THE SCI?A:NTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. MAY 14, 1394. 8 Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GRADE WEBER SHAW, i:m EBtON, Ol II Kit MAKES mm AI L PRICK Seo the Shaw Piano from the World' 3 Fair in our windov. ft Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE- And always have Good Bread. SIASLTACTI'Kri) AN'. FOR SALE TO THE TRADE 1SY The Weston Mill Co EEWARB OP COUNTERFEITS ! Punch Cigars HAVE THE INjTULS G.. B. & Co. RttrfatH -n Fr.t c'ov. Gamey, Brown & Co. Mfr'3. (ill 1.1 ll(ILr. (JL AUK. DR. H. E3. WARE M l CI VI. 1ST. EYE. EAK. KOSH AS I) TIJIIOAT, OFFICE ECDR3 : 1T0U.10A.H. '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. Charles H. Franks, ol Chicago, is 1q Mt Joseph Fete, of Philadolptiio, is at the 8t. L'harlps. Mai (iallaril, of Wilkes-riarre, wait yes terday m the city. Mr. ! Mm. F.. .1. OooUwiu are spend ing the day nt Springy llle. H. n. Kennedy, of Waverly, ami W. H. Ddge, ol TuwanJa, are at the Wyoming. Joseph P. Hums and wife, of Wilkes Bnrre, vi-ited friends in thin city yester day. Thomas Leviaoo, S. M. Patterson and II. E. .May. of Carbondule, were here Vester day. Miss Mirlatt, of Oxford N J., u visiting E. H. Call, of loon waehbora treet. Superintendent Sidney I)radbent,of the Dickson Works, hoi rvturuod from Cali fornia. Officer Joseph. lii'Tk, whose fuc was badly cut while jumping from a car lat week, is on duty. L. A. iate, of NW York rity, spent yesterday in tnn city s the gnost of his brother, Dr. L .M. (intes. Wilkes.Barreaus here yesterday were. Frank Dietrick, Fred II. (intes, F. F. WeirUand W. I,. Kiephart. Mrs. ('. M Read and esn. Charles, of Montrose, spent Sunday with Will s. Rad, of the Delaware, i.iickawunua ami W est trn freight d pii.-tmont. CASES IN POLICE COURT. Usual Array of Pay-Diy Unfortunate! Before the Mayor. The nenal qnot of puy-ilav nnfor tu nates lined up b"foro .Mayor Cotinell in yesterday's .Sunday police court. The usual drunk and disorderly com plaint predominated. "Luck" Crane, aged 8S years, took exception early yesterday morning to Officer .Sclmiidt'H authority and in sisted ou being informed the police man's address and Dumber, lie wtl in toxicated, resisted arrest and showed fi'tit at the West Side station housu while being searched An open Knife was found in his pocket. lie was tiuod $2. no. Michael Ueogan, of f01 Cuyngn treet, was charged hy his 'nrotlier with drnukeneHs iflicers J. Thomas and Bolnnd arrestid him at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, He was remanded (or a further hearing. Patrick Moijrison, aged 15 years, of Csrbondale, has been doing the town for several days. Saturday night he displayed u roll of bills. Officer Mills thonghtthe actnon conducivo to sufety while in an intoxicated condition, o arrestd him. His tine was $2.50. BLAZE AT CITY HALL. Broken Qae Pipe Let Loose a Biff Flame 8hortly Before Midnight Quite a little excitement was occa sioned shortly before midnight nt the municipal building by the discovery of u blazing gas pipo in the rear corridor on the top floor. The absence of in flammable material alone saved a great deal of damage. In some manner a leak in the gas pipe became ignited by the lighted electric incanaeseetit beneath, Dur ing the short time it had been burning the brass work had been melted away, and when discovered by Captain War ner, the night watch, tho flames flashed npward for soveral feet The meter in the basement was dis connected and no serious damage re sulted, though the whole of the rear corridor is smeared with soot. PIANOS SNOW WHITE FLOOR $ OF WEST Events of Interest to Tribune torn Across tbe Lackawanna. LUST SERVICES IN OLD CHURCH The Congregation of the Washburn Street Prcsbytorian Church Listen to the Last Sermon Prior to the Work of Constructing a New Edi fice Improvements at St David's Episcopal Church. The West Side olTlco of the BOBANTOH lBIBCNB Is located at HMO Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements nml communication! will roceivu prompt at tention. The members of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church spent their last Sunday in their old church yester day. Within a few weeks the last trace, excepting the many dear memo ries of the church, will be wiped out and a new one will tuku its place. The church has stood since 1801. Some time iiko n cavc-in of the mines caused targe cracks to appear in the structure and since then it has been considered unsafe. The new edifice will bj larger than the old one, aud to make room, a lot has been purchased across the street, and the parsonage will be moved there on. Regular services wore conduct" ! yoterdsy. At 10 30 o'clock H. v. D, W. Skellinger preached, and Sabbath school was held at 12 o'clock. A largo audience assembled in the ohuroh last evening when the pastor, Rev. D. W. Skellinger preached a special sermon on the 1 Old and New." taking his text from Hebrews, 8 13, saving, "Now 1 hat winch deeayetli and we ir-th old is ready to vanish away. " During his remarks ho said: "The fundamental tone of tins epistle, to the H-brews, is sounded by Ihe word 'better.' Why written in this key'.' The Hebrew Christians are having a oitter contl ct They were tossed by the tidal war- of influence against their nou formed faith To keep them steadfast this OpiltlC was writteti The new conveuaut and new sactitioes were better than tbl old The new work of preaching the gospel was better than the old. Ihe communication was now better, lu a word, too whole gos pel Was better. The Jaws were wed le i to the old. The writer of this epistle hud been bound, but escaped from bondage With his lov 1 qaiekoned, his zeal tired, be seeks with words of all ijuence to persuade till tu to let go the old and begin the new Age alone does not necessarily involve demoli tion. Hut when decayed there is fit ness for vanishing. lu nature the liUntel seed decays and the new flower springs up In history powers that be disappear aud. phnnix like, new ones spring into their place, 1 )ut of the Hshes of the Babylon Empire there sprung the Persian despotism Alex ander the (treat reared the M loedonUm empire, but U years of InoeesaOt warfare, broke tuts to pie ose, l'ut from the wreck t:iere uroi- the li man republic These aud all Olheri are to be supplanted bv the better pow r, our Lord un I Sivior Jesus (' irist. The great an 1 grand rtrnctuies roared !y men are constantly dnut pe irmg and new ones taking their places This building has well SSTVSd its tim-', and in itiy sweet memories linger about its massive walls It is 11 jw fit to Viuiah, tbe ssm as this temp it al life will van ish into the eternal Church Improvements The improvements which hare been made at St Devi l's Epitcopil church sr." worthy of mention and r-tlci much ere 'It on the minister, U-v. M. H Mill, for his unceasing labor. The Interior of the church and the school room have undergone a grant nuprov- luring the past few m 1 1 1 (is. A large staine ! window has been added on the in rthern side of the structure an 1 two mjre ure ordered for tbe south side An iron fence has been erected along Jackson ptreet and liroruley avenue, aund on Saturday Workmen were Dl Ij engagsd relaying a tlig sidewalk. Tbe congregation has largely Increased dur ing the past year. Dl.d at H n ialo. Atinonneein 'tit of the death of (ieorge E. Slocom, of II qnaln, Wash , was reoeived here op Saturday by K W. Mason of S.,ut!i Main uvenue. Mr Sloeutn was a resi'leut of Sent. ton He was born in 1HI5 and enlisted in tl o fe li ra! army at the age of seven teen srs Sometime if trwar I, he drifted to California, and then to Ho qoaln bis late home. He is survived by his widow. His scores of friends here will grioVS over tin. neivi of liis death, interment frill be male at Aberduu. Phnrt Nrwi N tee Mias Sadie K tiscr, of Wilk-Rarre. too sang soprano in Handell's ora torio "Judas Mscealeus" given at Wilkes-Harre on Friday ev- nlog last, has been engaged to ling nt Unile hall on June 12 in the cantata, ' Esther the Beautiful yusui," by the Juvenile choir of th- Bamnet Avenue l'resbytc- rian chureh. Kev. Hugh Daviet, of the Welsh OalvanUtla Ifotbodtot ohnrob, preMbed his monthly English sermon ye.ter lay morning at 10 o'clock, S. D IVttit, of North Rebecca ave nue, left on Saturday for Nova Scotia, where he has ucoepted a position as secretary for the Scotii Railway c on pany. Mr. Pottit is a member of Com Deny V an I has a large number of firm Inetids The young people of the Plymouth Congregational church will run an x onreion to Lake Ariel on June 57. Fillmore avenue has been opened from Washburn to division streets, through tho ground of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western railroad company. The Washbnrn Street Prosbyterian church edific will be sold to the High est bidder tomorrow at 10 a. in John Qassldr, of Fellows street, is ill with typhoid fever, H. N. Dunnell and William Bromley Williams, divisions of Uniformed Rank, Knights of Pythias. attended tbe funeral of a member of the order at Taylor in a body yesterday. (i W. Corey, proprietor of tbe Lily lake hotel, was calling on West Side friends on Saturday. Miss Jeunnetto Brydeb, of Pittston, is the guest of friends here. At a meeting of the Welsh Philo sophical society on Saturday evening, a paper on "Latent Lights'" was read by D. W. Morgan and the effect of dark ness on vegetation was freely discussed. The meetiugs will bo discontinued for tbe BUtnmer at the closu of this month. Professor W. George Powell, princi pal nt No. 14 school, has been compelled to discontinue hi a duties nt the school for one week on account of the iuilitn mation of tbe optic nerve. He will be substituted by Professor J. J. Hamil ton. Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson NEW SIDE street, is visiting friends in Philadel phia. R. J. Bauer was at Binghamton, N. T. the latter part of last week making hotel arrangements for his orchestra of fifteen men, who are engaged by the Musical Festival society of the above city, to play iu grand oratorio and con cert for throe days, June 0, 7 and 8. Two new tire plugs have been placed on South Alain avenue. One is near the Pleasant View hotel, and the other at No, 32 school. Mrs. Thomas R. Phillips, of Wilkes Barre, is visiting Mrs. D. R. Williams, of South Hyde Purk nveuue. Robert Morris lodge, of True Ivor ites, will run tin excursion to Lake Ariel on Thursday, June 7. Rev. B. J. EvanB of South Maiu avunuo, preach' d near Wilkos-Barre yesterday. THAT CAREOND ALE INJUNCTION. Testimony Taken Before Attorneys Jones and Ban Saturday Afttmoon. lu order to facilitate the work of Judge Archbald ou tbe Carbondule Traction company's injunction case that will be argued tomorrow after noon. Attorney John It. Jones, repre senting the borough of AroUbald and Attorney J. E. Burr.for the Carbondule Traction company, took testimony Sat urday in Attorney Jones' office lu the Coal Exchange 011 Wyoming avenue. The evidence developed many contrn diottoni. Tbe first witness called was W. F. Sadler, manager of the Carbon dule Traction compauy. He admitted that the roud was not completed within the time specified iu the ordinance, but when asked why it was not, staled that curs had b on run to Archbill for nearly a year but nothing had beeu done toward extending the tracks to the southern boundary lino till April 28 lust. He finally attributed the blame to the street committee of the borough consisting of E A Jones, Ed ward Blake and Edward Line. Mr. Badler admltte I tb it a majority of tbis committee voted for an extension of time not later than lust Tuesday. Mr. TbOmp00 secretary and treas urer of the c mpuiiy, was the next wit ness. He hesitated before giving reasons why the work was not com pletod but when he found that he wn obliged to answer, yielded eery grace fully, lie said: "There are s-v-ral reasons why the Work is not completed. Tbe company bus 110 money and on ac count of tho depressed financial con ditions SaUSed by a Democratic a Iffll I) -istration it was impossible to raise money. ihey were under the unpres ion that tbey had plenty time to com plete the work an t in addition they wanted to Bod out if tbe line operate 1 bv the Scranton 11. ;. .1 company to I'eckville was on a paying basis " Mr. Thompson, too, blame 1 the street 0 mmissioner "f the ooroug 1 for a por tion of the delay by laying that the members tailed to k--opanup; dutiuent made in March to determine where the location of the traoks should t" Five members of the boronibooon oil were present and gave their testi mony ns to when w irk was begun an I the pres'iit nnfiniebel condition of ttie road. 1 hey denied emphatically that they had ever hindered ttie work in any Wayi tht Ihey never made an ap- 1 emtio nt that th y did not keep, an I Were at all times acc -ssible t 1 the mr .igeinent of the company aud stood re idy at all times to forth ir ajoastroa tlou in any way TV-v tetiti. I mat the rails and ties were denoslte I Wtlh- oat regard to order, mat soms mi's were not s; ik.I others had no joints wlaie th r-i w-re 110 1 or ovrruid work to be seen s iPsVJKTH ItaCUt OF EM PARK Flllli Annlvsnxv eUtiiatei b Intsr es.iog Servtcss. The fifth anniversary exercises of t e Epwottb league held by tbe Elm Park chapter last evening Included memo rial service ..f ptrt. I 1: Interest 1 Re eVetit was ai. Imp rt .1 one. a It dwelt upon the growth ami influence of an organizstton Which has male more rapid strides prooa'oiy than any simi lar religious ho ly Tbe eXtroleea as arranged by Dr E A Bohelli of Ohioago), the national secretary, were In charge ol II. II Brid-lman, chatrmin ol the lit' r in department. (. I' Wbittomora, th" newly idect-d presl lent, presided. The meeting was iddreeaed bv Rev W. H. Pearce, D D . pastor f Elm Park ebnrcbj D. X Yost, ol lbs Junior leagJMj President U. V Whltteuiore, ex President li K. Reynolds aul others. At the close of the regular pr 1- fTamma graduates from ibe Jonloi leegue wre formally received into Ihe E;i worth aul ptrsented with diplomat The devotional t pic was, "In Christ's S'.ead." Isaio XiilillO, Matthew IXVilitlO, . - FUNERAL OF M IC H All SALERNO Membtre of th itiiitssnlh lUgiiu.r.t Attend th- OhMij-is Tbe lateral -f Michael Blernowai attended yesler lav In' a I .rge n.nn r of trieods, Ibe V . t r Emanuel society ami Compauy li. Ihirio utn K gitusnt. supplemented ly Company F and D mem ban, Iron bis Ute tesidetici on Oak ford court. The Catholic chinch service was read at tbe bOUSO, and at the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery tne service luoluded the military "in id volley by mem '.ion of Company B The lb ceased, an Italian, wai Well known as one of tin mast competent men employed by the KONMItOO li'ac tlon company. He was a speci il policeman an I often int rpreted casus at court. For several years he had been a member of Company B, Thirteenth regiment, and was very popular with offl rs an I muu. THE EVLNING tXPRESS. An IudiP'id'Ui Bventl g J urnul to Ee XitUed be V. C It cK -. Bcranton will SOOU have a new daily papir It will be known as toe Even ing Express and will m ike Its appear once early next month under tbe gen end management of F. U McK.e, ol Towanda, The Evening BspreM will ba uu In dependent journal. It will consist of four pages, seven columns to tint page and will be sold for 1 cent. Mr. Mc- Kes 1ms hud considerable experience In the newspaper busine ss nud has for the past few years publislieJ the Towtnda R ivlew. -e- Sienoirraphere FurnlshsA We nre prepared to furnish business men with Drst-olaes stenographers by the day or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty. Bcraoton fJommeroial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce street. -- : .usie Bozos Exclusively. Beet mads. Play any desired number of tunes. Oautschi fc Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derful orchestrinl orgaiie, only f.'i and tin. Specialty: Old music boxos carefully re paired and improved with new luues. 1)1 1:0. MULLLIN In Scranton, May 13, Thomas Mullin, at the homo of his boh, Thomas J. Mullin, on the corner of Mulbory street aud Irving avenue. Funeral Wednesday moruliig at 9 o'clock. NOTES OF SOUTH SI No Pains Spared for the Royal Arcanum EntertainnDnt Tomorrow NignL 600 INVITATIONS ARE SENT OUT The Mines Cave Again Near the Di viding Line of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards Breaking the Record at the Lower Mill They Will Become Lawyers -Other News in Shorter Paragraphs. B?low is the programme, which speaks for itself, that will bo given to morrow night at the complimentary concert of Electric Citv council, Rtyal Arcanum, at Grermanin hall: Ovui ture, Lyric Scblepegrell Jones nud Ctisiek Orclies n Remarks Professor P, J. Cjitinnati Solo, Selected D, il Davis Address of Welcome. Mayor W. L Uonnell Recitation, Selected Miss Lizzie Jones Duet, "Sweet Maria," Zither and Man dolin ELHansorand H. C. Haak Address. Dr. E. D. Doolittle, Qrand I! cent Solo, Selected D. Richards Remarks by Father of our Council, Victor Lauer Duet. Banjo and Uciiiina, J. Jones and Lew II nuaorotb Recitation, Selected Mi Edith Jones -March, 'American Cadet, R B, Hall Jones and Cutlck Orchestra PAST SECOND overture, "Richmond, " Rlogleben Join sand Cosick Orchestra Address Professor Howell Duet, selected Davis mil Richard Recitation, Selected i hit Evans ( on'ralto Solo. "Fiddle and I," with Violin Obligate Misi Marion Jones Duet Waltz, "Last or the llogans," Zither and Mandolin, U. Banser and H. c. chirk. PsauoBolo, S'lectud Mis M Qoddard. solo, Beloeted Prol. J, B, Lewis. Remarks, Limited to Five Uinutea, prominent Members, Duet, Harmonica and llanjo, P. Jonei an I Lew Houserotli. PisnO Solo, Selected Prof. T J. Davis. Cloaiag kemarks C. O. n. iaud. March, l rival Regiment M V. II , J. O. I'asey. Tho entertainment will begin at g 15 and utter the exercises are OVCI r - Ireehmenti will bseetved, Lntgest Oa pit gla Sthl Mill Hssan For the week eliding list Saturday the South worki of the Lackawanna iron nml steel company operated at greater capacity that m nay hkepTi el since it was built. I he record of work lone at ttie mill is ganged by the muu bcr of tone of Ingots bloomed in the conv.-rtu g dep irtme it. Ending with Saturday, In a total of eleven tur .. for the week, 5,703 tons of steel were pro I need. Tbe encinous amount of work done at the Botttb works iu comptris.u with the capacity In Its early oayi :i male possible by mi; roved and large! machinery. Ii is expected that 0.000 tout for a week'e work isnotbvoul the early future For to tbs Par. John P QiiiuneO, of Irving avenue, and M. J Donahue, of Bl ne ivenue, tbe form-r principil e! .S J tbe latter of No. 14. b Ibofwb m beve been law students for the peUt three or f. nr years, will be examined for ad m tec toe to tim bar n xt Beturdef That tbey will pass a ineoocefil examination .ii I be admitted to practice in Lick i WMUa county goel without saving. Bl I only that, but tbey Kill carry with theiu Into tbell new apberS Intelleets brightened with deep s uJy The BOOtb Bide Will watch their pr ;: wl ii eagern-ss an I the best for OOOCSI will go with th. in A Cave in on Atone Arenas. 1 ..e mill' s underlie it i that o-t. :. Iom avenoOi near Elm ctreel, caved eany ye.ter lay morning and left a awt lag oi-iiitig lit H :r"t, causing Ibe Dl 'pie living la that see, ion murk uneasiness. From time to time the old mine workings tu Which Ilia props huve become rotten tb at they cm sustain no weight, give way and the bi BSSI iTi' rocked iroui thur f un.; - liona V a John T Brown, whs I (I 1 III i KIM M for t id bis ouuaeetloa t aTlaooeu GtrntpotuU V liars. Ti 1 .ne has te-en working ae tissr, bee sevei -a lOat paper -i' fie .S'crunfoa This is news to IP dllUt M.. 8l.i rtSI Paiaa'apha Oiand Regent E D Do .little, of Ballon, while In the city will ba ihe guest of Henry Spruks, of i'r -p .t av.-nne. Joseph Beuird, of Tobybenuu, l vidting bis parents Ofl PlttSlon avenm- o. ii. Barry, of Jeeenp, visited his par-nts on tins side veeterdey Everything h been done by tl.e oommlttee navinf nharge of mIVm to make the picnic of the William Gun uell II o company at Central Petk garden next Saturday si pleasant occa sion. Ii Is only right tint tbe picnic should be well patronlied lo repay, In a measure tue s feacrill r tbe m m- ts'ie in responding to il Ibo l;inral ol I hail s Roehl. ol Wll low street, Siturdiiy afternoon was a fitting teltim mlal to the upright lite h" had lived Rev, August Lange, at the Hickory Street Preebyterian oboroh pieached a very eloquent i" rm in The olliclds of th - Lai kaw inni. Iron and steel company i nvs h id bttill lor Ibeir use a handsome car, nbont .' ife't long, of narrow guu;e, v: lob will be run b1 tween the North and bouth wolfs for tlodr BCOOmmo. d itlon It is fitted uu after the styl of a l'u in dav coach and can sea; IWodoleO passengers The alarm from ix 1? Saturday morning was oaoetd by i tl i in a cml shanty In the rar of fuii PR tat on awnn . Too tire was queue i nl with s 1 1 w p.illd Of Water. J lines Forrester, of tho Truth, who wns injured last we. k. is progressing favorably uu l will not be confined to oino us long as wis at first expected ON TEN HOURS' TIME. D. I, & W. Co. Oar ah-pi Begin Today on Inoreased All. wane i. The nr shone of tim Delaware, Licks wanns it Western Railroad will goto work o eTO hours' time today Ttie coal department of the L icki wanna BillroaJ is experiencing a d cided boom just now, .Next month's pay is i X peC ted to be OOnsid rably bet let than was to have b.en i gpOOted a few weeks ago. OvU nut CloOT.-Uee Dr. Thomas' BcieetricOd Bocordiax to directions, it is the best remedy for nil Midden attacks of colds, pain and iiifhrauiution.Biid injuries. MR. ALEX. PHILLIPS Now lias has chnro ' f tho KEYHTONB HO i'KL, formerly culled the Onus Keys, corner Hromloy ave. and Swctlnnd. A fiill line of Liquors, Beer, Ale nml Fine Cigars will lie kepi lii etock. .Mr. I'lilllips will h,, plens .,lt o greet his many friends who win favor inm with a oil. HIS TWENTV-DOLUR PULL. Tbs Way Wchael Maloney Int im 'dated tbe mayor. Michael Maloney, aged 40, while in toxicated Saturday night boarded a car on Wyoming avenne and attracted a crowd by yelling at the top of his voice. He refused to be put off until OfHcor Block appeared. He said when ljcke 1 up that he bad a "pull" with the Traction company gnd oily officials, and everybody con cerned in his arrest would be sorry for it Maloney's boast, maybe, influonced the mayor to set him down with the low fiuo of $90 Beadleston 8c Woorz's and Ballantine's Alee are the best. E. tl. alsu, agent, W Lsckawanna nvnne. Have You Seen the Latest Neapolitan Were? It is the Most Artistic ever made. Carriages 9 Baby IfyouwantagoodcarAimW U V riaee vou should see them. Dinner, rea diiU 1 lw I Best Assortment. CHINA HALL VEICHEL MILLAR ,1fi . lib Wyoming Avenue, "One Coat Makes Them Look Like New" w tTaratse ta.ns. the mark. t for imitur.'. ilanlen ; Stfl . i-tc. it Varnish sn.l V t :re Cherry, Mahojany, Oak, Rosrtalood, tAslnut, Vtrrmilion inj Ebony I'at tip in Mai ami Half lint t'aas. lie sure to f t t i ; . ia i fee IB set be tltBSI i'otattei. To Obtain Satlsfectory Results viitn Ready-Mixed Paints Oil THE- LUCAS TINTED GLOSS Tin- r. IfM mede fn Th.'M sea oooot wi. i. ess i T-r ! .1.. auJ ss sspreseed by ear bus loss Mir !iKfi'a.ii' I .r.ii'la iui-wi fail ot sees) ' sample e .r.t shesriat e sra sal vita htlllattrarUoasosI eatnaati -i ( lwMiit..'rma l"ur I. .1;, Tl 17 1 1 1 T 32J L&ckavvanna Ave. Print Butter 25c. a lb. 427 Lackawanna Ave. C. D1TCHBURN. FRESH KGGS liECEIVED DAILI WHY DO YOU DO IF? Why run all Over tbectty looklnt foriroll ilollnri will. on,, linn ir, ,1 :,n 1 ten cents' worth 01 now in then I but v..u win pome rsrr close to it it tr y hi will ceil ut ihs riu'it Blaos. liritiu rear iloiiar, ui,i, silver ami mea hafiss rn A. W. JURIiCH IM rnvon RTr.BBT, ami set full vales lor your noasy It BICVOL.KS, PIRR AHMi, PIHHINa TAOKI IS, PINK ( I I 1.1 li V. Doa COLLARS AM)OIMRAL BPORX1MG tJ(H)S Th- VH T Ht vTRBBIi Lsssda, ftcyciea, Bra arms, ste. repaired nt iborl BOtlee, Key Bttlns it SPeeUltV, Wve DM a i .'ill. 0EED POTATOES lev ALL BEST VAH VAKIKTIRS. ONION SETS And nil kimlR GARDEN HEEDS In iiilk tuiii in pack njri's. Pierce's Market ! INI fM AVE. THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25C. orgiven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits ISartin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Yyoming Avenue. IMIilliCIIIIHm.UimilUEHEIE.Ii JJflFashion At.i( )S Lackawanna Ave. 11 U1ILH mu uitomu uiiiilu FOR i FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, I s 500 Ladios' Lic.3 Trimmad Hats in all ths 3 popular shades, regular price $5.00; for K 50 doz, Spray3 of Flowers in assorted col- 4&n 5 il ors, regular price 50c; for - - - vUi g I ev tm 5 45 doz. Sprays of Flower3, assorted colors, QQp I regular prica $1.00; for wwUi I 1 50 doz. Extra Loner, Full Is dcrf Dye, Ladies' Hosj, jj 0r , . . '100 Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, our (DO 71 regular $5.00 Curtain; for - - - Vfl. Ida .ilHlil i II ';:!.: tnimnwi linailllll .n v. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiin DUNLAP Straws Now Open Christian, THE I Iatter. Look In Tbsetnas is estmlng to toseni Wilkes lurre h !i I. ei ... Wi: have t....u he'e, e are In re; we will l here, A.n n we say. look .'i 1 .1 11 -. s I f we es'.tiot stiow you the flii'st (III l 1 1 - AMI NFOM IM. UOOne, nn I I re. or I of Bsore hieyle sales ti s say oiber Srn ta too otty, we svtll tuke 11 to the SaOW. FLOREY&H( )LT Y. M. G A. BUILDlNGi Bicycle Riders, Take Notice! CAPS Invented by a rider M New CONRAD Has the Agency for them THE CELEBRATED K.S KHi i Ml PIATSTOS rc nt rr.'scnl the- Mo-i PlDptlUT i:i 1 PfffeirtN t--Lending Ariui. Wareraoms : Opposito riihiir.bus Nlonumunt, r03 Washington Av. 3crantonrPa. nv-.s SOHM U m?m Mm i Regular Herms. regular price 39c; n . . , M. SPECIAL A Fine 1 Magonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for On!? $9.90 Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Soil, Soil, is the ord of th3 day. FIFTEEN Imported Clay Jackets. Tut. Style and Work tho best o; tln tailor's art. A reduction of SO Per Cent. See this ofter ins r High-class Jackets. Your size is hero. CAPE 3 ' Cloth, Mono Silk, Cov.?t Cloth and Many stylos and prices that will please yon SUITS Printed Duck and Series, S Input and Spot Patterns. Sou ought t' have one. The price, $3.50 to $7.50. G. W. Owens & Co. Onk rn.l Balls Milkers, Court House Square.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers