THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-TUESDAT MOENDTG: OCTOUEE 23. 1894. OUTPOURING OF CITIZENS (Concluded from Pago 1) MEETINGS IN THE SUBURBS. Great Enthusiasm Shown In Providence, Hyde Pork und South Side. Mayor Connell presided at the meet ing at the square In Providence which was addressed from the carriage occu pied by Oeneral Hastings, who was the first Speaker. Ho thanked his list eners for their cordial greetlngandtnen paid a warm tribute to Scranton's growth and development. He said It was in his opinion one of the most won derful growths In a country of rapid progress. It was a condition, he stated, which impressed 'Mm more forcibly with the advancement that had been made Blnce 1SW). Scranton's stride has been a practical Illustration :of the achievements of the Kcpubllcan party since that date. He urged his hearers to consider thoughtfully the lesson of JAMES iv. latta: Scranton's growth In Its application to Kepubllcnn principals and show their good Judgment and patriotism by vot ing the Itepublican ticket Nov. 6. Charles F. Warwick, Philadelphia's city solicitor, gave a brief and witty ad dress In which ho alluded to the dis loyal and clinging attitude of the father of the Wilson bill among the no bility of Kngland. Mr. Warwick aven d that the Issue Is one of patriot ism and above party. In the campaign should be considered the home, country and bread and butter rather than af filiation for party. In such an event the party of protection and love for the Stars and Stripes does not fear the outcome. Stewart's Pithy Remarks. Colonel Stewart added to the remarks of Mr. Warwick that the issue is one of pocketbook as well as patriotism. A lesson should follow the people's desiry of two years ago for a change. It had resulted like the prayer of the man who prayed for $5 worth of rain and when the Hoods came regretted that he had prayed for more than one dollar's worth. Pennsylvania, he said, should send a message all along the line, and indications are that she will do so. Ceneral Latta, candidate for secre tary of Internal affairs, made a speech of only a moment's duration In which he regretted lack of time In which to make an extended effort. He said he felt confident of party success, was gra tified by the city's welcome and would be satisfied if the same spirit was found in other sections of the Btate. , During the drive along North Main avenue to Hyde Park an excellent op portunity was offered for a comprehen sive view of the city, and the panorama elicited hearty expressions of .com mendation. When was reached the va cant lot where the Moody tent was re cently located, about 2,0u0 persons were found assembled. General Hastings, Colonel Frank Eshleman, (General Latta and Con gressman Charles W. Stone spoke briefly, and after long continued shouts for Galusha A. Grew, that gentleman made his acknowledgements In a few brief sentences, which were accom panied by tumultoua applause. The several speakers were continually in terrupted by cheers of upprobatton. On arriving at the Wyoming House it was the opinion of General Hastings and his party that the afternoon had revealed a hope and satisfaction far beyond their expectations. llig South Side Meeting. When the carriages containing Gen eral Hastings and the other dis tinguished speakers arrived on the South Side, a rousing and enthusiastic reception was accorded. The Republi can clubs of the Eleventh, Nineteenth and Twentieth wards, headed by Guth's band, at 5.30 began a parade which traversed the principal streets. Every step the parade went it was Joined by cltizenB, and the throng that came to hear the speakers blocked Willow Btreet on both sides and Pittston ave nue a square each way. Open ranks were made through a gathering of at least 5,000 persons and the carriages drove up to the middle of the street. Major Everett Warren introduced General Hastings and In do ing so Bald that the great Industrial portion of the city could not be over looked. General Hastings was received with long corttlnued applause and It was more than a minute before he could begin to speak. He thanked his hearers most cordially, and said he was proud to visit the busy section of a city whose growth In industrial and com mercial lines was marvelous. He thanked his hearers once more and said he would give way to others who would address them. Major Warren apolog ized for the departure of General list ing's carriage, time being so pressing on account of the two meetings after supper which he Invited all to attend. Before leaving Major Warren Intro duced Colonel B. Frank Eshleman, of Lancaster. Mr. Eshleman drew In spiration from the rapturous forewell greeting given to General Hastings and said In beginning his remarks: "That'b what we'll do to General Hastings on Nov. 6; we will send him on his way rejoicing." Colonel Eshleman said that it gave him great pleasure to come among the Germans, his own people, and mingle with and meet them. They are noted for their thrift and frugality, and they know a good filing when they see It. General Hastings Is a good man and that is what they want and will keep. He then spoke on the conl and steel rail trade, and quoted the wages received by American workmen against the wages of European and Canadian workmen. The Democratlo party would allow' manufacturers who pay their employes low wages tocome In with .. their products and compete with the American manufacturer who pays his men honest wages. The progress of this city for twenty-five years Is due to tne policy of protection of the Republi can party. Two years ago the govern ment was handed over to the Dem ocrats and the state of the country since it has undergone the change is piain to every citizen. Remarks of General I.atta. Attorney Fred W. Floltz introduced General JameB W. Latta, candidate for secretary or internal affairs. General Latta said he was not going to make a speech, he simply wanted to show himself to the men whose votes he ex- pected so that they could see who they Were voting for. He thanked them for the hearty greeting he Teceived and concluded amid cheers and armlause. Ex-Attorney General Thomas J. Stew art, of Philadelphia, was the next speaker. He was pleased to see so many women and little boys, future presi dents perhaps, present. The women especially he delighted to see. Their control over their nusbands is a power ful one and he had no doubt but that they would influence their husbands and sons to vote for the party that created bright .and happy homes by fostering Industries which 'furnished employment and decent wages. The Baldwin' Locomotive .works, of Phila delphia, which employs thousands of men, never since it was built worked so dull as within the eighteen months which the Democratic party haB been in power. William J. Schaffer, district attorney of Delaware county, was the next speaker, and his remarks were brief. He iput the vast audience In: good humor In. winding up his remarks by telling a humorous Btory that dove tailed well with the tariff smashing record of the Democratic party. MEETING AT FROTHINGIIAM. Speeches by Charles Emory Smith and Other Eloquent Orators. At 7 o'clock last evening voters began to weiid their way Into the Frothlngham and three quarters of an hour later, When the candidates and the volunteer escort of citizens arrived, the building was crowded. At 8.10 when Bauer's band began to play an overture it was practically impossible to put another person into the building save in the standing room space, except on the stage, which was ulso fairly well filled, chairs having been provided there for the speakers and distinguished Re publicans. In the front row on the stage were seated Congressman C. W. Stone, Colonel Thomas Stewart, Charles Emory Smith, 'Lieutenant Governor L. A. Watres,, William Schaffer, of Lancaster; Mayor W. L.Connell, George F. Huff, John K. 'Jones, John M. Har ris and C. E. Pryor. At S.15 Lieutenant Governor Watres opened the meeting and stated that we are now on the eve of one of the most momentous elections In the history of our country. He said that during the last presidential campaign the people were told that if they elected the Dem ocratic nominees the grass would grow about the mills of the land. They had elected these candidates, as they had a right to do, and here in this city we see the prophecy literally fulfilled, for the grass Is now growing about some of our mills. In concluding Mr. Watres Intro duced Charles Emory Smith, editor of the Philadelphia Press, who was given a magnificent ovation. It was several minutes before the waves of applause subsided so that Mr. Smith could be heard. Ills Opinion of Scronton. "I nm greatly Indebted," said Mr. Smith, "for the altogether too compli mentary remarks with which I have been Introduced. I feel more deeply grateful to you and your city than you possibly can be to me. The Electric City! In it today I enjoyed an educa tion most liberal; I saw It electric In Its Illumination, electric In Its spirit, elec tric In its progress nnd above all, elec tric In Its Americanism. It showed me what has been, Is and will be the grnnd nnd teeming prosperity of your great community. I found a new conception of the progress possible In even the ever improving state of Pennsylvania and have been made a disciple of the thrift of the Lackawanna valley generally and of the Electric City particularly. "Yet with all your good things what man or woman In this vast audience would not turn back the hands on the dial of lime and stand again In Octo ber, 1SH2. "Let me show you a picture: Imagine If you can the business teeming and happily blest valley of the Conemaugh in May, 1SS9. All nature smiled and was happy, the clouds were kissed by sweet sunshine, blazing fires of industry dotted the hills green with the verdure of spring, music welled up from the throb and hum of machinery all was peace ond prosperity. The populace was happy, busy, well employed, well paid and looked forward to the future with light hearts and an assurance born of contentment. Suddenly the clouds gathered and a violent storm nung suspended a short while over the peaceful .valley before the heavens broke looso In one mad. Impetuous fury. In a few hours where had been a thriv ing and God nurtured community there appi'iireo. n seeming death bounded flood bearing on Its turbulent hnsnm one wild scene of havoc and destruc tion. lnen ensued one of the greatest catastrophes In the history of any coun try, ino details or which you are fami liar with and of which I will not bur den you. Powerful Ohjcct Lesson. "In 1892 this glorious country of ours was rich and contented In its progress and unlimited prosperity. Never had wages neon so sure and never had our Stars and Stripes been so rrpntlv re spected nt home and abroad. The sun as It traversed In one brilliant arc from the Atlantic to over behind the Rockies and sank in golden glory In the bosom of the Pacific saw our nation three millions of dollnrs richer than on the day previous. Such great business ac tivity mat permitted people as a nation to amass such gains from one ilnv tn another hnd never been known in the world's history. What a magnificent sunburst of prosperity! "Suddenly and without warning the clouds gathered and the storm burst as anove tne norrors of Conemaugh. Almost In the twinkling of an eye fol lowed one of the most serious flnnnolnl depressions nnd crippling of industries ever known. In 18S9 a gallant and mag nificent soldier of Pennsylvania ruahed to relieve and protect the sufferers of Johnstown and In 18M the same gallant son has been summoned to lead In the light for honor and reason. This stand ard bearer Is one who Is to re-establish the country and deliver it from de pression. It was General Daniel H. Hastings (deafening applause) In 1889 and It Is fitting and proper that it is he in 181)4 (continued applause). None Have Escaped. "Thanks to your large store of re sources and industry you have not suf fered much. You were not completely enmeshed in the full flux. of the change which has cost, the country in wages $1,100,000,000, not considering theshrlnk age In values. Still,: you have not en tirely escaped; some of your furnaces are not blazing with fires nor sur rounded by busy men; some of your mines are not running full time. But it is an experience you know as well as I, and I shall not elaborate upon It further than to read a letter written tonight and handed your chairman a few moments ago. It relates an occur rence In your own midst which I would designate as an argument If such a position were necessary." i Mr. Smith read a portion of a letter which stated that several Green Ridge glass blowers yesterday left the city In search of employment. They had no hopes of securing, work here nnd so told the writer of the letter and also stated that 700 men had been reduced 14 per cent, from the $0 per day wages of skilled glass blowers. "What is the cause?" continued Mr. Smith. "The cause followed the Dem ocratic victories of 1892 when the entire economio policy of the government was to be changed by Democratic leg islative bodies and a Democratic' exec utive. A record came of dishonor and imbecility in foreign affairs and de pression, sorrow and distress at homo. It was a shameful record of blunder upon blunder, wVong UDon wrong, tho one following closely on the heels of the other like .the drunken experience reiatea or a iriena by Charles Lamb. "This friend took a first drink of gin to make him warm, a second to keep the first company, a third to show the second It was not In dual company, a fourth to show there were more to fol low, a fifth to prove that the fourth was not mistaken, and so on. Tho People's Mad Desire. "In the false light of this awful change the people rushed in one mad. blind impulse to a condition they could not escape from and were be fouled with the blood of murdered In dustrles. It has been such a horrible blot on the skirts of our grand repulv lie that in the language bf Shakespeare may we .vehemently exclaim, 'Out damned spot; out, I say!' "This blighting work was consummat ed by the Wilson-Gorman but after Us year of destructive agitation. The final 2 . lnlB measure was not rati- V mn New Yorkl n'ladelphia. Boston, Baltimore. rM - ' . : it tfi. ..Via , ". "ul ocranion, dui fled iS Lan Sult Properly rati- rhiof v'l.ul J-no.on, where the natiLiwt0r qu,te ProP"ly and quite WilsoS ynhW,a8 Vrot William L. anan,mf" ways and Stat ,"'"""llce ot tnese united nni "EE" and more WMlVlVri.. ir 1,11111 1,16 Btate 01 and tMn,a- He fled for recognition chamteP ntnJ- "0t t0 tne New York board f t c?mmerce r the Scranton deaed hL de:ubut t0 a banquet ten n? nfe."1,? merchants and peo- .rt L ""tain. OnMr.Wllsnn'o. hl flfoi- "omul, iwo weeKsago, f, Publish a letter in Rnepphtn T orid alleging that his has had the audacUy to ay It wS fL"b,ett.a J-nutahed Ohio sta7es- mi, ",n" wlln winiuiiy Thl I . "? J1"0", he whose very never lied Wtl0Se nobIe heart "If bv anv rhnnAo nr-mi quoted Mr. Wilson it was from those h uit-u newspaper reports. Fortun ately I was in London during Mr. Wil son S Vis t. Tho lowing the memorable banquet of . .gi wnen Mr. Wilson made his famous nnperh T hnUt.i ... i London limes before even tasting cof- miu iuiib. i nave one here with me; behold the London Times-the Thunderer. It won't ti,i..t i. afraid. London Times Thunder. "If it never thiinln.ri u thundered the morning nt nt on ,v,nn It gave to the world the carefully wrlt- wuicn win reverberate and echo from Maine to California and from the St. Lawrence to the Potomac. lthout subjecting myself to the ac cusation of 'garbling' I will first read yOU an editorial nf that mnmlnn. extract of the speech alluded to." air. Binun tnen read that Mr. Wil son's address "was a forcible and tell ing argument for froo tpn.ia r,M ,i simple, and could not even 'be applied io uirui ior revenue only." He also read, among other quotations of the SDeech referred tn "ma inHiv ,.f.,-n, have been tearing down the fences the protectionists had to put up to keep Great Britain out of the market." Mr. Smith rehearsed In Jumpled passage of the Wilson bill mniuKH congress anil senate, Mr. Cleveland's refusal to sanction it and Its final condition when it C34 amendments. The speaker did not question Mr. Wilson's honesty of pur chase, but referred to lilm in tho inn. gunge of the wit: "He to his virtues very kind, Ho to his faults a little blind, Let ull his ways be uneonllned But clup a padlock on his mind." Pure Kngllsh Testimony. Great Britain's nnaltlnn nn tha tariff question was presented by Mr. Smith uy extracts irom tne olllclal British blue bllflk. tunpa fr..m tha ri-.iral commission appointed by parliament to inquire Into the onuses of the finan cial depression since many yenrs ago. The commission's report showed that iMigiunus tinancial trouble began in GALUSHA A. GROW. 1873, about the time the protective prin ciple became established In the United States. The report said further that the stringency "was caused by the pro tective policies of foreign countries." He concluded in an appeal to his hear ers to study the present condition and Its past causes, govern themselves ac cordingly and sny in the language of the patriot to the demagogue, "Take care of thyself, Mr. Demagogue, for the people are now going to tear thee to pieces." Ho retired in tho midst of long continued and lusty applause. Hustings' Grand Ovation. When General Hastings stepped for ward In response to his brief Introduc tion by Chairman Watres a spontan eous, thundering1 and continued ap plause reverberated from all parts of the auditorium. Twice he attempted to speak but was compelled to stand wait ing until the storm of cheers had sub sided. His voice finally became audi ble and throughout his brief address his words were received in deeply In terested silence alternating with re peated and hearty shouts. He said: "I thank you with my full heart for so loyal and true a reception. I dislike beginning a speech with an apology, but know you will bear with me when I tell you I have already made four speeches since arriving In your city. For a long time previous I huve spoken to audiences four or five times each day and, if my good health continues, shall continue the record until Nov. 6. "I had only Intended to thnnk you for your hearty reception, but a remark by Mr. Smith concerning tho gen eral dissatisfaction of the Wilson bill urges me change my purpose. , "Senator Jones, one of the original drafters of the bill and an acknowl edged free trader, said he did not be lieve that 1,000 men were satisfied with It after Its passage. You will under stand his sentiment when I recall a few facts to your notice. When the bill reached the senate It had not more than a dozen supporters. The men who then went about looking for the reason for this condition unearthed some curious facts. Senator McPherson said that although a free trader, the pottery in terests of New Jersey must be pro tected, and the bill had to be amended so as to please that gentleman and pro vide a protective tariff on earthen ware. The senators of West Virginia, Tennessee nnd Alabama were asked what consideration was necessary to se cure their support for the bill. A bar- Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. . If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's . Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood., It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and " gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. - is gain was made with them by an amend ment protecting coal and iron. Sena tor Brice didn't approve of it in any form. Senator Murphy, of New York, would only support it after his collor and cuff interests in Troy had been protected. Danld B. Hill shied the ques tion by exclaiming 'I am a Democrat." And so the fun continued, requiring protection for this and that, until 634 protection spots had been pledged on this free trade sun. "Mr. Cleveland's defiant attitude when he dared the senate to pass the bill reminds me of the first case I tried as a young lawyer. My client was charged with the larceny of three pigs. I believed the evidence had proved him innocent and in my plea to the Justice I exclaimed, 'You dare not send my client to Jail. 'I daren't, eh,' he re plied, and forthwith sentenced him to Bixty days. "The president went Into ten days' retirement at Buzzard's roost and after weighty deliberation came forward with the statement that every protective feature of the bill would be stricken from It when congress meets next December. Now it rests with you vot ers to say whether Mr. Cleveland and the next congress will carry out that threat. There is a remedy and it lies In the house with Thomas B. Reed in the presiding officer's chair. Never mind me In the fight; I'll get along some way. Concentrate your effort on electing Galusha A. Grow and George F. Huff for congressman-at-large,. and Mr. Scranton to represent you from this district. "I understand there is to be a free trade meeting in this city Nov. 1. I willingly advertise it and recommend all present to do the same. If it were possible I would like to have every worklngman, laborer and mechanic in the city of Scranton present. What a Joyful meeting thut will be. Imagine if you can the resolutions of thanks and commendation direct to the na tional administrative and legislative departments. Try nnd picture the hun dreds of Grand Army of the Republic veterans who will attend and the widows and orphans. Possibly their commanding officer will propose three cheers for Hoke Smith and his lopping oft 113,000,000 of pensions from ,the na tion's defenders. "If elected to the office for which I am a candidate I hereby promise to obey and follow Btrlctly the oath I shall take to follow the constitution of the United States and this state. I will obey no command or request that Bhall discriminate against creed, Beet, section, locality or condition. " General Hastings honesty of purpose shown in proclalmlg In bo pnbllc a man ner his position in the American Pro tective association controversy, evoked cheers and plaudits which continued long after he had taken his seat. Hon. Thomas J. Stewart, a prince In the world of wlt and Irony, made a very happy effort In a brief speech which terminated In nn appeal for sup port to the Republican ticket and its consequent principles of patriotism, courage and honesty. Attorney A. J. Colborn, of Scranton, forcibly referred to the Republican candidates Individually, but devoted himself particularly to the county can didates. His remarks, though hrlef, substantiated the reputation of this city's young orator, and occasioned fre quent outbursts of applause. William J. Schaffer, of Delaware county, made his first bow to a Scran ton audience, and In a bright and pithy speech ingratiated himself into the sympathetic attention of his hearers. Congressman C. W. Stone followed Mr. Schaffer and delivered a forceful and cloqunt address. He told of the struggle of the Democratic sugar cured congress" to pass the Wilson bill, and declared that the compact between the Democratic leaders and the sugar trust was tho most damnable ever mude by free men. In closing he turned to General Hastings nnd said: "We tire coming. General Hastings, with 300,000 majority for you to vindicate the na tional honor." II. W. Palmer, or-Wllkes-Barre, was Introduced as the last speaker of the evening and he said in prefacing his remarks that he supposed tho audlenoe was glad of it. He said the proposi tion before the people, nnd on which they would In a short time have an op portunity to pass, was very simple. All those who were pleased and de lighted with the kind of prosperity we have had for the last nineteen months will vote for that genial gentleman, William Makepeace Slngerly, and the rest of sensible mankind will cast their ballots for Brother Hastings. That was all there was in the question as he viewed it, and after urging his hearers to vote the ticket, at tho head of which the name of Hastings appears, right through to the bottom, he bado the audience good night. GATHERING AT ARMORY. Eloquent nnd Interesting Speeches Mode by Distinguished Republicans. The hundreds that flocked to the arm ory last evening listened with wrapt attention to the gallant Hastings. Gen eral Lntta and the eloquent Warwick, and cheered enthusiastically every good point made. Major Everett War ren was chairman of the evening and on the platform with him were seated General Hastings, General Latta, Thomas V. Cooper, City Solicitor War wick, of Philadelphia, Attorney F. W. Fleltji nnd others. In Introducing Gen- -eral Hastings, Major Warren said: "Ladles and gentlemen: Tins great gathering certifies that General D. H. Hastings will on Nov. 6 be elected by the largest majority recorded in this proud commonwealth, and thnt the people of this great county of Lacka wanna, who owe so much to the prin ciples of protection, will send a protec tionist congressman, our tried repre sentative, Joseph A. Scranton. It further certifies that In our local cam paign, HeB and falsehood will not profit any one, but that the people will rally around the honest Clemons, the genial and faithful Pryor, the talented and able J. R. Jones and the old veter an Hopkins. We have a young man of Irish birth, a self-made man, a man of the people and one who will do his best for the people, and I am sure you will all stand by Captain James Vaughan. "In Alexander Connell we have a young man of spotless character, and who by his work In the city council has qualified himself for the higher council nt Harrlsburg. Then, with regard to Charles O'Mullcy, he will be certified by the people on election day, and there can be no doubt of the election of J. R. Farr by Hyde Park voters. I now pre sent to you the next governor of the state of Pennsylvania, Oeneral D. H. Hastings." ' General Hnstlngs received a prolonged ovation and said: . 1 General Hastings SpcuVs. . ,. "I thank you for the cordial reception, and can assure you that this great center of people has a' continual and abiding Interest for me. This great city of Scranton Is one of the marvels of the Republican form of government. You may travel state after state and you can not find a city which has grown so rapidly, permanently and success, fully as Scranton. And let me draw your attention to a coincidence which occurred In 1860, when the population of Scranton was small. ' Since that time the industries of your city have de. veloped, the anthracite coal and the manufacturing establishments have all come together, and I desire to call your attention to the fact that although this country has forty states, and 70, 000,000 people, It Is little more than 100 years old. Compare this with othei parts of the civilized world and you find Its position Incomparable. "Great Britain, France, Germany and Austria are all older countries and have experienced centuries of develop ment, but add their products, their ma terial wealth, their manufacturers, and the sum total of their pay rolls, theli mines, mills and workshops and take the products of the United StateB "and divide their value by three and you will find that tha United States pro duces one-tlurd or tne manufacturing produce of the world, and furthermore, It has reached that wonderful position in 100 years. "The let us take the period from I860, Just before the great Republican party was in the ascendancy, to the present time. Take all the wealth of 1860, multiply it by three, and it Is proved by the census, that it is now our estimated wealthj or in other words, the country has since that time, 1860, grown three times in mercantile value. It has also Increased In population and developed generally such as no other country upon record. Legislation for the People. "It could not have been so success ful if It were not for the fact that the legislature had worked in the Interest of the people and there was substan tial proof of this In the statesmanship of men In the line from Abraham Lin coln to Benjamin Harrison. I would, however, desire to submit one proposi tion that, notwithstanding the great wealth, this great center would not be so wealthy but for the establishment of the great American system of pro tection in your midst. This city is an object lesson of that, proving the bene ficial result of the American protective duty and it proved another thing, that this country can bring to its shores the best representatives of all nationali ties, who find something in the air and soil, which develops them into the grndeBt type of American citizens. Here you have representatives of every nation, and here I can see how these representatives can come to our shores, and while making the best of citizens malltaln their reverence and respect for their fatherland. It has been ex plained to me that they bear a love to their fatherland which is equal to the love a Bon bears to his father and Btlll bearing that affection, when he comes to this country, that fact does not prevent him making the best kind of an American citizen. "My voice warns you as well as my self that I must not speak much longer, but your chairman has mentioned that the majority of voters will certify my candidacy on Nov. 6. Let me say to you in all solemnity that if I shall receive a majority of votes from the people of this commonwealth, I have taken an oath In heaven to obey the constitution of the United States of America and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and, If It shall come to pass that I am elected, to enforce.the laws, and It shall be seen that the constitution shall be obeyed without regard to section, sect, creed, class or conditions which now exist within the commonwealth of Pennsylvania." The chairman mnde a reference to the candidature of Judge Archbald, which was heartily confirmed by the meeting, and then introduced James W. Latta, candidate for secretary of In ternal affairs, who was very cdrdlally received. He made an effective address in which he eloquently urged the elec tion of General Hastings. Pennsylva nia had the greatest show on earth. The Democrats had been writing down the industries of these parts, and from the president's letter It was evident that their agitation was not yet con cluded. Mr. Latta spoke at Borne length upon the question of pensions, and his remarks were well received. Address of Charles F. Warwick. Charles F. Warwick, city solicitor of Philadelphia, was the next speaker ana in the course of his remarks said: "Remember, gentlemen, that at the last political campaign the Democrats Btood on a platform of free trade and said that protection was a fraud and the tariff a cruel tax, to make the rich richer and the poor yet poorer. At that time prosperity smiled upon our coun try, the mills were running, the anvils rang with a welcome clang, and even the waters were full of glee as they tumbled over the wheel. We were a happy, prosperous people, and all the world had an eye on our success. This was the time when the DeinoVfrats stood upon their platform of free trade and thousands of people listened to their arguments and handed over to them the responsibilities of the govern ment, although we warned you at tho time of disaster. They were so eloquent and so persuasive that many protec tionist voters supported them when they heard protection denounced as a wrong, a farce, unjust and inconsist ent. "What was the result? The country went from prosperity to despair; the Democrats, did not expect this financial crisis and it shows that they did not know what they were talking about or were telling a He, and unquestionably we did not get that increased prosper ity. There was less work in the mills, wages were less. Why did the mills close when the Democrats got into power? They were reaping the prom ises of free trade. The cause was plain ; It was the change of policy; money felt the change Instantly. There Is noth ing so sensitive as the dollar you have In your hand. The manufacturers could not go on against the cheap wares Imported from England and France, and tho result that I have seen Is empty mills and Idle men Instead of the open mills and busy men. Men will ing to work but actually compelled to beg. Honest men beggars; that is the result. "Our market la the greatest In the world nnd It is no wonder that Kngland is anxious to get here. I don't blame them, but darn the Democratic party for wanting to give It to them. Not a Statesman. "Nobody ever charged Grover Cleve land with being a statesman. He has never studied men. When his party were in mis umicuity tney were par alyzed and the only excuse thev of fered wag that It was the result of the wicked government of the Republicans. They called a special session of con gress and argued and thought, at least they thought they thoght, but could not arrive at any settlement until the Re publican party went to their assist ance." (A voice in body of hnll.) "What about the income tax?" Mr. Warwick made some explanations when the Interrupter said if he had $4,000 a year he would be willing to pay Income tax, when the speaker replied that he did not want to be personal, but he re-echoed the sentiment of one of his audience, that his questioner never would be worth $4,000 considering the arguments he adduced. The speaker then continued: "The Democrats are the party of Inconsistencies, they are so mixed that they do not know who they are fighting against, so they naturally fight each other. No intelligent man will nowa days admit that he Is a Democrat, and as an organization they are an absolute failure. They are a party of obstruc tion and gain nothing by experience, and reminded one of an old stage coach drawn by an ox and d mule, the ox being slow and stubborn and the mule walking and kicking." Thomas V. Cooper, of Delaware, nnd Charles E. Smith, of the Philadelphia Press, made excellent speeches, and the meeting concluded by ndmlrablo ad dresses from Colonel Eshlemont, of Lancaster, and Colonel Thomas Stew, art, of Norrlstown. Tho Sooner tho Potter. From the Chicago Trlbuno. On the night of the election In Fennsyl vanta Mr. Slngerly will ret lie at his usual hour, or perhaps a little earlier. Beecham's pills are for bili ousuess, bilious headache, dyspepsia,, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sal low skin, when caused by con stipation; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B. F. Al len Co., 365 Canal St., New York. (ACTION to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour fur above other brands. 0 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. SHAW EMERSON J. Lawrence Stelle, FORMERLY STELLE &SEELEY, MUSIC DEALER, tSSSXSgS? SHAW PIANOS to the Front. EMERSON PIANOS, Old and Reliable. PRICES SATISFACTORY. DID YOU KNOW? That we WILL GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at MERCEREAU 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in stock. IRON r Of every description. Prompt shipments guaranteed Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn-buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Taclflc Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Tine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. By the Beautiful New Steamships of the OLD DOMINION LINE to OLD POINT COMFORT (IIYUEIA HOTEL), OH VIRGINIA BEACH And return. Most Delightful Resorts on the At lantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS for mOLD POINT COn FORT VIRGINIA BEACH - A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING EVERY EXPENSE of meals and berths en route, a day and a quar ter's board at either hotel. This trip Is an klenl one, as the courso eklrta the coast, with little likeli hood of BeaHiekness, and pusses In review many watering places and points of Interest. For printed matter and full particulars, address OLD DOMINION W. L. CUILLAUDEU, Traffic Manager. patrons: & CONNELL PIANOS CLOUGH & WARREN WATERLOO CARPENTER, CROWN & CONNELL BITTERENDER & CO., Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. Whlta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber ancl Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stoctt Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists ant Studding. (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL.) $16.00 0f - $17.00 0 1 1 S. S. COMPANY, , Pier 26, Horth Rl?er, Mew Yort.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers