T TWELVE BIG PACES CHOCK FULL South Sldo Side Providence Dunmore Of Good Today. News on TWEVLE PAGES-84 C UMNS. HCRAtfTON. PA.. SATURDAY MOIimNCr. SEPTEMBER 29, 1894. f TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAJj'A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHEFmORNINO PAPER 0 Ji i i S IS G The Japanese Warriors Tramp Over Sacred Soil of Tea Land. ARE ADVANCING ON MUKDEN Chinese Attempt to Resist the In vaders Unsuccessful Troops Want . ed at Hong Kong and Other Ports to Protect Foreign Residents Against the Native Feeling A De cisive Victory in Manchuria Is Re1 ported Russia Not Liable to Re main Friendly Without Compensa tion. ' Shanghai, Snt. 23. T is reported here that the Jupauess Dare succeeded in entering tue province of Manchuria and tuat they arti adveuoinz upon the oapi tal, Moukdeu. It is also said that fighting has taken place between the toraUrs and the Chinese at a town be tween that oity and the frontier, which enaea in a decided victory for the Jap aoese, who established tneioselves in the position previously occupied by the Chinese troops. .No details of this reported battle are given and the Chinese here discredit the report. The Chinese report that the Japanese have been repulsed at both Anja and t HQ London, Spt. 28 A dispatch from Simla to the Times says tuat the En- glisu papers there are urging the die patah of troops to Hong Kong and the other treaty ports from India, as letters nave been received reporting a danger ous anti-foreign feeling in those places. Paris, Sept. 28. It is stated "on the best authority" that in July last a pro visional agreement was arrived at be tween Russia and China in regard to the future action of Russia to the Pamirs. It is added that the two countries agreed that the forces of neither power sbonld pass the Sarrikul range. This agreement, it is con cluded, re-establishes friendly relations between Rnssia and China and has an important bearing upon the final for tunes of China in the present struggle. Russia, however, it is added, is not likely to maintain a friendly attitude toward China without substantial re turns. " NOT OFFICIALLY REPORTED. Washington. SeDt. 28 At th Japanese legation today no official eon- mmmon or trm -reported Japanese In vasion of Manchnria and the reported decisive victory of the Japanese near Uoukden, conld be obtained, bnt the reports were credited. It was pointed ont by the Japanese that an invasion of Manchuria would be a direct result of the Japanese victory at Ping Wang, and the diplomats at the legation were willing to credit the news of a repeti tion of the triumph of the soldiers of the Mikado in the new territory. The report from Paris of a provi sional agreement between Rn-sia and China said to have been effected in July by which Ruisja agreed not to cross bar Rikul range was regarded as possible, if not probable, at the Japa nese legation, although ibe fact of its having been kept so long secret was believed to militate against its authen ticity. It was pointed out, however, that suoh an agreement made just as the trouble between China and Japan whs being precipitated had no bearing on that struggle and was probably simply a provisional settlement of the Funiirian question which has long been a contention for the diplomats of the Chinese empire and czar. The Pa mirian tablelands, inhabited by the Tartars, lie on the northwestern fron ier of China, separating that country from Asiatio Russia. London, Sept. 29. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says- ''It 'is rumored that Lt Hong Chang will h' permitted to take the field and that f ', will probably have bis headquarters at L vita I. It is reported tuat the Chinese troops have evacuated Korea . and are massed thirty miles west of Yalu river." BURNED BY BRANDY. Horrible Dta.h of a Young' Lady la New York. New York, Sept. 28. Miss Nettie Lee. 23 years old, the youngest daughter of Henry Lee, the millionaire, died tonight in terrible agony from severe burns about the bands, face and body, received through the npset-.ing of a pan fall of brandy on a lighted stove. The deplorable accident occurred shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon. It appears that Miss Nettie usually superintended the yearly preserving of fruit for the use of the family. Shortly before the accident " kiwuuu oi ner resilience, i West Seveoty-third street, and there. b the aid of two domestics, commenced Jendying" peaches. A large quantity of brtndy was placed in a pan, then put upon th. etOVA. ThA Vnunv .a ....... Bnna.ln. want a tV.A I. . . t m 1 1.1 tended the beating of the brandy and test ing it to see whether lt had reached the proper temperature for adding the other preserving materials, the pun was upset, throwing the contents of tne pan upon the hot stove. In a moment the unfortunate young lady was enveloped in a mass of blue flames. The two domestics, frightened into panic, did not inaka any effort to extin guish the flames. After lingering in great agony until 8 o'clock this evening, ilins Lee died. - YELLOW JACK IS KING. Foreigners Are Dying Rapidly from the Fevtr at Salvador. Bah Francisco, Sept 28. Private ad vices from Salvador say that yellow fever is epidemic throughout the republio, and that the mortality is very great. The dis ease is particularly fatal to foreigners, tak ing them off inside twenty-four beurs. MIKADO ARMY ADVANCIN ' Among the first victims was American f Consul Polloclt. DANIEL'S OPINION." ." ' Cleveland's Secretary Eats No Bsasoa ' T ' Whv Bill Should Hot B- Bleotcd. " WASmnoioSr P- C,:Tpt. 28. Secretary Dtmont gave bit views today about the ' nomtnatiens made by the New York Dem ocratic Convention. "I see no reason," said the secretary, "why Mr. Hill should not be elected, New York is a Democratic state and has been tor 30 years. Mr. Hill is a vote getter and the campaign will undoubtedly be an active one. He has his own way of mak ing a canvass and will lock elsewhere for his votes. He has unquestionably looked the ground over and knows about where ms strengm nes, ana morougniy unaer stands the situation." ORANGE GROWERS SUFFER. Damage to Florida Property Will Bun Into Tens of Thousands. Fksnandina, Fla., Sept. 28.-A diupatch iroiu raiaiaa announces great damage at that place to river craft during the storm. Advices from St. Augustine state that no lives were lost, bnt several houses were wrecked and the damage will ran into tens of thousands. Nearly all the windows In the city were blown in and the bouses flooded with water. The loss to the orange growers will be fully 20 per cent. FIRE AT MESHOPPEN. The Little Hamlet Nearly Wiptd Out by Flames, Tcnkhannock, Pa-, Sept 28. The Car lin block, Harding's jewelry store, a barber shop and H.illo block at Meshoppen, were burned nt midnight. Lois, $ 15,000. The fire originated from a lamp in the jewelry store. Meshoppen has no fire department. FACTORY INSPECTORS. Deliberations at Philadelphia in the Interest of the Laboring Classes Generally. PlllLADUDPHIA, S-pt. 28 At the meeting of the International Factory inspectors today a paper ou "Sewer Gas and How to Detect It," by Chief In spector Rufus R. Wade was read. A resolution was adopted colling on dele gates to pledge themselves to use their best efforts to have enacted by the legislature of their stato an amendment to the building laws similar to that re cently enacted in Pennsylvania, regu lating the weight which each floor of a building should sustain. The committee on resolntions made its report today. The report recom mends the adoption of laws fixing the nours of labor for women and minors at fifty-five par weok, that all children under 14 years be prohibited from being employed in any manufaeturing or industrial establishment and that their edueation be made compulsory. the enactment of laws of the most stringent character establishing a thorough system of inspection of build ings where people are employed in wmcn shall be requirsu perfcot hy- genic conditions, the proper guarding of machinery in all factories and the enactment of laws governing the con struction of elevators, providing for tne inspection or boilers and reducing the hours of labor of cable i ear and eleetrio oar operators to notmore than ten nours or twelve hours por day. ine report also recommends the enactment of laws prohibiting the manufacturing ot wearing apparel in -tenement noose swjat shops. A minority report was submitted bv Inspector McClonde, of New Jessey, in which a substitute was offered provid ing for a limit to forty-eight hours labor per week. The report provoked considerable discussion as to the advis ability of attempting to enforce an eight-hour law and ot dictating the time ot laoor. ins substitute was adopted by a vote af 24 to 14. Resolutions were also passed relative to the obtaining uniform faotory legis lation in all mauutacturinz states: recommending the legislation looking to a still further redaction in the hours of labor be urged, and asking that the operations of the faotory inspection law be extended to mersantile estab lishments. After Providence. R. 1. had keen selected as the placs for holding the next convention, the convention finally adjourned, TWO MEN ROASTED. Several People Injured and $100,000 Worth of Property Destroyed. Hanimo. B. C. Sont. 28. Two men wars burned to death, two other men and a little girl were badly injured, and 1100 - 000 worth of properly was destroyed by me urni oi-okh out oere at o o Clock this morning. The fire started at the corner of Wharf and Commercial streets, in the Royal botel, which was burned. Patrick Mayce, a bootblack, and a bar tender known as "Fritz," employes in the botel, were burned to death. Three guests were badly Injured. That the newer part of the town was not completely burned was due to the absence of wind and to the vigorous work of the volunteer fire brigade. Indorsement of Mr. Sibley. HaRRISBURO. Pa.. Sent. 23. Over 2 000 ''Independent Republicans" have stoned nomination papers In the interest of J. 0. Sibley, the res-alar nominee of tha Damn. crats and Populists in the Crawford-Erie district PENNSYLVANIA PICKINGS. An un Known man died from exnnanrA near Tamanend. Lancaster veterans will flffht a nh.m battle on October 4. The receipts at the Allentown fair foot up abont $1,407 daily. Lafayette College's foot ball manager. J. A. Miller, has resigned. There are In Berks county 33.278 voters. of whom 17,001 are in Reading. Kobbers blew open the safe of the Jersey Shore post office, but only got $10 booty. Offering to sell a horse for 15 was tha evidence that sent Jacob Johnson to Easton jail. James Raub, a Jersey Central railroad fireman, bad both legs out off near Allen- town. Audenreid and Pen Argyle will become Presidential post offices on Oct. 1. at 81.000 salary each. The Reading and Temple Electric rail way has been leased to the Reading Trac tiou company. Professor W. B. Marshall is nnable to re sume his dntles at Lafayette college on ac count or niuess. Jacob Searffwa. a brakeman on tha Le high Valley road, was cat to pieces while maxing a coupling at White Haven. The Penn Iron comnanv of Lancaster yesterday posted a notice of roduotlon of puddlors wages from 18 to $2.78 a ton. Other employes are reduced eight per cent. -.- The guidons of tha Fiftv.flnt rflffiment. Pennsylvania volunteer. which were found several years ago by General Wil liam J. Jollors, ot Philadelphia, have been sent to the state arsenal at Earrisburg. NEWS FROM THE CHOLERA LANDS Reports Received at Washington Marine Hos pital Bureau. RAGING IN EASTERN GERMANY The Frontier of the District of Mar- ienworder Closed Against Russia. (Quarantine Notices at Lisbon, Sofia, Athens and Cyprus The Situation 4n the Infected Portions of Europe and Asia According to Reports the Cases Are Increasing. Washington, Sept. 28, REPORT was received at the Marine hospital bureau today from burgeon Irwin at London, dated the lOtb. and covers the progress of choltra in Europe and Asia from Sept. 5 to 13, with intelligence to Include tbe loth instant. The epi demic, it says, has increased slightly in Uermauy and considerably in AustrO' Hungary, elsewhere is appears about tbe same as last week A report dated Sept. 10, from Berlin, gives ten fresh cases from Kattnwitz, in Silesia. In consequence of the spread of tbe disease it is said that a request had been addressed to the government to order tbe complete closing of tbe frontier. Owing to the prevalence of cholera in Esstery Germany, the frontier of the district of Marienwordor has been closed against Russia, except at Ott- latichin, for railway passengers, and at Schiino for water trafllc. Further, the Russian dealers have bsen pro hibited from viiiting, as usual, tbe Wfteklv market In Posen. In Gallioia there were reported be tween Aug. 27 and Sept. 2 1,508 cases nnd 749 deaths. In Bukowina for the same period 144 cases and 63 deaths. The total number of cases since the beginning of the epidemic has been 5. 367 and 2,093 deaths. In Bukowina for tbe same period, S91 cmus and 807 deaths. Advices from Vienna dated the tenth state that the last official bulletin, embraolng three days, gives QJi fresh oases in uaiitcia ana duko- wlna and 304 deaths. Oa this day (the 10th) for the first time, eight cases and four deaths are reported to have occurred in the city of Lemberg, where the Austrian emperor is now on a visit to tbe exhibition. A report from Vienna dated Sept. 13 says that the number of cholera cases is still on ths Inarease in tialleia and Bukowina. A report today (Zl) for the previous twenty-four hours announces 200 new attacks aud 133 deaths in that interval, IN A MALOY JAIL: Advices from Rangoon, dated the 9th, state that holer a has brokeu ont in Mandalay jail, and thirteen oases nnd seven deaths are reported. Tbe jail population is being .reduced by re moving the prisoners condemned to short terms to two government vessels in the river. The following late quarantine notices have been posted: Lisbon Quarantine on arrivals from Province of Liege. Sofia Commercial travellers arriv ing by sea from Russia direot at Bour gas and Varna, subject to strict medical inspection with disinfection ot lug gage, and subject to five days' medical observation at Domicile. Athens Forty-eight hoars quaran tine against Naples. Cyprus Fivj days quarantine on ar rivals from Alexandretta;to Beyrout, exclnding the latter place nnd medical inspection of arrivals at Beyront and tbe ooast south thereof. WORSTED WORKERS OUT, Two Hnndrtd Mill Bands on Strike at Camden for Higher Wages. Camdex. Sept. 8. Two hundred em ployes of A.J. Priestly & Co, 's worsted lnilia. at Seventh and Jefferson streets, are out on a strike lor an increase in wages. A year ago they were compelled to sab mit to a reduction of 25 per cent., owing to the business depression. IMow tbe mills are crowded with work, and tbe employes claim that they should get their old wages. A fruitless conference between a com mittee of the employes and Superintendent Bottomley resulted in tbe ref us al of the employes to go to work yesterday. DIED RATHER THAN WED. Wladerlelgb, Fearing Be Gould Nat Sup port a Wife, Took a Dee of PoUon. Newark, Sept. 28. George Windor leigh, a barnessmaker of Springfield ave nue and Fortieth street, Irvlngton, com mitted suicide today. Winderleign bad a shop at the above streets, aud business lately has not been very good. Lie was to have been married In two weeks, and tbe thought of not being able to support a wife made bim des pondent. At V o'clock, while he was alone in the shop, he drank two ounces of carbolic acid. Before assistance could be sum moned he was dead. HOPKINS PULLS OUT. But the Sixteenth Diitriot Deadlock le Still Unbroken. Williamsport. Pa.. Sent. 28. Conoresa. man A. C. Hopkins, Republican, has with drawn from tbe congressional contest in this, tbe Sixteenth district, leaving Can didates Packer and Lewis to fight it out. As tbe Clinton county conferees have thrown their support to Lewis, the con ference is still a tie. Wage fieduollon Restored. Winstio. Conn.. Sept. 28. The mana gers et the Philadelphia, Reading and New England Railroad company notified tbe employes of tbe road today that the 15 per cent, reduction in wagea which took place last February would be restored CONTEMPT CASE CLOSED. Arguments All la on ths Aotlon Against the A. K. V. CincAOO. Sept. 28. Tbe closing argu ment in the American Railway union eon tempt case was msde today and the cases are now in the hands ot tbe conrt. Jadge Woods set no date for announcing his de cision, declaring he had not yet time to thoroughly review the evidenoe aid the law cited. It will probably be several weeks before he makes up bis mind. BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. Ths Joint Ball Games Arranged Be' tween Its Clubs. Cincinnati, O., Sept. 28. It was finally agreed this afternoon, at the conference netweon Managers tinulon and Ward, that the first game of the joint series should be played at Baltimore, Thursday October 4. The second game will be played Friday at Baiumore ana tne tnira game Saturday hi iievr i or. APPOS THROAT CUT. Witness for the Ltxiw Committee In the Hospital. New York, Sept. 28. The throat of Ueorge Appo. tbe Lexow committee's green goods witness, was cut this after noon at the corner of Barclay and West streets, several witnesses ssy that Appo did the deed himself, and the police are inclined to take this view of tbe case. Nevertheless Captain O'Con nor, of tbe Church street sta tion, and bis detectives were still working at a late hour tonight to ob tain proof that Appo tried to kill himself. Tbe wound inflicted was only slight, but it is not tbe extent, but tbe intent, that makes tbe matter serious. Appo was re moved to the Chambers Street hospital a prisoner. Tbe police say that be was taken there in such an intoxicated condi tion that he could not toll how be received tne cot. Since George Appo gave testimony against the green goods men and the po lice before the Lexow committee be Las often declared that be was bsing hsunded ana tuat Le considered bis lire in danger. TIIE 110 WO ATE CASE. Detective Drummond Will Be Asked to Produce Records That Have Vanished. Washington, D. C. Sept. 28 It is said that gDeteetive Drummond. who effected the eapture in New York yes terday of Captain W. H. Howgate, will De canea upon to explain why no record was left in tbe files of theseeret serv ice office in connection with the How- gate case. Mr. Drummond was ohisf of the secrect service under tbe Harrison ad ministration. When the Democrats oame into power, Mr. Drummond was working on the Howgate case, and in consideration of that faet be was re tained for a period of eight months. Having accomplished nothing at tbe close of that period, ho was reolaoed by a Demoorat, William P. Hszea, of Ohio. Mr. Hazen found no trace in the files of tbe department of anything ooncernmg tbe History of tbe efforts of the secret service to eapture Hewgate. The first imonlae of tha treasury offi cials was to demand. :aa . axaxuidation from Air. Drummond, but this demand, for obvious reasons was postponed. It is now said that during the early part oi oepiemoer tne secret service bureau received Information that Howgate was mwew xorK. While they were pur suing their investigations Mr. Drum mond made the capture. It is now understood the department will at onoe sail upon Mr. Drummood for any papers or data bearing npon tbe How gate case which may bave been in tbe bureau at the time be resigned. Distrist Attorney Blroey ears that immediately npon Howgate's arrival in Washington be will be taken before tbe criminal court and committed to j nil to await trial, Tbe district attor ney does not believe Howgate will be able to furnish the bail wbioh will be required. CORBETT IS ANGRY. Champion Visibly ff'.cted by tbe Talk of Sullivan nnd Others. Portland, Me.. Sept. 28. Corbett. the prize nguter, was mucn aispieased today when shown the dispatch sent out last night, in wbioh ex-Champion Sullivan ac cuses him of beating about tbe bush. Corbett said: "bulllvan bad always more month than courage. He is a auitter from the word gq, and I do not want to. have anything to do with him. He is out of it. But there is one thing, if I ever meet Fitzsimmons in tbe ring I will make a better nght than Sullivan did with me. Of course Jake Kilrain. hullivan aud Jackson are sore, and 1 know it, bnt that does not make any differ ence to me. Tbe Olympic club does not want a fight, they waut to make money out of me, Now, I am not inclined to let them bave a fight until I bave proof that Fitzsimmons is somewhere in my clns?,and this be can demonstrate by kuockiue out O'Donnell. 1 am making good money now and am not takiug any risks to please any number of soreheads." Corbett plainly showed that he is deeply touched by tbe stories which have been circulated within the past tew home. MISCELLANEOUS SPARKS. Keepers of nine Chicago gambling bonsea have been indicted. There were fifty-three persons killed bv the recent cyclone in Iowa. Jockey William Bourne was killed bv his horse's fall in a race at Busbnell, 111. Shepherdstown. W. Va.. became a presi dential postofflceon Oct. 1, at J1.0U0 salary. Chicoutlmi and Bay St. Paul Quebec. felt an earthquake at 8 o'clovk yesterday morning. A plucky Santa Fe train crew, held np near Temple, Tex., put tbelr would-be robbers td flight. Iudianapolis is aroused over the school board refusing to allow a colored child to attend a white school. Tbe Spinner's onion at Fall River. Mass.. will ask the Federation of Labor to aid lt In its struggle against reduced wages. Manager Roberts, of tbe Kentucky Rose bud Variety company, mysteriously dis appeared from Worcester, Mass., and left his company stranded. The practice of hazing was formally abolished at Princeton yesterday by the unanimous action of the students assem bled in a mass meeting in Alexander hall. The schooner Addle M. Anderson, of Portsmouth. N. H.. in ballast for Phila delphia, collided with and badly damaged tne pilot coat coiumoia, on cape cod, Mass. Tom Smith, a negro desperado, fired four shots at a fair at Muskagee, L T., killing tbree negro deputy marshals, and wound ing two white onea who attempted his ar rest. Judge Ross, at Los Angeles. Cal.. decided gainst the Western Union and in favor of the Postal Telegraph company in the let ter's fight for a foothold along the Atlan tic and Paciflo railroad and into Cali fornia. IS STILL UNI! Rescuers at Northwest Mine Are Greeted by Ibeir Comrade's Voice. HE MAY BE REACHED TONIGHT At 3.30 O'Clock Yesterday Afternoon the Rescuing Party at Work at Simpson Are Overjoyed at Learn Ing That John B. Fanning, One of the Imprisoned Miners, Is Still Alive The Fate of the Three Other Men Still in Doubt Scenes at the Mouth of the Slope. Svecial to tht Scranton Tribune. CARBOXDAbE, Sept. 23. r INCE the timw of the awful aocl Vsr which ooourred in tbe Northwest n W mine at Simpson yesterday after KZS noon, the rescuing parties bave Deen working earnestly. They had not the remotest idea ot finding any of the nnfortnnate miners alive, bnt at 3:30 o clock this afternoon thev were harjpy in discovering that one ot the men was still living. It is John J. Fanning. Tbe rescuing party bave carried on a conversation with bim, and tbeie is now hopes of rescuing some of ;the otbors from what at first seemed to be sure death. Oa account of tbe narrow plaoe it is impossible to employ many men at a time in the work of rescue. There are tbree shifts, eaoh working eight hours Each shift consists of ten meu. C. W. James and Thomas Moyles are in charge ot the gangs. The whole mass of fallen rock will buve to be cat through, and it is estimated that tbe men, or perhaps it may be their re mains, will be reached some time to morrow night, At the mouth ot the mine there are orowds of anxious ones waiting in bopos of again seeing their loved ones alive. MRS. PEARY'S DENIAL. She Flatly Contradicts ths Story Told by Private Secretary Swain. Washington, Sept. 28. Mrs. Peary, the UT It rf tha A ..tin .vnlnM. .(ami,, a An pbatloally the strictures of some of tha members oi ber husband's party upon their alleged treatment. Three charges, in brief, are that Lieu tenant Peary's autocratic methods were offensive to bis associates; that be was in considerate of their comfort and un gentlemauly in his treatment to them; that they were nearly starved ' to death, nnd that they would have fared better bad Airs, ivary not been a member of the party, lheae allegations were made by W. T. Swain, Lieutenant Peary's private secretary. Mrs. Peary said that her husband was unusually considerate ot bis men. As to the menu, he gave them tbe best lt was possible to obtain." "N'o partiality was shown. Lieutenant Peary, all reports to tbe contrary not withstanding, ate at the table with his men, and shared their hardships in every way. I could not go to tbe public table on account of my baby. Some of the table delicacies, given to me by friends, were used by me, but my husband declined to snare tnem witn me, saying that be pre ferred to bave only what was given to the rest ot the party." "Mr. tswain," aim. .Peary continued. ''wants to set a llttla nilvArtitinir nut nt the expedition, which accounts for his un just criticism. He is welcome to this; but lt strikes me that It is unfair to attack Mr. Peary when he is not hereto roply." Mrs. Peary, tin conclusion, Buid that she had received a teleirram from friends in Philadelphia advising ber to pay no at tention to tne Eiaumeuts or Air. swain. In that city, she said. Mr. Peary's friends who had backed him in the expedition, are Indifferent as to what any members of the party may say. JOHNSON'S FEAT. He Lowers ths Fastest Bioycle Mile Esoord. Waltuam. Mass., Sept. 23. The biggest cycle record of them all, a mile with pace makers, was beaten all to pieces by John b. Johnson, or Syracuse, this afternoon on the Waltham Cycle p.u-k, the most sensa tional pleoe ot riding of this whole season. Until this nftcruoru tho worlds record was 1:52 3-5 niude by J. P. Bliss at Spring. beld. The fastest milo ever ridden in the world on a bicyle had been 1 :"1 by Mike Dirnberger, ol liullulo, but Uiib record was not accepted as official aa be was paced by horses. But the Waltham track now holds a faster record, Johu- sou's tune being 1:50 3-a. Besides breaking tbe world's mile record, Johnson also beat the threes narter mile record. doing that distance in 1.23. Two more class A reoords were broken by Haley Davidson, of Toronto, lie set tho quarter class A record at 27 1-5 secondB and the third at 32 2-5. MR. M'KINL&Y'S POINT. Wllioo Would Not Be Banquetted by an Amerioao Boatd of Trade. Gallipolis, O., Sept. 23. In hisspeeoh here today Governor MclCinley, referring to last night's bamiuot to Mr. Wilson by tbe London board or trade, inquired if any one knew of an American board of trade banquettiug tho author of the late tariff law. His speech was punctuated by hearty applause. DIED OF CAMP FEVER. Members of ths Ninth B?glment Strlolien with the G.ttyebuig Dleease. Wilkks-Barke, Pa., Sept. 28. frank Adams and Henry Blaine, members of Company F, Ninth regiment, died today of typhoid fever contracted at the Oettys- bnrg eucampment. I ltteen more memners are down and oi these thieeare iu a critical coudition. POLITSKA'S MURDER. Details of the Beoeot Tragedy Near Hlner's mills. Wii.kes-Barrb. Pa.. Sept. 28. Farther particulars ot the tragedy at Miner's Mills late last sight show that the murdered man's name la Stephen Polttska, who was know as Edward Kavan. Politslta and his wife had retired early, and shortly after 11 o'clock tbe wife was arouned by a loud noise on the outside ot the house. She called her husband, who got ont of bed and went to a window. He aaw four men as be thongbt disguised. beJ ordered them to leave the premises at once, S MINER they replied by Inviting them to come out as they wanted to see him, Politska then procured a revolver. He again warned the men to leave. Fading to do so, Politska openod firo, which was returned by one ot the men, the bullot striking Politska over the heart, and Le fell dead at tbe window. The murderer and his accomplices then tlad. There is no question but that the motive ot the crime was robbery. The scene of the tragedy was about one mile from the spot where Red-Nosed Mike and two other Italian brigands mnrdered Paymaster McClure and his assistant, Bernard Flanagan, six years ago. SETTLEMENT POSSIBLE. Manufaotursta' Association and Spin ners Will Cesxfer at Fall Brver. Fall ftivsR, Sept 28. There Is a possi bility of settlement of the labor troubles in the mills in this. city. Soeratary How ard, of tbe Spinners' nnion, has written to tbe Manufacturers' association asking for a conference. Secretary Rousevelle has seut a letter In return saying that the members of the Manufacturers' association will meet the Spinners' representative tomorrow. REVIEW OF TRADE. A Marked Improvement for the Week, According to Reports of Dun & Co. New York, &pt 28. R. G. Dan & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomor row will say: Special inquiry has been made this week at all commercial centers regard ing tbe state of retail trade. The main facta disclosed are, flrst..a mark ed Improvement within the past month and a considerable excess over the business done a year ago, particu larly in the necessaries of life. But second, it appears that the volume of trade at present is on the-whole con siderably lese than in a normal year, at most points, and in tbe moreim-porta-nt trades is apparently about 20 pr cent, smaller than in September, 181)2. There is large distribution on orders given some time ago, bat now bosiness going to the manufacturers is everywhere slackening. The volume of business reported by clearings at the chief cities is 6. 9 -per cent, larger than last year, bnt 218 per cent, less than iu 18113 and for tbe month of September the daily average lias been $131,000,000 against $123,000, 000 last year before recovery from the panto had oouie, and $177,000,000 in 1802. As these Include payment result ing from trade deforred during months of uncertainty, tbe comparison is bnt moderately encouraging. The iron industry shows a shrinkage of demand, and tl:e prices quoted today are bnt little above the lowest tliis year. Bessemer pig is weaker at $11 at Pittsburg, with an impresuion that excess of production must cause further decline unl.-ss lower prices are made for steel rails. Billets, structural forini and nails are a shads weaker, and iu eastern markets compotiou oi works to get business tends to destroy ' profits. There is no business at the west, and Chicago reports a good demand for sheets, for bar in small lots, and for coke, pig, though platan and' boiler tubes are weaker. Failures are few. For the week tbey were 235 in the United States against 334 bbt year, and 55 in Canada against 83 last year. BRIBER til TROUBLE. .' Councilman Armstrong le Convicted by Criminal Court. Pittsburg, Po., Sept. 128. Riohaid Arm strobg, an ex-councilman and well known citizen of Alleghany City,, was found guilty iu theoriininulcourt this atternoonun the charge ot offering a bribe of fcJOU-to John Boru, acouucilnian in Allegheny, to vote for a certain engineer for tbe new Alle gheny City waterworks. The jury recommended Armstrong to the mercy-ot the court. HIS BREATHING PAINFUL. Physicians Are AJ armed Over tbe Condi tion of the Caar. St. Petkrshoug, Sept. 28, Professor Leyden, the eminent physician of Berlin, has beeu summoned from that city to Simla, The doctors attending the czar fear that his majesty's jooraey to tbe Crimea must be postponed, aa they regard bis con dition ad very serious. His breathing is very painful. Candy Dealers Fail. Wilkus-Bakur. Pa.. Soot. 21 Van Keureu & Taylor, deuleca iu candies, have tailed. Their place of business was closed by tbe sheriff this evening. Their liabilities are said to be largo, assets un known. TTr. HCoCullon Acoopts. pHlT.AHFr.PlllA. Srtnfe."9.S JnMAnh.P Mr. Culleu has ucoupltxi.the Democratic nom ination tor congress in tne iouru (juo Aleer's) district. - FRESH FOREIGN FACTS. Ex-Sultan Murad T is dying in Constan tinople. Japan's mint runs night and day. coin ing silver for war exptmses. The London Time says the Reading's reorganisation plan "is certain to prove abortive." Passengers had a narrow esoape from tlte British ateamer Dorunda, stranded- at Peniche, Portugal. Editor Abbe Montoncuis, a Freuohmao. hits been exH-)ied from Italy for criticising,! fVionl'a ffiU'nl'limnnt Brazil's supreme court will on October 4 decide finally whether Embezzler JaDez Spencer Balfonr shall be extradited to, England. W&SHINSTON WrRINGS. Official test of the war shin Maine Willi not be made till next week. Commander William A. Morgan an& Chief Engineer Henry W. Pitch will be. placed on the uaval retired list on account ot disability. Internal revenue collections for the past two months aggregated f51, 14,8711 an In crease ovor the corresponding period of 1BU.1 OI fUo,tW,oT4. The Colombian and Italian governments have signed a treaty submitting the claim for reparation and indemnity in the easo of Cerruti, an Italian, imprisoned in Col ombia, to the president ot the United States. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Sept. 28. Fore cant for Saturday: For eastern Pennsylvania: Showers in the early morninp, foilotaed in the interior fcy, fair; northeast icuidn;. high on tht ooatL FINLEY'S Fall and Winter AND Wo have now open the most complete stock of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children ever shown in this city. We mention a few specials: The Stuttgarten Sanitary Wool In Vests, Tants aud Com bination Suits. The "Wright" Health Untaar For gentlemen. Special drive in GENTS' NAT URAL WOOL and CAMEL'S IIAI R SUITS. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed In Silk, Silk ahd'Wool.and ' Cashmere, Black, White and 1 Natural. We call special, attention to: our, Ladies' Egyptian Ve3t3 and l'anta at 25 and 50c. Each. The Bjst for the Money Ever Wfered. And-Ladies' Combination Suits.-, Our specialat $1, $1.25 and 1,50 up. Full lino of Children's Goodv in Scarlet, White and Nattrral Wool, Vests, Pants aud; Union Suits. 510 and 512 Lackawanna-Are. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H.'A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NDMBEtt . Lewis, Fletlly & Davies School Shoes Ton kaow how that llvoly. ensrcatlc boy ot roar's knocks out his shoes. We't been thinking of hlm-proridinir for him shl his destructive energy. We hare araguUr voar defying ehoa (rout 60o. upward. Lewis, Reilly & Dairies 1 14 WYOMING- AVENUE. ' 8 New Store New Good: Wedding Presents 4 Wedding Presents f Fine line of DOEFLLNGEITS ElCn CUT GLASS just re ceived. Also, a Une line of CHINA, BANQUET LAMPS and Silverware 408 Spruce Street' W, J. WEICHEL Jeweler, mmm DllCLITiSl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers