak and debili tated men. Price, $1. Alunyon's Honieoputhls Remedy Co., of Philadelphia, put up specifics for neorly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. SILVER CREEK.COIll DEAL Further Hearing In the Injunction Case before Judtje (iiinstcr. THE .MAX THAT MADE THE MAI'S He Wus on fiie Stund Yestei Juy-lleuring Will lie Kesuraed Today-Common Hem-nd Other Cuses Argued He the Judest At IS o'clock yesterday afternoon after the argument list had been disposed of Hie hearing In the equity suit-of the Silver Creek Alining company against D. R Taylor, W. W. Patterson and J. Alton Davis was resumed before Judge Gunster. When the hearing was discontinued at adjournment hour on Thursday AY. H. Taylor, president of the Silver Creek Alining company, was being cross-examined by Major Everett Warren, coun sel for the defendants. When the case was taken up again yesterday after noon the continuation of Mr. Taylor's examination was not taken up al once. W. A. Cochran, a Potlsville surveyor, was sworn and stated that lie made maps of tlie Harp tract at the request of Air. Patterson. He sent the bill to that gentleman, but It was made out to the Silver Crook Alining company. He afterward sent n bill direct to that com pany. W. H. Taylor was then call'-d to the stand nnd his cross-examination was continued until the hour of ad journment. It will be resumed today. The ('uses Argued. Tbreecommon pleuscases wore argued yesterday. They were: Pennsylvania. Globe Gas Light company vs. the city of Carbondale, exceptions to report of referee; James Gannon vs. Thomas Hell and others, rule to mould verdict; ex ceptions to report of viewers of sec tion A. of Third sewer district. The case of James Al. Cowling vs. Iron Clty Alutual Life Insurance company, plea In abatement, was continued. Quarter sessions cases were disposed of in the following manner: Common wealth vs. AlcGarrah & Thomas, ap peal from summary conviction, settled and stricken off list. Exceptions to re port of viewers on road In Scott town ship, exceptions dismissed and report confirmed finally. Exceptions to re port of viewers, road in Scott and South Abington townships, submitted. The Petition Withdrawn. In the matter of the division of the First ward or the borough or olyphant Into two wards, rule to show cause why the petition should not be quashed wus withdrawn. Commonwealth vs. Eza dor potraok, rule to show cause why forfeiture of recognizance shall not be remitted was argued. Argument was heard In those or phan's court cases; .Matter r estate of John T. Gibbons, deceased, rule to show cause why an allowance should not be made, and matter of estate of J. F. Kinback. deceased, exceptions to re port of auditor. In the matter of tin estate of Harvey A. Ward, minor child of George W. Ward, deceased, rule to show cause why guardian should nut. be discharged wus made absolute. Vases, Bros. vases, vases at Davidow KI-LKilOUS NOTICF.S. The Church of tlie flood SI lierd- Greeii Itldge street. X, 10.110, 2.o, i;.5, 730 All seals free. All welcome. At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church-Preaching morning und evening by the pastor. Dr. L. c. nnyd. Heats tree. Tlie Second Presbyterian Church-Rev. (harles K. Robinson, D.D., pastor. Ser vices lo.:ie a.m. ami p.m. Beside the sermon III the morning on "lOternal Lite" Biere will be a live-inlmite sermon lo children. In the evening the pastor will answer Hie question, "How Should the Christian Vole." There will be special music in the evening with Hie chorus und Hie mw organ. All senls free in tho evening. All weleoini! at all services. All Souls' Church (Jhuuel-l'hie strict, near Adiinis avenue, liev. G. W. Powell, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10. "In a.n ', theme. "The True Idea of a Blessed Life," und al 7.l p.m. mini lecture of the coiir-io will be given on "The l p Hills and Down Hills of Idle, or the Amusements That Kill." Young people especially Invited. Elm Park Methodist Epi copal chinch 'A. 11. I'earce, pastor. Preaching scr iees in 'la a 111. and 7.30 p.m. doming subject, "Protecting Aii'rels." Evetdii; subject, "Destroying Angels." Ilv re quest of many Airs. O'llrien will sing at Ibis servlee, "o'er Jordan's Dark and Stormy River." First Baptist Church Pastor Col lins will preach Sabbath at lo.;;0 am. and 7 p.m. Morning theme, "True Chris Han Service." Evening theme, "Doing God's Will." Baptism following the ser mon. Seats free. All welcome. Howard Place African .Methodist Epis copal Church Hev. C. A. Mel lee, pasior. Preaching by the pastor at lo.iio a.m. and 8 p.m. North Scranton Lutheran mission. Short avenue, opposite Park Place public school Hev. George Al. Scheldy, pastor. Ser vices every Hold's day at ln.o u.m. and 7.H0 p.m. Sunday scohul at 2.30 p.m. Ev erybody welcome. Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Is rael, rector. Twenty-third Sunday ufter Trinity. Holy communion, s a.m.; ser vieeand sermon, lO.IIOn.m.; Sunday school, L'.lio p.m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.110 p.m. Saint Luke's Dunmore Mission Rev. A. L. I'l-han In charge. Holy commun ion, lo.:!il a.m.; Sunday school, .'I p.m.; evening prayer and sermon. I p.m. All members or the Patriotic Order Sons of America are cordially Invited to the Dunmore I'resbyieilan church Sabbath evening at 7.WI, when the sermon will lie delivered to that order by the pastor. J. W. Williams. Morning service at lo.l.u. Sabbath school at noon. Christian En deavor at 1i.H0 p.m. Penn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.110 p.m. Special ser vice of song In the evening, led by u liu-jfe chorus nnd orchestra. All welcome. First Presbyterian Church Breaching morning und evening by Rev. lletirv il. Jessup, D.D.. Of Syria. Calvary Reformed Church Corner AloiirneiiveuueauilGlbsonstreet. Rev. W. H.SIiililileblne,;pastor. Preaching 10.30a. m. nnd 7.110 p.m. .Morning subject, "God's Thoughts Toward I's." Evening sub ject, "Echoes from the Christian Endeav or Convention nt York." All lOtiileavor ers cordially Invited. Jackson Street Baptist- Church The pastor. will preach nt a.m. und 6 p.m. All are welcome. Trinity English Lutheran Church Adams n venue, corner Mulberry street. Hev. 10. L. Miller, pastor, The Festlv il of the Reformation will be celebrated. The pastor will deliver a Reformation od dress at 10.80. nnd the Sunday school will cod net a home mission and Reformation servlee at 7.110. Pews are free, und all are welcome. Meetings at tho Rescue mlrslon Sun duy ut 4 p.m. und ut 8 p.m. Cut glass nt Davidow Bros. . - New Sport. Wife My husband brought home three ducks yesterday (mm the hunt. Neighbor Hut 1 thought he wus off on his wheel! True, he killed them, you know, with his wheel! American Wheelman. Unredeemed pledges ut Davidow Bros. STien Baby wns tick, w gave her Castor!. iVheil Uic won a Cliilil, the cried for Outorik, When she became MIm, she cIiidk to Custorla, When Ii8 Uud C'UtkU-eu, the gamut'ii Ctorl Mill fit .r nifti M FOB TOH Tht one that WILL DO 4 TUB IOHT toward THE BOY atrosf, ioTV Mt, praotioal, comoien tloua. Mlf-eupportlug, uiui ana THE GIRL a pare, unselflih, helpful, ao oempuiuod. self-reliant, womauly WOMAN. Scranton has auch a school. It Is the Scranton Business College A postal curd request will bring a Jour, tiul telliiitr about the institution. Visitors will be welcomed at any time. BUCK WHITMORE & Ca, Prop'rs, COR. A2t!i1$ AND LINDEN. In full possession of our old quarter, but are working under dllllcultles which nothing but Immediate ready money will Mrie over. Our creditors claims huve been fully met at an Immense sacrifice on our part. How ever, we have still a largo stock of choice Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, etc., on hand, and are determined 10 realize on it with all possible speed, ns withont the free use of the almighty dollnr in the markets, we would be ef fectually crippled In the coming holi day trade. TO SECURE THIS We yrlll make Huge Reductions on stock at private sale dally, refusing no offer within the bounds of reason, and for tlie benefit of those who buy nt miction, we have instructed City Auc. tioneor Harris to SELL AT AUCTION Kvery Saturday evening at 7.80, when every article pat up will be sold with out reserve to the highest bidder. C. W. FREEMAN, Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Elc Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. W.LDouclas QUffel? 'BTHtMSY. tSllU'lL NOSaUCAKlNo. 5. CORDOVAN, cfMPUd. ruiui!i 1 cntjti r 1 nunnwcinnckiLVtM, 43.s?P0UCl3Sou3. EXTRA FINE. BfJYiSGHOOLSHQES, LADIES' .150 52 ,$1,75 "BESTD0NG014 ocnu run vmw.UbUQ W-L'DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. You can save money by ptirohaalug . L. Douglas HhoM, Because, wc are the largest tnanufarrarers al advertised shoe In the world, aud guarantee the value by stamping the nuine and price on the boUoni, which protects vou aguinat b'gh prices and the middleman's profit. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy filling and Wearing qualities. We nave lham sold evtry. where at lower prices for the value given than wv other nuke. Take 110 tubntitut. If yon? dealer cannot supply yon, fit can. Sold by E.J. LEONARD. 'in, Linn Alien & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Uuy and sell Slocks, lioinls nnd Orain oil -New York Kxchanxe and Chicago liourd of Trade, either for canh or ou margin. tl'2 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SVEC1ALTV. i?.5;,M"1CMa,Jjt''1 TKU-JVirONt: i.iw: nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL foul of the liest quality for domestic I'. '""I of nil slin-a, delivered in unj art of tho rlty at lowosl price. Orders left ut. rav Offli-e NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, llf-ur room, lirm floor, Third National Hunk, or si-nt by mall or toli-phono to the ninr, will n-relve prompt attention. Spei-lul committs will tx made for tlw sale and delivery of Uiukwheai Coal. WM. T. SMITH. is!y Oil and iiaiiufaeng Go OILS,. VINEGAR AND CIDER (41 to 151 MERIDIAN ST. Atlantic Refining Go Manufacturers aud Dealers in IsS Unseed Oil, Napthas and Caro lines of all grade. Axlo Oi-eono, Fuilon and Colliery Coin pound; alno a largo Hue of 1-Uf unine Wax L'nnuhv,. We also handle the. Fnmoim t'POWN AC.MIO OIL, the only family rarely, bui iiluK oil in tlie market. Wm. Mason, Manager. orrtce: Coal ExohaBne, Wyoming; Ave. 'Works at Pine Brook. mm WE Ml KM IS Jim ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Friday and Saturday, OCT, 2S AND 27. Special Saturday matinee for Ladles and Children ut J.30 p. in. A nrand Presentation of THE BLACK CROOK the nrlglimj 117 eo""iiny. Magnificent Scenery. 50 PEOPLE-50 A Host of European Secialtles. Alutlnee prices r, to jil cents. Kvvnln t it-ituiur prices. j Sale of Seals opcn.s Wednesday, Oct. Lt THE FROTH INGHAM. 1 One Large Laughing Night, ! SATURDAY, OCT. 27. ' First Stellar A pneanuieo Hero of tho Aost) I Naturally l'uanv Comedian Living ' PETER F. DAILEY In John J. Mrs ally's (treatest Kuccs-i. i A j Country - Sport. ; Heplcte with Witty Saving, Bright Ilia lunuo and Catchy Songs, Interiuetod by the largest. Most Ellicieut arid and KxtM'iislve Company i.f Comedians m this 1'nmitrr. Prices as Usual. Seats Now on Sale. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. iTiwiiua oiiu 1 ucsusy, OCTOBER 29 AND 30. THE KA.MOUS HAN LON BROS.' j Clranil fairy-Like Pantomimic Spectacle. Fantasma ! ! NEA1ot; I TRICKS. I Inclttdinu the (treat Hillim-d Match. I Largo and Strong Company. j Uorcenus TrausforuiatlonaV ; Hale of Heats Otiens Friday, Oct Jli. - ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3f, JOLLY NELLIE M'HENRY And llor Clrcu-C'onitdy, PUT AT TUP Pin r 1 I'f b 111 I Tlia Wild Man of Borneo. 1 tie ilunian .Xylophone. The Honest Lawyer. The Comical Clowns. Tho Only I'eto Jenkins, The Alan Who Walks on His Ear All I'nder One Canvas, in One Kiny. Something Now in Comedy. ("loverly Executed Specialt ies. Sale of Seats oiiens Aiontlay. Oct. at. DAVIS' THEATER ONE WEEK COMMENCING OCTOBER 29. - Matinee Daily at 2.30 P. M. THE MARKOE UNCLE Tfif S CABIJi CO Positively the Best Production of this (iruncl old Flay evor produced in this city. Tho World's Greatest Topsy DA1SIE MARKOE. The Grand Noonday Street Parade. Toe Beautiful Midget Pony, "Tiny." Tue Ferocious Bloodhounds. The Greatest Topsy. i Prices No Advance, 10c., 20c, 30q MISS MARIE LOUISE BAILEY, America's Greatest Pianiste, ami also by an.iiiiiilincfiL lJian istc lo the Kiiiu of Saxony: anil MISS NINA RATHEONE, Supra no Soloist of the Scidl- Coneerts; MR. GEORGE B. CARTER, j Accompanist, hi a D m HI RECITAL Of tlie most Classic aml'cujoya Lie order, fur the benefit of lh, HOI nk FRIENDLESS At V. M. C. A. Hall THIRSUAY llYFXIXG, XGV. 1st, A WORTHY CHARITY. A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. Tickets at lead in 5 stores, but NOT sold by personal solicita lion. Diagram onetis at Guernsey Bros.', j -.24 Wyoming Avenue, Wednesday, Oct. 30, at g a. m. COUNTY THE FROTKiKGHAM. MONDAY EVENING. OCT. 29. JlLl bl KAir.if 1 1 i 110 oet-rut in Chnrarter Building.'' by Professor .lohu II. UttMotte. Ph. I).,, of Caniliridtfo, Mass. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCT. 31. LECTTRE "Money anil Morals," by Ib.B. Henry Wattoraun, of Kentucky, Hditor of 1 Louisville (.'ourinr-Jourinil, RATES Sinitln Adiniwdon. Kisurv.-d Heat l)o jus aim l,oi;os. , ... !Mo . .. "i ...Dl.uo Diagram for De Motto opena at the Froth iiutluuu Friday, Out. 'M- at tu a. nu For Wt torson Mrmlny. Oft. , at 111 a. ni, tools open at T.UU; lectures beitin at t). HOW TO iWE 13 OBEY. If van wl to be aaeeestrnl In "SPIXIT. I.ATIO " ! grain or stoi-ka, write lul particulars, j. 5. BROWNING & CO. BANKERS AN1 BHOKSRS, References si monadnock Build-in lo every State, 1 CHI c AQO, n p p H1W.IHI i I 1 INSTITUTE LECTURES
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