TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE -MONDAY MORNING. MAT 14, 1S94. THE SECRET (IN 8 2d ACT. hey start a pyrimidal stand With bottles of Johann HofFs brand. A balancing feat they next will do, These men know a thing or two Of the of Johann HofPa Malt Extract. Ono dozon bottlN give as mnob itrength ntnl nonrliliment n a cAik of ale, without biuc Intoxicating. Insist upon the Gkm ii which must have the Bijjnature of "Johann Iloit" cm the Qtok lubal of every iottle. Norm other li "a moil." BI8NBE MENDELSON CO.. A.i it-. 189 nnd 154 Franklin Pt..Nw York. SATURDAY'S 3ASE BALL GAMES. STATS bEAQOE At Huston Enatou (I 0 220000 04 Boranton o 1000006 s 7 Hits Ki'tnu. 7; Scranton, fl. Errors Ewton, 7; Scranton, S. Butteries Wilson and Sharp; Hodeon nud Patcben. At Allentown Allen town.... 9 8 9 114 11 490 Haaleton 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 l " Hlta Allentown, 9B Haaleton, It Kr-ron- Allentown, 8: Haaleton, 4. Ht terles Donohne, J':!li;;.iii nud Coetello; E'y nnd Moon, At Harriibnrg- Harribnrg....O 0 l x o o i l o fi Pottsville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 'J Bits Bairnrimrt, ll; Pottsville, 'J. Br rors Harrisbnrg, Bi Pottevllle, 4. Batter lea Voeuy nnd Kinink; Blr.ck and M.ii sky. Umpire Hendsraon. At Altoonn Altoona I 0 0 0 0 o ft o o 7 Beading 0 a 9 0 1 9 0 1 x J Bits Altoona, 18j Beading, I?. Er rora Altoona,B; Beading. & Batteries Qtinrlea, Went ami Cote; Jones and Uood bart, Umpire Ketrick, W. L. P. Q 1 W L P. c B'rlabnrg. 10 n l.flow Reading... 4 8 .403 Alientowa. 8 :.' .8Ub,PotUv(lie. II 7 00 Ha.U'f'.U,. "i .1 ..a1' AltlO lll. . . It I hh'tun 4 it .4Suecranton. .8 T .M S VTIONAI, LKAIiL'i; At Huston Hoston o o o -J o o n o o Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 o 1 5 0 28 Hite Boston, t. Brooklyn, II. Error Boston, 8; Brooklyn. 8, Batteries. fltlvotti and aierritt; Kennedr and luualow. Vtth fire i rRourate. At Now York York . ...o 2 oooii 1 x Wukington.,,0 o o o o o l l o 2 Blta Mew York, J; Washington. 10. Errors New fork, 0j Washington, L Batteries Mas kin nml 1'arreii; Btocbdal Md UoGnUa. Daptra Hurst. At P ttsburp; Pittabars :i 01 1 0 1 0 2 x s s-n ei.-m 1 1 i 1 u u 11 u a llit--Pitti-bnrg. 14; Cleveland, 8. Br rors nttoborg, o; Claraland, 9, Bat- ' teriea- Kiilen and M.iek, tisrksnn and O'Connor and Zimuior. Cfmpira Mc QOade. At Baltimore naltiinore 0 0419 I 00 X 81 Ptilladalpbta, .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0- I Him-Baltimore, 8; Philadelphia, 0. Kr rare Baltimore, j; Philadelphia, Bat- teriea Brown and ftobfeaaoni Caiiaban, , Taylor, Haddocks au.1 t'lonieiit. Umpire i tg.. At Cincinnati Claoteaatt....! 000320 0 x s Bf, Lonii 0 00000900 0 liitb Cincinnati. 9 Bi Loui. 4 Er- rar Cinnunati. 1: St. Look. 9 Battarlaa Parrutt and Vaoghni UreitDateiu, aud Bnekley, umptre Bwartwood. At Cliicago Cbloaga 1 020001 1 0 LoaltTille, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 2 J Hila Chicago, 19; Lontartlla, 10. Brrori rbiciiju, 4; Louisville, 4. ll.'it teriea Bninhinana ami Hohrtrar; Beanln and Urn;. Cinpirt K'im.1". uinn i.KAiii'E At Bda Erie 2 0 0 O01O00-3 WUkta-Bajta. 0 2000045 x 11 HIU EiiaJ: Wflkea-Barre, 18 Brran - Erie, '.; Wke-ltarre, S. Batteries MeGlnnlaand Derger.ijnarlesaml Warner. Umpire Bollaod. A. Byraonie Ryracoaa 0 1 1000000-2 Pn.viiler.co . . . 1 0 0 0 U 0 0 1 1- ;i Hit tiyraciw, :i; Pnrid-nrf !. Krr.ir Hyratnae, 1; PrnvidMoa, 2. Battenea Payne ami Baaa, Kirau :iuI Hii'.n. I mntre -Hunt At Troy Troy 0 0280200 5-17 t-i rin rneld.. . .0 0 0 0 1200 0 :i Ili: Tioy, IB: Bpriogflald. fl. Errori Troy, fi; Bpringfield, a liatterina Um ber anil UabilT; Vlckery, Beaaltt aad L'-ahy. Umpire" Qaffney. At Bnffalo Buffalo 1 ooi 11 0 1 0 2 s Blngoajaton..0 1 9 111 0 0 au Bita Buffalo, 7: Iim-bamton, 98, Br rrira Buffalo, 1; llint;hamton, 2. Batterie Henuett ami Uows.-; Mugle uud Hoj-.t. Umiiire Snyder. Sunday fiull Oamt. At (.'inciuiiati Cmniirtoti ...,0 2 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 7! Bt. l.ouis 0 0 2 (i 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 Hits Cincinnati, 111 St. Lottil, II, Er- rnr- 1 ineinnati. 2; St. Loni, fi. Hat teriea Dwyer und Vaughn: Omaaon nml i T!....l.l.. ll.4 u s. I HHHB. IV IU1II1 I U- ,H l,V OOtl UUU iWC' CjDstd. At Chicago ChlrnRo 2 0 3 0 1 0 fi 3 n 14 Louisville 0 0 2 1 0 (I 0 0 I 19 Bita Chicago, 18; Ixmisville, 10. Errors Chicago, 7; Looiavllle, 10, Batteries MoOill and Kittrid-; Kilroy, .Menetee aud tirun. Umpire Bmillei GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Qninn. of Pottaville, has been relcaeI. Humphroye, of PottlVlllt, is ctill in the h'lspitsl. Smith is tho champion long-distance batter of tho league. Captain Baton has pi von notice that hi Will not play again on tho HitZieton field unlesH it Is improved. Pitlt Baseman John Tighe, of l'ottsvilln, will not b able to work for some time, us ho suflers a great denl with his shoulder. Oood accounts hnve nrrived straight along since the season opened, of tho work Of Kothermel, the clever little shortstop of the llnzletoiis. This is cerlniuly grati fying in the critic office, as Mr. Be ther mal, who is a printer, worked with us at thecnsenll winter. Allentown Critic. Clipped from Canada "Presbytorian, " under l ignaturo of C Blackctt Sobinson, Prop'r: i was cured of oft-recurring bilious niadaohei by Burdock niood nittors. riSCaTORUl PARAGRAPHS. Since May 1 it hasbeon unlawful to catch enrp. However, thisdoein't matter much. Few persons care to catch them, notwith standing the following elniiueut defence by gPottStoWQ angler: "When yon hear a man say there is no sport in fistiing for carp, make up your mind ho has never tried it. When you book a good-sized OF STRENGTH. ACTb.) siecim.:i of tlm tribe of fl -h. aettia your self Cot nlwut ten muUtea work; you'll bare it craiis. Tha fun only begins when yon mate a grup for the flthwlth your band. If ynu miaa it the lirst time get your b.tit ready for your hook BRoiu. If you nceaad in your effort you will find yon baralanda 1 a pretty dsn, not whoh some until yon bar scalded, skinned, given salt-water bath for twenty-font boon and then preparedV e e Reports of Qlegal Oshing for tront ro received from Oarbondala It U sml that one uiitbt inst week two men ro known In have driven to the creek between Clif ford nnd BlkdaloMd to bare exploded imall sticks of dynamite. Next day many dead tiii were found along :ie oreeX wtih their bladders burst by the concussion. An exemplary arm) would dampen this Illegal aider. - GENERCL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES. Tito rircnhr pri,-e. of nntlinirito co:,l hto bi ing rigidly maintained, although there Is very lltue business doing In tM market. It is said that ahool all the current prodvo tion ingoing into eoneomptlTe cbanoels, tbe principal outlet being the west. Be sirie:ion eontlnuas r.s per sgreemeat. An thradte interests have not noted any pn- Uotmcetl h.Hrn-nre on the tr.T'e due so 1 1 1 - of t ooal strike. Pen and buckwheat coeli r. ineomewaat better demand at higher prioaa, but th:. in a me imuv, la attributed to the great srumty of thee sie:. BMSld 1 be soft coal si Ike continue a week or ten !.i.i h n. r 11 1. 1 pies -nt 11 . prospeit of 11:1 eiriy termination, nntl.r.uile ,r 1! icers x;sct a good demand for broken nnd egg f.T team purpo-e-. The Lehigh Valley Ball road company vrill make no default in its June interest pay men ta. It baa money enough already In hand to me. 1 every ecotuttfg obligation p!u.plly aud fully. Beading looomotlvei which mcwtly abandoned anthracite fuel f .r bitomlnona 1. iv pen f' re d to change ick sgalc on Kcixiuut of the bilumiu. ns mmerV strike. HectrU Bittarn. Thl remedy Is becoming so well knrwn and so popular a SO m-ixl M special B lion. All who have need Bectric ititt-rs sing tbeiame song of praise. A purer medicine do notexisl sad It la nnnivm ti I to do ail that i claimed Electric titter will cure all di ai of the Liver ami Kidneys, will remove Plmplea, B lis, hail ltbeuiu nnd other affections caused by impure blood, v. ,ii unve Malaria from the system and prevent ua well aa cure all Malarial fevers - For cure uf Beadache, 1 nl pall n and Ii.dig.stinn try Klisr.c Hitters I'ntue sntiHlactioii gagMrMaaad. or money ri funded I'nee.Vi i ts. aLd 1 per bottle at Matthews BtOfc, brug storj - There is nothing like Dr. rh.imaa Eclee- trie Oil to rjuirk: , pare or relieve hoarse nm Written by Mr- M. J. fellow, Burr 1 'ak, St. Joseph Co , Mich, 11. TJuhcUtsritd Mlttan. In the pood old days w hen Learty boy played lull With r antic pleasure on the village lot; id r Boomed tC sm a paddet glovs or mask, Th rilled In.la, with ItTOttg b..ro l:an,! tin y cnuitht. I'ut now, n wonderons rlooige behold! Each nrcnin wear n padded glovei Then ail Willi ma. - and pads an I b .l-ter. they luake b 1 1, To play the game our fath-r called bi" ball. II 'ill.fir.arrr Timrt DURMOR1 doings. Happtnlr a, of a Day Kap-r'.ad In Cr.tp, Ktaisbla 1'aratrraph St to th Barn ilea IWswee III : RORR, Pa., Mav It. A poaiponed tneeiing of the borough council was nld Saturday nl-lit and bille, liuie shuete, etc, approved for the BBOOtb Of April end other matters of minor it:. - fiortance were transacted. The sv: 1 l.try m as instruct' d to give rteidintl on Willow, Walnut and Kim1 s;re;.. live dayh' notice to examine and ap provo of the profile for UCW gtodi . A petition was preevoted by the reeidratl DO Jeffereon avenue to grade said ave nue between New York and Lircb ItreeH, On motion tho petition was tabled Indefinitely. An appropriation of $1" ) was land In abate the stagnant water nuisance on Preacolt avenue. Another approprlatioa of 100 wa made to place 0.1k itreel in a side and passable condition. In grad ing Botlet etraet it wc.f found that t'tie Paine proporty extended lour ami one half feet fartbor front than the sur rounding lota ami the bOTOOghongini r wns instructed to survey the proporty and IXamini deed aud in doing SO l .und the property extended four an I one-half leet front aud live and one bait rear further thnu the deed called for. Mrs. Pmne will be notified to move back her front fiinoe within thirty days. An ordinance waa preaenUd by a proposed corporstioti cillutl tlio Cit izens (las company for a fratu uliioo to (urnisli the borough witli gas. Referred to the oommittee ou ordi- nances. It was decided that the m sistant borough engineer should re ceive $1 fiO per day for service, not wlthsiHiiiiing Mr. Payton's argument that f2.25 per day was none too much for such labor. The electric light cVtD inittoe recommouded that ilghtl be placed at th corners of tho folloft ing streets: Church and DrinlW, Ujnegal and QaiWty, Third and William, Bptiog and Grueu. Tho rerommendiitions were adopted and tho lii'.ltt company insttucle I Li orect the lights at one. Miss Lizzie IlufTers, of Forest City, called at Mr. P. J. Mcllale's yistcr day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Farnluini, of Brook lyn, lire (ho guests of Mr. and Mm. J. E. Swift. Tiio social to be held under tha auspices of Young Men's Institute, No. 919, promises to bo u highly enjoyable affair and several hundred invitations hnve been issued. Tile event will DO enr at the Odd Fellow's bull on Tues day evening, Mav 20. "A Trip .Through Ireland" will be the pubj"ct of S. G. Ksrr'a lecture, which is to be delivered ut the Teni poranoe ball on Friday evening, May 18. A lively tilt tisttveu Tax Collector Boland nnd Councilmnn PaytOQ oc corrad at tba council meeting Satur day niK'.it, The cause of tho disagree ment was Mr. Pnyton's suggestion that Mr. Boland make n settlement for the years of 1899 and 1893, and that Secre tary Savaue hold tho duplicate until such Dotlk'm"nt was matin. Mr. Ilo land took rxcoptlcn to Mr. Peyton's remarks and a wordy war wns the ro lult. Misafs Lizzia and Pruo Eisterline, of Wllkes-Barre, visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. Jacob Euterlinf, Inst week. Mrs. Connelly nnd Mrs. Fanlken bury, of ilytie Park, viiited at t'ne home of L. Tyler Connolly on Hatur- day, Itev. J. W. Williams spont Sunday ut Blnghatnton. . . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Ktocka and Bond. flN'rw VoRK, May 12. The market It the stock sxohange today was a tame affair, Ublcago tias waa tbe only feature among the prominent, iSBUSS and rose 1' ... Tbe next active stock. American Sugar, tlunied very lightly, only 7,!jo biuires changing hands. Bagar first advanced to IO8K1 then deeliued to P'."i 'and i-'msed at 1 luj- 4 . Th other Indostriala were quiet and firm. In ibe railway li .i St. I'ntil moved up to 01 ', Rock Island to BOM and Burlington to 70 . Trading waaof the usual half holi day character, and only. 68,400 shares changed hands. Netehaages chow galni of . I to 1 per cunt. i n- foil wing oomplste table shotrtng the day Vfiactuattona in mtive stoaks la r.tpplied sua revised dally bv iaftar Pefier, stock brokers, 121 Wyomiug avenue: tip.ie Blgb Low Clos ing. e.it eet. Inst, Ara.rnt. nil n Am Bugan V ''; IWIM 11 'M Hmu A. T. ,t 8. K I KM I'M I2W r.'U Oen.80 II 5l 51 11 t'en. N. J V..10B l" h'-1 M Chie, n. w 11 14 i"-1; WU lOBti a it. it y 7MI tsi, 7in l ine, (las n;, li. 1 1 tin, Bjfj 0.. CtC ft Ht. L.... 8 : i ;o Uol.,Book.VaL AT. IBM H "ab it p, A U !.. I. W p . A C. K StW I M - 84 DM Krlo II 2 I4H 4K 4N B, K. Co XH DM ml 89 LskeBbore LTab mk 4.4 4714 47h lminaltaii 1. $ V. , 1 1ST) Mia. Pan -, . 8M Nat. U-ad :Mi 4 MM If. Y.AM. B .'! eif sM M N. Y. Central MM '''' I NM N. f.,0. " 1 't IW 't'l I H n. r.,8. v w . . . .... O. s. q. On "i ic, 21s Jiti Vorlhl'ar H H, U H HortC Pac. pf II i I7H I7H 17U iimaha ' I :! 9M PBC. 'lull I4M U Hit llls S.-adli. 1 17 la ;', IfU K.-k Island ' , '' 1 - I ", B-T M4 H sh Bi Paul m 1 i m, ntt T , C I 17 1:14 17 ITU 1 I ,s a Pec s s:, 04 s;l I .1, 1 n ine is Is ITB 1 Wabash p' . . V. ' ' I. l 11I011 -1 Mil 4' V, . A I 1 Ifli l 1?S W. U t- pf I7M fhicaec Oram end Prevision!. -iitiMoa. May 12,-Tl.e following qaota SBapptted an 1 earreted dally by 1.1 Bar 41 Kullor.atoek brnkvr.iJl Wyom.a are ' ilt'AT. 1 in.... Hi rneei i owssl ng 1 'UN. I 'i ' II .-b-t 1. 411V rat I'loaina- JlltT. ''s m i:s rs, Sent. 3 8B4 '"t 1 .f'l t- ;t" , i . .VI RW IBM irr. Iras BBfl RB :u. TUfi f.l 1 MU I.IJ POKE, I 'I :t BI II .-I - Lswi t t liina LARD op-nins Hill.-.t Lnwaal IK IT RIB& I III-best Loweav Cosing :ia ;r, M m 1..: i.iT m BR T"7 KB Kw York 'n I MM Market Nrw YmiK. May l'J.-Ftoca Dull, weak. Wheat- Hull, weak, Hr- krwer, No red -lore and elernlor. .'.-','ijc. ; alloat, " , . t. O. , OOVaSIci ungraded led, I 1" . No. 1 nirthern, f.V., option le ti active and ),''. lower. May. 'ic ,j June. .".',e, July, f.tc.: An nua!, OlSc. ; hrptviuber, if-c., IleCember. i;;. ,c. oona DnlL seaieri Be I, 4l)i'a48hfe; eUvaUT, 4Cja4lWo. alloat: OOtlOM dull and at (aHe. decBae; May, U ,c. , July, 4. ,.- . tiepteml or. 44c Oats -Ooll, m l'i; options dull, weaker. Mav. 88c; July, 981(0,; spel prices. No. 2, iMia.-'.ie.;Ns. S White, 42c ; N . 2 Chicago, .;.'ts4.ic , No. - ; No. ;l white, 4le. , in 1 xul ester r. 'J i4"c. ; while do. ami white slale, 49a48 ,r. Bbbx Bteady, quiet. Traacan Bixr bull. ri r 10 Bteady, qalet Lam Unlet, nMeri wettern steam closed at 7 78; c: y, icVe.; onslOB sal -a, ktay, f 7.7" , Jn . 91 9 reflaed, ipiint; con tinent, r-; i;,th America, c- 1 di I I md, fi Me. t -i net; steady. In t , Kit -guiet; ltn dairy, new, 12al7c. , dr. old, lOal'.'e. ; l'u. creamery, new,14al7c ; f .ii :i-v tvx.i 1.1. do., 11,17c,; western dairy, new, UaUlfc. .do. creamery, new, 13al7a; feeln'V. new, Hiallc.; elgius, 17c; lllil tntion cnamry. lOallC, On am 1 Firm, qumt. B01 Firmer, stole and Pennsylvania, 1 Italic: western fmk, 19al9)jBil aontb ern, v i)9c VhiUd-'rbla T.ill. w Markst. PRiiDttraia, May II- Talliw was dull and lower under Inciei-eil rfferlngs. Price inrtl Prime city, 'n hog-lieads, 4 ,c ; prime oonntry, In barrels 4,., . . i nora, .u barreh 4jgo; rakes, Be.; greaa. 4c. 1 BJ rXXTIOl is batter than cure, and you may invent that turd feeling by taking Hoou'a aishpnr'.lln, which Wul keep your blood pure aud free from acii taint und per: 1 o! disea.-,e. Bood'i pit.; giipo, but act do not purge, psln or promptly, eauly and elHcioutly. 98c, Fcranto-.i'a Basloeee Intrat. TU TajBOin Will aooa publish n care, fully compiled a. id claaMfid llt of the leading wholesale, binltitig, miuufactui' lug and professional interests of Sciantou and vicinity. The edition will N-bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure view of our pnbllo build i'. gs, b'.i' iness blocks, streiits, eu:., together with portraits of leading citiseus. No riiailar work bn.i ev, r given au equal rep- reaintaticn of Borant mi aiany 1111110' tries. It will beau Invaluable ixposltlon of our businesi rsources, Sent to persons OOtalda the city, copies of tbis hendsomo work will attrac' new ooniri and be nu unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is en a plan that cannot fail of good i nsults to those concerned us well as the city r large. lleproentniv.M of THI Tkiiuini will call upon Tilosu wiios': KaJCXO are DMUm in this edition and cxplniu Its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tins edition will please have notice at the office. America 16 BCAUTIFUL PICTUBRB, RVBBY NOTCH PLACE IM ALASKA, Tin; IfXITBO ITATKI AMD BUtXICO, hvi; MVMOKBB on tiii: cotN- T Kit. TKN 0BMT8 AND ONE t'Otl'ON FOB ANY NUMIII U Falrimrt Harbor, iMke Co., Ohio. Woiimi'r Dtsi'KNSAnr Medical Associatios, Hllfrnln. N.V - Denucanm I cannot teu you how my wlfo him Improved since she began the use of your "Favorite Prescrip tion." coupled with "U. M. 1)." She bus no moro trouble with fulling of the womb, and sho never feels uny pain unless eho stunds too long. Sho has no bear ing -down pulna eiuoe nhn betrnn the .ion ,.P '.'C iloen npiirle nil ,,r . . r t . ""vTowu housework now. IIUI U'.'iuin liUU DOI 1- WHS. LEWIS. ICellCCQ taking your remedies, she could hardly widk aci oss the room. I do r i;t know bow to thunk you for all tho pood your remedies have dono her, for tho beet doctors bad given hor caso up ns in curable. Yours trulv, AM'TtRD I.F.WIS. Gtiar- jfjr amess a OA MOXjEb' BETaJKNED, A Word. H onrs 0 all hindi MM thai v.iirh, r.r- tit BituationM WanttdfWMth on (Nasrled FREE. Situation Wanted. QITUATION WANTED as a BUTCHER 1 ' by a young married man. Nin- years exnerienoe. I an i-p -ak llernian and tiiuii-ii Refer if 1 .li ,1 address J. W. Arnold, Mooslc. Lsekawaiina county, Pa. SITUATION WANTED WANTED HY A i' youior colored woman, work by the day or MBerai housework asoalaoa nnn wants work as eceohman: colored; iddreM or c;i at MD Laekawanna eve., Bcranl n. I'a aJiTUATl'iN WA.MKH HY A Vi fell O lean as a taamiter; willing to da n"st snythinej referenc given if required. Ad i!r..ss 1 . ' 11 , 4111 i . no avenue nf". Bookkeeper r off! innager; tea veers practical anrieBeei thoruugh, eonpeseat aad reliable; wlllina worker; open for eagaaenient; refewni 1 ! -.nntv if n asaary. Addreaa boi Im s. Trtbnn oflloe. Vy ANir.u a birrjATioN ah vVBT- anree, tioisi refereuose; IRB put-ton avenue. Sji 'iliS w .-.Si i,l a WOMAN O weeufl iike t,. get work by th Bj it wnshttic or eteanlng. or Mill take wasbiiu ha Address MARY D RNBLLY, IS4 Orehi rd street Eelp Wantnii Male. UrANTRD AN ll N E r NDI'HTKIOL'B man f'r stenlv -ill m. SI 1 weekly.! t -lay I) M. l in e . 1 il.r.ry l.uildinie. Ap,cr la V.in:cd. MI'S nl 1: adilroM .;b ( 1. Mil. .11 MAM W 1 ra UPR AND PIKK exparieno a s-iltaior m s unt) , good ki)eeMBets to Heldreaa llii X It-la building. Uekawaai hghl limn Pblladelnbl for Rent i;n;t hi nt uoirr, vmX .1 KMslIKh I rooms: dehgbtttd Us at.ui, B44 Waahlluc lon a veiio... l'u l.tr I' l. A TRMM OR rXAKrJ J Part or a.t f taree bun I r 1 feel ..( j ard re m along rsdroad. Alfiy l M0 rVSJUUta sveao 'I'O RENT- KTORR MxO) OR PDRMlsnED atist-L Very daaira- 1 1 1 sal la f V. itVoel lila t-rills A"p r .-v WOODRl I I For Bale roR HAL A I AR3 hi . ,',.1. v m In s. I una and one half mil . fruin DeJtsn oa the lvlaware. Urkisinii, and Wratarn rilroad flrat ebuu farm b.i.i- wltliauer ribat liriiiir in-srbv it. I irns g.. land ar.il s-t orenerd Will Ih. ..! ebeep, 'lVrma rui, Ad.lr U f VoS 8 TOUCH or ISAAC RI I. If rtisrului-a, Hallo... Latkawai.ua Pi IALB- RAMBLER No Bcranl b 1 rlbtts ngsts v. Ibxii -: 1 nOR BALR POWL MANUKR, EIOHT I bbt4 for 94.00 k browe ehornLm for hatih.ng. Apply to fed OrUBUaa bv li. k well trsst. 0 I'l K I Ml.H I I- keepiug Willi uae f bath. 14' I'rank I'm; IALI H-AURK I AI'.M. Ma'K I and uleliaUa J M 8HKI1 ll.l.H M, Jl.ir'- av Init SA1.K II ! .1 II tS'Hi: Pi'lt -i l: VN UMoraaae eetka in riorid 4 niroa r. li NK11 t.Rl'iiN. iJkkellelan. Kiorbla Boarding QUMMBR BOAKIHNU FOI'R Itl.si'iaT s eerenas can tin! that elasa board lib i.mall famd. In large air h eSa II '. an l 1 ..Id i ..Mi Kr... arruwa to depot and chureh. One end ens quartet mile of station. Healthy lo ality A.i.lr ss U.i u., darks' Remmii. Ipoolol Rotkaara. T A Ml I fl! 1 N1E TrRCTOR8 OF A lie ay Aug raits an 1 t. inner it 1 1 . o H vii rd i (flhi.t..-kb'iMl-ra l nllfd f eeaveta I Ini- siMipr.il of. of th" oosapeoe r- m II Rflpuhlloaa bnddlna. en the Btn d'aj ofTaaa A H WR, fr.., A. HI K until I f st I., take action nn to approval or ; irl of tho pro;s d Inn os of tha rspitai stock of said r mpaa from RS,rjon o. t .. '. an. Ilia1 ' li or. tar .. an I Im ,, BrU 'lire, t si t.. t:ivii notliD thensif as re quirtd by Uw i . 11 WAl b , Bw rotary. "i.iv: THE Nominatio n roil iiy i tbrrs oi lie i,.iin:.n a Itnlld n nnd Lean asaorlatloa of Nrath erantnn win taki place rvMsj sveeinv. April r. RM, after Ir oi-sctliie tin. rncn .ir l.uslnvai jACob P Mll.i.KU. Berretery. 1H.ANK BOOKS, PAMHMUCTS. MAO A 1' nines, sic, b und er rebovad el Tiir Thibokb udke. vuuk oik. HeaaousUls i rleea. IK I. TU'KI.TS I AN I1K II til T III tM aornar Sirne,i strnat und Pruiklln av- en Twenty meal Hetab for fl v (, laMe lioai d. Propoaais. CEALBD PROPORAL.8 YtlUU V.V. UK eetvedbyth ooomyLtebt, linat mid Power eoapanv until Batardav, m.iv i:th, IBM, at noon, at tbe ofllo of 1. h, Bnrne Lf br.irv bnildinir, Bcraoton. Pa., for benenlna u ..t bii' K till i u'-o it th i.:s:in.l vnrda of tree on in tba raty of s. r inwn Tn enmnaav r. serves tl.o riuht to raj s t nnv ami all I, lis. THE U i'NdMY UUHT. HRAT AND POWRR i tlMPAKY. By Dr. 3himberg, Tbn BpeekklaV) on the Kye. HsBnlllhll and sfervonsnen relieved, Latealaad Unproved Htylo of liyo Ulaaaa and BpeokkOlsS at tho Lowest Prlciii. liuat Artllloul byes ilui'i tej for Ob SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poet Office. What is Moro Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright) complcziou? For it. uo Poiionl's Powder. 9 L W 1 J ' 1 1 sail CENT Scientiflc Eye Testing onno LADIES' SH Many new features this season in the way of Shapes, Styles, Colors and Materials. SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. T V ATVI rha ws Art lsitvs s "UU.Wioh1DUiu.u nu tuu uueso graa93 oi L,awn ana India Linen. Percales, Sateens, Dimities, etc. The newiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuffs attached. They come in Plain White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees. WC iui ,THE JJrJMaeofbotat, lgt and most complete In tha city. Prkx,, as CONNOLLY k Confidentially We don't believe that there's a man, woman or child who reads this would willingly be without 9J8JfllimiWIMnillllllllllllll9JM I AMERICA! llllMIHUIIIIUIIUmillllllliifM From Alaska to the Calf of Mexico When a newspaper puts such a dish be fore its readers, any one who passes it bv is losing an opportu nity which comes hut seldom in one lifetime. When vou can ob tain sixteen views of such artistic beauty as to be worthy of a frame, depicting the most marvelous and diverse scenes oi our own land, For Nothing more than the cost of handling-, mailing, etc., you will agree with the statement that it is the greatest chance yet ollered. The views are 11x13 in. each. They aro reproduced by NEW process typogra vure. They are described by Prof. George R. Cromwell. They are worth $1.50 each. You can get them for Two Coupons and 10 Cents. MM OPENING OF IRTS AND S to $3.75. in fivfirv rnnroiTraViia Aml j .i..;.i -j - j "wwrwu ucit-g nun ilidibCl letl, 4tn 4s - i. s n v . . W 209 FURNITURE AU AP-F Hi BhB Lao u.' a ' au BEST WORKMEN. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DUO YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you baautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau 07 LACKA K WHY NOT 86 our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Otk Bedroom stf W Roll Fnrii M itre as choftp as am linns' In t li country that in tcmls to i;ivc honest value for the Dionoy, Trv uh. Hull 205 AUD 207 E, Robinson's Lager Beer Brewery Itaanfaitaren of the ciebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Per Annum. DUPONT'S MINING, ni.ASTINQ AN'O SI'OltTlNO POWDER Mauurur.turpd at IBB Wapwallonon Mills, Lu rerun eonntp P't.. and at wtt uiiiiKtuu, Uehiwaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Auent for tho Wyoming District, ti8 Wyoming Ave. Scranton Pa. Third .National Rink Building, Aonwrira THOU. F0m. l:;ttstoii. Pa. JOHN B SMli II A5.JON; Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULI.K I A WilL.-a-Harro. Pa. Agent for tho llapauno UbsuiluiU Com pany's Ulgh Exvloaivea. HIRT WAISTS WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Repaired and Upholstered. LOW PRICES. & Conned nv AVE RUB & Co fYCH.HG AVE. TUUbSOAT, PK1DAV AND sVATI RDAY, LAST THREE DAYS or THTt- Wonderland Dramatic Co. Appserom In the Qrsel Piav. MICHAEL STROGOFf HEREAFTER, AN li 1'N'TIl, Fl'flTHER NOTICE. Ten Cents S ill ls the ).rire of ailmlnclnn lo til parts ol the. lio ise, UN i I'Tl'UMIONS ONLY. ADMI ISIOM EVKKIROB, in, no ok aoo. 1 err nnniioos every aftertits-in, except Moo days and Thuradpya, at 188, and every ererr lug at Bill la 'f open at Let and T.UU P.M. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE WIRE, -y-i Commencing Monday, May ! Spociat Engagement for one solid week MINNIE LESTER With Her Own Company, Band and Orchestra, in a repVtolre of enoosaunl piays at popular prices. Opening ptayi A Little Busy Body Matlneea Thursday, Fridnv nnd Saturdayi M:iutieelrii-,., lo,.. to evervb, dy. RVenlne Prices III, 10, 3i)a rr:mk Mi Nisband hit Original Specialties at every perfonnsiieo. Ottang 01 bill nightly. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Finit-clnss Bar atlaehatl. Depot for llergnor & linger TaLnhmuaer Hear. ii Cor, 15t!i sod Filbert St!., FtiMi Meat dcslrabla for realdenta of N.F 1'ann lylvanla. All eoavenienees mr travelers to and from Broad Street atatiou and th Twelfth Hud Market Street station. Da kirablu for viaitlug Sorautonlaus aad pso tie lu tho Anthracite lteglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. sons' mSS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers