THE SCTtANTON TRIBUNE SAT LTKDAY MORNING. AUGUST IS, 1894. 3 STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Aye. We will show ycu what you want. GOOD BREAD USE TIIE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALK TO UHE THADE Btf The Weston Mill Co LEWARB 0? COUNTERFEITS TfF PFWIIIWc PDPIJUni Punch Cigars HAVE THE IN'TIA'S B. & Co., Ilrpelnta nn E'OMVflSf. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARS will be in his offisa on and after the first week in Septem ber. NO H i D I MtS I Hikfc. At'a intio Cltv't Biilliant Seaaon Tha S'y)Rnutl., Grar Travel Go to the Keaabore, thou pessimist 1 nnd be convinced that thy dire complainings Biient "Hard Times" are wrong.all wronu! Never lu Ps history has Atlantic City held so much of guietr.eucb euortnnu; numbers of visitors an Ht the present tune. In it bcciuwe that frigbtsr m bugaboo "Hard limb" has no r al exi-tence. or do people go there to llee their tiuaiicial giieN and drown their business tori ows in the foam ing surf and foaming HnUa wateif At nny rate, go they do. Tbe season at Ibis great resort baa been a great one. and it is jiift now at its very zenith; No better time than the present could be selected for a vi-it, and no seaside resort in the ( id w orld or the new compares with Atlantic City In picturesqueneHK. in cos mopolitanism and in variety. 0 may rest body and brain in dreamful contem plation of the folemn beauty of tbe Bea; he may "louf and invite is aonl," soothed by the deep-toned murmurof the hreukers; or be may plunge into the bubbling swim cftai tynnU lake a giddy whirl ou tbe merry-gr-round of plea-uie, finding enjoy meiit in larger quantities und greater di versify than is any where elre attainable. Bur, first of all. one must get there. Aud the get'ing there is not the least among the delicbu of n visit to delight fonie Atlantic City. There are several ways of reaching it besides walking. Slensnr d by the indisputable gaue of popular preference, the beat way is the "Hoyal heading Railroad R-iut." It is only titty-five miles in length, but it is among the celebrated railways of tba world, and it is the llnest railroad ruuniug to any American watering-place It is donble-t nuked from end to end. It is constructed in the most substantial manner with the heaviest of steel rail", laid on oak ties, ballasted with clean, du-t-less slng-stoue. The locomotives are equally noteble tor their great power and speed, and for the absence of the) soot, sulphur, smoke and cinders so obtrusively and dis agreeably in evidence upon Mime lines of travel; for these steam-driven steeds of steel are fed upon bard, ant braeito coal ex clusively. Aud the "Flyors" on, tbe "Fiver. I'' "Taking a Flyer" tho phrase is, some how or other.sugaestlve of an undertaking pleasantly perilous. Taking- a "llyer" on tho Koyal Reading railroad route for At lantic City is a pleasure devoid of the ele ment of risk. Employing every best safe guard agaiust accident, it approacues as nearly to absolute safety as is humanity posil)le Tho fama of tbe "seventy-min-n 'e Dyers" extends from ocesn to ocean. They are the most talked about trains in the world. The cars are large, airy and ex-qui-itely elegant and comfortable. It were difficult to conceive anything in the "poetry of motion" more refreshing, more exhilarating, more rejuvenescent, than a swift whirl across green meadows and through the cool gloom of tbe pine forests, seated by an open window of one of these smooth-gliding palaces on wheels. The Philadelphia xtatiousof the Royal Reading railroad route are at Chestnut street and South streot wharves, and through tlokets are sold at all Heading railroad stations. Out Hull. The bi-annual meeting and tournament of tbe Turner societies of the Philadelphi a district will be held in this city Aug, 20 and 21 under the auspices of the local Turn verein. Saturday Evening, Aug. 18 Reception of tbe delegates from Philadelphia, Will iamsport, Allentown, Wilkes-Uarre, Tren ton, N. J., Camden, N. J. Monday, Auy. SO Urand parade of the visiting societies. All local singing and otber German societies will participate to Ceniral Park garden; sports and games between visiting ana iocbi lurner socie ties. Admission to park 25 cents. Picnic all day aud evening. Tuesday, Aug. SI Mammoth excursion to Farview. Trains leave Delaware and Hudson depot at 8.30 a. m. Tickets for adults. 75 cents; for cbildreu. 40 cents. For sale at 0. D. NeufTer, Fred Durr. John T. Fahrenheit, citv; Schneider Bros., Cbarlas ' Hchencb, Cnarles Kirst, South Side; George Wunch, JoBeph Zimmerll, Hyde Parg. Committee: Lours Gscheidlc, Fred Uummlek, Secretary. PIANOS ORGANS 9 - A foe to Dyspepsia . SHOW WHITE FLOUR s Republican Club Indorses the Candidacy of Major Warren FOR PRESIDENT OF STATE LEAGUE To Preparations Being Made for an En tertainment and Meeting A Sur prise Party Given Miss Susan Payne -A Miner Receives a Painful Injury Personals and News Notes of Interest. Plaus of tbe fall political campaign were lait eveuiug discussed in an en thusiastic manner at the regular meet i in; of tli Republican Lugue of tbe West Side in their room on South .Uiiin avouue. Dr. W. A. Paine pr- siiiea la tbe absence of Cliar es E Daniels, the duties of secretary were performed by Uwllyui A. Williams. Arter tha regular order of Dusiuesa bad geen concluded, the following d' legates ware elected for the Btnte louventiou of R-publicau clubs ut llarrisburg, Sept. 5: Tbouias Leyshoti. Ion. John Ii. Fallows and Joseph D. L-wi. The alternates appointed were Charles E. Dui.iels, John J. Davies und T. J. Price. The following resolution was adopted : 'Rnulved," Taat tba delegates uf tula club b instructed to give thalr active support and vote for Major Everett Warreu of Sorauton for tba presidency of the Htate League of Republican clubs at the annual mtatlog at Harris kirg on 8tpt S. Fnrther preparations for holding a meeting In tba siub ro 'mi war made. An excellent programme is being pre pared and the eiitrtinmut will no doubt prore t be of a inost interesting nitore, Twelve new m mbers were proposed and tha nimtiug adjourned. MISS SUSAN P l it SURPRISED. Her Frlands Tender Hr aa Unex pected Party. Mirth reigned supreme last evening ut tbe bom of Mis Susan Payne, a popular young lady whj resides on North Bromley avsnua, the occasion being a aurprlie party tendered tier by her uimiTont frieuds. Tbe evening wnsdevoiedto games and other social divrslon wnich were continued until a late hour. Excellent music was dis coursed daring the evening. Among thus pment were Miso Mary Evana, Btric Carson, Alio- EV'ins and Wallace Mosr, Johu E Payne. Louia Jun-r, Mr. and Mr. Frauk Ciiase, nil of the West SI 1. Amoug the North End aggregation wire Minsas Lydta Moore, Mame Dowau, Mr. and Mm. Le. Mr. and Mrs. A E Curon. John D Keator, O i.rge Molley, Fred White, Harry Dnnninas. John D own, Miiises Nettie and Tillie B-rlily. of f hro. p, and Miss Edith Snepp, of Bloomburg. HIS HAND W-S SMASHED. Oaorff Bchell Mets wi h an Irl jrv In the Uines. While Qoree Se iell. of Swetland street, who is employnd as a track lav in tbe Sand Banks mine in Pin- Brook, was at bis work yesterday morning large bar wmoh ue was using tell on his right hand, badly crushing it. He went to his home on Swetlaud street where Dr. George B. Reynold was 'Summoned und dress.'d tue lu j ired uitra r. LITTLE WEST blOt IUW3 NOTES. Miss Miunie Boice, of Jackson street, is ill. The BfUcvue Mine fund will go to Lake f oyntelle on sept. 8. Thomas Evnon, of Ponth Main avenuo, has gone to liarton, t., lor his liealch. Sliss Sadie Adkins, of Lafayette streot. is tbe guest of Miss Dorabmitb, of Ual:on Miss May Jones, of Price streot, has ro turned from a visit with friouds at vV'iud sor, N. Y. Professor H. L. Morgan and J. Unman, of Berwick, tmvo returned from a fishing trip to liansom. .Mrs. Philip Riusland, of North Mai aveuu, will loave today for Cnrbondale and Crystal lake. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold ror bait price of mime. Chicago Ait t.o. 127 Penn avenue. Miss Bertha Wettling, of South Bromley avenue, bas returned from a visit with friends in Stroudsburg. Miss Ruth Jarvis, of Lnfavette street. has returned from a month's visit with friends in New lorg and Newark, N. J Tne Haydn Evans Cambro-American Concert coinpauy will give n concert on Monday evouing in the Jacksou Strei Bantist church. The affair is crealin great interest, and a large audieuce will be present. A pitroon shooting match will occur on this side on Wednesday next. The con t-staots are Sim Davis, of Evnon street. and Michael Coyne, of Miuooka. Th match is for $100, with eigbteeu birds for each to suoot at. The Hyde Park Literary and Debating society will resume their work on Sept. 10. All desirous of becoming members will be promptly considered by the mem bershlp committee, W. A. Price, chair man, or auy member of the society. Rsv. William Evans, "Monwyson," of Llandudno, Walas, will preach at tbe Tab ernacle Congregational cburcb on Monday evauiug. Mr. Evans is one of the leading Welsh theologians and is spending a twelve months' vacation in the states. David T. Evans, renrcaeutatlvaof Hvde Park castle, Ancient O der Knights of the aiysuo iuaiu. returned yestor ay evening from the meetinc of the Select castle at Columbia, Lancaster county. Mr. Evans announces that tbe next meetim; of the Grand lodg will bs held on tbe second Tuesday in September, 1895. Communion services will be held tomor row morning in the Plymouth Congrega tional cuurcn. Kev. u. a. uvaus officiating. Iu the evening at 7 o'clock a song service will be held. The cbotr will render several anthems and solos will be sung by Philip Warren, Misies Bronwen and LilvJosnnb and others. All are invited to attend. KILLED ON THE RalLROAO. Folsndsr Bun Down by an Excursion Train at Olyphant Ad exourslon train on its way to this city last awning struck and killed a Polauder between Olyphant and Peck vilis. He was walking on the track and be fore tbe engineer eould apply the hraJtesrthe pilot struck him, killing him instantly. His body was taken to Oly phant, where be livid. AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE. A Townsman' Litsrary Effort on Timely and Important Subjtot. Attorney James J H. -Hamilton, of tbis city, bas an excellent article In this month's number of tbe Albany Law Journal entitled "Limitation of Federal Authority." in whicti several subjsgtg of leading importance are dis suss d with great skill. Tbe article treats of tbe influence both with commerce and tbe malls to tbe recent Pullman strike, and also tbe action of the president in dispatching WEST SI federal troops to enforoe the nets of congress relating to interference with the rights of several states in on pur tioalar state. The article Is Very cred itable to Mr. Hamilton, an i he is the rerlpixnt of many encomiums for its t-XC-llenca. TURNERS HERE TODAY I Make Merry for Thre Diye In and About Fora ton. The meeting of the Tomer societies of the Pi iladelphia district begins in ibis city toniiht und will contiuu- un til Tuesday night. It will be the Sii-te-uth hi eiitilal turn-f '6t, and tha first be held in this city. At 8 o'clock this evening the visit iug societies will congregate ut Turner ball end reeeiv.i the. freedom if the ilty from Mayor Connell. Monday morning many of the athletes will walk to Mountain lake ami witness the swiiniiiliig couteat at 0 o'clock in the morning. At 0 o'clock Monday the turn-font ill begin ut Central Park garden. nesduy the societies will enjoy an ex- uraion to Farview. NORTH END. olio Muka a on Disorderly Hou. Llentetinnt Spellnnin and a squad of fficers mndu a raid yesterday morning oont 3 o clock on the house of Joseph PuliiHkl of 0 ilc street, During the evening several residents f the nrP-r part of O ik streot wrn troubled with the drunken cries of P -landers who were nsseinbled at Pulas ki's bonse about n keg of ale aud eev- ral oases ol bot'lttd beer. About 3oclock a free fight occurred liicb soon routed tbe neighbors from their a hi to la-rs and brought tbe pnlio n thi scene. Some of the brav fighters found relnge in the cellar, others rorjpd tl'.roiiiib windows and were foreed ti;ick by the two offi-'er outside, The squad of policemen finally cor ralled l lie crowd and marched them to he station bouse. The lenders were fined byAlb rman Jf'i z-timmons y-s- rdav, John Pulaski ... und Stanley BiuiaKki, John Sakoonki, Joiepll liupeba, und Peter Dr-wski, J each, NOTES OF NORTH ENO. John Trnntnn. wlio was recontlv iu jnred at the Creek shaft, is rapidly improve ing. Rev. D. M. Kinter addressed a largs open air meeting in tuo square last evou Ins, Wo are clearing out the wbolo of our fork of fine e cbings. Chicago Art Co. 1'JT Penn avenue. Richard Evans a'ld family have rn-noved back t Wayne avenue after an abiouce of five years from Provideuce. Professor Ilavdu Evans and company will .held a concert this eveuiui at the Methodist Episcopal church. A cottage prayer meeting, conducted by James Henderson, was held at tbe resi deuce of A. B. Dunni g la-t eveniug. Mrs. Abedneffo Reese, of Kincston. and Mrs. R, P. Thomas, of Church avenue, will ueud a few weeks' vacation at Atlantic City. Ilev. William Evans Monwyson. now on a visit from Wales, will nreach on Friday eveniug at the Vielsu congregational church. Lieutenant Spellman arrested Evnn W. .vorcan Tlmrsuav niu'iir ror nouem ins wife and he was flued ti.bO in the alder man's court. Rev. M. D. Fuller, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Coimrecatiouul church to morrow evening. Questions are asked in the North End ns to the reason why the board of health and councilmen did not include tho water course, in Section A, firth sewer district, iu the scope of their recent visit. The Junior society of the Christian rl'urch will hold an entertainment an I social on Tnursday evening when the ad mission wi bo tr-e. Misses liatia !rnitn, Rachel Jones. Lizzia Davies a id Winnie Da vies are orjauzmj th.) mftitig. C. J. Davis, director of the Moody quar tette, discussed tne proposed vis't ol Air Moodv to tins citv o i Monday, and state3 that the celebrated evangelist remarked to Mm "that it was improb ib! that he would vi-it S rant'iu as they had no building to hold the services." Rev. J. B. Perry, of Burnley, England, will noon pay a visit to this section. Mr. Pnrrv. who is nn emiueut Congregational mini-ter, is spending a few days wi'h his brother at U ica, N. Y. He will prea-h at the Plymouth Congregational chinch on Hi pt. 2, and also in ihoWelaU Congrega tionul church, Frovtdonce. Tbe friends of William J. Thomas, who was recetnly injured iu the Mni vine, nre taking further steps to snow tneir sympa thy iu the sliape of a concert ou Sept. 17. '1 he obi. ct is deserving of support as Thomas is at present iu the Philadlphi hospital and bis wlio aid iivo children largely depend ou tho assistance of their friends, John U. Hopewell, of the Register, will leave for New York ou Monday to at tend the session of the grand lodge of tho Knights of Pythias as the representative of lino el tba lunges In this section, llierol lowing week Mr, Hopewell will nttend the state camp of the Patriotic Order, Sons of America, at Erie, as a delegate from the Washington camp, No. 177. Four large funerals took place in Provi dence yesteulay namely, William the in fant child of .Mr. and .Mrs. John Lewis, 2 WIS Wayne aveuue, where tbe Rev, D. A. I'.vans officiated, and n the infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. David Evans 2120 Margaret nventl" where the Rev. W F. Davies officiated, both interment tnk Ing place at Wiislibinu Street cenieterv Tie funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold, Into of lt!W West Market street also took place, Rev. G. W. Watitins conducting the services at the residence and at purest Hill cemetery. The itev. II. . Jones, U. D., conducted the funeral service over the remains or urnee, tno lime, onugiiier or. Thomas .Tones, 2il7JNortb Main nve"ue, after which the body was taken to bunti c.)ko for interment. for an loo's Business Interests. Tins xitiHUNK will soon publish a care fully compiled aud classilled list of the leading wholesale, banking, in.mufactur Ing aud professional interests of Scranton aud vicinity. The editiou will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with tihotogravure views of our public build ii gs, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citiseus, JNo similar work haB ever given an equal rep reseutation of Scranton's mauy indu tries. It will be au invaluablu exposition of our business resnurces. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this bnndsome work will attract new comers and be nn unequalled advertisement of tbe city. The circn lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to thoe concerned as wen as tue city at largo. Repre-entatlves of Thk TiunuNB will call upon thosr whose names are desired in tbis edition end explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In this edition will please U ave notice at tbe office. Eucklen'a Arnloa Sal vs. The best salve In tbe world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cureB Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect eatisfactioa or money refunded. Price !J5 cents per box. For sale bv Matthews liros. Whn 8" Hanv oeonle are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Enrsaparilla. why don't von trv it yourself 1 It will build you np. Hood's Karanparllla will make yon strong. Ho'd'i Fills cure nausea, sick headache, IntliffAitlnn hillnii.tiA.a. Trv A DOX. " SOUTH Diabolical Practical Joke Played Yesterday at tbe Car Shops. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN FATAL Stick of Dynamita in a Pile of Burn ing Timbers Scatters the Heap in All Directions Miraculous Escape of a Crowd of Hungarian Laborers. The Conductor Was Honest To day's Y. W. C. A. Services. As fiendish a practical ink as has yet been report- d, was played yesterday by some unknown miscreant at the South Washington nvemiii cur shoos of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western coLinany. It missed killing a do7.-n persona by the veriest good luck there is n space near tbe car shorts wnere the broken parti of rolling stock are burned up ns tbe easiest way of "'parating the iron from tbe wood bvery morning a Mg beau of the stuff is disposed of in this way. Yesterday, at usutil, tba pile was sat on fire, und It had been burning but a few minutes when an explosive that hail been lolgediu tho heap blew up and sent the broken car beams in all directions with dtadly propulsion. There was a gang of nine or ton Hungarian laborers at work near the scene and the concussion threw every- me of them to the ground. The flying timber fell among tbe gang, but, strange to say, not one of tbem was struck. Tbe force of tbe explosion W'is ten in an parts or tbe yard It is thought that a stick of dyna mite was placed in tbe pile to injure the Hungarian laborers that are em ployed at the car snops. A fua was probably attached to the dynamite so that it would explode ns soon as the Gre reached it. LOST HER POCKET BOCK. It Contalaad Uar Husband's Fay, but fcha Qjt It Bac'x. A mid lie aged woman got on Cou ductor P. J. Kelly's car on Cedsr ave hum, u-ur Birch street, yesterday morn ing at v o clock, hue alighted from the street cir at the oorn-r of Penn and Lackawannti avenues; but before she left the car her pocket book slipped trura tier pneKt and dropped ou the S'at. At irankliu STenu- Conductor h.-lly saw it and took it in charge. H petied it and found that it contained fiO. A lew Hours later the woman was noticed ty Mr. nelly, as she stood on tie nvenu't crying. He concluledto ek her what was the cause, of her trouble) and learned that sho was the ooh who lost the money. He returned it to her and received ber moat cordial thanks. This makes tbs second cise where m ney w is lost on Conductor K lly's ctr and returned to tne owner. Motorman lorn (iallagher fouod tbe otber purse. SUNDAY Y W. C A SERVICES. Mil. LibbU Daarsara Will Speik on Con v raations wl'h Christ. The weekly Sibbatli exercises at the rooms of the South bide Young Women s Christian association will b interesting tomorrow as the pas well attended mve'ing bave been. Aft-r th song service, lasting ten minutes, Miss LibbU Diersuu will ad r ss the vnung ladies. Her aula-ct will be, "Conversations with Christ. The regular secretary. Miss Florence Totnkinson, wbo h now sue a ling he vacation at h r parents' homi iu K.l iiiiHZoo, Micii. , will return and resume tier duties ou Sept. 1 SOUTH SID JOTTINGS. Miss Jonnio O'Bovlo, of Archbuld. is th cues: of her cousin, iliss Tessie Gibbons, of I'ltt'tou avenue. John B. Wnciier nnd son-in-law. Cliri Meyers, nnd fanvly, of Hickory1 streot. will leave tonnr tor aew ioi-k. CharleB Watch'awitchick, of Pittston avenuo, returned yesterday from Philadel plna, where he spent the pa"t two month Dr. n td Mrs. J. A. Manley returned home yesiorday from Saratog itiftor snend mg a pleasant fortnight at that celebrat resort. Both enjoyed a delightful trip. The boys' and girls' (lass of South Sid Turners matched to Central park vesti day evening aud had a two hours' rrartic in preparation for thi turn-f est nt Central park Monday. Butcher Frank Scliauer, of Cedar ave line, lias place t a bun Isonie new delivery wagon oniiie roan, innnutactured by Uoi: rail Pell, and named "The Neptune," I honor of tho new Neptune steamer. FOR A SEW RUILDLXG Pptclal Ideating; of Board of Trade V, Consider It. A special meeting of tho board trade iMouday evening mny prove on of the most important ever hold by that body. A spictal proposition has b' mado by individuals to construct magnificent structure to bs known tbe board of trade building. A committee was at work yesterday iu reference to tne matter, and by Monday will hae coustnersd the mat ter fully. If tho meeting wishes have the matter continued, the com tiiitto will be in a position to give i tailed information on the subject, For some tuno the Idea of having building of its own was considered by the board informally and occasionally in on otliciii way iu cotnmittes meeting. The question of uaed was alwavs realized but a satisfactory pi for promulgating the project never materialize Now, bowsver, th board is in a fair way toward acqni ing a boms of its owu aud tbe meet' ing will probably attract a generous attendance. WILL SKIP SCRANTON. Moody Heatings Not Lktlr to Be Hld Hnr. As announced iu Tug Tribune some time ago it is ex'rsmelydoubttul if th great Moody evnngelistlo campaign this valley win Include Sorantou lu formation to this eltect is given by gentleman who Is familiar with plans of Air. Moodv e corps of workers and who is iu ineciiy, ii-ssld: 'The osinpatgn was an' 0 meed to I TIME 10 GET ONE. $3.75 Ladies' Wa ch Stora Wind a. 1. 1 H t. V arrantol. Kcxford Jewelry Company 13 Lacks. Are. elude this city on tbe pledges of Scran- ton miuiBters that a curtain sum would secured to defray txpeuses. A umraoth tent with a seating oapacity over ii.uuu persona was to be erecte I d tbe work begun here early in S-p- tntier. Mr, Moodv s accredited agents ave received no ollict tl advices from crantnn that the project will be sma rted, and will arrange for otber tar- ory unless 6oiue substantial prop- ition is made at once,.'' Many of this city's prominent cler- gyu men ure absent on their vacations i it is doubtful if tbey will return nrly enough to complete the necessary preliminary arrangements. THE MAYOR TAKES A HAND. Enters a Pro'eit Against Ruthless Tsar- ing- TJd of Strts at Intersections. Mayor Conuell is out against the thless tearing up of streets wlncli as caused so much Inconvsuienca to trfflo during the past few weeks. Jteslerday ho served notice upon the Economy Steam Heating company that it will have to cease Plucking travel and refrain from tearing up tne streets t crossings, Watar Filers. Pure wntor secures good health. T. F. eon aid, at So5 Lackawnuua avenue, bas r sale four styles of atone water inters at are sold nt prices within reach of all. and arc as easily cleaned nnd taken care of a water pail, and will last for years. The filter is all stone, nothing to i u-.t, cor- de or become foul nud will lifter from four to twelve gallons per day. Drop in aud see them. Music Boxes Exclmivaly, Pest made. Play any derired number of tunes. Uautscui & Sons., manufacturers. t)3U Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Won- derful orcbestrial orgaus, only $5 and $10. (Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. Euy ilia Wbur and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. More Pill-bury Flour sold thnn any other brand mado in the United btates, Sboeropniring promptly i" Globe Shoe store. attendod to at y Xi-?J If (so) Import Samples msan 20 per C9nt. less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEIGHEL & MILLAR n6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would causa little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is complete ani you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a dalicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURH 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'G Meat Market The Finest In the City. The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 28 Wyoming- Ave. HILL You ieed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tenuis, SSEartin & X3elainy Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. We Have 1 308 Lacka. SPECIAL 45 dozen Ladies' White Handkerchiefs, value s 50 dozen Children's School Handker chiefs, in plain and colored borders, 0 value 5 ani 10 cents, for .... " 35 doz3n Ladies' Hemstitched Handker chi3f3, value 10 cents, for - - - - A new line of Chemisettes just received. i'.oU3m!;mU32Sll!HI!!mE!t:E Scientific Eye 0 C OdMtTKIN NE.VV in A HaT"- For Fall TTT 205 Lackawanna Ave. It'3 a Great Shock fo the folks wTto nrf elalmint they umWsell 111 others to tinil that with at the lenst luss or hlu ter we at e :;ivinir custom rs tha buu lilt ot atu'li oypoi tuiiitioa as tliese. A Mnettv Hlirli iiniile I liht-welehK W heel, 181)1 pnllnrn, f r flillU ttasli. 1H03 pattern, Uil.'.O Wheel, Tor t5. 1SII1 pattern, MOO Wheal, Inr SHS cash.. These prices mako the business at our stor FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. HUILDINO. Malaney Oil and Manufactur'gCoi OILS, irr VINEGAR AND CIDER Hi TO 151 MERIDIAN ST, CELEBRATED PIAWOO at Prewnt the M.wt Popnlar and l"refrrd bjf LeaaiHI AIU.IB. Vararoomi : Opposite Columbus Monument, 3 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. V . -s . t i- ? "A vv ear -Hat. I t 1 THE i Received S AT ' I -ste; 3 Ave. m9 it VALUES I M M a m Cents I Embroidered 25c, for . . 10 Cents Cents i 5 Testing Free By DE. SHIMBERO, i The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spoctaoles nt the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial l.yes insarte l for f5. Hurt Sl'ltl'CK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. U. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, BTFTWVAT SO DKCKKK ItUOTHICBS K.KAA1CH & BACit SX'Lyti'l'Z (!ki kre stock of first alias MtnSICAIj MF.IICHAND13& kllblU, tiU. tiU Another Advocate of t)RS. HEN WOOD 4; WARHFIX: OtM'LKMKN-It aflnrila me ereal pleasuro to ataln that your dhw proceti of extracting teeth trni a grand iuceeM ll my case, and I heartily reonmmenil It t all. I alneorrly hope that others will test Ita merits. Yours respectfully, CAFX. S. K. ItKYAN r. Seranton, Pa. Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 21 make a grant reduo tlon In the prices of plates. All work guar nteai first-clues in ovoit particular. r l1". f 1 X MM A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 B1CYCHCS AND SPOnTINQ GOODS. Victor. Gendron, Krllpsc, LoveU. Diamond andOthor Whaela. ROOP tinning and aolderlng all done away with by the use of HARTMAN'8 I AT BNT PAINT, which conslsta of ingredl nU well-known to nlL It ran be applied to tin calranized tin, sheet iron roofa, also to brick dwelling, whieh will provont absolutely anj crumbling craekmK or broakinn of tin brick. It will outlast tinning ol any kind bj many yenrs,aml it's cost rlooa not exceeil oua nfth tbatof the cost of tinning. Is sold bj the job or pound. Contracts taken by ANIOMO UAUlllAKN, M Birch 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers