TUB SCRAKTON" TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING-. AUGUST 3. 1891. STELL LEY 134 Wyoming Ave. We will show you what you want. GOOD BREAD USE THE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TKADE BY The Weston HI Co. EEWARE OF CODKTERFEITS ) THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. 8t Co., m nrlnfpri on Earth Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. HIUKi UOljK MJUAU1C Dr. H. B. WARB PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruco Street. Offl,.. Honrs: j?!1"80 ( 2 to u. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of recorder of deeds of Lackawanna county before the next Republican convention. H. L. HALSTEAD. PERSONAL. W. F. Hnllstead left for Biugliatnton on n tour of inspection yesterday. E. G. Worden i8 (-pending a few dnys with h:s mother in Fnctoryville. Mis. Phelps, daughter of Dr. Throop, loft yesterday for the Dimville sanitarium. John E, Roche returned from Lake Witiola to attend tho meeting of the select council. Mr. uud Mrs. A. C. Netlleton, danghter Jlnrie and son Albert, are sojourning at tho Fenimore, Aabury Purlt. C. M. Florey and fnmily, E. O. Stewart and family and B. F. Lacy aud family are summering nt Lake Sheridan. John A. Boland, teachor in the mute in stituiiou in Kouny, West Wheeling, Vir ginia, is visiting his sister and aunt in l)uumore. Mrs. J. H. Holt and children, of Madison avenue, Green Kidge, ure visiting in Con necticut, where they will remain the bal ance of the summer. The farewell concert givon by Professors Haydn Evaus and Singers, ill be held on Monday evening, Aug. 20, the Jackson street Baptist church. The ladies of the Green Ridgu Baptist church, will hold an ice croam social on the church lawn this evcnine, postponed from last evening on account of rain. Captain 1). J. Cromwell, of the United States navy; Mrs. Cromwell and tho Alifses Cromwell passed through the city yoator day euroute for Montrose, where they will Visit friendi. Mrs. John Harris, of West Pittston; Mrs. John W. Evans and Mrs. iteese W. Lloyd, of Scran tou, are going to Wales next week to see about an estate of half a million in which thuy have Interest. Sainton's Business Inttrssts. Thk TnnifNE will soon publish a rare fully compiled and clnssihVd list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scrmiton and vicinity. Tho edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of 01 jinblio build ings, business blocks, streets together with portraits of leading litizsns. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Bcranton's many indus tries. It will bo an invaluable exposition of our business resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled dvertitemoiit of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as tho city atlarge. Representatives of The Thibunb will call upon thosr whosis names are dksiked in this edition and explain its nature mora fully. Those desiring viows of their residences in this edition will please Lave notice at the office. Stated by H.B. Cochran, druggist, Lan caster, Pa.s Have guaranteed over 3110 bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dys pepsia, sour stomach, billious attacks, liver and kidney troubles. Bucklsn's Arnica Salvs. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, bait Hheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all fckiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price US cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. $40,000 Bohool Hons No. 27, E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month. to be builton Columbia avenue. Lots for sale on this avenue at low prices tor a brief period. Arthur Fbothinoham. PIANOS ORGANS ft Foe to Dyspepsia - T Plans Ire Being Prepared by City Engineer Phillips for Tripp's Wood. SPENT THE DAY AT LAUREL HILL A Number of Well Known West Side Ladles and Their Families Enjoy a Pleasant Outing Death of Mrs. Catherine Williams, a Former Resi dent of Scranton Personal Men tion and Many Brief News Notes. Flans are now bsiugr tynde by City Eugineer Phillips, of the tract of land to be secured for Tripp's Pnrk, It gives measurements of tun driveways, walks, lake, lines ball diamond and other features. This plot of ground possesses all the proper facilities for a park. It is situated in a place where the Providence people can reup some of tho enjoyment, and with the c:irs running to it, can be made very accessible. A driveway will be made around tho entire tract. The uiinatura hke which will be innde, will be deepened by banking it Rround with dirt. It is now believed thut the lioutid WooJs cud aleo be secured. Action should lie t.iknn in fhn latter project before land speculators seiz iuu grouuu. A DAY AT LAURLL HILL. West Side Ladios Stele Enjjymont U,, d.r Its Spreading Trees. A nutnbar of prominent Wst SUj ladies repairod to Laurel Hill park yes terday morning whero n day of unj.iy niout was Fpent. They stnrted about 9 o'clock, returning about 0 o'clock. Those who comprised the party were Mesdauies Alteinm. Thomas, Puth, Munson, W. Griffiths, H. Fellows, Houser, of Taylor, Stephens, JIuhr, Staphs, Lanuitig, Criminous, Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Cnsh, Mr. and Mrs. Yohe, Stella Yohe, Jennie ami Lena Staples, Mrs. Ace, Ida Ace aud Ethel Rinker. Most of the ladies had their families. The day was made pleasing to both young and old. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Lou Jonep, of North Hyde Park avonuo, is in Carbondnle. hoo repairing promptly attendod to at tho Globe Shoe store. Benjumiu Stephens, of Xow York, is tho guest of W. H. Roe, of Price street. Tho excursion ot the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church will leave this morning. Miss Jennie Cannon of Moscow, is visit ing Miss Etta Moyle, of North Hyde Park avenue. Mrs. Richard Hicks, of Eastern, has re turned home from a visit with friends on this side. Misses Jounio and Lnvina Edwards, of Pittiiton, were among friends on this side yesterduy. Lulu James and Not tie Eiins, both of South Lincoln avenue, have returned from Catasauqua. Elins Jones, of Bellevuo street, is suffer ing from a broken arm caused by falling from a wagon. We are clearing out the whole of our stock of fine etchiugs. Chicago Art Co., ili Penn avenue. Tho street aud bridges committee will meet soon in the West Side bank rooms to arrange future work. Misses Nellie Williams, of Hampton street, and Laura Green of Bellevuo, are visiting frionds in Uawley. . . Miss Leah L. btone, of Jackson street, has returned homo from a two weeks' stay with friends in Wilkes-Barre. Tho following officers are assigned to this precinct for September: Jonler, Gur rell, Geschiedle, Goerlitz, Hetzelrotn aud Hang. The Mendelssohn Choral society will meet on Sunday evening in the First Welsh Baptist church. All members are urgently requested to bo present. The funeral of George, the young child ef Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Webber, ot North Lincoln avenue, occurred yesterday moru iiiB. The remains were conveyed on the U 55 Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western train to Paradise, whero interment was made. Tho Druid Glco society met last evening in Dougherty's hall for rehearsal. The society is practicing for the September eisteddfod the competitive piece, "Tne Martyrs of the Arena." They are pro gressing rapidly under tho iustruction of Lewis Watcyu. The death of Mrs. Cathorino Williams, who for many years had been a resident of this vicinity, is a sad blow to her many friends here. Mrs. Williams was 85 years of age, aud was a sister of the late D. D, Evans of this ride. She was a woman of firm Christian principles, and was con nected with the Welsh church of Wilkes Barre. LOST 11EU BEARINGS. Lady from ' Bradford County Forget Where Sh Wanted to Be at. Detective Reynolds was yesterday called iuto consultation in a rather pe culiar case, A very intelligent and re spectable appearing lady, whose home is in Sayre. Bradford county, started out yesterday to visit friends, but after reaching this city she could uot remem ber tho name of the town she intended to visit, although she was awaro that it was in this region somewhere. Mr. Reynolds questioned her closely, but from what alio Knew of tho place nothing definite of its whereabouts could be gleaned. All the towns for miles around were suggested to her, but none of them sounded familiar. The lady mentioned that at one time Baptist minister in this forgotten town had auddeuly fallen ill on the sii'O't and bud been carried to hor friend's house, where ho died. Mr. Ruyuolds rcmuinkered thut just such an incident had taken place in Clifford, Susque hanna county, aud ho suggested Clifford to the lady. "That's it, lOh How silly of me to for get it" oho broke out with a laugh. The absent iminded lady spirit the dny nt the Westminster tryiug to re member the place of her destination and further than an extra days' board bill and considerable embarrassment Sjhe was nothing tho word 3 off for ber peculiar experience. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. It Wat Held YonUidnv by the Eoranton EU'ol Cimpany. At the annual muoting of the stock holders of the Scrauton Steel company held yesterday afternoon at the com pany's office on Wyoming ave, the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing year: W. W, Ssranton, president; direc tors, W. W. Scranton, Walter Scran ton, James R. Langdon, William Con nell, Henry Beliu, jr., E B. Sturges, E. P. Kingsbury. STABLE EADLY DAMAGED BY FIRE, It Was tht Property of I. F. megrararel, of OHv Strut, The barn on Hitchcock court belong ing to I. F. Megafeel and in the rear of bis residence at 913 Olive street, was nearly consumed by fire lust night. n IE The stable is adjacent to a number of floe residences, which might have been damaged or burned if a high wind had been blowing. The damage to the barn and contents it to the extent of about $1,500. Mr. Megargel and family are at Lake Ariel with the four horses and vehicles which the barn usually contains, so the damage is confined to the building and a quantity of bay and straw. The cause of tho tiro is attributed to spontaneous combustion. Q AUGHT on the Fly. "I shall never forget the fearful and heart rending cry of Mrs. Lincoln on that eventful night iu Ford's theater, Washington, wlitn she saw her hus band assassinated by John Wilkes Booth," said Thomas Fair, of New York, who is now iu this city iu the in terest of a metropolitan drug firm, a ho began a graphic story of the foul murder which deprived the nation of. ouo of its noblest herocB. Mr. Fair was then a young man and an in timate friend of Charles Brush at that time chief steward of the Liuooln United States geuerul hospital. On Gjod Friday evening, April 14, 180"), ut the invitation of Mr. Brush he at tended tli opera. Laura Keeno was pi lying 'Onr American Cousin." They had scats iu tho orchestra ciicle iu the third row not more than twenty feet from the box occupied by Presi dent Lincoln and Major Ratbbourn. Tho first nut of the drama wus being pluycd and Mr. Fair said his attention was attracted to tho door of President Liu coin's box by the rapid footsteps of a m.m walk ing towaid it. He saw Booth, whom he knew, enter the box and immedi ately there was a report of a revolver. With desperate agility Booth was seen to'leup over the front rail of the box to the strtge, a distance of ten feet. The box was fastooned with bunt ing and flugri , and u spur of the assus hu's boots c. night in tho decoration and he Btumbled, but landed squarely on Ms feet on the stage. He drew a dag ger from hia overcoat pocket and with n maniacal shriek uttereJ, "Sie Semper TyrauuU," then limped to the side of the stage and disappeared iu the wiugs. Mr. Fair says ho leaped from his seat and climbed to the box where tho murdered president lay writhing iu the agony of death, caught the dying Lincoln in bis arms and carried him to the foyer. Mr. Lincoln and Major Rathbourn were too mueh affected to blotk the esc.iDft of Booth or bof any ussistnnee to Pr'sidont Lincoln, al though Miijjr Ritubrurn grappled with Bjotii aud was luknn off like a brawny mau would free himself from tho grasp of a child. While tho general impression pre vails that Medala, t!;e Old Forge mur derer, is in :i foreign land, it is possible that be is still accreted in the moun tains. About a week ego Thomas Grimes, of O ik Hill, a small hamlet below Greenwood, board that a sus picious looking character was prowling iu the neighborhood. He followed the fellows tracks and came up to him ut the door . of a farm house in the LIocslc woodn. The fellow was bogging for provsnder, uud asked for something light, saving that his stomach was in a tumble-down condition from lack of nourishment, as be has been forced to aliay tho pangs or hunger lor over a week with berries and green leaves, in the abs'juce of anything of a more sub stantial quality. While he was waiting to be served with supp'r, which the farmer s wifo was preparing tor him, a violent attack ot cramps overcame him, and the only remtdy nt hand, a small doss of laudanum was adminis ter!. The drug turned his stomach aud caused him to vouiit the contents, which proved to corroborate his st.it ment that ho had eaten nothing but berries and leaves. He recovvrod and attacked the luncheon on tho farmer's table with alacrity, after which be thanked them and preparod to depart But the folks oLservod that he boro a closo resemblance to the fugitive Medala from the description given, and tho trausitory lodger was detained1 until a mini named Murphy trom Old Forgo was sent for to identify the min if he were the bloorHhmty Italian. The mail had the particular scar which Medala is said to bear and in nge ana build cor responded to the description. He hud the Italian accmt, although he denied being of that nationality. When Mur phy arrived he said that the man was not tall enough to be JUeduia ana ou this explanation the man was allowed to butako himself wherever bis fancy directed.' LIQUOR'S EFFECT ON CRIME. Henry Chattel Lea, in liiffini Fovam. Tolstoi may perhaps exngorate when he asserts that alcohol is accountable for DO per cont. of crime, aud that of women who go astray one-unu yioiu ;to temptation when under its iiiiluenro: but the best in formed criminologists ascriuo to it a large share not only in stimulating to crime and in blunting tho moral ureceptions, but also in producing the pecularly dangerous class of horn criminals, who nro hopelessly in corrigible, liarro found by investigation among convicts lime -it por cent, or them were children ot UiuuUen parouts. IS A PUBLIC ENEMY. 3(0 On luul:. The man who, consciously or uncon sciously, helps to set eniDloyer and urn ployed agniust one another is an euemv to the public only low dangerous than he who sets Roman Catholic and Protectant agaiust each other. Tho worst concoiva ble war is a war of religious iactions; uoxt to tunc is a war in uiuiitrial tactions, Donatlonq for .Tulv During the monlh of July tho following j ......... ....... n . .i... t, " iiuutiiiijija wuiu n-triYuu nt me r lorenci Mission: W. H. Poarce, Mary Hastie, James Hastie, Mrs. E. N. Wlllard, Mrs v. i. naiisieau, jiirs. ueorgo nanuor n. Mrs. Li. Morgan, Mrs. Charles Chaudl ler. Mrs. M. J. Coughlnn, Topnltn, Kan., Kitm'a riiiiirrlitnl'H- (rnnn lji:lini V P. Prirn. fmrnfl TMillf pnmnnnv i..l.ol 1 at il'IIUMIlll, J l . "Wtiiu . 41II.IIU, Ml, iuiiiieu, 11.. n. T)i...M.. ii hCKANTUN iiiiiium, ocrautou itopuolican, ccrautou limes. . Ballding material fir Sal?. Inquire at Conrad Schroeder's Commonwealth Building. office, Criticising a Young Lady. "She would bo a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatr asked Charlov. George Her face is always covorod with purple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dia posed of. Used to ba the tamo way my self, but I caught ou to the trouble one day, aud got rid of it in no time. George What was it? Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's tho boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could bear him holler clear across the country every time he moved. Ho tried it, and you know what an athletio old cent he is now. If somebody wouid give Miss Daisy a pointer, the would thank thorn after wards. All tho drug stores sell iu B OF HI July Was i Busy Month In Providence Po lice Circles. PREVIOUS RECORDS BROKEN Increased Number of Arrests Is At tributed to Unlicensed Drinking Places Opinions of Providence Preachers of the Gospel Death of Mrs. Mary Stankevitch Under Sad Circumstances Condition of Will iam J. Thomas Other Notes. During the mouth of July fifty-one arrests were made in Providenae, being the highest on record, forty-six men aud five womou made up the number, and it will be interesting to note the following analysis) Drunkenness, 2G meu and 2 women ; abasing wife and family, 0; disorderly houses, 7 men and two women; stealing, 2; insane, 2; vagrancy, 1; indecent buhuvlour, l; passing counterfeit money, 1; using firearm, 1. One colored man who was promenading with a "whlto ludy" tormed the only representative of tho dui ker race. It will be oboerved that the drinking record is vory heavy and it is no secret that more drinking and constauent drtinkenuess has been observed iu Providence dnriug the past month than any time in its history. A num ber of arrests wore made in "holes in the wall" aud disorderly houses, and there is not tho slightest doubt that out of the twanty-eight arrests of "drunks and disorderlies" more than half can be directly traced to "boles in the wall." Several of the men and some of tho women were veterans in the drunk en army and as such would be refused drink in almost any saloon iu Provi de!, cd, bat they are enthusiastically welcomed in these ltitamous dens. Several of these places obtain a revo- nuo license, which is prima facie evi dence of an illegal sale of intoxicating liquors, and with a schedule of theso licenses in h:e hand the ward coustable couid proceed and accomplish a great mibsiou in cleaning Providence of these fostering sores in its midst. borne time ago tho R iv. D. M Kin- ber. Rev. R. S. Jones, D. D., Rev. M. I). Fuller, Rev. W. F. Davies, Rev. D. A. Evans and Rev. George Guild made u systematio visit, to saloonkeepers and others in the First and second wards with regard to the Sunday observance movement and complaints were made to them that the disgraceful drunken scenes attributed to saloons could b directly traced to the low uulicenszd resorts. Almost all the suloonkeeptrs were favorable to observe the Sabbath properly, but pointed out thut a grave mjustiuo existed when the unlicensed and unrated place sold more drink iu ouo Sunday than an ordinary saloon would during the entire week. The various clergymen regard holes-in-the-wall as a great obstacle to a proper regard of Suuday law and the probability is that concerted action will soon be taken to remedy the pre sent defeat iu recording conviction or nt any rate to discover where the defect lies. FAVORED HIS WIFE'S WHIMS. As a Rs suit She Bled After Suffering; Great Fain. On Tuesday Mrs. Mary Staksviteb. wife of a Hungarian, residing at the Highworks, died aftor suffering intense pain. She was only 10 years of age and re fused to allow her husband to sen 1 a physician or midwife to attend her. He foolishly favored hor whim and did not summon a physician until it was too late to save the life of the child wife. Mrs. Staukevitcb's mother conduotod a boardinjr house and about a year ago Jiary married btanksvitoh, one of the boarders. NORTH END BRIEFS. Rev. J. I. ' Dunn, of Green Ridce, is spending a short vacation at VVilmington, Liei. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams will spend a two weeks' vacation at Harvey's iai;e. Elegant framed pictures are being sold rnr nun prico oi irunie. cuicago Art Co., i I'enu avenue. Mrs. 'B. J. William-, of Wayne avenue. is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Silas B. Rob inson, at JuiuKe inula. . Providouce showed signs of enlivement yesterday owing to tho Marvmo and Creek employes recoiving their monthly pay. Mrs. ThomiH Jordan, of Carbondale, is staying with her paront3, Mr. and Mrs. l nomas ituudy, ot w est JlarKet street. ErueBt L. Lindsay, of Foster, a 'W grad' uute of tho Business College at Rochester, N. Y., is visiting his old college chum, liarvey Jrraucis, at l.oi Aortn Main avt' nue. A largo party of Providonco young la mes ioi t lor a two weens' vacation at At lantic City, including Misses Mary O'Mal- loy, Mary Mnnley, Lillian O'Donnell, tier- trudo McEachsu, Margaret Purcell, Mary juorna aim Airs, camuui juciuicnen. Dr. B'isher and Dr. Donne yesterday raaue a lurtner examination ot the m juries received by William J. Thomas. It was found that thcro were slight hopes of retaining tho right eye, which it was feared previously would bo lost. It is a singular coincidence that almost at the same hour a miner was injured in Pittston under exactly the sumo circumstances. SOUTH SIDE. A WHhligton Avsnue Merchant Qivog a Reverend Gantloman Trouble. Rev. Samuel Kleinfeld, robbi of the PolUli Jew synagogue on Washington avenue fl its, was detained yesterday as ha was boarding a Dulaworo, Lacku wan na and Western train for New York with bis newly wod wife, by au execu tion attaching his goods, issued at the instance of Max Judkovics, who keeps a general stoi'j ou tho flits. It appears that whou Mr. Kleiufold was getting man it d he- bought a suit of clothes lrom Judkovics, giving him n judgment uoto for 30 iu payment, lie neglected to sotile the note bo fore starting for New York, where he in tends to reside, und fearing that tho note would not be paid Judkovics had an execution lssuad. The writ was served just as the cler gyman was at out to got on the train. He wns anything but pleased at the in terruption, but after a talk with the storekeeper an amicable adjustment was arrived at. Judkovics himself sat isfied the writ and paid the eosts, and the rabbi went on to New York. BULL JUMPED THE FENCE. 1 A Law Suit the Rntult of Taurus' Activity. Max Phillips sent Ferdinand Schroe der up to Roaring Brook to take charge of his farm, in April lust. On that farm was bull, a ferocious bull, so Schroeder says. Whsn Phillips went up to review ths work of bis steward ho found bis bull bad jumped the fence and was ' roaming around the country, much to the terror of the whole neighborhood. rbillips ordered bis mm to recapture the bull, but Schroeder refused, saying he was afraid the bull would kill him. Phillips, so Schroeder says, then threat ened to kill him if he didn't get that bull back into pasture. Betwoen the bail and Phillips, the prosecutor claimed to be in mortal terror and left the farm, Tbtn ho went before Alderman Wright and sued Phillips for his wages. The bearing took place yesterday and the wages, $1.87, ware duly paid to the timia Mr, bchrooaer. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Dr. Kolb. of Cedar avoDue, is entertain ing liis father, Rev. J. Kolb, of the Hen derson Street Methodist church, of New York. The funeral of the infant child of Michael Byron, of Proi-pect avenue, took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholio ceme tery. Miss Nellie Hopkins, of Prospoct ave nue is entertaining her neico, Miss Auis tasia McNulty, of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. August Schuoidor, of Pitts ton avouue, nre spending u few day3 with Honesdale friends. While playing in tho barn of Max Phil lips yesterday, the !i-year-old son of Charles Cooper was severely injured about tho head. Musio Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any defired number of iunes. Gautschi ii Sons., manufacturers, WM Chestnut street, I'uilaUelpuia. Won derful orhestrial organs, only ib and $10. Specialty: Old uiusio ooxob carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. Ph.i.shury Flour Mills have a capncit.y of 17,5U() barrels a dny. SOLE AGENTS FOR LIBBEY'S COT GLASS LARGEST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s Cllilia White and Dscoratad. Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, &.. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS.JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC, never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT. at Freeman's. Cur line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAP AH for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURN 427 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE CELEBRATED Iro at Presmt tlid Host Topnlnr and Preferred lij Luadhm A1USI5. Warerooms : Opposilo Columbus Monument, Waahlr:tofri Av. Sere nton.Pr ROOF tinning and soldering nil done away with by the uso ot HAUTM AN'S I AT ENT PAINT, which consists ot ingredl tits well-known to all. It can bo applied to tin, ralvanlzod tin, shoot iron roots, also to brick dwellings which will provout absolutely any crumblinif, cracking or hreuklmr of the brick, it will outlast tinulng ot any kind by many yenrs,and it's cost does not exooed one fifth that ot the cast of tin ii ins. Ix void by the job or pound. Contracts taknn by . ANl'UMU HAKl'MAMM, 0-7 Birch St. My fit ' Hvfw HI ES You And a visit to Martin & Delany s will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Slartizi & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. 11 a s: To be closed half value. CAPS, worth from 39c. be closed out at i 11 L 308 Limine SALE IS lez. Im laps isiLiPaeiY j At less than HALF VALUE and other jj goods in proportion. Scientific Eye WILL BUY A FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM AT CONRAD'S. It's a Great Shock fotlie folfta wlio nr cHlmln? thoy nniloriwi! ill otlim-o to (hid that without the le.ist fuss or bluster we nro sivir.B cin-toni.rs tho ben eflt oC such opportunities bs tine. A BtrloHv illr.li tinul MeM-woight! tVhprl, pattern, f- rSHO eauli. 18!)3 pnttern, til.n Wheiil, for t?75. lHUlpnttnrn, 100 Wheel, far 85 cali. Cheso prices make tho business nt our sto.-cb FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. DUILDING. Maloney Oil and Llanufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 15) MERIDIAN feT. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 83821 III "A FAIR FACI3 CANNOT AT0N3 FOR AN UNTIDY HOUSE." USE Ei Hem llSillll Lacka. Ave. out at LESS than to $1. 25, will Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBEEGr, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved rityle of Eyt'tilus? w and Spectaclen lit the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial liven inserted for ?5. aor, SI'llUCH ST., Osip. Old Post Offlce. II. A. IIULBERT'3 City Musio Store, STKmVAY SO BKCKER 1SHOTHEK9 45 KRAJSICH & BACKS trass! Uk a krgt stock ot SrsMlM tiUSlCAti MERCHANDISE Another Advocate of BUS. 1IENWOOD Ss WARDF.LL: GKNTLEMICN-It nffnrils me erc ploasut-o to state thut jour new pruceM of extracting tei-tli wns a Brand anoeeal Is my cnao, and I henrtlly reenmmend It (4 II. I ulntieroly hope that other will teat Its uii rlta. Yours rcuprctfnlly, CAPT. 8. . UKl'ANI, Scranton, Pa Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Avo. Will on and after Mav 21 mnko a rrent reint tlon In tho prices of plntes. All work guar anieej flrut-ulass ia every particular, A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICVCI-KS AND PPORTINO GOODS. Victor, Gendron, :clipso, LovolL Diamond ana Other Wlwels. Ansssthene 1 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers