2r THE SCRANTON TEIBUXETnURSDA5T MORKINGh. APRIL 2G 1894. THE SECRET OF STRENGTH. (IN 3 ACTS.) 3d ACT. This is a very difficult feat, They appear very neat To keep such a position long1 One must be "built up" and strong By the use of the Genuine johann Hoffe Mali Extract It er.alts Urn energies, stimulates the nutritive power, improves ths appa tite and aids digestion. It can lie usad for man, women or child. Matchless as a tonic in convalescence! Purchasers sra warned against imposition and disappointment. Insist upon the Genuine, which muat have tho signature o( "Jobaiin Hoff" on the neolc label. EI8NBK ft MENDKLSON CO., Agents, 159 and 154 Franklin fet..Nsw York. GENERAL NEWS OF A prominent Philadelphia anthracite shipper is quoted in the Time of that city as saying "For year the bitum inous men hare been pushing their product iuto markets that ahouKl huvi been controlled b us. They havo used every mean in their power to supplant anthracite, even though they had to sell tbelr coal away dawn to it. The market one secured, they took good care to hold it. Gradually but sursly uur coal is being crowded out of tbt manufacturing establishments It baa even been pushed to our vtry doors At least two railroads thnf I tap the anthracite district are using ! soft coal in their locomotive Now, 1 however, the hard coal meu have an : opportunity to recover their lost ground. They have that tineat coal on earth in quantities that are almost in-t-itinutlibi. Uunug the coutinuauoe j of the strike tbey should use every hon orable means to push it to the front. I Their owu interest and the interests I of the miners demand It. If the former bow a proper disposition to do so (her ; will undoubtedly reeeiv the hearty co-operation t every miner in their employ. I Tbouiaa II. Watkiat, of the well known anthracite tirui of Simpson & tkiM, while Sjt the iJlsvu, in Philadelphia Tuesday chattel ester tr.icingiy vriib reporter fortes Ftiia del phis Inqntrer. Mr. Wtuk'.as said that ha tbougbt there waa ao dinger of tbe miners strike extending Into the anthracite region. "There is no organ , nation amour toe anthracite miner," he added, "which is effective There ' are no grievances that 1 know of Tho only trouble It that our minrs are not given cootinuou employment, as the mine most be abut down when there ii no demand for coal. Tbe abutting down of bitumlnons coal mines tine stimulated the demand for some si..- of hard coal, and the proeoeet ar eon seqnently better for keeping th an thracite mine in operatiou. Master Mechanic F. B. (Vriffitb. of tha Delaware, Lackawanna ana Weal era road, baa, aaya the Kailway (la yette, adapted to whitewashing the method used at the World'a fair lor painting tbe buildings. He baa htteil up freight car with two reservoirs and three ordinary air . ;r:,- r'team is taken from the locomotive or any stationary boiler eooveoiently at hand by orrliury couplings. Tha air is con veyed from these reservoirs through piping or hose to tbe operator, who iprayi the lime over tha building to be whitewashed. To each Boule are at tached two lines of hose, one carrying the whitewash and the otb-r tbe air. and the flow of each is regulated by valves. Tbe notzlea may be attached at the and of a long arm, enabling the operator to reach heights inacceasible to that brush e.xoept by scaffolding. The sheriff of Monro couaty will on May , at Stroutlsburg, sail the Penn tylvaaia, LefaUb and Eastern railroad at tha instance d stockholder wko de tire to divstt the mortgage bald eu tb road by tbe New York riacurity ntid Trust company of it lia. J. K, Parr v of Wlltes-Barre bold 151 of the 150 flOOO-bonds issued by the mortgag r, nurcbased at , j cents on the dollar. Ltddon Flick of Wilkei-Barre holds CO bonds and eartein Pittston capitalists a mat 6" bonds. Tbe J'ennsylyanin, L.ugl and Eastern railroad will run from Tomhickan, Lucerne county to Mattamoraa, Pike county. wher it will connect with a line eighteen miles loug to tbe noted Poughbeapeie bridge, ami than with other lines to Boston. Tha right of way bat already bean se cured and twelve miles of tbe road hare been constructed from the Matta moras and. where th litigation, which it la now expected to terminate, began. Tho road will run from Tomblcken, through White Haven and theme along the mountain back of Wilkes Brre to Strondsburg, where it will connect with tha Wilkes-Barre and Eastern and thane on to Pike county aud Pougbkeepsie bridge. The roid will tap all the great anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania and a large lam ber region, end will be the shortest route to Boston and the New England states. Another ssueme recently formed by the stockholders is to con struct a lie Crocs Wiikes-Barre to Willlamsport. The following the monthly statement of business of the Pennsylvania Rail road company. All linaa nst of Pitts burg and Erie for March, lSM,a com pared with tbe same month in 1893: A decrease in gross earnings of $1,188, 629,a decrease In expenses of $1,068,183, a decreaas in net earnings of $116,347. The three months of 1894 aa compared with tna same period of 1893 bIiow u decrease In gross earnings ol $3.071,1163, a deorease in expenses of $'VJri9,- MULTIOHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. NDUSTRIES I 877, a decrease in net earnings of $111, ) 786 All lines west of Pittsburg and ; Erie for Mareh, IStii, aa coninated with the same month in l89't,ahow a decrease in nit earnings of $68fl 089, a decrease in expenses of ftjti MB, a decrease in net eaxnimrs of i ;.-. Th three month of 18,4 hi compsred with the same period of lKtfit. show- A decrease m tross earnings of il, tiii.4';J. a de crease in expenses of 11,508,738, a de- cre.id In net earnings of $7,8H A dispatch from Wilke Barre says "Supervisor Metlroarty bus refuseil to permit the Lfhigii Valley (Joel com pauy to employ Italian working out the corporation road tax in Plains towa ahip. lie saya only American amen can work on the Plains roads. Shipments of anthracite coal over the heading railroad for the wsk endei April L'l aggregated ,,1!)4 toas, u 1 crease ov t the orrespunding week laat year ot -.'l.4it ton, tho making the iiecrease for the year to that date . .i. -.'4 tuna. it i said that the jurisdiction o( U O Etaer. snperiDteadant ot (he .North. era di viaion ot tbe l.ebigh ll rail road will nsxt month be eitended to iuciud the Harvey a i.ak and htate Line and '-uilivan brancbea. Klwtrte Bitter. TMarrine.il i be inuiT Ml known end mu r im'.ar a t.i ne.-J r umU, im n tioa. aVU who have ..-eu KlcuUK idturn !ltae!U tvut; U piiuen. A parar medicine dues uuttiiat audit uian tvd to do all that la claimed Elrciilc Bitters will ciri all 0i4lis ot tbs uTei and KKiueys. will remove Plmpie B1H Salt Rbeura nod tbr cCf"t:.eos caaved t7 inpsre blood. IV ill Ir.T ilniaria froia tbe ay-item r-ad prvrvr.t aa w.Si as cure ail Uaiarial icvwa Fur curs of iiaeiacbe, Coctiap&ticB aaJ iaJigertian U Electric Citteu Cstiti aauttMrtion guaractki-l, tr moy refunded Pncf .11 t and l rerboUieat Matth-ws Bros., Lrtf tm ii.. r 1 nothing ilk Lr. Xbmti icitc trl dD tu otticklj care a cold cr rei)a hoarsoo? vvrltten bv .Mi M J. TA lows, Burr Oal, ft. Joaepb county, Mleb FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL fltocka and Honda Svx Vjti.. Apnl . The loagexywir I dectoii.n 10 the Chicago Oaa wariaato case as made public after the close uf tti stock eicbajjge yesurday aud uataraliy en ugh operatr:i wore much diturt-iJ as to the effect Of the attorney geoeial ad verse opinion as to tbe legiTttr of tbe compa'iv. Ihe street baa all alang peeled tbat tbe lciaon BMSxlsj be a.-, I ,- th. ronpeay, but it did net look lor awh a sweeping condemnation of the WsCej n methods. The flri impulse of iUiginal holders was t sell their stuck and al lue start fi.OOo sharfl were o!d at 1 1 against 60c. at the close veater lay The atixk led all the rest dmiti the tint two hour of bnaineea ami tno.ooo shares chaaiced ban Is. Dan ok the taw maindar of tiiueofeion oolv 14,n u ihsVasj Were traded in. Rt'prewutatives of tb company here will control the matter to tbe end. They claim tbe attorney g-tn-eral's charges can ba disproved. Distil lers was another weak spot at the utasS' tng. rectrlisg H. bot the gaeeral list held remarkably well and toward 1 1 o'cloak be lino to mov op. 1 i-r.U avletitfic, tbe iiraugrre, Missouri 1'nciUc, ivrnueville and .T ishvble Delaware and lludauu and Western Union wero In best demand, but the improvement Was not specially marked, ranging from j to 1 per cm. The market closod nrm and '1 higher. Lliiragu lias lvt fur the day, iul sales were 142,000 shares. Th followiBf complete table anowiua Urn flat1 na-tuanonam ante atorka la supplied and revised daily by LaRar t- Killer, steal brokers, 121 Wmins avenae: Open- Hlch Lot Ooa ing. eab oet. lug. Ara. Cot. OTl , .... AiB tll M wti KM st' A.T.&S. F ff 1H lit nn (Jan. bo. -t ul .11 .11 inV. 4k ft. f. PW m Krt Wht Q B. Q. ) HSU WB his. Chic (laa. W 1IU. lit tun-, C. C.O Bt. L.... tsiaf W 88 u Col., Uock.Val. T. if M IK In L. an laauj lata), uiu isms, I)., X. & w iia leg in ni D. &C. F K -i, rii', Zale...... ttftd lrt U ltH P.. c ht ."4t IS M LJr Mora yV iMW lfl? IfclJ L.ftW lift (WX, Manhattoa. Mi a. Pa. : tHi . iv, W Nat. Ltafl M ?U ffC BU N.Y.44K.E V k v '.at N. V. Central ML Hksi M Wi N.Y..O.& W 1 lu la p, N. Y..S. A W liU ljU 1,14 U.S. C. Co 22S 22M 219, -mi North Pac K H M J North Pac. pf bo. U'H V Mi Omaha SDJJ 3U( W,4 W', l'ae. Mall Beadlna It. ! WH t)H Hock Island M (IWi Bsa, tmt u.t ii '.04 ij St. Panl OTU 6W(J t (11 t., c. i ic3 m 10 ih Texas a Pac V V P V VnlonParlflc Wabash p' 17 17 T, 17 Western (Trrton MM MM ti PIU W. L K. I2f Mtt, :-4 n W. i, . pt see, 4 New York Produce Markst. New Yoiik. April 25. FLooa-Quiet, unsettled. Whbat Easier, moderately active; No. red. store and elevator, fitnc.: afloat, ffiJJiY.; f. o. b 62aflc: No. S red, DOKradad rod, 68af3c; No. 1 north em, 70)o.; options wore fairly active, closiUE lirm and uucbanged to a. down; No. i red April, (11 Uc: Aluy, fll?-jc; .Inly, 04c; August, (i5,Vc.; September, Ofic; Uecomber, OUc, corn Quiet, firmer; No. 2, 4.iiHr,K'c. elevator; 44.lin-tSc. afloat: options war dullatJiakc advance; April, i4kc; May, Mc-tdnly, (isth Firmer, rjniet; options fairlv ac tive, firmer: April, S8Vc ; May, SsJa'c; Jnly, .'I7r. ; spot prices, No. 8, 40c. ; No. I whlte.41)tfc.; No. S Chicago, 0c; No. a, 3llc; No. 8 white, 40V(c.; mixed western, 4Da 4i,c. ; white do. and white state, 41a4c. llKBir-Slua'ly. Tiercei) 1JeiF Moderatoly active, flrnit:'. COT McAis-tJuiet, firm. LauD Quiet. Qrmei ; western steam. $8.10; citv. ?:. : option i.iWb, none; April, aU$t ilny cloaed. eS: July 17.00; tefiued, quiet; continent. 18,115: South Aiuerini, ha; compound, OXuOJjc. rOBK yuiet, unchanged; no sales. HuiTF.lt Htendv; fair demand; stnto dairy, new, lfia1Bc.( do., old, llalOc; do-, creamery, new, liln'Jlc. ; Pennsylvania do., IKiiilc.- western dairy, new, lla 15c; do., creamery, new, laauio.; ao., lactory, lOalSc. : elgms, aosalJlc: imita tion creamery, lgglttn. bkefk I'Sir demand: unchanged. r.,(.s Firm, moderate denisud; state and Pennsylvania, li'o.; western fresh, 11 lle,; duck, lOaBOc.; southern, lOallK. Chicago Urnln anil Provision-. McnANToN. AD-il fc. I'll followlna eaoti- tlons nro supplied nud correct -d dully by Lit Bar & Fuller, stock broker, 111 Wroutlatl av- nuo. WHEAT. Way. ill a July. 8ept. OH 41 IM Ontatbg... HigHfut... BUM l!-ll gou ill m 1 -M 1K Til no 7lr 411 SB Ml (kill Unv't.,,.. 0UH m:1 Openinu'.. lliuliost... SOU MM ion KM m l,ow(t.., Olosifli... OATB, Ontninga, lii-.rh.t... iiowast. 0M l'Dl un'ui;.. titKlieat. . Lowest. .. Closing... Hi; mi LAM). unMntT. uhesl. - :w tw Ao n 71 TPJ 117 Lowest Clctdnil BHi iRT R11W. Qpsttng.1 ii. chiwt. L.OVV1H.. Closing.. Fhilnristp-aU Tallow Msrk.t. riui.AOKi riiiA, April 25.-Tallow firmer with a better aeinaud. Prices were: Prime city, In liog-liutnlH. c . prime Country, in barrels ajtjc; do. dark, in barrels, 4'-.c. cakes ''tc ; grease, -i TnS naoo la tho source of health. Keep It pure by taking Hood's .Sartaparllla, which is peculiar to itself, and mperlor In streiiglu, economy ami .... .. i-.ai merit. Hood's. Plug are purely vegetable, care f nlly prerr"rt from the bait ingredients Twenty hvo cents. BASE BALL GAMES YESTERDAY. n vtii .' . 1 LKarivg, At Hrooklyu Bnoklya 0 1 II D 0 M 4 M l'hlladMpbia..o I u U U 0 0 U I I Hits lirovklyn. Ml i hiladeiphi. 7 trior - liroOAlvn. U; I'liiladeluhU. 8. lint teriee Slein .uid Kiio-;ow; Tayi f CnMbtotl ''mi ire- CTF.ourWe. At Ualtimort and Baltimore 1 0 O 0 1 M 0 0- 3 Boston.. . u i (l 3 11 U I 0 I ) II,:--Haltimnre II sUMan. ft Erron I'h 101. te. Ii: LoiUin, 1. iitUttraua St all aiie agf Iwb.usou Mlcfaoll and Ujau. Ciaipiro Hurst. At Luiii9Viut- ImUMtlllu, O n 0 0 tl 1 0 0 0 J I'itlPbarg 0 11 3 0 II M II 1 1 llils-I.oUinilla i, Pittsburg,:!, f.rrur - l.oun-vllle. C; r.l'-linrg, I ftfttterl,-- rjemtnirg and Weaver; (lumtim atfl Maelr. ' l'mrlr.' artve4 1 myny.'- At Wsijiitiijiiiii Waabitis'in...: n ! H i 15 Hew VcW. I I I i Vl M s-l Hits-Wrh,pptn 4. Nee Ytk. It. Er SJSfBM Waa4UUv-tia : N-.' Yore ila tecin Mercvr. aiuai r.ad itcOaltr. Ue San auu Uu . u ",(,... t-i yuch. Uindata;! ........ 1 R 0 i i p I 1 I ! Cleveland tarn I 0 0 u -U lilts -CtaclAAaUi, S; C'ievelaiid, 9. Cr rori ('inrlnratv 4-. ('levelsrd. Peticr-.o-iaM.i ui ti (' Lou nor- uarc bMisiDHi.il anrpL) 1 . ij. r,-. msii. At K, uiass 81. Utte 1 I H M 4-l i.'bfsg. 1 I 11 U d 1 v II I i Uila-at. Loula. U; in,.A, 0. .ivt Si 4-ouis 0. Chicago. A i-.i-.t-iw -lla . -ley aud rimlle . iTnicln 1011 and Kit trldgc I ' m pi re M rt 1 1 tde. vUltlt U Villi rl kW At HelUi fidbi 1 1 t U 11 0 4 I ? Ueffaka w 111 I 11 . 0 a a Hits B'Jit'i:. Ii; Uoff ilo. I Krrota- f-rfd - ikjtfa.'K IA lla til.. it ,... arid Ful; Muil.-iU and Viuuhan L lul'ire -WilafdV 1 At llai rub'ir. Barrltlcire; ...1 0 f) 0 fl n 1- t QibafiWwt..i n I a 11 t s I 1- ( His liarrietiiiri. Si I nhn iin!s. 7. Error lliirrl.l.ur -, ; CutttJ (iianta, M liattati Mack. 11 j to r ,t,l Kuunk; MsM auii rYUtUntk Cuiplr -Uamble. At Kaalon - laiHioa I (Mill) S--16 Lafayvite Callasiai.il V u 0 n u u Q (i "It liaftra s-11. Iui.. VvUsen ehd Wsiitej tiatiu,ti a, UdsvaliaBa llsr.ii)' At Pruicetov PrinrvtiiU 0 0 40 0 000 x 4 CnlvVf of Pa l 1 n ii n n 0 0-. g mtsPrloceton. i. tTblVetin of rein --y.vaaia, 4. Krr-se - Priert e, ,-. I'm. VevsUy ttt i eiiBs) wai.ie, d batterle AUiiuaoaud .1.1 .n., 1. o and I .. gan. A Slrlkia Contrast iiurlffli OmttMti Tl i lata .Mi. I'ameii wa a mm, sibeit in ornuei one. lie trek hi. pnnubin nit uken man. lie faiol tlto soDaiVjOeneaS (if his fault Intrepidly, flu did not tfy to -ar.. Mrreelf jy sncTlflclnR th w man. lie did not - 1 to tli fritll t,i. .... of ulaoki max bar reputaitou In tha vain lio if dlvariinf oablic r .;i r from tbe etuirch 011 ha own. il was aot. Ibatkliid. lie luturied u.ii'a can, .r... ke did uut lacur tbelr cOfllcjnl't Ueal Oauerarhr I dliiid. Jllrntuitn iatltj A ni'in wto Would deem it a fearful in tellectual sin to misspell a word or mln (iwrte a date tn ancient history, tbUilts a out a trifle to nils Venango and (iflester ciajutles, or forget tha namn nf the river ..Lat now past alt couaai door. Local i;ri'Kraphianl ksotl ledge is sligbted as aa attaiuineut of scaut importnncu. CUanat Ct'y Thorousrhfarat. Af.'iiiroj'oii Tiibiiiic. Street cleaning it oue of t&e mo.t im pnrtant fnnrtlons of n cltv, ftdfl it should lie prfortn1 with tlie Rroaleat bnalnesi like efBciency. No citv oan afford to trill" with thoanbjAot. The eildemloi of illauikse wlriih cuui ilown tiaoii cities are not accidental. Thev tmvo ilofluite and stiffleictit eunsos; and tils prinoipiil ranse is municipal uncleauliuesa. On Uaeful Oecunatlon Opar -Vein Fort ConinurrlnMa'rt'ifiaer, C'oxey's nrruy might upply for the job of collecting the mcurnetax. Euckltn's Arnloa Salra. The best salve In the world for Cuts Ci uiaet, bores, Ulcer, halt ithentn. ferer Soros, Tetter. Chapped Uaiids, Chilblmm, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aud posl tively car Pilea, or no pay required. It iBKiuirautenU to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price US cents per box. 'or sale by Alatthews Bros, Win n Ilaby was tick, we (are her distorts. When she was a Child, alieerie.1 for ( 'astnria. When she Warns Mls, she rttm;-; to Onntorla. When she bad Culldron, she gave them (JaitorUk HEAD AND SIIOVLVER8 abovo every other blood- i'ierco's Golden Medical Discovery, boe the evi dence of it It sold in every case, on trial. If It ever fails to benefit or euro, you have your money back. In restoring your stronctb, when you're "run-down" and " used up in cluansing your blood from every impur ity, whether it's a simplo eruption or the worst scrofula; and In building up wbolcsomo flosh, when you're thin mid weak-thero'a nothing to equal tho " Ditcovery." In every disease caused hy a torpid liver or impure blood, It's tho only gunvwucca remedy. ITrfl. Et.rzAmrrn J. RrsnwAW, of Mnty. Oliiu, writes: " .ly litUc hoy was so afllieted trlth liver tiwihle tni other diseases that our faiolly phyaieiun tsdd ke coiilil not live. In tact, they all thoiiKht so. 1 av bim Dr. Ploroc's OoUch sinIiohI piitcoVery and TVHors and th' ssr:d bis Ufa. e huve used tkc ' PIs oovery 1 fvr throat nod bronchial ttouble. aral found such perfect relief that we can recom mend it very highly." "j iv muu.TiiJiu mi .I'M' .1 j i.'-iVj n A Word. TTrrsif of all Muds rojf ffcaf much, ex tent iKtval ions IKinitru'iicV'arc liutrfrit FKF.I'. Situations Wanted. um'ATIOMAfD " A t.ADY i tm tier wlelu-. (.1 do tutnrlfitr dueln.: umuiei rwatuiu ' all pi, . VUpii lor ' Hv, c 111 all ta-anchv cepl Ortvt. 111 (fo rfith pupil to eoniitrv or VnOr If desire I 1 u linaa Jutia I. !K oars' anerttsrul S p. Ilea. . 1 1 lilb i N, a(vrue, w. Spruce street. s 111 itTlt'N WAMTO) HV a Uv 1. irsot sue. aiUi 1 .. . -it uur oil Ina to dujuiitt aaytU.ui! Call r addieai D I... '' TTarrtSiiu svtnue, city ClTrA-iM"WtMT.U BTA WOMAN. ' to do 1. uhu i i-aiiUi,: sad ivanktug. Ad 'Irene 44 Ka.mrl Kir t noamoN w.sTri)-iY AWRtirTAitT, t d iul le n trv hastOP eptii (iirri-eP'.mlest. luaaavi'-i pf cr, Ul olerk; a .uiiUeiuaa pi SI, insrrisd, open foi p nnuSi-nt eiiiiaftiiiiiitnt; fteasive rsetlrel l.-.-lnes. cTperience: f hoe - WBpetvnt uul reiiablt Al lafWaSM and cuilty. Audrese Hoi .',:s. Hunhury. 1. C1TDATIOM WAMTTD - JIT A TOUMO man at (otn kind ot wotk t onoe; would luce a prri.iti.ebt j-ltion kii a farm or Harden nir; any lcli.il of ui.ik I- ili-.ired; Is oh r aiol rehatiie; mitat have work at uuce. adarej, U Ii , i.i.i.i,. . Hire. crri'ArliiV'"VArifr) a aVoman w..,dd lis le s.-t wnt bv th ds k ua'hUiit or . lesnUfl .r uill take wastiiOK ii ..... Addrew Mala L'ONNKI.I.V 7:'4 in hsrd street. Halt, Wanted rmala. w AH'il'Vfi far be. 4r V' Mi-t Aila 'I all uhtl.l. fill led b ... t ,i lla. ,a.l tfu 1 a eul V a- I AttUM WsMtTB B WJUTI A'l iltiJik. 1L i.wkir, U) cau . s mit 5 le! v ax .tie Ag.oU eVntcd. A(t 'f:W1WVl1k anriraam an erwe aa ai iioito- in Uai ka"jni. viul) k .1 iadii'-Ui ala to t r- " f a Mi. "t-i r n t ... 1 r. :. ralU ielabl.-i. Pa .. 11 . -A'ibl4WMrATl Wffrr'f'i,riJ rtn-air-aiT-Uiarnpeua r.t X t a 1 ,;y .ir.t.r. a'- si .1 , j fot Mnt. I 1RB1-1 TvuR . UlKtWASNi L'i .1. i t.U 1 I'll. . .( 1 - aat. I !.. 1 ... 1.(1 ,i 1 r -n es em,. rt ltt'-T PAlm St, fifitlM htt. unfix rrtti.tT in va f. A Italb.rfa mo1'- s.mone. Irem AvidL In- 'I'M lt I' . , .KHM tlUitV. 1 1 : ' ..f tut t.w. :.: 1 tut.u , M Dftealrosa Ai ;i rat ?M Fran.ll ! Aa sasasSei I V, PVT S T,,T-f I-, liVKtli.,, hJI 11 ilrevn ltil ati-eet Ver rl-eir .. i.ee'. lie d isn r.eiib..i taiioa Aumr t, r I M.i fi e i'N or C Sk Wuubla i ' ii-.,. Hdlillnf For Sjle LU t-AUC - A 'W tile W.Jl!wa!r 1,-trlr-t raOrvui rir .e..,sj far faiUau aurihi larbr: 1 UK II I' Al Kaa, U Oil (run l.'.dl .u 0.1 lela v u.t. i ii mi Tv, (terB a (am. tama wltfc . r' r iy-. vn bsrti-. eesi n.l abD ol ore rear. Addr l-.i4ila eierutor K.t l'slron, lekaeanua 1,'ul: Hal.a- BOWL HAVUKK. 1 IOHT beiii'.a rur , aitu I'r'.wn liioia iijir ;y to Ed iiiiitba. ldVBock i'ir naii-nir.-j A; j ' )T1':U V r '11 SaU IMJITIIF. uF !l i ii o"a e- nrt I hiiw. SS lit) tav . en .... e- nrt t.i-vri,rter. mart L,'(iK BALI aid ntet ii uui; fAHM. sri-f:' lltenaid J. M KrlkFe 1 l.n i Manrtw arw. . VW hALt UB KXi HAN 'IK Ft IK '. . r ton prope.'u-A baariaf crasaT neva .S'-r.'aettiij in rrtsilii.-tlou ailo ralu early In k -a.aB.aae.Mirn b Florirfc Andres K, K ITT UPTON, Lake llnlan. Fin,ia i Strayed. O fBAYl Id luL'sr.urjuiiK iivi: 'V - . . -.-V V. . . . r. . rw.w. iT lf')1irtatiiatanae. a br mlr. 7,,.. r?i t-yeirtfn-!, ..... i! ,U.y.ife, ya, yfcAI.HK l'HiP(liAUH wii.1. bt: i.' calU'U br tbe ntil uniUrsunnil until 'I'liiealuv. fSj, (or tliu UiUldWof ir h et IVr-h-rllle, !.,. ftu,,. ir.e rr.i iuv f Bli s new m E. rbrli and apee-.iiijin. aa eoblaM h 'KMim i ir, t . ... i . . i in,., j n. fie liiiiJUlajl ef ii tt-orew-i -vesi-l-lit t.i reje. : any raJllliLs Mo, mn. p,., R-tI,i, 1 I . .1 ill, i.-y. Special Naticrn. t a MBHtivi. f.i rlrf. rtinT-t r'-e.'-ii- VEI-'.TIV(, n'l . lie na. Ana; rarsann Rle iniii".' yard eomiuuiy it was rts'ilvad thai a wIiiib i T tho h'ocVhuUer bo cklled to (-uurvn -i tlie ei-neral nfft-n of the e..tn!isu,' rtiotn fil Bspnbllcan bnlUlnf, on th r,th dayofJlH A.D. INU. to taltei eetlan em-the approval iir dls'ippreval rd the pigp.va.1 lacreaiaot th. rnpltal sleek Af mild euinpAnv from fil.ibl tn l'ii,IKIH, and Hint the speeretury bo, and he lit, lieroln ftirert.it to iite node theKs-if e,.' quired by law. T. H. WA TK NP. i oecretaryi VOTICK -I Hi: NuMIMATIuNH i' He-era of the (irnnnnin Hull lean iis'i -1 .1 tl. .11 ,.'f Ninth -i-t inl -n lifj , nnrt ill takv Mse r rlilay avaanie. Ai.rll LT. lam. Hfler triiiihactiuK the lunwlar bui.lnv.-u. JACOB F. MU.t.KH, Beiiretary. BLANK Hoi Hv'-s. ' l-AMr'HI.l .TH, M AU A sinus, ete., bound or relxiuud at 'Inn Ttunrsi: ofllee. Qukk wurk. Keukonuble laiees. tfBAE tick Era can HAD T 114, LfJ rner Snmo stroet and Ranklla ave ve- un. Twenty meal ttaaots table board. tor 13.M (lood BE SURE AND get your choice of multichromes. ONE CENT Hi I o Ian One coupon and one Dinrn Connolly 8c Wallace Iffif lilt! BARGAIN IF T OUR LEADER ALL SIZES HOSIERY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. POSITIVELY FAST BLACK. 1 8c, Per Pair. 3 Pairs for 50c CONNOLLY & Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Upholder Furniture, Make Over Mattresses, and we Factory The ScfantOn Bedding Co. 1.0 : auil SOI l.itktaanua Are , corner Adams Ave. DID YOU That we will UIVE you baautlful new pat terns of Bterling SILVER -SPOONS and FORKB for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your 3llver dollars. AU elegantly en graved free A largo variety cf new pat tern tc select from at iVSercereau 807 I.ACK.VW "No star was ever lost we ouce have sean, We always may be what we might have been," A MARRY PATRON OF" THE RICHARDS LUMBER Scran ton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building TRY US. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Thflroaro lmtntreais of voting ittfrt nnd yoang women in thli country who . i ability, but they bav uevur boon wnkt'inxl np. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Hn btjEta tin Inapli-rttion ti lnitnlnvls 61 jhuuk pioplo. If you arc Untl of iiuciivity and nut to cio soiutUiiug tangible, fonif In ll, 'all4'fji. ( UMMON l.M.l.lsll ( Ot USE U l. f ! I ..ss COt Csl'.. riKUlUlt.VM) CUlUleK. f-A..ev e"1 Z.vaa:in " . li (.Hi;' i i ; ',Ql H isWi-i.tJitiA,a.-. a ' ' e lveiajll w II Tr w'tnast ! M Hi. aMfilM . i .1 utv5i X. i mi i" i. -: ' rr ' THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO tCRASTOX AND V'lLKES 11AF.RE. PA, S1ANUFACTUKEH3 Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Gonorul Ollico. C'liAN'i'ON. V IIS lA'sl ItHUKid, u.,..u, . ..Ull , suminiuu oi iujuiiiii. tir mail prepaid With in-relilitri ihn in.ui-i oEFaRElBDJifTlR USING J urSoleinScranton, P.,byH. C. BANPER30N. Dru-igut, coif. WashijagtcD andSfiruuestrisetu. 209 Retail Mattre&ses at Prices. KNOW? & Conneli VN..V AVUNti; F. E. WOOD, Propriotror. The most complete mediu m-priced LDiNB BED in the market. Hull & Co. so& mid 207 mmm ave. 'NERVE3EED8. Tkli .(-HilUtlll I. J) git.' ..Iriitl I. rure .11 w.i wu it'.l I llrMn f-nwpr. Hos.tai'hli. A stl'(UulP. I . L .l.Bll.r .N . I t.M.lli.,.4. I II 1 .1 il, ti '-I ii . I'.'-Ii WALLACE lu.iii.ii'iiiii-iMiriiiui.ii: ..in, . .... .-.I ii,-o i,. ti .ii , ,,ii iii i iii ti i ui . USttlfS uae of lohaccq,Liluni orstlaiida'uta, wliU'Uleud to luflrmltj, 1 0B- i. in be oat muni Toai l'i .sei. i i.oi uui. .if a urder nealvi- it ri.'u u iiiiui -autre iu ear . i.'n rnlsr finL'. .il.l nv titl ilnuBlvt.. AsK fi.r It. tnae .nouttier. Ajjlu N'KUVJt SCtDCb., Mtnonie teiutle, CUICAOO. ILL, IE ffl WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TIIlKSUAT, AI'llILiSe. Primrose & West's Comedy Co, AiiD J George Wilson's Minstrels Appearing in the Spectacular operatic Ctnie dr, Monte Carlo Cuatalnlag a combination of the best feat ures of Bnrlesrjut, Oi eia, (.'omedy and Mm-i-trrlav. laeorat iuina and brilliant bcanlo Effaotl Be.ire Wilson and the three (lr ui.u Bios, are sttK.i.g tr... mi -r'aln -ra. Under the man as Intel .vt nUaVBOBI ; WEST. CaJ ot seats Aliens iui-aday at K A M at, the Academy Box (ifllce. THE FROTHINGHAM 1U KSIiAV, AClliL S6. KIMBALL OPERA C0MIQUE CO, Beaded by the ..hannltig and petrUsa CORINNE frier the titcSuc-msnt of Mrs. Jennie Kim ball 111 sumptuous production t,t tt Mil lnsntsa.ee HENDR1CK HUDSON nirfsou Softnvrv, sTafalMtM Postr.n-.es, ei.-..i.-J JUaivLes nam of seat oDen . . .iai. :it eau.u pens Tiir-3ty mondfia' 1 or.Mi U tete isti.r... 1 nl.f-: aa. . 60 ami THE FROTHINGHAM FVidsT an-l aa0Miae erenriirs I0D 77 "0 1 aud Batirta Matiue Hr fb C I t3 j Fast SfMKeSbM in BtfsetC tt ti-i ori.i) j aV as. rai.T,.- Stoca Cemfaarj fijc Faust: a IteatTT. seat) V.ri. rttnclaac: "'iU;.-. iAe'tii. i. a. 6-.J-, - i, m ii.;. ..Li I-:::: i wrest: dw. , 1111. Virginia Rarnej lfr D r'. 3?r--r:. M.duna B.aton j.n..i t-utue tad nja.-'.r I'ajic u otL.i ..p.blr aud T.ii-azown a i turs aad Sc treats. l riier eRn'.na- lAllrTS A:r aiNM BUk hntarlat- .i:.in( IIM IHi: fKMSIA.N Ltsdaj Uii:a a-A FAIR OF nFEliA' . , 11 SMI lolTo OF NATLHE. r1(,sf(n-eTn:nif 1 H fi. 'b. V) and I F'rlc le." matinee SI. atd Sts Said of tfi.(. i.pen. at lowali ndnaaj miLii,-, Wonderland Theater Co. MONDAY. Tl i -DAY AMI WEDJs'KSDAT -A i mini. alien from the frtvtont week ol the ni. st i xcekieut drama vsx saea a. Woad.tknj, A CELEBRATED CASE i The ladles sh nnld not fall to see the - - , r.iBcein wardrobe worn by tt aotretaea .. I tti productica. THI KSDAT, FRIOAT AXD fSATtTRDA"a I he exntatlonal Drama, entitteo, THE CHILD STEALER OF IEW Ml Also a Macn uVsel Production. ,Ui.MISSU)N, 10. S0 OH SO CBXIS renerir.at .ra cv.ry afternoon, except afoa ilars M Thm-adaya tt itP. tnJ trtrr even tnTat kl.s 1 ,rs iptnat I.8U and 1 F Jl. Hotel Waverly Bt i-pnan nan Firft eUss Par ittaehotL lor liertnor liuel a Tannhtjuwr lieer. N. L Cer. 15th and FHbwt Sts.. Msk Hi si laalnbia for residents of N E. PenaS tylrania. AU covvewieiice let traveler to and fr.au broad Vtreel staUua end th .eltlli ai.il Market Streat station. Dj ili. i lefor vle(t(r sarantonlan and pd fit in the Anthracite ltaglou. T. J. VICTORY, PRUrRltJOR. Booms 1 sod 2 CommonweaHh Mi SCBAiNTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER aiude at the AlOOSIO and DALE VOi4iCa Kusa LnfBin oi Rami Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries fuses for explod ing bleats, bufety Fuse aud RepauaoChemical Co. 's High Exploie AHTOHEHARTMAH 90G south VVtbhingUii Avenue. Contractor and lanmeror i.oucroie i uttfgi u. I'ltnoifte Wonka. Potato, Butter aftd (-'ol liins, Wet Ollur dried up. Orders may U left at 'riii.iuimon .V Pratt. Will fiuie A Oo., Mala aud Eynou tftroott. or at Boiautom Btovo Work. Alto t'otthdatlot. Cistern. SMah Wire Tunnel and UdUius. 'UnriB( fo Uaidta Walia . -x- &ar-- -j", ? --a IWIBIilffil a j KM iOmiuei l "HiiMltll AI'HIL Vt M00S1C POWDER ce
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