THE SCE ANTON TltlBTJNE rill DAY MORNING. AUGUST 3, 1894. BASE BALL Victory Crowns the Last Effjrt of Scranton la the State League. OUR OWN FLARAGBAR DID IT Rain and Wet Grounds Prevented the Allentown-Harrisburg and Potts- ville-Hazleton Game The Poor Phillies Lose Again to Lancaster. Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Summaries Vari ous Base Ball, Bicycle, Turf and General Sporting News. AREWELL to the Stats leacue. Scran- j enter Jay cilebratod its retirement from 'f' V'fl Af the Stiita Lcckub of (' v l Uao Call cluts liy - w winniui; tlie second (if the' scheduled guinea with llaavlinc in a brilliant man ner, withFlaunshan, who ty this time is an LaHorn longne wirlr in thn box. TorreVSOtl's tllHD beins able to secure but Bis hits oil his do ivorv. Thn home tenia tulle leaves tuo stnta cirpftiiiziitinn as its leader, beiuL' ixiy-eijfbt points abend of the Allon town contingent of "have boens," who hold Becnnd tilace. The oihor State league game played was that between LauonBter ana Puila delpliia, in which the former won with ease. The llrtzleton-l'otisville gams was nostnoned on accouut of wot Grounds aud in the Alientowu-llnrriti- burtf game rain prevented its beui; idiived. The onlv cbanue in trie stand- ini? of the clubs is the dropping of Rendinir to a tie with Huzlotou for fifth tiluca. The following table gives the per centages of the clubs, tbe number of games won and lost by each, and their standing in the championship race: Won. Lost. FerC't Scranton IS Allentowu 15 Pottsville U Lancaster 11 Heading 0 Hazletou '.) Uarrisbnrs..... 7 Philadelphia.... 3 4 5 U 10 ia 33 13 IS .SIS .wo .5.1-4 .4'Jl) .4:."J ,m0 Mi SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Allentown at Lnncnster. Philadelphia at ITarrisbnrg. ilazlcton at Heading, SPLENDID FINISH. Ecranton Won Its Last Stats LeaffUB Gimei with Eas. Special in the Scranton Tribune. Reading. Autr. 2 Scranton wound Tin its career in the Statu league by do feating tbe local club tod ly in a same marked by the loose playing of iioud ins in the first iuning. The visitors were allowed to score two runs on short hits and errors. By poor base rnnuing in the sixth the borne players were rotired through carelessness with the heaviest bitters coming to bat. Ilogan and Beau mout's fiue catches and Flanaghan's pitching were tbe features. The score SCRANTON. R. Wetzel, s. s 0 liogan, c. f. 2 Patcbun, c, r.f 2 ilnssov, lb 1 Phelan, 2b. 0 Stultz, 1. f 0 Rogers, c.r.f. 0 Westlake, 3b 0 Flanagan, p 0 ii. 1 P.O. A. E. 3 10 8 1 0 4 3 0 10 (1 0 1 3 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 10 27 11 7l P.O. A. E. 2 0 0 1 1 0 13 0 14 0 0 13 0 2 4 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 3 1 24 14 3 i 0 2 s 5 Totals. S READING. R. it. lllller, If. U 0 Leidy, cf 1 0 Torreyson, 2b 1 'A Beaumont, lb 0 1 Henry, 3b 0 0 Eustace, ss 0 0 Shiuehouso, rf 0 2 Fox, c 0 0 Coyle, p 0 '1 Totals 8 7 Scrantou 2 0 0 1 0 0 Readiug 0 0200000 02 Earned runs Scranton 1. Three base hits Torreyson, Patchen. Total base hits Reading 9. Scranton 12. Stolen bases Scranton 2. Loft on bases Read mit 7, Scranton 3. Double playsEustHce and Leaumont; Westlake, Phelan and Jilasscy. Struck ontIiy Coyle 2, Flana ghau 3. First base on balls Off Flann Khan 5. Wild pitches Coyle. 'Sacrifice hits Westlake. Time--1 :SU. Umpire ilitchell. Attendance 1,000. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Lancastor Ijancaster. 3 0 18 1 Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 l-4f 0-2 IlitB-Lancastor, 13; Philadelphia, 4. Errors Laucnuter, B; Pbiladulphia, 3. Latteries Schelb'.e aud Cote; Cailahau aud Roth. Game called end of tbe sixth inning on accouut of raiu. At Harrisburg Harrisburg vs. AUon town, no game; raiu. At Pottsvillo Tbe Hazleton vs. Potts ville game postponed; wet grounds. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia P,rooklyn 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia.. 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 3 8 x U Hits Brooklyn, 14: Philadelphia, 12. Errors-BrooHlyu, 2: Philadelphia, 0. Bat teriesUnderwood and Earle; Fauuius 1 r j tt uuu uraur. umpire LampDoij, At Baltimore Waihinton...0 1000004 49 -altiuioro 3 0 1 0 1 0 4 110 Hits Wellington. 14: Haltimore, 13. Er- rors waHiilngton, 3; Baltimore 1. hat tenea Alaul and Dugdale; Ilawke and Itobinacn, Umpires alcliuire ana Clarko. At Pittsbnrg St, JiOiils 0 011104007 nttsliurg l 001000024 Hits St. Louis, 13: mtsburir. 7. Er rorsSt. Louis, 0; Pittsbnrg, 1. Batter i.s BreiteiiBtfiu and Twinohnm; Ehret anu bugiieii. umpire uauney. At New York Boston 0 S 0 1 2 0 2 2 113 New York....O 0 10 9 10 1 113 Hits Boston, 13; Now York, 14. Errors BoBtou, 5; Now York, 2. Batteries roeliols, btivetts aud Tenny; (ierman. WeBtervelt, Rasie. Farrell and WilMou. UispireEaislie. Game callod on account ot darKucHS. At Cleveland Cincinnati. ...1 0200000 1- Cleveland 0 8 1 0 0 1 3 2 X 9 Hits Cincinnati, 7; Cloveland, 11: Er rors Cincinnati. 0: Cleveland. 2. Batter ies Chamberlain and Murphy; Cuppy and vuonuor. umpire Aurst. At Louisville- Chicago 0 0004000 x 4 Louisville 0 0800000 1 8 Hits Chicago, 12; Louisville, 8. Errors Chicago, 2; Louisville, 1. Batteries HntchiuBon and Schriveri Knell and lirlm. Umpire Lyuch. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Bnffalo-Wilke-Barre, C; Buffalo, 8. At Providence Providence, 4; Syra- cuse, a. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Good bye State league. Wonder what Kiue Kelly thinks about tho Scranton club now? We rotired in a blaze of glory, that much at least cau be said of Scrauton, The West Side Stars cannot play tho Bcrantou Ktars Saturday. Will Uuijkes, captain. Anson savs if ho hsd two snch pitchers as Youug and Rusle he would stake all he l"iji-sOi in this world that he wouiu win tho peuanut iu a week Tho eBteomcd SnrliiEdeld Union is as sured that Tiik TmiiiNK's failure to credit to its versatile ba:e ball department the versolut entitled "Play JJall!" wus whully accuieutai. The Luzji'tie Street Stars challouce tho Si'vonth Stroot Coxej'ltJS to a game on the Electric Light House grounds Auir. 5 at 2 o'clock. Auswer through TlfiuiMit Will Murray, manager. The Triton Base Ball club of Tunkban- nock will play a game with tho Actives, of Uuiuti, fcaturuay uiternoou, auij. 4. a very cood irunio is expected and all are re quested to be present. The erstwhile Mluhtv llonnpy, of Ilar- risuurp, was knocked out of tbe box ut Scrauton yesterday and bis team narrowly escaped n stint-out, A measly little run in tho fifth inuintr averted a whitewash. Allentowu Chronicle. Tha Little Tycoons defeated the Johnson club by the tcoro is to 10, and they would like to play tho New Btreet Stars or tlio yaincy aveune Stars a came nest Monday or Tuesdiiy. Answer through Tnu TiUii ixi:. 1). liualtos, captain. The runner Starllahts. of tho West Side defeated tho liluo Lulls, of Taylor, yester day afternoon by a score of 5 to 0 on the Little Woods wounds. Tbe Starlisuls challenge tbe Young Violets of the West Side to a game of ball to be played on Aug. 4 at H p. in. on thn Little Woods grounds. Answer turougu tiik 'Ihihine. liicimru Urcy, luautiger; Philip Williams, captain. The hard times are pL'vlne havoc with the patrouage of the ba c buil gmues iu th' West, iklauitger John Ward, of tho New York Midlrercntly that bo paid the Cleveland club inoro inJiiey on Je oration l)y as it nharo of iho receipts at the Pol) grounds for that day than ttiu New York duo received for tlia 17 games rltycd on the whole Western trip, and the Fourth Wi'S on that list too. Philadolph.a Record, The Scranton Lase ISall club is too coy. It l iu been ilirting with the Pastern league for several days now, but doesn't seem to know whether it lisos the nuw suitor well enough to tako him for her "steady company." Tho Buitor is willing enough and pleads with motfiu eloquence, but dour scrnnton is a shy youug tlnut;. It's all so sudden, you know, and she's all iu a Hatter, poor dear. So she wants time to cumposo her nerves and think it all over. Her Hist "no" in iv not meau any more than the traditional nega tive, which, in lover's parlance, is generally understood to moan "yes." In that case wo don't think it wise to insist upon an answer too soon. It, niiyht frighten off tha sweet creature and thou what a lot of fun we should mi-s. Seriously, we need that Scranton dub iu our business. We ye.iru for hor. We ask her to com to our arms where she will get such a b.ise-ballio nquueziug as shall reduca at every squeeze the size of her cranium and the figures of her percentage. Wilkes-Larro Record. Wo come, but not to be squeezed. TOMORROWS TROTTING RACES. Novel and Complete Card Has Been Tropirod. Although the Gentlemen's Driving club will conduct five races at the Driving park to-morrow thy will be worked oil by beats from the first to the fifth event, with only a 5-iuiuuto wait between each beat. By this sys tem nil tedious delays will bi elimi nated. The hitch race will inclula the b ir cessiug of tne horses iu full view from the grandstand, and a half-mile drive. The etitties are summarized as fol lows: First race, hitch, haru053 and nalf-inilo drive Dr. O. E. Hill. L. 13. Bunnell. Dr. Charles E. Hill. G. II. Shelly. L. T. Payne. Jobu Fritz. C. A. Summers. Walter Jermyu. Second race, H.00 class William, b. g Frank Merrifield. Frank II, br. g., Frank llazzard. Dawn Lass, br. ni., Walter Joriuyn. Coxey, g. W. (j. Parke. Dr. Chambers, b. g., II. B. Reynolds. Fred, b. g., Alex. Dunn. Fanny Blair, b. m., U. 3d. Shelly. Third race, 8.50 class St. Nick, b. g., Randolph Crippon. Duisy, b. in., C. S. Seamans. Duke, bl. g., L. T. Payne. Keeloy, b. g., O. 3d. Lallstead. Jack, b. g., Dr. Charles Hill. Pet Haud, b, in., Frank Spencer. I' Otirtu race, zau cinss Farmer Boy, b. g., Lovl Pattoraon. Moliie, b. in., Ambrose Spencer. Jack, r. g., Frank iilerrifield. Ulagnolia, bl.m,, Ur. J. L. Wcntz. Jobu, b. g Dr. U. E. Hill. Nt, b. m., J. L. Crawford. I if th race, free for all Jim ilears, g. g., Dr. Charles XXIII. JsVllie B, b. ra Levi Patterson, Tnlly Way, b. m.,W. ii. Uearhart. NOTES FO HORSEMEN. Tho trotters are going faster than ever. Bristow, la., is to have a trotting track. Tbe eelding trotting record is now 2.0791. and is held by Rylnud T. Ella Vertuer, 2.10!, bv Epaulet, showed a mile ovr Bclieout lately in 2.1 Billy Button ia 21 yoars old. Last week ho trotted a quarter in 32,:f seconds. Sam English says there are over flftv pacers doing the grand circuit who can para iu 2.1'J or bsttor. Notwithstanding tha diminished attend. ance at Brighton lioneb, sity bookmakers continue to do business iu the betting ring there. C. C. Seaman, of San Dioco. Cal.. pro poses to form a club and make the Saa Diego track one of the must popular in tho state. D. J. Lynch, of tho Arizona btablc. has purchased from the Pn-timo stable for ?l,J0l tho 3-yenr-old colt Volt, by Volaute, dam Cora ui llo. Dr. Rice will not again before fall. He was musele-iore after his last race at Washington park, iu which be inude rather a poor showing. A new circuit was rocenilv f orraod at Jamestown, N. Y. It consists of the asso ciations of Jamestown, Warfaw and Cur ry. Thecireuit will be known as tho Wst oru New York and Pennsylvania circuit. iP COiS THE J) THAT'S THt USUAL WAY. THATDYSPmiA NCVIK ... umtrrn lunj TMATJMBurr route? frr BorttcoMt rmemreAvl.l Am NICIITS. AT IHl CIW rutAnt Nurwjt.w nvKiii.i tlNBIAHf.Rll.All. lit Hi HEALTH: All MMVC. HCAT. B! AU RISHT IN OCTOetK' BC AIL. Acnr now. ir you ' would ust jon Ann k IT OOlS WHAT A CHOP IN THt THttMimrmX zr00itl MAXCS YOUl COMFOR . AMP M VVA J 1 SI 'ZULU v van J X SI n 2ftrW:SJ fl Scrantoa Is Now i a Himb; r of tbe Eastern Leagus. WE MEET SPRINGFIELD TODAY After Yesterday's Game at Reading the Scranton Club Disbanded and the Players Signed Eastern League Contracts After tho Club Had Been Formally Admlttod Into That Or ganization Threo of tha Troy Play ers Signed. Today at Springfield, Masi,, the Scranton will play its first game in the Enstarn league. Sueretury liettj, of tbe Scranton club, Stockholder A. L Francois aud President Powers, of the Eutleru luagun, were in Reading yes terday and alter tbe State leuxuo game was over the Scranton club dWbaudeJ, threw up its State league franchise and ti'.s eftnrwards admitted to the East ern league. The work of signing the players in tho Eastern league was thou tnksn up tin I all of the men attached their numes to contracts except liogan, Yvrtes und Ifo.lsou. Hog in goas to Cincinnati at if 100 a month, Hudson to Biflton at f'O a mouth, and Yurkes to Hbouandoau. TIIHLE TROY MEN SIGNED, Three members of the defuuot Troy team have been signed by Scrantou aud will probably play in today's game. There is ulso a probability that Pitcher Dolanwy, of Biiigbauiton, will bi pur ch sul. Manager Swill's future con nection with the club is somewhat iu doubt. .ome of the local stockholder say that Cahill, of tho Troy club, will bo manager, while others assert that Mr. Swift will coutiuue at the helm. The diertiou of the State leaguo by Scrantou will give Sheuandoah its long looked for opportunity to place a club in t but organization. It is probable that thuro will bo another break in the State league before long, as Heading is fclatcd to take Illughamtou's plaoe iu cuse that club dbcides to retire from the buse ball arena. Scranton will play in Springfield to day and tomorrow and then return to this city. Alouday, Tuesday uud Wed ueeday, Providence will play at the ball park in this city, aud TbUMdsy, Friday und Saturday Scrititon and Springfield will con test at the earn place. Ou Aug. 20, 21 and Scruntou is scheduled to play iu Wilkes-Barra and ou Aug. 23, 24 aud 25 Wilkcs Barro is scheduled to play in Scrautoo. It is probable that an ar rangement will bo muds by which the games will bs playod in the two cities on alternating days. As to tho State league Scranton can Bay farewell, a long farewell. QUOTATIONS GALORE. Ciddlabock, Sanderr, The Trlbuua Shak eipaare, Campbell and Kirn. Hie TuihUNE base ball man. not fancying tbe idea of extending comfort to bscretary Diedlebock, of the State League of Base Dull clubs, this morn ing puts words into the mouth of Mr. M. E. Sunders, of Tbe Trntb, which tne latter never give utterauce to iu tbe corridor of tbe Wyoming, nor any where else. Mr. Sanders had simply made a statement of tacts to several newtpaper friends who were about, relative to changes having boen tuaJe in tbe original draft of tbe constitution after it passed from the committee into the hands of Secretary Diddle bock. -Trutu. THESE AltE THE VERY WORDS. Merchant of Yniei. "I have a Inrgo-slzed crow to pick with Air. Diddlebock and I want to have it out with him right on the Boor of that meet ing." Tlll'KSDAY'S TltlUUNB. "Mr. Sanders used words to above effect and to the best of my knowledge and memory the words quoted ar the very Baino." John J, Cau unicLL. "I do not care to be quoted iu tlili mat ter." J. D. Keiin. That's all. THE PRESS CLUB'S REGATTA. Oarsmen Chowinc Crjat Interest in th Big Event. From Now York, Newark, Philadel phia aud other places come eacli day in quiries concerning the Press club's re gatta to be hold Aug. 14, the entries of which close a week lroin touigbt. Posi tive assurances have already been re ceived from oariiinen uud rowing alubs intending to compete in tbe several races that iusure a still more success ful regatta than was that of last year, There is uUo greater local int-rost in the tvout. Last year many persons had no idea of the great races that were to be carried out, but this year tbwy realize that the Press club will fully miiltitnln the high standard It then set, Even up and dowu the valley between Carbondalo and Plymouth there is much iutereat takeu, und tickets art on sale In tvery towu betweeu thojo placss, The Arcbbald Hose company runs an excursion to the lake ou that day which takes in evvry towu on the Dataware uud Hudson north of Scran ton, and tbe sums day the Stir Lioui oiu'.i, of Plymouth, bus an excursion cvr lb Delaware and Hudson from P yiaouth Junction nnd takiug In 'u ,ikn Barve, P.usoue und Minor's Mills. Eveiy point reached by the Erie and Wyotniug Valley road from Port Blanahard to lloiusdalo will be con veyed by special and regular trains, aud a number of trains will ruu betweeu Scrnutou and the lake duriug the day, The illvr cup, to be known as the Lake Arll priz, was received by Jew elsr W, J. Weloutd yesterday and ia now to be seen in his show window oil Sprnse street. LOCAL BICiCll NOTES. John nolt will not go into training for the August race meet on accouut of poor i health. , j Oregory nnd Vbite have returned from a Blioi t vacation ut I're.stou 1'ark, aud will beylu training immediately. Clarouce Florey and E. a. Stewart, of the Ureeu H.diio Whueluien, uud B. T. Lacoy, of the SornnUm Bicycle club, are summering with their families nt Luke Sheridan. They invite all wheelmen to call on thorn aud spend tt few days, pro viding they bring their luuch aud sleep iu the woods. Lacey does the plaulug, Fiorey tacklos the Hah and Stewart frume, the resolutions. No doubt some enormous tl-di stories will be hoard at the Ureou Ridge tied Scranton Blcyclo club houses upon tbe return of these wDeelmeu. . 'When 8s Many people are taking and deriving bounds from Hood's Bnrsaiinrillu. why dou't you try tt yourself? It will build you up. Hood's bursupnrlllu, will make you strong. Hood's Fills cure tiaimen, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. Try a bos. Fatal nkolkct Is little short of snlclde. The consequences ot a neglcclrd cough are too wtdl known to need reiieatiug. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Hold by all dealers oa a guar antee of satisfaction. A Word. IPanU of all Hndt cost that much, ta pt Situation Wanted,which are inttrU fRKH. Help Wanted Male. flit HIRES TEAM- stow; uuiBt understand tukliiK of and driving horse; expuoted to write a fair Land; tumpruto, married, man pre ferred, lmmtru 1123 Diamond avenue, Scran tou. Cull ; to tl a m. II. II. IIEWETT & SON. WANTED MAN TO MANAGE UKANCIi olllce at Herantou; salary, $1,01X1 yoar; $(I0 cash and rol'eruneo required: commer cial rvlurenne iuruiahod, Koom 15, Old Post Ollieo lsuilding. Helo Wanted Females. fMUL WAXtTdTsiU'HT KNOW IIOWTO Vf eo k. Iill Mulberry Btreet. Special Notices. 1 I'vanlt Lesllo's Illustrated Weekly War lllUB'iatloim iNiii.isiLV Two Volumes Kollo, tKi.DD; payablo iuu..tlily, $:.J0. Del verud by cipress comiiU'i-,, prepuld. Address P. O. IIUOIIV, HlKllibsoiihtrout, fferanton, i'a. V.I , V 1 U .j 1 1 , f 1, I 1W MAliA I nines, ote.. bound or rebound at T IIS T Kill un 8 olliee, Quick work. Ueaiouuble nees. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD. AT 1, eorner ISprueo street and Frunklin avo- pho. Twenty meal ticliets lor tAau. uoou tablu board. For Sale. "lENTLEMAN'S 1'ltlVATE TUOl'TINU I niurj and oiitl'.t forsalo. Owuer leaving city. Kitty 1)., Hay mare, WaeK points, years oi,i, i;,Hj IiuimIs ingli, weigns i.iuu; wuu iruiu init will go down in less than 2 '20; has no Piarli, but lias trotted an .-ishth iu Hi seeonds, iu:,' tor in seromis. a nait in i.n, ami run go a full luilo oil' thj l'ond hitW to with out urging; is well hrud. sound, kind, pretty and hasn't a bad lault; is fuarlesB of stuam or eleetrietty; a line, id.afant arlver and roau stor: a trial of speed ifiveu over road or trSi-k. Outfit eonsists of mare, bui;gy, har ness, ote., sold tepxrately or together. Iu (pdro lis AJanis aveuus. Serauton. -N.B.-ir not sold before, she will bo sold at tho Serantou traek on Saturday next, Augast 4, after tho raees to the hiu-host bidder. For Rent. VOItlfENT- N I V V. L V -F C B ISH ED 11 A L L 1 suitable for lodK'e rooms. MYN, ll'.l Wyoiuiiik' avenue. Real Estate. CCHAXTOM HEAI. ESTATE AND IN- O . VESTMENT AGENCY. offers bargains as follows: CITY BL'SIS ESS PROPERTY. 40 ft front bv .Ml ft. doeu. ou HuruOO Btreet, routs for !7(W $10,000 40 ft. front bv at) feet deep, on bpruce street, corner alloy 10,500 These together givo NO ft. front on Spruce street between Penn und Franklin, with alloy on sido. Spruco street proporty is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONKOE AND VINE streets. lot SOxji, two dwellings, 50,'JOI), giving a nice resideuce and uu iniu mj lor small investment; ALSO A PLOT OF a LOTS, gtvin I1TJ rt, trout on Monroe avenue, near Vino Btreet. Theic niakii a Urst-claBS residence plot in a desirable locality. If not sold in ono plot will sell auove separately. WEiT SIDE. Lot 50x180. South Main avonuo, adjoining resideneo of Smith ' B. iiott, price, S-Med; also ) ots on Hock street aud Weat Lud place. Only four left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A I1EACTIECL HOME AT DALTON. PA.. modern houso, Bpriui water piped int) it from lull Uaeli, ham lor tares uorses aim two cows, bounerv with cemout"! floor, youug fruit, floe luwu, grand outlook; one aud a half to three acres, us desired. S5.0UO. Also lots of about BJino size on Westorn Slope, Lalton. Call or addross SMITH b. IIOTT, Managor, No. 421 Lark, uve. roar board train. Public Sale. THE CNDER8IONED WILL SELL AT X nublio sale on Motidur. August U. 1SU4. at 10 o'clock a. in,, at Its olllco. 404 Lackawanna avenue, tlftouu (l.j) shares of the capital stook of tho .Scranton Lac Curtulu company, held as collateral socurltf on an overdue note. TUB LACK AW ANSA TUUSX ASU SAi'lS DEPOSIT CO. July 30. 1S04. Strayed, STRAYED TO MY PREMISES A RED j cow. Owner can have same bv paying tor this advertisement aud (lainagos. 11 .1. HPKUKS. SS7 Prospect Ave. Lost. T OST LEFT IN DELAWARE AND UUD- la son train in Carbondalo, July 1W, lady's clotii iaeket. Finder will please write or re turn the article to Kev. J. M. Lewis, Oraee Heciory, Homodulo, and receive reward Architects' Notice. A Rl'IIITLCTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE l ulnna and BDooillcations are invited for a city liuildinirto lie utod for tire department nouso uuu nonce tmiroi station, a prosuecius of tho building may bo seen at the ollico of tho citv clerk, ut which olllce tho said plans aud specifications are to be submitted on or beforo Wednesday, August W, I'M. Uy order of city councils. 11. T. LAVL LLK, City ClOl'K. Scranton. Pa., July U4, lbH4. legal INSTATE OP IT.KA DE WJTT.DECEASED. J Kotico Is luruhy iven that u rulo has boi'ii granted to show cause why Jan) L. 1 Witt, executrix of tho last will aud tHtiiinont of said docsdciit, ahall not ho discharged from tho duties aud liabilities of bur apponitinont Application will bo niado to havo suld rulo inadu absolute and tho executrix di-chnrcd, July U, lstll. 8 a PU1CK, Attorney for cxccnti ix GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE Green Rife Wlieelmea -AT- Scranton Driving Pari WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 5k Grand Stand, 15c Mothers! Mothers!! Mothsrslll Mrs.Vlnslow's Soothius Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions o: mothers lor their children wnue tentuing, with perfect sudcess. it soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cores wind eolla and is the best remedy for dl arrhcoa. Sold by diuggists iu every Part of the world. lie sure and ask tor "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no uo otner Kino, i wenty-uve cent a Dot tle- When Baby was tlok, we gave her Costoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria, When alio had Children, she gove theis Castoria, La( luslin l)i Skirts, k Special Id-Summer Sale How On None but the best materials used. Superb est wrmk. me Jr Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by CONNOLLY The Scranton Bedding Company, Lack. a.d Adams WHY NOT Sco our FIFTEEN DOLL AE Solid Oak Bedroom Bet! Wo sell Furniture a3 cheap as any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. 205 mid 20? .ostUaiinuod.Miilitlj ttaXi,illRi Jftf t,..;. ,...l h.. mmnrr. xr m - s ' ii tiEFOflEAKO AFTER other. A0Ure AtttVE BEE WOO., Masonic Temple, CBICAOO.UJ. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cat. WasMngtoB lud Soruce bti'oots. JHfP .YROYAL f!r'IwPKr Send for clroular. Price 1.00 Per box, bvxea lor $5.00, iii2L2ir lri. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO., - Clovelund, Ohio, lor bale byC. M. 1IARUIS, Drui;i:Ut, 121 feo Avenue, EVERY WOMAN imetlmea neods a reliable, monthly, rcfmlUnff medleine. Only harmlea SI the purest drugs should be used. If you want the butt, got Dr. Peal's PennroaS Pi!2s it Ther an prompt, safe and certain In rosnlt Tho nennlne (Dr. Peal's) neror dbip. nolut. Sunt any where, $1.00, Address i'aw.MawoillBUe., Cleveland, O. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. 6CKANTOS AKD WILKES-13 ARRE, PA. SIANUFACT0REB8 Oif Locomotives and Stationary Engines, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON. oops :C5iSESlS!S There la no smell of smoke SALE MOW G and will last twenty-oue dt,ys louder. Iu Llinfc tUm wj uiiut dispo-io of our stook of ClolUmj aud Oants Furnishings by order of tho iusuranco companies, who havo already given out tho contract to repair our store, which was damaged Saturday night, June 10, by tho explosion and lire iu tha building of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griftiu. Clothing Sold at 33 Ceati on tbe Dollar Less Than Cost to Make, DO.N'T DELAY. COME AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AN ACTUAL SAVING OF 67 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. We only montioa a few bargain?; all other goods sold at equally astonishing low prices. BOYS' PANTS, 13c. Two for 125 Cents. Man's Suits, for'y sold for Man's Suits, for'y sold for Furnishing Goods This is NOT a Permanent Fire Sale. It will last THE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. UTXEXl DOOR lO HIE BURNED DAVIES A GRIFFIN BUUUUNU iderwear, s and SKIRTS FROM 50 CENTS TO GOWNS FROM 50 CENTS TO COVERS FROM 25 CENTS TO novelties. Correct shapes. 209 -n ST i lore islxxt esses lKv.:;'.....Uv.; mmw m, i"NERVE SEEDS, Tbla wondHu nmtdj f 1 ftttledtoeuralllMrudlt- eases. iuch as Weak Memory. Loss of Brain Power, HcadaoUe, Waliuiuiuest. emiDsions, jorvousnQ.i,iiu""u"'"" ,v-w ciceiilve use of toliacco. opium or stimulants, which ljiid to Ji"u,r,JiliLSiK' VuuiplK'Uoi lnsanlty. Can lie carrledln vest pocltst . I ..""fcA0'"?' Tlrr-iilnr free. Sold br oil drilt-Blsts. A lor 11, WW 22C0EirE?0 Th? only .aft n PILL ever oSered to Ladies, espeoially recommend- 71 ed to married Ladies. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and i PA ur Stock Oaiiiaged By Water. or lire about them, aud tUay aro S PANTS, 50c. Never Hip. $10, now $4.75 $16, now 8.25 and all goods that are damaged at your own price. ELL CLOTHING SO Corse! $4.00 4.25 1.50 workmanship. Lat WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. . . Dr. B. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his associated staff of English and Gorman physicians, are now permanently located at 811 SI'RL'CR ST., SCItANTOV. Tho doctor Is a graduate of tho University of Pennsvlvania.formorlv demonstrator of uhvsl- olocy and sureerv nt the aleaieo-Lniruruica; College of Philadelphia. specialty of vnroine, nervous, bkin, Blood diseases. Heart, Womb and DISEASES OF THE ERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack ot confidence, sexual weakness in mon and wo man, ball rising in the throat, Bpots floating bofore th eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subjeot, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which mint them lor per forming tliaartna.1 Antlea of lire, maaiuff naD- plness impossible; distressing the action of Hie heart, causing flush of heat, depression of suirits. evil forebodings, cowardice, fear. dreams, melanonoly, tire easy 01 company, feeling as tired in tne morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion ot thought, deprossion.constipation. Weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult ns immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you havo boen giren up by your physician call upon the doctor ana bo examined. Ho euros me worst casesof Nervous Pehillty.Bcro fula.Old Sorc8.CatrrhPiles,Femalo Weakness, Atiectionsor the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free aud strictly sacred and confidential. Oftlco hours dally from Da. m. toll p. m. Sunday 0 to & THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. bas excellent facilities to do its work, and can please the most fastidious. ANYTHINQ IN THK UNI Or SOOKBINOINQ. XttV US equally a3 good as beforo. BOYS' SUITS, 65c. Single and Double-breasted. Covers Men's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Boys' Suits, Sold for $3.25, now 1.35 only 21 dajs longer. HOUSE
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