THE ISCRAKTON TRIED A E -THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 26. 1894. Emperor Charles II, Accompanied by lialf the nobility of Austria wnt to the Cnrlbnd Springs for tbo rpcoYery of bis health. Six thousand nix hundred horse, so the town records say, were iieceaiar- to convey the com puny to the place. The virtues of the water is as groat the present day as it was iu the time of Charles 11, and although the expense attached to a journey thither is not as groat now as it was then, we are not all wealthy enough to undertake it. For such the virtue of the Carlsbad Spring is extracted. The Carl bud Sprnd Silt, obtaiued by evaporation, containing all thes'Mid constituents of the water, can be obtained at every drag store Is is thevorv best remedy forcntnrrh of the stomach, OOMtipaiion, liver and kiduoy troubles, gout, rheumatism, etc. B sure to obtain the genuine m ported article, which must have the slgustnreof "BUnwft MendeUbn Co , Agonta, New York." on every package Price 1; large liz $1 50. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Meeting at Nluili District Teaohsrs In -etltuta and Prc-irramnie. 8Ktnil to tht Scrunton Tribune. PlTTftOIt, Pa., April 8& Tbt an nual meutiug of the Ninth District Teachers' institute will be held at Key stone bast 1 on nxt Friday evening and Satards forenoon and aiteruoon. The following is a tynopttl of the pro gramme to be cros-nted: FRIDAY', 8 O'CLOCK f at "llie Rivulet," I'rotherue The Pitutou Choral L'uion, led by William Jones Lecture, "Finger Tip at School,'' frofessor W. W. Deatrick, Key stone State Normal bchovl. 'Sauotus," Protheroe The Pittstoa Choral L'uiou. ATOBDAT, U O'CLOCK a. It Facts and Mctum of Geography, r'rot'etoor W, V. . Ueatrick Tbouglit-Kuowiug, City Superintendent J. M. Cough -lie, Wilkes Barre. "Tie Two Appetites," Professor Albert, Bloumabur, State Notu.i lehoi i P-:Dg of yusry Box AJTrBNOOll Sk.-los, 2 O'CLOCK Prli-ary Hemiing-, County Sniir. T. H. Harrison Ueograpby lleadiUR Professor Aluert Answering of lueetioru Proposed at Fore noon :ev!ou. Di cm.-ion, 'Should Examinations Be liadt the lia-is of Promotion a rue Platform tor the Entire institute Reports of CcmtLittces Adjournment Tue lecture on Friday evening will I free, and it is hoped that the citizens of the lorouga will manifest an interest in the canse of education by their lre eme at the sessions of the institute, not only oti Friday eveaing bat at th. se'sions oa Saturday. The chairman and the eitcutive committee extend a cordial invitatiou to the teachers of the North district and to all friends of ed ucation in this vicinity to join in the Work of the meeting! - BOLD ROBBERY ATTEMPTED. At the Florence Coat Company's Store Yetrdey Jforrlns: eWtattl to the .'cranio Tribune. PlTTtTOM, Pa., April "" A daring but uiisiircf ill attetnnt at safe hlnw itig was made on the orh-e safe of the Florenee Ceal company located in the store building near the company's breaker at Smithvllle about 1 o'Hock yetterday morning The rrbbere were foiled in their work by trie watehiiinn pntlit.g in an appearance U DOfl making bla tour of tne premises at the hoar adove men tioned, dlscoverel a man standing near the bnibtiug as If on gu ir I No sooner did he epproaeh the Mali 0(1 than the latter Bounded an alarm ey discharging revolver avnral titOtl Thna aioused, the gar. made good their eeeape The wstcliman raad an nvestigatien of the preraisea and found .ut the intrnders bad gained ntrmo by forcing open a rear door. Once In side of the office they bored a hole In one of the doore of the safe and by means of powder succeeded In blowing it open. The inner doors were intact, however, the watchman having eom on trie seene in time to prevent the opening of the nme Nothing else in the store or offlct was disturbed. There is no clew to the gang. CrliiclslosT a Young Ladv. "She would be a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatf asked (.'barley. Oeorge Her face Is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Jh, that's easily enough dis tasted of. Used to be the sain way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. George What was it? Charley Simply blood eruptioni. Took a short Coarse of P. P. P. I fll yon, H'j the boos blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could hear him holler clear across theoountry every time ho moved, lie tried it, and ynn know what an athletic old itent he be now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, ah wonld thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell It, ' s AT HYMEN'S SHRINE. Fix Young- Couplns Pint Their Troth Before the Altar. Sprctal to the fcaitton Tribune. PRTKOlf, Pa., April 25- St. John's chnroh was the scene of six weddings vesterday afternoon, and from the cele bration of tho first until the last couple passed out from the saered edifice the handsome church was crowded to the doors with friends of the contracting parti n, l ev. Father Finnon was the ofli jia ' ng ol rgyman, und wheu he had con cluded his labors the following young couple had pledged their troth for belter or worje: John C. Daley and Miss Mary A. Howley. Joseph Delansy Bnd Mis Kate GAtighan, Patrick Mul lin and -Miss Snaie Conuell, William Moron and Miss Bridget Walsh, John Walsh and Mis Anna Halleran, Thomas Murphy and Mia Rose Derrig. The marriage of A B. Davenport and Miu Jesiie Kobertinn occurred lust evening in the Protb-ferian chapel at Inkerman. It wai the first marriage lu the new chapel. BOTH TOWNS PARAGRAPHED. Doiaue and Hnripeninira Called for Hasty Perusal. ffrednl to the Seranton Tribun. Pittstos, April 25 The diagram for the earuival to be held thi eve ning ia, with the exception of perhaps fifty seats, ia entirely marked oil The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Houser oceurred yesterday afternoon and was largely attended. The Scotch Hill Drutn corns enliv ened the town somewhat last evening with some lively music A $1? house greeted the Louis Jester comhiuation at Music hell Taesday evening, and it is safe to say should the company chance to plav a return date the receipts would be $-17 less. Mr. Michael Doltan, of Wat kin's Glen, near Dnrvea. died yeaterduy morning after a brief illness. She was 42 years of age, nnd ia survived by her husband and eight children. The funeral will tako place tomorrow after noon at 1 o'clock, the remains being conveyed to Pl,ajus, -Mrs. (Dolt un's for mer home, for Intifojfeht in the Snored Heart ceotetery. Mr. Puftick I.oftus, who formerly resided od'Pine street with his parents, but who has been in Veuezuela the past few years, is home on a visit. Mr. Loftus worked at bis trade, that of a boe manufacturer, in the New- En gland States for some years after leav ing here, and a few years ago located in Venezuela. The funeral sfrviee of Samuel Shook's little son will take place this morning at ! o'ciork at the bouse. In terment iu the Newtcn Center ceme tery. The anuual meeting of the Grand Council, Sous of Columbia, met tu Ma lion ! Kingston, yesterday The del egates from local council No. 4, of this place, iu atteudatice are M J. T.angau, M. J. Berry and J. A. McNamarn Last evening a reception and dance was given at Dymond & Lewis's hull, in honor of the visiting delegate. A number of youag ludies and gentlemen from this place attended Mr. Julia Hendrlck, of Hoboken. N. J,, formerly of Avoca, ia visiting friends in this vicinity. Dr. E. K. Troxell, of the hospital ad visory board, has been appointed to till the vacancy created ou toe board of visiting physician by Dr Barrett's resignation Samuel Smyth and family arri ved home yesterday afternoon from Colum bia, S. C , where '.hey have been ipeud iug the winter. The funeral of the late Mrs Mary A. Mooney occurred from the bom of her father. J.ims Melvtn, on Kailroad tract yesterday afternoon. Many peo ple from Saranton, Wilkes-Barre, i'ly month, Luz-rne Bjroaga and other placet attended. Interment was made iu Market street cemetery Dr. Wood' Norway Pine Syrup was used for years as a prescription by a IOC OtssVfnl physician It is iu all respects the beat Cough medicine made today. Sold by all dva.vre uu a guarantee of H til fit "t1"" The Odious Income Tex U'jsairiloa i'oet. It bas heen insertnd lu th V lis u bill by way of propitiating the Populistic coa tuuiMit and gratifying th'- prejudice of the thriftl-HB agitator agaiuit the Lonost cltl i zeu. It Is not beta. rratir, It Is not Atner . lean, it is a false chord In the music of modern developuut, an auachrouiim in this enlightened age. - s Poor, u aeephUUentetl Wun ittunedvom Tr.bune. it line Breokiuridge tad bad a papa to guide bliu or a big sister to defend him, bit fate might have been different-poor thing . s N-t Worro.l on That Point rFauAsatVJW Pvt. The cslm judgment of the eople will prevent the eooantnnuttlon of all the wild predictions eoureinlug sectional strife over financial affairs . MMS For this Rllsf afucti Thanks tratlttagtesi fott. Fenator 1'eft'er'a speeih. aftr coming in r ontai t with numerous sensational events, finally reached it terminal A Draocratlo Opinion. TV"' !. Itetn. 0 rOVtr Cleveland male a monumental blunder In Indorsing and David llenuett hill a colosaal hit in antagonizing the Wll son hill Weak Kidneys Skarp, sbootntg , . .. ., )s.k tcbe, side a, he, I.. -i paint and pntni tin. m relieved in Onk Mini n by the Ctm LIKA Ami Pai;. Pls- tk, the ttrst and only pa.n killintf plaster. It tcMoret iitaJetr.t'hitv, and hence cutct net vou; paint and mat culat wcskncll. five. Jl o A .Si tr ..jutt or l;v suil IV.. tk tinjo,iisL Leva, .oui ., tvun Np E. Robinson's Sons' Laobr Beer Brewery Jltnufartur.-rt of tic Celebrate PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY lOO.OOO Bbll Per Annum, MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL Onstof the beet quality fjr domestic use,and 1 I nil sizes, delivered lu any oart oi the city at lowest price. Orders left at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, w ill receive prompt attention. Special eontracbi win be made for Uie (ale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITE I III c J Bcccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills- 25c. At drugstorcs.or write B.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St, and Adams Ave. Lot hi Douse HguAiia. All kinds of Luuudry work gutirantotd the best. ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOT CHES, ABSCESSES, SALT RHEUM, RUNNING SORES, OR SCROFULA IN THE SPRING If so, your Blood must be impure. Cleanse the Blood and System with Burdock Blood Bitters liBKviu.K, Mich., April 12, 1889. Messtis. Foster Mruvrrts & Co. 1 ,r c I write that you msv know Ibt 10 I I hare I II eivc.l ttOBt the BURDOCK BLOOD BITTBRS. 1 am now on the ninth bottle of your wonderful Bitters, and must confess 1 have recti veil prompt cure of a hmg standing Jhttast BOROFULA, 1 have uaeil dollar after dollars' worth of medicines and rectlvcJ no relief, but the third Nittle of H. B. B. I found great rct. 1 hae alio used three bottles of Bt KDorii Fills , they uro Uiu best uitdlcluo 1 ever took. I cannot prni' them too highly. I do ow e my whole life to them and can recom-ir.-nd them to every living soul that it atllictrtl w ith that dreadful disease, SCROF ULA. I was ntlllctcd with lumps at Inrga a an egg lu my right side and large lumps ou my throat, and my liintej were covered with a burning and Itching rash, which very greatly aunoyed me w hen near the warm stove. I hud pcnt a great dcui of money trying to gel relief, and consulted the U-st medical treatment hi the Slate, but all in vain , they did me no good whatever, and 1 had about giveu up wucu I thoutrht I would try your medicines, and, thank Oud, they have cured Uie. 1 am a Weil woman w-duy. Your tter true friend and will wisher. MH3 ( HAS H UTTUN, V BtrvlUe, St. Clair Co.. Slichigan. feesi y V - si v- r ;,up"'!iivfc - 1 " ' HOI II ' V , - - SUPERLATIVE . sf , ""-,, - mm 1 he al v. I rand of flour can be had at any f the following merchants, wlm will ncvp! Tin Tttim i ki d it il iv s of ' J'i on each one bun lred pound oi rloiir or JO on each barrel of flour. Hrrsnt. a F.I. I'r'.-A. Vtsslilniton I lied Mods llr ,i I tiunnir K V l'ne. Hold MeUI Brand Dtiamot F l MaaUerf Superlative Ursn L Bjrdj iFbi k - ( 'srson liitrta, Wabburn at. Id M-dsl Hrsnd; J sph A itisMsm aventio. riuporlstivo Hrsnd. OtMtJUdjr A UJpeaear.Oold MtdslBranL C T M Hsle. iperlatife PrOyMenre-Feiiiier A (.'liappoll. N Main sv nae. Huperlstire hran I I ' .1 QUIeaal v W. Mj k.. .ir. I M.-I.l Hrsnd. (ilypliant James Jordan. HutH.rlatm' Mraod Perkvitt Btaaflee K i r HuvorUtivs. Jeraajra rC O Wottr Qe np. ra.ativo Arclinald -Jotivs. B Btpa M .V Co . Hold Medal ( arhoncl:.. Il S Clsrk. (i..ld Medal llrand. Hooeedale-I N. Piaster A Co Oold Medal. Minooka- M H. Uvelle. NOMt Y IRON Mi I CM i i MONO HII.VIIK I i n IPBCIAL SANDERSON'S I M.i ISB fRSSOP'S KNOIslSH CAST STRBti IIOMSK SHORS TOH ILK 1 1 ill U HINBR1 BPHINa s- n r STBBL AM II, S BtCLLOWS HORSE v ll.s A RUSSEliL AND WELLS BROS CI n IN. i iOBINERY. W1LE1 Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagonmalcert' uni Biackimitht SUPPLIES. WEAK Why wimtn tttnp, mo tULi, fwciflt I u )., Mi. Rt id full jutkiiluriof i i nl KVUUB i'Oll.f in iM nr BRIOIIH. 4ITJJJ4. "' Hn "tiawtswi ww MtlfetaBWJ IIIUMIUK "' i ee-i iiiMi'tj eii avaji II lilt 'HllRali'i " 'a11 aj' you itfi OTt-rythliiL' t piuin unl )liipi. All I ivtlt In ivtuiu Is tliHt ou will buy u nniKllquBiitlty of U.w rmnedy Itself ir iiiv all nftdjr fur u,but iirtv tlonr. you plem bUwi this. Alt letier itu wleJ. T. !. HA It NltS, Lork Ho 331, n.mnr iValor, Murnh ilU Mic h. Ke itLCernrT Before suilau.'l liiLjj i li.M. M Kliii IN 1. Ou v.j., ... ..." 1 .1. I U L' A, For sale by JOHN H. PHEL.PU, Pharmaclat, cor. Wyoming Ave. and Spruce St, Seranton, Pa. PENNYROYAL , Aek for Da. MOTT'S PBJf 1TTBOTAL PILI.B and take no other. ft0 Send for circular. Price $1.00 per box, 6 boxea for $6.00. UH. MOTTS CHEMICVL Co., - Clevelttod, OJaio. For Sale byC. H. HABBI9, Trus:(lsU HOW LIRE A MAN HE FEELS T AST TBAB he had saved $300. lj He bought 11 house worth $1850 paid $300 down, gave a mort gage for $1,550. Today ho esti mates as follows: Rent wived lnt''rett on mortgage. Taxes end repairs..... Net anting on rent... Suvcd on salary 32 10 01 ,108 00 . Ml :o ll!l .'A To apply on morteago S20 50 KEFLl:CTION-"In FOUR years that housr Trill bv rr from dobt and I shall haro a homo or my oven." GREEN RIDGE Is the . paradise for hntllu. Finn X Sons Imve recently fla- lihed a beautlfal villa, wWeh they mi. i ou oasy pay meats, ut tviao. Call at thrlr office, between Washington ttml o.iot . on oiu. strcut. EZRA FINN & SONS. iron the X T. Tribune, .Not. 1 . JWt The Flour Awards TinCAOO, Oct 81. Fh first ofrloial annotiucetnent of World Fair di ploma ou tlonr ha )aeu mid. A medal ha been awarded by the NVorld't Fair judtet to the tiour manu ftciured tv the Washburn, c'rotby Co, in the gmt Waihburu flotu Mills. Minueapolis. 'I he coiiiuiittve report the Hour ttroug and pure, aud entitle it W rank a nret-cla j atetit tiour for tumily aud bakert' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL fCsVOLMAU lOstKTt AND GOLD MEDAL Taylor-Judge ft Co . CMd Medal: AtaMrtoa A Co , tUHrlatlve. I'liryea Lawr-noe Htor) Cn , Oold Me-laL Mooslc-Jobti Mrt ru.dl.i. Hold Mvlal lltuton M W n It. ,yl,,, Ool.l Modal Llark's Oreen r"r. A Parker, Sui.erlstlve (larks uuitiiit K M YouuK.iioldMe.tsl iHlton S E Finn at BOD, Uiild Mo.ta. MrauJ Hlcholton 1 Hardinn. Warerli - M v. Mllss Men. Oold Medal. Factory tdls I'harlwi (lanlner. Oold Mh.uiI llopuottoin N. M Finn A Kou. Hold MmIsJ Tobyhsnna Tohrhanna A I. "hull I. amber t o ilo.d Mlsl Mrand A Ad.ttne IIM-'t' Hrsad Miskuw tiaik'o Qecaeata, Hold Modal. Lake Ariel Jsuies A Hortrov. Hold M"dsl Forest City - J L. Morgan K Co.. Hold Medal V. t.O II I'KI.S M.I s BPRINQI in r.s SPOKRI RIMS si i BL SKEINS It. R SPIKES sc RE V MAN m yourself IU I WWW WW Ub-Ji . . i h-nKI'i nith 'd- utt ' vstileiful -cur- ii 1 nlll mi nit ou I HI K Ihi1 pit'ncrlUluii m DM iviirui nndj tlint Is ft itimpletn cure EsA w l ' I .lis i' ihmiimhi IJH- hiiik mi'ii. Cui., iii Tttii II Ks I wjuO Htiviuiajg r mn m-i RESTORE LOST VIGOR Vf 1 briSS nn nnl. a mamU anlrfallh wnlTTf c otARAN il-K te urs rJ0sDel,llltJ, Lies of tissual i'uesr lu elthsi us, invoimiijrT KiuiuloDinomsoTniiiie. If inui,.ri,.,i mah IrenUei Mad I OftluOmptlOB oi luasi ily, ai.ttl per ba h tnsiLsboiesfera1.. With ei rti -Hurl. uilillHlli,,. o, , n, L l, tilUtl 1 1,.. DUlllT. All. I I'lstelsud, Ohio. ..1 I I - The only aafe, aura and reliable Female PILL PILLS, ever offered to Ladles, especially recommend ed to married Ladiua. 17 resin Avenue. Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Hill Sc Oo i m ell 131 and 133 H. Washington Ave. CASH We've doted our credit looks CASH We buy for aatb, will yon? CASH If you do we can save y o'l '' per cent. CASH Bring it and we'll prove our at lertion at to laving. CASH We belitvt a bird in hand i tvortn tno in ttie buaa, there fore w preftr cah to credit iu buslneta aud can etaily allord to do jutt what we aay. CASH The low pricei and the new ivs Itn no into effect, Saturday, April SL L8M C. W. Freeman l'ttiu Ave. aud bpruce St. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the conittg spring and summer. Finer Goods. More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Up to DATE NECKWEAR 8T0CK BOWS, REVERSIBLE 4-IN-HANDS, WHITE LAWN STOCK TIES AND BOWS, Something New for FULL DRESS. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING COl llsuufarturxrs and Doalere 1 Burning OILS' 1 1 1 llr i not inrf Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE:-7a West Uckawanna Ave. VN ulvkS: Meridian Street ri nnnpniny ; r: '. I Adv. unilsr siisnaH. tMSss bi isfci Sv siwal. I SLTrt . .zz : ... . . I i r.Miim prom, ui.i limits ""' . ' nuwru an I lifsfrn(B.plriir1.frstby mill WlwnHo Bprinft I ...J m.i irrisa. dm (rlagio Remedy wllll l poBisnslr srs. croa aaaavi ess, bbbsbbw is. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion mast ne Pouonl's Pow-I alar. It produce a soft and beautiful akin CONRAD'S BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Pll VSH AANS AM) HUKUe.ONH. DK. U. HUUAlt DKAN lias rouiuVed lolilG bpruce street, bcrantou, Pa. (Just op poaito court-house Square) I )v A. J. tUMMICLIi UttJce ail WiuiliiUKtoa JL avenue, cortlor Spruce atrtntt, ovur r rancio s drup atora. ltesidenco, Til Vlnost Ottieo bours: 10.91 to 12 a. m. and i! tot auu 9jfMo7 jOp. m. Sunday, g to 3p.m. DK. W. b. ALLitiiN. uttioa cor. Lacka wanna and Weahineton arcs. : over Leon ard shoe ntore; oflioo hours, 10 to 12 a. m. aud ' ' ' " P- rn. ; eveninKS at reeidouoe, 6U N. ajgtonjtv& Dit. L. tiitv, PjraeUpa limited to ui eases of tho Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; oflioo, L3 Wyomiug avo. Keaidouoo, ult Viae Btrcet. I ) A H M- OATEsk 120 Waahiuirton Avonue. XJ Otflce houra, 8toa.m., 1.30 to a aud 1 t" 8 p.m. Rosldonoo 319 Madison avenue l.'ti-N u WtoftXK M. U. '.1...,. ai. u.t VOIC.. i UM VoawionwcMth buldinir: rosidonoe ill Madinonave; office hours. 10 to VI, H to 4, 7 to S; Sundays 2 30 to t. evenings at residence. A specialty tnado of diroasen ot tho eyo, ear, uose and throat nnd gyneeologr, MMtltl.NAUV IDBOKOIK e'l'LlKUE, Veterinary Surgeon, Uen O-j. tiatry a specialty; Kold medalist of On tario etorinury Collegu. Office. iai Spruce Hreet Telephone No. 1732. i.Auyi.u, f M C HATCH'S Law and Collection of O . flee. No. tii bpruce st.. opposite Foroot Bouse. Seranton, Pa, ; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; rulutolu correspona ents in every county. JLriSUl's MA.MU, Attorney and Counsel iui i at Law. Unnuionwealth buliiliusV VtaaLmgU.0 eve. v H Jtasup, BonAOi I Haud, W. H Jnitf. Jr. UriLI.ARD. WARREN at KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law, ketiuUicaa huililiuir, Wsnliiiititon sve -..rni.ton. Ph. 1ai iKKaoN tt wiLcoX. Attoroeya and CutiiiaoUurs at Law, ulliuiao and a Library building, burautun, Pa Hiiswill B. IWrraHsoa. WimAai A. Wilcox ALFHKD HAND WILLIAM J HA.N'Lf, At, Uinisys and Cuuueellurs, i i.. . :i wealth pouoing Boom it, tv ana ri. U- i lidVLL, Att.iri.cj Kt La, .W l anil 20, liurr building. w'asUlnton avenue HENKY U BEELY Law otnese lu Price buildiiiK. Wsshlnatun avsnue. IHa.NKT oKk.LL. y st 1w. lt.n, V ti. Cil Kicliauee bcrsntuu. I'a. MlLTtjM W LOWBY, i Att ye, aVT Walking C. H VON HTOBCH, (tonav, C. a square JAUEb W. OAKroKD, Attorney at Law, r'"!t3 at and Coiiiiuniiwnaltli b'l k SAMUEL W. EOUaU. Atiurnv. M Lstm ..ijtf. -- Kurucest , Hfrsnton. Pa I A W ATlttn, AttomM) at Lsw, ti) Laetawanua ana.. Boranton, Pa I I' !MITH i . ut.n-..vr at Law i!v . roums U, U ., ('.initm nwaaltti bvildiiiit u. K. H'li AtUirney at Law, Com rnntiaaa th . . i.-r rantnu, Pa. t COMEUYH Ul Kpraiw t 1) 11 hhl'LodLL. A tujt Lst i-uant lmv Hated on real eetsu sacurlty tus Spruos K1LLAM. Attorney at Law, iVu Wr s uuiing avenue. Hurantoo. AVE YOUR DEEDS ANLTioTfiSuAfjES wntteu and aeknowleilgsd by i W. BRriWNlNO). AttomBy aud Xvtary Public, M 0ann tjsreahh BetMtM M HOIll H V Houl. uP THE LACKAWANNA Scran i i. I'a . prepares boys and glris for collage or buaiuass IborougUit traiiis Vwuag cbililrea. tstaiug us at i . ..... ; Krv Thomas M Can. Waltin H Bcbi.l Mlbt WOIIC'fcbTEBS K1NDEKUAKTKN sn i Schuol til adaiua avenue PapQj reeaMTad at ail Umea Next Uarm tu uu April V in .ii-i- AUIiAi H. tour.w... Lt,t.u li Hi V'.iiiine are K M. hTBaTToN. offlra Crl Eti h.nv i n 4 a rpUE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Aseo X ciatiou wllllo-n you on easier tai ins aud uu batter n lnvastmani than any aaauclslKio. Call ou S. N . CALLLN I 'Kit. Ii !: Hank t.niMliw asssUM. rj. H CLARK CO. hesxlimen. n .rnts " I , ai d Nuracryiuen. store 1st WaahUuton, altiU h .uao.l30i Nollu Mali. aieUka. store telephone TU I I v UKANl) I'NI.iN TEA Jmass llros t lilt hi III i ICS Kl'ET TEL, til svena f I s. r1 t .i. Pa v ' - : g ttcvei - BOTKLIAJID UUTAURANTs 'IMIL EsTMINsI EH - ... Wj m ng L ave. littoms healed with steam, ail mod srn Iniprotsuietita I' M 1 ki sua i t p I BE ELK CAFE. Ui and 127 Franklin av nue. Hates loaiK.iisbi P iiiaiii.rR. tTotirie'.ir -I 11 LsTjlLNbTiK In 'ILL W (, .-CHKNCK. Masjiw street, one block east i f I'.r. a.iwsy. at I'niuo S,uar. New York. American plan. iipar av ami upwarJ gCNK UUL'St. Kerowian piau. gool v luoiua Opsat ua ai.d night liar ..; piled alUi the Uat P H. mVNR Pivrrletcir c'CKANTl'N IIOl'SF. near O. L A V. MS ' ' gel I t 'oi ilu.'l,l in the Kiiriitaiai, elan. ti'i. Kis n rropriei - itAND v EN Til Ala i goal auu law: T emuprsvi hotel in Allentown. ra: rates . aa 1 1 0 iier day VIITOK P BARxaa. Proprietor. M.I III I I . I AVIS lU't'l'l. AlilUlevt. K . oil's :i rS snd Commonwaalth u Ul ir Heraateat I) J7 L WALTER, Aroblleot, Llbrai INlUd I'.. in Wvomitw sveeue Seranusi. 17 L BROWN Arch H AlCbllaat, Price a beildlng. 12B VSaahtnaton Ave.,Scrantoti. 'llMlii I NI OI - tTaUKB'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR Jj lialls. ptenioa, partiea. rei-.-itiona we,l dings and ooucnrl work furnished For tenus sdilre-a. R J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wvoming sve . over HulliorCs n.usic .tore HOKTON 1' StSAHTS WHOLESALE lumber, b and V lnuie Lank building Seranton. Pa. MEUARUE- UROl TIERS, PRINTERS' nippltes, envelores, paiior lgs. Iwlno. Warehouse. 130 Wssnlngtou ave. Seranton. In o IXK'TLS LI VERY. UvtS I a . use menu,,. V First elaas carriages U. L 1 OOTK, Agt Funeral Director and Embulnn r V"RANK P BROWN A CO. WHOLE J? aale dealer iu Woodware, Co. Jago aud Ob Cloth. 720 W Lskawanna avenue nZRA FiNN i t-v i buUdor and eontrae X tors. Yards- Corner Olive st. and Adam ave comer Ash t. and Perm no. Scrsnton thh: Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get price ami ee tbe furnnce aud be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Uatiae Door Raugea. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iitiiiii: I AMERICA m COUPON NO. 49. Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, with Ten Cents, aud get one of the series of sixteen niagniticent photographs. Nine numbers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CL RAILROAD OF 11 J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AntUranito coal uel exclusively, insuring clnauliries.t and corntort. TtMK TABLE IN EITECT rxn. 1, lKll. Tr.nns l"avc Seranton for Pittaton, Wllken BarTO. etc ., at 8.111, U.1J, ll.:t) a. m., 12.U). auj. 3.:), S OU, 11.05 p. in. Sundaya, il.UJ a. in., 1-00, 2.00, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.10 a. m. For Now York, iVcwiirk and Elizaboth, 8.10 ft'znnws; a. m 12. fi'Xirosa with liuilut jmrlor car), 3.1 (expresaj p. m. Sunday, !!.( p. m. Fun MArcn Chunk, Allkntow n, nrTtti.c jntM, EAHTOI and 1'iiii.AijKIJMiiA, 8.1U a. m.. 12.80, 8.U0, Km (exjept Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, '.' (Jij p, ni. For Lotto p.itAKcn, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.10 a. m., 12.80 & m. . T,OT Kc-adinK. Lebanon and Harrls'onrir. via Allontown, 8,10 a. m., 12.20, 5.00, p.ui. Sunday, i.00 p. m. For Pottavllle, 8.10 a. m.. 12 30 p. m. Iteturning. leave New York, foot of Liberty f , 0itiJNorth rlvcr' lu0 f"xpreaa; a. ra. 1 IA 1.30, 4.9) fexprois with BjMo; parlor car p. m. Sunday, t,3i a in. Leav PbUadelpbia. Keadine Terminal, W) a- m.. 2-00 and 4 3) p m. Sunday, 0 Z7 a m. 1 nrousrh tickets to all points at lowest rate may tu hud on application in advaaou tu the ticket utfunt at thi station. II p BALDWIN, J. H. OLHAC81S. (imi upt. LLLA vVArtK AND HUL bO.M KaILKOAL Coi.-inienang May SW. trains will run a foilowi: Tiaiusicaro Bridge Street Station. Seranton, for Pitta tor, W'liktK-Barre, gtc.. I . " 1 17, 1012 a. hi.. 12.10. 1.86. ta tlti. 5.15, t.15, ,.i5 and li Hi u in. 9a -ic-w YorK and Phila delphia. '.00 a. Iii. iilO. 125. 38. 4 11 and 11.30 p m For lioiiesdalu'lrom Dataware, I-ackawantia and weitern depot;, 7 ol, 3.30, lu 10 a ui , 12 Ut) tu., 2.17, 5 10 p. iu. Cor Parbondal and '' tffltl station. 6.40. ..Ui, t.'M, lO.lua. ui . 12.00 in. ,2 17, 3.ZV51H, I' 80 and 'i 35 p. in ; from Liepot, U a. ui.. I.ttand U 36 p. in. Fast expn.-ss to Albauy. Saratwa, ti.e Adl roudsck Mountains, boston and &w Knglsnd points. 5- Ii I a ui-, arriving at Albany 12.45. haratoirs 2 151 p. in , slid leaving scranion ate p at All any ale. 5" p D, , Sera toga. 12 55 a. ui . and ,lo:,. 1JU t iu Tueonly direct routn lietween tn- ju, linds aud Boston 'The Leawaa Toariata Boai ot Aiai-rli.a to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes Cteorge aud c'hauiplaiii, Montreal, etc. Time tablee showing local and through train sen ice between titattous on sll dinsionn Lola ware and Uuiisou system, may be obtained at all lielavare and Hudson ticket offices. H ti TOUMO, J W BUBDICK, s Qd Vice President lien. Pass. Agt 1 Llilo'd VALLEY ItAlLK'jAb J . H.u 11, l-st. Train leaves Beraoton for Philadelphia an! New York via. U t 11 It It. at 5 a.m. It 10, 2.3- and 11 36 p. in via L, L ii W. h. P.,. 00, bus 11 HI a in., and LB p. rn. Leave ScraMou for Pittatin and Wnga. Barre via Ij LAW h K. too, 30 a. m . 1 :ifi. b 07, k p m Laava Seranton tor White Haven. Hazletou, Pottavllle a&d all points oo tne iioavsr Meadow and puttsvllle brancoea. via B sv W. v .tjtos.m u.tE K B. at S a.t. Lli IS. tl(lp.m.. via Li L. 6c W. K. H.c-. K li-'2u a m . ti. 3,50 p m Leave Seranton for Bethlehem. Easton. Readiuf. Harrb'-rg and all mteraedlate points via L - H h. K a ra 12 lo. 1 8a. 1L14 Lm .vis U , L ii W. K K..000 ; o. kl St a. m, 1 Jo ME Leave Seranton forTunkbaonock. Towanit, Elmira. Ithaca, tianeva and all in'eruiedttte pomu via D, at H k K V f! a m. 12 10 and 11.39 p. aV vu L L. A W B B.. I o- a BL, 1 j p m. 1aji ! ranton ror Jfyihester, Hutlalo. -l I agsrs Fslls, Detroit. Chicago and all poiat wtmtviaU-H P. K. v ..-u . - . .. b. to , via L LaW B. R. snd p-.tuwa I Junction, ens a m.. 1 & I Jb p. iu . v.a L s W. . B K.. 41 o- in. For Limits and the wast via alam.Mji. via kU Kk UI a.m., Li lot 5 p. m v a Q, LAW R.K.. bOba m.. 1 Jo and ti.07 p m. Pullman parlor snd sleeping or L. v. chair i ear on all trains between LAB Junction or Wilkes barre and Ken York pLi-adnipula, ' buffalo sad Snsi.ei.-iua Hndge BuI.LIN H WILBL'k Oea BUI East Div 1 ("HAS B, l.v.E lien Pass At V Ph.... P. A W N'uNNEMACHLk A I is-u Pm Ag t. South betL.sLsOi Pa DLLAWrKk LacKa a.s.s a Wi.7ERN RaIi BoAL Tram lea -.a krantn as foiiows: Express foi New York and all points East i So. . jj, 1 15, 00 and k . a. u. . 11 45 ana 1 50 p, m Espruss toi ieutuu. Trenton. Pbiladuiphu and tM, j I'H c oo si.j jo a. Ui., aud I 5o p in Washington and wav stati .as. 10 p. m, Tobyhanna accomni siatiuu. b 10 p. m Espr ss tor Blnghamtou. Oswego. E.mira. ContUkti bath LansvUle, Mount Morris sr.j Buttalo l-i" I It a in. aud 1 24 u m . making close connections at Buffalo to ail points in lb West, Northwest and bouthwest Bath aocoi uiodation. s X a. in. Binelianil. o and wai stall. .r.s HVp m. Ni. n.ilson and wav etalions 45 p tn. Bingusu.t. n snd E.mira Fx press tio5 p m. ftja lor Oartlasd )ia se cweg. Utioa and K..hfieLi bi rings 215 a m. and UI p m. ltr.scs. z 15 and 20 a ni and l'.'i p m For Nortbumlriaiid.Pltttcn.M i.kes Barre. Plymouth, bloomsburg and basviUe. making close connections at Northumberland for Wiiliauisport llarnsburg. baltimoie, Waab lugU L and the South. Northamlteriand snd Intermediate stations, ton. a a in anil 1 .' and 5.0T p m, Nantic,4e and intermediate atatlona &0I and 11 So a m Plymouth aud intermediate stations 8Vand a.3s p. in. i allmaa parlor assl sleeping coaches on ail in r, h. trail - For detailed information, pocket tim'taVe, etc . applv to M. 1. Smith, city ticket ot9 La tawanna avenue, or depot ticket otboev I It tTilN IMVWION. In llllnl human 21 a lsl. Nnrili II. 'line Henia Iteund 0fl MM MM it gut s01 Statloua Tralua bally. Ei tvpt suuday ) - a arrive Issavi a a f(5N V Franklin si ... I . H 7 U West gnd street ...J ...J rat 7ik Weebawkeo ....!,... ItD m Arrive Leave. at. . . . r si i iNUanovk Janctlou 6i .... Tm i i.i Hunvck oa .... n r - b N " j ia 7 61 rfi 7p r m : iki C M StallUbl '-' .'I 12 ti I'icst. ;, l-aik HI .... al 3t Couio I 6 SI ....! 141 it SJ Pottitelle 644 .... N Ii '.: Bclinout 6 45 . 1 1 98 1 1, Pl-asant ML i atl .... 3 1)8 tlAv lulondale ti... 1151 F.11 eel CltJ f IB a 9 1 S?l I ti I'atbouda.e 17 84 tit 3 9 '.TIU40 White bridge Tit I Is IS 91 I II f , ft J May field CMNMNta 4l MMllSt Jenny u I 91 M S 4S 8KM41I Ali lllb.lld 7 Will Mi I U M n, ii 1111111 Wlnton 7 4J10 1, 9 a tv' s oT'i 1 -' Peckvtlle 7 it 11 10 9 n fit. 1on 1; UKi'baul T ii 10 1J 4 04 fall teVill 1 WCttoa I 1 it 10 17 t (7 16 It! 1 9b It 191 TUiOop 7 H it tO t Id 6 19 4 U 'l 101 FrovticLi.e j 100 W st, 4 H fois'fi.-1 Park Place 1 e C8 10 1: 4 IT eivlsXMiw e Huvwii 1 ejasseswiei ra r ei a Leave airuc 1 sa at r All trains run flail ISWM bUiiduv. ( sUalfkwtbal 11 ulus atop on sUnal (or pats idlers AddiU onal liaiiib leave Cartxindale tor Scraa t in 1 10 aud 619 p. tu , at rl nug at Scr.mtou 1 9t and : 01 Li an tWaatMtuf cai omnliiu 6i and - a) arrtvliig at raibondalc at 7 tcand 9 p. ni aeouit 1 i via tuitailo a VI eat ir 11 before purvhiiMiig tickets ana aavo uiouey Hav aud Nihgi K up iv. in t' tin Weat J.C Anderson, Clou. Pass. Agt. t. FUtOiolt. Dlv. l ass, Agt. Seranton, Pa. 17R1E AND WVoMIKU VALLEY ll.UL li ROAD Train leave Seranton for New York and In termediate point on tho Erie railroad at dtt a 111. and J.J4 p in. Also for Iluwluy and local points at 6 ai, 9.4S and .1 P m. Train leaving at k 4 j a ui aud 3 '.'I P u are through trains to and from Hoties.lale. Trains leave for Wtlkoa Barro att .40 a. m. and 8 11 p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers