THE SCItANTON . TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 3, 1894 IWEST SIDE m WHO IS THc iNCiNuUhV? Chief Ferber Bell- the Lilly Property Wee Set on Fire. The alnrm of fire wblcb sounded .from box 14, at the corner of Lacka wanna aveuue and Seventh etreet about 8 o'clock laet evening wae eaused by a blaze in tne three etory brick dwelling occupied by the family of John Lilly on Weet Lackawanna avenue. Officer Lewis who was patrolling that beat saw smoke issuing from the front win dows and promptly gave the alarm. The Franklin, Century, Nay Aug, Eagle and Hook and Lad'ler companies quickly responded. The flimes orit?i ti nted In the joists of the second flior and burned briskly for some time. Vol umes of smoke poured through the win dows and it was thought that the building could not be saved. The fire men battled bravely with the flitun before they were brought under con trol. The hotel of J. J. Cummings and Edginton's blacksmith shop, on either hand, were uninjured. The damns to the building amounts to about (600 and is insured. - The origin of the fire is not known, al though there is belief that it is the work of incendaries. Chief Ferber, when questioned re gnrding the affair, said tuat the place was certainly set on fire. Between the joists on the second fl)or it looked as though the flior bad been torn up, and rags stuffed between the joists, satur ated with oil and ignited. Mr. Cum mings, who reeides next door, says that be saw two negro girls leave the build ing and run aorose the Hyde Park bridge about ten minutes before the fire was discovered. This stntement was verified by sev eral others. A negro who was in the building when the companies arrived said that the Lilly family were out of town. , Mr. Ferber says that the nnuiual po sition of the fire, that ie, three distinct fires on one floor, six or eight joists apart, is a certainty that' incendiarism was the cause of the conflagration. LITTLE WEST SIOE NEWS NOTES. Harry Sweetzer is recovering from a paiuiut aDBceie on tne neau. Miss Florence Abbot, of Pittston, is vis Jting Miss Anna McNulty on this aide. Mrs. Claude Thomas, of Wilkes-Barre, is tne guests of relatives on Jackson street. The Scranton Traction company has placed a guard rail on its Robinson street traclf. Robert James, of Bonth Lincoln avenu, left yesterday for Philadelphia to study pharmacy. The Iroquois Pleasure class will give ineir opening social in Aiears nail tomor row ovenlng. Councilman Lynett and wife, of Pitts- ton, have returned home from a visit with friends here. Jeremiah Long and Charles Corlo. of Stroudsbnrg, bave returned home after visiting friends on this side. Mr. Reynolds, late of Lafayette street, nee openeu a very neat, paint ana wall pa per store on North Main avenue. Mrs. Thomas North, of Pleasant Mount. Wayne county, will return home today irom a visit witu menus on mis erne. The West Side officers under Lieutenant Williams for October month are Dyer, waiver, jewis, uurreii, refers and .trans, Mrs. Elizabeth Stevona, of North Lin coin avenue, and Mrs. Louis Stevens, of- jxortn eumner avenue, will visit friends in bay re today. The funeral of Robbie, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lamb, of Twentieth street, will occur this afternoon. Inter ment in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Miss Laura Green, of Archbald street, entertained her numerous friends at her borne yesterday afternoon by giving a 4 o'clock tea. The young folks enjoyed themselves immensely. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Thirlwall, of Thir teenth street, gave a very delightful party Monday evening in honor of their daugh ter, Miss Edith's eleventh blrtbday. Those present were the Misses Cora Jones, Peoria Jones, Etta Cummings, Blodwin James, May Davies, Maria Lewis, Ruth Jones, Kutie V. James. Ethel Lewis, Addie Lewis. Nellie Lance, Maggie Lance, Lucy Fellows, AlUla Fellows, Emma Fel lows, Mary Williams, Lizzie Jones, Mary U Thomas, Verna Wugstaff, Mary J. Haines, Viola Rodrick, Emily Jenkins, Lizzie Whetstone, Annie Thomas and Sarah Thomas, the Messrs. W. H. Thirl wall, Louis Bates, Wlllard Oliver. William Markwick, Chester Lewis, Albert Thomas, David Jenkins. Elsworth Davies, George Lloyd, Albert Roberts, Sterling Thirlwall, Rob Lance and John J. Lewis. Recita tions, singing and games were iudulpsd in. The young lady was the receiver of very handsome presents. Refreshments were served and all dispersed very well pleased with their evening's enjoyment. TnK fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla, once fairly tried, becomes the family medicine, freaks volumes for its excellence and me dicinal merit. Hood's Sarsaparllla is na ture's co-worker. Hood's Pills become the favorite ca thartic with everyone who tries them, 25a THE CLERK'S ERROR. It Is Responsible for a BUI In Eqalty. Yesterday C. Comegys, attorney for William P. Connell, filed a bill in equity in the office of Prothonotary Pryor. The suit is brought against the executors of the estate of the late George Sanderson. On April 10, 18C7, William P. Connell and William M. Silkman bought from the Bander on estate two lots of gronnd on Adams avenue, and on Jan, 5, 18G9, a deed was executed for the purchase, but in the first part of the deed the grantees' names are written William M. Bilkman and William P. The latter name was erroneously sub etito.ted for that of William P. Con nell, but the error was not discovered cit Secret SSTilil IS PERFECT DIGESTION- I USE THE GENUINE ilALT EXTRACT AND FIND THAT IT- CREATLYJIDS ME JN THE PROPER ASSIMILATION i w,i the deedt were recorded without a rorrection. To correct the record the tnlt was brought and he defendants do not In end to centest it, as it is nothiog wore or leei than replication salt brought to remedy the lapte of the abient winded clerk who filled out the deed. LUCINOA GOES TO JAIL Will Have to Answer Charge of Burg lary at Court Lusinda Jackson the young colored woman, who was detected while burg larizing Poster's second-hand clothing store on Penn avenue early Tuesday morning was yesterday committed by Alderman Fltzsimmons to the county jail withont bail. John Pierce, arrested as an accom- pliece was held in the sum of $200 as a witness. DIED OF HEMORRHAGES. MarUn Murphy , of Maple Strtet, 8tridken on Bit Way to Work. Martin Murphy, of 634 Maple street, an apparently healthy man euesfcxl as a tore man at tne boutn works, died un expectedly yesterday mornina. He left bis house at 0 30 for work. A few steps from the gate be became very dizzy, but continued on a few hundred yards until he began to reel and stagger. A man who was nlso on his way to work saw Mr. Murpuy and as sisted him in returning to his home. Only a few minutes after he was tnken home and bad been siated ou a chair bis senses left him and be fell unconscious to the floor. Dr. Manly was sent for, but before he reached the bouse Mr. Murphy had expired, a half hour after be wus first stricken. The coroner was notified and he arrived and impanuelled the following iurv. P. O. Kuikht, Philip Nenlon. P. A. Cavanaugu, 1 bourns K.Iiey, Sarnu-l Rosenthal, and Andrew Kearns. After bearing the testimony of the mau s family and the I gentleman who helped Mr. Murphy back to the bouse, the jury at tho direction of the coroner found a verdict that death was due to hemorrhages.' The funeral will take plaee Tburs day morning at 0 o'clock with a high mass of requiem at St. joiin s enuioh Interment will be made in Hyde Park cemetery. MARRIED YESTERDAY. Miaa Kate Fiiob and Henry Kelsh United at 8t. Mary's Churoa. At 0 o'clock yesterday morning the wedding bells of the marriage of Miss Kate Fiscli. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fisch, 1010 Pittston avenue, to Henry Klsb, of Maple street, rang out at St. Mary's German Catholic chnrob on River street. IUv. Father Christ united the eouple in matrimony, the ceremony being preceded by a nuptial mass. Misses Lizzie Fisch, Mary Witishmau and Kate Fisher were bridesmaids, and Joseph Fiicb, Albert Kelsh and Charles Marker acted as groomsmen The bride was costumed in a cream silk gowo, with ribbon to match, and she wore a veil of tulle, and a bonquet of Marchal Neil roses. Her attendants wore dresses of cream lans-downe. trim mod with ribbon to match, and bouquets of tea roses. A private wedding breakfast was en joyed at the borne of the bride's par ents. Tne eouple left on tue afternoon train for Niagara Falls on a short wed ding trip. After their return they will begin housekeeping in a nicely fur nished home on Maple street. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. A special meeting of division No. 14, A. O. H.. B. of E will be held this morning at the ball at 10 o'clock. All members are invited to be present. Miss Bridget Lundy, of Pittston ave nue, left for New York yesterday after noon and will sail Saturday for Ireland. She will be absent six months. Mrs. Mary Green, of Crown avenue. died yesterdav otter a long illuess. The funeral will occurr Friday morning at o'clock. Interment will be made in Hyde treat catnoiio cemetery. At a meeting tonight in Dr. Manly's hall to orsauize a Democratic club. ex- Judge P. P. Smith will open the exercises with an address and will be followed by oiuer ngnts or local Democracy. The Neptune Engine company will hold a ball in the near future. A committee of August Schimpff, Frank Eobling, jr., Max Rosur, Jacob Geiger and Frank Schauer uaving ueen appoimeu to ui me aaie. LOCAL POLITICAL JOTTINGS. Next Saturday a big Republican mass meeting will be bem at Walton wblcb will be addressed by uaiusba A. Grow, John U. Jones, J. A. Scranton and others. The Young Men's Republican leacue. of the West Side, is arranging; for a bis detr nostration on Oct. 18. Tne meeting will be addresed by a number of well-know speakers. uepuDiican neaaquarters presents an animated appearance every afternoon They are visited by hundreds of voters who have suggestions to make or who are in qneat of information. Secretary Millar Is constantly on hand, welcomes all the callers and sees that the matters thev are interested in receive proper attention. The Wilkes-Barre Times has the follow. ing: "Charles P. O'Malley, who has been nominated by the Republicans of the rounn aisuici lor tue legislature, is one of the brwuteat and most active among the younger members of the Lackawanna bar. Though running in a district that bas been Democratic, by a large majority, oy reason oi bis ability and personal pop ularity. be stands a eood chance of beini elected. He is capable of making a rattling goou political epeecu. e naa me pleas ure oi neanng mm aaurcs a large and en tnusiaBtie audience on Austria's day the World's fair, when his brilliant ora tory won deserved applause from the large gathering of Amerlcaus and Anstrlans there present. aoie, Emm or iwa nous.. mm life. OW TO CLOTHE CHILDREN Problem That Makes Study. Mothers Minister's Wife Who Dresses Her Family In Excellent Taste How a Small Income Went a Long Way. The puckers in many s mother's forehead are deepened as she studies how to dress her boys and girls in a respectable manner on the small amount that Is available. A minister's wife in a small town near Scranton was confronted by this discouraging situation, but her woman's wit and a few ten cent pack ages of diamond dyes solved tne prob lem, and handsome clothes were soon evolved from a pile of odds and ends. 'ine Home, tiouseKeeper, laaies' Home Companion, and other house hold papers hove published many ar ticles telling how to ubb diamond ayes making new clothes out of old. Pretty dresses, handsome cloaks, serv iceable stockings, and gay hat ribbons and feathers are obtained at but little expense, not only for the children, but for tne mothers as well. The ease with which dinmond dyes are used is really surprising. They make beautiful colors that never crock and are non-fading. "While there are other package dyes, there are none so easily used, nor such fast colors," says Jean Hunt in a recent number of llio Home. "1 have tried otlier dyes, ut the diamond color the most goods. Their fast stocking black is the only black ' dye for cotton I nave ever found that makes a rust lack which never turns gray when wanheil." INGUSH Em FATAL ACCIDENT AT STORKS. Thomas Wolley, of the Boulsvard, Crushed TJndar Book. Thomas Wolley. of the Boulevard, was futally injured yesterday morning by a fall of rock while at work in tee fourteen foot Tela at the Storr's shaft. Althongh orushed almost Into a jelly he lived until be reached the surface. The deceased was married, end a member of Lodge No. S99, of the Order of the Sons of St. George. NORTH END BRIEFS. Mrs. Eugene Corwin, of Spring street, is recovering from a week's Bickoes. W, B. Christmas, of Main avenne. Is rn- tertaininir Miss Electa Moore, of Hamil ton, Wayne connty. The Green Ridge Iron works have a force of men working nights on account of some large orders ou hand. John R. Davies, of Wayne avenue, ex pects to sail today on the City of Berlin, for a brief visit to Wales. The child of Reese Evans, of Pntman street, that was ill with the typhoid fever, is on tne roaa to recovery. The youngest daughter of Alfred Parry. of Summit avenne, is dangerously ill with membraneous croup. Dr. Donne is in at tendance. Owing to the crowded condition of No. 25 school, about twenty-five of the pupils in tue primary u department were trans ferred to No. 24, Miss May Powell, prin cipal, and put in charge of Miss Shelley. Ivor Joseph, of Main avenne, who has been an inmate of the Lackawanna hos pital for some time past with typhoid fever, bos recovered and expectB to sail to day on the steamer Berlin for the home of Ills parents in wales. Ralph Bingham, monologist humorist and violinist, assisted by ms sister, gave very delightful entertainment to a large audience in the Methodist Episcopal church last evening. The audience was very well pleased with the entertainment, The alarm which was sonnded from box 85 at Cnsick's hotel, at 8 o'clook yesterday morning was caused by the burning of the residence or Airs. James Mall on West Market street. Not only was the build ing totally destroyed, bnt everything whicn ie containua, inciuaing aDout nw m cash. The Cumberland, Liberty and Ex- eelslor lose companies reached the scene in the order named and did effective work in saving the adjoining property. Ii. C smith, or Dun more, swore out a warrant bofore Alderman Horan yester day morning, charging Thomas Potter with defrauding him out of a three-weeks' board bill. Potter was arrested by Officer Johler and taken before the alcerman. who, when he refused to settle the bill. committed him to the county jail in de fault of $ 00 ball. Polter.who is a painter by trade, left his home in Haw ley about six weeks ago ana went to unnmorj and boarded with bmitn for three weeki aod then suddenly left, being found in ths Bristol House, where he had been stayiug since last Saturday. DUNM0KE. $ David J. Hand is ill at his home on But ler street. Miss Sadie Bishop, of Hawley, is visiting at a. tr. num s, on mm street. Building is booming at Little England. several uew dwelling houses are being nunc near ine Hivangeucai cnurco. Remember the Red Men's entertainment Thursday evening at Odd Follows' ball. They promise all who attend a very pleas ant time. H. L. Crlnpen, the new harnessmaker. and John Johnson, of the Scranton caah store, will occupy 11. E. Spenoer's new aouoie house on vveoeter avaune. Dr. Clarence 8. Hall, who has praotlced here as a bomeopatkio pbysioian, has moved to Montrose, where he will cou tinue the practice of his profession. Hi Dunmore friends wish him success In his new Held, Murray's breaker Is idle much of the timo of late. This breaker has worked better formerly than auy other In town, They bave made a specialty of supplying tne iochi iraue, luroisuing mis town With custom coai. The woman in black has again made her appearance in this vicinity. She has been Been emerging from the woods at North park after nlfhtfall, and has frightened several ladies. At the present it is Very unsafe for girls and young ladies to go out aiuue at uii(iu. The Scranton Traction compary is erecting new poles through this borough along the fcuburbau line. The Doles are as crooked as ram's horns, especially luose at tue corner or urinser antl unest nut streets. They would be condemned by any intelligent farmer as unfit for fence poles. The following offlk-ers of the Epworth league were elected last evening for the coming year: President, Dsn Powell; first vice president, luomai tienwood; second Vice president, Philip Davis; third vice president, ijiicetta Miner; fourtu vioe president, Marian Kenney; secretary, uniuu treasurer, oiepuen Klcbarus; piamsr, urace rowell. 'ine league Will noia their talent social on Nov. Bl. Bnoklen'e Arnloa Salve, The best salve In the world tor Cats Bruises, Bores, Uloers, Salt Kbenm, Fever rwree, letter, snapped nauas, Chilblains, Corns and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. , It is guaranteed to give berfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price K6 cents per bos. For sale by Matthews Bros, - CENT A Word. Want$ of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in- advance. When a book ac count made, no eharg will be less (nan tS cents. This ruts applies to all small want eds, except Situations Wanted, which art inserted FREE. Agents Wanted. A tTANTED SALESMAN; 8ALARY FROM V V start: permanent place. BKOWff BKOB, Company., Nurserymen, Rochesoer, N. Y. T ANTED - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO Deddlinic. Salary. v Handle our line, no 976 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box &J08, Boston, Mass, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous profits, sells at sight, delivered free, so oure territory. Sample in velvet lined case with full information, 10c Catalogue fr3. Aluminum Novelty Co.. U33 Broadway, New York. For Rent. FOR KKNT ONE-HALP STORE, f enn avenue, I'lO per month. 120 TX)R RENT NICELY-FURBISHED HALL V suitable for IoJko rooms. JOHN JER- WYN, UV Wyonnnn avenue. Special Notice. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations liKil-llWj. Two Volumes Folio,' ilti.M; payable monthly, JiOU. Va vored by express complete, propaid. Address P. O. MOODY, VIS Uiluon street, Scranton, 1'a. zines, etc., bound or rebound at The Tkihlnb oflloe. Quiok work. Reasonable prices. H I EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144. j)L corner Spruce street and Franklin ave- mi". Twenty meal tickets (or 5a Uood tfihle nnaru, HcId Wanted Female. A PPRENTICES TO LEARN DRESS MAK- Jt. in. ilKi BAILEY, m Lackawanna avenue. In Pound. TN HYDE PARK POUND. 48 SOUTH 1 Main avenu -. a black heifelfer about three years old, white hind legs and white spot be tween shoulders. If not called for in five days from date will be sold nccor-llng to law. jacou jieiucK, I ouuu masier. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK- k? ceived at tho ottioe of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7.3U o clock p. ra., Thurs- dav. I ciober 4th, im, to turnisn coal ror too current nscai year ror ir uept. nouses, fctat'.on Huuaes and Municipal bulM nir. Four fropos;i's will bo received, each tobj enc o ed n a si parato envelope, and bidders shall en close w.tli each proposal the Hum of tin dol lars, cas:i or cortitlu I h ck. as a uuaraiui-o to comply u ith proposal if awarded the con'rs' t. rroposai jno. i to ne lor lurmsiiiug tne ' urn Lena' a. Excelsior, Liberty, Nliga a and (li n er a I 1 blimey Fire Dept. Houses; also the Mar ket Sir et ttation Home. PrnoiMal Nu, i to lurnlsh the rrai.klm. Columbia an I Kairle Fire Dept. Houses; also Hvde l'ark Station House. Propostl fto. o, lo furnish the Mnnu-lial Building and lions s occupied by the C'ry.uL. Nay Aug 1 hoenix. Hook and Ladder and He lief Hre Dept. Companies. rroposai J i'. 4, to lurnisn Aiaer street Hta tlon House! aid the houses occupied by tho Neotuno, Century aud Wm. Connell Fire Dept. Companies. The city reserves the ritfht to reioct any and all bids. By order of city Councils. 11. T. LAVELLU, City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., Sept. 23, m. Incorporation. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF the County of Lackawanna. Soptembor Term. 18m. No. 1064. Notice is hereby (riven that an application will be made to aoove court on Thursday, September, 80th, lti!U, at ten o'clock a. m under the "Corporation Act of lb"4," of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the sup plements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called 'The Wil liam A. and Lawrence Colliery Keg Fund," the charier and object of which is for beneficial and protective purposes from funds collected therein and for those purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, nenefiu and privileges of the said act of assembly and its supplements. The proposed charter Is sow on file in the Protbonotary'sofllce. JOHN 11. HARRIS, Solicitor. Legal. ESTATE OF PHEBE E. GARDNER,. LATE of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, state of Pennsylvania, deceasod. Letters testamontary upon the above named estate having boon granted to the undersigned, all nersons liavlne claims or demands against the said estate will present them for piyment and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to JOHN B. SUMNER, Execntor, SO Broad street, i'ittston, Pa TN RE: INSOLVENCY OF GEORGE X Reuowski. No. 3D I. Seotember term lKWt Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county. Notice la horeby given that the Conrt has flied Momlav. October 15. 1111. ntU o'clock a. m. an the tune tor liuiil hearing of the above named petitioners application for discbargo as an insolvent ueotor. E. C. NEWCOMB, Attorney, RE: IN80LVF.NCY OF THOMAS Campbell, in the Court of Common Fleas, No 2W. boDiemtier term. 18'J4. Notice is hereby given that the court has Rxed Monday. October in. im. at Do clock a. in., as the time for hearing the above named petitioners' application for final discharge as an insolvent aentor. E.C. NEWCOMB, Attorney. INSTATE OF WILLIAM n THOMPSON, J late of the city i f Scranton deceased. Lettors testamentary upon said estate having boon grautcd to the under- s uued. all iwnons having claims or Co mauds acainst 1 lie said estate are reauestad to make known the same to him without de lay, and all persons indebted to said estate are reuuestea to make immediate payment A. B. CLAY Executor, W. W. LATUKOP, Attorney. Scranton, Sept. 15, IStU. TESTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE xj oi tue city oi bcranton, county of Lackn- wanna, btate or rcnnsyiuatiia, deceased. Letters teetaineutary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons uavinir claims or uemanas against the said estate will present th m for navment and those indebted thereto shall pleaee make immeuiaie payment 10 THUS. J. MULLEN, Executor, ' JESSUPS AHtKD, Attorneys. Situation Wanted. WANTED SEWING AND DRESS MAK v ing by the day to go out. Address lock box lot, Li ii n more, fa. WIDOW WITH ONE CHILO 10 YEARS of ago, would like a no It ion as hnn,. keeper or scamstieas. Beit references. Ad- areas n liung, rriDuna otuce. CITUATION W.'NTf.D BY A FIRST O class engineer, machinist and rigger, is well recommendod, must have work of some description. Address W. ('., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN O desires a situation si book-keeper, fix tiariencsd and good relerences. Willing to beg.n on small wagea Address J. W. L. 437 Wyoming avenue. SITUATION WAV TED BY A WOMAN to do house cleaning or i.fllcee, orwnshlng by the uay. Address J. C, SJ0 Twentieth street, Hyde Park. AN ACl'IV 1 MilMl MAN, WITH good references, of middle ave wishes employment, yniok and correct in figures, five years experience aa single entry book keeper and clerk. Will work for auy wages that will payboard. Addresi W. a Tribune office. O OO tinning and soldering all done sway ' With by the nse of HAKTMAN'S I'AT INT PAINT, which consists of Ingredl nta well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, iif.uim iu, Bum iruH ruois, ai so to OTIOK an en Tumbling, cracking or breaking of ths euinira waian win nrevens ahaniutuai , rick. . it will outlast tinning ot any kind by onany yrars,and it's eost does not exoeed on fifth tiiatot iheooet of tinning, Is sold by Ike Job or pound. Contracts taken by M1UMIO HABtAlANN. 27 Blrob 81 DK onnolly & Wallace New Things Opened This Week Among them are many styles and novelties controlled by us. Changeable Silk and Wool Effect. Silk and Wool Novelties. New Persian Designs. THREE 115 pieces TOPLIN OTTO MAN, in all the popular5 shades, 45 inches wide; a wonderful cloth that is worth under the new tariff $1 peryd. Our special price, 75c. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES. A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 0 A Child's Bicycle, Rubner Tire, new 1 0 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, now 18 4 Boys' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tiro, new (luoown to 1 Youth's Bicycle. Pneumatic 35 g Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatic Tire, sec ond nana 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, new 80 1 Secure B.cycle, Pnoumatio Tire, sec- ona-nana o 1 Lovel Diamond Bicycle, Bolid Tiro, second-hand 10 1 Ladios' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second hand ....V 5 2 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second hand IS 1 Victor C Bicycle, lHi in. cushion Tire, second-band 35 1 Victor B Bicycle, 1 In. Cushion Tire, second-band 40 1 Columbian '93 Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, 65 1 Chainlesa Bicycle, Pneumatlo Tire, nearly new 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a discount of one-third for two weeks. J.D.WILLIAMS&BRO. 814 LACK A. AVENUE. Wm. Linn Allen & Go, STOCE BROKERS. Bay and sell S'oeks,Bondsind Grain aa New York Exchanges and Cblengo Board of Trade, either fur cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. f"Looal Stocks a Specialty. a dul DIUK, Mwi TELEPHONE 6,002. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Owl of ths beat quality for domeatlo ose,ancJ f all site delivered in any part ot the citj at lowest prloe. Orders left at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING ATKNtTK, Bear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will vwuln nrnmnt Attention. Kjiecial eontraota will be made tor tne fit ana delivery ot Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. AYLES WORTH'S Meat Market Tbe Finest la the City; Tbe latest Improved fur nlsbirjRi and apparatus (or kseplng meat, bntter and eggs. M Wyoming Ave, Hotel Waverly Eoropeon Plan. First-class Bar attseheS. Drpot tor Bergner Kngul's Xannhauaer - Bean IE Col tStb md Filbert Sti, Ptillsdi Vost dpairabls for resident ot N.E. Penn sylvsiila. All eocveutonees lor traveler to and rrom Broad Btrent station and th Twelfth and Market Htre staUon. Ue slrabl for risiting Karantonlan and pa tie in lbs AntliraotU Kegloa. T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion mnstnse Pononl1 kr der.' It prodooe a soft and beautiful with Boucle Covert Cloths, Plain and Changeable. Mountaineer Cloths. Scotch Friez93. Domestic and Imported Serges. - GREAT SPECIALS 2 A large line of Two-Tone TAFFETAS at Former price, $1. 75c WALLACE 209 CMTON CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN Creditors' MSotice Notice is hereby given that auc tion sales will be conducted daily, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m., in the store of CW. Freeman,Jeweler, corner Penn avenue and Spruce street. The sale is positive and no goods are reserved. Proceeds will be applied to liquidate creditors' claims. JOIIX E. LEWIS, Manager for Creditors. W. L. Douglas $3 SHOE"? THE BC8T. 8QUEAKINO. $5. CORDOVAN, rru.nungtcivwcu.L'WU.r. FlNECALF&rCMJGAHDl 3.5P P0UCE.3 Soles. 2.L7-SB0YSSCH0aSHQEi LADIES SENDFOO CATALOGUE WL'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. You can save numey by purebaaloc VV. L. llnuirlM Khuf.. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ami price oa the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's p'ro6ts. Ouraboes equal custom work in style, easy fittintr and weorinff qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower Drices for the value liven than any other make. Take uo substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. bom Dy E. J. LEONARD. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLES AND 6PORTINO GOODS. Wrkor. Oendron, Eclipse, Lovell. Diamond ana Otlier Wheel COMPLEXION BLEMISHES SUy be hMden Imperfeotlv b eosmetlas sn4 powders, bat can only be removed prm nontly by Eetsel's Superior Face Bhacii It vjUI positively remove Freekli-, Tan, Moth. satioirn, and cure any dloan ot the (kin, such as Pimples, Acne, nd renders the skin lllack- l.r.ris. and rendersthe skin soft and beautiful Price l per bottle. or salt at E. M. HETSEL'Si - SS0 Lack-. Ave grson?a 3 Only, three pieces. All we could buy. So, with us it is . first come first served. It is a BLACK SILK KHA DAME, and the price is ' COo. It's every thread silk. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous9. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. BEDDING GO. THE CITY. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In; niuminatmg and Lubricatin, Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso lines of all grado Axle Ores Pinion Grease and Colliery Com. pound ; also, a large Una of Far Tsmne Wax Utnaies. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tha oaly family safety burning oil in tbe market WILLIAM MASON, Managnw Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ave, Works at me Brook. Well, Sirl 'Spoctacle9!'1 Tea. sir! Wd have a special ist here to nq vou who doe nothing else. Sit right dow r IT and have yourj eves fitted in a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. CO Goods 1 and 2 Commofiwsaltb Bld'g, eutaniun, trn. MINING andBLASTING POWDEEt Hade at the MOOSIO and DAUC WORKS, Lafilin & Rand Powder Go. 'a ORANGE GUN P0WDE( Electrio Batteries, Fuses far explod ing blasts, Halety Knee and ftepaanoChemlcal Co. 'a High Explosive! K&TABLISilBD 1866, 86,000 IX VtB, Instrument In Tery sens of the turn Exceptional in boldlnf then original fubj'i NEW VORK WAREHOC6B, Ko, 80 Kft avenue. SOLD BY E.CRcker8cCo 1 15 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg. Look Here! There are a great many cards, iphlets, circulars and othct advertising matter constantly ' being. distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for rea ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by some thing catchy and rarely seen. rL-lr- cbm -am vnim IMF ; ,nt """iwn I niuwitt JOB DEPT. is able to please you in every OILS fill POWDER J respect,
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