EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCItAKTOK, PA., MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBEE 22, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. 10 FIGHT IT TO A Many Ohio Democrats Want to Kill Protection Before Tackling Silver. YOUNG THURMAN'S BAD BREAK Alienates Largo Element in the Buckeye Democracy Which Is Not Vet Ready to Swallow I'rco Silver Coin, oge Other Political News. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Columbus, O., Oct. 21. AVhen young Allen Thurman foisted Ms free silver plank on the Democrats of Ohio they didn't say much, but they did some tall thinking. That action put many of the Democratic candidates for congress In a very embarrassing po sition. Tom Johnson and Mr. Outh walte, after voting for the bill repeal ing the Bilver purchasing act, and put ting themselves on record repeatedly as being opposed to the free coinage of sil ver, find themselves placed abruptly, and with no opportunity for protest, upon a free sliver platform. Anti-free Bilver Democrats and the anti-free sil ver press are swallowing their Indigna tion for the most part during the cam paign. After the campaign Is over there will be, no doubt, a very general and very free expression of opinion by the Dem ocrats and Democratic press opposed to free silver. The German Democratic press in the state Is not refraining now from expressing its dissatisfaction with Chairman Thurman's course. Chair man Thurman has had an enormous number of copies of his free silver cir cular printed and forwarded them to the county committee chairmen for dis tribution as campaign literature. They have not found in every instance a warm welcome. Chairman Byron Rtilwcll of the Holmes county committee returned the whole shipment to Chairman Thurman, with the curt mote that while the Holmes county Democrats were mostly in favor of free silver, when the time came to advocate it, they thought the main issue was still the tariff question, and they proposed to fight that matter to a finish before taking up any other question. WORKING FOR CONGRESS. Republicans Will Also Meet Strannhan's Attempt on the Judiciary. Special to tho Seranton Tribune. Philadelphia. Oct. 21. As a result ot the conference of Republican lenders and the state committee at Philadel phia yesterday, effort will be concen trated on the doubtful congressional districts, the desire being to hnve a solid Republican delegation from Penn sylvania If possible. While It is prob able the delegation cannot be made solid, yet It is possible the Republicans may get 28 out of the HO. The developments In the Third dis trict, Philadelphia, leave little doubt of the election of Frederick Halterman, Republican, as the successor of Me Aleer. Tho withdrawal of the Re publican candidates. Shannon and.Am onson, of the Third and Fourth legis' tive districts, makes it clear the "Pe sylvania Democracy" Intends to re venge McAleer's defeat by voting for Halterman, the Republicans in return voting for the McAleer legislative candidates agninst theHarrltyites. Tho Harrlty men have followed Singerly example, thrown up their hands and admitted McCullen's defeat by Halter man. Another decision of the conference was to give aid to several Judicial candidates who are being harassed by opposition within the party and by the active interference of the Democratic state committee. BAllCOCK'S CLAIMS. He Is Confident tho Next House Will Bo Safely Republican. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Washington, Oct. 21. Chairman Bab cock, of the Republican campaign com mittee, figures confidently on the elec tion of litO Republicans to the next house, or a majority of twenty, which is exactly what the Democrats are flgutlng on for their side. The chair man of the Republican campaign com mittee estimates that the party will make material gains in New York, and claims at least two members from Brooklyn, Between Brooklyn and New York he thinks the Republicans will gain five. He figures on two Republi cans from Louisiana, and possibly three. New Jersey, he thinks, will cer tainly show Republican gains, and Kansas, In his opinion, is as safely Re publican as Pennsylvania. Several Re publicans are expected from West Vir ginia, together with a legislature that will curtail Senator Camden's official career. He concedes that the Democrats will hold the Benate until 1S96, and is con tent to rest his claim on the same Re publican representation In that bodv as at present. He believes that the dis content in the north against Demo cratlc misrule will more than offset the advances the Populists may make in tne soutn. CANNOT BE ESTIMATED. Senator Quay Says Hastings' Majority Is Entirely Problematical. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Oct 21. "No one can make an Intelligent estimate of the Re publican majority In Pennsyvanla this fall," was the terse remark of United States Senator M. S. Ouav at the Strat ford hotel when asked to name the fig ure by which General Hastings would be elected. When pressed for his views on the situation In the Keystone state ne said: "Giving figures on the probable Re publican majority In Pennsylvania this year Is largely guess work, and for that reason unsatisfactory. The conditions are auch that there Is nothing upon which an intelligent estimate can be Dasea. The one thing certain is that the vote will be extremely large. I feel that every Republican in the state who Is able to do so will go out and vote the straight Republican ticket. Quite a number of Democrats, In fact Bhoals of them, will vote for Republi can candidates and Republican prin ciples. Other Democrats, who are dis gusted with their party, but who do not care to vote the Republican 'ticket, will stay at home and not vote at all." ALDERSON'S APPEAL. ThoTWcst Virginian's Kncc9 Arc Loudly Knocking Together. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Washington, Oct 21, Congressman Alderson, of West Virginia, was at Democratic headquarters Saturday ur gently demanding help. To Senator Faulkner and other Democratic friends Mr. Alderson candidly admitted that defeat stared him in the face unless heroic measures were adopted. This was disagreeable news to the Democrats, as Mr. Alderson's election was considered to be the only one cer tain in West Virginia. But if his de feat is likely, then there Is but little prospect for any of the candidates In that state. . A CRANK CANDIDATE. The "Snge of Buxton" Conducting a Highly Eccentric Campaign. Fargo, N. D., Oct 21. North Dakota has a congressional candidate who out Slmpsons the sockless statesman of Kansas. In the Democratio conven tion, some delegate proposed the name of Budd Keeve, "The Sage of Buxton," as a congressional nominee. Reeve was nominated though the action was im mediately rescinded. Reeve then be came the anti-fusion Democratic candi date by petition. He opened his cam paign in Fargo last night. He la tour ing the state on horseback, the horse being presented by citizens of Valley City. It is shod with silver shoes, pre sented by Buxton people. Budd travels the country wrapped in a huge American flng, and on his shoul der perches an American eagle. Ac companying him Is a Scotch collie dog, ncting as master of ceremonies at the Sage's speeches. Budd receives an ova tion at every town he visits. The dog marches at the head of the procesion wearing a banner on which is Inscribed: "This animal Is no poli tician, but be knows better than to fuse with animals antagonistic to his nature." ELKINS FLAYS WILSON. The Ex -Secretary of War Makes a Rous- ' ing Political Speech. By the United Press. Charlestown, W. Va Oct. 21. The largest political meeting held in this district during the present campaign was addressed last night by ex-Secretary of War Stephen B. Elklns. The speaker compared the last and the pres ent administration and severely at tacked Chairman Wilson. Mr. Elklns Is an avowed candidate for the United States senate, and his re ception here Is not without its signifi cance. MAY SPEAK IN. GOTHAM. Ex-President Harrison Is Called to New York on Business. By tho United Press. Indinnnpolis, Ind., Oct. 21. Ex-Presl-dent Harrison will leave for New York Monday to engage in some private business Incident to his law practice. It Is not known whether he will make any political speeches or not, as his trip ended yesterday was very exhausting. It is not believed here, however, that he will refuse the opportunity to assist Mr. Morton with a speech or two In New York. MORTON FAR AHEAD. First Republican Poll Shows Sixty Thou sand Plurality Agninst Hill. Special to the Seranton Tribune. New York, Oct. 21i The Republican state commltee has complefed its first poll of the state. It shows a plurality of 60,000 for. Morton and Saxton. , The defeat of Grant, Tammany's can didate for mayor, is assured. THE TROLIEY JUGGERNAUT. A Womun Horribly Mangled in Philadel phiaDriver of a Horse Car Is Also Killed. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Oct 21. mile Mrs. Sarah C. Kllllan, aged 60 years, was crossing the railway tracks at Twenty- second and south College avenue, this afternoon, a trolley car bore down upon her. She became confused, slipped and fell and the car ctruck her, killing her instantly. Mrs. Klllian's body was Jammed In under the wheels and it re quired the use of Jacks to raise the car. The unfortunate woman's head had been severed from the trunk and the body and limbs were so horribly mangled that they were gathered uo and put in a sack. The othor acci'Vnt occurred at 1 o'clock this morning at Eleventh and iwert streets. An Eleventh street trolley car struck a Filbert street horse car as the latter was crossing the trol ley track. The street car was thrown off the track and, John Connor, the unver, was araggea over the dash board by the horses, and the wheels or his own car passed over him, Inflicting injuries from which he died later in the day. POLITICS IN BRIEF. The outlook Is dark for .Tiulm nnvtnn of Media. ' Senator Jones. Arkansas, h call the newspaper reportrs liars. Many Indianapolis Demerats hnve or ganized to fight Congressman Bynum. North Carolina Democrat elect a solid congressional delegation. In Wilson's district Democrats have the cash and Republicans the argument. The Democratic call for Cleveland to say something Is getting loud and Intense. Wyoming Democratic legislative can didates have taken a cast-Iron free silver pledge. Chris Mngee thinks Republicans will capture twenty-soven congressional dis tricts in this state. General Harrison, on his second Indi ana tour, delivered twenty-four speeches In two days to 115,000 people. Chairman Glasscock promises that 10 000 West Virginians will greet Congress man Tom Reed when ho goes to Morgan- vuwn Willi llio AmuriCUB ciuo rsov. 3. Straus' withdrawal from Tammany's ticket means the loss of every Hebrew vote, and Democrats are correspondingly General Wlnsor B. French, of Saratoga, nominated for congress bv th Tuoniv. second New York district Republicans ima wunurawn. united States Marshal J. W. Brown has been nominated by the Republicans of uio xemn uviempnis; utstrict ot Tennes see for congress. Thanks to a Democratic gerrymander, Indiana could go Republican by 20,000 plu rality and yet tho Democrats would retain control or tne legislature. ine Louisiana Democratio executive committee has doclded that H. W. Ogdon was nominated for congress by 148 major- n.j in mo ruurin UISU ICI. Rev. J. B. Jones, of thn Prnvldnnco Wv church, fought Urocklnridgo who was In the favor of his congregation; and now iUI. dUUt'B IB OUl 01 a JOD. Chairman Wilson still blames the Ro mihllcan newsnannrn fur irur),n., London spocch; but has to admit that the London Times' stenographic report was Indiana advices say that Republicans will gain the First, Tenth and Eleventh districts, giving them five In the delega toln, and may gain. In the Seventh, Eighth h.iiu x niriuciiin uiuirii'iH, It Is claimed by the Cleveland Leader that Pension Commissioner Lochren trying to bulldoze the old soldiers Into voting the Democratio ticket, under pen ally ul lunciuug intur puusiuna. Congressman Hnrter, Dem., denounces the tree coinage pianK or the Oh o Dam ocratlc platform as rotten, and distinctly states that he will not contribute, nncun. larly or by speech, to the advocacy of a platform which Indorses a dishonest dol lar. So marked Is the dofeetion from the Democratic ranks on the eastern shore of Maryland that Joshua W. Miles, the Dem ocratic candldote for congress, hns been forced to cut loose from tne party mat form and to practically disavow all alio' glance to uenaior uorman. NEWS OF 911 BATTLE Chinese Account of the Engagement at Ting Yang. PALL OP THE LAST STRONGHOLD The Flower of the Chinese Troops Plucked as Buds of Springtime The Road to China Is Xow Open Peace May Bo Looked for. By the United Press. San Francisco, Oct. 21. The steamer City of Pekin, which ar rived from the Orient this morning, brings the following additional advices to those received by the steamer Aus tria yesterday. The correspondent of the China Gazette telegraphs his paper as follows In reference to the battle at Ping Yang: "I reached the front In time to record the first serious fighting between the opposing armies, which had been lying opposite to each other for several days. The Chinese were well entrenched in Syenchong, Samdoung and Chunghwa, but most strongly of all at Ping Yang, where 20,000 of their best troops occu pied a most advantageous position. "On Oct. 15 the Japanese main army after crossing the river on the previous day, advanced and a general attack was made upon the chief Chinese stronghold, the last one in Korea. The Jepanese, who fought with splendid de termination and gallantry, won a com plete victory. The siege lasted nearly all day and night of Oct. 15. Of 20.000 nicked Chinese troops who formed the garrison, many iied before the enemy entered the town. Among these captured was General Tso. The Japanese loss In killed and wounded was about 300. No estimate has yet been made of the Chinese loss. The road to China is now open. Washington, Oct. 21. A telegram was received at the Japanese delega tion this morning stating that on Oct. 11), upon the assembling of the diet at Hiroshima, Count Ito, the prime minis ter of Japan, made an elaborate speech In the house of lords in which he ex plained at length the causes of the war between Japan and China. During the course of his speech he read the corre spondence which had passed between the Japanese and Chinese governments before diplomatic negotiations were suspended and war was declared. The feeling of the diet appears to be unanimous In approval of the course pursued by the government. The two houses on Oct. 20 passed by an unani mous vote the bills Introduced by the government relating to war expendi tures which involved a total sum of 150,000,000 yen. CARL BROWNE ARRESTED. The Hobo Leader Jailed on a Trivial Of fense. By the United Press. : New York, Oct. 21. Carle Browne, th " of tho "hobos," who Slic es i t.eneral Coxey as commander of -w-rIndustrial nrmy, and whrf was arrested on Saturday on Wall street, was discharged by Justice Ryan in the Tombe police court today. Detective Sergeant Rogers, of the Central office, charged Browne with obstructing Wall strett and refusing to go away when so ordered. Browne's followers stood on the street while tho fate of their chief was being decided; they were not per mitted to enter the court room and so missed the general's oration. He said: 'My companions and myself stopped by Washington's statue and were or dered to move on. we did so. wnne on the way down the street a messen ger whom I had sent to the post office overtook me and handed me a letter. stopped to rend It and naturally a crowd collected; they knew who I was. The officer, Instead of making the crowd move on, arrested me. I think It is an outrage." Justice Ryan made no comment, but wrote "discharged" on the affidavit and said, "You may go." WANT A NEW COUNTY. Project Is Mooted to Cut l'p Lawrence, Beaver and Butler. New Castle, Oct. 21. A proposition Is being seriously urged at Ellwood to form a new county In Western Pennsyl vania to be known as Ellwood county. The people at the head of the move ment are the projectors of the Pitts burg company which brought the town of Kllwood into existence, it is pro posed to take a small slice from the lower end of Lawrence county, quite a large piece of territory from Beaver county and a piece of Butler county. The object Is to make Ellwood a county seat. It Is said by thoBe In the scheme that at the next meeting of the leglslaure a bill will be Introduced, having the new county for its object. A JUDGE UNDER BAIL. O. A. Toulkncr, of Center, Arrested for Embezzlement. By the United Press. Bollefonte. Pa.. Oct. 21. For the mis appropriation of money collected as school taxes In the borough of Phillips burg, In the year 1892, Associate Judge O. A. Faulkner, of Center county, has been arrested on the charge of em bezzlement and bound over in the sum of $1,000 for trial at the November term of court. The exact amount of his shortage Is not yet Known, out it is over o,uuu. WANT PAY FOR SCALPS. Pioneer Settlers Ask the Government to Liquidate for Indian Depredations. By the Unltod Press. Washington, Oct. 21. There are now pending before the United States court of claims about 10,000 claims arising from the depredations committed by the various Indian tribes on the prop erty of the pioneer settlers of the west The claims aggregate nearly $11,000, 000, and between 200 and 300 lawyers arc engaged In pushing their liquidation. HATTERS' STRIKE ENDED. Newark Employers and Workmen Will Settle Differences. By the United Press. 1 Newark. N. J., Oct. 21. The hatters' strike Is apparently ended. Tomorrow or Tuesday a satisfactory settlement Is expected to be effected between bosses and men. Should the strike continue It Is admit ted . by . bosses that the trade will go from Newark to uanbury, Conn.;Yonk ers, N. Y., and Reading, Pa, WILLIAM LAKE ARRESTED. Tho Murdcrcrof Emma Hunt In tho Albion Jail. By the United Press. Albion, N. Y., Oct. 21. William Lake, the murderer of Emma Hunt, was ar rested this afternoon) .and Is .safely lodged In Jail. Shortly after noon to- day Constable Handy, of Water Port, located the fugitive in the large barn of Mrs, Rachel Hoag, about seven miles from the scene of the awful tragedy. Handy, on discovering Lake's red cap through the hay, covered him with his revolver. Lake at once threw up his hands and surrendered. Handy started with his prisoner for the jail in Albion. A large crowd had gathered and some shouted "Hang him," but the constable drove rapidly away and was not mo lested. Officer Handy will receive the 30O reward. After Lake was placed In Jail some one among the crowd called for a rope, but matters soon became quiet again and the crowd Anally dispersed. TRAIN ROBBER SECURE. Scarccy Will Bo Landed in Stafford County Jail. By the United Press. Washington, Oct. 21. Charles J. Searcey, who was arrested at Cumber land, Md., suspected of complicity in the Acqula Creek train robbery, was brought to this city early this morning In custody of Sheriff Kennedy, of Staf ford county, Va., In which county the robbery occurred. The prisoner was taken to Fredericksburg, ,Va. From there he will be taken across the coun try to the little village of Stafford court house tomorrow morning. Pinkerton refused tm answer any ques tions about Morganfleld, the Cincinnati suspect, and the express officials were equally reticent. It is supposed that Searcey's examination will be held not later than Tuesday. SUICIDE OF AN ARTIST. F.lmcr Alrood, of Newark, Expires from Kffccts of Arsenic. By the United Tress. Newark, N. J., Oct. 21. Elmer Al road, 19 ears old, killed himself by tak ing arsenic early this morning at his home, 12 Liberty street. Unre quited love Is the alleged cause of the act. , Deceased was an artist. ELOPED WITH A COACHMAN. Stella Dictz, of lust White Plains, Lost Her Heart to Rosy Checked, Sturdy Otto Von Lick. By tho United Tress. White Plains, N. T., Oct. 21. Miss Stella Dletz, the 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dletz, of East White Plains, has eloped with Otto Van Lick, formerly her father's coach man. The Deltzes live In the Crokor home stead, which takes its name from its former proprietor, the ex-Tammany chief. It was purchased about four years ngo and cut up Into building lots. Von Lick drove Miss Dletz to and from White Plains on her shopping expedi tions. Stella's parents discovered her In fatuation for the coachman and dis charged Otto. He obtained employ ment In this village as barkeeper. Stella, however, frequently drove to town, always stopping at the Railroad Avenue hotel, where Otto was em ployed. This was soon" discovered by her father and a lively row Was the re sult. Mr. Dletz was 111 on Friday and Mrs. Dletz was busy at his bedside, at 8 o'clock Stella bade her parents good night. About half an howl later her mother called her, but received no re ply. An Investigation showed that Steela's bed was not disturbed. As the girl did not return that night Mr. Dletz went to New York today to Stella's friends, but received no news of her. Otto Van Lick is missing and Mr. Dletz believes the couple have mar ried. He threatens them with shoot ing If they enter his premises. Von Lick is about 25 years old and a hand some, rosy cheeked fellow. NATURAL GAS EXPLOSION. Lighted Match Ignites tho Gas Thirty l'cct Away. By the United Press. Greenfield, Ind., Oct. 21. Yosterdav while several gas drillers were engaged in tubing a strong gas well belonging to tne citizens Natural Gas comimnv. of Shelbyvllle, bIx miles southeast of this city, a terrific explosion occurred. A bystander struck a match thlrtv feet from the derrick, which ignited the escaping gas, completely destroying the rigging and dangerously burning five drillers before they could make their escape from tho tower. KILLED BY TRAMPS Peter Siquurd, n Glass Worker, Murdered by Vagrants. GreenBburg, P.a., Oct. 21. It has de veloped that Peter Slqunrd, a glnss worker, who was found dend and thought to have committed suicide at Jeannette.was murdered by five tramps. 'ine tramps have been traced to an eastern point Siquard was 20 years old and unmarried. FROM WASHINGTON. President Cleveland and fdmllv will re turn to the white house this week. A warrant for $1,900,000 to pay pensions at the Philadelphia agency has been drawn. The emperor of Japan has presented a medal to Captain C. N. Jacques, United States navy, retired. Adjutant General Ruggles recommends that the enlisted strength of the army be Increased to 30,000 men. The demand for new fractional silver coin, especially In the west, Is greater than the supply now on hand. Senator Gormnn has gone to New York for a few days, and after the election will make an official trip to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Crisp's- health has caused the speaker to cancel nil engagements to spoak that will keep him from home over night. The Maine has probably earned a pre mium of (."0,000 on nccount of surplus horse-pownr developed by her machinery on her recent trial trip. Tho poBtofllce department has declared the Mississippi Co-operative Loan and Investment company of Jackson, Miss., a lottery, and that if. cannot use the mulls. KEYSTONES. Watchman George Gnrdner, of the Lu zerne county court house Is missing. A Lehigh Valley locomotive snuffed out Andrew Sorocco's life at Shenandoah. Typhoid fevor has closed the lnrsre shoo factory at Palmyra, Lebanon county. Many of the celebrated "riser" oases will be tried at Harrlsburg next month. A barrel of elder rolled upon J. G. Shal ble, at Wllliamsport, fracturing hla skull. The school board of Mlnersvllle has funded a debt of $17,000 to build a new school house. Although dragged 800 yards by a run away mule at Shamokln, James Darmur was but Bllghtly hurt. Fish Commissioner Ebel Is tearing out the fish dams In Clinton, Lycoming and Northumberland counties. The regular meeting of the board of pnr dons has been postponed from Tucsduy next until Tuseday, Oct. SO. The case agalnst-leneral Freight Agent Wight, of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road, for alleged discrimination In rates was postponed if. Allegheny county until IS TBE CZARQFRUSSIA DEAD An Unconfirmed Report Is Circulated About London. SOME ENCOURAGEMENT GIVEN Tho Final Stages of Brlghts Disease Are Not Marked by Accompanying Symp. tomsinthc Emperor's Case Mar. rlagc of the Czarcwitch. By the United Press.. Berlin, Oct. 2t The first dispatch of the day concerning the czar's condition was received here from Yalta, near Livadla, at 11 o'clock. It was substantially as follows: "If the czar's death should not be hastened by heart failure, owing to recurring spasm, 'or by apoplexy, both Inci dental to his malady, the doctors hope to combat the uraemia for some time. Usually the final stage )of Brlght's disease Is marked with convulsions, delirum, and at the last prolonged coema. These symptoms have not set in." The numerous imperial princeB now at Livadla have been gathered for state as well as family purposes. They will form a council whose position will be an nounced soon after the convening of the nouced soon after the convening of tho senate on Oct. 20. The members of the council areetpected to be the carowltch, the Grand Duke Michael, Count Pohler and Privy Councillors Solisky, Bunge and Mouravleff. The czar's death Is not expected to cause a panic In the market unless French Investors, who are believed to huld no less than three hundred mill ions in Russians, should take alarm and try to unload their holdings. Reports of tho Cziir's Death. London, Oct. 21. High mass was said in the Greek church here today and special prayers were said for the czar. A dispatch received from St. Petersburg by the Central News this evening Bays: "Much excitement was caused today by widespread reports that the czar was dead and that the news would be suppressed officially until next week to enable the Princess Alix to declare her adherence to tho Greek church and be married to the czarewltch before tho announceent. The St. Petersburg Jour nals have been ordered to expunge all bulletins as to the czar's Illness from the copies going to Livadla." Warsaw, Oct. 2L Dispatches from Yalta say that the czarina is suffering from nervous collapse and parlysis of the legs. Her lllnens was caused by overwork in the czar's sick room, loss of sleep and constant anxiety. NEW HAVEN ELOPEMENT. As tho Wife of Dr. MeCord, Miss Dayton Is Thought to Be Hound forjupun. By the United Press. New Haven, Conn., Oct.. 21. The fact that Miss Rose Dayton, of this city, and Dr. Hugh Copeland McCord, of Bridge port, eloped nnd were married, hns Juat been made known. Miss Dayton is the daughter of one of the wealthiest oyster dealers in this state nnd is about 35 years old. Dr. McCord was graduated from Yale In 1X79, nnd had acquired prominence in his practice In Bridge port. While In Yale he met Miss Dayton, and they were engaged. For some un known reason Miss Dayton's parents have continued to oppose the match, and two weeks ngo she left this clay, ostensibly to visit friends In New York. Her relatives here thought she was there until yesterday, when they re ceived a letter from her, dated at Van couver, B. C, Informing them of her marriage to Dr. McCard, and also stat ing that they would today sail for Japan, whore Dr. McCord will Join the Japanese medical corps. LAMP EXPLOSION. Several Peoplo Are Severely Burned ot New York. By tho United Press. New York, Oct. 21. A fire occurred In the' six-story brick tenement, 60 Or chard street, shortly before 10 o'clock this afternoon. The flames were put out with slight damnge. The outbreak was caused by the explosion of n lamp. The following people, who resided In the house, wore slightly burned about the head and body: Hyman Rubin, 35 years old; Rosa Rubin, 30 years old; Henry Rnbin, 9 months. These were all attended by an ambulence surgeon and remnlned nt home. Becky Rubin, 7 years old, was severe ly burned about the head and body, and Jacob Slegel, aged 7 years, was burned severely about the face and hnnds. Both were taken to the hos pital. WORK OF THE COOK GANG. Cherokee Half Breeds Hold l'p a Train and Shoot Passengers. Parsons, Knn Oct. 21. The Missouri Pacific passenger train on the Kansas and Arkansas Valley branch was held up by four or five masked men at Cor retta Siding, seven miles east of Wag oner, I. T.. at 10 o'clock last night. Empty cars were placed on the track and the train struck them. The robbers commenced a terrible onslaught and four or five persons are reported shot. Little money Is said to have been se cured. All the cars excepting the sleeper were Bhot full of holes and not a whole window remains. The robbery was the work of Cook and his desperate gang of outlaws. GOTFRIED JOSSER'S CRIME. Ho Acts In on Unpleasant Manner at a Danco. By the Unltod Press. Alliance, O., Oct. 21. Gotfrled Josser, a young German, nt a society dance Inst night shot himself with a revolver In the breast and created a terrible panic among the dancers. His wound is fatal. Tho cause of the suicide Is that his sweetheart refused to allow his atten tions on account of a quarrel. She was not present nt the dance, and from what is learned he Intended to kill her and himself at the end of the dance. TWENTY-SIX BODIES FOUND. Flro In tho Autnu Coul Pit is Still Bum lng. By the Unltod Press. Budaport, Oct. 21. The fire In the Anlna coal pit reported yesterday, is more serious than was supposed last night. Twenty-six dead bodies have been found and forty-six are suffering from severe Injuries. The fire still burns. ATTEMPT AT LYNCHING. Offlcors in. Chnrgo of a Negro Have to Fight a Mob. By the Unltod Press. . Hlcksvllle,0.,Oct 21. Charles O'Noil, a negro, assaulted a 3-year-old daugh ter of Mrs. Daniel Hockerman, late yesterday afternoon. The child will re cover. About midnight the negro was arrested and after a desperate fight with a mob, the officers succeeded In lodging him in Jail. His crime lsaimost heinous one and yet the grandmother of the child is said to be shielding the negro in every way possible. She did not wish to have anything said about it as she wanted to keep the negro on the place. ASIIORN AND CR1TCIIFIELD. Tho Courts Will Bo Asked to Decide Who Is Nominated. By the United Press. Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. 21. The certifi cates of nomination of Ashorn and Critchfleld, the rival candidates for senator in the Thirty-fourth district, will probably be presented at the state department tomorrow. Owing to the controversy over the alleged Irregularity of the nominations the courts will probably be asked to decide which nomination the com monwealth shall certify. WANTED TO DIE TOO. James Rank. After Committing Murder. Attempts Suicide. By the Unltod Press. McDonald, Pa., Oct. 21. This after noon James Bank, colored, shot-Maggie Allison, known here as"Scotch Mag," four times In the breast, perhaps fatal ly. Then In a fit of remorse he took acid, exclaiming: "I will die too." He has been unconscious ever since. The woman lies in a critical condition. ANOTHER ANARCHIST PLOT. Tho Unraveling of a Cipher Letter Shows Up an Orgunlzutlon of BIood-Thlrsty Thugs. By the United Press. Washington. Oct. 21. The Post today reiterates the statements published by it last June relative to an nnarchisic plot to blow up public buildings in this city during the Coxey excitement, and publishes :a deciphered letter which purports to be written by the head of a society in London to its representatives in this country. This letter was un raveled by one of the police inspectors here after a great deal of study. The Washington police were notified of this plot by the Chicago police, who furnished the name of the Washing ton correspondent of the Chicago asso- ciaiion 01 anarcnists. Tins man was watched and a letter addressed to him was intercepted. Accompanying this letter was tho communication in cipher which was subsequently unraveled. The cipher letter gives no names and in it the conspirators are designated by numbers. It is dated June 21, and refers to a sensation that will soon oc cur. The sensation was the assassination of President Carnot, which occurred snortiy atterward. It also says that an ambassador at Washington had been ordered to be "removed." The am bassador ordered to be removed is still In Washington attending to his rlutlr but his escape from the vengeance of anarcnists is said to be due to the un ceasing vigilance of the Chicago and vusniiigton ponce. NOW SUES FOR DIVORCE. Climax of the Marital Troubles of Mr. Benson, of Chuttunooen. By tho United Press. Chattanooga. Tenn.. Oct. 21. Oonro-o N. Benson, president of the Chatta nooga Savings- Bank and Trust com pany, nas filed suit against his wife, praying tor an absolute divorce, nam lng James A. Scott, a prominent at- toiney, and others as corresnnndentn. The suit Is a climax to a series of sen sations in the marital life of the plain tiff. It has been only a few weeks since he was on trial for his life for the murder of J. E. West, a banker, whom he Killed for alleged Intimacy with his wife. The shooting occurred In an elevator of tho Richardson building last Febrnarv. ana mo tragedy, trial and subsequenl events have been the reigning sensa tion in Chattanooga for several months rx-Govcrnor Bcdlo Dead- By tho United Press. Jersey City. Oct. 21. Ex-Oovernor .Tn seph D. BeUlo died at St. Luke's hospital, hew lork, this afternoon. Ex-Oovernor Heme wns born at Matawan, Monmouth couniy,sjan. , 1M1. FOREIGN FACTS. Lord William Beresford Is to ba mar ried soon to the Duchess of Marlborough formerly Mrs. Louis Hamersly, of New 1 OIK. Kaffirs still surround the town of Lou- renzo Marquez, on the African coast, but me excitement is dying out. Tho Dowager Duchess of Montrose, Eng., who races horses under the name of Mr. Manton, ' Is reported to bo dy ing. After getting a $25,000 reward for ox- posing smugglers, Senor Aguilern, Spanish customs officer, gave It all to charity. Tho Paris municipal council has voted $10,000 and the Berlin city council $1,400 to provide diphtheritic serum for city hos pitals. Tho lower house -of tho Hungarian relchstag sent back to tho house of magnates tho freedom of worship for ac ceptance unamended. For asserting that Queen Regent Chris tina of Spain caused the king to be made a Freemason, the prior of the Dominican monastery or Santa uatalln nas been ar rested for treason. Grave differences are reported to have arisen between Lord Rosbery and the Earl of Klmberly. The latter left tho for eign office tho day after the recent cab mot council, una nas not since reported. TICKS OF THE WIRE. The yacht Tolmo, bearing tho Count nnd Countess Festetlcs, Is reported at 'Frisco to be safe. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrl son, sister-in-law to the ex-presldent, was held at Indianapolis. On trial for alleged acceptance of bribe, School Inspector Walsh, of Detroit, Allen., was round not guilty. Because of Its dangerous condition, Peoria standplpa worth $2u,000 was or dered demolished by the court. Foul play Is believed to have caused the disappearance of Postmaster Doshay, of the Bridgeport (Conn.) Traction company, Directors of the broken Greenvillo City (Mich.) National bank are suod by the re ceiver for $224,000, lost on worthless paper. To escape C. D. Meyers, her ex-lover, who tried to shoot her, Lllllo Mitchell, of Cleveland, jumped from a window, break ing her leg. Whllo being fciken to Taylorvllle, 111., to he tried, Gerard Chateau, a hor.e thief, Jumped from tho train near Holly Bprlngs, Miss., and escaped. The safe In Postmaster C. W. Bchlnd ler'8 private ollloe in the New Albany, Ind,. postolflce building was robbed of between $1,000 and $5,000. A body washed ashoro nt Snn Diego, Cal., proved to be that of J. H. Btnrd Inger, a noted civil engineer of 'Frisco, who may have been murdered. While taking $8,000 In gold dust to Butto, Mont., Perry "ltenl, a miner, was shot by a bandit, but his wife whipped up and and saved husband and money. WEATHER REPORT. Fair: winds shifting to south; Bllghtly warmer. Rnleys A FEW SPECIALS IN a An uu For This Week. 28 pieces, 40-inch all wool Henri ettas, best shades, 50c quality, Special Price, 35c. 20 pieces, 46-inch all wooi Henri-' etta, 65c. quality, Special Price, 45c, 18 pieces, 36-inch all wool Assabcl Dress Flannels, 40c. quality, Special Price, 29c. 25 pieces fine English Suitings, changeable effects, Special Price, 43c, 20 pieces Silk and Wool Xlixtnres, 65c. quality, Special Price, 48c. CHOICE NOVELTIES FOR 1 Our line of Black Goods comprises the Latest and Best Designs of tha Leading Foreign Manufacturers. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Aye. MIN OIL GLOTEllliO Wholesale and Retail, H. A. KINGSBURY 313 Spruce Street. Telephone, No. 4633. A IT II II VISE. Couldn't hurt much more than an uncomfortable shoo. Our "KOR RECT SHAPE" Shoes are easy. CORK SOLES In Calf and Cordivan are just what you want for Fall and Winter. Q ) 114 Wyoming Avenue. PAY ENOUGH Some people are too finxlmis to Bare When buying a wateh, thinking that cheap wateh will do as well as a good ono, and that all the difference In wntahes Is the price. May be that it required a moral effort on your part to pay us 10 for a pluln looking but honettt tltrxikeepflr, wht'n somebody else generally offers you a gold watch for 12.50 and just for good new) Bake throws in a gold chain and charm. Of course It In all a "tamo schwlndle," as the Jew said when he went up In tho balloon and couldn't find the sil ver lining of the cloud. It happens veryi now and then that a person sends off for a gold watch, gets It, and then loans faith in watches and humanity tor ever and ever. We think it wouhi pay you to call on us and see if we have what you want, nnd if we can't suit you at all out of a largo stock of watches, why it is time enough then to send out ot town tor a gold watch. W. J. WEICHEL, ' JEWELER, 408 Spruce Street nrnn n eveing Hi next May. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers