TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE lH UKSDAT MOK-NINGf, OUL.r IS, 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES It transpired yesterday that a move meut is ou foot for a revision of the percentages of the anthracite coal com bination. The matter came up at tha last meeting of the sales auents, when a committee was appointed consisting of General manager Henderson, of the Hoadiujr Coal and Iron couniany; K Brock Ely. of Coxa Bros. & Co., and Mr. Watkinsoi Simpson &, Wat kins, representing tbe new unthracito operators' association. These gentle men are desired to arrange new per centages and report when their wont is finished. The last distribution of quotas was uiude nearly ten years ago. It did not have the binding force of that made by the old board of coutrol. Imt him nevertheless been generally ac cepted. The ontput was divided up aa follows: PulIauVlpbla and Reading 21 0.3 Lfcbtgh Valley J?1'7 New iloroer t'cutral la.W Delaware, Lack iwnuna and Western 15.54 Delaware and llmUou H'-O Pennsylvania K.tilroad WA1 Pennsylvania C'uul -H4 Krie v I-'1 Total Since this apportionment was uiude the Outario and Western ban readied the coal fields by an independent route, aud is entitled to a sIvitj in the combi nation. Coxe Bros. & Co. have built a railroad and made anch a favorable traflio contract with the Lhig.U Valley as to place it on au independent fooling and tlie New York, biiHi'iehannu nU'l Westorn has extended its hue from Strondsburg to Wilkes Barre. and also has nu independent liue. These three concerns produce about 7 per ceut of the output. They are fully recognized lu the trade, aud are represented at the sales agents' meeting. Philadelphia Inquirer. While the earuiugs of the st.wn rail roads continue to show up poorly those of the street railway couiptuivs are making gains, as compared with the corresponds mouths l ist year. It is thU fact which h is attracted the ut tentiou of speculators and investors alike to this d iss of uecurUios within the past twelve or eighteen mouths, and while trading in them has not been carried on to any very great ex teut, except in a few instances, there is littld doubt that the near future will iiud tbetu anions the uctivj leaders of the stock i-xcliHiigvs of tis country, especially of the boar is outside of Ksw York. They have already come to the front in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pitts Lurg aud Chicago and interest is being aroused in them on the Boston ex change but New York, so far, baa beld aloof from them. Less than Vi 00) tons of freight of all kiuds was sant eaet for the week ended lust. Thursday night. Cue muit go bck thirty years or more to find a week when tha enstbound shipments were so small. The corresponding week a year auo over 43,001) tuns wera for warded", tlio amount he in.' tbe lowest n record for a corresponding week since the railroads have compiled for business. Negotiations are pendins between the Manhattan Elevated and the Gen eral Electric companies for u plant to take the place of steam on the lormer's New Yorlt system. They nave reached that stage where the engineers of both companies have exobingd spscifiea tions and estimates. It is a ild tbe pro ject has been arrested temporarily by what the Manhattan regard as an ex cessive cost. Tli dot tiled estitn ites tia'Ord that 3, 000. CiO will be required. A first inortgng securing tbe issm f .13.OJ0.000 of 4)-ye.r4i pr coiit. leiuiiual guld lo,l. m.irie 'by the D.liituore and Ohio luilroud company to tlie M-rc.tuiiie Trait company, of New York, kb irutei, tins been tiled in Vuri'Mis li ce, iut-iiiding PniladelpMn and B.iltiu .re. Ti:i cjvers the pres ent istuu of S.SoUOUi) in bonds, r-c-ntly plu:J i:i L n ion, and an ad ditional lo ta o.' jli.oGU.GJO to be Issued iruui timi to time, as lue company may desire, on new property aud tuipro7e meiits. A new departure has been inaugur ated ut tlio Erie station in Port Jervis, by. placing plainly niurked sign cards mounted ou heavy iron standards op posite each passenger train unuonncing its destination. The standards upon which these signs are mounted are the invention of Trainmaster Frank Hard ent.eri.', and have two advantages over the ordinary contriv incss for tne pur pose. They are heavy enough to resist the wind, and having a circular bot tom, can be rolle i from position to an other with very little trouble. Minor Industrial Notes: The highest price on Pullman stock last month m 105, and in 21 oy 17i The low est yejtenlay was 1 o'J. The Sheldon axle, works of Wilkes-Barre, the largest plant of the kind in the world, bns suspeuUed operations. Work of rebuilding the Jersey City stock yards will be pushed ahead by the Penn sylvania road. Tbe cost has been esti mated at I50,000. Tbe railroads in this Stato are rusbinj orders on soft coal, in anticipation of a ponsihlo minem' strike in sympathy with the railroad strike. Managers of Illinois and Indiana linos report an extraordinary demand for cars for loading wheat They expect the far mers to sell their crops earlier than usual this year. Tie General Manager' n-soclatlon which was formed for the purpose of HglitiiiR the Auloiican Railway union, enrncs on its correspondence In a secret cipher known only to thirty moc. General Manager Egan. of the General Manager' association, reports that nearly all vacancies creatod by the striko have been filled, and that ten men for every va cancy conid be secured. Ground wan broken yesterdar for Ha Eleton's new induntry the match factory. Tue building will be liifl feet long, 83 feet wide and two storios high. It will bo built of biick. The plant will cost 50,uuo. A company proposes to dig for gold at Bndd's Lake, Monroe county. An analysis of ore aud dirt has shown of gold to the ton, and search will begin this week. Gold was discovered there about two years ago, and it took the meantime to raise enough fnnds to got at work. Tbe Tamarjna-Lansford Electric Rail road company began building an electric railway from Tamoqua to Lanstoril ou Thursday morning with a force ot ovpr MO men. Another company, made up of Phil adelphia capltaliHts, wishes to go over tho same route, which means trouble. The bituminous coal trade is gradually resuming Its normal condition. Now that the miners in tbe Cumberland region and a u umber in tbe Central Pennsylvania dis trict have resumed work tbe soft conl mar ket is getting easier, and tbe supplies of coal are coining forward in fair volume. The Lehigh Valley railroad will probably Moure poMesslon, under a decree of tore closure, of the Southern Central railroad, which recently confessed its insolvency. Thomas C. Piatt, it receiver, bas ap pointed the Lehigh Valley his agent and basso notified employes of the Southern Central, A report from Berks couuty states that farm bauds are so scarce in the uorthern end of that couuty that farmers are otfer iug tho higheRt wages ever paid $1. S5 a day and boiud iul. that tlioy caunot got all they want. Throe years ago farm la borer's wasos in that section raiigud from CO to SO cents per day. Th.- coal tonnage over the Radiug rail road for the week eliding July 7 aggre gated I'.'.ittlO tons, a ducrvaso, as compared with tho aame wuok last year, of CJ,-11'J tons. Par tlm U-icul year to dnto the ton nage was (1,854,5 ton, a decrease of 1,000. 4,VJ tons ax compared with the corres ponding period in lbUJ. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Btocka nnd Eonds. New YoiiK. July It. Aslmrpdrfvo was uiadoon Cuicagn Uns at the opening of busiue-s today ami the stock full Jc, the general list yielding to per Ceut. The decline wasdue to fears that the Chicago Knights of Labor would follow Hrnnd Mas ter Sovereign's suggeitiou and furtuur complicate the labor bituation at tho west. When it was Been, however, that Sover eign's request was buvlug but littlo inllu ence and that tbe ranks of tbe striker re ceived few noces-iioua thoro was a decided change for the better, i mcagj Ua- rose raid lly from to 75 the recovery being assisted by reports that the company does not employ uniou labor. Sugar scored the heaviest gr nnuiong tbe Industrial-", rising from fcti to -J ou Washington advices thai tho conference committee will agree to a protective duty on reuiiol augar. 1 ulliiitm Palace was iu bettor doniaudnud advanced 1) per cent. Tho railway list, after tho fractional decline noted at tlio opeiiiug, became stroug and continual no to the close. There was u good ilotiuuul for tbe graugers, Heading, Louisville au.l N'ash villo uud Western L'uloa, and the improve ment, which ranged from i to l.", was well distributed. The market closed strong at to tier cent. hi:rner ou the day. Total sales were 15J,0J0. Tlio roll"Winirooinpi'o tai'la gnowuiit tile dav's Huetuations in activi stoeks m aupplie.l uud revised daily by Laiiaf Fuller, BtocU brokers, i-1 Wyoming nvunno: Opeu- Hu-li- Low inj. est, est. Clos- Am. Cot. Oil Am Suuar. '"' i A. T. - S. t" 'a Can. So. 14 C'en. N. J lM'l Une N. W M4 V., B. y 7 !. C'liic. tias, -'4 I'., C. I'. St. L Col., llook.Val. T. l 'Hp L'7 i'4 41l'4 t'.i ''I :iipi4 l'JS I 'J 1-4 sn-i ;;ui, I is I 4-144 27" Ue'.t 4sts 7L'l8 Mi 1-V"i ;;r4 l.-it. hli4 1L".I 4J:'i J7-.'a no: IUi4 1 1 74-S LJ. iXi XI I., L. is W I). C. F t'.Ta U. E. Co Luke Shore L. N Manhattan Mta. 1'ae Xat. Lead N. V. & N. K .N. Y. Central X. Y., U. tc '.... N. Y.. S. ft W.... lv. 1 4 :: 4-i ?4 iVlli 14-4 -'I'-l I .4 JLU 4!' lHi: 'Nil 1':'4 -i'i ''is ' ii"'s ll'g !' 14 ju;j ll'-a tl'-l H4 iiii U. S. C. Co -I North I'm; North Pae. pf 14 Umaha L'l ii' Vic. .Mail Heading ItiH-k Islauil H.T St. Paul T C. A; 1 17 mvi; in., ::, IM, N ii-"?. isij io'-i i:;-, tbMH Texas Ar l'ae t'uion t'aelnc. t"1 Wabash p l"s Western L'niou WJ-4 W.Jt L. 1- W. Jb L. E. I'f -k Chicazo Oratn and Provision i. ScitA.NTOK, July U. The following quota tions are uppliea and 'orreeted duily by liar A: Fuller, stock bro s.l-t Vyomiu av, nuo. WHEAT. nlr. Onomnc oi i.;w:iest -r7:'i Lowest, f.l:1-4 Cl'.s.n iej-j COIS.V. Opening 4 Is 4 HiL-hoxt 4:t."'rf Se,,t. WIS ir'a Dec imii n;i4 hi' i tiij4 4: 4 14 Lowest 4i'ti 4i'i Closing 4LMg 41-,V OA 'l S. Opening o7! illKlle.-t iW J'.',' Low.'St :i7 ill Clos'.iiir.. -'.'a 1U70 mi 1.1,7 Id) i '.I I !') IS', ('CO III 1'OltK, Cjien ng Highest Lowest Llo-iir.,' LAUD. Opening Holiest Lowest losing KM' ni l' lUJisj. 0-uiii5t lllu'bext Lowest Ciu&ilig iL'--,n lL'V, 1...I) lLo 13) II-. I f?)7 l.Vi to? K.iw T. N EW YoitK. Jn. uc T.Tarliot. il, Flour Moro ac ti v., lielu tiruiiy. W'liitAi Mora nctivc, lowor, clo-lnu WKnli 1 Si: ti red store and elevator.iUjjC; aliouf, ti'Jn.: f. o. b., Gtiuljne. ; nil Kiaded rtn, uiaOlc. : No. 1 northern, fiSJ'c.; uptious were fairly rciivo but cioseii weak at ka-ic. uiider yesterday; Xo. a red, July, o'Jc.; August, boptom ber, Lieeoinber, tiolfe. COiiN Dub, firmer; No. , -lTa-17 .c. olo vator; 4I;ia4;c. afloat; options linn and closed Wpk and uiichaiiKed; July, 4liic; August, 47Jc. : Seiiteuibur,47c. Cats i;.net, tirmoi-t options dull, firmer: July, 4i;i,c; Auitnst, It-l'c; Septumber, Z-jic ; iJctobor, IWfe.; No, 2 white, July, 4oi4V4c; spot prices, Xn. -J, uIh&'.V.; So. - white, Wc; rio. 4 Lhieni;o, ok.; An, J, uiiH'c-; So. II white. We.: mixed western. IJaodu.i white,do, textile.; whita state, bin OU.'. Bee? Dull, firm. Tii.i'.fitu liLKC-Innctivo. Cut .Mkats- y.:ir, linn. Laud --l'iiut, attiady: western, $7.40; city, fi;'tt!ii; option nalas, none; roliiud, ipnut; Coin incut, t i.C); fcoulh America, S7.U0; compound, tiaGjjC. Pokk Uull, linn. bu'TTEiv t'jiot tirui. stato dairy, 12 alSic: do. creamery, 15.i20c. ; Penn sylvania do., lna'iOc; weateru dairy, In)4al4,c. ; do. creaiuory, Hu'Jdc, t no. factory, lOallc. ; "dins, PJlitUu. ; imita tion creamery, ltialoii Ciu.usk Qaiot, atoady. Koos Dull, lower; state and Penn sylvania, iliilfie., western, UaUc.; do, per case, .Sl.i'Ja'- 75. Philadnlphia lallow Markat. . I'niLifiKi.iiiiA, July 11. -Tallow was dull and une.liuiifjod.. Prices were: Prime city in ho;sheadi.,4 Mtt.. prime country. in bnrrela, 4ie.; do. dark in barrels, aja scj. cftkos, s.'-jc; erea6e, uc, J avliiiin L'Iiuh, Mono ribbons lndelieale colors nnd cliino patterns uui in uso f .r trinnuin;,' black dresses and giving a touch of color to white enpon gowns. Yachting dresses are mado of, cream white or ble.n Berge, with red sailor col lar, cuffs and panel trimmed with gilt Drum una buttons. Something useful in bolts consists of a nickel silver frcjuc, into whieJi a rib bon of liny color may bo inserted. Tho short nnd ninch trimmed pelerino is tho most coquettish stylo of mantlo going. .A novelty In Jace ia mado with a ground of three different materials guipure, hot mid gauze. Another varie ty in in two shades of color crtam nnd butter or cream and coffee. Soft textured satins nro to bo used for evening and afternoon costumes, and they como in beautiful shades. Turndown collars are a now feature of capes. Tho latest fad in underclothing ia white silk garments trimmed with Wuck laco.. Half tho new hats nnd bonnets have 6onio flaring characteristics. Tho shapes nd trimmings indeed are more flam boyant than evor. CARNOT'S SUCCESSOR. Tlio Auurchlsta Have No I rl ml In l're.l tleut Casluilr-t'erler. If nil lioiicst mnn in tlio luiMcst work of God, Franco in to lio congvatnlniod upon tho ekvtion of M. Casiniir-Pi'rier as president of tho republic. Since tho jVnmiimt scttndal ruiiad Hoiinmy reputa tions hoiuit nu n B.xtii vino in Fruu'li pnbliu lifii, but PrcMdont Cusimir -I'cricr is one of tlio low that remain, lio is also industrious, brainy mid eouriereons mid comes of one of tho best families in France. Ono of liis ancestors founded tho Bank of Franco. His uraudftither was premier iiniii r Louis l'liilipjic', and his father was a well known deputy and a member of Hie cabinet if 51. Thiers. President t 'asimir-l'ei'ii r was born 40 years ago, ami when hardly out of his teens won the decoration of tho Legion of Honor during tlio i-deo of Paris. IIo was admitted to the bar later and was elected to tho chamber of deputies to represent Nofieiit-sur-Heino. This was nearly a quarter of a century hj;o, and ho has been prominent iu tho chamber ever since. In 1SU0 ho was elected vio president of the chamber nml last jNV riii-:sii.ii-:xTCAsiMi!t-'ri:i::H. vetnber became its jiresident. Two weeks after this great honor President Carnot named him as premier of France, au of fice by held ahout live months. II: lis Ioiir been considered President Camot's successor, and tho hand of As sassin Santo merely hastened tho time when he was to become chief executive of France. Several years ago tho Count of Paris offered him tho chancellorship of Franco if he would aid in tlio restora tion of a monarchy, but ho neornod tho bribe. The socialists also wished to overtnrn Carnot and miilio him presi dent, but he frowned upon tho scheme nnd apprised Carnot of the socialists' plans. IIo is short nnd dark and has keen eyes and an expression that denotes firm ness and decision. Ho is as bitter a foe of miarchistsjuMvns M. J!arnot. Tlio ISest Itrovt n lireml. A 5Iassaehusolts matron sent tho fol lowing to Good Housekeeping in re Bponso to a request for a recipo for the very best brown Ln ad: Two cnpfula ol granulated Indian meal, thrce-(uavters cupful of rye, tlnee-(uartcrs cupful of flonr, a teaspoonfnl of wain, a cupful ol molasses, 2 cupfuls of milk, half tea spoonful of salt. Steam in a steamer about four hours. Three hours will do. Household IlinN. Ono woman tells that, no matter how large the spot of oil, any carpet or wool en stuff can bo cleaned by applying buckwheat plentifully, brushing it into a dustpan alter a short time, and put ting on fresh until tho oil has disap peared. Tho dinp.grccuhlo odor which spreads through tho house when onions are cooking will bu hardly perceptible if n enp of vinegar is buikd on the stovo at the fiamo timo the onions nro cooking. A thin edged piece of white sosp is much better than chalk for making line lines on cloth to cut by. In hand sewing, if the work is stift and hard, nibbing soap on one's needle nnd iingtrs will bu found helpful. Mix iir.n sawdust with glno to a stifl paste for tiUnr; nail holes or craoks, and the patch will hardly be discernible, es pecially if the sawdust is of the same wood that is mended. Wash reil talilo linen in water iu which a lilt hi borax has been dissolved. A silver standard for menu cards has a convolvulus with its lip upturned ut the side. This in for tho nosegay nnd is an idea that will appeal to tho hospit able hostess. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula r Tf CO Cl V. P. P. poHllea tl-w blood. bc!l1n lip tho weiil; mnl del.llit.'iioil, niven nlrnnirlK tnni.!il:n I noociu nn.aiu tlm(in.i;lrliiKlliiiii.-.tloncliaallli and i-"-t , ,inpiniMi vliero oioknenfl, K'"oniy loollnRHRail lainltiid'.i llrnt prevailod. For nrliimry.Reeonilnry nnd tertiary pyphlllM, lur hlooil polioiiln, meroa rial polion. nnliirhi, dyspepsia, nnd ln all blond nnd ukln fllsH:,.,.. Iitut l.lntl.lmj Illnil.l.iu ..I.I nhni,,ln i.l.ii.na Jl.- tet'i ,-, eeiiid liean, l oll", erylpelin, oezenin-Wi may tia,", without fenr of rieitnolletloii.that 1'. 1. P. in tlm tiosc ' bloot purltior In thn world, nnd m.ikea - - iioHltlye, 'UeiJyiiD(l permanent cures "- In nil CMl, ; i. ii. g-t Ijidlon lvho-io synteinn pro pidRoned . ami wiiofo mono ih in un inipnroeonm- g.'m tlon, due to ineiisi.rn.il Irreituhirlllon, U-1 n ..AnillUxlu !..,.,...(. ...1 .... .1... nro nennll.'irl.y henelliod bv tho wnn derlul tonlo Htnl hloo.i cloAiinlnir prop erties..! P. p. p. - Prickly Aali, Poko Kootaud PoiuKAltini. rj)- - Bprinokikld, Mo., Ann. llth. 1h'j;i. 1 o in Bi.i'jil. In t In. highest terms of 4iT" your modteluo from my own personal ( I I U I I I I I I I I ( I i 0 1 h Q knowlediro. rilsnnsc lilO'JrlHV and rhmimntlMm foe gs 3."i yorirs, wis trfrafed by the very but frr . phyBlelans atio spent nunoroils or doi larn. trli d cysi'y known rumeily with ' out ninll.iK relief. I hnvo only takea . onn tiottlo of yeur P. P. P., and ran ci8" choerfnlly sny It has done mo moro - jrtKxl tluiii anythliifr i have ever taken. TT I can recommend your medicine to all C3 tuflorel'oi the above dlaenven. rrj., i MRU). M. M. VKARY. Bur. jgUold, Gruou County, Mo. Knowledge, i wasnii'-crenwirn ncarD v Bcccham's pills are fof biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills-25c. At drugstores.or write B.F. Allen Co. ,365 Canal St., New York. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquthaniia Co. U. E. CltOKL'T Proprietor. fl'IllH IKU'KH UMtrietly t"inpuraneo, 1h now I ai. 1 well l'urnHlie4 ami i U'l'.N To 'j 11 K l'LULIC T H !! YHAK 1MUND; Is loeate.l miaway b.Hvveon Montro,oau 1 Keran ton, on AhmtroHO aiel Lacouvuntei Hallro.Vl, f-ix inileH from I)., L, Ss V. it It nt Alford Btntion, nml llvo uiilix from M mtroio; e.-i-l aeity, einlity-llvo; three minutos' walk t ruin It. Ii. Htatioii. liOOU HiiAT-i, l'IIINli T VC'ULl', tt, i ki i-: to ci i:sis. Altitmln about 2.mm font, eipmlllii!; In tliis lespoct tho Ailiron.Ucli a nl C'utikill Moun tains. I ino Krovo-i. iilunly of slialo ami lionntifnl seeni'iy, ninkintf a Siinnnur Konort unex eeileil in beauty ami clio ipnosH. Uaiieini; iiavnion, swln.-', oro iii"t Kr onnd-i, ii-. Cihl Cpri:iis Water ami pi. mty ol .Milk l.iile-., M7 lo (tin per hchIc. M.fiO per tiny. Lxeni'Nliin tlekote nuIJut all ututlous on D. L. W. lines. I'orti r meets all trains. lira Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, OTTDMTTP mOC Thin hank offcm to irnimitnri Tn Inelllty Mummied by their baluucet, buit- lie ntin riNp.tiiMiituity. hpeelal aitenlioD given to bunlnflit ae couiitn. lulerubt paid on tiui depualU. WILj.IAM rONNKI.r, rrelUnt. OKO, H. CATMN, Viro-l'rlilenr. WILLI A. 11 II. PKtK, Cnnlilofc MLKCTOItS. William ronnell, George If. Catling Alfred Hand. Jainei Arriitmld, llrnry Hoi in. jr., William X fctuitli Luther REV8VO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a 1st Day. Kj Well Man lMhDay, of Me. THE (JREAT ,K)th Day. procln'Ts I lie above results In lil) d:iv. It a.t linwerlnlly mid iinli-l;ly. cnrcK when all oIIicth iail YiiiiitK iin'ii will r. k:iiii their lest luanliootl. ami olit men will reiover tin ir yonthlnl vicor by n..iuf Kl-.t n. It nniekly nnd sui'i-ly restoics Nervous in ss. 1,'if-t Vitality, iiiiiioteiHvv. KiKlitly Kniis-ious, l.nct Power, railinu Memory, Wadtinu Hls-nueK.a'iil on eliei-tn nt m It-uniiM) or cin snnil tmliKeretion w loch umit.i une lr.r n-u.ly, biMiieiw or umri'ini.'e. it not only i-nren by hlartinuat theci-at ol cIim aw. hut ia;tri-;u tierirtonlr ami bloo.l bnlUlei. Iii-ikr ir.g Da. n the pink clow to palp etieeUn a'uliii Ktorinir tlio lire of vonlli. It warns oil lii-auily aii-l ConsuniiilMU. Im.ist on kavitiK KKVIVO, no o.ner. It eau He earrn ci in vest I'Oeli-1. lly inr.il 1.0(1 1 r i,n-kui;e, or nx l.r 15.1)0, w ith a piwi tivo wriltcu irniirunioo to euro or rciuud 1 lie money. Circular tree. AildrehB (OVAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. I'nr sale 1y Mnttliows llros,, l)rnci;ititii, Sr.i-iinfi.ii, 1'rt, ana vlitor riulrklj rnsior.-,u.v ariL-oci-le, l.lirhtlv rtiiKhiniM ntriiehv. oic. iiurrly cureil by IMIAI'O. tin. went uiii'iitu itcnietiy. nil wrlllM cniirBlv lurars. bulij u U.i iilit.Hb l)aos.,lmita,-uu, Bui uutuu. l a. Ladies Who Valuo ATPlinpu complexion must use lz7.onrs Pow der. It product's a soft and beautiful nkin. ft 55! Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are rntlrt'l.r reunited by IM'.f. Prickly A ill, Tolin Rons nml Pntnn Blum, the yruaium bluoJ uurilltr ou eurth, AtiHnntiit, 0. . Jnly 21 , 101. GP niF.31 h. i.i ee man oio.-... r. iv iiiuari. .. flu.: I n-'A h isihs l liiniiilit ahottloof enr P. P. P. nl Hot Hi'Hinrs. Arlt.. nnd It Ilia dono iiih mere roml than throo neiiihs' treat muni at the Hot Bpnuaa. Houd threii linit leu C. o. It. II -spuetrully yours, JAM. M. NKWTOJI, Aberdoeu, lirowu County, 0. dipt. J. 1. .lotiindou. To nil iehmn it mny twtrn; I hors by testify to tho wundnrliil proportloa of I'. P. P. lor (.rupUoiiH o( the slcln. I nnllerod for soveral years with an nn- biyhiiy uil iii'irHei:nie orupiionon niy laee. l irien eyerj ry known remo- dy hut In Vnin, until P. P. P. was ujod, and stn now entirely eurnil. (Bnjuod by) J. V. .loilNSTON. Havanunb, (ia. Nkln Cancer Cured. Testimony from Ike Mayor o Sequin,Ti!X, Bi-.'li'iN, Tfx., January 11, IW13. MKsH'in. j.ii'i'MAN nitos.. Havannsh, S5 r?9 fiA tin. : tienllrmrtti niiv irien your l. t 1. f.... a .ll.,.,i.u i.i tliM IHlt .......illtf known as skin ciincor.of thirty year.' j-(2f Hiiinillnir. nnd found Krent rolluf: It piirilleiulio blood iiud reinovea nil ir- ' m rliailnn from the soaf. of the dixunna r-St and prevents any stireadinK of tho sores. I have taken llveor sli bottles " nnd feel oonildent that sBoHiercouro jj-j will elToot a onre. It hab also relieved !J Me rrora Imllxcstlnn and Bloumutl troublul. Yours truly, 30 t'APT. W. M. Itt'ST. zZl Attorney at Law, U U on Biocd Diseases Kaiicd Free. ALIi DRUQ0IST8 SELL IT. . LIPPMAH BROS. PBOPKIET0R8, Upprann's lllock, Savannah, C letsonB IS TT- ritotfsraphcS ( L . il L 9W JV y f SK. l'l i. W7 ood ien eserve NE of the strong points of The Trib- une s equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a sunerb X Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to- date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania, Preserve Those pic tures Don't Spoil Those Mai- tichromes eatly The Tribune will promptly preserve any ot the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of anv or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multicbrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES ood Slothes DO CO0 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1 11 VSIl 1AN-: A.NJJ MJIltitO.Ni. 1 )H. 0. KUGAK DEAN has removed to 611 --' Spruue htrtet, fccrnntou, tu. (Juat op poelte cuuri-bouM t-quara) 1 Ui. A. J. LOXNKLL, Olllce ail WualUHRtoa J aveuue. corner Hpruca street, over irancku s drill? atora. Kesidence, Ti Vlueab Ollico liouis: 10.au to IU a. m. aud tot and "LJ:'M m Sunday, i to 3 p. rn. 1 JH. W. E. AI.LKN, Ofllce" cor. Lnokv XJ wanna and Waahlnirtou aveg. : over Loon ard alioe store; oitieo hours, 10 to U a. m. aud t to p. m. ; evenings at ruuldenoe, 6U N. vN imhlngton nvo. "IJK.UL. rliiiV, Practice limited to Dl J ensiw of tbe Eye, Ear, Noao and Throat; ofllee, La WyomiuKuve. beaiduuee, &2 Vim Hreot. Dit. L.M. (tA'l'ES. K'a Washinitton Avouuu. Olilee bonis, UtoU a.m., l.JUto a aud f y " P.m. KuhMuuchUiV Madison avenus I Miii TTWENiZ, U. I7 Oflli"lB! and 61 CoDiinonwealta tulldlnir; rosldenoa 711 SladlBonavo: olllne hours. 1 J to Li, X to 1, T to e; Huudaya iM to 4. eveninirs at residenco. A specialty made of dipimsxa ut the eye, ear, now km Mimj.1 ...rf , I.A IVY KKS, I M. C. KANCK'H Law aud Collection of I flco, No. 817 biiruce at., opiioalto Eoreat House. Benin Urn, la,; collections a specialty throuithout l'ennsylvauia; reliable correspoud n ts in every couu ty. I KlSHLTH fc llA.L, Attorneys and (.'outnwe lors at Law, twmnoiiivoalth Lulldiui niuuuuatoB v. W. H. Jknni'p. HoitAOK E. HANa W. H. Ji;hbup, in. W II, I. AUD, WAHItliN & KNAl'l', Attor neys aud Counselors at Law, ltcp-lhllcaa Lulldiuir, WnshliiKtoB ave., feranton, Pa. )ATTI.K!iOW & WILCOX. Attorneys aud X Counsellors at Law: oUlcea 0 aud o Llhrarr buiJUiiui, tcrunton. Pa. HOSWKM, H. PATTIRROa, WlI.MAM A. Wiuiox. ALKHKOHAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth ImiMlnir. Itootns 111, 'M and 21. F. HoYLE, Attorney at-Law.No.l and 20, Uni r buildinu', Wusliiniiton avenue II I.MiY M. SICKLY Law ollico in Prica miiiiiuiK, i2o w aahinnton avenue. I i'HANK T. OKtLL, Attorney nt Law. Uuom i.v-iiai r.Ai:iiailire. ecranion, 1'n, MILTON W. I.OW'KY, (Att ya, aff WaMitnir C. II. VON KTOltCH, (tonav.. C. H. a-iuare square. A.MiiS W. OAKI'OHD, Attorney aV Law, rooms at, 64 and 05, Commonwealth b'l'if. CJAML'tL VV. KDliAU. Attortmv at Lstv. t J Olilee. 1117 bprucest., Kcriinton, Pa. I A. WATitES, Attorney at Uw, I i. Lackawanna ane.. hcrnnton. I'a 12J 1 KMrrii i ...,....i,.. i . . . ,.uunei:iiur ni, i.HW, VJUCV, i rooms 51. 55. 50 Commonwealth buildinn. It. I'l'l i 1 1 i u in, ... i.. -.... ' . nionwa th biillnlnif. Hcrauton, i'a! . COMKOYB. .21 Spruce Mt. Dl). 111.1 -iotiLK, Attorney Loans neito- tinted on real f-hb.te u-curitv Aim ur.,.u ) K. KILL AM, Attorner-at-Luw. 12u Wv , - --. -""'..-. it oniini; avenue, Mcranton. SCHOIII.S. t 'CllOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scran- O ton. Pa., prepares boys aud sirls forcoUcu) or Lubinebu: tnorouKlilv trams vouuk clllldreo, Catalogue at royueot. KY.V. TrfOMAR M. CAN Walteii II. Huei.l. MISS WOIICKSTEH'S K1NDEKOAUTES '1 and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil-l r. ceive-l at all times, ex t term wili vueu Septei'ioer ,i. DIN i I VIA TM. A. TAFT, Il.ll.S , 104 -North Wash ' f inuton Avo. hnei-ialrv in Porcelain itestorutions. i rown nnd i:rnlL'e work. c C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 115 yommi: ave. It M. sTHATToN. ..Tico fnnl Vxelvin"" rriIE KEPL L1.1U bavii)(;s and Loan Asso J. cintion will loan vou ui'iney ou easier ternn nnd pay you better on Investment than any oii'er association. Ca l on a. Pi. CALLL lKlt. liinie Bnnk bnililinir MCKIIS. t K. CLARK & CO.. Swidsmen. Florist! vTs and NurHerynien; store 14b Washington avonue; preen nouse,i.xu ftortn Main aveuuo; tore telephone. ,S2 ti:as. GKAXD UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros tYIISE SCHKI NS. TOS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avenue. r' h'-ninlon. l a . nmntir r of iee Screen IIOTKI.S AM) ItUSTAI'TtAXT. 'IUIE WESSTMINSTI'.K. 21T-21D Wyomina 1 avo. liooma heated with steam: all mod ernjmprovenients. C. M.JHI MAB. Prop MMIE ELK CAFE, la and 127 Franklin ave J- nue. liates rc.isonulile. P. .iKiii.rjl. Proprietor. ' L&TAil.Ns'lEli llu I KL. ' ' W. O. t-CUENCK, Manaeer. bixteonth ctrcot, one block cast of Broad way at Union Square, New York. American plan, Helper day and upward. CioYNE llOL'SE, European plan; ;koo.: rooms. Open day ana night, liar sup plied with the best P. M. COYN'E. Fronrietor. t"CRANTON HOUSE, near U, U W. pai IJ lengcr depot Conducted on the European plan. Vl( Ton Koch. Proprietor. (i HAM) CENTRAL. 'Ihu largest and Oast J comppel hotel in Allontowu, Pa.; ratoi $2 and J2.jU per day. VicTou D. P.AiiKFB, Proprietor. AltCIIITWTH. AVW HOL'P'l', Areiiitvcts. lMsmnT il ' 25 and 20 Comnionwealth h'ld'g. Scranton L7V ALTER, Architect. Library X'uliuT ing. Wyoming avenue, Srrnnton. F. L. BKOWN. Arch B. Architect, Price building. 120 V. ashington Ave., Scranton. MIS KI.I.AM.OfS. lJAl l'.R'S OKC11E.VTRA - MUSIO FOli J) balls, picnics, parties, roceptions. wed dings and ooncert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbert'a music stnrCj 11 OHTOJT D. SWA UTS WHOLESALE lilinber, Trice building, tcrnntnn, Pa. M" l-.OAItOKE BKOTHEHM." 1'U INTERS' suppllea, envelopes, papor bags, twi.ia Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., bcranton. Pa. 11 OHSI'H AND CAHU1AOES FOR SALE at 1N3 Capons) n venue u. id. I' OOTr , Agont IMtANK pT bHO W N " & CO?," W HOLE I salo dealers ill Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, i'-jO W. Lackawanna avenue. IZRA FiNN & BOMS, luiildevsnd coiitrao J tors. Yards: Coruor Olive et. and Adann avo. i corner Ash st and Penn ave., bcranton. Tbe GENUINE New ITaven "Sliuslei" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. Now York "Varcrooms No. SO Fifth Avcnuo. E. C. RICKER & CO., Bola dealers in this section. OrriCE-ia Adam Ave., Telephone BTd'a Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. sncl Adams Ave. CCtBTlloUBBbyL'AltB. All kinds ot Laundry work goarantes) Tli beat, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl KCRANTOX AND WILKES-BARRE. PA- MANUFACTURERS 09 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N.J. LEHIGH ANO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antracito coal tixod exclusivolv. lnaurlni cleanliness and comfort. T1MK TABLE IN EtTECT MAY 20, 1801. Trains leavo Scranton far Pittstnn. Wlttraa. Harre. etc.. at 8 U.li 11.30 a. m.. 12.SI1 Villa. 8.110, 5.011, 7.2-.. 11.05 p. m. Sundays, .U) a. m.. i.on, .!;. 7.10 p. m. rnr AUniitic uuy. o.ai a. m. For Saw York. JS'owarlc and Ellzahstb ft 91 (express) a. m., 12.50 (exnroaa with Buffet parlor car), il.M (exprena) p. m. Bunday, 'Hi Eon MArrn Cnt'NK. Allestoww. Rvtrt.b. I1RM. KAhToH and Piiii.aiiri.piua. H -41 a m 12..VI, 3.WI, 5.IO (exooot l'hliadeluUiai n. ni." bunday, 2 15 p. ni. For LONO UllAHCrf. OcrAs Grovk. Rtn .k 8.H0 (wilh turouuli car) a. m., li.Alp. m. ror iiRiminff. Lieuanon and liarrlaburif, via Allontowu. U.20 a. m.. 12.50. 5 00. n.m H.,H. 2.15 p.m. " For I'ottHville. 8.20 a. m.. 12.50 p. m. KoturniiiK, leuvo New Yorlt. foot of Llhart atreet, ,'ortli river, at IklO (exoreas) a. in.. 1.1", 1.110, LIU (express with liuifei parlor car) iu. nunoiiy, t..vi a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal 9.03 a. m., 2.00 and i.'.H p. in. bunday, 6.27 a. il. Throuuli ticketH to all pviints at lowest ratoi may be hud on application iu advance to th iicaet aifuui, ac tuo aiaiion IL 1'. BALDWIN, Uen. Pas. Airanfe. J. II. OLHAURES. (joh. Supt DELAWARE AND HUD bON RAILROAD. CcmmeucinK May 20. 1892. trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street btntion, Scranton, for Pitts- a ... It'lll Ij i a ... MB MU&'J-''!, 10 a. m.. 12.10. BBS' i'ih- 2-:'8' 10' u16. "-w r and 11.115 p. in. A Ir For New York and Phila- ' delnhia. IX) a. m.. Li.10. 1.2.1 2.38. 4.10 and 11.30 p. in. ror Ilouesdalo(rroin Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7 00, 8.JU, 10.10 a.in., 12.0J ni., 2. 17, 6.10 p. in. For Carbondalo and Intermediate atatlona, 6.40, 7 00, 8.:j0, 10.10 a. m.. 12.00 m., 2. 17, 8.2.i,5.1H o 20 and V 'Xt p. in. ; from Hrldge Street Depot, Z'U a. ui., 2.17and 11 :6 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack -MouutaiuH. liust'in and New England points, 6.40 a. m.. arrivinK at Albany 12.45. fcaratoi?a 2.3) p. u.,aud leaving ncranton at p. in., arriving at Ainanv at o.a'.' p. m., eara- loua, li.-na. m , aim o isiou, imi a. m. Tne only direct route between the coal fields ml Boston, "The Leading Tourists' Kout of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes Oeorgo and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Time tallies showing local and through train service between stations ou all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. 11. U. YOUNO, J. W. BIKUU.K, Second Vice President. Uen. Past Agt, ji A la, 14. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia anl New York via. V. & H. R K. at 8 a.m., 12 10, 2.3 and 11 So p. ro. via D , L. St W. K. U., 6 00, b.UI, 11.20 a. in., aud l-M p. m. Leave ffcranton for Pittston and Wilkas Barre via D.. L. & W. K. K., 6.00, 8.0a, 11.11 a. m., l.SW. 8.50. 0.07. S. .0 p. m. Leave Scranton for Whito Haven, Hailoton, Pottsvllle aud all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W. V.. 6 4'ja.m., v.a D. tell H. R. at 8 a.m., 12.10, 2.:i", 4 10 p.m., ria D., L. & W. R. ., 0.00, b.W, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaatou. Reading, Ilarri'burg and all Intermediat poinu v,a D. ir H. R. R., 6 a m ,12.10. 2 :i ll. p.m., via D., L. & W. It. R..ti.00,b.0a, 1L20 a. u, L3U p m. Irf'ave Scranton forTunkhannock, Towan Ij, Elraira. lthac.i, Oenova and all interinedists points via D. & H. R H..U 07 a.m.,121Uand 11.U p. m.,via D. U & W. K. K., 8 0s a.ml.:i) p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west viaD. & U. R. B. (1.07 a.m., It 10,.l5.U.8i p. m.. via D. L. & W. R. R. aud Pittston Junction, b 0 a.m., 1.30, 8 i,i p. ib., via E. ii W. R K., 8.41 p. m. For Elm ra ana taa woet via Salanunei, via D. A H. il. K. 0.07 a.m., lilO.e.io p. ra.. v.a D L. ts W. K. H.. .8.08 a m., 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all train between L. & B Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo aud Suspension Bridge. UOLLIN H. WILBUR. Oou. SupU East Div. CHAS. S. LKE. n. Pas. Ag't, PhUa.Pi. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Asa't aan.Paaa. Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANSA AND WESTERS RAILKOAD. Trains leave Scranton as follow): Express for New York aud aU points East 1.40. 140, 6.15, 8.UU and 5a a. m.; 12.56 and 3.50 p. m. Expreas for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 6,15, SCO and V.5i a. m.; IXii and I SO p. m. Washington and way Btations, 3.a5 p. m. Tolij hanna accommodation, 6 10 p. m. Exiir as for Binghamton, Oswego, Elmtra, Corning. Bath. Dansville, llmint Morns ana Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. m. and 1 24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the XL- Vns.kn.... AT.l Kf.ntllWUt. Baih accoinni'.slation, n a. m. Binghaniton and way Btations, 12.37 p. in, .Niciiol .on acconimodutiou, at p. m. anj 6 1" ti ni. Blngharnton ana Elniira Express, 6 05 p. to. Kxproas for Cortland, Kyracoae, Osweg t'tica aud Richfield Springs, 2.1a a. m. ana l. p. in. Huaca. 8.15 and Bath Pa. m. and 1J!1 p. m. For Nortbumberlnnd,Pitt8ton,Wiike8-Barr, Plymouth. Blooiusburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willianmport, Harnsburg, Baltimore, Wasli. iiigtou and the South. Northumberland and intermediate station, 0 Oil, V h'i a. m. nnd l flO and 6.07 p. in. Nanticoao ana intermediate stations, .i and 11. ai a. ni Plymouth and intermediate ttations, 8.5iand S o; t, m. , , ... Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trams. i( , .a.ki. For detailed information, pocket tlm j UWes, etc . aDPly to M. L. bmitu, city ticket otflo 32'LacKawauuaavunue, or depot ticket otace. VEW YORK. ONTARIO AXD WESTERS i RAILWAY CO. TIME TABI.F. IN HI'CCT Sl'XDAY. Jl'NK Jl. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at 8.3(1, 10.55 a.m. and H l'i p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 0.10 p.m. Trains leavo Hancock Junction for f cran ton. Oa m and 2 05 p m. Trains leave Carbondale for Bcranton at 7 24 a m. and 8.34, 5.34 p in. ('KATiiN . 1VISION. la HIVcl June gltti, 1S!)1. Kanh llouni). 203 'lOZ'iOlT Mouth Round, 202 f 04 206 Stations P K - s & ; a a 3 j r m .... f5; .... 7K' .... 7 IW r m p mi ; (Trains Dally, Ex. cept Sunday.) ft lAtrlve Leave, ,N. Y Franklin St. . . West 4'.'nd street . Weehuwken . I Arrive Leave I M 7 40 7 55 810l Ml' M 8Vi ir.i .Hancock .In notion oooi a i a. .... 8C SI l .... 6 18, S 21 .... 6, S3l .... 6 -Hi 1141? M 6 4 2 50 . 4 50 6 451 8 58 4 55 6 551 8 i'6 6 05 8 10 1 OKI Hancock -i 5":lMl; .... 7 r.i!i jir 7 4.'. IS 40 A M 7 ia a 10 io. 7.S: IS! isijo 01. Twaai h.v.'I 7 li f rJM"' M4lij 7 o-:ii 4; tuts! o mlit 31 15! Ptarllght Preston Park Coinn Poyntollo belinont riessant Mt. llnlondnle Fnrset City Cnrbiiidnie White Hrldge May Held Jciinyii Airhlbald Million Pcckvllle Olyphant Dickson 1 hniop rrovldence Park Place 18 58 8 09 5 08 7 I0 8 10, 6 18 7 Uti 8 841 5 84 7 i7 pi smi 8 ar O-WflltO; 1'.' in I'ti .... ir.i o (7 Ml 8 43 f5 42 0 4111 1 OS Dill 7 84 8 45 5 45 7 4n 8 51 5 51 7 4.11 8 Ml 6 51 7 48i 8 50 5 59 7 sal 4 01 ! 8 04 7 mi 4 in c or 7 M 4 10' 8 10 8 IX)! 4 141 8 II 8 02 14 17 0 If 0 Mi 11 la H a, ttiWrill.V 8 54! otijii n 8 mi 0SV11 U7 8 41 ll'jril 0.i 8 41 ii m u on 8 mi 1411 no1 8. Sil ffl ISfl; 8 .') 0 1IM0 55, j 80 P MA MA M t-or anl on 8 0.M 4 20. 6 20 Leave Arrive! ar ur u All trains run dally except 8unday. f. Rl.rnlllos that trjuus atop on signal tor pas Bcngors. rccure rates via Ontario Westorn before purchasing tickets and save money. Day ana Mligt Zsuress to the West. J. C, Anderson, flen. Pass Agt, T, Flltcrott, Div, Pass, Agt. Bcranton, Pa. General Office, SCRANTON, M,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers