THE SCT5ANT0N TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 20, 1894. 3 STELLE a SEE LEY 134 Wyoming Ave. We will show you what you want. GOOD BREAD -USE THE SNOW WHITE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB 8 ALU TO THE TBADE BY The Weston fill Co, EWARE OP COUNTERFEITS ) THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars ' HAVE THE INITIALS G- B. & Co,, fworlnti"! on Ewoh Clfjar. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr. DR. H. B. WARE will ba in his office on and after the first week in Septem ber. PERSONAL. A. Roddy is at Atlnntio City. Miss Connolly, ot Honesdale, is the guest of iliss Lucy Carroll, of Madison avenue. Hi's. D. B. Hand and children leave to day for Anbury Park to spend a conple of weeks. James Suva and Robert Douhnr, of Wilkee-Bane, called on friends in this cliy yetcrday. Miss Tessie Cusick, of Lackawanna ave nue, leturned Saturday from Luke Wiuola, where shospHut a week. J. Staulny Smith and F. C. Hand leave today for New York city and Asbury Park to spend a couple of weeks. Miss Agnes Gallagher, of Honesdale.who ban spent her vacation with Misues Nellie uad Alamo Uoran, at Lake VVinolu, bus re turned home. Miss Maine Dunn, of East Stroudsburg, recently graduate.! at St. Cecelia's acad emy and is npeiuling a few days with her clabsmates in Scran ton. STEALING A FUILROCD. An Italian Eaulitei Oar Great Railroad K agnate. Tony Miclcuchad is an Italian. Like innny others ot his race be came to this country with the sole purpose of gain ing wealth. Tony bad evidently heard of the success of Gould, the Vauder bilts, et al, aud concluded to emulate them. On Saturday night he, with a num ber of friends, entered the Providence Coal company's breaker and proceeded to tsar up the railroad. They were making away with a rail when tb9 watchman surprised them and cap tured Tony. Yesterday morning he wns given a bearing and in default of $15 fine was sent to the county jail for thirty days. Mualo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tnnes. Uautscbl es bons., manufacturers, 5030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only $5 and $10. specialty: Old munio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Ecran ton's Business Interests. ubk IRIBDNC will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list ot tbe leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravnre views of our nnblic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work bas ever given an eaual rep resentation of Bcranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers . and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan tbat cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large, representatives or the TRIBUnb win call upon those whosb names are desired in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tnix edition will please have notice at tbe office. BuoklenV Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for (tats Bruises; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores. Tetter. Chapped lianas, Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is sruaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price U6 cents per box. For sale by jMattnews Bros. That tired feeling which Is so common and bo overpowering is entirely drlveu off by Hood's Sariparilla, the best blood purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes weakness. H-v)d'8 Pills are the best after-dinner pills assist dlnestion, cure headache. aoc. aboL PIANOS ORGANS ' ' A Foe to Dyspepsia i ' FLOUR NEWAGADEMYOFMUSIC It Will Be Reopened for tbe Coming Season on Monday Evening Ml IT IS A PRETTY PLAYHOUSE During the Summer Many Changes Have Beon Made in the Interior, Which Makes It a More Attractive Theater Than Ever Some of the Attractions That Have Been Booked for the Coming Season. On Monday evening, Aug. 27, th Academy of Mnsiowill be re-opened for the season of '04 05 by George Thatcher and his minstrel and faroe comedy company in new play by H. W. Em mett, entitled "About Gotham." Tbe patrons of tbe bouse will find a great change in tbe interior whsn tbe doors ars again thrown open to the publio Three years ago the Acadrny was refitted and modernized by Bar- gander and Miabler, tbe manager!, at a cost of $9,000, and this season it has again ousted tbrongb tbe hands of ar tists and will emerge a very pretty and wen appointed piny bocse. Stereo-rdli-f has been employed in the auditorium and lobby with fine ef fect, and tbe coloring throughout is tasteful and barmonloui. New carpet of pretty design covers the fljor of tbe auditorium and the space between seats has been increased, Platforms bays been pluced nnder each row of seats which will make it easier for the spectators to see tbe stage and reduco tbe annoyanoe caused by the big hat nuisance to a minimum. A new pros ceninm arch is being constrnotsd,. and other changes made that will almost entirely change tie interior aspect of tbe tbsater. In the dressing rootns and on tbe stage many changes have also been made. The former have been papered, painted aud carpeted and much new scenery has been aided to the stage. Those who visit tbo Academy nit Monday night will find a very pretty and .very couvoninut play home. ' ATTRACTIONS FOIt THE SEASON. Managers Burgundor & Mishlor have not contented themselves with simply making their theater beautiful and at tractive to the eye, but have arranged to give tbe theater goers of this city an opportunity of seeing some of the best attractions on the road. As announced above, George Thatcher will open tbe bouse with "About Gotham," which depicts scenes and incidents in New York, and a passing show of the many characters met with there in everyday life. In the company are Carrol John son. D.ivo Foy. Marks and Griffin, John My, E. C. Johnson, El Marble, Alice Boa u vet. Esther Moors, Helen nil I Henrietta Byron, Anna Caldwell, Cecile Lorain, Florence McKinly, Francis and Birdie Smythe, Eila Middleton, Theodore A. Meez aud Messrs. Oakland, Thompson, Binkley and Bode. They should (tire a spleu did evening's entertainment. On the following evening "IhoFenc irjg Master," one of tbe most successful comic operas of receut years, will be given. In tbe title role of it Marls Tempest made one of ber most decided bits. Reginald De Koven wrote tbe music and Harry B. Smith tbe libretto. Tbe enst includes, as principals, Doro thy Morton, Bertha Balis, Jennie Dick' erson, Marion Bender, Marion Lang' don. Clement St. Martin, A. M. Hoi' brook, a. is. irosKtt, waiter west, Arthur Lteblee, Edward Lsland and Walz Vetta. Ibe costumes are new and beautiful and tbe scenery is pio turefque. Wednesday, Aug. B'J, win be given the highly successful Amerioan drama The Girl I Left Behind Me," that filled tbe Empire theater. New York, with delighted audiences tor an entire season. The scene ot ttie play is laid ou tbe frontier in tbe time of a certain Indian uprising, ine cuaractors are typical army officers, their female rela tives or sweethearts, Indians, scouts and soldiers. SHOWS FOIt THE SEASON. The bookings for the season comprise 13 nights. Among the new play features and ideas, James B. Mackie will have a new farce called "The Side Show;" Barney Ferguson will have new vehicle to display his humors, "Duffy's Blunders; "The Trollev Sys tern" is the' title of a farce comedy that it is expected will become popular; the beuutiful English drams, "The Ama zons" deserves a crowded house; "In the Name of the Czir"will be an ex citing and interesting ' production Primrose osWeet will eclipse all former iffoits with a unique organization of forty blnuks and thirty whites; Rich urds and cannula, well known and prominent in Hoyt's "A Temperance Town, ' will nave a play ot their own entitled "The Circus Clown." The extraordinary success, "Princess Bonnie," will be presented by a com pany of eighty people. Edward Har rigan. great .New loric lavorite in Irish characters and in very successfnl plays of his own writing, will appear here for the first tlms. James A. Heme's beautiful play of New Eng laud life, "Shore Acres," will receive a renlistio presentation. ' The opera of "The Knickerbockers will be given in elaborate form. Frobmau'a "Sowing the Wind," that captured New York theater patrons last season, will de light a large assuinblage. SEABROOKE AND OTHERS Chic Bessie Boneliill with a coterie of merry m.ikurs will appear in a new comedy. Charles Seabrooke with his mammoth company will give us "To basco." Charles Dickson will appear "Incog" for the first time here. Warde and Volte, tor years leading comedians in coinio operas and farce?, are the owners and will appear in the farclal comedy, "Percy and Harold." A rich treat to the intellectual will be Richard Mansfield as "Bean Brummel." To tbe musically inclined Sousa's band will be weloome. Willier, the quaint little comedian, will give his new comedy "A Baok Nnmbor." Tbe facial comedian, Joe Ott. tbe only one, will present his farce, "The Star Gazer." Tbe strongest man in the world, Sandow, aud a company ot great specialty performsrs will be an attractive entertainment. "Rush City," "On the Bowery." "MoFadden tbe Bold" and "Down in Dixie," all new plays with good com panies, under tbe management of, Davis & Keogb. The melodrama "Old Glory" and "The New South" will be presented by W. A. Brady'a companies. This list assures an unusual nutnuer of new entertainments between tbe fall and apring. Ot course to this is to be added fifty or more that appear each season and who are always weloome and enjoyable, DIED BY HIS OWN HAND. Verdict of the Coronet's Jury in the Pllgsr Case. The 'jury impanneled by Coroner Kelley to investigate the death of Karl Pllger at Dnnmort, Friday night, re- turned a verdiet Saturday that tbe deceased died from a self-inflicted bul let wound. An air of mystery had surrounded the case from tbe fast that there was no apparent motive for suicide. Th wire and son only were in tbe house when tbe deed was committed and the jury's verdict was based upon their evidence. NORTH END. Burglar Caught V hll Ecjylng an Opaa Air Nap. A man trivlucr the name of Jamas Murphy endeavored to enter the bouse George Barnes, Dsan street, through a window about midnight Saturday and in his effort a wok tbe household. Mr. Dean and others give chase and the woald be burglar threatened to shoot them full of boles if they followed him. X vsterday moruluir be was captured while enjoying a swest repose in the grove near the Providence Delaware and Hudson depot. Upon bim were found a screwdriver and a chisel. Mur phy denies any knowledge of being near Dean street on Saturday night. He is thought to be ths man who was brought before the mayor a week ago upon tbe charge of being found sleep iug in a house near Sandy Banks. NOTES OF NORTH END. Misses Bertha and Alice Siuims, ot Oak street, are spending a two weeks' vacation at New York. We are clearing out the whole of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., 1137 renn avenue. The alarm from box 85 yesterday after noon was caused Dy a slight nre at tne bouse of John Murphy, Clover Hill. The Liberty, Cumberland aud Excelsior com panies responded, but the fire was extin guished before their arrival. AT TUMEIi 1IALL. Varied Programme of Athletics Was Carried Out Yesterday. Today's Exercises.. Turner hall was yesterday the arena at scientific muonlar couipetitiou among the members of the visiting Turn Vereiu of the Philadelphia dis trict. In all there were nearly 200 ath letes attired in the loose fitting gray uniforms of tbe Turners. It was the first day of the Buzirks-Turnfest and it was devoted solely to competition tor prizes. In the morning between the hours or 8 and 12 tbe societies repaired to Cen tral park and carried out a preliminary contest in competing for tlu right to enter tbe classes iu the events which were beld in the afternoon and eveniug at Turner hall and which will bs con tinued today at the South Side Base Ball park. The afternoon was Liken up with the priz contests in horizonal un 1 doa ble bar exercises, sours? exjrciaos, and small sword fencing. Upwards of 150 Turners took part. The evening programms was opened with a greeting chorus by the Scrauton Saengerruude. John LsnteB delivered tbe test speech in the German tongue. and was loudly applauded. His spseob included a statement tbat the primary object ot tbe Turners is to build up the young (jsrmans along a physic U stand point and prepare them to fight in de fense of the adopted country on tbe side of liberty. Tbe motto of tho Turners is, "Frlscb, Frei, Fromm, uad Froolicb," meaning that the aim is healthiness, bodily strength and love of patriotism. The Ssranton Turn Verein was organized in 18G7 and com pares favorably with any society in the city. After the speech ot Mr. L-tntes a con test of broad sword fencing was taken part in by Charles Toulon, of Camden; Joseph Lownie, ot Trenton; Fred J. Moertens, Herman Arnold, Richard Umfrted and William G. Freidgen, of the Philadelphia Tarn GjineinJe; club swiuging by U-iorge Mays, of the Phil adelphia Turu Gemuinde, and Herman Ubele, of bauthwark. This morning at 6 o'clock tbo swim miug contest at Mountain lake will take place. . At 0 o'clock there will be a parade oy the visiting societies and many Ger man local societies from Turner hall to Central park where tbe picnio will be held. The announcement of prize winners win us made tonight ut o clock. Tomorrow the Tumors will run an excursion to Farview. SOUTH SIDE. The N.ptune Steamer Will E Tried To morrow Afternoon. ' City Engineer Ferber bas made nr rangemeuts with the agents of the Seneca Fulls firm that built the Nep tune steumer and the fire committee of councils to test the engine tomorrow afternoon. Chief Ferber bas not yetduoidad just where tbe trial will be made. MISS MINNIE DEUBtiL SURPRISED. Mauy of Her Young Friends Visited Har Saturday Night. A surprise was tendered Miss Minnie Double at ber borne on Cedar avenue on Saturday evening. Miss Minnie was very much surprised, but her mother whs well prepared for the visitors, and tbe way the young folks were enter tained was very creditable. About 11 o clock an elegant supper was served Those in attendance were Missei Louisa, Christina, and Anna Soul, Jes sie Uagan, Nellie, Lsna and Katie Hui lig, Katie Kiret, Louisa aud Carrl Blatter, Minnie Fautt, Maggie Frich tel. Annie Hitrtmaii. Minnie Hxai Maggie A.Frichtel.Ila Rulchlor,Anuu (JsterhHgun, Anna James, Anna Dip pere, Lizzie Deuba! ; Masters Hsury Lewert, Aug. J. i'rufliun, J. u. I'ruc- han, William Heister, jr., George Maus. Joe Wagner, Ulurlvs Surandol Willie H'jubel. Henry Chase and Frank Emmett. SOUTH Slue JOTTINGS. Miss Wanda Westpfahl, of Pittston ave nue, will start for New York tomorrow on a two week's visit. Honry JJannemarlt, or Crown avenue, arrived home Saturday after a ton-months' tour tbrongh (ieriuany. Miss 111 a rale Kvun. or Stone avenue. returned Saturday from New York, where she spent ner summer vacation. The Young Men's Institute, of this side, will elect delegates next Sunday to the convention of tbe Atlantic Jurisdiction at Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Edward Reilly, of Pittston avenne, area eatnraay auernoon at from an illness wbicb attacked ber a week before. She leaves a largo family of young chil dren. The funeral will take place tumor. row morning with a high mass of reqniem at ot. uoun s cuurca at u o'clock, inter ment in Hyde Park cemetery. , . Water Flltits. .. Pure water secures good health. T. Leonard, at 605 Lackawanna avenue,- bas for sale four styles of stone water filters tbat are sold at prices within ruacu ot all and are as easily cleaned and taken care of as a water pall, aud will last lor years. The filter is all stone, nothiug to rust, cor rode or become foul and will fitter from four to twelve gallons per day. Drop in ana see mem. ' NEWS OF WEST SI Sacred Concert at tbe Plymouth Congrega tional Church. ANUS HYDE PARK ORDERLIES Five Out of the Eight Good-Looking Soldiers Chosen to Do Duty at Headquarters Were ' Members of Company F Notes from the Churches and News for the Musi cians. Tbe auditorium of tbe Plymouth Congregational church was thronged last evening at the Sacred music con cert given hy tbe choir. The pulpit was tastefully decorated with potted plants aud flowers. Tbe programme opened with singing of bymn 0, alter wnich Psalm xcv was well read by JJ. E. Hughes. Tbe singing was followed by a prayer ftVred by Richard Osven. An anthem, 'Make a Joyful Noise," was rendered in n beautiful maimer by the choir, under tbe leadership of Edas E Evans. H. Wsiren rendered an excellent solo, entitled "Submission." Tho con- grogatiou rendered hymn 113 and ne choir sang "Depth of M"rcy. Miss Bronwrn Joseph, the sweet soprano, gave one of her delightful solos en titled ''Wuiit a Friend. It was snns sweetly and with great effect. After n antheiu by tbe eboir hi E Lrans rendered a tenor solo entitled "Tbe Holy City." P, H. Warren again sang, and the hymn "All Is Well" was sung by the congregatiou. The most mter oating feature was the selection "Sweet Sabbath Eve" by a quartette consisting of Mimes Bronwyn and Agnes JoBeph, Ellis E. Evans and P. H. Warren. The hymn "Benediction" was theasung by tbe choir. MRS. PHILLIPS BURIED. Impresiiva Funml Sarvieta Held at tbe Family Basldenes. The many friends of tbe late Mrs Mary Phillips, wite of Tbomas Phillips, who died ut ber borne ou Tuesday evening last, assembled at the family home on North Bromley avenue Satur day afternoon at 2 o clock to assist in the lust sad rites over the remains. Rev. R. Sirhowy Jones, of the Provi dence Congregational church, and Rev, R. G. Joues, of the Sumner Ave nue Presbyterian church, officiated, The floral olforitigs were numerous. Interment was mads in tho Washburn Street cemetery. The pall bearers were Frank Francis, Harry P. William?, John M. Thomss, Ebouizr Williams, John X D.wies and Owen E Davies. LITTLE WEST !Ut NW3 NOTES. N. C. Mayo is erectiug a handsome dwell ing on Swetlund street. . Miss Ada Hall, of Hampton street, is spending a week at Lake Wiuola. William B. Otvcn, ot North Lincoln ave nue, has returned from Nauticoko. Bauer's band will hold a picnis and clam bake at Wahlor's Grove on Aug o0. Miss Maine J. Stanton, of Tenth street. is visiting friends at Delnware Water Gap. C mn1 f k afivaf M Jnrlrmin af-dnf ho. returned from a week's sojourn at Har kWIUUDI iUUVUIBl, v. v Mawvu an. u, ui.o vey's lake. Miss Mattie Williams, of Academv street, will leave today tor a two weeks' stay at ucean urove. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold for hair price or Irume. . Chicago Art Co., 127 i'enn avenue. Rev. FT. C. Hinman occupied tbe pulpit of the Hampton Street Methodist Episco pal church yesterday. Mrn. Fraunfelter aud daughter. Myrtle, of South Bromley avenue, left on Satur day for N ingara Falls for a week's visit. Alvin W. Beers, of this side, attended the colored camp meeting of tbo African Methodist church at Waverly yosterday The concert to be given in the Jackson Street Baptist church by Professor Haydn Lvans aud party this evening will be splendid musical treat. Tho Christian Endoavor focity of tho Welsh Cavinistio IMethodist church will hold a nail social in the church tomorrow evening. Union services of the Washburn 'Street Presbyterian aud Jacksou Street Baptist churches, wero held at the latter edifice yesterday, Kev, D. C. Hughes officiated. A shooting match was held near the Central mines on Saturday. The contest was for 215 a Bide between Daniel Williams, of Hampton street, and John Lance, of Kock street. Score: Williams, 0 out of 7; Linuce, u out 01 7. ENLARGED THEIR STORE. Improvements Have Bon Mads to lleot an Incrsanod Tradr. Lowis, Reilly & Davis, the Wyoming aveiiui shoe dealers, have, owing to their large and increasing trade, been compelled to enlarge their store and have built nn extension to their build ing about sevouty-five feot. Their prussut quarters enable them to carry an lmm-iuae etook ot shoes, and it would oe itnposstoio ror you to call for something that they could not give you. They have a largo force of obliging olerks that will give everyou prompt attention, Another new fs turt in their store is a new fash system which assures customers prompt ser vies. RCYAL SHAKESPEARE NIGHT Is Premised in the Pieieutatlon Richard lit. on Wedneidty. The engagement of Miss Alloc F brother to sustain the part of Q. v Elizabeth in the forthcoming nr. u.Mit tion of Rithard III. at the Fretilin . hum Wednesday evening, gives pron -ise ot a brilliant interpretation of tin exacting roll. Miss Fairlirothvr is vuperb Shakespearean nttresa, uavim i'i her day given support to UurrM Warde, Rose Cougblan and otlit eminent players. Tne play will be magnificently so? turned, thus lauding to the moveinuu' that spectacular attraction which is al ways pleasing. In short, the ceisories throughout will be uusur passed in their beauty and historic accuracy. Tbe home should aud i. d .ubt will be thronged ou this royal bbakesperean night. HORN. JONF,9.-Aug. 19, 1893, to Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Jones, a hou. lliniIIIIIIIIIIiI!llllllIIIIIIItllll3B13llIIIII r5 No better spoons are made Si S ' than those ot Win. Rogers' j a Manufacturing Co. They K S were never sold at this price R S before. Buy now Sj TEA SPOONS 50o. F03 6. S TABLESPOONS $1.00 FOR 6. Rexford Jewelry CajLlae, fuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiuiiiili SPOONEY Gut Bell. The bi-annual meeting and tournament of tbe Turner societies of the Philadelphia district will be beld in this city Aug. 20 and 21 under the auspices of .the local Turn verein. 6'attircioi Evening, Auq. IS Reception of the dflegates from Philadelphia, Will, Allontowu, Wilkes-Barre, Tren ton. N. J., C'amdon, N. J. Muudaij, Aug. SO Grand parade of the visiting societies All local singing and other German sociotiee will participate to Central Park garden; spnrti and Raines between visiting aud lornl Turner socie ties. Admission to park 25 cent. Picnic all day and evening. Tuesday, Aiig. HI Mammoth excursion to Farview. Trains lpave Delaware and Hndson depot at a. m. Tickets for adults, 75 cents; for children.40 cents. For sale at C. D. Neuffer, Fi ed Durr, Jnhn T. Fahrenheit, city; Hchnpidjr bros., Charles Schoncli, Cliark's Kirsr, South Kidn; George Wuvuch, Joseph Zimmorli, Hyde Park. Coinmittoe: Louis Gscueiih.b, FitKD UuMMi,Kit,Socretary. Mr. Jerome ICiiotm, champion pool player of Pennsylvania, will opon billiard parlors this evening at Lackawanna avenue, over tho store of Rose, the hat tor. Restful to tired toilers, bread from Pillsbury's Best. mnde Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two piecas alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Vyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It wpuld cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURH 4:7 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in the Citj, The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 833 Wyoming Ave. THE CELEBRATED VuuK HCJK ikS hi L U BjliiiSl ' n at rreMnt th Jtiwl Popnlar ni froftmd b LquiIiiir aiiwis. , tVarnrocns: CpposilnColuniliust'onumoiit. 1 ROOPMnnlng and eolilering all flono awny wlthhytheusoof UAKT.MAN8 I'AT KNT PAINT, which consisU o( Initredl nts well-known to nil It enn be applied to tin, Salvanlaed tin, sheet iron note, also to briok wellinirs, which will prevent alisolutoly any crumbling cracking or breakinic of tin brick. It will outlast tinning ol any kind by many yenrs,and it's cost doee not excootl one fifth that ot i be cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Oon tracts taken by AMXOlilO UAH1UANN, WV Biroh Bl ILL You IMeed Them " And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cooL Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. a:3302SBZS3EBZE:ESCa55IEIS!ieiBEaSSSISEIIflf30:ECa!CBIS213IBII3IE29BaB2aSBB3EI8K We Have Received I - AT TIE 308 Lacka, Ave. SPECIAL 45 dozen Ladies' White a HandkfimhiefY valii a Handkerchiefs, value 50 dozen Children's School Handker- chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 pjtif n 3 value 5 and 10 cent3, for .... 0 1110 tM a 35 dozen Ladios' Hemstitched Handker- R Pante A chiefs, valua 10 cents, for - - - - U t'ClllD s i 3 A new line of Chemisettes just receivsd. SlMiE2m!2IIHI!mflU3mH!!::!!;H;H!!i Scientific Eye ObMtJWINC NEW IU I i a hat For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. IV3 a Groat Shock :.,"MiW.v.vy : fothe fo!T who aro elalminii they undorsfl! lil others to Had tnat wiuinus tne ioksc iuhb ! or bluster wo are aivinfc cutomrs tho bau- lilt ol such opportunities as these. I A Mi'loilv lllah (iiado l.iulit-welshf 1 WlnM-l, 1804 pnttnru, f' l SHO cmrfi. l.S!: pnttnru, il30 M'lioel, for 175. I 18U-1 pnttorn, SIOI) Wheel, lor Siir. oilifc flieso prices make the business at our store. FLORE Y 5- HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDINCJ. Malonsy Oil and Manufactur'g Co. VINEGAR. AND CIDER m TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEANLY" IF YOU USE - thin ill VALUES Embroidered 4( Pnnh I 95f fnn . L) UCilliJ 3 25c, for Testing Free By DR. SEIMBEItG, The Specialist on the Eye. Ileadsches and Nor. vousnum relieved. Latent and Improved Htyle of Eyeglasses and Spectacles at the Lowest Pricej. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for $5. 303 SPKl'CE ST., Opp. Old Post Office. U. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, ii-WXOltlNQ AVK . BCKJlNTOA 5TFINWAV ft SOI DKCltKIl BROTH EK3 KRAMICH & BACK VTULXZ it il All Kit toxica I'm lue etocket first-elan UUSICAfj BIKRCHANDlSHk UUblO, tXO.. KXU Another Advocate of ORS. II EN WOOD & WARUKLL: OKMTLU.MKN It nflorda me great pleasure to state that your new procesi of extracting ttisth vrus u Kmnit auueeas la my ease, and I heartily reooinmond It t all. I since ri'ly hope that othois will test Its merits. Yours respectfully, CAPT. 8. li lilt V ANT, Scranton, F Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave- WilJ on and after Mav SI make a grot redua tloa In the prices of plates. All work guar anteei nrst-clusa in every particular. "BftiKf'iirJj A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BIOYCLKS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gendron. Eclipse, LovelL Diamoai and Othor Wheel. Sgieestiene x Li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers