THE SCRAN TON TRIBUNE THTJRSDATf MORNING. APRIL i0. J8i4. Lacisum All Things Musical stelleTseeley 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GRA1JID PIANOS SHAW, EMERSON, OTHKR MAKES ORGANS ALT. TRtCE See the Shaw Piano from the World's Fair in our window. A Foe lo Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD -USE THE- SNOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. man ltac tv kk u and fob wale to the tkade by Ik Weston Mill Co, GEY ARB OP COUNTERFEITS ! THE PENU1ME POPULAR Punch Cigars KA.E THE INITIALS G... B & Co , tirnrlrtcil m Each C'pnr. Carney, Brown & Co. MiVi. 'I l. Hot aK - .Jt Ai.K. OR. H. B. WARE HP SCI 1.1st. tYE, EAR, ikObH JJSD THROAT. ma HOURS : s.JOTo Wt Mi 35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL F. C Dioinny, jr., of New York, own in tne city during tne week M. Trefoy, of Hartford. Coun., was In pity yesterJay. .1 J. Simpson and D J. Dancan, of Car bot.d.ile, were id the city yesterday. ili-i E:zibetu Bently and Miai Blanche wood tire visiting Ureen H'.dgM friend Mm Dnfly Ktllara returned yesterday from Pike county where the visited friecd. Mr and Mrn. Joseph K Levden. of Ha- ziotrn, rmrly of Scranton, are al the V WW) Home Urt. Q L. Houer and Mm. r. H Webb, of PUtstotl and JIancb Chunk, wer in the city yesterday. W W. Wood, Honesdale; 0. F. Stone, Binghamton. I. S Carr, Tobytaiiuu, are at t b" w est minster. C. D. Sr,ijlrnever, Wtlliarnsport; f. B. TM1 Ilaston; B. iloyer. Dauville; J. W. KMM Allentown, are at the Valley Hn,ry- Uretnwald, Potlsville; C. F. Pace, hioghamtoc; C. T. AlcClmtock, Oil 'ity; Maion D. Pratt, Steelton, are at tne Wyouiiug, POSTOFFICF. VEflR BOOK. The Otfldal Publication to Be Printed at the Trlbun Officii. Th contract for printing and binding an euition of 7,500 copies 0f the official y. ar book of the Scranton pnstofflc ha been awarded The and th work upon the book ii now pro CrinK rapidly Partiei haviug copies for advertiss-m-nts to appoar in the publication will please leave the same at The TR1BUNK business cfflci at their earliest con Tninoe. - . Hotly Pursuing HaOulre. Tommy MaUuire, the member of the "Adonis" theatrical company whoie vil lainous conduct at the Conway house dur ing the recent TMlt of the company to thin dtf has seldom found a parallel, is being hotly pursued by Doteetlve Barring, and Mr. Conway confidently expects the speedy apprehension of the fellow, lie was ar reted at Harrisburg, but managed to se cure bis releasee. MlchaM Bolton Injured. Micnaei Bolton, a resident of Sixteenth treet, was severely injured yesterday at the Blonti mine b being caught between aire. He was removed to bis home where ur. .1. J. Carroll attended Ins injuries, which consist of a badly smashed leg. Scranton' Busloee Interests. Ten Tkibun will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leadlug wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcranton aud vicinity. The edition will be bound lu book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portrait! of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scran'on's many indus tries. It will bean invaluable exposition of our business resources. Bent to persous outside the city, copiea of thia handsome worl: will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as tho city at large. Representatives of The Tribonb Will call upou 'I HUSK WHOSB NAHK8 re dksirkd lu this edition aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please it ave notice at the offioe. Beadleiton A Woeraa and BallantW Ales ar the beat K. J. Wuaa, agent, W Loka wanna nveuu. Inorain carpets cleaned for 3 cents yard by th Scranton Bedding (Jo. per NOTES Or SOUTH IE Twentieth Ward Property Owners Will Dis cuss the Sewer Question. MEETING AT PHARMACY HALL Councilmen Connell and Battle After the Views of Property Owners. Foot Ball Organi-ation Arrested at the Lower Mill roll UnderaCar. Personal Mention and Shorter Par agraphs of News. The coTtncitmen ol the Twentieth ward have undertaken to teat the opin ion of their constituents on whether or not they are in favor of having a sewer. Before making a general appeal to all the citizens of the ward they have first sought the advice of some of the repre sentative citizens, aud it was found that such a step was highly recom mended. Consequently a public meet ing is nrrangad for tomorrow night at Dr, Mauley s hall. An estimate of the probable eost of the sewer will be dis closed at the meeting, and City En gineer Phillips will either be present or a communication from him will be read. The conncilmeu hope thRt every property owner in the ward will be present and give bis views iu the mat ter. Meeting to Organ za a Foot Ball Team. To organize a foot bull team to rep -resent the game in this eily and get in readiness for next season to mit rlubs from othsr cities, there will b a meet ing next .Monday evening, April 30, at th barber shop of Uweti Walsh, on South Washington avenue, near Elm strt t. All foot ball players of tue city are iuvited to attend it. Although the movers are from IbJj side, this does not mean to say that it is 10 be distinc tively a South SiJe organization. Foot ball has a large number of enthusiastic HfTotees here, more than other section of Scranton ; but they are only too ready to welcome good players from other parts, and thus organize a team that will nut only size up with, but ex csl similar clubs other places. It is iu tended to band together the best play ers df $OrM too and go by the title, th Scranton Foot BUI Eleven. Belongs to tli Crowbar Brlgad. The patrol wagon was tlphoud for from the book-keeper' oflL-e of the tv.nth work ru. 1 mntn at ? o'clock. William Cornelius, of U'lle vue. was drnuk and beat on breaking in lb door of tbe gatemau's shanty at the Ureck stret entrance. lie firat tried to rslse th window, and when that oould not t accomplished he got a railroad ti aud attempted to batter it in The effrct of bis rstapult was not very damaging to.the door The wagon soon arrived and brought bitu to the lockup A tine of .V) wne imposed opon mm. wbieh h could not pay and he still lingers iu his cell Fell Undtr a Street Car. Jacob liarttnan. a half wilted boy about 11 years old, was playing on Pittston annua ye.ter lay afternoon at ;l 44 when car No MM came aloog out ward bound, Tb car wss to charge of Conductor P. J Kelly and Mutor man Rotart Smith H hat just pasd oat of tb middle switch near liirsa (feat and was going vrv slow To boy stood hardly a foot from the track, and when th car waa about twenty feet . w iv fr in bitu. be male the pre tsns of running to ttiD si Jwlk In stsad of getting ont of the way as the inotormaii thought he intended to do. he nirue l right around and eroui'had on the rail. Th oar was stopptd within a few feet, an ) tbe boy taken from nnder tbe platform unhurt Khortsr Petagrapht Titer will be a social at Excelsior Hall, Wyoming avenue on Ma) br a party of young ladies of South Wash lngton avenue. Patrick Haggerty, of Brook street, a pinnar in th Lsckawanna Knitting mills, bad bis hand crushed in th machinery yssterlny It will not cripple the member, but may keep him Idle for some time John Flaherty, of Minooka. a miner in No 8 drift of th lireeiiwood Coal company, got in the W'iy of an empty ear that a runner was takiug down an inclme and was run ovr hy it He was taken t the Lackawanna hospital in an nmlmlsnce, and an lamination showed that be had sustained a com pound fracture of the rixdit leg, Mr and Mr. Daniel Oslhert, of South Washington nvenu ,hsv invited their friends to attend a euchre partv which is to be this evening at their bona '1 be street cleaning gang fell upon with pitk and shovels tbe foul-smell ing mud of the gutters of South Wah ington avenue yoster 1 it DO YOU REAP? On Saturday, April 88, toevry ons- tomer buying tl worm of good s, we will give a book. See eatalou in our advertisement on local page of tin s paper lagAJd 01 HaQHL Personals. Andrew J. White, of Prospect ave nii. was Injured ysterdav by falling Miss Margaret Melviu, of Remington avenue, will retarn to Philadelphia today at noon. Patrick Qunn, of Oreat Rend, is vis iting his brother in-law, M J. U'Horo, of i'rospeat avenue NORTH END. Cousiaerabl interest is manifested in tbi section by tbe adherents of tb dirfrnt applicants for positions on the police Iorsof this city. Looking over the matter from disinterested point of vlw and tsking the public opiniou into consideration, tho popular favorites are Charles Rerry, of the First ward, and Thomas Watkins. Messrs. Berry and Watkins would, if appointed, be highly acop table to everybody. Councilman P. H Golden moved into the premises purchased by him yestsr dy. M. and James Uilboy, who pur ahased Mr. Oaldn' busiuess, moved in and ooenpiod the house just vacated. The aoudition of the sidewalks in the vicinity of the Sandy Banks bridge is wretched. Tbe cantata, "David, the ShopherJ Boy," dramatized in ten acts, iu full costume by a full chorus of 150 voices, will be given under the auspices of the Wlsh Congregational Sunday aohool at St. Mary 's ball Monday, May 14 PREPARING FOR MEMORIAL DAY. Meeting Hld at Eire Griffin Foit Room Last Nigh-. The Memorial Day committee of Lieutenant Ezra Grtffia Post. Grand Army of tba Rpublia, met laat night and received reports from a large nam- ber of sub-committees pertaining to the coming Decoration Diy exreises. The committee is composed of F. J. Atusden, chairman; E. W. Penrce, sec retary ; George Geary. Enos T. Hall, B. B. Aiherton, H. W. Loftns. Samuel Gress, John Weetpfahl, J. W. Marshal, George S. Schnltz, T. H. Allen aud Patrick Delaney. No satisfsctory account of the pro posed exercises can b made known at this time. The committee will meet every Wednesday evening at Memorial hall, Washington avenne. A SPLENDID PERFORMANCE. It Waa Qlvsn at the Aeidsmv bv Bar low's Minstrels. Bsrlow Bros.' minstrels gave a, splen did performance at tb Academy of Music laat night It had the real old time minstrel swing to it. Tne specialties of Sehofisld and Seott were wonderful and these men ar cer tainly entitled to rank as tbe leaders in their line. Master Percy Williams, of Wilkos- Barrc, the wonderful boy soprano, re ceived a perfect ovation. COMING FACTIONS. Primrose & West's Comedy corapanv will present to tbe publia at the Acad emy of Music on Ibursday evening the sprctscnlar operatic play. "Monte Carlo," introducing the famous min strel comedisns iu white-face, Georg Wilson and the famous Gorman broth ers. Iu th ag of wonders, noveltiss of all kinds ami description ar neces sary wherewith to still the him and cry which the company sends forth for something new. In speaking of theat ric il productions, which ar composed chiefly of these meuliond adjuncts, the history and details muv be cited of a wondrous production. The play is full of fun from start to tiuisli. ll is all comedy, choice ipaOUItlat, light ning sketches and popular music OOKIMfl in HIMDBIOI HUDSON, The Kimball opera Oomlqoa organi sation, with th peerless and popular Oorlnnt at its ha 1. will be th attri tion at the s"rotbingham theater to morrow evening. Airs. Kimball, th energetic mauagerof Corintie, has or ganized it company that numbers over sixty well know performers, and the production of "H-mdrlck Hudson" is said lo be on a scale of magnificence rarely ever attempted by any traveling companies A. U r.MMRH BTOOl OOMFAHYi Never Iwfor in the history of Scran ton theatricals has a company of equal strength as the A M. Palmar original tock compsnv, which will be at tho Frolhingham Friday and Ssturday. ap peared in this city. Wilton Ltckay has boon here ss the leading man of the "Aristocracy" euipauy Virginia Barnad has been here a leading lady with E H. Botkan and the ' Lady Windermere Fan" company, aud Mrs D P. RoWetj has ben here with Fred erick Wsrde snd tbe Jefferson Florence company. However, at the Frothing ham theater on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon, Mr. I.ackaye. Misa Hrnd, Mrs. Rowers will all be seen with th 1'aliutr comuany in addition to Midi famous actors as J. H Stoddard, K M Holland Oeorge Fawcett. Waldeu Ramsey F. 1 ward M. Bell, Reub Fax Herbert Mill, ward, V. M DeSilk, Fred A Tttomp ou, E. W. I'reslray, Madeliu Boston Jennie Eustace. I la M OoatJOMt, Ann L hart. BtantOO Herrou, Rote Barring ton and Emily Prota i be attraction on Friday evening will be "Saints and Sluneis." on Saturday evening "Juu the Penman," and at SatnrJay after noon performs a double bill, "Oqs Touch of Nature" and "A Pair of Spe taoles" will be given S.-ats for th Palaier engngeiuetit ar BOW on sale at Powell's music stor CONCERT THUMSOAV NIGHT. WII Known Stoic, ra Who Will Part In It. A sacred concert will be givn at Holy Trinity l:titch, SornaT of Mul berry street and Adams avenu. Thurs day evening undar th anspt of th church cimlr, assisted by loins of lb leading voaaiists of th city, among whom sre boprauo -Misses Cora Rowley. Clara Sandsrs, Lula Uaragau.Annie Wintr'eiu, Nora Lmdsay Annie Duval, Jennie Blick ins, Josie Richards, Angnea EvtB, Lltai Beckendorf, Annie Hoegbarg, Mr. Livi Williams Alto-Mra Charles W . Metr.ger .Misses Jacob Baa, Abhie Urt, Annie Morgans, Cor Richards, Sa-ah B"ckeiid.irf, Mrs. M. J. Boston William. Toner David M, Bsvies, Thomas Wat kin. Prank lrher. Renrv Miller, .New ton i roft. Wtlrlaai Re. W U. oti. Bass-David Richards, Ed. L, Haas. Henry Schubert J M Edward, I Mat Mijder. Morgan p. van Thuiuas 1. I'rice, F. L Moore. Mrs Nellie Al Thomas pianist; E. R. Protheroe, musical director. Rtoorpara Furnlahad We ar prepared to furnish business men with first-class stenographer by the day or boor. Expert bookkeeping a spncinltv. Scranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce street. DR. Q Q Laibacr, dentist, Oos and Water company building, Wyoming ave nu. Latest iniprovemunta. Eight year in Scranton. WHY DU YOU DO IT? Why run all over the city locking for gol I dollars with on., hundred an 1 ten cents' worth of gold In th 'ni' but v iu will com very cloa to it It if y ju will .-all ut th right placu. Bring your dollars gold, silver and groeu backs -lo A. W. JURI3CH iSA IPBtOI STUKI T, and get full value for your money In , m v i i . i 1 1 1 i ; inis, I l-HI(. I' I 1,1 I I N t i I rLBRl , Una i i H I. M: iMM.I VI K U. SI'ORl INO OODS. The VICTOR WHEEL Loads Bicycles, tiro arms, etc.replied t shnit notice. Key fitting a specialty, (lire me cull Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a largB ment of assort- PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE, or 413 LACK A. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until mid night. NEWS OF WEST SIDE Republicans of the Fifteenth Ward Hold Meeting. NUMBER OF SPEECHES MADE Marrlape of Miss Mary Ellen Davies to Paul Weiss, of Chicago Couple Will Live in That City Ball of St. Paul's Pioneer Corps More Fire Hydrants to Be Put In Notes and Personals of Interest. The Wot Side office of the Scranton iBDUNI Is located at 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt at tention. An enthusiastic meeting of Republi cans of the Fifteenth ward was held last eveuiug in Evans' hall, on South Main avaaue. Over 100 ottillBI wro present. Joseph Oliver was ohosen chtiirman. Speeches were made by ex-Mayor John H Fellows, At torney E H. House, Henry P. Dsvis, John P Heath, Evan Eiwards, E ioch H irris, Alderman T. T. Morgan. D. D. Evans, Constable Burechel aud Horatio Fellows. Duvtss Wlae Nuptials. Avery pretty wedding was solmni;'.d yesterday morning at II o'clock at the homo of Mr. aud Mrs, D.svies.of BjTBOB street The contracting parties were ihir daughter, Misa Mary Ellen Davies. t to Paul Weiss, of Chicago. Th house was nenlly trimmed. A very melodious Wadding march was played as the bridal coii;.l entered tbe parlor. They were met by R-v. W. S. Jonas, pastor of the First Welsh Raptist church, who performed the ceremony. Tnj brides ntaid was Miss Kat Palmer and the groomsman was O'.to Conrad, both of Oreeti Ridge. The bride was gowutd in S green dress with pink trimmings, and tiiu bridesmaid iu brown and blue After the eeremony a we fdlng dinner was served, and the young couple re ceived a shower of congratulations from their numerous friend. They left on tlie ll 5G Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train foi New York and other places of interest. They will re al is in Cbioaga A Ball Laat Krenlif Th eighth annual ball of St Paul s Pioneer corps was held last evening at thir armory on West Lackawanna avenu and wss well attendsd. Th spacious ball was tsstefully decorated for tb OCOat lOB aHtfa flags and bunt ing. The stag mi writs Is wss placed lisyes Bros , orchestra, bor a prttty ene of potted plant and lliwers. Th committee won follow Mast I-r of ceremonies, T. J. McCoy: as ei'tant. James J XIalii.u: BOOT committee, i P Marrajr, atcClain, Edward Karly, Michael Calkin, J. J, Sweei.ev iletirv 1 innegMU. P .1 kin, Thomas Kuddy. Pauiel Laflerly, ilen ry .Mctiuigan, recepi i ,n coinmlttee, p J Welsh,.' .1 HWaB,T. J, IfcOov John rtoach, Edward Karly, B Msiiii j h.kiImv. P. M. ataaaett, Thomas Unlkta. JoLu i. i.i. it .1 In, f, Welsh, William T Mi tee 1', i. Urilliu. 1 lit News Coi dn1 A child of il H Jetikius, of Wtf Scranton strest, dld )etrdt Tbe funeral of William Johnson, a painter, who did at his h. in on Hampton trt, will ocur today at i 3u o'clock John Whittling, of South Rromlev avenu, i recovering froia a severe llln-es Henry Jennings, of Stroudsbiirg. wss a guest of friends ou tht nd yesler lav. .Mrs Mutton, of South Summer ave Taks nue, has teturuej home from an at tended visit in Sintb Carolina Mrs David J. Davies, of Philadl phi, is a gu st at tba home of her par ents, Mr and Mrs J allies Roberts, of North RoboOOA avenue. Mrs E l'ilson, of South Sumner "Vsnue, will leava on an EuroDn trip on Wednesday Sh will he ecom ianid to New York by ber on-iu-law Frank Shedd. eti-.ef Ferber will have thre fir hrdrants pUood along th water main eiteiisioii to Relievo No prayr sarvices wr held in th Washburn Stret Prsi.y terian church lsat evning on account of th union meeting lu the First l'rcsbvterlan ahnrch mi the Etst Sul. Mrs. 1! I Kvn. of South Main ave not, has returned from a visit with friends at I'lymonth Professor E Bofgg with Eluons ph "iiograpb. will be at the Snmner Avonna Presbyterian cittirch this even ing. Concert to cntnuietic at 3 o'clock harp. Admission will be only '.'0 cents, children under twlv, in cnts Kservd seals msy b secured for l"i cents ilra. Tmkets for al at Davie Ji William, IU South Main avenu DO YOU READ? Ou Ssturdsy, Ap.-il M, tn everv ens turner bnylng 1 worth of goods, we will giv a book. See catalogue in onr advertisement on local pigeof this lP-r If BAM A Hauin. DOR'S, beat your carpet. Have Si ranton Bedding Co. clean thni. the DON'T SKIP THIS. VVT. UAVK the finest line of sweaters in town Just think of it. an all w.iol boy s sweater I'm tl 'si. nil wool men's from -' .0 i to f VIW. All colors. Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Building. 222 Wyoming Avenue THE CELEBRATED SOHHR PIANOS Are at Proseol tlx M r Posolar and Prsferrsd br Leiuies Arties. Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, aOB Waohlngton Av. Scranton. Pa. WHITE CHINA JUST received large import order. Many new novelties. Come while the assortment is complete. Baby ges Large Line Best Goods DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. CHiNAvHALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. l in. in I i LOI K sialtK. OILS AND OLIVES THE FINEST IMPORTED. TEAS AND COFFEES TULL LINK OP TH I UEST FANCY GROCERIES FERRIS HAMS AND BACON V-. Ul I CHBURN Hucctsssor to A. t'oleiiisu, 4'-7 LACKAWANNA AYR Ik r V a r. I I Oall TV'. ... - v PERFECT COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue. DunlaPWoniDii's Coats and Capes ' Wswi WstZ Wim STYLK UiN ISAL.IJ CHRISTIANA Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Handsome line Frocks and Sacks, made from Fine Grey Clay Worsteds, Vicunas and Black and Blue Cheviots. Custom Tailoring at Moderate Prices. Martin Clothiers and "Hi)lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH,iHihiiiiiiliiiiiii(iiiiiiinsK rtMMIlll'"1h'li""il ! a ii IBM I .t Xs Laokawanna Ave. t Millinery Department In order to move stock, we have made sweeD- ing reductions all the latest fashion, 5 WORIH $3 00. WILL SELL NOW AT $1.95 WORTH 4.50. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.50 WORTH 5.00. WILL SELL NOW AT 1.98 Flowers, worth 15c. a bunch, sell now at 5 cents :: Sprays, worth 35c. - - - sell now at 15 cents - Sprays, worth 45c. - - - sell now at 25 cents I Lace Curtain Department. I WORTH - SO WORTH W V) - WORTH 5 50 A full sis.. rtmout in Point urns nuns man )-i o: importation, S stl les ii. I srldtl s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir MS -t.iilk i 1 "VwLja..,If.V'VS in-1 Where the iffi Good Clothes J V ) Come From. (in, ils pisil.t fr, in reoatn Wtxil taks from the sh.ep'a back, manu- fs. tured by eipert w. tknieu. ..riianl fat And. .-ut ani flimly niail.-. ar.- tli uih-1. ert.-r eur aaatosaara i" ri i t.ii .int won t doit the sear will aBftMa ft u tbst fast ily.son Hue fal Ties, well rat anil w 11 raad. aiv.. unfai lug satlsfaetiun. If you nt to get tbe very best in quality at fatrait price, come to our tore Ills Wo BhoWsKl ten a I arm collodion lstor-litlf. J Qjfy we ll(ve jusf Jackets in Covet ' "is LfX U yTVi Vbtretbt c EJrt v Good (lotoes RjyWflk,t Come From. Moire and Silk- They The Pricea are AY DOWN: $5.50, $7.50, $9 to $12. Think of FIFTY Styles of Tho cry nowost nud noatost aro of Oro-Grain Silk, Moire, Cloth nud Laoo. Notice the price tickets: $5, $6.50, $9 TO $20. Jackets, Capes and Top Garments for Everybody. W. Owens & Co. CLOAKMAKEKS, SUITS AND WHAPS. ejpTRUCK STREET, COURT HOUSE SQUARE. - of Long; & Delany Custom Tailors. 1 I VlWI I Vk I around. Hats, trimmed in TMK VERY LATKoT DESIGNS Will sell now atftl U. Will 11 now at il 75 Will sil now at $ T', il Rsniiisant au.l Ksal Brnssels Cur- asti Lartains in all tbe different 6 of dims anrl .TankAta at fwwe as mnyt Cloth nnd Twills. Hi Well. Wear Well. Look Well aF'T.Tk7vJ rrt CAPES s I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers