THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1894, ScranUn Loses Another Gamo to the Allen towa Antiquities, THE KING HAD AN EASY TIME While the Cantankerous Boys Down the Creek Present Two to the Syra cuse Buffalo Goes Down Before Providence and Erie Wins from Springfield Standing ot the Clubs. National and State League Results. Interesting Sporting News. ,--p HE "Ten-thousand tt-IT ol1n.h(-Hntl?', alias King Kel, und his tribe of antiquated bueballistio heir looms had no Tory hard try in defeat ing Tommy Cahill's jiiokupi Saturday ufternoon, aud we bnve the wretched tilayinif of the club down the river to thank for being still the poisejsor of fourth place in the EisUrn lengue roce. Providence turned the tables on Bnffulo and made more secure her posi tion at the top ot the list, while the Blackbirds by winning from Spring field are making it interesting for the Bisons. The percentages of the clubs, num ber of games won and lost by each, and their standing in the league race is as louowa: Won. Lost. Providence 60 80 Buffalo ttl 45 Erie 45 ST f-cranton 4-t 43 Wllkes-Barre... 48 41 Syracuse 45 4ft flirinnflald 43 48 Allen town 85 03 Per C't. .051 .554 .549 .5110 .4114 .4D3 .467 .284 DOWN, DOWN, DOWN. fhe Scranton Club Are Still Hunting: MoGinty. The Scranton team wus to have played a home same of base bull Sat turdny with Mike Kully's Allentown veterans. The two nines were on the field and the visitors played their game with exertion jut suilkieut to win by a score of 7 to i. J. lie borau ton team was there also but of base bull they played none, excepting pos sibly the gasping and dishearted of forts of Cahill, Johnston and Smith. Blackburn, the homo clnb's new twirtar recently secured from WllKes Barre wus fresh blackberry pie for the iiHBbeenn, while Kilroy could only be found for a meagre balf-dozn hits, al though in a reeont State league game be was pounded into a cocked l:at and was Incidentally the victim of twenty seven plunketB. The only King's wrinkled visage was wrenthed in smils from the call ing of the game and he chuckled and made merry with the grand stand iiudience the while, occasionally saying ''wuittill we meet Providence," etc , eto. But, with Scranton, alas, It bias now come to pa3s, uat, to play a game or Dase Da: !i1ev Tnimt hnfctor t.hnir hmiil.4 EUnkt) the bat at the Buaua And do nothing but fall-ety fall. Here's the story of the tumble: SCRANTON. II. H. P.O. A. E. Cnhlll, 2b 1 1 8 2 0 Johnson, cf 0 3 4 C 0 Patchen, c 0 0 1 0 0 Hoovor, If 0 0 10 1 Phi laa, lib 0 0 2 1 1 Lehane, lb 0 0 10 1 0 Hickey. rf 112 0 0 Smith, ss 0 1 1 4 1 Bluckburn, p. 0 0 1 2 0 Totals 2 fl 24 10 8 ALLENTOWN. 1L II. P.O. A. 8. Wood, 1. f 2 1 4 0 0 "Wis, 2b 1 1 8 5 0 Kelloy, lb 0 2 7 1 0 bweoney, s. s 0 1 2 3 0 Mulvey, 3b 112 3 1 Milllgan, c 1 1 8 0 0 CoHlelio, r. f 0 0 3 0 0 Duinont, c. f .... I 2 2 0 0 Kilroy, p 12 110 Totals 7 11 27 13 1 Soranton 1 0000010 0-2 Allentown... .1 0008111 x 7 Earned runs Scranton, 1; Allentown, 1. First base by errors Scranton, 1; Allen town, 2. Left on buses Scrautoii, 7: Al lentown, i). Firnt bao on balls Oil Black barn, 1;, off Kilrny, 4. Struck out By Blackburn, 1: by Kilroy, 2. Two-bssebits Cahill, Johnson, Kelly, 2; Milligan. Hacriilca hits Costello. Double plays fmith to Leliane, Wise to Sweenoy to Kelly. Wild pitches Kilroy. Umpire Ketrick. . Time of game 1.4U. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Wilkes-Barre First game, Wilkes Barre, J; Syracuse, 5. irocond game, Wilkes-Barre, 7; Syracuse, 9. At Buffalo Providence, 8; Buffalo, 6. At Erie Erie 7; Springfield, 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia, 11: Cleveland, 6, Fii st game Chisago, 0; New York; 4. second game Chicago, 0; New York; 6; ten innings. Washington, 6; Lonisvllle, 4. Baltimore, 17: Pittsburg, 2. St. Louis, 4; Brooklyn, 0. Cincinnati, 19; Boston 6. STATE LEAGUE. Reading. 4; Earrisburg, 0. Pottsville, 9; Lancaster, 8. STATE TEAM FOR SCRANTON. Was to Be Dlaonasad at Last Nia-ht's Philadelphia Meeting. It is currently reported in base ball circles that Marty Swift Is enthused with the idea that Scranton oould sup port a Stat league ttam and that the project would ba prtsented for aotion at a meeting of State league managers at Philadelphia last night. . Daring Swift's retirement from the management of the Seranton team bis advisors have urged him on iu the natter and Secretary Diddlebock is Bald to be willing to support Swift in his purpose. Swift was out of the city yesterday and neither his affirmation or denial to tbe story could be secured. However, several of his Intimates al leged that the ex-manager is still slated for the soft and sure base ball position at Carbondale, and that lie ' would not be so foolish as to interest himself further in Seranton base ball matters. KOTES OF THE DIAMOND. Scranton plays at ' Wilkes-Barre today, tbe latter team comes here tomorrow and w the clubs will then alternate between the two cities until Friday and Saturday, wtiou Allentown will play in Scranton. Buffalo has bat two pitchers. Anson has not made an error In twenty- eight games. The newnpnpers contain many versions ot wbat Diddlebock is going to do toScrau ton. JOHNS3N IN HOT WATER. Wllkei-BaiM Blcrollats Charge Elm with Breach of Contract The West End wheelmsn, of Wilkes Barre, are hot uf ter John S. Johnson for breach of contraot. He agreed to ride at their meet on Jul? 2, and was extensivnly advertised. On tne day of the race the managers got a tulegrsm stating that owing to the railroad strike be wonld be unable to reach Wilkts-Barre. The club cluims to have positive proof that the strike in no way inter fered with Johnson's movements, and that a train which he took to compete lu some Canadian races on that day would have euabled him to makecon uectious with another train which ar rived in Wilkea-Bitrre on the morning of the day on which the races were held. BEHIND THE SULKY. Directum trottod a mile in 2.09 nt Buf falo liibt week. The track record at Bangus was lowered half a second by Early Bird. Carldon sold for 3 in pools of $73 in the race be won at Rochester, Monday. There are fifty-two drivers in the grand circuit who have not won a single cout. The best Canadian record for 4-yoar-old trotters bred in the Douiiuion is 2.20. The Capital Driving park, at Concord, N. 11., is to have a meeting Sept. 4 to 7. What is the trouble with Thetis this sea son? She does not seem to be lu winning form. Kremlin will bear considerable watching in the coming stallion race even if Direc tum's backers are giving odds. Nelson is the only home-bred candidato of tbe famous stallions which will appear on the card of the New England Breeders' meeting. The free-for-all pace at Rochester this week includes ilascott, Robert J, Guy, Will Kerr, Major Wonder, lluy Marshall aud Hal Bradeu. The following Springfield horses are en tered at Woi tuampton: vv lutnrop aiaiu, o. m F. D. Whitcomb; Kentucky Star, b. g., William Elliott- Ed. Tipton thinks there should not ha any more four-year-old stakes tor trotters and pacers, for at that age ho thiuks a horse can race as well as at any time iu hiB career. Everyone will be watching Ralph Wilkes at Rochester this ween. If he makes a good performance it will be another cn?e of excel-ent training accomplished over the ilauinden park truck, Mystic or lllftby. Tjat i the bone of contention w Itu the managers of the New England Brooders' meeting at present. Mystic is not m fast as Ritftiy, but it will probably attract a larger crowd. WITH THS WHEELMEN. Leon Cnbberdi, of Now York, won the carnival of sport at Highland beach. "Senator" Morgan says that Oovornor Flower will be iuvited to attmid the good roads tournument at Anbury Park the lat ter part of this month. Two hundred miles of road in Morris county, N. J., are to be muendamizod. The stretch between Dover and Chatham has already been commenced. Dixie Hlnes. says of the Asburv Park track; "When it is bmked up a little more nt the turns it will be one of the fastest in the country." E. A. Bouncer, one of the promising young riders of New York, broke the Kivm ton, JN. J. track record for a mile lu competition on Saturday, doing the dis tance in 2.23 4-5. Unusually fast pedalling is expected at the Wither's cycling race meet, which takes place at Clifton race track on Aug. 25. Tho prospectus includes a Class A quarter mile dash, iu which Royce, Jen ney and Smith will meet. They are prob ably the f.ntest sprinters In the country, aud the winn-r will have to travel iu record time. Class B vidors compluin that- there is a lack ot catering to them in Eastern tourn aments. A correspondent states that ninuy good riders of th class have re frained from going on the western cir cuit in order to patronize meets which were expected to include class li racers. They are greatly disappointed with the present condition ot affair aud would be very glad if clubs would make more room for the class in future fixtures. The Mercury Whcol ciub, of Flnshing, L. I., will hold its Cln A tournament on the hulf-niilo track ot tbe local driving pin k on Sept. 8. The card includes seven events, us follows: One-mile, novice, upeu; 1-mile, 2.40 class; 1-milo handicap, f p -li; 1-mile race for boys under 15 years; 2 mile handicap, open; -niile scratch race,open; 1-miie championship of Lung Inland. En trios close on Sept. 1 with R. U. Buhey, 205 Snudford avenue, Flushing, L. I. MAKE THE BEST CF IT. 'prin;iHe!d Union. The thine; to do is to make the host pos sible nse of n bad situation. The indus tries which have been deprived of ade quate protection must suitor, and thou sand of working men and women will find it hard to muke both ends meet, but other thousands will find the situation improved through the revival of general business and the enlarged employment of capital. The Democrats and Mugwumps believe tliHt they have struck a death blow at the policy of protection. We do not believe it. After threo years' experience of Dem ocratic tariff legislation, it wo roust have it, the popular demand for protection of American industries, which has been the policy of tho land from the boEinniiij' of tho republic, will be stronger thau erer. LETTING GROVER DOWN. Philadelphia Record, Dem. Business men know, nlthongh those who make and unmake tariffs seem to be un aware of it, that tbe prosperity ot this country, while it may be delayed or dis turbed, enn never be destroyed by the manipulators of tax rates. The resources of the nation are superior to the unwis dom of ths presidents and congresses. Every Day in the Month Means Heat. Tho calendar warns you. You know heat "wears you out" how languid you aro how irrita ble; no sleep and no appetito either. Elamo it on tho weather, but euro it by taking Johann IIolT's Malt Extract, rieaaant, palatable, and whole some describe it. Look for sig nature of "Johann LToiF" on nock label. None other is genuine. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Solo Agenta, Now York. WOOING BY ADVERTISEMENT. now a Nebraska Farmer Sought Mew York Wife. This advertisement, which has tho merit of slating just what the advertiser wants, appeared in a New York nowspupor the other day: John McCartun, aged 63 years I iu going homo to lire on my farm. I have lu) acres of land, nodnbtsormortiriifccs; personal property; 12 miles from HemlnKford, Neb. I want to marry a working Protestant irlrl If she suits inn; smut and good looking; medium height; from HI to 2a years of age. You mast have as good a character as when you were 0 years of ago; must have $100. I will not receive any JOHN M'CAKTEN. lettors. I have patent right to my land and receipt for taxes to show. Call at Si Third avenue; ring bell. I can be interviewed for six days at said address. Of courso a good looking young woman reporter of Tho World answered tho ad vertisement. That's a way tho Now York women reporters have. This is hor story: John McCurtcn Is not bad looking, do splto his 53 years. Ills clour hluo eyes and erect carriage show that ho is a man of good habits and unubatcd energy. Tho punting landlord of 84 Third avenuo showed mo up numberless steps to John's room. In answer to my knock he said, "Come in," and I wulkod in andwalkod right out again. It was a hull bedroom, containing a bed, a washstand and ono chair. "I wii9 jlst goln out to cat," said John McCurtcn, coming into tho hall, where I stood, "but I'll wait a little whilo, though I'm powerful hungry." That, of course, Impressed mo most fav orably. Jlero wus a man who would not long postpono his dinner to gain a wifo. "Mr. McCartcn," I began, and I could feel that I was blushing, "I saw your ad vertisement for a wifo. Will I dof I am a good, hardworking girl. Will I All ull tho requirements!"' "Well, I duiuio," ho answered musing ly, whilo ho looked mo over from head to too, 1-I think you might do. Out, you sec, wo will hnvo to tnlk about it first. Ca-ca-can you milk a cow?" Ho was plainly nervous. Ho seemed to fear that I would tako him out and marry him forthwith. "'Why did you advertise for a wlfef" I asked. "Aro tiicro not enough girls out whore you live without coming to New York for a wlfef" "Well, there's plenty of girls out there," ho paid, "but they're shiftless. Tho ono I did want to marry was u-waitln for mo, but when I went away to earn somo money slio went and married some ono else, and that's it. Can you feed hogs?" "Why, Mr., McCartcn, do you requlro that tho woman you marry shall have $100?" "Well, you see," ho answered, leering, "there's many things to buy when wo go to Nobraska. There's a team, pigs and many little things. Muybe you can't cook?" "Yes. I am a good cook." "Sure, I'm mighty glad o' that. I'm thinklii of hnvin mo sister and her hus band li vo with us. Would you mintl thntf " "Oh, no." J "(iood fer you. Mo sister is dcllcuto, but I would build them u houso l.lio ours and rent half me land to lilin. There is no finco around tho house, but a fine well and a chicken houso. How ninny chickens have you ivcr killed!'" i " Whnt kind of a houso do you live lnf" I asked question for question. "It's built o' sods, but tho lnsldo Is co- mcnted. After you dig nine foot out thero, tho soil is as white as any cement, and that's on the lnsldo of mo house. One of ho neighbors wrote mo a letter and told mo there was a leak in tho house and asked mo whether ho hadn't better tulo tho furniture out and keep It in his house, I wnto him no, that I would soon bo homo moself and 'tend to things." "Whoro do you live, miss?" ho asked suddenly. "in west ourti-cnth street. I am ft typewriter and work in a down town ot flco." "Thero would bo no trouhlo about tbo money?" ho asked, after a minute's si lence, during which ho looked at mo again from top to too. "You could get tho $100 all right?" "Oh, yes!" I answered. "Ihav j moro than that. But tell mo whut work do you expect your wifo to uo on the fuviiif I am strong, but I am not used to very hard Work." "Only cook for us two to rait," ho an swered, ''an keep tho hous'9 clean and feed tbe chickens on 'tend tho hogs an milk tho cow. That's not hrtrd work for a strnppin woman like you. l int you haven't told mo whether you havo tivorfed hogs or milked a cow," i "I havo not. But I mii'ht learn even tliut." "To be sure you could. I'd learn you." "Well, then," I said, everything being seemingly settled to his satisfaction, "I'll go homo and think It ovt.r, aud tomorrow if you nro of tho sumo mind" "Oh, Tcamo near forgottinl" ho Inter- ruptcu. " What religion hroyon?" "I om oCalhollc," Z rmswered unthink ingly. : "You won't do," Iu; suld, with great positiveness. iou woij't do at ull, at all. I want peace In the house." Mr. MoCarten, I should havo suid, came irom tuo nortn or lrciaiid. She Was Kissing Crazy, A young Frenchwoman has been arrest ed at Brussels for kissing all tho men she mot in tho street. .Somo of them com' plained of hor conduct, und a policeman was sent to hor place of resldenco to tuko bur Into custody. Tho policeman was saluted in the same yny as tho complain ants. At the polio station tho woman tried hard to embi'oco tho inspector on duty, hut in this ciiso sho failed. A doo' tor who was colled in to see hor declared that sho was suffering from mental de rangemont A Clam That Pearl Divers Fear. The pearl flsharle of Ceylon belong to England, the nntves being employed to gather them on a basis of shares in the re sult. All sorts hi superstitions prevail among them anda large business is done by sorcerers whobell charms to restrain tho appetite of tho sharks und to drive away the diabolical stingrays. Another peril which tho diver dread more than either stingray or shark is (Fhe giant dam, that weighs nearly half aton when full grown. It will snap off a man's legs like a pipe stem if the victim chatVccs to tiiraBt a limb botween its opeu Jaws, o at all events will hold him until he droVns miserably. Washington tsur. A Word. rants o S kind eort UUC mue apt Situation Wanttd,whieh art inttrU fkKR Help Wanted Male. MEN TO MLL BAKINO POWDEH Tp! ill the grocery trtulu; Btniuv mtuoymoui i Avti(nnAA a.nAA....-. 7A mnntlllv flftlfirV ' and i!i expanses or com. Yf'oftor satisfactory aJ-1 ,!JMSZain' droNR For Rent "Vkli U WKt l' i" VT IP U A 1 .B U'Pfilifi'. 1?OK KENT NIC'ELY-FUK sISHED HAl.iL ' sultahlfl for lol'o rooms. JOHN JEB II YN, 119 Wyomins aviinue. Horses at Auction. stable, Hcranton, on Friday, Au. 'U, at 1 o'cluok p. m., sound youair work horses and drivon. W. B. MOOK1E, xhltects' Notice. A BCHITECTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE t lilunn and BDnclfiriht.imifl aro lnvitod for a city bullillnu to b Uhed for flra dupartmnnt houso una police patrul utnilon- A prospuatus of tho buildlnK may bo cen at the olllce of tho city clurk, at which olilco tho suid plans and spuclnVatiouR are to bo submlttod on or bflforo Wodni'uduy, August '!, 1SU1. By ordor of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City CloiK. Scranton, Pa., July U, 1SI'4. Special Notices. STOCKHOLDERS' SIEETINQ THE BUN ta I'latu Ulnsn coimiunv. Tuo annual moptinu of tho stockholdors of tho Bonta Pluto main Company for tuo cloction of diroctors and for tho transaction of such other buslnrsj pin .....J WUIO UUIUI V iUUlll, Will UB UHU LUU olllce of the company. No. Ill I.ackawaun avonuf, Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday, Sept luin, isui. at is o'clock lu tne afternoon. HENRY T. HOWELL3, Mecretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING Of THE stockholders of the Hcranton Forging i-ompuny, ror tne oloation or airoctors aau the transaction of othir business, will bo held at the o flic of the company, In the city of Scranton. on Wednesday. Auirast 22. lBUl. at 3 o'cloolc p.m t.. uhamukklin, Hocrotary. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Li'B'.in'i llluatratud Wauklv War Illustrations 1W1.1.!.". Two Voluraos Folio, tln.SU; payable monthly. $A0O. Ijol vorpd by express coruphito, prepaid. Adarojs i. y. MUOLY, 01H Oibson street, Scranton, Pa. T ) LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA 1) nines, etc., bound or rebound at Thb TmnuNB oUice. (jukk work. Koasonable prices. MEAL TICKf.TS CAN BE HAD AT M, corner Spruce stroot and Franklin ave nue. Twenty mool tiekuts tor S3.0O. Ucod table board. Legal. "VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL li parlies concerned i h;.t t io widow's np praisements in tho following ostates havo boonciuinrmod ni si by tho Orphans' (Jour t of I.Hckawinina county and unless exceptions are filed will be conhrmed finully by the Clerk of the Orphans' Court on Wednesday, Sept. 11), WJi, to wit: St-plieu J. Smith. Arthur F. btono and Peter Hli-giiis, decesstd. J. U. THOMAS, Clerk O. O. AUDITOR'S NOTICE -THE UNDKR- s triiod, an auditor ajipomted by the Or phan's Court ot I ackawnnim county to puss upon exceptions fil"'l t) account nf ami to d 8 tiihute tuml in tbe hands of ( h.rlos Gardner, en cut or . f thu lust 111 ot Henry Chuso, ue coatoil. horeoy gives notice that ho will nt:cnl to attend tJ tin duiio of hi. uppolntment at the olli w, No 50K t-prucu street, t crantou.l'a, on Friday, the Kith day of August, A. D. 1KIII, at 10 a. m .at wh cu time nn 1 place all I orsons bavins c'aims atiln- iho said estate must present tnem or I e fot. ver thereafter de barred from com ng L u aid fund. DaVjI) P . 11UUWN, Auditor. INSTATE OF TH1MAS MULLEN. LATE j of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, State of Penusyluanla, deceased Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, nil persons havim; claims or demands against tho said estate will present th m for payment and those indebted thereto Bhall please make immediate payment to TU03. J. MULLEN, Exoeutor. jKKSrPs SH'n, Attorneys. Ren (state. S1 CKA:.'roN REAL ESTATE AND IN VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: CITY BUS1S ESS PROPERTY. 40 ft. front by fid ft. deep, on Spruoe street, rents for ?0ll $10,000 40 ft. front by IV) feet deop, on Spruce street, corner alley 10,500 These togetnor give 80 ft. front on Spruce street between Peon and Franklin, with alley on side. Spruco street property is advancing rapidly. 1'ITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Ci'RNKR MONROE AND VINE streets, lot kOxs.'i, two dwellings, &6...00. giving a nice residence and un Ine. me fur small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF ii LOTS, giving ll tt. front on Mo.iroe avenue, near Vino street, Thnte make a first-class residence plot In a desirable locality. It not sold in one plot will sell above separately. WEST HIDE. Lot 50x180. South Main avenue, adjoining residenee of Smiih B. Mott, pri-e, 12,760; also lets on Rock street and West End place. Only four left. COU TRY TROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern bouse, fprlug wator piped Inti it from hill back, barn for three horsea and two cows, hennery with cements! floor, young fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; one and a half to throe acres, as desired, (6,000. Also lots of about same size on Westorn Slope, Dalton. Call or addross SMITH B. MOTT, Managor, No. 421 Lack, ave. roar board trail?. CATALOGUE OF REAL ESTATE FREE to all. Please send for copy. R. ERNEST COMEOYS, Price Bulldlnir. Situations Wanted. 1JOMTIOM WANTED BY A STRONG, healthy man as watchman or any hon est work. P. H., UX Summit avenue. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OF 20 A position as bookkeeper, experienced and good references. Willing t . begin on small wages. Address B. T., 015 Green Ridge Btreet, city WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED CAR builder, a position. Address A. 3. REiqHARD. caroY. M. a A., city. Mttrriuge Fees. Marriage foes aro of ancient origin. They are included in tbo oblations of the mar riago service of the Ninth century, which formed tho introductory portion of the ceremony. In America I And the clergy man takes a "tip" like a railway porter or a cab driver. It is a pleasant sensation to find a large, liuudsonio gold coin represent ing twenty dollars, or a crisp twenty dollar bill in ono band, but it is notalways digni fied. The Church of England provides tbe "accustomed duty" (by which is meant the foe) should bo presented to the clergy man with the ring. The rector of one ot the largest churches in this city assures me that his poor people seldom offer a fee. The legal sura of two dollars which a magistrate would charge should be demandod. If a young man cannot raise a couple ot dollars for a mar rlago fee he is a pecuniary condi tion to embark on the stormy sea of matri mony. Hev. Thomas P. Hughes, D. D in iXew Xork World. Mrs. M. Boraicnberqer. Beaver Dam Wis., writes; "We have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil in our family for Coughr. Colds, Croon and Rheumatism. It cun t mvapv tiniA Mothers! MotbtrslI Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their children while tee thin f, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold by dmggists In every part of tbe world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," and take no no otner kino, xwenty-nve cents a not onno On account of extensive SPECIAL FROM T - s . ... ur purpoae la to reduce stock in order to accouimodata the large purchases wo lave made for tho fall 0. Prices will be such that you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Eyery Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. "We only ask you to visit u9 N and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods cau bo sold under our new regime. "With tho addition of 1.500 Bnnare fenf. nf fl us 5,500 feet, we will be well qualified to satisfy tho demands of our YirVrt i, .i mi i - i i ? 1 ..... "uu "uibuuu wo win nave tuo uesc uguioa, mosc attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our LOW PEICE3 will continue to bo our drawing card. COt! NOLLY & 3?izxe F:Lbre 3MattresseB Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, Lacka. and Adams Aves. THE FKOTHINGHAM Opening Event of tbe Season. WEDNESDAY EVE., AUCISI' 83. Grand Spectacular Production of RICHARD III ELABORATE COSTUMES. UOKOKOU8 ACCESSORIES. HCENE8 OP SPLENDOR. Owen D. Jonos (Edmund Drury), as. . Richard Joseph Rnr.somo as..Honry VI and ftlonmond William Richards us., ..Duke of BuckiiiKbnm alius Mary Lod tinkle Young as Quean Elizabeth Miss Tillie Lnwln as Duchess of York Minn Kittle MuCabe as Lady Annuo 80 A Great Company of Fifty People 50 Vsual Prices. Sale cf reserved scats will begin at Powell's music itoro un Monday. Heptasophs Excursion -TO- Glen Onoko AND THE- SWITCHBACK TOESDAVAUG. 28th Trains leave D. & II. Depot at 7.45 a.m. Tickets for sale uy all the mem bers. Central Railroad of N. J. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES AND bPKl'IAL TRAIN TO WASHINGTON, D. C, FUR THE Supreme Lodge, Knights of Pjthias, August 27 to Sept 5, 1894. For this occasion a special train of clecant coaches aud uOt parlor cars will leave B -ronton at 7 a. in. on Monday, Aug. 27. tn I returning loavo Washington at 10 a.m. I. special excursion iicsetR irom hcranton will be Hold irno.i to ffn on nv train Ana. '2A to 2Htb luoiuslve and for return until Kept. 15 inclusive. VAUB 1'OB inE ROUND TRIP, S7.81. Scranton Tribune JOB...... DEPT. . . . EVERY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men in charge of each branch of the work. We do not make a sham show or cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. B ONE OP THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THB CITY. WIFE CANNOT SEC HOW V00 B0 IT AND PAT FREIQHT. Bow onp IdrtvtrtrtfiBtt Of oak fs mm1 Mlk Arai 8iartitwfaff mtrhlM Anil flnfatiul. ftfcbei nla.l2 aulmntad to llrhl M ohtt wotki rivanUtd for lItart wlta laf oniU IUhbia Uhldcr.BalrVThMadlMi Crlla- OI MM I AiUafcaMMSf Wipptfl "W" w UO TaUI. Ha utnaa t.onirtd ill idriDC. warn tWWlOTr fBO. World'! fair Mt4al awarded macklfll tad attach Mtta. Bar (rr t Mtarj And m toil af tal'f fto&HU rrtrr Cat This ft and atad lo-dav for toaohhi or lanrt Jtt C Ktt uloa:ttortaalaia and UlUnpaascf tbe World's FJfi OXFORD KFB.JlO.iiLlwLCHlCACOJLU lly &WalIa alterations now in progress at our store, vra will conduct a GLEARflftSC SALE NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 209 GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE Green Ridge Wheelmen AT Scranton Driving Park WEDNESDAY IFTEMH, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 50c. tfianAStand, 10c The GENUINE TSevr Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1803. Hew York 'Warerooms Na 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. RICKER & CO., Sola dealer in thli Motion. OmCB-ia Adam Aye Telephone BTd'g WALLACE WHY mi See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We soli Furniture as cheap as any hooae in tile country that in ten&s to-glve h&nest value for the money. Try us. Ml Co. ins un ier GUNBQ0D !umpMon nEFORE AND AFTER other. Addreii Kfc-VB EEI CO., Masonic lempie. utuuu.u For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H. C SANDERSON, Drugpist, car. WashlnfftoD inrl Rnruon Btrents. . lu AM nr.. n .( tkM MaBiT. PENNYROYAL PILLS. CFu Aik tar SS. XOII'S man iwiu yijiub .1 sn Bena ror cinnuwi Sf Urt MOTl'S ClllUUItJALi f'C., - vwwuua, uaia. ForHl 1yO. M. HABB13. Druggist. EVERY WOMAN SomeMsies needs reliablt, monthly; reftnlntlne medicine. Only harmless the purest drags should be used. Ii you want the belt, get Dr. Peal's Psnnro al Pills Thev am prompt, sate and certain In roenlt. The genuine (Pr. Pesl'sl Bever dlsapi noint. Bent anywhere. 1.00. AddiewPaUbUJEBlvuiaCe., UoTland,0, , Foraal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. 6CKANTON AND WILKES-BABRR. PA, JU.NUFAOTOBKB3 O? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. 1ST. largo and increasing business. WASHINGTON AVE Opp. Court House. Dr. E). Grewer v.n.. ... J.UK.inil aim .THr iIII.II 111 f. H IHUO. are now permanently locsted at 811 SWIUCE ST., 8CU4NTON. The doctor is a arailuntn of the University ff I'ennsylvBnln.forinerly demonRtriitnr or phy' oloey and surtrcrv at tho llcdico Cliirnritlc; I . Collejt of Philadolplila. A spei-inlty (f i Chronio, Norvoue, Bkln, Heart, Womb an3 1 Blood diseases. DISEASES CP THE KERYOUS SYSTEII The symptoms of which aro dizziness, lank t eonfiuence, sxunl weuknoss In men B!id msn, lull rising in tbo throat, spots floatinl before the eyes, loss of memory, tinablo to con centrate the mind ou ono subject, easily tartled when suddenly spokon to, and dull, distressed mind, which unftta them lor per forming tho actual duties of lifo, making hap piness impossible; distreFHing the action t the heart, causing flush of hoat, depression cf nirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fnm', dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousuesa, trembling, confusion of thought, depressiou.constipiitior, weakness of the limbs, etc. Thoso soaffecti d (hould consult us immediately und be restor ed to perfect hoalth. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Young Men Cured. If yon havo been given np by your physicla j call upon tho doctor and bo examined. Ho cures ihe worst canes of Nervous Debility, Scrn fuls.Old Sores.CatRrrhPiles.Fomalo Weakness, Afi ictlons oI thu Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat, ABthma, Deafness, Tumora Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Conmilttttions free aud strictly sacred and confidential. Olllce hours daily from 9 a. nu toUp.m. (Sunday 9 to 2. I'.,. nvo 'z-eejiL r-tainus for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pny one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot euro of JfiPILLETIO CONVULSIONS or FITS. " DR. E. GREWEB. 811 Spruco Street, Scranton, Pa. mcBitB. RESTORED! "NSRVeSEEOS. kntetd ucnr til B.rvnaa 4tl- I irTHini 1 ' ' " ... : . ; ... ever offered to Ladies, especially recommend- ed to married Ladlee. ..... ..... f.. m. , z 7z, , 1T Tenii Avenue. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and yii! ees. such as Weak Memory, Loss of V, .d n nf now tir Lo.tMauhood, Jllghtlr Kml.slona. N"Ku,;SS,i. la Oeuei atlveorjausof either sexcaused by S;"tii;S,y ejcemive use Of tohaooo, opium or stimulants, which lea to innrmity, , i n '.TKui V s i wo alve a wrluen guarantee to cui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers