THE SCTiANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1. 1894. FOR ONE WEEK We will sell our entire stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see tliein at 303 SPRUCE STREET. TJOM'T Hvo your COLLARS stftrohed in tho old Vay, when you i:m havo thnm done with soft, tillable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printod IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO We Will Offer for a Few Days Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 00. These Rugs Have Never Been Sold for Less Than $3.00. Williams k ilnultf '27 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. A regular monthly raeotine of tho man agers of the Home for the Friendless will be held thin morning at !.80. Mary FitzpamcK was yesterday pro nounced insane oy a jury or six men. The evidence was taken boforo Judge Schuy lor. Tbo patrons and pupils of tbo dancing academy of J, Frank Seigel last night en joyed the closing hop of Mr. Seigol's thir- irr-nin season. Reasons for a new trial in tho cbbo of Fred R. Jenkins a;;ainet R, T. Howells vero filed in the prothonotnry's office by Attorney 0, H. Sopor. Sixteen case3 of measles and four casos of scarlet fever were reported to tho health board yesterday. Most of the measles cases are among scholars of Xo. 22 school. The inspection of the firo department by the chief and flrn department committee of councils to have taken plnco yestorday, v.-as postponed on nccount of the disagree able weather. Tho sale of soats for tho MacKay-Ken-ney company's season of sui. ner comic opera which will begin at tho Frothiug bara next Monday evening, will open at Powell's music store at U o'clock this morn ing. All ladies interested in temperance work are invited to meet this afieinooii at. 3 o'clock, in the wing of the Seward house, Green Ridge, for the jmrposo of organiz ing 11 Womeu's Christian Temperance union. Tho building committee of the board of control met last evening for the con sideration of regular business. Architect DhyIs met with the cummittoe lor tho purpose of considering the plan for the now Ilydo park school building. Open All Night at Lohmau a Spruce street. ' - Dime Entertainment Tonight. The Epworth le.Tmo of tho Providence Melhodlht Episcopal church will givo a dime entertainment in the church parlors this evening. Tho programme hn.i been carefully solected, aod tbo outertainmont will no donbt be s fino'one, ns some of the best local talent will tiiko part, among them being Mrs. 15. T. Jayue and Professor Walkinsbaw. Ice cream will be sorved after the entertaiument. Special Sale. On Saturday, Juno 2, we will commence a special sale of dress goods cheviots, serges, shepard checks, etc.. worth 00 to GO cents. Sale price, 80 cents. We will also continue our bargains in silk. Figured China silk, worth 40 cents. Sale price. 25 cents. Taffetas silk for 70 cents; worth SI 25 to 11.50. W Meahs & Uaoen. Look! White lonf flour (boit made) $4 10 28 gran, sugar 1 00 (lilt edge butter 20 Enron y Stowers' bams 12 8 lbs best curruuts 2 Strictly freah eggs 18 Jos. A. Meaiiss, 118 S. Main Ave. One dime gels one part of tho beautiful "America" portfolio. Twenty dimes get twenty parts. No coupon necossary. They're too bothersome. Stamps or cash. ' Dr. A. E. beau, having opened bis of fices in the liurr building, Washington a...,....., will u . m , I,,, ,,,,,,,,,., . t V. I n I villi. , ..111 !,, ,ii, j, 1 ,n I,, ,. ,11 iii Srofeesion, where he will be glad to aorvs ia old patrons and public in general in AN MSmijS START lowing Association Apartments Tlirowa Open to Many Well-Kncwa Guests. VERY HOE-LIKE APARTMENTS Galaxy of Scranton Business and Professional Men Enjoy the Asso ciation's Genial Hospitality An In stitution of Which the City May Well Feel Proud Mayor Connell Pra -sides at a Period of speech Making. The Scranton Rowing; association formally opned its handsomely ai pointed iind cheery apartments last evening ut 410 Spruce street. While tho rooms, bad been used by the mem bers for several weeks, tho finishing touches wero not completed until last week. The date set aside for the open ing formally nn:l as im event to bo re membered in the History of the club wai happily selected, :is it commemor ated the twentieth anniversary of the club's history. Mm recouizsd ns lenders in tho pro fessional, business, political ami social life of Scranton were present ns guests or maiubors to see the aasoclation aus piciously started in its new home. The personnel of tho gathering stump tbo association na a representative boJy. A11SKXCE OF FOKMAI.ITY. One feature of the entertainment which ma le the evening a most en joyable ono was the very absence of features. Tho terra "formal opening" existed in sentiment, but not in fact. There wero no reception commiltees or other evidences of social red tape, it whs simply u question of make yourself at homo and tbo guests and metnbert did maka themselves to bona and departed with the thought t but tba evening had been well spent. A running enpp r was served from 0 80 to 11 o'clock, and orchestral music was furnished by Batter, After a couple of hours spsnt in Bal ing, visiting, playing billiards, or en joying the other diversion and privi leges of clubdom, tlioso present gutl -erod on tho third floor, whero it was announced that Mayor Connell would conduct a poriol of speech -malting. Mayor Connell said, substantially. MAYOR COSXF.I.L'8 REMARKS. I nm :roud to prosido over this assemb lage, composed ns it i.i of so many well known and representative men of our city. I nm proul to preside in so beautiful a homo occupied by so worthy an associa tion. There tiro many reasons why I am ghsd to call myself a member. First, be cause it has a home, which is what tho word implies, and is an association of won also in tho full sense of the word; secondly, bi- cause tbo club is; thirdly, be cause the club is not imbued with l")ony ism or any other ism, but every man is imbued with tlie right to be strictly toni penito or govern himself as he pleases so long as lie remnins a gentleman. The association has passed through many vicissitudes of ups and downs, but its very resurrection from the past to a front rank of busin (Modal clubs makes it an organi zation of which all may be proud and of which a gentleman may become a mem ber. Pleading the lateness of tho hour as an excuse for so brief u speech, Mayor Connell liniah"(l bis remarks and called on President Charles E. Chittenden, of select council, as one of the original charter members of the association. Jilt. CHITTENDEN'S RECKPTION. Long and loud applause greeted Mr. Chittenden, who said it seemed his only ezoaai for making's speech was be cause be is a charter member. Wbilo all seemed gay, there was to him an element of ladtteet in the occasion, be cause, aside from the charter members, all tbat remains of the old association is an $300 debt which alone whs Saved from a lire which ruined the associa tion's possessions. Dolph 13. Atherton, secretary of tho hoard of trade, expressed the opinion that if they hud culled upon him for facts and figures pertaining to cheap fuel, or to say how miioU horse-powor per day can be evolved from a certain weight of culm, ho could no donbt en thuse his bearers. Uuder the old regime he got 15 cents worth of fun for$ 1 50 now he hoped to e;ot a hun dred cents worth for every dollar. Andrew Bedford said that for the club's sako he was glad he was not for gotten. The other speakers hnd been wrong in their opinion ns to the pur pose of the orgxni.tton ; its main ob ject is to provido a place where Mayor Connell and the other city officials can eotuo when in trouble. The club will willingly settle all doubtful municipal and political questions. Luck of space forbids detailed men tion of other remarks made by W. J. Welch, John II Fellows, George F. Barnard, James O'Connor, Milton Lowry and James O.ikford. THOSE WHO WERE PRESENT. The following wero among the guests presout: William Avery, J. Y. Battel), jr., John Beaumont, George Barnard, John F. Broad bent, G II. Cobb, S. H. Henwood, Herbert B. Cox, H, G. Bale, K. U. Follows, Dr. W. G. Fulton, E P. llenwood, Dr. Kisrstadt, James H. Kays, T, F, Muaon, Coorge 13. Mair, W illi 1111 R. Pierce. C E. Pryor, Robt. Peck, F. J, Piatt, Frank E Piatt, W. H. Pierce, W. D. Russell, E. C Ron shuw, A. II. and W. IT. Stow, W. P. Connell, "Newton Jackson, D. Cjarloa Park. Among tho members pretoat were, George Jermyu, Will Finch, Thomas Flitcroft.Edward Chase, James Bailey. Frod Connell, D. E Taylor. F. M. Vandling, Qeorga B. Davidson, F II. While, John II Phelps, Dr. A J. Cou nell, Frank Barber. Too much cannot bo suid in praise of the boanty and modern equipment of the association's new horn?. With its three floors, including a reception, smoking, billiard and dining room, u complete culinary department for pre paring hot meals and lunches at all hoars, with its tasteful decorations nnd its many conveniences perhaps it ia nuf. ficient to say that the members have a home of which they may well feol proud, and Scranton an institution of which it can boast. 1 ENTERTAINMENT Al ElMHURSr. Profeaaor Book's Sunday School Claaa Spend a Pleaaaut Evening:. The Elm Park church Sunday school class, timaht by Professor Herbert D Buck, went to Elinburst last xvening. where thov were royally entertained at the home of Miss Jessie Williams. The class was in charge of Professor Buck, who looked carefully after their welfare. They left tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western station at 0 o'clock and after a pleasant ride reached Elmhurat. Tbo young people presented a ploaaing as they marched from tho station to the home of Mrs. Williams, where refresh ments were served and a vory agree able evening passed, after which all re turned to this city. those who comprised the happy party were: Misses May Lt France, Ella Kinney, Mabel M. Mo user. Vie B. Dacker, Mams Sniffer, Beulah Brindle, Elsie Brown, Carrie W. Fanst, Eliza beth Faust. Ada M. Verncy. Coru Yost. Bluiue, Underbill, Holkins, Tool, lioua Mogargel, Hattie Grifflu, Emma Bradley, Nellie Seward, Idell Barnes, Nellie Davis, Madge Samp son, Ilolen Barnes, Bassie Wood, Mrs. J. R. Benjamin, Mr. and Mrs. Washer. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ridgeway, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ridge way, Mrs. H, H. Bushnell, and H. D. Buck, H. Busbnell. B. Edson, W. C. Barclay, Charles E. Couraen. P. L. McLean, E, G, Worden, J. M. Seltou, J. II. Carlyon, F. B. Mitchell, F, Wolf, J. II. Rood. C. R. Nugle.L. F. Tricker, A. D. Toms, H. E Yost. W. Q Bar clay, Frank Hombaker, J. S. Vanort, L. J. Van Soydatn, G. A, Louty, W. P, Bush, John Taylor nnd others. SEASON OF LIGHT OPERA. It Will Open at the Frothlngbam on Monday Night What promises to be one of the most Interesting events of the theatrical season occurs at the Frothingham next Monday night, it being the .initial ap pearance of the Muckay-Kennedy Opera company presenting an elaborate nnd careful production of "(xirofle Glrofla." This organisation, although com paratively unknown in this city, has met vritu very great praiso and created a decided furore whurover it has ap peared, the press and public being unanimous in saying that it is ono of the best and most complete operatic companies now before the public, und notwithstanding the very great ex penso entailed la presenting such a urge company the management have decided to charge special summer prices only. Evening prices are 15, 25, 33 and 50 cents. At the Wednesday and Satur day matinees, desiuged (specially for ladies an I children, 1U, 13 and 5 cents. "Glrofle Gir ill" will bo the opening opera nn.l will bo repeated on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Jand at the Wedncaduy matinee. The sale of seats Mill open at Powell's music store this illuming at 0 o'clock. WARD WILL NOT GST A DIVORCE. Jury Returned a Verdict Against Him. Ejectment Suit Tried Before Judge Edwards in Main Court Room. Attorney Joseph O'Brion had reason to congratulate himself when tbe jury in the divorce cuso of John Ward against his wife Mary Jane, yesterday morning returned a verdict in favor of tho respondent. It was the general opinion of nearly all who were present at tho trial that the evidence against, Mrs. Ward was particularly strong, but nothing discouraged, Mr. O'Brien pnt forth a skillful plea for his client, dis crediting the testimony offered by the plaintifl to such a degree that the jury evidently c.iine to the conclusion that Mrs. Ward was u much ubused woman. All day yesterday the case of Mrs. Thomas Bromnge agaiust Nora Deveri went on before Jude Edwards in court room No. 1. Attorneys A. A. Voaburg and Judge Stuntou represent the plaintiff und Attorneys John P. Kelley and J. W. Carpenter, the defend ant. The plaintiff seeks to recover for the one-half interest of a house and lot in Providence, which she claims to have derived the title to from her dead husband. The house in question was purohaaed in 1881 by William Barrett, and the plaintifl maintains that her husband, Patrick Barrett, ncqalred tho one half interest by verbal agreement with his brother, the former nlsre having paid one-half of the contract price. Tho contract was in the name of Willi ni Barrett who borrowed money from a building ail loan asso ciation which Inter foreclosed on tbe property, Euos Plynn president of the company, becoming tbe purchaser. By him tho property was afterward sold to Nora Devera. Both of the Barretts are now dead. Tho defense deny that there wus any parol agreement. The case of M. G. Ilaupt against Johu Bewail was called before Jndga Gnnster, Attorney John F. Scragg ap pearing for tho plaintiff und Attorney E. C. Newcomb for tiie defend int. The plaintiff's claim Wis for s 'ill tor a bill of lumber sold the defendant in 1889, when the plaintiff wns doimr business under the tirm name of Ilaupt & Mitchell. Mr. Newoomb claimed tnat suit should have boon brought under the lirmnmno of Ilaupt & Mitch ell and the court was of the same opinion. Mr. Scrtigg moved to amend the record by inserting the nsino of M.. Mitchell and court allowed th motion and continued the case. Before Judge Sobnyler tho case of Goldsmith Bros. & Co. against Mrs. A V. Evans came up. Attorney John Scragg represented tho plaintiff, tut tht defendant did not appear oitlier by attorney or in person. The claim was for $1:18 30 for house furnishings, and as the evidence otfered was undis puted tho jury found for tho plaintiff to the full amount of tho claim. PREPARING TO LAV THE PlPcS. Sivarnl Carloads of Kkitoiial Have Ar rived in the City. Several carloads of iron steam pipes to be laid 111 the city streets by tne American District Steam company, of Lockport, N. Y., for tho Economy Steam Heat company, have arrived in tho city. They nre piled on laud owned by the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, near its freight station at the foot of Wyoming avenue. A frame bunding has been erected on the same plot of land in which the workmen's tools and paraphernalia of tbo company will bo stored during tho progress of operations in this city. COUNTERFEIT SILVER DOLLARS. Tboy Am Now JJainir Circulated In This City. A counterfeit silver dollur is now be ing circulated in this city. It is of excellent finish and workman ship, although Blightly deficient iu weight and is well calculated to de ceive the uuwary. Surd for Fony Thousand Dollars. Through their attorney, Cornolius Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Coyne yestorday begun suit in the prothonatory's office agaiust tho Conneli Coal company for $4(,(I0'J for tho death of thoir son, Timothy Coyne, aged 8 years. Tho allegation is that tho (lufondant company maintained a large excavation iu Lackawanna township, filled to the depth of fifteen feet with water, aud that tho hoy fell into tho Bauie and was drowned. Dry Atr Polar Refrigerator. The above refrigerator is Bold only in this city by Thomas P, Leonard, 005 Lack wnuna uvenuo. As n preserver of food it bns no superior, and for economy of ice it has no equal. It is charcoal filled and zlno lined. The relrlgerntors are built In hard wood, finished In nntiqne.nnd ptne.grnined in oak and walnut colors. Wu also have B large line of sideboard refrigerators. They are all made iu a thorough manner, constructed so that they are self ventilat ing dry air, free from any tnlut or odor. Come aud see our stock before you buy. We are sure wo will please you. Reiuhart's market Is the cheapest placo in the city for all kinds of eatables. new nnjNra It W.Il Run From Bingharatoii to Wya! us ing, Bradford County, THIRTY TWO MILES IN LENGTH A Number of Well-Known Scranton ians Are Interested in the Project It, Is Not a Speculation But Business Investment Officers Will Soon Bo Elected and a Survey of the Routo Will at Once Follow. Anothor evidence of the alertness of Scranton business men and that there is a supply of capital ;here in the midst of financial depression, is shown in the incorporation at Hurrisburg of the Btnpbainton, Pennsylvania and South ern Railway company. The list of the original stockholders is made up nl most entirely of well known Scranton and Biugbamton men as follows: Ex Judge William II. Jettnp, Will iam li. Jetton, jr., Iloracf B Hand, William J. Hand, John G. McAskie, J. Alton Davis and M. I. Corbott, Scranton; E. W. Rose, Silver Luke, Pa. ; George S. Jtliup, Montrose; yeiii, tor Kilmund O'Connor, Clinton Ross, Frod Ross, Hairy Ross, Rollin W. Meeker and Mr. Davie, Bingham ton. Tho nmonnt of stock represented ia SOO,000. Telegraphic advices mentioning the incorporation without giving the namea of the interested persons ap peared in yesterday's papers, and it whs inferred that the new company was merely an offshoot of the old Bing bittnron and Williamsporc company, which for several yoars h;is kept mauy residents of northeastern Pennsylvania on the qui vive. A TRIBUNE reporter ascertained yes terday that the new incorporation is an enterprise free from connection with the antiquated WilliamiDOrt and Bing hamton project. It is proposed to run the road direct south from Bingham ton to the Monneghan farm in Susque hanna county, on tho state line. From this point the most direct line will bo taken southwest to Wyalusing on tho Lshigh Valley railroad. Wya lusing is iu Bradford county, between Towonda and Tankuannock. Tbe con templated route will be about thirty two miles I0115. One of the gentlemen interested in the projsot said: "'The enterprise is not undertaken lor speculation ; it is purely a business proposition with us. Wo consider the territory possible of giving a revenue from its products and passenger truffle." A meeting of tuo stockholders will be held iu the near future when ofli cers will be elected and arrangements made for Starting an engineering corps over the route. SIX COWS MEET DZATH AT WINTON. Two It jurod and Had to Be Killed and Four Others Drowned. The pattengert aboard the Delaware nnd Hudson train leaving Carbondale at 12 15 p. m, woie unwilling witnesses of a dislrtsslul scene near VVinton yes terday afternoon. As tho train was rounding the curve above the "Rock Cut," about 800 yurds from Winton depot, it camo upon a drove of cows which were browsing near tho track. The noise of the ap proaching train frightened them and they rau in front of tho engins. Tbo engineer Blackened the speed of th.) tnun but could not avoid striking the cows. Two of them were hit and in jured so severely that it was necessary to kill them aud six others were drlveu down the steep b uik iuto the Lacka wanna river. Two of these swam across but the other four were curried away with the tide nnd drowned. Tho train was stopped aud the pass engers watched tho struggles of tho drowning animals. At the point at which tho mishap occurred the water is quite deep, owing to the recent raint, and the current is very strong. The efforts of the animals to roach the banks of the river were pitiful to see. Tho current threw thorn about like so many logs until limiily they sank, exUiiusted, and drifted away dead. THAT PATTERSON SILK CONCERN. Arrar.trsmento Being M&da to Kiraove It to Thii City A letter has beeu received from ono of the Patterson silk companies which says that arraagsmonta aro being made, now machiuery has been ordered and other steps taken to removj the in dustry to this city ut as early a date us possible. The plant will he located on one of two bites at Grsen Ridge. No money has been rrquired from this city to get the concern l ore. The only inducement was ciieup fuel. A euim burning plant will be used. Abont 100 hands, 4o per cent, women, will bo employed at the start, the force to be increased later. Tho mill's pro duct will be a particularly fine lino of dress silks. THE GRADE TO BE CHANGED. City Engiaear Wants to Improve Condi tion of Hjnon Street. A now grade is to be established on Bynoo Btrnet for several hundred leet west of Main avenue. The grade established six years ago has been de stroyed by the siuking of the street about five feet for the distance men tioned. Stagnant water and mud Contained iu the depression has been the cause nf $3.90 buys Coin-sen's "Scran ton" Flour. $4. 75 buys Coursen's "White Loaf" Flour. $4.90 buys Coursen's "Gem" Flour. 98c. buys 7 doz. Fresh Eggs. $1.03 buys 21 large Bars of Soap. $$1.00 buys 5 lb. box Fin est Butter. 18c. buys good Baking Pow der. buys Coursen's Print Butter, buys the Best Fancv 22c. 39c. 19c. Chocolate, worth 45c. to 60c. buys Fresh Sardines, large sizes, worth 30c, 10c. buys bottle best Olives. I - Onr row schedule in new storo is appreciated all on a CASH b.isis. You can afford to havo the best at present prices. Berries and Vegetables fresh daily from g irdons. Wall; around and look. R ;. COVKSKN, 42 Lacka. Avo. many complaints by property owners and the board of health. City Engineer Philips has taken a new set of levels of the depression which may incur a change in the grade of Main avenue in the vicinity of its intersection with Eynoa atreet. Coun cils will be asked to take action on the matter. FOR S UT PORT OF THE MINERS. Amounts Contributed In Thia City and Olyphant. Thomas McGhee aud Peter McDsr mott, the committee who are iu this vicinity soliciting subscriptions for the support or the miners on strike in the soft coal region, acknowledge the re ceipt of the following amounts in this city: Cash $1 00 W. V. Will 30 C. 0. Donovan 2 00 Henry F. Koehler 2.00 H. M. Edwards 6.00 J. J. Fauey B.OO .lohn P. Kelly 2.00 E, Robinson A: Sons 10.00 Cash 50 Barrett it Jordau G.00 Michael Grimes 50 C. E. Pryor. 1.00 Total 134,60 Tho amounts contributed in Oly phant were : Cash fi.oo Cash 25 J. A. L ". 2,00 A. SI. Atherton 1.00 J. W. W 25 J. A. Dolphin 5o P. J. Douguer l.oo .). Carbine 1.00 G. A. Price .50 Thomat Patten 50 Gazette W. J. Schubmell . . . 1.00 .lohn Dulty l.oo Total sio.00 Contributions received after this date will be acknowledged later. CPEN AIR CONCERT TONIGHT. Muslo That Will Do Hindered by Bauai's Band. The following is tho programme that will be rendered at the open air con cert to be given by Bauer's band at the Westminster tonight: March, Cominanderv Hall Ovorture, Hach Slaviscnon Melodien, ,. . , . Emil Titl Brand Selection, itigoletto Verdi Hatnrka Basse, i.a Caarlne Gomno Cornet Kolo, Lo rsecrel, Polka Rrillante, Hazel Joseph Suinmerhill. Invitation a I.a Valse Weber The .Musical Critic's Dream Edwiu Dix A modern melody among the old com posers. Prelude, Offertory, Annie Rooney, Seng Without Words, Men delssohn; Oloriu, Twelfth Mass, Mo zart: Nocturne, Chopin: fiountn Pal tbetlque, Utothoveu; Cnjaa Anlmam, Rossini; Surprise Symphony, Hydan. March from Tunnlmuser, Wagnor. 4t - AMERICA ILLUSTRATED. liy a new arrangement Tun Titm une is enabled to offer its renders any ono of tho twenty parts of tho "America" portfolio for ten cents. All parts aro now ready. This is the finest collection of popular photogrn pbic views iu print. Send stamps or cash. No coupon Is necessary. Rent a first-class wheel for Decoration uay in ,,iu Washington Ave. One dime gets ono part of tho hoautifnl "America" portfolio. Twenty dimes get twenty parts. No coupon necessary. They're too bothersome. Stamps or cash. They Hava Gone Down That is prices at Guernsey llrothors. Rr.iMlAiiT's market, produce and ice cream. Meats, fish, fruit, For Sale ut Auction Twelve head of trotting bred horse, from one to six years old, from F. L Crane's Lackawanna Rtock farm, and also from Shennan's Maple Heart farm. At Scranton Driviug Park, 2 p. m Friday, June 1st. Bicycles for rent by the day or hour, :ilu Washington Avo. Musio Jlcxas Exclusively. Pest mmK Piny nny desired number of Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won (lerful orchestral organs, only $5 and SKI. Specialty I Old unno boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. "The Face or Hoskntkl." MAlMtlMD. LLOYD-GEOBQE, In Scranton, May 20, by ltev. H. S. Junes at his residouco on Edna avenue, David Lloyd and Miss Steilu V. George, Tioth of Nanticoke. TCLLINGHA8T BECKER, At tho resi dence of the officiating clergymen, Scran tou, May 80, 1894, by itev. Richard lliorns, David W. Tillinghast to Miss Mary E. Pecker, both of Dalton, Pa. Diun COX. In Scranton, May 30, William Cox, at, li i j home on Lafayette street. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2:30. Interment in Hyde Park Catholic coiuotery. MIE8S. In Scrauton, Mav 21, Mrs. T. G. Meiss, at her bome,4IO Birch street, after njshort Illness. Funeral services Suturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from residenoe. In raent private. M1NCHER. In S.-rnnton, Pa., May 30 W.H, Hannah Estello, infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. Harry Mlncher. Funeral from iho residence, BOO Forest court, to morrow at 2 p. m. Wonderful A10 the works of it wheelbar row. It should be oiled onoe year. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? It is a much finer pieco of mechanism and should be cleaned and oiled every year, to keep it in good order. Have it done by W. W. Berry The Jeweler Who has had twenty-five years' experience. You will iind him at A1"7 Lacka. Avenue. Best Sewof Teeth,$8.oo Ircluding the pnluleas extracting of teeth by tin entirely new Vtr teas. S. C. Snyder, d.d.s. Stenographers Furnished. Wo nre prcpnred to furnish business men with tirst-class stenographers by the day or hour. Expert bookkeeping n specialty. Scranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 4L'5 Spruce street. liiiiiiiiimiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisi I AND CAREFUL WORKMEN, PROMPT SERVICE, POPULAR PRICFS. 9 i HENRY BATTIN & CO. I 12fi PENN A VKNUE. m mt BBS - - HE I GARBAGE CANS 1 S As ordered by Hoard of Iloalth. S 3 mt I HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES. 1 5 ''A lilt of everything under tho pun, S 5 l rom a fish hook to a Gatllnfr gnu. " iisiaioiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiitiiiiiiiiitisiiiiiiai OSLAND'S Corset and Glove Store On Kondar, ."nno II, m wll have an osperlotiiol ' Tsot v omnn fr m .NevOork who v. ill Slabs ai d Qt tho co obraiod P. D. CCRSETS, We will b'plersid to fit ever- ono who enr a to have a IVrf, ot K t ng (ors it Wo aro a so p , , ,ro4 to it any Corsot rronifjOc. lothoLi;hcr pri cs. 128 Wyoming Ave. Plumbin Tinning i am V Y CtStl Don't judge these Suits by the price. Wait till you 3ee tha quality. About 300 of these different Suits to select from, all made of the celebrated English Galatea Wash Linens. Always look clean and last long. 0 We also same price. PII CLOTHING & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. GALLEN. REMEMBER--Every purchaser of $1 worth or over receives a chanco on the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT. CIVE US YOUIR childre For a few minutes and we will fit them out in Shoes that look better, fit tttier and wear better than any othar Stoes yo'i can buy. Our Special Hobby is Chilian's shoes. Try us. We'll save you monoy on all kinds of Shoes. BANISTERS, Read Between Are you aware that Brown's Bee Hive is showing the largest variety of Straw Goods, Millinery, Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Shirt Waists, Hosiery, Men's and Boys' Gloves and Neckwear to be also agents for Dr. Jaeger's Brown's Bee Hive is the right variety tell the story of thirty HI Is the time to get your Cape or Coat. You will get them for half price. Selling handsome Mackintoshes for $2.50, worth $5.00. and untrimmed Hats for half price. STORED nnd INSURED IF ALTERED TJY US, FREE OF CHARGE During tho Summer. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. have them in KILTS at the Cof - Lstaf L'lLW km : the Lines. Chemisettes, Underwear, Straw, Stiff and Soft Hats, found in the city. We are Woolen System Goods. place to buy. Prices and years of experience. mm 1 Hs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers