1 ANOTHER handsome: ' South Side WeetSldo. Newgou , , second Providence, page. Dunmore Paper Next TWELVE. -;S,,,"M'iJiy PAGE EIGHT PAGES-5C. COLUMNS. SCRASTTON. PA.. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 4, 1894.. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER iM Ck C3 9 THE 11 CLOUD IS It Now Threatens the Peace of Francs and England. THE DISPUTE OYER MADAGASCAR Japanese Forces Pushing Forward In the Flowery Kingdom Illness of the Czar of Russia Kurdish and Turk ish Soldiers Killed by Armenians Townley Estate Frauds on Trial. Twenty New Cases of Cholera in Germany Rich Farmer Murdered. Anantarivo, Madagascar, Oct 8. O BLOCKADE of tbe ports of the A Itlund of Madagascar has been proclaimed by France. Tlie ITU resident-general has gone to Tanatave. He has beeu instructed to take measures to protect the eolonists in the event of war. All the afternoon newspapers gravely discuss the hasty summoning of a ca binet council, and it is generally ac cepted as being connected with some Bcrious difficulty with France. The Liberal organ, the "Westtnlnter Ga zette," handles the subject very tender ly, and is evidently aaxions not to excite pnblie opinion sud thereby em barrass the government On the other band, the Conservative mouthpieces discus the matter more fearlessly, and warn France against encroaching upon British rights. The dispute between England and France in regard to Madagascar is one of long standing. Madagascar is a large island, separated from ths south eastern portion of Africa by the Mo zambique channel. It is now, virtu ally, under a French protectorate, al though it is claimed in England that at least one-seventh of the isle - is held by British capital. Bat the French embassy in Loudon recently answered a communication from the Madagas car consul in Londou by a formal state ment that, officially, there is no longer such person as a London Madagascar consul, as, it was added, the agents of France in various countries represent the Hovas government, . Early last month the French gov ernment evidently determined upon taking decided action in regard to Madagascar, probably believing that the bands of England were tied by the complications bronght about 'throngh the war between China and Japan, Consequently M. le Myre de Vilers was sent on a special mission to Madagas car, and it was understood that he was to all intents and purposes instructed to demand the abdication ot the gov ernment and to annex the island to France. The Japan! Eav Landed. Shanghai, Oct. 3 The governor of Eirin, Manobnria, reports that the Jap anese have effeoted a landing in the rear of Lan Chan. The whole province is in a state of consternation; but measures for its defence aro being taken. Another heavy levy bas been made upon the Chinese merchants in order to meet the expenses of the war. The native papers confirm the report exclusively cabled to the Associated Press yesterday, that 5.000 Japanese troops have landed in the northeastern part of Cores. The Europeans who were wounded in the battle fougbt off the Tala river are all doinsr well. It is reported that the Chinese sol diers who retreated from Ping Yang have taken up a position at Ngau where they have beeu joined by troops which were landed on the banks of the Ylu river, and by others from Shin King. This force is reported to be en trenching itself thoroughly, and it is now thought probable that the result of the war will be decided in the battle which, it is expeoted, mast be fought at Ngan. The Chinese authorities of this city attempted to arrest a Japanese traveler from Manchuria on bis arrival here from Tientsin. They claim they were justified, as he was suspeoted of being a spy. A police informer took oharge of the man and handed bim over to the Americun consul. Yokohoma, Oct. 8. The Oerman warships which had assembled here, bave been erdered to proceed to ports in northern China. Th Ulnaaa of the Csar. Vienna, Oot 8. The Politisohe Cor respondenz is informed by its St. Pe tersburg aorrespondent that the Czar's condition is not sneh as to occasion alarm. The secretion of albuminous matter by the kidneys has not exceeded 1 per cent daring the last six weeks, but has varied between and 1 per cent., wbieb is very low. It is likely to be reduced by the present treat ment. London, Oot. 3. The Berlin corres pondent of the Times says that the czar will continue to occupy himself with indispensable state affairs. Paris, Oot 3 A despatch received here from St Petersburg says that the marriage, of the Tsesareviteb to Prin cess Alix, of Hesse, has been again postponed, this time on aceonnt of the illness of the czar. It is now expected that the marriage will not take plaoe intil next Jane. Atteoked by Armenian. St, Petersburg, Oet 3. News has 1. U M T' A.M.nIB i.Huvu uaio kuui iuffruiu, aiiu.ui.1 that the people ot Saasun have attacked tne tt.nratsn ana Turkish soldiery ana killed and wounded mora tbab 800 of Ibem. The Turkish troops are said to te in a pitiable condition, and their offerings are greatly enhanced by the wverlty or toe weather. Townley Estate Fraud. London, Oot. 8. Colonel Jacques and Bowell Tbomas, a former solioitor now undergoing a term of penal servitude. irere again charged on remand today it Bow street police court, before Sir Jobs Bridge, with conspiring to de fraud various persons in . connection with the claim to the Townley estates. William Enoch French of Evansville, Indiana, who was brought especially DARKENING from America to give testimony in the case, said that Colonel Jacques per suaded bim to take Townley bonds to the amount of $25,000 He testified that several of his friends took similar bonds, at their face value, to the amount of (100,000. The prisoners were again remanded, counsel for the prisoners intimating that American witness lor tne aeieuss might De . re quired. i Family Killed by Robbers. Berlin. Oct. 3 A despatch received here from Vilna, Russia, tells of an outrage upon the part of a number of robbers. A neb farmer reamed in tne town ot Gibaniszki, near Vilna, with bis wife, three children, and four ser vants. He was believed to be in the habit of keeping a considerable sum of money in the house, and this becoming known to a gang of robbers, tbey at tacked the house, killed him, bis wife, children, and servants, completely looted the house, and escaped with their booty. Evlo;4 Tenacts' Seven?. London, Oot. 3. A dispatch to the Telegraph from Dublin says that ex citement has been caused by the re cent destruction of three bouses built by the Marquis ot Clanricarde at Woodford. County'Gnlway. The affair is shrouded in mystery. It is known that two of the bouses were blown to pieces and that the other was burned Each of the structures stood on the site of a homestead ifroin which a ten ant bad been evicted. The Cholera in Germany. Berlin, Oot. 8. The official oholera report for the weak shows that in the East Prussia, Vistula, Netze, Warthe and Elbe districts there were twenty four new cases and six deaths. EXPLORERS RETURN. Professor Charles E. Hile and Party Return from a Visit at Labrador. Philadelphia. Oct. 3. Charles E. Hile, professor of taxidermy and ornithology at the University of Penn sylvania, with Howard Bucknell, G. Perkins and (i. M. (Joates, re turned today from their two months of explorations ' at Labra dor. The. results of the explorations were very satisfactory, and they bave brought buolc with them a large botan ical, ornithological and natural history collection, iueluding the remains of several mammals. Professor Mils thinks he has speci mens of two birds of a hitherto un known . genas and four or, five new kinds of buttej flies, but be cannot be certain until-he. Jias had an oppor tunity to examine the specimens more thoroughly. ' Professor Hile said that tney made a Thorough exploration of the shores of Sandwich bay and the country inland to the distance of twenty -five miles. The party asconded the great Beaver river 190 miles and fonnd it navigafile to a distanco of 05 miles, where further progress to large boats is barred by a fall 65 feet high. They also ascended two other small rivers a distance of twonty and forty miles, respectively, One was broad and shallow and tilled with rnpids and the other wus narrow and swift According to Professor Hite, Labra dor Is unfitted for agriculture, the soil being rocky and sterile, but a short distance bade from the coast the coun try is heavily timbered with tomaroo and birch. Extensive deposits of iron ore were found, bnt owing to the short ness of the mud season and tne severity of the winters the deposits cannot be worked on a paying basis. The const of Labrador is dotted with fishermen's bnts and a few small settlements. Professor Hits estimates the popula tion at 25.000 and fishing is the only Industry, The people are mostly Eng lish, Irish and bcotch and Professor Hite says that their morals are the worst of any people he has ever met. Professor Hite says Labrador is the paradise of hunters and fishermen, the land abounding with gams and the waters teeming with trout and salmon. Winter bad already set in when the party left here early in September and from the 1st to the Cth of the month they were enow-bound by a fierce storm. TYPE SETTING BY MACHINES. . What President of International Union Say of Them. Chicaoo, Oct. 8 Next Monday the forty-second annual convention of the International Typographical union will open at Louisville, Kv. It will be the largest convention in the history ot this noted trade organization, dele gates having been eleoted from every district in the United States and the Canadas, The deliberations of the congress, moreover, will be of unpre cedented importance, from the fact that the effect of the rapid adoption of type-setting machines and other mat ters of vital interest to the fraternity will be considered at length and acted upon. From an advance proof ot the an nual report of President W. B. Pres- cott, of Indianapolis, which will be presented on the opening day of the convention, it is learned that the ad dress deals at length with a soore of questions affecting the fraternity, and incidentally of interest to the world of trade unionism at large. Touching upon "Machines and their effeot," Presi dent Prescott will say : "True to the history and ethics of trade unionism, we bave not antagonized their introduction, but have, with some rel ins tance, it may be, readily formulated scales ana euterea into agreements suitable to the changed conditions. Many new ques tions have and will ariso to harass and aggravate u, and iu dealing witb them it will benefit us and the -future of the craft to be deliberate, accepting the inevitable and securing the very best terms possible. DIRECTUM WINS EASILY. All Ktoords for Stallion Trotting- Are Broken. Portland, Ma, Oct. 3 Inthematoh rsoe between Directum ' add Nelson, tbe former won easily In three straight beats. ' Time. 810. 2.13. 9.08. Tois breaks all records for stallion trotting in a race. LITTLE ROCK IS WIND WRECKED Part of tne City Completely Wiped Out by Cyclone. THE INSANE ASYLUM IN RUINS The Penitentiary Was in the Path of the Whirlwind Many Persons Are Crushed by Falling Timbers Loss of Property Not Less Than $1,000, OOO Scenes and Incidents of the Catastrophe. Little Bock, Ark., Oot. 8. EWS from the Arkansas State In sane asylum at an eary hour this morning confirmed the first re ports concerning the damage done 1 that institntion by tbe tornado which caused devastation and death in this oity last evening. All tbe male de partment and annex was razed to tbe ground, four floors falling in a mass. Dr. Ingate, formerly of Mobile, Ala., and two patients were instantly killed, and four other patients were seriously and perhaps fatally injured. The destruction in tbe residence part of tbe city in the vicinity of the peni tentiary is very greet, btate Senator Vest's daughter, who lives In that neighborhood, was injured by a falling roof. The bouse was blown down and everything destroyed.- The other oc cupants escaped serious injury. State Engineer Eggleston's house, in the same neighborhood, was unroofed. Thomas Warner's house was demolish ed, and a two-story tenement on West Third street, near tbe penitenti ary, and Peter English's two- story bouse were wrecked. The Dibrell house, one of the oldest bnildings in the city, located at Mark ham street and Broadway, was de molished. Young's grocery was un roofed, and a boarding bouse at Second street and Broadway was blown down, but no one there was injured. Tbe Presbyterian church at Fourth and State streets was unroofed. Abraham Olloneimer's residence was wrecked. The damage to residence property Jn the west end will exceed 50,OUO. The name of the convict killed at tbe peni tentiary is (irimn. . T wo guards, fcimth and Witt are badly injured and seven trusty prisoners were seriously hurt. Tne property loss to the state there is $20,000. . LIST OF KILLED AND INJURED. The list ot killed as far as can be learned is as follows: Dr. J. T. legate, Mobile, Ala. Two insane asylum patients. The convict, Griffin. Jack Boyd and baby, colored, killed in the Wahrfritz bnilding. Joseph Holloway, colored, killed in the Little Rock bakery. The injured are: State Representative Elect C. T. Monroe. probably fatally. John 'Eaton, an employe at the Martin block, fatally hurt. captain a. u. smith, hurt on toe bead. Mrs. Jan ko, fatally injured. Fritz Reis, soriocsly injured. John Fouterouwez, fatally injured. James Swift, injured in the head. Guards Smith and Witt, badly injured. Several children were covered with debris in tbe ruins of the St Charles Hotel, but they have all been account ed for. The bell over the Torrent en- cine house, weighing 700 ponnds. fell into tbe street and demolished tbe en cine bouse. Tbe worst effects of the storm are to be seen at tbe insane asylnm, which is three miles west of the business center of the city. The entire south balf of the main bauding was demol ished. The tower fell through Super intendent Robertson's rooms, burying Dr. ingate in tbe ruins. Mrs Koborts esoaped with slight injuries. All but twenty of tbe inmates bave been dis covered. Many were found down town and plnoed in jail, and some, it is feared, are buried in the rains. Dr. Insate's body will probably not be re covered until this evening, as it is buried under a heavy mass of mortar and timbers. Tbe loss to the asylum will reach $150,000. FREAKS OF TITS STORM. Many peculiar freaks of the storm are reported. A large sheet-iron stand pipe, four stories high, which stood in tbe rear of Gleasoa's hotel, was struck by lightning and fell to the ground. Every iron rivet in the pipe was cut and it was unrolled. R. H. Batsman, who rooms in the third story of tbe Allls blook, bad a thrilling ex perienee. He was sitting in bis room near tbe window read ing, when suddenly a fonr-by-six scant ling, twenty-five feet in length, crashed through tbe window, just above his bead, and made a bole in tbe opposite wail, passing almost throngh into the next room. He was uninjured. Tbe damage caused by the tornado will undoubtedly reaoh the first esti mates at $1,000,000. STILL A MYSTERY. The Guee i ion as to Whether 6natoHlll Will Bun I Unsolved. Albany, N. Y.. Oat. 8 Colonel Wil liams when seen at tho executive obain ber this aftornoon in regard to the Ithaoa dispatch that word bad been re ceived there announcing that Senator Hill had declined to run, said: "I have beard nothing about it." Colonel John S. MoEwsn, when seen at Senator Hill's lawoffise said beihad heard nothing to that effect. Senator Hill's friends here do not bollevs that he bas told any one be would not ran. MAY BE MURDER. Charles Walnwrtg-ht Shoot and Danger ouclv Wound Lewi Smith. Oceanfort, N. J.. Oet 8. Charles Wainwright - shot and dangerously wounded Lewis Smith in Wainwrlgbt's honse at midnight Mrs. Wainwright. who is an attractive woman about 30 rears of age, is alleged to have been the cause of tbe shooting. The partic ulars of tbe quarrel between the two men bave not been made public. ' Wlauwrlght was turned over to the custody of Squire Conlin, of Bed Bank. who took tbe prisoner to tbe freehold jail at 3 o'clook this morning. Two physicians are attending ainitu and they say there is a little chance for his recovery. CORBETrS PLANS. Against Advice of Friends He Conolndaa to Fight Fltstlmmons, New York. Ost. 8 The Evsning Telegram this evening prints the fol lowing: James J. Corbett bss changed bis mind about fighting Bob Fitz simmons for the championship of tbe world. He bas overcome bis objection to meeting a middleweight aud bas announced his intention of covering Fitzsimmons' money, now held by tbe sporting editor of the Herald, but be win be in tbe city to make me maton one week from to-morrow. Corbett communicated this informa tion to a prominent sporting man this afternoon, who said: "Corbett will go into this inatoh against my judg ment. I furnished part of the stake money for his fight with Sullivan, but I deplore bis action in meeting a mid dleweight. It will add nothing to his prestige if be beats Fitzslmmons, and it is a big chance. However be knows best what be wishes to do. " Corbett's action in receding from the position be assumed Monday is a great surprise to his friends and enemies also. FORMALLY NOTIFIED. Messrs. Morton, 'Saxton and Haight Waited Upon at Rhinebeck by theCommittee Appointed. Rhinebeck. N. Y.. Oct. 8. The committee appointed by tbe chairman of tbe Republican state convention to officially notify tbe candidates of their nomination, lert New York on a spec ial train at 10.30, and arrived here shortly after noon today. Tbe com mittee consisted of General C. H. T. Collie, chairman; and Messrs. Crnger, Hendricks, Ellis, Buell, Lsxow, Wit tersbee. Baxter and Ellsworth. These gentlemen were accompanied by Hon. Cbauncey M. Depew, General benjamin Jr. Tracy, who proposed Mr. Morton's nomination; John Sergeant Wise, who seconded it; Chairman Charles W. Hackett, of the state com mittee; Chairman B. Odll, of tbe state executive committee; Chairman Will iam Brookfield.of thcounty committee ; General Horace Porter, president of the Union Lentrue club; Edmund Wet- more, president of the Republican club; General A. McCook, who was secretary of the senate when Mr. Mor ton was vice president, and George tl. Sharpe, on 3 of Mr. Morton's neighbors. Upon the arrival of the train the party was driven in coaches to Mr. Morton s home at bllerslie. benator Charles D. Saxton and Judie Albert Haight, the nominees for lieatenant governor and judge ot the court of appeals, were with Mr. Morton when be received his guests. Mr. Morton entertained the party at laucheon. General Collis, as chairman of the committee, delivered the nominating address. He said: Mr. Morton Deputed by the Republican convention which recently assembled at Saratoga, we visit your home today to tender to you in the presence of yonr fam ily the nomination for the high office of governor of the commonwealth. This is but the formal notification of a fact which bas for months past been anticipated by tbe people, and the consummation or wuicn had been received oy tnem witn entnusi asm aud sincere gratification. "Comrade Saxton: To you, sir, we are instructed to tender the Kepupblican nom ination tor the important office of lieuten ant governor. After a friendly, but earn est contest, in which many of tbe brightest intellects in tbe state were your rivals, you became the unanimous choice ot the con. vention. "To you, Judce Haight comes very cronerlv that promotion to a higher ju dicial sphere, which of right belongs to tbe experienced and upright jndge. It is a strong argument in favor of an elective judiciary when we are admonished that the electors win not tolerate a canamacy for tbe Bench which is not absolutely free of taint; whereas it sometimes happens, where the appointing power is conferred upon the executive, that the purest life does not escape calumny or avow rejection bv tbe senate. I may, therefore, say that the nomination tor judge of the court of appeals is tendered you witb positive kuowlodge that your character is without blemish or reproach. Messrs. Morton, Saxton and Height responded briefly. At 4 o'clock the party boarded the special train and started tor New York. ORIOLES nOXORED. Wind up of th Baa Ball Jollification at Baltimore. Baltimore, Oct 3 The greatest reception ever given in this city ended tonight with tne fall of the onrtain at Harris Academy of Mnsio. Tbe Joy maddened populace which gave the base ball champions sucn an entnusi astio reoeption yesterday seemed loth to end with the celebration. This af ternoon Ford's opera house Was jammed to the root at tbe base ball benefit matinee. ' Manager Hanlon and tbe ball players were guests of honor. To each of them Manager Charles E. Ford presented a handsome gold badge as a souvenir or tbe occasion. Tonight the Baltimore News benefit performance at Harris Academy was given. Tbe celebration eonciuaea witn the Orioles in living pictures. They appeared in their new gold and black uniforms. As they posed and mads some of their popular "plays" they were cheered mightily. It was the fitting finale to a great celebration. SHE ATE TOADSTOOLS. , Another Woman Who Sid Not Know Tb.y Were Load.d. Altoona, Pa.. Oot. 8. Mrs. Wlnl freil Smith, aged CO yens, died today from eating toadstools in mistake for mushrooms. Tbe supposed mushrooms were collected by Mrs. Smith's son. His mother prepared tbem for supper last night, bat cone of them were eaten bv any other of .the family, although Mrs. Smith drank tome of the broth from tbe stew. Tbe toadstools were, eaten by two dogs who died In a little time. Short ly afterwards Mrs Smith was taken ill and grew worse until this morning when she died, THE VETERANS MEET II PEACE Reunion of the Army or the Tennessee In Council Bluffs. THE OLD LEADERS ARE ON HAND Generals Howard and Schofield Aro Distinguished Guests Reception in Veterans' Honor Telegrams and Letters From Far and Near Bring Regrets of Those Unable to Attend. Council Blcffs. Ia.. Oct. 3. THE survivors of tbe Army of tbe Tennessee, generals, colonels, captains and majors and other officers who led regiments and batteries over the field ot Chiekamauga and above the clouds on the slopes of Lookout mountain, saluted one another again today on the occasion of tbe twenty-sixth annv il reunion ot tbe Army of the Tennessee aud the thirti eth anniversary of tbe battU of Cor inth, The opening session of the gathering was devoted entirely to routine business. and was called to order at 10 o'clock this morning at Royal Arcanum ball, which was elaborately decorated witb the Stars and Stripes and banners bear ing the insignia of tbe order. Among those occupying seats on tbe platform were the following: General Schofl.'ld, commander of tbe United States Army ; General O. O. Howard, commander of the Department of the Atlantic; Colo nel Fred D, Grant, Major Hoyt Sher man of Des Moines, Is. ; General Swayne and tbe two sons of tbe late General William T. Sherman, P. Tc enmseh Sherman of New York and Father Thomas Ewing Sherman of the Society of Jesuits. THE VETERANS WELCOMED. After prayer bad been offered by Father Sherman, General G. H. Dodge ot Iowa, president of th society, called tbe meeting to order and extended greeting to the assembled veterans. He made brief reference to the com rades who had passed away since the reunion in Chicago last year, and paid a touching tribute to tne memory of tbe late General JeremiaU Rusk, who bad been a life member of the sooiety. A committee was then appoint ed for tbe . seleotion of officers, after wbich tbe annual reports of the corresponding secretary, General Hick enloopor, of Ohio, aud the recording secretary, General H. F. Force, of the State Soldiers' Home, of Ohio, were submitted. General Hickenlooper read a score or mors telegrams from absent members expressing regret at their in ability to be present, with hopes that tbey would all be spared to attend the next annual meeting. Among tbe messages was a cable gram from John A. Logan, who is now traveling in Europe. Several papers of unusual interost upon military topics were presented, after which the meet ing adjourned to atteud the reception, which wus given in their honor thia afternoon, at the home of General Dodge. Tonight the officers with their wives, daughter! and invited guests assembled at Dohany's opera bouse, where Colonel D. W. C. London, of Georgetown, 0 delivered the annual oration. Governor Jackson and Mayor Cleaver welcomed the delegates. NEW LOAN ASSOCIATION. Application for a Charter Filed Yester day at EarrUbarg. An application was filed yesterday with tbe secretary ot the commonwealth at liarrisburg for a charter for the "Progres sive Building and Loan Association" ot this city by C. G. Boland, Charles Dupont Breck, Colonel E. H, Ripple, Luther Kel ler, Victor Kocb, II. J. Anderson, P. D. Manly, S. 8. Sprubs. Jacob Kunz, K A. Zimmerman, Jacob F. Miller, C. M. Gail lord, the capital stock to be $1,000,000. The officers are C. G. Bolaud, president; Charles Dupont Breck, vice president; Jacob F. Uillor, secretary: Lackawanna Trost and Safe Deposit company,' treas urer. This association will possesses some new features not heretofore incorporated in our local building associations, and is sore to become very popular witb the people, as it will provide a sure and safe invest ment for small savings upon which a lib eral rate of interest will be paid. Tbe men who represent this association are in themselves a guarantee to tbe pub lio that progressive, and at the same time safe businoss principles will govern the affairs ot the association. Stock can be bad from any of the above named parties. DEATH OF MISS HATTIE MURPHY. A Pure Touag Soul Qoei to It Eternal Beward. The death yesterday aftornoon of Miss ITattie Murphy, daughter of Thomas Murobv. of 41!5 Kelluni court, is indeed bad news. Her life bad been like a pure stream that emptied an too soon into the boundless ocean of death. She was one of the best known young ladies of tbe city and a devoted member ot tbe Blessed Vir gin's sodality ot St. Peter's cathedral. The sickness which ended in ber death held her in its embrace for montbs pabL but she died truly resigned to tbe Creator's will. Tbe (unerul will take place tomor row morning at 0 o'clock, with a requiem moRS at St. Fetor's Cathedral. Interment will be made iu Hyde Fark cemetery, DRAGGED BY AN ELECTRIC CAR. Thomas O'Ualley Sustain Serious lujury on Washington Avenue. Thomas O'Malley. of Sonth Washington avenue, yesterday brought suit against tbe Scranton Traction company to recover 10,000 damages. In August Mr. O'Malley was working for the Asphalt company on North Washing ton aveuue and was struck by a car and dragged some distance, sustaiuing injuries that be says will be permanent. The plaintiff is represented by Attorneys .Tnn). fVUU --'1 IT e 1 EXAMINER LARUE'S REPORT. It Win Be Presented to th Sleot Ooun oil Tonight Plvil RncrlnAA. rtan4.mln P T .nn. a mln according to resolution ot councils, has Dro ror several weeks engaged in scru tinising plans for tbe new bridges, will present his report to tonight's meeting ot select council, Mr. Larue has not had as much time for the work as he bad wished, but makes bis report tonight according to councils' in structions. He will racommnnrl n allaht strengthening of the superstructure. On mo wuois ue is sausnea tnac tne plans are good ones. THREE DAYS IN JAIL. Jam Lowlni.key Aeks $10,000 for, That Tim. James Lowiniskey began an action yes terday against Constable Joseph Seward, of the Thirteenth ward, and Michael Ber nolas to recover til), 000 for malicious pros ecution and false imprisonment. The plaintiff is represented by Attorney C. H. So per. Last August Lowlniskey, who resided at Park Place, was arrested for theft on what purported to be a search warrant, but which, it is alleged, was nothing ot the kind. Ue was incarcerated in the county jail for three days, bat wheu the case was called to the attention of the grand jarv no one appeared against him and the Dill was ignored. fiernolas was the prosecutor in tbe theft case and Lawiuiskey thinks that he acted maliciously and will ask a jury to mulct Bernolas and his agent, Seward, iu the sum of $10,000. WON ON A FOUL. Ed. Smith Is Given the Fight at His Encounter with Lawrence Farrell. Denver, Col.. Oct 3. A train of spectators with 175 passengers, sport ing, professional and business men left the union depot at 1 o'clock to witness tbe encounter between "Denver Ed" Smith and Lawrence Farrell, whose real name is William Keogh. The train stopped at 2 30 about twenty miles one on tbe Gulf road and tbe ring was pucnea in exaetlv the same spot where Smith defeated Farrell eight years ago. Tbe spectators built seats of railroad ties around tbe ring, wbich was Ditched close to the track. Smith weighed in at ISO pounds and Farrel at 170 when they entered tbe ring at 2 p m. t arret looked very much smaller that Denver Ed. and the latter was tbe favorite. Farrel wore black tights and Smith the ones be wore wben be de feated Goddard. Tbe gloves (weighed five ounces. In tbe sixth round Farrell lad and landed on the breast and wrestled with Smith again; who fell. Farrell claim ed that Ed held his glove In bis mouth and be could not help it. Another clinch and Farrell again threw Smith. On the claim of another foul Gallagher gave the fight to Smith; but withnrew bis decision immediately, saying be would give Smith the fight on tbe next foul. He did not wait long, for Farrell instantly foaled Smith and threw him over the ropes. Smith wanted to finish the fight, but his friends persuaded bim not to. ON POPULIST GROUND. Geveraor McKialey Greeted Witb En thusiasm Everywhere. Hutchison. Kns.. Oct. 3. The citn del of Populism was stormed today by Governor McHinley and miners and farmers, laborers, business mn, mem bers of various Republican clubs and sobool children turned out in tens of thousands to greet tbe champion of high tariff. During the fourteen hours ending at 10 o'clock tonight Governor MeKinley delivered thirteen speeobes to aud iences that aggregated not less than a hundred tbous.-tnd people and which was gathered from tbe oonntry tribu tary to 900 miles of railroad, as the crow flies. FAST NEW YORK FLYER. Via. Jereey Central to th Metropolis in About Five Hour. An innovation which will be greatly ap preciated by hurried business men and others who wish to travel with speed and comfort Is the fust flyer on tbe Jereey Central railroad which leaves Scranton st 12:50 noon and arrives iu New York at 0 o'clook in the evening and Philadelphia at 5:40., The train Is one of tbe fastest in this section of the country and will not vary in its regularity of time. It will be fully equpiped iu all its appointments aud Pullman service and will only make such important stops as Wilkes-Barre, White Haven, Mauch Chunk. Pottsvilla, Alleu towu, Easton, Bethlehem, Heading, Har risburg, etc NOTES FROM THE CITY HALL. Select council will meet in regular ses sion this evening. Ground has been broken for the now high Bcbool at the corner of Vine street aud Washington avenue. Street Commissioner Kirst and City En gineer Phillips; who have been ill, are st work again in their respective depart ments. School teachers who are ill at their homes are Mies Ella Kern, No. 12; Mies Eliza Ruddy, No. It); Miss May Benedict, No. 25. The municipal book eoutaining tbe mayor's last message to councils and the reports of heads of departments is nearly ready for distribution. The Associated Charities' agent reports many orders for kindling wood, in tbe S reparation of wbich work is supplied for eeerving applicants for aid. At tomorrow's meeting of the board of health will be considered the complaint of the school board on tbe odors arising from tbe lard-try iug in Carr's market adjoining the preparatory scbool. The police force (vas preliminarily In spected by Chief Simpson yesterday. He expressed a vury favorable opinion upon their appearance and aunounced that tb olioe committee would accompany luyor Conuell in an inspection during tbe mouth. There was no meeting last night of the bigh scbool ooramittee of the board of con trol owing to the inability of Little and O'Connor, the New York architects, to reach the city in time for tbe session. Members will be notitled this .morning wben tbe meeting will be held. That the bnlldiug permits for September exceeded those of the procediug month by 80, 000 is evidence tlut operations in that line are on th increase. Building Inspec tor Nelson say that but few carpenters are out ot work and indications are favor able for a supply of work for the laborer. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Oct. 8. For cast em I'ennmteaniu generally fair, and sliahtl!) cooltr durina tht cUiy, west winds,- For westtrn i'tnunylca nia, generally fair, AglU iliowtrt near tin laku, cooler, west winds. FILETS Fall and Winter We have now oneu the most complete stock of Uuderwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children ever shown iu this city. Wo mention a few specials; The Stnttgarten Sanitary Wool In Vests, Pants aud Com bination Suits, The "Wright" Health Underwear For gentlemen. Special drive in GENTS' NAT URAL WOOL and CAMEL'S 1IAIII SUITS. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed In Silk, Silk and Wool and Cashmere, Black, White and Natural. We call special attention to our Ladies' Egyptian Vests and Pauls at 25 and 50c. Each. The Best for the Money Ever Offered. And Ladies' Combination Suits. Our special at $1, 1.23 and 1.50 up. Full line of Chil dreu's Goods, in Scarlet, White and Natural Wool, Vests, Pants and Union Suits. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' iLCLOTHIi Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4UO, Lewis, Reiliy Davies School Shoei Ton know how that livoly, onorcttc bov of your's knocks out bin shoes. We've been ihinkluir of bim-provldine; fur him an-i his destructive euergy. We have a regular wear duffing gtio from 50c. upward. Lewis, Reilly & Davies J 14 WYOMING AVENUE. New Store New Good! Wedding Presents Wedding Presents Fine line of DORFLINGEB'S ElCn CUT GLASS just re ceived. Also, a fiue line of CIIDfA, BANQUET LAMPS and Silverware $ 408 Spruce Street W. J. OTEL, Jeweler. AND HDSiEBY IK 1o"c.q "
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