Tm JSCHANTON TBIB UNETH UBSDA V." MORNING. APRIL 26. 1894. EXQUISITE STYLISH THE HATS -AT- NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. All the Fashionable Shapes Trimmed to suit the most Mstldious. WORK GUARANTEED, LOWEST PRICES LACE CURTAINS The rnost delicate fsbrio projw erly cleaned at THE Lackawanna Laundry 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Books Given Away Satur day, April 28. TtiorcisndOranire Bl'saomsl ll.uv . on I'... World, I ttuin.ntal hi Leisure, lv yond 1'ivrJ. :.. For Anothor s, n Vlf. in N..m lint. Biitna if Cay. Moll Bawu, 1'uvllls. rum.. A M.DtsI Strilla, U'lie WookM ', AJinlrale Ward. by Woman's Wit, fro the Bitter Eud. Aurora Floyd, rbSatem FurtULe, Vll.ll, illl on t: ! . 5 Adain Bert., roll UM, 1 Mrs Alexander. It, R. Braddon. Oaorge Eliot. Bulvrer I.ytton. Krussl Msltiavers, Ph.! ("Illfnlil, Jin. Wide, wm Wviid, fha i iiil.l Wife, Captain Alityuc Kt-d v anda. 1,'UKIk And maur other MEARS & HAGEN. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 2. Beginning Monday. April 13, r.e will offer Moquettes at 75c. por yar yard. Regular price is $1. 25. Ve have only a limited quantity of these goods. Call early to secure them. '27 Wyoming A v a TELEPHONE HO. 515 The Union Transfer Compare-, Limited. fini !tn'. Baggage and freight called for end deltwed promptly lOT Franklin avenue. CITY NOTES. The contagious d.iaaie epidemic is grad ually abating. In a ten-lnntnjf gamn of lia ball yeiter day, the local te.-im defeats I Hie fliugliam Ton club by a store of 7 to C. Liostejiant Ezr. flrifKti WomMi's Relief Corps, Kn. SO, srlil give a dime entertain 1,. tut at Ue pot room, toiiigiit. Cortnua and the Kimball Opera 0mtn,ne tompeny will preeeut "ilendrir-k Mmlsnn" nt the l'roiiiiLgu.-na theater il,, evnlug. CJfc Kngiaeer Phillip, yesterdav heard appeals on the Biwllman an I it . he ro.i-t latere teaten In the Fifteenth sewer Jis- IIC, The liaildtuif oouatlttee of the b .ard of Control will m-e; tbU erening Bids for heating and vcutillatlng No, 87 building will be considered. inika i. Xtd'.u, at Tavlwr. and Aiuia VI. aJontaa, M Minooka; .Irsrm R dm fiiirMl&t and flrWy I. Coolbsmfh, of Aiwalt. sore granted marnugo lictuies ;'tarilay. jjtr, nfi as re. forward taTy -.11 pive raettai of fccottwk song and trry nt YtMl Men-, Uiriitian Aa'oeiation ball Fiidav ayening na'ler th auspices of the Scualoa Candoilaa club. "Ie 0.4 Kontucky, the plav wn.ra e..hU ltd 1 jcq a remarkable s'Kicef 1 at the Aoaaain) of Music, New York, during tno winter, will be at the Frotlmigham tliee Wr cuit T'Jvsday and Wednesday even aa-1 Wedneaday nfternoon. The Catobro-Aitierlcaa Choral society met at the Youhk Men'a Chri-lian AtH.jcia iies rooms for rhearsl last err-nin; . A Urge number vrers prosent. Tint pro urasanaa selected vrae the nnn to be ren 4rel at ;ko on May 13 at the Ptetutafbsm theater. eter E.bes snd 03car Welchel, of the tee Bwlh Side, were arrested t the in stance of Prerl Erhariit on the complaint nf ckloken siealini- They wore remaadnl il by Alderninn Wright In defanlt of I90O bsll. Tbey were osught trying to UUdoso of the chieJetiS at Reed's market on Wash ington avenne Anheuser Basch Besr. ' Louis Ixhman'a, 626 Bprucs St. HOW TO MAKE GOOD BREAD. f rss Eahibitlou at tba Btors of JTudge St Qc. Tsylor. Miss Young, of lloston, who has been ae sneoessiniiy enowinn tha merits oTth cWsbreted Oold Medal sad Supsrlative f.rnir i the Washburn-Crosby Co. nt the Brrsnton Cssh Store, Will demonstrate to 11 t jalilof to bei'Oiue etperte, best utterly UMlaaa It ts to waato rantenala aud rum t'.e ten)wr 11s well aa the diKeatioa, by making end using poor bread u to tbo store of Judge a Co., and sea bow simple a matter it Is to urate the table with beautiful bread and cai.e. GnociniKS, groceries, groceries, at Rein bsrt'i. ' IHuilo J). an Exclusively. Bet made. 1'lay any dolred number of iuii'-H. Cantschi Hi Sotis.. mAuijfaaturera, ;U'in'litputatrol( liladJpUia. Won. tier ful mcuustrial organs, only $5 and f 10. Hpicinlty: Old music boxes earefnlly re-I-alrni and Improved with new tunes. TIT .1 W -I J ." I1 fill Scrastou Uuddiag Co, am uubol. starinir fumiiura. Unut wprlftnen. Rea son able prices. That s prides at Oitersney Br,her. Williams k McAnulty SPREADING THE WORD That Is the Splendid Wort Women's Mission ary Society Is Doing. CONVENTION NOW BEING HELD Proceedings Yesterday Were Marked by Much Earnest Work Splendid Showing of the Year Rally Held by Young People at First Church Last Night-Addressed by G. W. Knox, of Japan. Tha tTOnntw-fAnrth annn.l of the VVotnen's Foreign Missionary society or ne Presbyterian olmrcli oonvened in the edifice of the Second Preabyteriau congregation at 10 o'olook yssterilny moruinx. A 8cripturl les son was read by Mrs. C. P. Turner, of Philadelphia, after which pruver was offered by Mrs. Aikmgi, of Madison, N. J. Mrs. C. E. Robinson than de livered the welcoming address to the delegates and the president of the so ciety, Mrs. 0. P. Turner, ruiule a fitting r spouse. The report of the treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Fishbnru, read by Miss Nelsou, showed that the society In I reoeired during the year the sum of $lTi.G0a 00, aud that all but ri 50 bad been expanded in missionary w:rk. The receipts fell i ',"uo oeuiw tnose or tne previous vear. Mrs. Williem Watroui, of Philadel phia, read the report of the heme sec retaries, showing a general resume of work done by ti.e suppnrtiug societies. 0110 nsw society, fifteen auxiliaries nd seyauty-eighl Young People 'h Mia sion;bands were organiaed dining the year. Tbe recording seeretary, Mre. J. K, Miller, road tbe list of Presbyteries, 111 delegates, representing twenty eight Preebyteriee. exclusive of tbe Lackawanna Prssbytsry. MISSIONAlUti INTROPUCEp. Mn. 1'. A. Cunningham then Intro duced to the audienoa the following mtssionsrles. Mrs. C 11. Lirowu, of Syria; Miss trertrude Bigelow, of Jaoan : Mrs. A. P Pallagh, Japan ; Mrs. W. f Dold, Uos; Mrs. J. P. Howell, Bratil Mr. S, 0 Geodlere, Ulse Aeniau, Wellington White, China, and Miss bertha Csldwell, M. D , a miaeionary under appoiatoteut to AlUhuhad, India. At the eloee of a paper on work in foreign niiasionary fields during tbo tWX, Mr. Wellington Whits spoke on ' Woman's Work for the Maater m Cuius," aud then Mr Turner an nounced the appointment of a number of committees. A nnaarird report o? tbe work of the society during tbe past year, also thowing tu eOclenoy and condition, follows: Hme Department TMal contrlboS tie, fl4P,cV8V); new Preshytsrial soci ety :Maameei 1. total Presoytenel socl : - :. new avuuUariea, K . tew bands 7?. tew Youag People's Christian Endeavor tjc.stlee, 1SS, new Junior Cbritisn to dosTcr odetlca, -1?. total aaxiliarlea, bands, nod i;irittian KuJeavcr sociaties, liV: number of subscrlptiona to "Wo. atsns Work for Woman." lfl,B3: number it ubscriptiuos te "Over Bee auu Land, iiiflO. ifS Department - Missioaarws, IM; ihbie readers and teschers.Sl; dsyssbjnli. 103. boarding tcboola Si, medical wo men on the field, 11; medical women In College, o. medical women uodtr appoint meat, 1. ill!. AFTEJUiOCS SE3S1CS. Tho afternoon session did not begin until 'i 80 o'clock, when all joined in ainciiiL' "Ye Servant of U,,d iiaster Proclaim," Prayer was 'offered by Miss IDester. or W asblagton. i U Ihea followed n discussion on mission ary educitioa Mary L. BroaduvaJ, of U .iter Osp, preeenteJ a paper on iiaading." Miss V. F Penrose oe "Usograpby," Mrs. J. B Howell ou "Arithmetic" All were Interesting and Ware brivf!,- ditcussad, A kvni'i was aung aud then Miss Gertrude Uigalow, of Japan, spokj on ''The Mission of the Mission 1 " After pmyer and singing th ttalon tioe.d at 4 30 or, jck. A rally of the Young People's S. cielv of Christian Endeavor was held in the First Presbyterian cboreh at IM o'clock in the evening. A vast audi. 11 ce of the refined aud ruitured people df Soranton paokad tbe eUift.-e. Key. J-sinee MrLeod, D.D, inn led, and Bet. O W. Kuox, a I), delivered stirring addresa ' ti matters pertslnmg to misionary work in Japan. MHi. fcLAUVttl'j APPIARAfl CE Tuesday Iivrr,inr, Kay 1, lh Uate the Concert in Tbta City. Mr iorge Car:er hai hen very sncc-'ifnl in aecnrlng subscribers to ihecosKierl to be glvou iu this city at I. in Park i-..lire. 1 by Mute Lillian liiauvelt, and elrsa iy caa a large milli bar of names to the list of peepls through whose generosity uiuiie levels uf ttlflSf tttt tnvaus will be enabled to hear a great artist. From a communication roceived from Mine DlaUVvlt yesterday, it hue ben ascsrtained that tbe engagetnente are such that Tnewlay evening. May 1, is tba only dnte upon which she cau ap pear in tscranton. The time is so short bstween thts and the date of the oonoert, that Mr. Carter will be unable to circulate the subscription paper a? exteastvely as be had anticipated, and he haa decided to leave the list at Powell's mnslc store nu Friday morning next, where parties interested limy coutrlbute toward the enterprise. To all subscribers to tbe conoert the courtesy of reserved seats will be extended. At the door on the evening of tbe coneert a silver collection will be taken, liv this arrangement people of all classes v.-i 1 1 through the en terprise of Mr. Carter and liberality of tne subscrihera be enabled to listen to high class music at a trilling cost. The programme of tbe ooueert will be announced later. WILL BECOME A RESIDENT. ' " I V . v Mrs. Soo Doo Hoe, files Her Photo With tha Revenue Collector. Mrs. Soo Doo Hoo, wife of theChln- eso merchant on North Wiinhiugton avenue, and who arrived with her hus band 011 his recant return from the Flowery Kingdom, intends to become a legal resident of the Unite I States. I'esterday Mrs. Soo IJoo Uoo caused a photograpii of borself to be filed in the ofHce it Revenue Collector Her ring, with tbe intention of a full com pliauce with tbe provisions of the Geary law. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER'S NIGHT. Tbey Wilt Be UK an a fteeetitlon at Y, ai. O. A. Thursday Night. A reception will be given at the Yoang Men's Christian association next Thursday evening by tbe Amateut photographers' of the -city, of whom, there are about 200. Photographers are requested to bring their samaras with them i an oppor tunity will bo given to take flash light picture of athlette pvoupe. There will be au interesting musical programme and stereopticou views will be civ m of scenes photograpi .0 1 by amateurs of the city. All uuialour photographers are invited to attend. A dark room its being fitted tip on tlio third floor of the Young Men's Chris tian Asaociation building fgr the use uf members of the association. It will la provided with lockers so that develop ing materials can be kept by each pho tographer on the premises. CHARITY MINSTREL3 TUESDAY. Ptrformanca Will Be Qivan at Muaio Hall. OiiTuosdayu ight May 1 tha Charity Minstrels will giro a performance at Music Hall for the beui'tit of tha char ity fund. The company consists of forty puo ple, made up of the best local -.. me dians, singers, musical t-utn-. knock about teams, club swingers, comic sketch artists, and mnj) jo)lg and guitar players. COMPANY HAS IWa PRESIDENTS. J. W. Aitken Protests Against What Was Done at a Meeting, Called Without His Sanction. J. W. Aitken. president of the Car boudale Traction company, yesterday obtained a preliminary injunction re straining tho issue of additional stock and bonds of that company. The bill In equity which Mr. Aitknfiled, is di rected against Millard t'. Thompsou, secretary and treasurer of tbe Carbon dale 'fraction company, and .lames D Stogkur, James J. Mullen, 11, .1. Be, tem, William Walker, Charles R, Mullin and W. F. Sadler, jr., director. Mr. Aitken claims that 011 April S3 an unauthorized meeting of a portion of the stockholders of the Carbondulo Traction company was held at wince directors ami officers were elected $50,000 uf additional etock issued and the indebtedness of the company in ersased by the issue of bonds to the amount of $00,000, This masting Mr. Aitl.uu snys was not called by ths presi dent and directors of the company nor was auy notice stating specificallv the object of the meeting given or author ized by tne president or directors At the meeting William Walker was e! acted president, Millard Thompson, iscretary and treasnrer snd the per sons named above directors, W. A. May being chosen as new director. Dir. Ait ken wants the issue of the additional stock and bonds restrained He Is represented by Attorneye Jestups ct Hand aud J H Torrey Julye Uunster granted a preliminary injutic li.ui and muds it returnable April at .0 a m. For some time paat negotiatione bavs been in progress with a view to ba'in the of the Csrbondale crnp my leased and operated by tbe Berantoo Traction company President J. P lis ley, of the latter company, announced yesterday that thsso negotiations had been discontinued. MR. JOYCE INVOKES THE LAW. Says He Is the VicHm of a Conspiracy. Wants Damage; in the Sum of $0,000. Merlin Joyce, who as ptiiic pal of ens of tbe schools of Lackawanna township, cinie Into such prominence last winter by his opjeisiiion to the school board of that township 111 re taining forcible possession of tne c IB tineiitsl school, Yesterday through At torneys Watson Uieiil, began 4:1 ac tion against Willtaia Morgan. 1 U ng -Timlin. Dsvid Lloyd, er , David Lloyd, jr., Jam-a Steonetii, Ubrd Liuvoa. Silas Pinnock. ElraunJ Carter, John Davit. Mrs. Koea Pinnock, Ellen ii.. -eron, Margaret Barron. Lltz.e Slppel. and Mn William Prvetwood for cob sptrsry. He asks damages in ths sum of fo UOO. II. riiargee that in order to secure his removal from the eebool of which us wee prtatipsi. tbe defendants con spired and circulate ! a story to the ef fect that he bad "coudut'Ud hiuHelf In an improper manner an 1 w is moral ly unlit to teach the pupils of his school and that bo was unlit by reason of improer conduct ro pursue his pro feeaion of school teaching " These charges Mr. Jov, e ears were will known by those wb made them to lie utterly fails la order to get him out of the school hoildiug ho alleges that a criminal Charge wse bronght against him, on which be was arrested, it was not a 'net charge, he declares, and when 11 ail asaWlupllaheJ the purpose for wujga it 1 . e begun it was withdraw n All ti.e c'largae undo against Mr, Joyce of evorv kind are solemnly denied by him. Tin y were all, ho says, lutrt of-titi ni1l() lite re in ov .1 't ia tin' positi in be l.el I. I'bqp aeiiinsi whom he his brought pail art tie menitit- of th clo I 1. 1. 1 I of Liakaweuua township aud t ie pupils and their parents who made the complaints against him. - ... TtieMe L q r Cases Alderman Donovan yesterday diarharg. d the rase ageiuat th" KgJJl v- ' e- t Bn w lug company for vjwUtlou of tbe liquor laws. P, J. Oeeer aafl John Prnry u o o held in ball for erlllug on huoday. A. J. Mahou, the prsMenetor. aays h will have tbe members of the Kelly .. Cnsoy com pany anostod again today. Db, E, Olicvraa, the I'lulnrjelpl.: 1 iahst, has now return' d from air extended eoutherc trip, end may be ooie.iilteil at hie pastors. No. Ill SprnoH street, Kuisnt hi. Temple C.inrt building, upon all acute and thronio iliseaaes uf men, women euT chil dren, ft has been noise 1 about by 01 r mure persons thai Ur lliewer publishes the names o his cured paiiunti. This is not so. Everything is strictly sacrwl ami roufldentlal, and no one patlunl knows that another is being treat -d. Tba do -tor liNs always made tnU onai ipie a lastiOK and sovereign one, and feels that it i due to eyery patient. Office hours, dally, Us. m. te V p. m. 1 Isunday, 9 to a. e A Hatred A racrku concert will bi aiven at Trin ity Lutheran church Thursday evening, April 211th. Lending Vocabsls will partici pate and every arrangement has been made to present a musical progralt of the high est order. Tickets, 600. . f e , Do You ai f hi Saturday, April 28, to every customer buying pt worth of goods, we will give a book. Hoe oaialogas in onr advertisement on locsl Dace of this paper. MSlMI II tori. The Latest In ladles' and genta1 fine shoes for spring and summer wear at the ( 'ommonwealth shoe store, Washington HVenne, m rt Low rainis for Hoe groceries and mnr kst goods, t iieiuhari.'. mm iiUfm efd cleaned by the Strm- ton TJeamug Co. W Can rtrv blame people for fairly crying for these Handsome Mwl fltttiromei? IS NEARIHC TBE EH Judge Edward, Will Deliver His Charge to the Jury This Horning, ARGUMENTS OF THE ATTORNEYS They Were Delivered by ex-Jud e W. H. Stanton and District Atlormy Kelly Testimony Heard Yesterday. Cases Heard in Court Room No. 2 Before Judge Archbald One Plea of Guilty Entered. Today the fata of Joseph Judge apd Andrew Smith will be passed upon by a jury. The olcsing testimony was 'mar 1 yesterday morning and the af ternoon was consumed by the pleas to the jury. Judge Edwards will deliver his oharge this morning. Tne com mon wealth is not pressing for a verdict of murder in tho first degree and attor niyi who have listened earefnlly to the tcHiiraony in the ess'i express the belief that the verdict will be manslaughter, Both of the defendants Were in court nil day, Smith, as usual, taking groat interest iu everything an I uuif done; Judge apparently indifferent to what was ocenring nhont him Mrs. Smith Bat clwie to tW htloiud during the day, but thav never exchanged a word, the attention 61 both appearing entirely al aarbed by the proceedings. F.x Judge Stanton has made an able defense of tho men Tills t laj-slU TliBTIMONV. After court opened yeslerdav morn ing the cross examination of Joseph Judge, one of the defendants, was re sumed by District Attorney Kelly, lie said he is -7 yeais of age and was bom in Poland, lie has been iu America less tbsn a year. Iu answer to the questions of Mr. Kelly he described iu detail the events (list led up to the lu ting of Tomulinas with the ax. Judge deeiared that he delivered the blow to protect himself from Tomuliuas. Joseph Yankoiki swore that he saw Judge strike Tomolinss on the shoul der when the latter wss trying to get into the ihanty, and Mike Bernard trs titied to the appearance of Judge's per son and clothing after the tisht With that testimony the defense rested, and Police Sergeant M. Jf. Spsllm iu was called by the commonwealth for tbe purpose of rebuttal Mr Spellmau laid that assisted by 1 Iflicer Geischledle he arrested Hmttti an I JuJge after the ti.'ht Tbey were taken to Providence station house aud nkweviseully to the olho 01 Aidetiuaa Williams for a hearing. Wnen arrange!. Smith manifested a desire to tell the itor of the trouble ami was cautl 'Bed by Dr. ifulliTan, ih,. alderman eud t .. that any thing be might aiy would be ne d against him ou the trial of the case Mr staulou obj -cisd strenaotialy to tbe admission uf what 4inith said, but after the matter hsd liesn argued pro and eon, Judge i.lwards decided to limit it. Mr Spell 1.1 tben said tiiat after de criliing the tight in detail, Smith tolj tneui that after Jtllge ha I hit Tomu linas with tbe ex, tbe latter fell, but immediately got np again and bit ( inith twice with a atiek. Tben Smith knocked Touuliuss down and kicked him. William McOreevv and iffircr Geiseheidle oorrnte.rate 1 the testimony pi Hergeant bpvlliuao with regard to the ediulisiona made by Smith in the allerman's offica JSlmon Parogetis tod lieorge Bmith also teitlfl-d that Smith tol l them ue had kicked Toaa itnas Tbat ended tbe testimony in the case. SVC A CH IK 0 -MITB (JftlDtBIMTT. The object of introducing the testi mony In rebuttal wai to impeach the credibility of 6011th who sworn when on the stand that he li 1 not kick Tom nlinas. He also testified on Tuesday thnt Tomulinas was in ths house when struck by t 11 ax while in his ststim injl before the) el.Vruun he said Unit top Hisault to k place outside uf the door of the shaotv. After the teetiuioay was all in. court adjourned f t the no 11 te ase and when, it reconvened ex-Judge titantou began Ills closing a lU"vslu the jury It was a forceful and able effort the ipeaker lslonug to rxou'rats Smith (rout all Maine fur the killing and to convince the jnry tbat Joseph Judge s'rnrk in self defense tbe blow which ended the oarthly career of Joeeph Toinuiinaa. t was a crime, the speaker said, which Judge was comnMlcd to commit His life was imperilled and I10 hail to deliver that blow in order to escape himself. Mr. Stanton spoke for two hour 1 aud was listensd lo with intieh attention by the jury aud the Urge crowd .a Uiti UVUi ruuui. M ,11111 r At n iim.v kiii ;, s ai:.4i. n nj, Mr rfellf at tank. ! til" 1 lea uf -.11-tleieuae so alronglv argesl 1 y Mr ItMk tun as justilication for Judge's act. He sai l that there was nothing in the tes timony, if 111, partiajly considered, to warrant the belief that it was neces sary fi r Judge to lull Tomulinas to protect hiuiesir. Human lije, ho eaid. waa too sacro 1 to Is- Morlfiosd to repell a slight assault. He then contrasted the personal apistarauc s and physiques of Judge aud bis victim, holding that a infill of Judge's aUlliro and physical strength should hive 00 difficulty in preventing himself from reonvinn se rious injury from a, mini like Tolau Unas unarmed, as he v.n, with auy deadly weapon, Mr. Kelly spoke for Quo hour, giving a clear and lucid presentation of the rouimmiwenlth's idt nftl.ecasa H" eald it sakod for no victims and desired none, but that the law must be im partially enforced to the end that peace may lie preserved aud the proper consideration given to thesancuity of hrttpaa Uf. . It was 4 .10 when Mr Kelly closed and judge Edwards ile cided not to oharge the jury until this morning. nt'FOI; 0 JCDOK AKCUUAI O). Iu ft. 11 s t room No. 2 yesterday room Ing the jury in the assault and battery cine of Frank Shanley, charged by Si wsfd Humphrey with assault and Uat terv, brought in a r.irdict of not guilty iiiid directed tbat two-thirds of ihe cost ho paid by the prosecutor and one-third by the defendant. Miss Minnie Masters, a petite young lady, waa arraigned before Judge Arch bald,cbargsd with larceny by bailee by Guernsey Bros. It il nlleged that Mies Masters obtained a piano from the prosecutors ou a .lease and disposed of it without having compiled with the conditions of tbat instrument. The defense dsnied the material allegations but the case was disposed of on a point raised by John F. Heragg, attornoy for Mils Masters, that she was a minor when nhe Blgned the lease for ths piano (n aud therefore eonld not be belimt lr her irCtton, 'Thereupon judge Aciibald took ttie cat from the jury. Later Guernsey Bros, obtained a writ of replevin on which to recover the pi ano. W. J. McIIale was next alaoed on trial for assaulting Paal Seals in Size's hotel at Pine Brook last October. The waa alleged, was entirely unprovoked. Major Everett Wnrreu appeared for the prosecution nnd Sena tor M. E. McDonald for the defense. A verdict had not been returned when court adjourned. CONVICTED OF THEFT. John Abuslco was tried for the theft of 204 from tbe honeeof AudrowCotx uua, of Olyphant. Tho evidence for the prosecution was almost entirely circum stantial. Tbe defendant denied the theft and said that the money found on his person after bis arrest was borrow ed by him to pay a debt. Attorney John K. Joues defended Ahuil: and Attorney Joseph O'Brien copduoled the proBGtutiuu. Abuxko was cou victed. Mathew Freeberg was next placed on trial, charged w'th tho theft of ijilO from Adam Monoshry, at Providence last June. Tha case was still OH trial When court adjourn el. William Rime pleaded guilty to a charge of duft'HUding boarding home keeper proferred by Edward Meliedy, and a fine of fS aud costs was imposed by Judge E I wards. A rule to show cause why a new trial should not be granted iu the case of Louis liable, convicted of embexzlo m. ni, was granted. It is returnable to arguuuut court. William Kuhl, William Shlffner, John Martin and Petor Hauler were arraigned 011 a charge of negli gence by bailee. The prosecutor, F S. Warren did not appear aud a verdict of not guilty was taken and the costs ulttoed on him MR. ARCHER'S ABSENCE. Traction Company Officials Take Ex ceptions to What They Term Unwarranted Rumors. Since the recent departure of Gen eral Manager Archer, of the Scranton Traction company, considersble com mant has been til st, which, npou In vestigation, ie mi tu be not juiliUable according to facts. Tho Times of yesterday insinuated tbat the presence here of J. P. Haley, "f Philadelphia, president of the traotl in company, is owing to tbu "unaccount ed for absence,1' so termed, of .Mr Archer. Tile article also stated tbat Mr. lisley would yesterday negotiate lur tbe purchase of the l arhoudal electric lines. "Mr. Archer is ill.'' said Mr. Haley to a Tribi nx reporter yeiterday, "and haa leave of absence from tne city for three weeki. "The various rumors, as iutimsted in the Times, are thoroughly incorrect so far a they relate to Mr Archer or any contemplated purchase of the Carbon dale dner.' Tne true detailed fayrts concerning Mr Archsr s absence are these For nearly a mouth he bad been debilitated and troubled with insomnia, caused by an unrelsxesf and arduous attention to the duties of a posltum which are of a particularly wearing nature He was constantly being advised by his pby ildlan. Dr Coiiuall, to leave his work f"t a few weeks and recuperate J it. Hi -tem, a representative of E W. I lark i: Co , the ayudlcate banker. of i'hlladslphia, happening in tne city aud, observiug Mr. Archr a indisposi t on. advised him to tut loose (om 1 tiainesi cures for a short peri-,1 an 1 tfrred to assume the duties of general manager until Mr Archer felt strong enough to return. Mr Haley, the president of the company, wrote Mr. Archer nnd urged bin to depart on a thfec weeka' leave of absentc. Mr. Archer consented, and the above faots. given Tim ThiuTxk reporter by Mr. lisley and Mr Uesleiu, explain the tat ter's temporary position as geueral msnagsr Mr Beetem's visit here wsi not pre conceives, and Mr. Archer woald uot have relinquished his duties for even so brief a ; ti d had be not beet Intima tely acquainted with Mr. Bcetem and fully satisfied that the company's in terejU would Is amply Uioitasl aitsi by him It has been tbe eustoai cf Mr (isley, the president of the tom iv. hi Visit Scranton about very four or five weeki, and he deplores any miicon strtietlon which may be placed npou ins pnMnsa h"ro nt a time when Mr. Arener'e abeanoa hns given tile to nn warratited soucenlioni. Barren In pmind prints, rolls and cr.cls. Kelnhart's market. ' - - j-. - N(W MllllNtRV STORf. Ulia 8 N.eaiis Use Opeusd us a Place on Spmoe Street The new millinery storo recently cieried by Mies 8 Newman nt p 19 h rnce street ts a vsritable paradise of all that is beautiful la tlis way of head a t n.m-nt I t t ... 1 , 11. 8. ; ,lu i;uL- nt goods disptsret li lsr ifl 1 Vdrled - -air -) o. (he a' set i sftey-M ar s.issrn ut pnc.s the inoft res'nhie. Mies N'owinsn thoroughly unler stands her business and In carrying ant her new enterprise aks hta uisui festod exreilem jqdguieut aud taite, even to the most tulhilte details, as tbe handsome display seen 111 her store win Iowa clearly svlMH to the eye of ihe moil o.ii.l otiar-rvr That she will succeed in bullosas there U every roasou to believe, as she posieisrs the qualittys essential to aciiiovetn ,pts in uer line. I'M l llTi. JoWflrp 10 r-li-ct from. E VERYTHING new. R R in new styhv-i. UN in and see our new store. Y OU are welcome. WTKHLrxr; Bilvar Novettisa in great variety . W.W. BERRY Jewels r 417 Lackawanna Ave. BBt St3 of Teeth, $3 1 00 JasHttAai te ratslna extracting cf taetk It eatfraijr ue pre tees. 8. G. Silydr, D.D.S. WVOM1NO AVJA Notice. The New York, Ontario & Western R. R. Co., will stop the following trains at the crossing opposite the new Base Ball grounds: Train 1108, south, leaviug Car boudalo S.34 p. m.; train gli7j north, re turuinc leaving Scrauton f 50 p. ra.: train 209, north, returning leaving Hcranton 0.10 p. m., days gnmei are played. T. 'Flitcbost, District Paaaengar Agent. Hi i..i..i.. . 1 gas i UisisiiaitiieHitish.siuuaEsiisiunHi HAVRN'T A I Hammock?! 5 S s ?1 VMlN'T let tllt. nr,',.e,l,V nalah 'f i-' wvm.,h,i. , v.Hi , TI....V. mm a ... . .., .iij"i, solid ;oi,iiori In liumnmeV i,,:n?m I Wmmh for a Dollar H 'iheebovels aiambiy u I, tile ;,!.eid Q 9 ft the tunc; hut tben, ira an, always as a ideal. I HENRY BATTIN & CO,, 126 Penn Ave. i Plumbing Tinning Popular Prices s I I When yau are looking for nov- ; cities, come in and you will S g find them 3 E I Scranton'j Household Specialists, g J" illllllllllllllllilllltlllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIli OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We arc uov, ilisplayiiio; 11 Liuc line ol Hosiery Iu COTTON, r-ILK and LlSIifi IHBEAD. r yVH.l REMBHBB&, every purehfaor of Men, Boys' nr Childpen's Clothing, Sliots. Huts i: (in, f l utuiblimjf GimkIs to the juaouat ot M "i ".01. 1, ii.tkenif.l aitli ;i 1 ii uici' on the BKAITT1FU I. PA K LOR sn i'i: now on exhibition in our window. PENN CLOU k Ml HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete OtJtfltte.-s, SCRANTON, PA. S. I. (1 ALLKX. the :ut shot:: here Ucpivscnts is I J E 1 I Razor Toe Las:. If you vrant the f s latest styles Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon 1 are paying elsewhere for inferior goods. BANISTER will give you MORE for your money ; than any Slice House in the city, Patent Leather ana nn;set biioes in DANISTER'3, GLASSES catches more flies than vinegar. Good goods draw more trade than poor ones. Our Ladies' Suits, Shirt Waists, Capes, Millinery, etc., and Men's Hats, Neckwear and Furnishings are bound to catch trade. Each purchaser to the extent of $i or over takes part in our $2,500 Distribution Gift BROWN'S BEE HIVE 221 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIS WEEK $4.00 Cape for $2.25 in all colors. Ladies' line Coats, worth $6.00, for $2.48 Also Ladies' fine Serge Suits, worth $7.00, for $4.29 J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime bank. i j .-i Jim ja 83l IN THE HURRY To ret yotirSclves r?2.dy fcr Sun day you can appreciate the avail ability of a stock and store like ours that can dres3 you and the toys from head to foot really better and cheaper than anywhere you can go. And what's best of all you know every cent you spend will come back if you're not suited. SOMl 'Id. tt .lM hi I I S MMI II. H A .NT bHKI.NG 1 1 1 1 sd.MI. 1.1. WANT HATS tOMBMit WANT KHOFR kUMK'LL WANT I IHMsUl.VGs sum 1 1 I WAST ALL TUI.SL 1 BiKoa 13anister's uew in Footwear trade at endless variety. Cor- Latol!ai0Nw5"g . ; 1 1
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