6 TJIE SCBAKTON TRIBIJiNE WEDNESDAY MORNHTG. MAY 30, 1894. HOW THE PUBLIC IS IMPOSED UPON BEWARE OF FRAUDS. For The Sake Of Profit They WiU Sacrifice Principal, Health, Etc. ttaMrupolMU dealers nro trylns to sell or dinary Glauber Bait car I mixture of Soiitlit!! Powder an "Artificial Carlabail Salt," "Snru ilol Halt," "Oirmau Salt," or "improved Carlsbad Salt," and under other similar names. The Natural Remedies of Carlsbad im:ot be intimated. "Whal Nature makes.man cannot improve." Artillei.il ma le wines will never replace the natural juioe of the grapes, Neltllor can the natural waters of Carlsbad, nor tho Carlsbad Rprudel Salt be replaced by tlio cheap substi tutes offend to a Ruilelosa public for tho sake of the larger profit uiado theroon, by those ua scrupulous dealers. No one would buy artificial wines knowing ly. Why Bay tho Imitation! of thoCurlsbud products, when your health ll at stakof The Carlsbad Sprudel Waters aro a speciffc for all diseases of tho stomach, liver and kid toy?, and nave been U3ed with preat benefit by hundreds of thousands of people The Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from tho Sprudel Water at Carlsbad, is an ex cellent Aperient, Laxativo and Uiarectic; it n nlterativo and dimlnativo remedy, which (Hanoi vi s teoSOlona bilo, allays irritation, as most cathartics do. Tho summer month! when plenty of out door oxerciso can bo had, aro tho most desirabb for the "Carlsbad Cure." Uso tho imported Carlsbad waters, or If It is not convenient to use tho waters, or when a more decided laxative eu'ect is dosirod, Obo tho Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. Insist upon tho genuine, which is lmportod direct from Carlsbad, and must have the sig nature of Eisner and Jlondolson Co., Sole Aceuts for tho U. S. 152 & 151 FrankUn St., New York, on overy bottle. GENERAL NEWS OF Tho nnthrneite conl agents at their meeting in New York yotterday ad vanced prices 15 ceaU per ton to $3.03 for broken and ojg, and 25 cents per ton to $1 for store and chestnut. These prices are 80 cents per ton lower than last year on broken and eifg, and 25 cents per ton on stovo and chestnut. The nest meeting will be held June. 15. The otitpnr for Juno was fixed at sixty percent of thn capacity o( 2.700,000 tons In Juno 1890 tho production waa 4.110.682 tona and 1892, 3,821,807 tons. Western prices were advanced 25 cents per ton for broken, egg, stove and chestnut, Ai:cordin? to n Ions article in the Philadelphia Press, tiere will be no foreclosure on Rct.linj: properties, as predicted, for sU-ps have already been taken that will prevent any such move, Bud within a few months, or at the close of the rammer, the Reading com pany will be taken out of the hands of tad receivers, nd for ntle.itt live years to" affairs oi the company will be con duced by the present management, To do this it will rcqairebont90,000,000, nil of which him been promised. Most of the money is to be, and will be, raised by ttie New York committee of general mortgage bondholders, ttl thoagb nuito a reapectalda sum is to be fnrnislicd in this city. Tho receivers' plan, which was put out lust year, called for the funding of tho general mortgage coupons for a term of live years; the new plan calls tor the funding of the general mort gage coupons lor three years, but for making this concession the holders of the general mortgages are to have roD- rvsontntiou on tho board of managers. ' There will also be a votiug trust, which, will keep the management iu tact for five jretri tit least To show how much in earnest tho New York committees are, especially the Oicott Committee, the Beading Railroad com pany is now securing all tho money it wants from them to moot its obliga tions. Btsides this, the Oicott com mittee baa loaned the receivers tho money to runet all the obligations due on Jnno 10. It is fnrther stated that a syndicate of European and American capitalists has made a proposition to tho Reading Railroad company, through the receiv ers, to operate its coal mines. The of fer provides for the payment of all in terest on the coal and iron bonds, the payment of a royalty on every ton of coal mined, and the payment of cash to the railroad company on ail tolls and freights, in transporting the coal to the market. It is said tho negotiations are now in progress, and if they are con cluded to the satisfaction of the syndi cate, new and improved machinery will be placed in tbo mines, and the output will be considerably inereased from certain large tracts, and the mines that cost nearly as much to cot the coal ont as is received for it will for' the time being be abandoned, more attention being paid to tho mines in which the coal can be the most easily obtained, A Now York diapatoh says: Chief Engineer Harry Lingo and his assist ant, Otto Remsbel, of the Hamburg American frieght and immigrant steamship Qrlmm, whloh arrived on Saturday from Hamburg, believe that there aoon will bo a revolution in the system of generating steam on the big liners. The first exneriment with the now method was tried on tho Grimm on her voyage hltber. It was abso lutely successful, the engineers declare, mid tbey say that tbo twin-screw epeeders of the Hamburg line doubtless will adopt it. The invention is simply a f nrnneo so constructed that tho cal orio in all the gases that are wasted through the funnels of high-powered ships and all the coal particles in the smoke are utilized. Passengers on the after promenade may no longer get smoke or fine cinders in their eyes. The labor of the atoker may be somewhat leseonad, and what ie moat important to the steamship companies, a saving of about 80 per cent, will be effected in coal if the Grlmm'a trip is an exam ple of what a bigger and faster ship can do. This would mean that the Paris, of the American line, wonld burn only 227J tone of coal a day in atead of 825 tona a day, a aavlng of about (300 a day, or $1,800 a trip. This view of tho anthracite aituatlon is reproduced from a Pittaburg ex change: "The anthracite coal trade, like tbo bituminous trade, is at a stand still, though from vastly different causes. The high water throughout the anthracite region has flooded many of the mines, forcing a suspension of work. This with curtailed production for aeveral months past, has produced a acarolty of hard coal. Tho Reading company baa been compelled witbin IS the past few days to decline orders. Ont of forty collieries operated by the Reading only tvvnlvo are in condition to be worked. In tbo Lehigh region there has also been some enforced stonpago from mining, principally In the Hazleton district, where five of tho twelve collieries are idle. In the Wilkes-Barre region the. mines were not affected by the waters and are run ning as usual. A number of Individual operatora were uiso drowned out and forced to a temporary stoppage." MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES. Thero was a decroase iu tho Jersey Cou tral's nut earnings in April of f 102,1)31. Tho "nest" slope at tho Otto colliery, Pottsville, is Hooded and work will not resume before next weok. For tho week onded May 20, shipments from eighteen reporting Luzerne county collieries amounted to 49,614.01 tons. Not earnings of tho New York, Buaane hanua and Western for April wero 144,608, against $5ii,JJ2 for tho same mouth last year. Troutman tt Company's Wadosville shaft is now ready to resume operations, having been shut down tor a month to make im provemente. Coal shipments ovor tho Summit branch for the week ended May 12, aggregated 12, 747,19 tons, and for the weekended May 10, 8,204.00, tuns. Conl shipments over tho Norfolk and Western ttiave increased to such an oxtont that the company's motive power is said to bo Inadequate, President Joseph S. Hnrris,acconvpaniod by several expert mining engineers, on Saturday made a tour of inspection of all the Uendiug collieries. Uross earnings of twenty-five roads for the third week of May decreased 17.55 per cent., and sixty-nine roads for the second wuok in May decreased 18.1 per cent. The Minnesota enprerao court rovorses the deci ion of the lower court, and holds tho auti scalper law as valid. This will drive ticket scalpers out or Minnesota. American locomotives havoboen adopted as tho standard for Japanose railroads. Iu numerous tests tho American engines bowed their superiority ovor those of all jther nations. James E. York, vice-proiident of the Iron ton Structural Steel company, ex plained his new method of rolling steel tapes, at the soaial meeting of the Scran ton Engineers' club, last evening. The Heading railroad systom reports thai its coal shipments (estimated) for the weok ended May 20 wore 121,000 tons, of which lO.Dlin tous wero sent to Port Rich mond and 18,000 tons to Now York waters. V. L. Tiffany, of Wilkes-Barre, has been appointed station agent ut Mountain Pork to tako effect June 1. A. P. Httculor, of Plymouth, was yesterday appointed Ply mouth tioket agent for tho Valley rail road. The office is a now one. About 150 yards of water must bo pumped out of tho Silverton slope, near Llewellyn, before the place will resume work. A pnir of moustor hoisting engines have been placed iu position and the work of elevating tho water in tank, has begun. In his report, now in preparation. Mr. Rice will not go over the old ground in connection with the McLeod deal-i, but will couflno himself clilelly to a review of some contradictory statonionts alleged to have been made by the present Reading management. Coal Froight Agent Crandall, of the Erie railroad, reports that the stock of soft coal on his rond is very low, and other lineB are making - iniilar statements. The Lake Shore, it is reported, has given no tice that it will seize all tho coal that comes into its unnds. The totni number of industrial employes idle as a result of coal ncarcity is placed at 35.0U0, and tbo total number idle owing to thestrike.which now appears likely to fail, is210,UC0. In other industrial lines 25,000 men aro reported Idle bs a rosult of strikes, making tho total number now idle 225,000. Pardee Company, of Hazleton, issued orders on Saturday to work double shifts iu their No. 3 colliery. A night force of miuors have started in and the colliery work to its fullest capacity. Tho demand for anthracite is growing daily as nearly all the coal at tidewater has been con sumed since th beginning of the soft coal strike. The company of Pittstoniaus who have been boring for coal on n tract of laud in Pittston township, have suspended opera tions for yie present, owing to a lack of funds to prosecute the work. They llavo bored thine holes in tho land, and in each place have struck small veins of coal. The boring machines huvo been removed from tho grounds, and the company's holdings sold. Uazetto. Tho Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on aud carried over its lines east of Pitts burg and' Erie for tho year so far has been 5,602,023 tons, compared with S,ti41, M2 toi.s iu tho corresponding period of I8U8, a decrease of 2,489,810 tous, of which 4.485,248 tons wore coal, a decrease of I, 888, 450 tons, and 1,116,775 tons coke, a de crease of 1,051.339 tone. William H. Tylor. formerly omployod in the machinery department of the New Jer sey Central, is the master mechanic of the now railroad from Willtos-lJarre toStrouds hurg. Other officials ot the road are iien jamiu F, Tucker, engiuo dispatcher, lo cated at Yatesville; William liossert, iu charge of engines, also at Yatesvillo; J. Newton Diefonderfer and J. Lincoln llluck, iu tho machinery department at Strouds burc; Joseph Reynolds, car department: aud lieorgo W. Morris, general foreman of tho car department. Scrofula ts Disease Gorms living in the Blood and feeding upon its Life. Overcome these germs with Scott's Emulsion the Croam of Cod-liver Oil, and make your blood healthy, skin pure and system strong. Physicians, the world over, ondorso it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prr parn j by Rent- & Bon ne. N. Y. AH Dttlfflltftt I Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist oh the Kyo. nettdaohns mil NorvousncirH relieve!. Latost and Improved Style of Kyo Ulasses and Spectacles at tho 'Lowest Prices. Host Artitlciol liyoa inner tcJ ;for S3. o5 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Codbt Housn Bquaub. All kinds of Laundry work guarantee! i no beat; FFEBCE 1 PEOPLE Why Somo Are Fat While Others Lean, THIS IS VERY INTERESTING No Matter to Which Class You May Belong You Need to Know What Follows What makes somo people plnmp and fleshy and other.! thin and bony? Is the human body run and ehuped iu an invisible mould? And what'strauge ef fects this difference produces. Beauty ulways demand! curvea it never al lows angles. A woman may be thin and graceful but not thin and beauti ful. With men the question of flesh, artistically (peaking, n of leas impor tance; yet it inny be of n uroat conse quence in other reapucti. To much fat is a burden too little is also a disad vantage. How can we strike the gol den mean? if, indeed, wo can strike it at all. With the Turks fat la the stand ard of beauty, and with all u nions a reasonable amount of it is the moasure of health in animals and iu man. But the tendency seems to be the. wrong way just now, There is a vast num ber of gaunt, pale, thiu peoplo; people manifestly under the proper ;size and weight. Many of them are actually emaciated yot not markedly suffering from recognizable disease. Most of them eat heartily some of them vora ciously. Still they remain thin Bomo tiiues repulsively so. Commonly tliey are very tOUOhy and eonsitive. Tuoy have nerves; they are full of nerves. They catch cold easily; they are upset by trifles: they lack force and courage. Vhile not necessarily ill at any par ticular time tbey are the ready victims of dlsense.and fall in multitudes before any epidemic. They provide eonsump tion with moat of its subjects. Now, if tho eat why don't thoy grow fleshy? Why do they continue pale, thin and feeble? Because they do not digest and assimilato their food. In deed their meals more often work barm than good. The torpid and disordered stomach cannot do the work imposed on it. The contents ferment and putrefy and scattor poisonous acids ell through the body, setting up gout, rheumatism, brouchitis, consumption and profound nervous maladies. The system grows feveriah, Often there Is nausea and vomiting; a eour fluid rises into the throat; there ia dislrosa after eating, deadness and distention of the adomen, giddiness, bud breath, hot flushes followed by cold chilli; yellow eyes and skin, languor and weariness not relieved by rest; aching of the back and limbs; great hunger alterna ting with a loathing of food; anxiety and mental depression ; short of broatb, and variable nervous afflictions. Nature needs help. So much ie plain. But. how can we help her? Wo must do her work for a short time. Wo must supply the body with some perfect food which will not require any digestive labor on the stomacn. Can we do tlint? Until recently this auxiliary was sought among oils and oth-r fatty pro ducts, especially cod liver oil. Bat these things ailed for the reason that they are incapable of forming real and solid tissues. Tho false flesh thoy pro duce molts away more quickly than it comes. It gives no strength, no warmth. Millions of thin, pale, anae mic, consumptive persons remember the tho doluaivo hopes of recovory they were led to indulge by the advertise ments of theee fat ami oil compounds or emulsions; and how their air castles faded into gray disappointment. No, tho fats and oils won't do. Ex porieuco proves that. The only relia ble remedy is not a drug but a food, prepared from certain fruits rich In starch, aud pr-liyestod so to require for Jtbe presnt no digeatire action ; o food capablo of being absorbed into h blood and building up the body with out putting a strain on the enfeebled digeative organs. This is wonderfully done by tho now preparation called Paskola, which is made on the correet scientific theory. When eaton (for it is a food, not a .ii-.i.i it immediately becomes a flesh-lalld-ing, life-giving element in the blood, an increaae of vitality, vigor and weight is felt at ono, and the symp toms of the previous depreased, devita lized state pass away. Yet Paskola while a true food, needs to be used for a short time only. It gives nature power to nut herself to rights and then its work is done. The point is that it soon enables the stom ach to digest any food, even strong moats. Than the patient may follow his-appetito and consult his palate alone. Under the nourishing power of Par kola the hectic flesh soon leaves the consumptive check, the sliin asum s tho huo of health, tho night sweats ceas", the cough dies away, and th" emaciation is lost under a' coating f solid, warm and normal flesh. Physicians already report brilliant results produced by Paskola in the di gest torpor characteristic of all fabrile disoases.and oinploy it in place of stim ulants the obi troatmeut. Tho pa tients stomach ut once absorbs Paskola which keeps up strength until the di seasu ia vanquished. Its usefulness iu this direction is beyond estimate. Oi lutu years, pale, thin people, of both 8ex-B,liavo come to he an lucrenso- ing majority in this country. Young persons grow tall and slender, without breadth or stamina, and perish as fast as tbey grow, the statistics of the throat and luug hospital! tell the slory of their fate. They are born with brains and nerves, but without tho moat important arrongemont of all a competent digestive ayatem. 'I he doctora keep thum going Oil stimulants tor a while and tbey die. It is all such as these that Psskola is deslinod to save. They dnu't need medicines nor travel, nor change of fceue. They need food and the power to digeat and appropriate it to the l oily 'a constont needs. That power Paskola gives. Why should multitudes of men and women either die young or be invalids i ll tbeir days? Once the treason was there was no m ans to prevent it. Now there is. And this now and rational road to health will reward all who sot foot upon it. A pamphM on food nnd digestion will be mailed free on application to The Pre-Diaested Food Co., 30 Keade at., New York. "The Face ok Uomknfel." Ouarauloed Curo. Wo authorise our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con tumptlon, Coughs aud Colds, upon this condition. If you aro afflicted with a Congh, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Cheat trouble, nuil will use this remedy ae di rected, giving it a fair trial,and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle aud have your money rof unded. We could not make this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could bo relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Bros', drag store. Large size BOc and (1. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Etocki and F'ondi New Yobk May 29 The doallng8 in stocks today amounted to 137,000 shares. In Sugar tho stock is still seusitivo to Washington minors. '1'he April state ment of tho Burlington and Qulnoy Bhowed a surplus of fio.;a against a deficit of t'J8.515 for the corresponding period of ItttKJ aud had a uoodelluct ou the (irangers and especially on the stock named. Read ing was in better request on rumors from Philadelphia that the various bondholders' committees will got together in the early future and that the ussesBmont oil the juubr securities will be a small one. In tho last hour thero was a reaction of to 1 per cent, on realizations, but at the close there was a recovery uud the market lot t oil firm in tone. Not changcB show gains of y&eilji for the day. The toildTOing compioto table showing the day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied nud revised dally hy LnH:r A Fuller, stock brokoru, HI Wyomius nvonuo: Clpon- Hlifh- Low Clos ing, est, est. lug. Am. Cot. Oil Am Sugar WH WW, WIH 100 A. T. & S. V H4 tX m H (!nn. So. Cell. N. J IDS 108 108 10H Chin & N. W H'KUj 10S lia$ KIH Q- b. & q 7fc r.a m Chic. Oas 71 71 71 7W 0., O.O. & St. L.... !i7 U7 117 87 Col., Hock.Val. & T D. & H D..L. &V ltil LalM 101 1UIM D.&C. F -:3 lJ-4 H U rfrlo . E. Co :ii 36)4 f: B Lake Shore 183 132)4 132 132 L. N 4SW 4f.(i 4Mfl 45W Munhattau 117 UH llii UTJd MIhs. Pae 26M ZlH 274 Nat. Lead 87M 3s4 a74 N.Y.AN. b m m m m N. Y. Central WU W C7H Il7.i N.Y.. O. & W 15 15)4 V,i 151$ N. Y S. & W U. S. C. Co 28 t8U 23 2 JVi North Pae 4 4 11 North Pue. pf H H U H Omaha Pac. Mail lieadiuir IttJ I7 iuH.j 17jjj Hoek Inland Bit my 11744 CM Hi It. T 10W 11 lUlfj 11 Ht. Paul ,WU olIU mi J,, 0, & 1 17 17 17 17HJ Texas & Pae 8M m CnionPodllo li IBM lJl 106 Wabash D( Western Union Kill 84 MM UK UK UK UK . & L. . pf Chicago Gram and Frovlsiong, SrRANTOK, May 20, Thi following quota tions are supplied uud corrotod dally by Ls liar & Fuller, stock brokers,121 Wyoming ave- nue, WHEAT. May. .Inlv. Sept. Opening M 6fiK 67 witness MM 6"'K Lowest fi-i Mid f7?4 Closing. 54HS m tlH CORN. 0'iiinB 37W 8Hi i Hlghost 87K !!8U 3!l Lowest 87!? 3 Closing 87K (8Hi 38 DATS. Opening wx 31 MM Highest iMHj ;ilK 27 Lowest 31 2t!K Closing SIJ6 31K 2( POKK. Opening U7.-. uk2 1102 Hlghost 1ISJ 1189 ll2 Lowest 1175 1180 litis Closing lltO 1185 11U2 LAUD. Opening OO C72 77 Highest CS0 W7 Ui2 Lowest 060 CiO 075 Closing. M) 075 682 SHOUT HIBS. Opening MS C12 815 Hlghost C17 SJO CI" Lowest 819 012 012 Cosing 017 017 017 New York Produce Market. New York May 2t. Floob-DuII, wenk. WnEAT Moderately active, lower, clos ing steady; No. 'J red, store and elevator, B6MO.I afloat, B7c.i f. o. b.. 574c; nn grudedred. 65aB7o.: No. 1. northern, Otic; options, eloped steady at ic. under yesterday; No. 2, red, May. oOc,: Juni, B6Hc: July, B8a; August. .Septem ber, GUfcJfJo.: December, fiSc. CORN Dull, lower, weakyJNo. 2, 42c; elevator, 43c. afloat; options wero dull and yHc lowor;May, 42Kc-; Juno, 43c; July, 48ic.; August, lie; September, 44,c. Oats Dull, firm; options quiet: Mav. 41Hc; June, 89X0.1 July, Ss'c: No. 3 white, Juno, 12;c; No. 2 white, 44c.; No. 2 Chicago, 42)0.; No. 8. 41c; No. 3 white, 43c; mixed western, (SaiSc j whito do. aud white state, 4.1n-17c. Reek- Quiet, sti ady. TotROXD Heef Inactive. Cut .meats Quiet; middles nomina'. La an Quiet, steady; weteru steam, 17.90: city, We. ! May, 87.25; July, 17.20; refined, quiet; continent $7.55; South America, $7.50; compound, 54a6c Pork Steady, better demand: mess, B18.00al8.80, Butter Steady, fairly activo; state dairy, Ual6)fa.; do. creamery, 14al7c: Pennsylvania do., 14al7c.i western dairy, BalSc.; do. creamery, llalTc.: flo. factory, Salle.; elgius, 17c; imitation creamery, 10al8K& CiiEESK Fair demand,rather eaRv; stnte large, 8u9c; do. fancy, OaWJiC: do. email, BalOc; part skims, 3iabc.; full skims-, 2s8c EOOS Fair demand, faucy steady: state aud Pennsylvania, 12al3c; western flesh awl Philadelphia Tallow Karkst. PlllLAOELPniA. May 20. -Tallow was dull at former rates. Prices wore: Prime city in hognhends, Jfc.! prime country, in barrels, iCi do. dark In barrels, 4)0. ; cakes Be. crease, 4?. H. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, U WYOMING AVfc.. BCKANXOa RTK1NWAT SO!1! DECKER linOTHirjRa astb KiiAHiiiu a. lunn vivurz, it UAUiat AIM t Isrg itock ot fint-elsn ORGANS MUSICAL MEItCHANDlSU musio. Km. i:tu DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at tho Wapwallopen M ills, La serno county Pa., and at Wil mington, Dcluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, Qcneral Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa, Third National Bank Building. AoMoraa, THUS. FOKi', ritmion, rm. JOHN II SMITH & SON ; Plymouth, To. ai. w. Mli1I'!wA. wiiKos-iwrro, r. Agents for the llepauno Chomiool Com luny's High Explosive f IndigestioiA Dyspepsia DR. A. P. H. SHAFER, ALLEGHANY, PA. MVI " I have used your fluid food, Bovinine, and am convinced that it is the best and only re- iable raw food in the market. I have used it in my own case as I am subject to severe indigestion and dvsoeosia. and the beneficial results have been simply astonishing. In all dis orders of the stomach, I be lieve it indispensable. Hovininc contains the klrcrcst amount of nutrition in the smallest possible bulk. Recommended bv 2?,000 physicians. For saJe hy all druHglsts. mr, noviNiNP, co., new youk. RO E3 ADWAY'3 READ? RELIEF. FOH INTEUNAL AFU BXTKBM AL USE. In nsinc modicinea to ston Daln. we should avoid sueh-ts Inflict Injury on tho syutem. Opium, Morphine, Chloroform, Ether, Co caine and i liloral stop pnin by destroying tlte sense of perception, tho patient lofing the power of feelinft This is a most destruc tive practic ; it mean sue nyinpcomg, s-ium nn. and. luatwid i f remorinir troblo. breaku d-jwn theatomaoh, liver and lowels, and, It coa tinned iu tor a length of time, kills tne norvos and produces local or geaoral puraly Thoro Is no neceasitv for nsiua these uncer tain nneiits wheti neositivo remedy like BAD- WAY'S READY He. Li 121' will stop the mas . oxcruciatlug pain quicker, without eutaillnif the lea it danger, lh either Infant or adult. It Initantly 'v the most oxcruclatln painn, allays inflammation and cuis oongei tions, whettior of tho Luurb, Stomach, Bow ols, or other gl-uds or mil -uoue membranes KOK BrtCAlHBi HKUIft Ml ItiLllU, PAIN IN THE CHICTT OR 91DK8, HEAD. A' UK TOOTHACHE OR ANY OTHER PAIN, a few applications art liko magic, cans lng tho pain to instantly t,top. CUBES AND PREVENTS Colds.Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, nhenmatlsm, Neuralgia, Relation, Lam. bago, Swelling of the Joints, Paine In Back, Chest or Limbs. Tho application of tho READY RELIEF to he part or parts whore the difficulty or pain exists will afford caio and comfort. ALL INTERNAL PAINS.PA1NS IN BOW ELK OB (-TOMACH. CUAl.PS. S1JASM8, SOUR STOMACH, NAI'SEA. VOMITING. HKAKTHl'RN NFHVOUXNESS. HLEEiJ LESSNECS.SICKHEADACHR.DIARRHCEA. COLli'.lLATULENCY, FAINTING SPELLS are rolioved instantly and quickly cured by taking Internally a half to u toaspoonful o( Ruady Relief in half a tumbler of water. Malaria, Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. Thoro is not a reme lial ajent In the world that will cure Kev.-r and Aitue. and all other Malnrloun, Bilious and other Kovers, aided by Railway's HiKso quickly as Radway's Ready Relief. Price 50c. p t bottle. Sold by Druggists. AOWAY'S For the cure of all dlHorders if the Stom aoh, Liver, Ilofvclti, Kldiieyx, Hladder.Ncr vi ub Diienneii, Henduehe, Constipation, CoHtlTenesit, InnlgeHilon, Dyspepsia, Blb louaneaa, Fever.Iiiflemnietlon of the How. el.. Piles and nil demngement of the In trrunl Ylseei-a. Purely Vegetable, eon. talulng no memory, minerals or IELB TKRIOVS UKUHS. PrlceS.V-. por box. Solil by all druggists, or on receipt of prlee will bo aent by mail. Myo bnxoi for One Dollar. UADWAY & CU. SJ Warren St.. N. Y. ORITUR SnOR CO., Iuo'p. Capital. $1,000,000. BEST 1.5(l SHOE IN THE WORLD. MA i.'oWiir tared tj a dotiar tarntd." v This l.ndle-r Solid Fronrh Dvngola Kid But ton Boot delivered freo nnywhire in the U.S., on MOMDl 91 UWi .Money viracr, or l'oitid Noto for Jl.liO. EqiinU every wy the joots old In nil retail itaro for (12.60. Wo nisko thla boot ouraelven, thereforo we ffuor anfe the 1ft. ttyle and wear. and If any ono U not satUflrd no Will reilion ion luuury oendaDothcriiftlr. Opera oo or ( oiiiiuon ricn.o, wldthi C, D, E, k EH. 1 to 8 ami nan . Send voiirttte; u lr(( Jit yon. Illutlruted Cits losoe FREE Dexter Shoe Go., FEDERAL ST.. Special ttnnt to Kvfin ri nnn vmm ?:rx "". Meele Rem-1 I Mft uar IMrtnty, MM oj owi,i)uc.v. Putitit. prool. anil IW-pit book.llluitrtttil Iron lift from r ,l.ciiril,ftTO by mill When HotSpnnp I Und K.rtnrvf.il. Our Mni'lc Remedy mil I poallivdr can. COUI IlliSUnl (v., Crilil,.. III. H What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, usa Pottoni's Powder. ! The Original Raw Food ! SfI9UASIi.S TtfUkr MT TTl I r 4raMrTiakw 143 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept ThrTribusu flour Coupon of 25 on each one hundred poandi of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. fc'crnnton-F. P. Price. Washington avenuo QoM Medal Brand. Dunmoro F. r. Price, Gold Modal Brand Dnnioro-l'. D. Manloy. Buperlativo Brand. Hydo Park-Carson & Davis, Washburn St. Gold Medal Brand; ! Rcph A. Wears, Muiu avenue, Suparlatlve Brund. Green Kiiigo- A.L.Hpencoi-.Gold Medal Brand. J. T.HoBala, Superlative. 1'iovldonco Fenner & ChappelLN' Main ave nuo, Superlative brand ;C. J. Glllespla, W. Market stroot, Gold Mod il Brund. Olyphnut-Jamos Jordan. Superlative Brand. Pec-kvillo Sliulter & Kilsif Superlativo. Joriuyn-C, O. Wlutcri & Co. Suporalatlve Archbald Joues, Simpson ft Co., Gold Medal. Carbonilalo B. B. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. llonedalo-I. N. Fostor & Co. Gold Mo lai. Miuooka M. H. I.avolle HOW TO HAKE HONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in tlih country who have splendid ability, but they have never boon wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to are tired of inactivity and come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE. BUSINESS COURSE. shorthand course. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF" TIE R10HARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. umntlonorlnsanltr. by mall propald. With 1 mmJ w utFunt AND AFTLH USING. uo otUor. AdaroHB NEHYE SlCO., Masonic Ttmplo, cmcAGO.lLU For Salo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cr. Washington nnd Soruco utroots. BLFoas AND At'll.i; UlilMO. an tee to euro or Ut S&.OO- I.1 Knr Snl byC. M. I1AKKIS, Di uucUt, Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, SURPLUS. 200,000 $250,000 Thlr batik nflVr In rtrnn.ltor errry lacllliy vrarranli'fl by tlielr balances, bti.i 111 ... nmi i-iiapiiii.lblllty. (ipuelul attention given tn bntlaeu .in fount., lntcre.t tiald on tluio depoalta. WILLIAM CONXKT.L, rmald.nt UU. H. CATL.IN, Vle.-1're. blent. WILLIAM R. PKtlK, C'aabiea. niUKCTORSk William Connell, (ieorqe IT. Catlla, Alfred Main). Jntuai Arehbalu, Henry iti il-. Jr.. V nil an X. xuiHli Lutbar BalU. CO. Rooms 1 and I Commonwealth Bld'g, KCH.VNTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at tha MOOSIO and BUSUr DALE WURKU. LarTUn tfe Rand Powder CVa ORANGE OUN POWDEB Electric Batteriea, Fuawi for explod ing blaattt, Safety Fuse and RcpaunoChemicftl Co. 's High Explosives Third National M00S1G POWDER from(fiM P. TWSvne, AOr. , IS9S, The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first tffleisl announcement of World's DW di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judaes to the floor manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank aa first-clans patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & GONNELL WHOLK8AL1: AGENTS. I Taylor Judgo Co., Gold Medal: AthertoB Co., Superlative. Duryea Lawrence Store Co., Gold Medal Mooic-Jhn McCrlndlo, Gold Medal Pittston -M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Medal. Clark's Green Fraco & Parker, Snporlatlve, Clark's Summit -F. M. Youug, Gold Medal Mlton & E. Finn & Son, Gold Modal Brand. Nicholson -J. E. Harding. Waverly-M. w. Bliss ft Son, Gold Medal Factoryville Charles Gardner, Gold Medal. Hopbottom- N. M. Finn Sc Son, Gold Medal Tobyhauna Tobyhauna ft Lehigh Lumber Co.. Gold Medal Brand. Oouldsboro S A Adams. Gold Modal Brand Moscow Galge ft Clements, Gold Medal. Lako Ariel James A. Bortreo, Gold Medal. Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Medt hundreds of young people. If yott want to do something tangible, p E rQOD. Proprietor. "NERVE SEEDS, TUia irl.r(Hl Hm.w .:. I ROlrrd tofure all HMH dli- oesob, Buchat Wenk Memory. Loss of Brain Power. Fi'iuiueho, wftktfOlnMti Lost Manhood. Ntchtly KmlflMotia, NeiTounnosd, all drains mid loss of power In Gentratlve Organs of either sex paused by oTereiortion.youtlifolerrort. . . mm ii m aa . . ihn rni'i" , iir ttmnlnnts. v. li 1 1 h lirnd to I tiHnnltr. Con Can t eccrriedln vest DOOktL HI per box, for n 3& order woaflve a wrlttn K:iaruutee to euro 1 -ir, M..r 1 ao qnM hTf ill rlnifTtrtafii A I f.irlt. UKA OR.MOm KEBTEBKE PILLS iMlOlilti Tho preat rcmody for nervous prostration nnd nllncrrotifldlseasefl of llio Kenerattve onrana of either sex. suchaflNervouBl'roBtratU n. Jall Inir or Lost Manhood, Im potency. Jfiphtly EmltstonB.Youthf uj Errors, Mentni Worry, excessive UQ of Tohareo or Opium .which lend to Con sumption ana Insnnltv. With everv & urilcrwe iW( a written f?iiB.r refund the money. Sold at Sl.OO per box. O boxes it. HOTT'8 ( l.tHK ALlU., ClcvclDaU. Ohio. Ml PBB Avenue A We'l-Known Physician,Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No one ever hoard Dr. E. Grewernse tho phrase "I think" in his practice. The doctor is ono of those frank, !-s, hon est, positive men who nevJjsitote to ay j8s or no, aa tho case fnay reqnire. "1 can euro yon" or '1 cannot cum you," is bis Invariable docision after examina tion, and to this faot faot is attributable his remarkable record without failures. But it would bo straufje indeed if the doc tor wero not a moro than usually success ful practitioner. He has been snrgeon-in-chief in more than one of tbo largest hos pitals of this country, waa lately Demon strator of Physiology aud Sin eery ut the Mcdico-Cbirurgical College in Philadel phia, hat beon electod an honorary mem ber of tho Medico-Chirurgical Association, is a graduate of the University of Penn sylvania, etc., and Is still a eloso student. A man with such a record could not fail to bo a (uccessfnl physician undor any circumstances, but when backed by cautious, conservatism tn expression, or, to use a more popular phraae, the "be-sure-you're-right-thou-go-ahead" ayatem, it would be more than atraoge it failure overtook him. You can consult Dr. Grewav any day at Rooma fi and 6, Temple Court Buumog 8tl spur 01: ST., from 0 a.m. till 9p.m. Conaultationa free. Those suffering from Nervous Diseases are guaranteed a cure. For such there la the oheoring word "Yea," aa failure la un known in the doctor's treatment Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro proraet, safe and certain In rosnlt m irenn" us (Dr. Peal's) never tllMtppolnt. 8enanjwnsru 'I Hi Pent MorllM,.,. tt -..vnlan,t O. Bold by JOHN n. PHI corner Wyoming avenue Boranton, Pa. PHELPS Pharmaola I and epruoe street YES OR NO
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