- v- 2 TIIE SCHANTON TKIBUNE SATUBDAT MORNING. . AUGUST 18 1894. J BASE Eanagcr Cabin Celebrates His Return Home by Meeting with Defeat. KELLY AND BIS MEN DID IT. Tho Syracusans Also Lowor the Plumes of Manager Shannon's Wilkes-Barre Would-bo's Provi dence Loses to Buffalo and Spring field to Erie Standing of the Clubs. National League Summarijs Base Ball and Other Interesting Sport ing Gossip. IKE KELLY and Lis uiiio ot celebrated have-beene swooneJ down upon Scran- -n. ,l)U yesieruiiy, n ViyWiVfl - Muncer Cahill's Iu- dlana werei;iven ttu other push down the tohotBan o( Eastern lutiifUH per centages. W'llkeB- Btirro ulso lost to Syracuse inmniy through errors, while Buffalo huuiblt'tl the coralnj ehHwpioas and Erio cauie very near shutting ont the tjpriuti.jliiJ. The percentages of the clubs, num ber of same woa end lost by each, ami their staudiag In the league race is s loilows: Won. ... 65 ,.. SO ... 4-1 Lost. yo 44 sr 4i 4'4 10 47 bo1 Per C't. .647 .5f.H Mi .bVl .5D8 .4S.1 .472 .Sit) Providence. Pull'ulo Enu tcrantun ... Wilkes-llarre... 43 Syracuse 43 Plirinutldd 41 AllvDtuwu -4 TOBOGGAN. The Sorentnn Team Enjoys Another Plsasant B'.ids. This is the way it happened: It wan the eichth lnuiua; with tin score 9 to 8 la favor of Scranton, three AllontowH men ou bust nn.l Kiiw Kelly nt the but. Four bad bull from lanky Mr. Qiurleg and the "Old Sport'' got astride his "churley bore'' ami forced in the tieliiBrun. Mr. Sweeney, No. 2, the new shortstop, bit a b-auti-f ul bull to right field and scored Kilroy and Baldwin. And thns it ended. It was proved that we have itron : batting Warn ami good fUMtri, leaving the pitcher's box out of the question. 11 r. Quarleg is only fairly good. Cabiil will uo all riybt. Jobuson is a star. Patchen cannot be improved upon. Hoover avur.ixs up well. Lehane is a tonr of strength all arounl. Smith and Hickey will get alotitf all right af ter they have played alongsiile one an other a few games more. Rogers is batting well, bat he cannot play right lioid. This is the only weak spot o.i the team aud this gap will be filled np ere long. The game was lost yesterday not on errors but because (f poor team work, and that tired field ing, probably resnhimj from the fact that our team was on the road a good part of tu night an l all morning coming from Erie. Ouo fl.' that Smith and Hoover startel for dropped within reach of either and an other whlcn Rogers shouted that he could get and which Cabill let go, bounded away into ribt fi-'lJ. Then-' two oases fit tnisjudgment were re sponsible for the runs. To make the a-otiy still more un bearable, Mulligan said something saucy to Mr. Kettrick and Was tint I $10. Costello refused to go to the bench aud several tiuies w is impudent. Finally, Hettrick in th i eighth inning, put him out of the gm-; but, at t'i earnest solicitation of Ctptxin K-illv, the punishment was changed to a fine. Many were of the opinion that Mr. Kettrick was too nil! nous, aim ez prested the opinion that he is not a good umpire. President Powers wis present and can decide Lvrry's effi ciency. King Kelly's .horn play aud general freshness assisted very materi ally iu making the audience tired. The best feature of the gam was Lehane's drive to left in the eighth in ning, which brought in Patchen and Hoover and put us ahead of Allen town, - The game was ours if this la1 could only be increased, but Mr. (J larles was not equal to the occasion, lie gave three meu lanes on brills and two of them scored before the side could retired. In the first inning Allontown had three men on brisks wbmi a hot liner was sont to Hickey, The boy cap tured it and threw bis arms in all di rections In the endeavor to touch any thing smelling of peanuls. Kelly, who was on third, being forced off by Kil roy started in homo. Hickey threw to head him off and the ball wus sent from Patohen to Qaarles in time to meet Kelly when be jumped for the plate. Then came a question as to who was out; whether Hickey had touched third before Kil roy reached it, whether he touched Kil roy or Kelly, or both, and whether or not Killy had been pnt out at home. Ketiick deoided that Kelly only was out, and credited the put out to Qaarlos at the borne plate. Here is the rest of the story: ECBANTON. it. ir. P.O. A. E. Cahill, 2b 0 1 3 4 0 Johnson, cf 2 2 3 C 0 Patcbeo, c 'A 8 3 1 0 Hoover, If 3 3 1 0 0 Hoger rf 0 1 0 0 1 Lehane, lb 0 2 9 1 0 Hinith, us 0 12 4 0 llicki-y. 3b. 18 12 1 liluckburn, p. 1 0 I 1 0 Pbulan. rf 10 10 0 Totals....; 0 10 25 13 2 ALLENTOWN. B. II. P.O. A. B. Wood, 1. 1.. 10 10 0 Wis., 2b... 1 1 2 2 0 Kelley, lb 110 2 1 Sweeney, s. s 8 4 6 8 1 Mnlvey, 8b 1112 1 Itillipan, c 0 0 2 0 1 Cornelia r. f 1 1 i 0 1 Kilroy, r. f 118 2 0 Baldwin, p 2 12 10 Totals 11 11 27 12 6 Boranton 0 0280018 0-9 Allentown....4 0 1 2 8 1 0 8 x-11 Earned runs Scranton, 6; Allentown, 2 First base bv errors Scranton, 8: Alien town, 2. Left on bases Scranton, 10; Al lentown, 7. HtrucK ont uy ynanes, l; jjhiuwiii, l. xnree Dase nits uoover, Johnson. Sweeney. Two base hits Hoo ver, 8; Wise, Costello, CahilL Smith. Sac- riHce bits Cabill, keliane, (planes, Kil roy, Stolen bases Uiokey, Wise, Double Clays Cahill to Smith to Lehan, Smith to Cahill; Sweeney to Klly, Kilroy to Kelly. Wild pitches queries, umpire neuncK. 'lime oi game .su. states: After being Ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors for Scrofula and blood disease, i was cured by Bur- aocs uiooa Bitters, write mm lorprooi. VJk Jit .GAIN, .-US. I Of Couns, Thty Mlsht Have Won Wer Th jr Bo Iuo'in-d. WilKijs-Barrk. Pa., Aug. 17. The game today between Syraouse and the home team was f nil of errors and was thrown away by Wilkes-Barre in the first inning by poor base ruuning. Two gitnes will be played tomorrow. Weatht-r, fine. Attendance, 800. Score: WlLKES-BARltB. SYHACTS'?. 11. II. O. A. K H. II. O. A. B. I.yttle, 2b..l 1 1 4 II Woldi, rf.. 0 t! 0 0 l'ettlt, ss..O 0 J 2 2 8im-n. If-. 1 0 0 0 MourmUb l 0 8 0 0 Min li'n.oUl 8 0 6 1 U.ittu, lf.ll 110 li liriiUn, rr.2 2 1 U 0 He'ts, rf.,,2 8 I) 0 Kni;:in. .1 8 5 6 1 Uilln,sb,.2 1! 8 1 1 T. Ili.ss. c.l 1112 .I.Hi-as, rf. l 2 0 O (i(;rc,s, as...l 1 1 ft 1 W'riuT.c.l 2 2 0 (i;C(inl. y. Ib.l 11 1 2 M'L'l'u, p..O 1 U 1 H.li.iruutt, i.l 12 10 Totals. .11 12 24 8 cl Total. .. U UW M 7 Wllkm-rarro 0 2 2 (I S 1 0 0 8- 11 Syracuse 4 2 II 0 1 0 0 0 X- 13 Kimietl ruim-Wilkei Hurre. "i; Syrnciiso. 7. Firjt busj by orrora--WllUis IVirro, :i; Syra-cu-io, 0. Lett on liusoa Wilkt'ii ISiuto, '); Sy racuie, 6- Firnt bus on bills -I Ml' hnrm-tt, 7. Struei out Urns. jMiiiuohaii, C'ro. Three Imse lilts I.yttli (iillrD, Jlinin-bnn, Kitkiau. liarnott. Two bnso hits Le.ottts j Iiiiii'h.iM Knt-riflcu hiM Miunt'liaii. Mobm lmsi-a ililloii, Wiimor, Mel andiHti, Wi'li-li, Ooliley. Iiimblo pi ..ys t'rosa to Luirnii to td .li v; r.'ttir. to i.vtt'o to !trania. jiu ny Iilteher-Welch, Unlllu. L'uii.iru Snyder, i iuio 2.0,i. OTHER EASTERN LEAGU! RESULTS. At Buffalo Providence. ...0 0 3 1 C 0 0 0 0-ld ButTiilo 8 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 x-13 Bine hits Providence. 2: Buffalo, 17 Errors-Providence, 0; Buff do, 2. lUt terios Sullivan, i.ovott and Dixon; Vitfk- ery aud Urqnhart. Umpire Dueuer. NATI0.MAL LEAGUE. At New York-v York, 7; St. Louis.fi. At Puiludiilphia Philadelphia, 29; L jihs- ville, 4. At Washington Washington, e; Cleve land, 9, i STATE LEAGUE. At Heading Uarri-.l)irir, 11; Heading, 4. At Pottsville Pottsviile, 12i Liiucua ter, 3. At Shenandoah Philadelphia, ll;Shen nudoah, S. PASSED BAILS. Rogers had one of his fingers hurt in yes terday's game nnd was replaced by Phelnn. Tho iiiHior broiiL'ht in one of the runs with whi'.-h we are accredited. Borers' muff was due to this injury. LOCAL WHEE! ING NOTES. Winans in one of the fastest half-mile riders In this section of the country. Entries for the races at the Driving park on Amr. 22 are coming in tliiclc and wist, and all tho events are bound to be hotly contested. The Green Bide wheelmen will hold a social on the lnwn in front of thdr club bou-o Wednesday evening, in honor of the Visiting whelniou. Gilmoro and Newman, two of the men who will represent tli Scrnutou club in the reces at the Driving p;irl; ou Au'. , are riding new 18-pound wheels. The Scranton club is well supplied with racn:g meu aud should be weil represented In the races on Aug. 22 at the Driviui park by Newman, Uilmore, Garduor and W mans. The bicycle clubs of this city have very few club runs. The clubs of New York and New Jersey have regularly scheduled club runs weekly, and d-iive much physi cal bei.ent and enjoyment thererrom. Menzo W'llllann, a foreman at the Dick ton works, is a gentleman who thoroughly eulovs i yclincr. Ho is a lover oi coiiutry ruus and a fa-.t rode ruler. Last Tuesday l e rode over to Lake Ariel in nb iut two hours, re'urning th same evening, The Green Ridge wheelmen have already received entries from almost every Cl i-n A rider in New York, New Jersey and Penn-ylvauia. Among them being tb'i following: Ji'lin B. Coaler, Pot'sv He, Pa.; Buy Dawson, Bnontnn. J.j W. N. Price, PhilaiHi'hi.i. 1'a.: Frunn E Dmip, Drook- lyu, N. Y.: E. W. bat U: Wilk.-s-Barre; A. i. D llei.ii'irrer, Lingunmtou, i Uo to 2 o'clock yesterd iy thirty-nine en tries had been received This is an un usually large number, for as a rule tli! majority of the entries no not arrive unti nbout two days before tlio rares. Johu B Coarser will be remembered n the man who defeated Banker, the great Pittsbu.g rider, here July 4 in the milo race. BEHIND THE SULKY. Old Orchard and Lawrenco hold th boards for good meetings this week. The New Hnmpshiro brooders will hold a most successful meet this fall judging from present appearances. The great horse fair nt Rigby will fol low the Old Orchard meeting. It will pay drivers an 1 breeders to attend if possible. Arion nsd Dirtctnm will ra'-e the great est heat of th year at tho New England Breeder's meeting. So say well informed horsemen. Miss "Dot" Hutchison, a fearless young horso woman, will accompany .Mrs. Crosby in a special exhibition nt the Now Hamp shire Brooders' meeting. The formation of tho southeastern ITassn chusetts aud Rhode Inland trotting circuit is being much talked of nt present. Then are certainly enough horses iu this section to make the ven ture a success. Entries close Friday for the Saugns meeting Sept. 3 to 7. New England horses have not had very good luck in the grnnd circuit thus far, but just watch them travel at the Breeders' meeting this fall. The managers of tho Rigby mooting met yesterday to cotisidor the entries fur tho races which will come off Aug. 21 to 25. Tho track is being put in splendid condi tion and a large attendance is expected at the meeting. Yesterday Old Orchard opened its third meeting of the season with a largo entry list. The policy of the management in ad mitting ladies free of charge proves vory attractive to the fair sex nt that famous watering resort. ' The list for the groat stallion race at the New England Breeders' nieetiug this fall now stands as follows: Diroctum, (2.U5,'i); Arion, (2.1,7); Kremlin. (2.U7); Nelson, (2.("J), and .Voii'ietcn, (2.10). Thero will be three moneys, 0'), 2U aud 10 per cent. I Everything Seoms Wrong to the dyspeptic. Tho world is upside down; the times are out ol'joint; he's ready to turn his buck upon It is best friend. Now, the thing that oftcuest in wrong with dyspeptics, is their choice of a remedy. It seems to lie between drus and medicines on tho one hand and tho Carlsbad Sprudel Salt on the other. They can't bolh bo right; thero's too much difference in their methods and in their results. Carlsbad tho Sprudel Spring at Carlsbad has been curing dys peptics for hundreds of years. Its natural Bolveut and Htimtilating properties correct perverted nu trition, repair waste, and bring back a healthy digestion and ap petite. The only genuine imported Sprudel Salt ("the water solidified at the spring ) has tho signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co.,Agts., New York," on every bottle. P0IPOURKI OF SPORTING EVi-NTS. The cyclists of ReaHnir are talklnn of getting up a big race meeting there. M. F. Dirnnereer. the crack Buffalo cy clist, has assumed the management of tnn sterling team. The colored racinir 1ackeU made a ureat hit. They are the prettiest foature yot iu- irouuceu ou a bicycle tracn in tnis coun try. It is reported that Tim Hurst will prob ably manage the bantam-weight cham pion, Billy Plimmer, at tho close of th base ball seasou. It is now assorted that the Chicago cycH show will 1.8 held in January, from the seven tu to tho twelfth, duplte all reports 10 me couiraiy. At Hammonton N. .T. on Wednesday. Charles Lodge, of tho Kiverton Athletlj association, lowered the track hulf-mile record from l.lO1 to 1,13. It is reported time Zimmerman has sen ; home for a well known Aiueiican make of wheel to try abroad. This would indi cate a break in the Raleigh arrangements. It seems decidedly odd to aoe a woman holding the ribbons on the race track, ye: airs, uroaby bnudles her fast mare, Lniina B with a skill not excelled by auy mascu liu driver. Ernest Roebor, the champion Graeco Romuu wrestler, is now in Hamburg, where ho Ins rhalle iged all foreigu chum pious for J2.5U0 a side, and the Police Unztte championship belt. Jltumy Carroll, b. ing elated over hh drawn contest with Andy Boweu, has is sued a challenge to fight tiio wiuuer or tin McAuliffo and Griffo coutodt iu the Sea. side AUihuic club tor a purse. While c&uteating lu a pigeon shooting matuu in Uih Cutnwirtsn valley yesterday. Bogor Dixon's gun explod-d an.l tore nfi! two of ins lingers. Ills baud is so badly lacerated that it may have to hu ampu tated. Authorities on the horse predict tint within live years the aumml will be so di veloped aud pel footed that, the almost I? -credible time of a mile in 2 00 will le reached. When Maud S wont the circle u 2. Ul people opened their eyes and concu. erfd that no horse ever could knock down that record. Then ciiiuo JayEyetHW to thke a good slice off the tltne, mid finally Nancy Hunks with a record of 2.04. "Sure ly the ftorld do move." Advices from Ogden, Utsh, stato that Hurbert A. .Sado, who came from New Zealand some yenis ago to hlit JmLu h. Sullivan, recently got in a dispute iu i. barroom and was attacked by three men. Hlu'.lc knocked one of them out, and threw another heavily, disluoatiug his shoulder, but the third would have wiped Slude off the earth, for ho pullod a Colt's revolver and wasabotlt to shoot wheu the bartender and a bystander grabbed the man and seized the gun. Slude then fou,'hi him tip uud down aud wai badly beaten, being tired out. New York city lias secured tho llrst na tional exhibition of bicycle and cycle sun dries. It will be under the auspices of the new trade organization, nt the Aladisou Square garden, commencing Jan. 19 and coiiiiuuiug until Jan. 20, )(U5. The great biieivs.- of tne national cycle i-how given a; the Muilis n t-rpmre garden lnsi winter aud the numerous rnpiests of tne leading manufacturers throughout the country that the comiugshow hhould be given ii New Yolk materially influenced the ex ecuthe committee in inaKiug thistle is ion, aud will uniioubteiily meet the hearty approval of the entire trade. crnnon h 1-sal- 6Trk-t Scranton, Aug. 17. Fiiuit anoPbodccm Dried apples pe' pouu i, tl i7c. : evap orated apples, 1 In 14c. per pound; Turkidl primes, 5a.")!o.; K ig isli curr.uit", 2i2'.; layer raiiius, tl.75al.tj: m iscatels, $1 O'lii H Pf u iid. po Beams Marrow-fats. $.1 .403.50 per bushel; mediums. fAnoal.O I. rKAS ureeu, 1, lfal.2b per bushel; split, f2.Mia2.HI); lentils, 5 to Sc. per pound. Potatokh New, per barrel, i2.4un2.50. Onions Bushel, boc. Bi'ttek 17c. to 22c. por lb ( hkkrk 8lue. prio. Eons Frush. ltlanc Mi: ATS Ha ns, 13-.; small hams, 13'".; s 'a lulled hams, Uo. : Cililo.-nit luras 9 ';.: shoulders, 0,-.; bellies, lic; Hm.keil bienkfiist bacon, l'Jc. fJfoKKl) Bekf-Out dd.s, 18c ; tots, lac: lasiibs and Kauckl-s, IU e. A-::r x iced so. Oked beef, 1 p UU I cuiH. i!.l. dozen, I'oitK Mess at $15; -h rt cat, il l. Lahp i.eaf in tiMi.s nt llu.- lu tntu, 9e.; In 10-pound palls, m 6-poiinil I ail, li, ,-.; 8-pound pails. IDs. pa pound; compound lard tierces, 7c; I ibs, life.; lOpound palls, 7c. per poind. 5-pound pas, 7jc. per pound; 3-poiiui: pmls, Be. per pound. Floor Minnesota patant, per barral. M.i.i a4.'J."; Ohio and Indiana amber, al f3.25j Urabam al f8,50; rye flour, at f!U)0. Fked Mixed, perewt., aM'..23. GBAtH-Iiye, fifte.; corn, 04 to 070.; oats, 45 to 55c. per bushel. Ryk IStkaw l'or ton, $13al6 llAY-8U.50al0. Mothers! JlIothrs!! Mothrslll J'rB.W'iuslow's Soothiug Syrup has been nsed for over lifty years by millions or mothers for their children while teething with p- rfect success. It soothes the child softens the gums, allays all pain; cure) wind colic, and is the best remedy for di arrho!a. hold bydiuggists iu every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "lire W'lnslow's Soothing .Syrup," nnd tnko no no other kir.U. Iwenty-live cents a hot tie. Ordinance. Fir.K or sei.f.ct I'otwtt,, No. if."., ism. A N ORDINANCE PUdVIDIXG Fell TH15 I- levy and eolloctlon of lieenso tnxes ujioj polos erected nnu ma-nriiinnfl lor tho con veniunc i mid support of electric wires with in the citv of Scr niton. ! E this 1. Ii it ordsinod by tho Relent nil cnninion councils of ttie oily of Scriinton, and it Is hereby on'ainel by tho authority uf the same, 'lhat all telegi-aph, telephone, electric liiiht anil street rut way po'ns and anyotltor poles now erected or horonfter to he erected for tho conveyanco or support of olee.tria t. iresror i r iht upon any street, lane, allnv cenrt or city urouortv within tho citv t' Iju'.intoii, wliich aro or shall ho owned by ny rorpornt'on. partnership or liellviiunl other than the municipality itself, shall be t ohw nuted by the naino or initial of such owner or owners, and each uf said polis shull havn a distinctive number nnl also bear the word i 'Tost no bills," which, too ther with the naino or In it ai, shall bo lovthly mrirkod with oil paint upon the poles s i dusiifnatcd. Kk , 2. It shall be tho duly of tho owners t mark tho poles now erected within ninety (li) (lays after the passage of this or !iniii.o ', nnd any poles unreal ter no oo ernctou within thirty (80) davsnfter their erection. Hf.c. S. It sliall be tho duty of ovory rik-Ii owner or onhera on or bi t re Apr 1 1, lanA, nnd annually Iheroafter to iiiinly lo theeiti- t.iwsurer forallceuje to mainta n th-. iola lie reioture crecieii lor inn eu lung year, speei Tying tho poles to be niainlaineil by their lies tunatiou as provided for lu this ordinance. and t heel v trensuror snnii issue sncn iicoiimi to gin-b applicant upitn payment to him for the use of the city of the sum of fifty rents for each and every polo authorized to be main tained thereby, whinh license sliall nut horU'i the maiutenai co of the polen designated In such application only for the period of ouo year, to b computed from the llrst day f April or each and every year, and no longnr. S c. 4. Wltliiti ono year after tho passaito of this ordinance, an polos now sinnmug anil all emus arms at tached thereto shall be Tainted a nuiform dark groon color, and all new polen am arms hereafter ere -ted snail lie similarly painted within six months after their vroo- lloll. Her. A Tl. ahull bo the duty of the Bolieo do partment to make a seini-annunl inspection of tne poles Herein sp'icnn'u im ruporv miv tii latioii lu the marking thereof of such notes to the street commissioner, who Is hereby mn powered and direct il to remove any such polo or poles found without the proper markH of idenilllcatlon required by this ordinance. Hao. ti, Any pomon, co-partnership or cor poration fill ing to tak" out tho license herein before mentioned or refusing to pay the II cense tax required by this ordinance, or who shall violate unv othor provision thereof ex cept In tho marking of tho polls shall ho sub ject to a penalty of five dollars ( 3.tw) for enol and every 11. use. to bo sud for and recovered in the man. ii r now provided by law for the recovery of like penalties, and the erection or ninlntenaneo of any finglo polo lu vlolution of the provisions of this ordinance shall constl tuto a i.lstinct and separate offense thereun der. Hue. 7. The eity clerk Is hereby directed to publish this ordinance oncoaweeS for throe eeks In two daily now spapers of general cir culation. In the city of Bcrauton. approved Aug. 10, lsui. W. U CONNELL, Mayor. ML A Word. Taifs of all hinds cost that mucft, ea apt Situations iranfci,uiAicA are insert thXE. Agents Wanted. nENEttAI, AOBNTS WANTED BfTLl. ing new articles to doalors; exoluslv . territory, no competition, no capital required; an to !KX) per cent, profit, t'olumbia Chumi rnl I'd., Wit )nnr)rn St . Chicago, III, Kelp Wanted Male. MEN TO SEBL BAKISO PDWDKB TC tho grocery trade; ateadv oinnlnyment; experieneo .uiiiiucessary; JT5 monthly salurv and expenses orcein. If offer Nitlsfttctory ad dro-s at )lr0 jth particulars concorulnt: yourself, U. H. Ohetalcal Works, Chicago. For Rent K-OH KEXT- pivii OK SIX BOOMS. AB ly e-3 uoriuiaa street. IOll UKN i ONK-IIALF STORE. 1211 L I'enu uveiiuo. (.'HI per month. I.OU kB.MT-NH'KBV-Firit.sIHHiiD HAIjIi i. snltalil.i for lodgo rooms. JOU. JKlt M N, 111) Wyoming avenue. irchltccts' Notice. A BCIliri t'Tfi' NOTICE-COMPKTITIVEi JV plans and poo Mentions aro Invited for I, city buiiuiii'.-to bo n o I lor lire department house uiel police patrol station. A prospcotuti ol the building, may i,e ,.,n at the oitlce of the city cloi-K, nl which olllce tho said pinusaiic Bpoi-Plcatlons are to h" sulimitted on or beforf W cdiiesihiy, August 2i, By order of citj connclUi, . M. T. LAVKBLE, City Clo.k. beraiitun, Pn ,Iulj :'4, IrlU. Specie: Polices. onoE is iii:r.Ei!V oivex the stock thut of o wi'ivm oi an" iscranton Axle worki t tho annual mooting wr tho tho elecikii' Ullicei'M IlTlil tin. t,.i.i ti,..tln ..f . bnwineaa as may .o-!ie heloro the meotinif he helil m. ;.; i.llic i tf the company, al 1' faiito-'. '' nir.luir A,,...,t 'l lui.i o clock p. HO, jj. EH WIN, Secretary. Tuiiton, l'. Aug. i, Isiil. Sc s IdCKIloLDiOKs,' HEE liN'ti-TllE IPUN. la I'late tilaiH cotuoaiiv. I h.i mnm, me 't:iif of fltu stecdhold as of the Bi iita I'late lilnlitFi.Uiu I ... ..i .. ... , -"--p-'j - uiu iivuhi.u oi tnructol hi .oiiipiiy r, r nu ior tuo iranaactiou ot such other businea us iuj cuiuo iioiore inem.wiu he held at th olltco ot the company. No. ill I u. kawnvii.. I'Oini", Scranton, L'u., on Wedno day, KPi, hh, It-DI. nt 2 o'ciock in lllo i.ii.-i noon JJENI;Y 1'. IlinVI-.I.I.S, .-err, t iry. A BAB UA.NUICAI' WU.B UK P..AV1.D at lhiimas Logan's, Pricoburg, com mencing Slouilav. Ai gi t20; BiiHh Saturday. AM.rlluf '.'1 Al, T. ....... .Ill ...li i. .. v iKaii i in a hi kl lo 1110 Oll- irancetee. ()p;ii to .ill conieri. Ad entrio iu.t h.i mad not later than Monday, August I. Uunr. K'.i. . I, .hu u.,,..l...... i Kaishook, liandic ppera Vroy ANT 1 KEL1C KEl'BIN'J X. I'l'ink Leslie's llluuttv,t,.) w....ui.. vcn. 1 lusirat.o.m IS'",. i'w ,, Volumes Folio, ii.5i; piiyablemont ily. Si lll. Jei vered by express comp el.', prepa d. Aililress P. O J1UOUV, Ulrt Ulbiim etreet, Seranton. Pa, LANu liOOK.-s. i AJIi'hi.Eirt, M..HA I Z'ues, etc., bounl or relKmnd at Tin 'J i ihiwb olllce. Quick work, heasonabl -I rices, MEAi, 'ilCK'TS CAN BR HAD T 141, corner ; nruce street and Franklin ave nue. 'Iwenty uieal ticXots tor ssAiu. Uimil In bin board. Notice of C issolution. roUCE IS IlKKKUV UiiGa Vii AC Till nnu unown as l loruy & Holt is lilts Oa liissolv. d by unit nil :uent, Jonn H. H ret ring. The business will, i a cin imiedb, V. M. l lorey. who ussmnes 11 in lelitodness of the firm, and tu wuom all debt) duo tho li: iu must lio paid. C. M. n.OREY, .1. H.i U. lloLT. Serantor, Ba., Aug'ist 1:), 1-H4. teral. ltTV-B or M'ir'lia layor. I t of lh. ii Hi' ni'io ii vi hunt, Pa., dct-c:a-d. I ..-it- r' o admin sti-a lo'i upon th ab v nam I e t.ito h bee- urant' il to th- u 1 : s. : e i ad i -r nils miv n : chi ms or do ni n-is .gainst said es: at" w i present then . ..i- ; n .-in n' a ul '.osi in I bt. d .hon.-t i wil pi s i hi k i.. m -d :t p. m m to wL,L.u.U, WAH -K.i' & KN'APP. Attnr'ioys for Estate. JOHN TAYLOR, Aunt., o y. baid. Pa Incorp jra.ton. "viTficirisii 1' application will b--line o to tho court o comnion i leas of Lackawanna comity oi 7'nuday, the seventeenth day of SeitemlH3r 1S:4. at li o'clock, a. m , under the iniviaioat of tiio act of uHHcmlily, entitled, an act to pro vide for the incorporation and regulation ol rrrtaiu corpora ions, npproved April 21), ls;i and t ie supplement thereto by K.ra JL Rip pie, Fred ,f. Ainsden, Willinm Illume, Join. Burn, John T. llowo, Kole rt C'. Clark, Kd ward L. Buck. Franklin W. Martin, V ill E. Cahoon and others subscribed thoreto, for th charter ot an iutendedcnrpor.ition toberallec "(trainl Army of the Republic Memorial ol Scranton," ti.o character and object of which is to erect and maintain a buildinc in tho city of t-crnutoii, 1 ackuwanm. county, Pennsylvania, which shall bo a memo rial to nil Union soldiers, sailors and marines of tho war of the rebellion of 1S1 to lsitt; tt espocialiy purpi tuato tho iiam"S and memo ri"s of such soldier, tailors and marines at entered tile service from the city of Scranton. to provide a place for the collection of record and relics reining to the history of tho war to maintain a place of meeting fur tho veter ans of said war, and auxiliary associations tu promote tiontinuuits ot patriotism and do votion toward our country and her institu tioiis, and to cultivate ami maintain fraternal, social and b "lietlcial rolatioiiH with tho voter aus of the late war ami their families. Alio for these purposes to have, possess and eniov ..II .1... t..l.f l......nifd n.wl ....I..II ... nil inu nn".s .luii. n.r. miii ,iiuoK,.n f0, furred by the act of nsiemhly aforesaid and 111. ru!''l'-iii-iiin. The said proposed charter is on file in tin oftico of the prothonotary of auid county, No 7iia, Soptember, T, 1SH4. F. L. II iTCIICOCK, Solicitor. NOTICE IS HEREBY tHVEN THAT AN application will bo made to the Oovernoi of Pennsylvania on Monday, tho second day of July, iS'.il. by Watts C. Van Klarcom, W. Howard Withers, Eilmund A. Utrtl, David Stiruka and Louis J. Hiehecker, under tho Ael i f Aiscmhly, emitted "An act to provide foi the inenrporation aud regulation of certaii corp rations, " approvod April 2d, 1S7-I, alu the EtipiileiueiitH tlieretn, fur tho charter o! an tntomlod corporation to bo called the Crescent Coal Mining Company, tho charac tr and nbiectof which is tlio mining, propar- t.... .....U... ....II ...l .1... 1 ... lUK in imii.i v oiui i-i-iuiifc mi till IICO U OOal It d fer these purpos es to have, possess ant enjoy all the rights, lienellts nnd prlvileeos ol said Act uf ABseinbly and supplements thereto PATTERSON & WILCOX, Solieltor.q. Re 1 1 Estate. CCiAii!?hn O VESTMENT AULNCY. oilers bargains as o l ows CITY BUSINESS I'KOPERTY. 40 ft. front by Ml ft. deon, on Bpruco street, ronts fur Slot J10.O0C w it. ii-imt uy oo loet uoop, on &pruco street, corner alley ,. jo.301 i nesw Huretuer giTo eo it. iront on s,irucc street iietwu n I'snn and trai Kiln, with alley en aide. Spruce street property is advuuclng JftllllllJ . CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNF.R MilNRuE AND VINE streots, lot soxsn, two uweihiiKs, SH. lio. giving a nice rcsideiico sua nu luoi mo tor small investment' ALSO A PLOT OF .1 LOTS, giving 120 ft. rront on mo roo avenue, near Vine street. Tliixo niii: i tlrst-elnss rusldenco plot in a iiei-iruiiiw lucHiuy. xi not sum in one plot will sou huutu nouariiieiy. W EST SIDE. Lot 50x1 HO. South Mniii avenue, atjolnlng rcsideneo of Smith B. Mott, prh o, tS.'W; also iuih on nuca Hiiuet auu w eat &uu place. Only 1UUI lull. COU TRY PROPERTY. a nMu or uu nuiiici ai UAiii'UM, r., modorn bouae, H))rlng watr piped Int i It from hill back, barn for three horses and two oows, honnery with rnmentel lliair, yonug fruit, fine biwn, grand outlook; one and a half tu three acres, as desired, 15,0(10, Aiso lota of n boat same size on Western Slope, Dulton. Call or address SMITH B. MO I T. Manager, No. 421 Lack, ave. rear board trade. CATALOGUE OF RKAL ESTATE FRKE to all. Please send for copy. K. ERNEST COMKOYS, Price Building. Situations Wantsd. I i ttrANTED-BY AN EXPEli (1EVCED CAR t builder, a position. . Address A. J. tililtUAKU, care Y. U. U . city, i - On account of extensive iOIAL FROM Our purpojo is to reduce stock iu order to accomniodato the large purchases we have made for tho fall trado. Prices will bo such that you cauuot afford to miss this opportunity. Immense Our limited space forbids and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods With the addition of 1,500 us 5,500 feet, wc will bo well qualified to satisfy the demands of our largo and increasing business, tt hen finished we will have tho best lighted, most attractive and convenient storo in Scranton, and ouf LOW riilCLB will coutiuuo to bo our drawing card. SORNOLLY & Pine Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, THE FK0TIIING11AM Opening Event of the Soason. WKDM.-.SUIY I VK AL'tilBI' 83. Grand Spectacular Production of RICHAKD III ELABliRATE roTUMES. OtJltU CUS ACC. SsOniK.S. iC ES OF BPLI.ND'lB. Owen D. Joneg (Edui ud Drury), as.. I.icliard J si phRa hoiii" as..IJei v VI and i 10 m nil Will in Kicinrds s ...D ike of lh.ckiui.uim ri iss Mary Loduskle Young us Qmen E iznln th Miis !ilo i ewisus i uch , o V' rk Misb Kit'ie M c.ii.o as Lady Ai nan 60 - .1 Q ,-t Compa iy or Flny Po i; lu .'() sual I rices Sao cf rseivd eats will begin at P. web's m isle t .1 1 .,ln luc. Revised official Froramma OF TJJE GREAT L L AT iiaural Hill Park Sept. 6nd7, 1894. 1. Mer do!8Soh'i'8 "Hunting Sung " for choirs not to exc od JO in number. Pub ishe l by Ltilson jOOl 3. 'tileri." (Mozart), lor t -.th .Uo ' hurch CnoiiK, i.ol to exceed 6U iu nuinimr and not lesi t i.m in litiuibi-r 2i)0 3 "Z .mpa uv irtur-i," by H -iol l, lor bras- and rued bands, not to ex ee l '& V eei s 30J 4. ''S'ar hp inglud Bui n. r," ior puoiie school cno.i'i i lt 10 exceed II in uuiu ber. No Kchul..r over l(i yearB ot a.e to parol ip .e i-i th s c nitesr, an 1 tho lea !ers or din lectors of the vai l in choruses tujst be teachers or s h ilars ot tno various schouls the c intostiug choirs r present 7H And a Uold Medul to the louder. 5. "The Martyrs of the Arena ' for lnnlo parties not to exoeo l 41) and not less than 'Si in number, with qu ir.et 15 0. "Woliliuorgeii," a (ierniun glno, by Ku hlor, lor Guruian pa ties no leas than III aud not over Sti In uumliur.... 1IU 7. "i he Uridal of the Uinls" and "My True Love Hath My Heart," both s -lecterns pub lshed by Novello. For fouiale p u iies n. t to excoed IK) in num ber and not less than V) 100 8. Doube Vjuartot, "Tho Sea IlatU Its Pearls," -oprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. Plnsutti. Published by Novello, 40 9. Quartet, "Madeline." by J. i Kocckel. Dltson & Co., publ shirs ;.D 10. Duet,"! ho I wo l ards (V Ddau Aweu yihl), by I'lirson Price IB 1L Soprano, "TUo Promised Laud," by Paul Kodney, in E Flat. Boozy, pub lisher, Now or J8 12. Contralto. "Guard My Beloved One," by Angolo Machoroui. boozy & Co., New ork IX 13aritmie,"Toreadoi-, ' by Ulzott Dlt son & Co., publishers ,,, 13 11. Tenor. "Orpheus and liis Lute," in B Pint, by Sir Arthur -ullivaa. Shaw Philadolph a, publishor IS. Cornet Solo, "I ho Secret," by Hazel.. 1 111. "Tho Wanderoi-," by Schuberi, b.-iks solo from 30 standard son a, for bass voice, by the John Church Co 12 17. English oration on "Duniul Wobster." Time, fifteen minutes 2 18. Welsh ltocuation, "Caraotacus' Solil oquy," by Mr. John 11. Powell, Scran ton. Mr. Powoll will nlso not as adju dicator on this collection 12 19. AMpeelnl I'rl.e of ft 1 00, and gold medal to leader, Is to bo awardid for tho best rend tion of "Hallelujah ( boms," by brnssaudreed baiids,nuin boring not loss than lil and not over gj pieces. Carl Fischer arrangement. CONDITIONS. 1. That the adjudicators are authorized to divide prizes where merit bo equal, and to withhold prizes whore merit be iusii iHcieut. S. That tlio committee sliall have power to nominate othor adjudicator Instead of any who uiHy he incapacitated by illuuai or other Uliforseen causes. 3. i rotcsti concerning any decision or any competition, phall not be mudo atanv of tlio sessions of the festival, I u' shall bo for wardod in writing to thesecrotary at tho tlmo tho alleged causuarlsos, 4. Should only fiNE choir or bandonter In Noa. 1.2,3 and 4, the c nnpetllion shall be withdrawn. In tho choral cmi ntitions nn ! the m ilo nnd female competitions the accom pununent shall ho linutul to the piano, tne American organ, or both. Choirs and parties may provide their own accompanists. 5. The double quartette, the quartette, duet, and ma e and fe male solos and tho cor net s do will uso tho pianoforte onlv, t). Should auy choir sing out of tune, the prize will bo awarded to the choir giving the most Intelligent rendi Ion. This rule applies only to the chief choral seloctlou. 7. Choirs and competitors (vocal and lnstru niont;d) mustsud thoir namiH to tho secre tary on or bofora August 20, IM4. 8. If noo 'sary,cotnpolltors will ba expected to attend preliminary contests. 9. The committ'oreservei the right, should circutnstanrea make It necessary, to hold minor contests in auy hall that canbeseenrod for such purposn, 10. Tho festival will be held on the days advortlsod, hut in case tho work will be more than can be accomplished on these days sessions to terminate the work will be held ou Saiurdai , Sept. 8, 18114. Central Railroad of N. J. oPECIAIi EXCURSION RATES AND SPKt.'lAL, TWAIN TO WASHINGTON, D. C, For the supreme lodge, Knights of Pythias, August 27 to Sept 5, 1894. For this occasion a special train of elegant coacbes and uffot parlor oars will leave 8 rnnton at 7 a. m. on Monday, Aug. 27, and returning leave Washington at 10 a. in. Ang.til. Special excursion tickets from Stran'ou will be sold goo i to go on any train Aug. 151 to 28th Inclusive and for return until kept. 15 Inclusive. FAUtt tOB IBB ROUND T11IP, 7 81. MUSICA FESTIVA alterations now in progress at our NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Attractions in Every Department any further dotaila in rrrrvrd tn nria. XVa nnlv oV n icti- can ba sold under our new regime. square feet of floor Rr.fLP.tV wlllp.ll Wtrll WALLACE 209 ifore IZEattreBBe GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE Green RHge WhstaD AT Scranton Driving Park WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, August 22, 1891, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 63a GraniamJ, 15c The GENUINE New Haven "Mafhushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1808. JTew York Wareroom3 No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. EICKER & CO, ! Bole dealer! In this section. : OTFICB-lQ Adams Ave.. Telephone BTd'g WHY 1ST See our FIFTEEN DOLLAK Solid Oak Bedroom Sell We sell Furniture as cheap as any Iionse In the country that in tends to givo honest varae for the money, 'fry us. yS9 05 m m HAHKOQD J nuniptlen or Insanity V4ny mall prepaid, WI , "vrawh . u .1Niw.-inl.rf.itlllil themoner. -ttorvMtaurf theiaoneT. aLfOHEJlNl) ArVtRUSINQ.no other. AddreM MtUVK BEKII CO., Masonto 'ieaipie, v,uiw.u For Snlo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drugijlst, cor. Washington tnrl Snrpco (itl'oots. i iFv. ,T. l' MtMu i, iiuimo. inwouiuiBviniuiiu ui. iiivnev. no a pi f ,iv perimx. i-i.ai Korle liyO. M. HARKIH, IMuiigUfc X7 l eun Anenue. f3 M S7 . Ksw Il.coj. lUiRAS KRIe Cairn lnvoluolnrT Imlaetea. heln. tad Aliet beiun .oii.uml'lion ei Idui riL, en ouiina Forsalt by JOHN H PHEIP3, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. BCMANTON AMD W1LK US-BARRE. PA- 1IANPFACTCBER8 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. aJIa.ce i store, we will conduct i ARMQ SALE OT3tirriTiriTiT s n wtt - mil Tirpcnnf nononiftr- will ntn AVtL CORNER Lacka. and Adam3 Aves. Dr. EX Grewer The PhilarHphls Ppecisl'st.and his associate staff of English and Oerman ph'-sic'ans, are now permanently lorntcd at 811 SPRICR ST., RCRXTON. The doctor Is a graduate of the TTni versitv ot Pennsylvanla.formerlv demonstrator of physi ology and surgery at 'the aiedico-Chtrurgical College of Philadelphia. , A specialty of Chrnnio, Nervous, Skin, Jleart, Womb ana Blood diseases, i, DISEASES OF THE FERYJS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizxliess, lack o confidence, scxuul weukness la men and wo man, ball rising In the throat, spo'a floating before the eyea, los of niemory. uni ble to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap- f iness impossible; distressing the action of he heart, causing flnsb of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired tn the morning as when retir ing, lack of euerjv, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipstiou. Weakness of the limbs, eto. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor ana bo examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervons Dohility.Scro. f ula.Old Seres, CatarrhPUes.Pemale Weakness, Affections of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential, (ifllce hours daily from 9 a. u. to 9 p. m. Sunday 9 to t i.n. .use hve 2-ceut stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will psy one thousand dollars In gold tn anvone whem 1 cannot cure of JCPILliFTIO CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER. 311 Bpruco Street, Scranton, Pa. Co. imm ayb. RESTORED!" Tbl wMdtrfrl vmnij full ftb&V'Qavtjl w v bv IliSaiW V I mmmmw m Kaiocr tu ntravi eo.es. such as Weak Memory. Los.of Brain "'."."PS; Lost Manhood, Nightly Emissions, N"""n"'nll?,,V InUeurrallvoOrganiofellherwxeaawdbyow Vrtie. , -. flrrular free, sold by all dnurelsts. Ask for it, i ircuisr i rrV. i-.-.m ... y;-- RESTORED MANHOOD nl m - "" lTOfMi4ttfniiriTTMrrii , DR. MOTS KEBTEIUSa PILLS Tho great remody for nervous prostration and all nervous diseases of the grneraure omaiu of either sex. such as Nervons ProitraUra. ratt ing or Lou Maahoed. ImpolencT, Nlgklly Kqilsslons.Vnuthf nl Krruri, Mental Worry, eiees.lve use of Tobncco or Opium, which lead to Con suiuptlon aud Inianllr. With everv Hit nrder we five a written suae KE8T0ht LOST VIGOR Will br.ee yon npls a week. Sold with WIITTIJ p.rTous lability, i.oit of Heinai rower in nn.i from arte oen.e, it n.Untd. encb tronnlee lens Uf, ll.nn per boi hj meil, 6 b"i fer WUS eTr ore.T w- eire a written irnuetiiee tn cure or teniae me Boaer. ana' CO.. Cleeeisod.Ohle. Pharmacint, cor. Wyoming Avnu an Chsneral Offlc SCE ANTON, FJL - ' -J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers