G THE 5CFAKTON TI? TETJNE TIIUU SD AT JfOIiNINGr. JULY 12, 1S94. A LIVELY CAMPAIGN. .FIGHTING COLONEL BRECKINRIDGE IN THE ASHLAND DISTRICT. fiouiotlilnjf About HI Dcmocratlo Oppo nents, Owe UN und Svttlo Major McDow ell, tho lf ntiblU'an Champion, a Descend ant of Henry Clay. If there was ever a livolicr political irarapaigu than that which is now being "waed for the congivsa nomination in that part of old Kinturky that in known as tlio Ashland district, tho American jieoplo would lileo to know about it. Unppily, tluaiKh ofttm predicted since tho bugiuJiin;; of hostilities, thoro has l)con no shooting s yet. This statement must bo untilo with enntion. It is truo enough nt tho dato of this writing, but it may not bo so when theso words meet tho reader's eyo iu cold typo, for it 17. 0. OWEN 9. takes but a mighty siuut Hmo to do a lot of very effective shooting, and it is matter for surprise, tins year of Mood hikI disaster and reprisals, that tho shed ding of blood in the Aihlnnd dietriot iuw boon delayed so long. Thn publio is well informed regard big the pre-existing facts of the aituiv tiou the circumstances, that Is, of the lejral content in which ho i-aine off sec oui bent; that W. (1 P. Breckinridge ,the sitting member from the Auhland district, had to go through, with Made' line Pollard for an opponent, and the opposition that has developed against Tiira on K icial purity grounds. The pub lio should also bo aware of the fact that down to the present time a Demo cratic nomination in the Ashland dis trict has been etpial to an electiun; that tho battle now raging is for the nomi nation only, and that it 19 quite within the bounds of possibility that there may be more than ono Douwuratio nominee tliis fall. If there is, the tight for tho election will doubtless be a harder one than that for the nomination. Colonel Breckinridge's chief opponents in the present tight aro Owens and Settle, tho first nani'xl being perhaps the more prominent of tho two. William C. Owens is a citizen of Georgetown, Ky., a town located about C.iJ miles from Lexington, ths state cup itj.1. ITo is a man who has already made a tocord as a public official, having serv ed many years in the state legislature ami more thau ono term aa speaker of tho lower house. Moreover, ho is not unknown ontsido of Kentucky, for at the last national convention of the Dem ocratic parly lie was made temporary chairman and won praise by the digni fied manner with which he acquitted himself on that occasion. He is about 4il years of age, a bachelor, and his family, like tho Breckinridge family, is of the bluo grass aristocracy. He is a lawyer with a good praotico and a lib eral income. His personal habits aro indicated by those who know him when they speak of him as "a free liver and convivial spirit, bnt of unsullied repu tation. " When it is added that he plays ns stiff a camo of poker as any man In the state, it will bo clear to the reader undoubtedly that he is a typical Ken tucky gentleman. Between him and Breckinridge there has long existed a bitter personal feeling, and that fact ac counts in some degree for tho extraordi nary vigor which Mr. Owens has in fused into tho present contest Evan E. Settle, the second Democrat is opponent of the gallant colonel, is a wyer, like tho others, and is a present EVAN i. SKTTLK. tnomber of the state legislature. He has always boon on terms of friendliness with Breckinridge, and they have spo ken from tho same platform during the present campaign. Mr. Settle's fight Las in many ways lacked muoh of being as vigorous ao Mr. Owous'. In his ad drosses flottlo has bcou so careful in tho matter of allusions to tho Pollurd scan dal as to exoito serious apprehensions that his canvass is merely a blind iu the iutoreets of tho colonel. In other words, it is olatnied by somo Owens men that Sottlo does not hope to bo nominated, but dor expect to divide t)m opposition to Breckinridge's nomination, and so bring about tho hitter's success. Of course thin is indignantly denied by Mr. t!ott!o and his friends, but this denial does not appear to bo taken as being greatly Biguiltoant, beoanso it is a de nial and not an admission that would bo put fortli if tho charges wero trno, and nothing is added to its weight by tho fact that Breckinridge's friends arc quite as strenuous in voicing tho denial s are Settle's. Major Henry Clay McDowell is cer tain, as things look now, to bo tho Re publican nominee that is, if Brookin ridge 'should succeed In winning tho Democratic) nomination. Notwithstand ing tho fact that his political affilia tions have not been acceptable to tho hulk of tliq best uoqulo of tho Ashland t m aistrlct In the past, there aro not want ing those who declare that thousands of good Democratic votes would be cast for him iu prefereuco to Breckinridge Ho is a cousin of tiio lato General Irvin McDowell of tho United States army and has tho blood of tho famous Clay family in his veins, being grandnephow to Henry Clay. His wife is great-granddaughter to tho tamo eminent states man, and their home is Ashland, tho old time estate of the Clay family. Ma jor McDowell is tho richest resident of his part of the state, ho is recognized as ono of tho leading citizens by all classes, and Ashland is a social center. Ilis wife's father was tho third Clay of tho name of Henry and was killed in tho Mexican war at tho battle of Bcuna Vista. Tho fine old residence at Ash land is furnished expensively mid taste fully, and its contents include a re markably well selected library of rare and valuable books. Major McDowell has never been personally prominent in politics. Ilis ownership of :;oiuo of tho finest blooded horses iu Kentucky has, however, nmdo him very well known. Among tho famous horses that have ban raised on the Ashland estate was tho stallion Dictator, sire of some of tho fastest trotters iu tho world, including Phallus, Jay l'yo See, Nancy Hanks, eta So much for the standaid bearers in tho light against Colonel Breckin ridge. His career ami characteri stics are too well known to need space hero. The light itself has presented some truly curious phases. Perhaps one of the most interc-ting of theso has been tho publication of a book containing the record made daily of tho words and doings of Madcliuo Pollard by a young woman in the pay of tho colonel during the trial of tho notorious breach of promise case. It was a piece of ingenuity worthy of a Breckinridge to hire a woman to worm herself into tho confidence of the plain tiff during tho progress of tho suit, and it was a logical sequence to bring out tho book at tho time. Whether or mt it will servo tho proposed purpose of counteracting the feeling of aversion that has manifested itself in some quar ters because of tho revelations made on i A ASHLAND, HOME OK HliXUY CLAV M'noWKLL. the trial against tho man who is now being tried a second time by a jury composed of the voters of his own neighborhood will bo decided by time. Throughout the entiro campaign so far most of tho women of tho district have been against him, and their opposi tion has nut been lessened by tho fact that his managers have revived many old scandals concerning members of such families as do not now countenance his candidacy. In return for these tac tics on his part an old scandal of a financial nature, in which he ligured as principal, has been raked up against him. In many places flags and banners and transparencies bearing mottoes di reotly referring to tho soch.l signifi cance of tho campaign have been dis played, and theso have in several in stances added greatly to the existing tension. At one place a flag inscribed with thowords, "Protect American Wo manhood, " was torn into small pieces and trampled under foot by the crowd, and this action, so the telegraph states, was participated in by somo of the wo men who wero present. Mr. Owens, likn Major McDowell, is souiuthing of a turf devotee, mid this characteristic is held up as being against both of them among tho Methodists and Presbyterians of tho district, who aro very numerous. It can bo readily seen why the in habitants of the Ashland district, no matter what their preferences regard ing tho congrt'ssionul nomination may be, aro already tired of the present cam paign. They are n proud people, and the charges and countercharges that havo hoen made and aro sure to bo made later aro likely to implicato somo whoso standing in society and publio lifo has always been nnimpeached till now. Very few of these charges perhaps none of them will bo proved. In fact, they aro and will bo of a nature ex tremely difficult to substantiate. But they will be quito as difficult to disprovo and aro certain to lrxivo lasting stains, whether truo or not. It is this that excites apprehensions of bloodshed, for with regard to tho so cial honor of tho women of Inh house hold the Keutuckian has held from time immemorial that tho only thing thnt will wipe out a stain is gore. If shoot ing onco begins, there is no telling where- it will md or for how many generations tho feuds it engenders will last. Tho fact that there arc yet rir'tng of two months to bo lived through bo foro tho holding of tho Democratic con vention culled for Sept. 15 is to bo deplored, for that is enough tinio to work tho whole district into a frenzy. Tho Republican convention will be held on Sept. 20. In tho meantiino thero may bo exciting telegrams to thn news papers from tho Ashland district "most any day. " IIenky Allehton. Soap is extravagantly dear in Mexico, a bar of tho commonest sort, worth a cent or two iu tho United States, bring ing 10 cents, while standard high grade soaps aro luxuries for tho rich only, a single pioco costing tho day's wages of a good carpenter. AS A CLEANSER of tho blood, nothing iwceps ns cloan ns l)r. Pierce's Ooldon Medical Discovery. at tacks all scrofulous, skin niul sculp diseases in the riht way ty puriiyiiiK the blood. Scrofula in all its vnrimis forms, Kezctro, Totter, Hiilt-rlieiim, Erysipelas, lioils, Car buncles, Enlarged Wands, Tumors and Swell ings, and every kindred ailment, are per fectly and permanently cured by it. PIBECS tit""r CURE. Db. Pierce: JVnr Sir I writo in rrytrd t your jrri'iit Golden Mcd'lciil Oincovery. I hud Eczcimi and ulcers on tlie letrs. Previous to tliis atfectinn I littd had Dropsy alter the Grip. I now feel per fectly well sIik.'O I took tho' '' Discovery." My loirs are nil hcnliTi up Hint 1 feol Hko n new mun. I cannot be thank ful ennuifh to you for your "Golden Medical Discovery" bos suved my '. f. JfliUU rKM'ljlHti. PusTLim. dlexaniier, U entice Co., A. jr. I STYLES FOIl GIRLS. FHOM SWEET SIXTEEN TO SISTERS HALF THAT AGE. ITp to Date l.llttu Women Iu the llrgultitlon Tailor nliiiln (Unviif DresHy Frock ! C'repnn, Lawns mid Cliinu 8UI.it Slany Colored l'lnnc lireitsi's. The "tailor niado" epidemic has at tacked not only tho misses, but even the ti-year-old girls, mid if they aro real ly quite up to date litflo woiuen they own at least ono of tho regulation coat niid c:l.-irt tmu'iii rPln i'nvni'd nvn lint vii conspicuously wuio aim poinicu, niu they arc there in a modified form. The little coat is short and full in the back, and tho blouso waist may bo of silk, gingham or muslin. Theso dresses aro made of blue, brown mid tan serges or sacking and aro stylish for girls over 8 years of ago. The pretty crepoiris much used for more dressy gowns, and n dainty one is nuulo of white, trimbied on tho skirt LITTLE (Witt. IN TAILOR OOWN. with a frill of creamy l.ice. Tho puffed bodice has a soft silk waistband, while over 1 1 io shoulders there is a quaint lit tle pelerine of white china silk bordered with lace. Another more simplo gown is of pink and white crocodile crepon, and tho dou ble shoulder frills, skirt and yoke arc all edged with black velvet baby rib bon. White and colored piques, dainty fig ured lawns and china silks aro used fol the little gowns. The New York Sun, which rcc'".tly illustrated tho foregoing styles, al o describes a figured india silk hock, with a plain skirt, and a simply full' d waist, and bands of satin in a color that harmonizes with tho figure, crossed in front and fastened with ro ietics. For outing and street dresses girls ot 15 or 1 (! years wear scrgo or sacking, iisually bluo, though sometimes brown, made with a short blazer, or a still shorter bolero, or a jacket ornamented with four buttons. The jacket does not quito meet iu front and has modest rovers and collar instead of tho full but terfly collar of last season. Desired breadth is given by full sleeves, which are sometimes in mutton leg shape, and again aro modified bishop sleeves, full all tho way to tho culls, though nar- 1 THUF.r. rRF.TTY FltOCKS. rwfer there than at tho top. Tho skirt, without lining and simply hemmed, is gored in tlio side seams nnd from 3 yards to S 'j' wide. A silk idiirt waist and others of madras gingham complete tlie.-o girlish suits. A wide rimmed sailor hat or a softer brim mod fancy Straw hat with low crown completes this suit. For their best dresses these young girls wear light erepons striped ncross with silk of a constrasting color, white with lino bluo stripes, or pale green with white linos. How to Iron Table I.inen. After a cloth is properly sprinkled pr.ll the diagonal corners as hard its pos sible nnd fold with a lcngthwiso crease thronfih tho middle. Roll smooth and ti;;ht and let it lie for 20 minutes. For rich damask or embroidered cloths put an extra blanket on tho ironing table under its muslin cover. Lay tho em broidered part nnootMy over it, rijtlil side down, nnd press with a heavy iron just below worehin;' heat. When al mostdry and very smooth, turn nnd iron on the rif,'ht side, nsin; very lijjht iio:i: on tlio c-iubroidory und heavier ones on tho plain round. Stretch tho fnbriowell with tho hand:; before pressing embroid ery. When the riht side in properly done, fold it loii;,'thv,'i:-o along tho mid dle; then begin nt ono end and lay about six inches lightly over. Do not fold it down, but roll until all tho lint;th is coiled. ( io over tho cloth twice or thrice with ft hot iron, changing irons fre quently. Iron till tho pattern shows plain on a glossv white snrfaco. Elfctrlo Bitters. This remedy is beconiins so well known and so popular ns to need no special men tion. All who liftvo usml Electric liitters miic tlio sumo ons; of praise A puror medicine does not exist nnd it is guaran teed to do nil that is rluinied. Kleetric Bittern will euro all diseiucs of the Liver nnd Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Fnlt Klieuin nnd other affections caused by hiipuro blood. Will drive Mnliuiu from the system nnd prevont ,n well as cure nil Waliirinl fevers. For cure of lleHilnche, (Joiitispalion and Indigestion try Electrio Bitters Ktttite mtislnetioii Ruai'iuueol, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. mid $1 per buttle at Matthews liros., Drug etoro Ilr.Niiy SrmoKNiiAt.s, foreman Ilonry Kiur l'licldiifj Co.. St. Joseph, Mo., nses Lr. Thonms' Eclectrio Oil, with his men for niiiilnj, cuts, bruises, chapped hands , etc. It is tho best. When Enliy was slelc, we pnve her rostorhv Wlicn sho was a Child, she cried for Custorla. When sho became Miss, she clang to Castofla, When she had Children, itue gave them CostoriB, if mMm m CTJREfl Bad Blood. OURF.9 Bad Blood. CURES Bad Blood. " -mi-Tim" I liBTn l)"in sufforlng ten yiir with Eryxipulna. llv. iuKun do.:torn' medicines uud rmtont mi'illeinoi of must All Klndii, hut num seemed to do mil uiiy good. I Anally m'l. m in v mind to try liurdock ISloo.fDittiTH. iluvoused four botUes of R B. 11 , and thin myself entirely cured. At lis. N. .7. MeCATLT, bervleo, Beaver Co., Pr, Purifies Tho BLOOD. Dr. E. Grewer Tbo I'hlliirtelplil:, KpMnlint.nnd hl tmoiMnted ...... ... i.nmiHM ami Herman pnyxinians, lire now poiiimiiently lorn ted lit nil SI'HLf'K ST., HCKXNTON. The dfH'tor is a ttrndimte of thn University of roiinnylviinin.t'ii-iiiorly demonstrator of plivsi-filoL-y mid sun.'iTv nt the lledieo rmirui Kienl olleiw or Philadelphia. A npeeinlly of iri'iiio, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Iiiood diieascH. DISEASES OP THE 1IERY0US SYSTEM The ' symptom of which am dizzlnoas, lnek of coiiliileneo, texunl weuknom in men and wo Bum. hull rising in tho throat, bpotn flontinn liofore the eyt'M, iohRof memory, u nil Lie to eon. rent rut ii tlio mind on ono sulijoct, ensily Blartleil wlieu niuldcnly Hpoken to, nnd dull, itiHtrcsted mind, whieh unllts tliem for per lorniiiiK tlieiatiial outies of life, miikinuhiip. piiit-HH inipofsiblo: distrewing tlio netion uf tho heart, chusiiik fluxh of heat, dopresiion of epirita, evil t'ornlioiliiiKs, cowunlico, fear, dreillllH. nii'lnneholv. tiro eitHV of cumMiiv. feolinir !in tired in tho moniini; uh when retir ing, i.'e i; or enersy, nei'voiiaiiens, tromlilint;, ciiiilusion of 1 lirjunlit, depression, eniistlpiition. weiikness of tlio limbs, em. Thi.su so affected slmuld consult us imiuediiitely und bo restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you havo been civon un bv vour ulivsiclan call upon the doctor and bo examined. Ho euros tlie worst eaHes of Nervous Duhility.Mcro fnla.Old Soivs.l 'utarrhl'iles.I'emnhi Wouknoss, AlVeeliolis of the Eye, Ear, None, and Throat, .Asthma, lioafness, Tumora Cancors nnd Orip- juhsoi every oesoription. Consultations fron and strictly sacred and confidential. Cilice hours daily from Ua. m. to U p. tu. Sunday t) to li. TOE-TROLLEY SOAP TttADK ..Jj-k- M-HK. Li.-,v-r Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials aro superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It, If he docs not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.30- Joseph $.ThomHg EUpton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. f' MT. PLEASANT COAL AX RETAIL. Prwl of thn tiest qnnllty fur domegtlo nBna tit nil sizes, riolivarod iu any uart ot the citj t lowest price. Orders felt at my office, X). 118, WYOMINO AVENtTB, Itenr room, first floor. Third Nntionnl Bun, or sent by mull or telephone to tho miua, will receive prompt attention. Kin'i'liil ooiitrnetA will bo msdo for the salt and dulivui y of lluckwhest t'oaL mi. T. SMITH. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Havo removed llicir offico to their "Warcrooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE K UMBER, CCSa mmn bhok co inc-p- rspttai. 91 ,000,000. UEbT (.!! NltOK IN THIS WOKI.D. "A dollar mnvrl i dollar rnrnrd." Thl.I.ndlrs' Solid t reni h I)uni;olil Kid Hut. tou lloot duliverod lieo nnyifheni in tho U.S., on llicelpiotttn, Money orarr, or Po'.iil Nolo for (1.(0. K.jimln cvory wny tlio boots .eld in nil retail .lores for i?.M. We luako thli boot ourselves, thorrfora we guar anltf tlio III, ilut and irni,-, f n'lyone Is not tullllled will refund tho money sendnnollierp.lr. Opers ion Hen.-., K, & KK. I nnd hulf your itc; It HI veil, llluitr.tcd Cnto. lof(iie FRCE Dexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. MASS.' Social ttrmt to Utultr. ITT, AuiS' proi.neDtJyonrl iaW lo60.Ujl byKL'! MnolcRTi-f j adv. undtrrairiDrr. biased lv t.iiie,WKetk.l. t: PiiiliN pnwte and lOO.rilct book, illittr.ll Iron C,',l u a.rcnrjful. oiir Mnsle RomOCiV IH I poilUnlr em.. COOK Htr.l.u Co, Cbtan, III. 4rfi-X wwiiisf, r -J E. Robinson's Sons' Laqer Beer Brewery llannfoctnrers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND BPORTING lianuf.ietured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Ltt iflrno county Pn., and at WU minKtou, Ueluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr General Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scrantoo Fa, third National Bank Building. AGRNCIFS. Tnos. roni), Pittston, m. JOHN R SMITH Plymouth. Ta. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkos-Barro. Pa. Rents for the Uopauna (Jhouiioal Com pany'a lligb Explosivoa. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In; Illuminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil, Nnpthas nnd Gaatv lines.of nil gra11'- Axle Qeaae, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound j also, a large line of Par rafflne Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family nafety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offico! Coal Exchange, Wyoming At orks at Piue brouic. zers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HDNT & CONNELL CO. CO, Booms 1 and I Commonaltti Gld'g, BCRANTO.V, FA. MINING anTBLASTING Hade at ths MOOSIO and IIU8II DALE WORKS. Lnfllln & Rnnd Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electrio Battorlos, Fuse) for explod ing bloata, Safety Vase ami ftcpaunoChemical Co. ' High Explosives Co!7ip!cxisn Pfcscrvad DR. HESRA'S i VIOLA GREA Kfmovefl Frsotdeft. Pi'mpUt, Liver MoUo Blaoklicadg, finnhnm anil Tan nni nt. ittoroH tho Bkln to its origl- 11M IJVUUIIVDBt 'I1'UUM1I5 j") lireitlinnioIlH pnu inTH'i-iiy iinriiurnn. druggist, or mailed lur 50i;U Beud iur Clrculur. VI0Lr SKIN 80AP lmrT liKmnpM"1" Ah liuiMylm Hmp, imoqunlfd tbr tho Wmt, nnd wHnwii tlviil lor llio mnnj. AIolui"lr euro ud eVlloU "" nud. A dnwii.n. Price 25 Cin. G. C. BITTNER4 CO., Toi.ioo, O. r ! 1 L.U.1.M if fill For inle by Matthaw Bros, U. Fh.lpt. and John eeds and Fertili 00IC POWDER POWDER i ,r i 'II rf'.'-OW l.l.i'y. w 1 'w yiI'.,''r.7 i yrr- ''W SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brand of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accopt Tub Tiuhunis flour coupon of 25 on each oue hundred pounds1 of Hour or CO on each barrel of flour. Bcranton F. P. Prica, Washlngtoa aveuus I Gold Molal Bnuiii. Dunnioro V. P. l'rico. OoM Modnl Itrana. liunuioro F. 1). Mimluy. biipurlittivo hrnnl. Ilydo Fiirk Cnrauu & Davia, Wabburn 8t. Uoltl Meci:il Hi and; J'liopll A. ikiird, Main avonno, Huporlativo lirand. Green Hidtfo A i.Siicii(-or.(olJ Modal Brand. J. T.MvIIiile, HupiTlativo. I'roTidonco I'Vimcr & ;1iiipiioH.N' Main avo nno. Huprlativn hninaiO. J. Oilloiule, W. Markot troot, Gold Mtdal Brund. Olynhant-J'iinva Jordnn, Hupi-rlatira Brnni l'i kvillo Hh.iltiT H K.l'r. liuporlatlvu. .Wmvn-fi. ii. "Wlntrra it Co. hunoraliitiva Archbald Jones, S mpnon & Co.. Hold Modal. Carboudiilo B. S. Clark, Gold Modal Brand. Uonoadale-I. N. roitor d (Jo. Uotd Alodal. Al!uookii-M. II. L.ivt'lla LOUIS B. SMITH). Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnifs. EEEAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FUST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. ffonw.vY inoN BLACK IAMOND SIIiVEK EXTHA SPECIAL SAXDEKSON'8 ENGLISH Jijssop's i;nglish TOE CALK HUE MACHINERY SPltl.VG KOFT STEEL ANVILS Bt'.LLOTYS MOUSE NAILS CAST STEEL HOUSE SHOES WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. menoencie Wholesale and retail dealers' in Waonmakers' and Blacksmitha' SUPPL1KS. That we will GIVE you b9autiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weijht, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at 'eau :!OT LAl'RAWAXN AVKXCIi "No star was ever lost we once have seen, Wo always may be what we might have been A HAPPY PATRON OP Scranton, Pa 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. E3&HH00D lunipllonorlllfallltv. hvii nil nrnnnlil. W'llh Vl1'tIm'.SilMS!;,1i.P,.r,inliheBinn utrUKEMOfiFTLKUSING.uoulliur. AiUires For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. and Snvueo streets. I A ih'ntnl Worry. exoevBivo unoof Tubncon or itutu . which loud to Con mJ&SSt' 'itSsWlw- smiMUlonnnJlnniinUy. With ovory order wo Kivo a written (iimr T jts , t.a - vw Hitror ijtsi mantKMMi, Muunusin-T, jmkhiit niiwpions.iouiituii errors. uVUTiu k' awi Auwu llUINtlv HWM! liii urv nr rwimiu ivv niuni-y. coin 111 l.ww rcr DOS, OOXG9 VorSulti byC. M. II AKKIn, li uuliUt, IK? lumi Avimu yfl Hew ilwoTery. krUll if. H ' UufUIU ua AUUC lllUg. rib&Li m iMfti tn r. For male by' JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. from tt A", y. Tribune, 'oul.WS. The Flour Awards "Ciiicaoo, Oct 81. Fhe first offlflla annonncement of World'i Fair di plomas on floor has been made. A medal hai been arardad by the' World's Fair judjres to the flonr manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minnoapolis. The committee reports the flour etronj and pure, and entitles It to rsnk as flrst-claos patent flour foiff family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AGKNTS. Taylor Judeo tc Co., Gold Modal; Atherto? & Co.. Suporlativ Ruryoa Lawrnioo Htora Co., Gold MedaL Moosic-John McCrlndle, Gold MedaL i'lttaton-M. W. U'HuvIh. Gold Medal. Clin k'u Green-Frace & Barker, Huporlattre, Clark'a Humuiit-F. M. Youna, Gold Medal. Laltou-S. E. Finn & Bon, Gold Modal Brand. Niiliolson-J. E. Hiirdinu. Wavirly-M. W. Bllas & Son. Gold ModaL l'actoryvillo-Charlw! Gardnor, Gold Medal Hnpboltoia-N. il. t inn & Son, Gold Mdat. Itibyliauna-TobyhanBa & Lobiita Lumber Co.. Gold Medal Brand. Donldboro- A. Adanw, Gold Medal Brand, Moscow Galpe & Cleinvnta, Gold MedaL Luke Arlnl-Jamea A. Bortree, Gold MedaL Forest Citj J. L. Moruau tc Co., Gold Meda PARLORS OPEN FROM T A.M. TO 11 P.Ttf. hPF.CIAL ATTKXTInN GIVKN TO SUP PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CREAM. and STEL WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS Hl'BS SPOKES KIMS STEEL SKEINS R. H. SPIKES SCREW REST08EDI; NERVESEED9. r&BoJcranton, ones. mi'h " Wonk Memory, I.nsant Drain Power. lk-aUnche, Wakefulness, LtrntManhiHul, Nttxlitly Knibnlons, NertininnoM.ttllilralniBnilloino owr lmiOiienillTOOtvaniiof olthortuxraniwdbFOvuroxortlnn. ynuthfiil prrort. cicoH'lveiiKP of tobacco, oiilura orsilmulniits, which lend to Inllrnilty. Con. van uocnrneuin tbv if.cm-u o. a ptd",w.uii b .1 onlcr we tve a irlttn Hrnntre tornra Clrculur free. Sold by nil ilrnrlm. Ak orlt,llie .NKKVE SEEUI'O., Alaaomo Tumiiio, tuiCitiU'iu. SANDERSON, Druggist, car. Washington n DR." MOTH 1 1 vrDrrnivp ' 'Jr$$'i:' ''lOprootrt'niritT fornprvows prontnitlon and allncrvouBdlscuaori of ijJJ. Jli&4 tlio Ht'nertu.vtt organs of cither seaf. such up Nervous Pmsiratlt n, Ktlll RESTORE LOST YIGOR Will brnco Ton noln week. Sold with WRITTM ''tUAHAN iEE to Cure Nerou.D(liilitj, l.iaa afHezutl Power in ellhei in, lliToliinturr KnilKilonB (ton tuycanne. II neglected, mich troublee lend I . emiunilien or Idhai tty, 11.011 per box by mall, A boxen for $5. With evrrv e.s or'ler w ciro a written Kimrantee to cure or refund the money. Adtir uu - tioveuim, unto. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers