THE RCHAKTON TRIBUNE THUK S DAT MORNTNG. MAY 3, 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT v On account of the slump in the Cloak Market in New York City within the last three or four days, enables us to offer many of thi3 season's garments, Capes and Jackets At a Rsduction of 50 Per Cent. W IMEN'S Tailor-made Costumes Tha Worsted Tf and Overt Cloth Suits, which w r! hav itiB such n hig success with thix season, are msn u fact n red expreisly for n nnl confined trlctly to onr hons. thereby insuring; nnt only th highest standard of tial I ty. tut THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST THE WORKMANSHIP THE HIGHEST THE STYLES AND FIT PERFECT JERMYN AND VICINITY. In'ersatlng Nwi of a Day Glvn In Cnndced Firm. freriill tttthr yrrtmtm Tnloine. JtUTTK, I'a.. May 1 Tilt luseting; of tb Women's llmne Mlsaionsry - ciety in tii M K. obnreh raitardnT af ternoon was greatly enjoyed by those present Tha following pfOgTMBflM wan .rr is : ont: Devotional miti-hin Essay, "Th" Qbjnst Treatment of the Chinese" Mrs. film fl Shepherd Heading Mim Qarantr (siding, "Church iffcrings,'' Mim Sampson I'aper, "Injustice to the Negro, " Mr-. E I) BoTVd Essay, "The VnemployeU Talent of tha Church Mim Itymnr Thomas Nthrton hai begun IXOa f at i uk for a residence on Third street I.onls Honr. of iren Ridge, and o. M Pnttnraoa, of Oarbondals, called on Juruirn frieinla yesterdav. Mrs, I'eter BiOMNN ami children Isavis Friday for Houghton, Mich . wham they will restda in the foture. I'.urtn J'arks began work yeat-rd iy on the foundation of John Mi i irty's nw :- : on Broth M its strast. Hit-hard Mellow has moved into hit residence on Tblrd street. Large anil highly decorated posters atitiounsing th coming of o S Carey & Co'a. ihOWl on May 11 omaiusnt windows of all the prominent business placvi. Tbey art now exhibiting in Scranton and are highly spoken of by th'-a who have seen them. H I ward Nicholson has accepted a position as genornl freight Hgnt for Chicago publishing hnns. Id terri tory extends as far east as Portland, Me. He left yesterday aud will enter upon his duties at once. E. Lt. Jertnyn was in town yssterday arranging his busineHS matters prepar atory to tearing for England nod the continent ile sails next Tuesday Mrs. Jossph Curl, of West I'ittston, is spending a few davs here with her sister, Mrs. F. S Friend. OURYEA OOTLETS. Personal and Othsr Live Toplos Tarsaly Dlsouad. Ftiecial 10 the Scranton Tribnru. DuitYKa, Pa., May 7 Dr. Barling ton has added another improvement to his handsome property, this time being a new iron fenee. Charles Aten, of Newton Center, was bnrled Taesday afternoon In Marcy's cemetery. Mr. Aten's childhood was spent here and his fuueral was largely attended. Justice of the Peace James Uilboy is hnving an office bnilt on Main street. Dr. John Hislop has moved into his new office. Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian chapel will meet at the resi deoca of Mrs. Charles Allen Friday afternoon. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. riiofbo Thomas, of Junction City, III., was told by ber doctors she bad Con sumption and t lint there was no hope for her, but two bottles IJr. King's Now Dis covery completely curod ber and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tbos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., Han Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, tried without rettult everything else then nought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis COTery and in two weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and (Colds. Free triall. bottles at Matthews Urns,, Drug store. Regular size 50c. and L CAR RON DALE CHAT. Funeral of John 1 h:l ips Brief Personal Items Other Notes. Special to tkt Seranbm Tribune. CaRBONDaLB, Ph., May 2 Bert Dix is home from Blackwell's island, where he had been studying to become a trained nurse. Miss Iona Tyler, of Forest City, made a brief visit to this city today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fox, of Buffalo, were in this city today on their return trip of thoir wedding tour. Carbon dale will be their futuro home, as Mr. Fox is to become the proprietor of Ho tel Anthracite. The funeral of John Phillips, which occured this afternoon at 3 30 o'clock from the residence on Wyoming, was largely attended. The employes of the Hendrick Manufacturing comp iuy, of which company the deceased had been employed, attended in a body. Her. E. J. Balsley, of Trinity church, con ducted the services. The remains were intorred In Mnplewood cemetery. The pall bearers were John K, Shepherd, Thorns aOliver, John J. Bowen, Thom as FIupIIoii. J. Borst, M. J. Deeths, Lee Vail, Joseph lsgar and P. Pow derly. The mourners from out of town who were present were: Mrs. A. E. Burr and two daughters, of Scrantou; Air. nnd Mr. Peter Dolan, of Parsons; Mrs. John Carne and Miss M. Herbert, of Wilkes-Barre, and Thomas Herbert, of Elkdale George H. Tolley, of Philadelphia, Is on his monthly business visit to this city. Messrs. Frank Parrott and Froi Emerick, of Hcrauton, were visitors lure last evening. Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Van Bergan, of North Church street, aro on a visit to New York city. Paul Gardner, of Honesdale, was among the visitors in this city to-day. T. F. Hunt today purchased of P. K Burger two lots, one on Church street and one on Lincoln avenue, Price paid for both was $4,800. Mrs, S Kline is the guost of her sis ter, Mrs. liurguuder, of WUkta-Bam. The boys' branch of the Young M-n's Christian assot-iation Is making pre parations to bold an ice cream festival On Friday evening. May 11 Mis. J. B. Shannon, of Wyoming (dreot, is the gueit of her sister, Mill Urncs Miller, of Clifford John Hanson was awarded the con tract to build the addition to the hos pital. His bid wns $3,471 .'i0. ; ) i ii FOREST CITY NOTES. Vtm .- H . I.-. ! Intcntatlnr Ntws From Lmktwana Hdwttrs Flctnl tn tht 'i't ' Trihum. F 'in ST CITY, I'a, May 'J. - Miss Jane Tyr was a visitor in tho city of CaT bondale to-lay Drl W, HI .keslee, a medical student of the I'nlvvrsity of Peniisylvsuia, has returned home on his vacation. Mim Olia Lantiing assnni" 1 her pi tion as teacher in the Forest City school to-day, after an illness of nearly two weks at hr bODU. Miss Martha LuBing, who has filled Hlal Celi Lanuing's place acceptably, returned to Susquehanna to day, Hugh MeOolInn, of Montr , inter :;al revenue aollteUW for this district, was here yester lav J M Surine, of Si Iney, N Y., form-'-rly a promises rti lent of this place, is in this borough and is the guost of blidaiujbtar, Mrs CbwlM Rlfgloa Forest City schools will close two weeks from kMB 'rr w The tilassford OoBtdj eompanv closes a thre night' engagsmxiit in this place tonight TbM are a fair company f playefS Tney opin a three nights' engagement In H muaJale tomorrow evening Mrs irac:Veiser Davis, the great revivalist, assisted by Kv. .1 C II gati, will begin a series of meetings in the Methodist church nut Sunday morning and will continue sevenl weeks Mrs. Davis is the wife of Judge Davi, of Jersey City, and is well known in New York, Brooklyn ind all of the larger citirs in the I'nited States She has also been in CarUoudale, Scranton, i'ittston an'. Ilnneadale, at which places She held ran snccHftil meeting last wm'.or Ilnrv Etaiflar, of Scrsnton, is the gnatl of Barber William i irdong Dr. W. II Hlsk-sl.-e and wife, ac coinpaine I by their son, B-rt, started Hits evening for the West, going to (ralVrSton, Tex., at which plate the doctor will attend a medical conven tion They intend to be absent about three weeks. Crl'lrleina a Y mag Laity. "She would be a pretty girl for but on thing -What's that" suited Char! v ficorge Her faOS i always covered with purple and nnl biotcbaa (Iharley Oh, that easily euough dis posed of. Dud to h the same way my self, but I taught on to the trouble one day. and g- t rid of it in no lime. QaoTfl What was t!T barley -Maplf Mood eruptions. Took a Ibort OOBIM of I'. P, 1. I toll you, it's the t)ort blo.itl corrector. The governor bad rheumatism ho bad that you could bear him holler clear across the country -v.-rv tun- he moved, lb- tro-d it, an 1 you know what an athletic old went he is. now. It nomehodv would give Miss Daiv a pointer, she would thank them after wnrds. All the drug stores mO iu 4 OVPHANT AND VICINITY. A Brezy Budaet of Entsrtalnlna Newa Correctly Compiled. .srfi(U to the Scrnnlon Trihun. Oi.ypiunt, Pa,, May 2. Mrs. D. J. Campbell, of Scrnnton, called on friends in town on Monday. Tne postoffice will bo moved to the new t milling on Lackawanna street. A mi rotier of new boxes will be added and other improvements made. Mrs. J. II. Feeley, of Archbald. is fill tl M with ber parents on Suniue banna street. Thornaa Brown, of Forest City, called on his many friends in town today. Harry, the little son of I). J. Camp bell, of Scrantou, returned home today after a two week's visit with Mrs. j. Carbine, ou Su8iiuhanna street The Catholie Young Men's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society will give an entort liument and ban quet on May 'J'.' in honor of their silver jubilee. Invitations nave beou issued to other Catholic societies to partici pate in tho parade. Miss Ola Mason, of the West Side, visited at Scranton today James J. Lynch, of Delaware street, returned home today after spending a few days at Buffalo, N. Y. Patrick Langnn recently purchased tha property of P. J. Kelly on (iraesy street. Miss Mamie Lawler, of Hill street, entertained a email patty of friends on Monday eveniug. Dancing and games were indulged in till a late hour. When Ha!'.r was atok, we gave her Tartorta When ale- was a Child, nhe cried for C'artnrla, When she became Miss, she, clunr t Caxtoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla STROUOSBURG NOTES. The Affairs of Mom .... County's Gay Cap ital Tersely Rtporttd. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Stroudsburg, Pa., May 2. A large audience greeted the Rev. Frederick Poole in the Methodist Episcopal church Monday night. The subject for his lecture was "Among the Chinese." It proved highly interesting, the lec turer showing a number of costumes and curios from the Celestial kingdom Mr. Poolo was assisted by Messrs. Shafer, Walters, Musselman, Hoffsom mer, Flagler, Brundag, Decker nnd Master Hoffman; Misses Brodbead, Evans, Gnnsaules and Mattie Elinger. They all nppeared in costume. The lecture was under the auspices of the Epworth loague. Mr. Poole has been secured for another night. No admit tance will be charged, but a silver col lection will be taken up. The pictures from ( 'iiiua give a faithful and accu rate representation of the various pb.-ts.-s of life in China. Dr. J. Utt, of Easton, is at th Bur nett House. A new porc'u Is being built ou the Analomink house. Miss Dorothy Hyslop is spending a short time at the Kittatiney House, the guest of Miss Clara Brodbead. John Hill has goue to Washington, N. J. His brood mare, Daisy, and colt have beeu taken to Blvidere, 1! Larue Laterraan, who recently graduated from the Philadelphia Col lege of 1'liHrmacy, has taken his old position at Kerr's drug store. Hev. II. F. Isett preached at Kellers ville, Jackson nnd Keller's Mills in place of Hov S Cooper, who was tem porally absent from the charge. There will be a baptismal service in the East Stroudsburg Presbyterian church next Sunday morning, (juite a number of children will receive the ablution. J. P. Sullivan, who has been visiting his family at East strmidhnrg, returned to llrigaline, N. J. He will be connec ted with the building of the railroad from Atlantic City to that place. Dr. W. Hyalop and family hive left Lawn cottage and aro now at the Prospect house, where they will re main until the first of June, and then go to Lake Ho,atcong to spend the balance of the summer. 'I he ban Dill game played on the campus on Saturday afternoon between aat Stroudsburg and the school, re suited in an easy victory for the latter The score was !i l to 5 Nine inimifs were played. It. in kept a good many awav. The caae of StaufTer vs the borough of But Btrondaborgi was diMootinntd before Justice of the Peace Kr linen ou Saturday afternoon. A new action will be commenced in the court of Don O 00 pleas Marseh Brothers will rebuild their foundry at ODMt The moulding room will be put first in order to BOMBM d.itH fartatn in plow repairs. The fire baa csnsnl R great ileal more damages than was at first r p irtod WilmiT Shoemaker, of New York, is visiting his mother, of this place 1'. II Smith baa bnilt a new wire fence aruund his lot on Washington street. o HAUSftAO ItlMS. Notes tf Interest Contarnlog Rttldsnts rf a Thrlrln Villas asv-m! f.i r.e ajpajaaea 7Vi'-e. HiUanUP, Pa, May 2 General secretary I urrv of the It R V M. 0 A., of Ibis village, has rwilBld his Ignition as secretary of that institution. His resignation to take affect May Mr lurry ex ascta to enter Into bun Ban in i'ittston lor bandboys deei le 1 at their meet ing on Monday night to hold a dance the middle of this month. Phillip Wsibltr, who will taka charge -f t!. t'.r- wmg deptrtmeot of the lexllla w.uke. arrived 1im -iierdy J. L Sinitn. of Savre, N. Y , has r movd bis family and boussbold goods to rlaUltaad, and has taken up his rent lenc in r ix .tin over Mr Murray OS William Cbltdnn'i Day win b obrved in the 1'iesby teriau .-hurch, thii dace, ou Sunday. June I' Goar.. meeting on Sunday at 8 3'i p in. itegular in-, ting of th botrd of directors at I M , to. Bit J THE BEAN TAMERS Proprietors f au Itmsrant Mnasrl Fined for O.vieir ItMai alahlbltiona ;.eriol lo f'.e S r.mfoa Tribune. Tayi.ok, I'a., May 2 Thre dirty looking men au I IWO lairs were pulled up py I'olise 1 iSsat Wells on Tuesday aftarnoon for h I -.g no pirnill to ikow on thi itratts B irjett QrlBtbi itva tbi-tn a severe lectors and fined each (' Having no motiej they tlllllttd they were put in a t-.-ll In an half hour following the first act Officer Weils captured another of their companions on Pond street, lie spake Bag ill b well, when brought Isffor the honor he threatens I to disturb the peace of onr ipilet town During this lim' the town was in an uprotr and excitement ran high. He was given time to lav the lvr oiik'h. Th men who were placed in the cell settle ! th offense by paying the tine imposed. ' MIRRORED AT MOOSIC Nsws cf tht H. ur Narrated in Crisp and Beadsb's Paraaraphs. SJ-frta fn the Arrnnloa ( . i- IfOOMO, I's , May 2 The supper given by the Ladies' Aid society of th Methodist Eplseopsl church, held at Mr. William Seberhine's, of liinooka nveniie, Wednesday evening, was an entire snccess. Miss Kiith Richmond, of Ddeville, has returned home after spending th past week with relatives iu this vicin ity Mr. George Pearl wns n caller in Taylor Wednesday evening. Misses Ella and Bertha Cole, of Dun more, are visitlug their cousin, Miss Edith Smith, of Main street. Mr. and Mrs William Ljw, of Avoca, were callers in town Wednesday. Miss Mstnie Crsig entertained n THE 33CHZZLH.T is liable to front functional ilisturh-ain-e through sym lithy. l)yss'iwia, or Indigestion, often ciuisos it t.i imbii- tnUi in a nwranring way. Nervous l'ros trittiun. llcbilitv on. I A bnpovarlinsd ftltKHl, also ciniso lla lot) rapid lmlsntimiH. Many tmn s, Spinal AITtH'tinns. cause it to labor nndnl v. Sufferers from such Norv ous Affections ofton iiimjjine thcniselvta the victims of organic heart disease. ALL NERVOUS DIHEAHEH, as Pa ralysis, Locomotor Abixin, Epilepsy, or Fits, St Vitus's Uiuiia'. Sleeplessness, Nerv ous Prostriitiou, RarVOUl Debility, Neural giu, Melancholia and Kindred Aihnenbt, aro treated as a Rss-ialty, with great success, by tho Staff of the Invalids' Hotel. For Pamphlot, References, and 1'articulars, en close 10 cents, in stamiis for postage. Address, WoBLD! Dispensary Medical Aiwihjiation, Buffalo, N. Y. large number of her little friends at her home Wudnemhtv afternoon in honor of her teuth birthday. Cottage prayer meeting will ha held at the house of George Pearl, on Main street Friday evening at 7 30 p. m. MINOOKA MATTERS. The News of a Day Told in Sprightly Little Paragraphs. Aperitif fo He Scranton Ti ilmne. Minouka, Pa., May 2. The super visors have com inenced operations on the road today, after waiting about a month for the traction company to come to repair their portiou that was left undone since last winter. The people of this place Is very dis satisfied with the present system of running cars to this side, 1 A black heifer strayed away from the premises of Jeremiah McCarty, of Miners hill, last Monday week, and nothing has been heard of it since Any information concerning its where abouts will be kindly received by the owner. Misses Lizzie Murphy and Annie McDonald visited Minooka yesterday. The Big Six Bass Ball club, of this placs, desires to cross bats with the Electrics, of Taylor, at any time. The Star Base Ball club, of this place, challenges any club in the county to a game of bis ball. The Bachelors' club, of Greenwood, which has been recently organized in that place, has become iniolvunt. Misses Annie Katchford, Maggie Ai tkurs, Annie Graham nnd A nine Kelly, of Hyde Park, attended tba so cial at Kallery's Arcade last night Wattarann on the Democrats In Congrssa. ljiuitville t ourier-Journal. When the iticapahles and the rascals whom we sent (0 Washington, chargod with a duty as specific as words could make it, have yielded all that the people won; when, purt'.y through a lack of aeuse and courage and partly through venality, they have given up to monopoly what was meant for th masses, when tbey have tied Ingluriously from a victorious field, leav ing gnU that Were shotted Willi the ball CartrldgM of truth to bo spiked by an enemy w hsd driven bifon ns; and when. bringing With thenioiilv th white feathers . f the coward, or the black pinnies of the mercenary, they c. n.e h one for their re ward, what shall they encounter, what have they a rik'ht to bok for, exorpt political damnation and death RHEUMATIC Sciatic shsrp and ."Sooting pains, strains and weak n e. s r l i-v. 1 in one i- n . la the ( I til I k AMI Pain Pi t-l is. It instantly rch rs wank, paialm kid Ma IsiA ache, uterine pains and lllinriifli t..ui;hs --ls and tne . paiOS. It r i.'j.'i vi the nn- . ft... and nence cures nervuM piins and muKular weakness when -11 -thcrs UU. Pti , S'.: ' " l'as'' Si 'f mmiL Ln.i In .. i. I I Bossga. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - tOdVIMU A r HA.N tv MI IVH tY BO" lit hi it HK 1 1 HKKI an kltiMi ll A H M a asnua toll 1.1. a UAI i. it PiAWOS t ORGANS kill. I M l.i 1 1 Milsl. sat ttlV, l ie, i iu m co, Eoair.! 1 vi I Comraoiwealtli Bll M ll.N ION. I'l MINING ind BLASTING POWDER Hade at the MOOMC snl KUbH DALI WORKA Laflla A Ban i IVwder Co ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric llatterles, I'uset for eiplol lug blasts, Safely I use and RepaunoChrmii al Co.'sHigh Explosives B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market OFFICE: Bingham ton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt. Pa. I ' moosic pew Brandt Clay PfoduetCo Mr. Win. A. Booth Indiana, i'a. Saved My Life $5 Worth of Hood's Sarsa- parllla Severe Case of Nicotine Poisoning. "('. L Hood di Co., Lowell, Mass.: "(lentlenien: I write these lines to certify that llood'sSarsaiarillahas cured ine of a most painful disease from widt h I have suffered the past four years, lt appeared In tho form of iruptioni on my nCk and face, spreading over my body, so painful that I could not sleep at night, and could n..t work In the day time, and 06 I did lay down and pt Into a little thus, if I would move ust a little, It w ould start that terrible Mutation, and Blood Would Start from the eruptions on tny legs aud body. I had to Wear bandAgeS all the time. My eyes were Ladly swollen, my hack In terrible rondllhin. One physician said it w as wad poison, auothor eczema, and the last told me It was Nlcotino Poisoning, and that I would hate to gi to a physician who naoe a apeaUHty of my dlseaa. ii niattttii to say that I am a cigar maker by trade. i Hut II. -vl s rs;tr.i ni:.t h id t een re. Hiiiimhiled, and I thougtit 1 would In it. and I am heartily tbankfi.l that 1 did. I . an truly say that Hood's Mariajiarllla has effected A Perfect Cure. I am free fr-.r-i .r. , ., a gold apjietlte, no duM tsslragi, and thai pftatluual ilea hea.jach Is siine. This wonderful cure has only cost me Ave dollars. This small amount of money has Hoods Cures rid ins of all my s-.iffrriiiirs. I am stilt taking Hood's gnrtwparllla, my faithful friend WBtag baa aav4 asf lit r. t rat t it samrt " " A. BOOTH, Indiana, Pi nnsyltania. Hood '9 Pills .re liter ills . i,stl..itiori, biliousness, laundlce. sick heatlache. nidi -est... n. Dr. K. Grower ffei rhilad'lplila FprUHst. An1 Ml sUt.. sataf rnarll-h ant tlT i.sii i LsaKiauauai Uv imUMnlll lorala Temple Court Building .11 I gPRVt I ' s i SCRANTON WtlM. I..., L.) I.. ,tl LlAll.Y. AND l Nil TJjs Datlaf la gisduau d Ihs t'n1rrtitr cr IVmiarivaala. nrsarlf demonstrator of I' T- b-srv a d irerjr at tha Medio fhlr vrgiral f ;ie of Pi.nadeij M II Is aka rsr i etulr .1 11.. Veil. .. hiror. I A- .ti n and va l.,icta n.t i rffo ... ehi.t al th mot a. t.. Am.neaa sr I (lerman h.sti llals, rome huhly Indorasd , W m . Ua i I fe. -r. ,rf I'hl l. i.hla a-il new I nri. iii" mil.) rear or r.ewtal n;r .ne a able thai emtnei.t phrs!.-.n sn I surgvou to Snrr - r dla(n.. and treat a I del. rm t s ai d ill srith th. newt rialtertn- u.-rea. ..t hi. i i. h sfaasitpf m the stata will us a . htm to accept anr Incurable r. I 1 1- I NASHlMIII It I - 1 i i. I Ii s i IKNkan n inl m; simi RID 11 foil hare DM tfisren op cy foaf ph. si rst. call tii.on th. d.w-tor atot 1st eiamnie.1 He cure Ibe rat raae-of Nerv-ma blUt, Kr .fula. OU N.r" i atarrh P0a ran.a. Vs-akti'-.a Affe.-ti .11 of the Car. Ky. N .s and Thr.sst Aalhina. Dswft.esa Tim. r ets ai 4 Crlci'l" ? vry 4"erl.t.on t'-m aoltailoo in Ft.wllsh and (trman grV svt.icb ll.a 1 I con ,er, .1 ... rast an 1 atr t. ...I dei tiaL iS Ho..t. g si t.. u r. s, Dailj, am.. las. I a. in. I - . nt. Third National Bank of Scranton. Mataaasval Fh ;k . lam. called lor br Ik ( 1 1 1 -1 i ' 1 i I i.l Tin i Iflir). Ill Mil l.l I g, I 'n SligtCMn no Osertlrafts 114?. :t7 I Sit Mtea IIiiihI Rn.llllll.OO llllii-r II la Al S.5TI ) HankiiiK Haas is. 01 I'reintilllla tint'. K llontta..., tll.'t line from I'. I Ireiaaurer T.OOO 00 tuieti..!.. lUi.ks COM 4 in; I I nail 1411 IIIU..S4 I -.'0 J . WO. (10 LIABILITIES CagHal vim. iu Dadlvlg Hragls 4 llTiilat Ion .. ?nn snnnn 40 000.00 All I Mil 11.1 11,000,00 SS4 AO . . l.:.f.l nun ,m gg;gai,go a :.: : ;.:.o.t;o lilt l.leiota I li.altl i-p..lla.- line to WILLI M inwi I I, rre-l.lent QKO. II CATLIN, t I, . 1 i, .Ident. Wil l I si ii - i u, , .hlcr UIBJCCTUBJl Wllllaaa Cannalt, Own R, ratlin, Aifi.,1 Hand, .i .ii,,., Archbald, Haary l; in Jr., Willi. iu T. biultlL I.uthar Keller. This bang offers to ,'.(.... ii, oa every facility Hurrnnterl hy lliclr bnlances, busi ness ami rasiioaalblllly, Si. . iiil attention uiven lo tmslness ae oounta Intrs ualdon tlm daposlla DR. HEDKA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Frsoltlsi. Plmoli Liver . MoIm, blackhearis, Sunburn and Tsn, and re stores the sUn lo its origi nal fr..l. l -i i. . a clear ind nnuthf com-d nle-tlftn. Plirtcrlor l.-i sit f ico " pii r-it Ions and licrtcttly hiirmless. At sll Utugijiets, or mailed fur 50i ts. Send fur Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AP 1arll Infotnparahls as a sain l-unfrlng Koap, uuniualM rw tti tellel, sdJ without a rival ft lite nursery. AtolutrlT Tme. and dellcauly uwdl. oaud. Al dninina, Priea 21 Cont. G. C. BITTNER a CO., Toledo, O. For sale by MattbevrB Bros , Morgan Brosjind Morgan & Co. m r- tiLf ' - e . UimiBiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiijigiiiiiiiiiiiuiHiir EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka Ave. "Always the Cheapest Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. GRAND OPENING OF OUR New Millinery Department FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY MAY 4, 5 and 7 r.iiMiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii- Japanese Rugs NEW LOT Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs 30x60 inches, $1.75. Smyrna Rugs All Sizes Easels Screens Baskets Tables Vases Shades Beater3 Sweepers Hassocks Rods Pad3 Frmq;o Plush Cord Giniw Tac k j KERR & S5EBF.CKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. hvaf ai 7 ill 7a WsS EHaV With an Eye To secure more patronage, in addition to our already extensive trade, we have de cided to inaugurate the following Gift Distribution to all purchasers of &"7 Worth of Goods . 4,.(, , inn . ?P D or over. 11 pl0CO ,or tZf Worth of Goods I a irift of :in Elegant American V J or over. ) Onyx Finlgh Clock. WITH EVERY Sideboard WITH EVERY BEDROOM SUIT WITH EVERY Parlor Suit This advertisement must he presented in order to secure the above gifts. This GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit sales. Goods delivered free everywhere. siB 9x12 feet, $15.00. Coat Hooks Towel Racks Card Tables Brass Table3 Music Racks Bric-a-Brac Umbrella Stands Rogers' Groups Curtain Poles Picture Hooks Brass Tack3 Stair Buttons Bead Portieres Eamboo Curtains Step Chairs Blacking Boxes bmV ."fJK V BsV m MB 1a tint" fruit gnbjeol in "Antique Oak and Hold Frame. J ' A P>el in Ivory ami (.old, Em i pire Frame; something new. A heavy pair of Chenille Portieres in all colors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers