r V Till SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 12. 1894. 6 LIVE NEWS OF TWO P1TTST0NS Tiik BOBAXTOH Tiuhunk's Plttton de Murtmwtt im W ohwrga of J. M. Fahy, to Whom news items aud complaints muv bo referred. THE PITTSTCN HOSPITAL. Eunituarr of ths Work ud a Staiem- nt cf It Condition At ,i meeting of iii hospital associ ation held Tuesday niflit. John I!. Law was aleotod ohairinan, ami W. H. Hot ldi ierUry. Tht following were elaete.l int traataea for tbaenialng mm : .Jntiu r. Law.S. B BennsttaJ; L. Cuke, John A. Collier, W. B. Rntladga Alex. Brydan, fheo, Hurt. S, P. Penp, T. B. Lance, i'. il Mirour, W. L. Watson and (J, 8, Ku-t n, the lust named beinn tin1 only now mtlttbw of the board. Traaaurar W. L Waliort nroanutet. hli rwporl of tlse Buanclal oouaitton of thft nMOOletlOO frum tli lny of com meneement to April l, 11)4 It ihowi tha Institution to b In healthy Bnaa uial condition M may be gleaned from tl'.e following collections from uilue employei, Pa. Coal Co. old Forf colliery " " Oentral " " " No. 0 A u " II J,;,, ( .1 " " lloyt. 4'7 " " " Baraum " " " No. U " Old Forge I'oal Oo, Limited l lear Spriug Co I'.utler Coal Co NaWtOV, Coal Co Avocn lal Co Babylon Coal Co... Langcllffe Coal Co Mouut Lookout Coul Co Hidide Coul Co Hatdalbnrg polllary L, v. K. K. Employee, Cox ton... Collected by J. A. Collier Collected bv W. 11. Kutledu'e. . . . . f 10(1 25 . 488 40 . St 10 . INS M . 4IU 75 . o5U 50 . ;!07 10 . J01 00 . 150 50 . -i&3 75 . m :5 . 5i hi 50 . lt SO . 'IbS 09 . 0fj oo . iso -jo . 100 HQ . 4y 76 . 55 U0 . 7 00 5 00 llie sbov contributions, amounting to(&987.91, were made as required bv the act or the leijisUture of 1891, appro priating $1", 000 for the erection and forntabing of the hospital building, the Pa nnaylrania Coal company donat ing the beantifnl site, a tract of three end oue-(;uurter acre, valued at 18,000, The treasurer reported, In addition to above receipt, .WCJ of the 00 appropriated by tue Ust legisla ture for sewers. grading and fenc Ing, and 1888 67 of the $10,000 appropriated fur two years main tenance, also for life membership fee from Hon. W. H. Cool, 100: for six beds and furniablng, i'iOO, special furnisliinsje by different organizations amourting to $l4,ll,and coutribntinns to the general fund aggregating 7Si09 The latter sum included contribution from churches. Sunday schools, ocie ties md several Individnala. The First national bank paid U7 33 interest on deposits, which with 14,500 louse I by th-- t ulc made the total receipts $83, 103 03 Eip-uditures rjnortod wsr-: Con tract for building, ?:'-) 421 68; rcbt't. r-lTii IS. sewers. 1 5 7. radi ug.88,968.18; furniture and lurmshings. t3.143.84; plumbing for water snpplv f49H: fire protection, hose, etc.. 1376.50; print ing and iUvt'r:isins,74 10; -itra paint ing, etc., on building, 10; elec tric lizht and fixtures, $$39.58; fuel, 173 20: innurance, 3! 07; tele piione. 20 67, repairs, S-M 18; interest, 9100 7"), pay roll (6 moutiiei, $701.31: groceriia an I t'rovision,$54478; medi cal enpoliea, $160 23: mrgical supplies IB06.88; onelaaaifi'd bills, 170.48; paid on lank loan, 83, 1 500 showiug bonda 18,000 lne on loan, a balance of 1C9 13 due to treasurer. The report was re ceived, 3urject to audit under the rnles. After adj mrnment of the corporate body the ieetion of a steward and matron was taken np Superintend ent Gilison and wife, who have so suc cessfully filled the poalUooi of steward tnd matron for the pist year, war re elected. After passin? npon several minor tnattter, such aa reports, etc., the board adjourned to meet next Tues-lay- Pre kntios is fcef.ter than cure, and yon may prevent I hut tired fnehng by takinft Hooil'e arsararilla, which will Iteep your Woo l purn and free from acid taint and ?erms of disease. Hood's Pilw do not purg, pain or ripe, but net promptly, easily aud ;fflciently. 25c. , . AVERTIBLE BUZZERS. Ir. 3 .in Bal.w7s arid V.. : Cart Co BulLl'tl Btmines. One of the largest snow storms t! tha yesr has nviopd this town in a man tle of snow fuily fourteen inches deep. Not in many years hav th? older resi dents any recollection of hsving wit nessed a sight inch as the present, at this time of the year. S'.eam railway travel was badly delayed and the street :rs managed to worry along as bttt tbey could. Business was suspended for tha day and nearly all the mine colleriw were forced to suspend work. PITTSTON HAPPEN INGS. Brief Faraarsph cf Mlsor natter Ir. Urtr ina;!y Told. A comedy of errors the council. The jingle of the sleigh bells Is htard ance mrr Archie Honeywell, of Wvoming. had three fingers smashed while coupling cars in Coxton yard Tnesday. It is announced that the Luzerne court will pass on the new conrt home ,Hi"stion on April 88 Two experienced organ builders from New York are here, repairing the larga pipe orgtn at St. John's church. Robert Vivian, of Tompkins .ttrset, who has bean 111 of pneumonia, die I yesterday. Funeral annonncament will be made later J. O. Thompson, representing a mer chant tailoring firm that has th contract for supplying Uncle Hum's mail carriers with uniforim, woa in town yesterday taking measurements f the local carriers for new spring (nits. The carriers will don the new luits about May I, Tha grand jury ralnrned a trna bill agninst Adam Savage, of this place, R. I. Dennett, prosecutor, for keeping a tippling house. The funeral of Patrick Moon, of Port Griffith, took place Tuesday afternoon mid wae largely attended. The remains were conveyed to St. John's church, where services ware conducted by Rv. Father M. J. Kelly. The following named gentlemen of the E. B. A. toaiety, Branch 72, wera tha pall bearers: James Hoban, Patrick Mong ban, William Mongham, John Walsh, Martin Tigue and Thomas Walsh. In terment was made in Market ceme tery. m Buoltlen' Arnloa Salva. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price '& cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. WORKING GIRLS IN DANGER Rush for Spring Gooda Doubles the Strain on Tired Shop Girls Va cations a Long Way Off -How Many Keep Well and Strong. '0 men wkli (Misters dear, i) men with mothers ana wives, It's&ol tlta liuen your waarinn' onti liv.t nuinau araatvrea' Uvea.11 If Thomas liool could have looked into one of tlio big retail stores in auy city with the endless streams ot anger buyer and the pale faced shop girls behind the counters, he would have In cluded women is well as men in hie appeal for more humanity. In order that some may go finely clad ami have leisure, thousands of tired Working liirli must wear out health, good looks and streuKth by loug, close hours iu offloea, behind mou it -OnoUi store oonntert and in factories. ' Women, us lr. Weir Miteholl says "are by phyaiologloal nature more lin ble to be nervous and thin-blooded than ata man," ll is a sad drawback Iu tha face of the duties of life, that u very little emotional disturbance, an xiety of nervous strain ufl'ue to over Ooms the woman as It does not the man. and that the same excesses which make him irritable make, her nervous. The roatst friend tired, feeble wo men have today is Tuine's celery com pound, the remarkable discovery of Ptof. Edward R Phelpa, M D LL D., of Dartmouth eoUtgf, This grsatest norvs regulator and blood purifier yet kiii'iru is tha uiaiustay ot a ,;iai pro portion ut the homes ihrouhout the country whore nervous weakness and feebleness have autered Cains' celery compouud begins at once to rebuild the shuttered usrves and uerve centers all over the body it is the on great spring medicine, because. It quickly re move impurities from Ilia blood; givos new life aud vigor by tilling every tiny rauiitlcatiou of the blood vessels with rich red blood, aapable of making heal thy tlssu The difference between the knowl edge of today," say a woll-kuowu scientist, "and that possessed before Dr. Phelps' studies of tha uerves and their iutimate connection with every process iu the bodv, is enormous Dys pepsit, for example, is now ranked n a nurvous disease, and, as in the case of other nervous weakness, it la readily curable by attending closely to the nutrition of the nerve centers with Faine's celery compound. Diseases of the the kidneys, heart and the liver are cured in the same radical way by pro viding abundant and appropriate uu trition for their parta" ' Not more food but better," ia she watchword of tub best medical skill better food tor nerves tmd nerve cen ters. When the system is completely nourished th tired out, rnn down feel ing vanishes, and the craving of the nerves called neuralgia, rhaumatisn anp heart trouble teases. ''These is one remedy deserving the name of spnug medicine that is Paine's eelery compound,' said a very physician. Sick headache, sleepless ness mental oppression and luck of energy are cured by Paine's celery com pound. It makes people well. Oljev Will Soon Be Busy, Kanmt City Journal. Attomry Oentral Uluey will not sit like a bnmo on a lop much longer. Iu a short timo now he will, don his blazer, take down bit ra qnet aad ijo to work. B Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, possessing' perfect regulating powers over all the or gans of the srstem, and' control'lng their secretions. It aNo'pui ifles the blood that 't Cures All blood humors and diseases, from a com mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, aud this combined with its unrivalled re guistiug, cleansing and purifying iuflu-i er.cn on the secretions ot the llrer.kldneys' bowels and skin, render it unequalled at a cure for all diseases of the Skin From on to two bottles will cure bolls, pimple, blotches, nettle rash,oruf,tetter, and ail the simple fema of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cur salt rheum or eczema, shiugleyt, erysipelas, nl Cert, abscesses, running sores and all skin' eruptions. It is noticeable tnat sufferers from skin Diseases Are nearly always aggravated by Intoler Itching, but this quickly subsides on th removal of the disease by B. B. B. Pasa ing on to graver yet prevalent dlsesses, tuch as scrofulous swellings, humors and Scrofula We havs undoubted proof that from three to fix bottles used Intsrnally and by out ward application (diluted if the skin i broken; to tbe affected parts, will effect a cor The great mission of B. fi. B is to reculate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct aridity and wrong action (.f the ftomacli, and to open the sluloe vsys or thesystem to ;carry ofr all rloggnfl and impure serretlons, allowing nature ihns toald recovery and remove without .'ail Bad Blood Liver complaint, bilfbuauess, dyspepHla, slok beadaciie, dropiy, rheumatism, and every specie of disease aiintng from dls-' orderfl nver kidneys, stomacb, bowels and blood. We guarantee every bottle of B. B. B Should any pAmon be dlssntls llrd alter using th flr$t bottle, w will re fend tba money on application parsoually or by letter. w will also be glad to tend ttttlmonials and Information proving th ft'"' i of II. B. B. in th above named dl-' esses, on application to FOSTER, Mn,BURN A CO.. Buffalo.N. T. DSXTKB 8nOK 10.. lae'p. Capital. i ,000,000. men m.no simk in tiik wpbld. "A diillar lurttl ( u tlullar rarnrA." t ThlsI.ndlea'Hollil Kreneli DtmgOla Kid Bol ton limit dDllvnrrn fr"e nnywlirn in inn li..,on rotciptori nan, Honey uroer, or KMtal Note for tl.M). Knimls every w.iy thn ImhiIb old In all relnll stetM for $ . vi We mnkn this t OWsieBS, lhrr"toro we yitar iinfr tho Jit, and icrnr, and, If any nim is not sntlsllcd will refund thn money r senil aiietlier pair. Opors Toe or Common Htnwe, 1C, fe KIC, tnd hull your nht; I lit you. Illiinlrstod Cut. lriKiie FREE Dexter Shoe Co 3 FEDERAL ST Special ttrtnt to Dmitri. sl II AUDITORS' REPORT ok FINANCIAL CONDITION OV ARCHBALD BOROUGH FOR YKU KND1NU NABOB It, UN. Mit P. A PHItiBIN, COLLECTOR, DR To ami dnplloata tor vear MM. "a CR. IU- i-iihIi luiiil t i 1 1 i SI."!1.' 'H By a per oeoi re bale iiy pat oant oonualaaion Ity eatottaratlona iiy stated iaii.it, re turned to eotnml Hlonors By unseated hnda returned to i"iu inlsiouers u ;t IJI 77 177 47 till 72 M si t,01 7U JAMES O'BOUBKl, TBBA8UBBB, lli To bad la treasury from ex treaeuror.l J'w su To ami. re.-, from OoljaotOI 4, it V To ami r.o from oommlaHouara for li. onso Ufift W To unit lor boro building '" (l,:tlfi I'J JAMX8 O'ROUBKB, TRBA.SURBR ' By bonds No,. - to IT, radaamad..!,. t "" By oonpont KW Hy orders rodeamad B,M H By state tax paid M lly OOIUmtalOU no I per cent Ill N iiy oasa nu hand n i),;ti;i II UKNI'UAI. BXPBNDITURE8 Thomas Qllhrol, road work f MU'hanl Murray, M " pW0 Klllm ll, " Ant. i uulaavy, 11 Ant. Ui loliin. " " Curiae Klnfford. " " Mai tin liurke, " " Joint l.alle, ' M Mlohael i. sue. " ' I'atilok Lane, " M Thomas Prlor-i " " lleury Siinoii. ' " Edward Miller, " " Ooou Kllneboiir, " " Luke Kl vim, " " John BtOI, James 1 . a loi . 11 M Martin l uiiiiiiln.'s, " " John a Dquaber, " " Conn Berghsuser. " " J.'hu Murra) . 11 " Miko SScwitkl, " " Hour y Myers, " " A J. Miller, " " Bdward Naary, " " II nry ort. " " Tlioiias alone, " " JiiuuB Otto, " " I'litnok Hurke, jr., " " Teddy Kuuiey. " " Frank BinnagaB, " " I'at McOreal, Jno. Burk". " 11 Win. Il.vkuiati, " " U 7tl mi 16 m .1 24 ;;s IU I ;i uu 111 117 nun uu mi C.'i INI 411 uu i w l An I mi I fu li "i :t uu a ini 1 iO a 14 1 6:) a uu a 1 Ml I o no 1 Ii" j;i a xu as t) uu ;i4 liu 7o us );is 75 44 XX Peter Hi ckman. " Ami NoOermott, " " Peter Mahn. " 11 Patrick .' u.i t. " " 1'ati i k TooUo. " l'atru k Paildon, " " Frank Burke, " " I Iwd Kinney, Jr., " " Mien. Nealon, " " Bleb. Mcllale, " Kdwd MoDonneu, " " Alex. " " " " J p MoOlynn, " " Jno. McAiidroiv, " " Kd Kinney, rsr., " " Thomas Swift, " " Thomas Murphy, " ' Jame " " John QUror, jr., " " Martin Catfrey, " " Miobae) Brennan. " " Steven Banett, i-T., " " -.: -a 47 6' 197 K 1 Do 1 n7 a no It 1 lit 4 It! 60 a ia v: in in ti no 1 !) 1 M 4 f.0 H 'i'l L' 61 Patrick Hurruty, 24 SS Jno. Mahady, " " 2 "Si Patrick Mahady " " 1 07 Jno Muntey, " " 4U 08 75 Ant. Noaiy. Jno. Steiner, " " Jno. P. r ell, " " Mich. Swift, Win. ' " " J J. MrHale, " " Edwd. OBoro, " " .vnth.ny Daffy, path master " " Thoe. Pndden, " " P. J. Bursa, ' " Th'.s. K. Slunley, Ed Lane, " " Thomas K. Munloy, comin's work Thomas Caffry, eonim's work P. .1. Burno, comm's work BdBIakt comin's work Thomas Padil.-u. comm's work Mark Price, coinm s work anil supplies M. J. Swift, secy . comm. work M. J. Swift. s"cy alary P. J. Burke, Burije. Mark Price, taam work By Pn p t. team wirk Jno, Cfcrilen James O U tn in Jamoa Giluallon Jones aud Lack M. J. McHals John McHalo, tolice duty Joreniiah Liuhigg, police duty Mike O'Hi.ro. p .lie. duty Michael l.ottus. police duty J J. Newcomh. police duty Patrick Hart, poueaduty Thomas F. Munley. pohou duty f-teve Barrett, jr., polic duty hichard Kielty. polio duty u illism Doughr. police duty Michael lei i. prep ballots P. A. Phllbln. prop, ballots Tho. P. Wells, prop ballots i'hos. P. Wells, dolivvring ba'luts P. J. Barrett, prep and del. ballots H. C. Linilermsn. auditor business at Scran on T F. O'Boro, auditor at Hcranton T. F. O'Boro auditing aeoouut T. F. Wells, auditing accounts B.C. Lindnrniun, auditing account. .. . IVm Law, int. on bonds H Hovels, bit on bondf Justus Bishop, int. on bonds ban. A; iii-on James Kouly P. P. spolninn James M. Raton, surveying James O'liourko treasurer btltinottat scianton d pi. ant Oaaette, printing 157 ia 13 uu 4 50 2s 88 a oo 17 20 aso on 40 oo ti DO 85 (10 a oo ia oo 7 oo BO 75 2a (hi 22 00 84 10 Is 00 1(H) ml 50 (10 88 no 07 UO 42 00 '.i o 54 III 2 in 15 00 5.". 00 2 Hi 2 HI 111 HI 2 CO 13 1 2tl 00 2 00 4 0 2 HI 5 III 5 00 5 O a u. 10 HI 10 (10 10 INI 40 no 40 (III 40 HI 15 00 21 HI IS HI 51 HI 30 Hi 80 no 4 00 12 ..II 21 00 K ratiton 1 rmune Bcranton Truth " Propat rtros.. lumher F. J. II'Bovle. supplies Arclibsld Water toinpany. suppl'os U L. Bell. r' 1 iii. Mot, I , " .... lly Barrel!, H Wilkle E J Mylotte, hone Mrs. Johnson fjanltraaa) H. M Hannah, pi ofoHsioual service.. . . E H. House. " " ... I " boundary dispute ( T. p. MePtrmott, " CliarlesM. iJoni-ll. " " Fhillp Bahle, " " Ilv Beck, " " a b Dnnnlngi ' " Willard, Warren Knapp, prof. ser.. A. V. Uerbig. fiaifs Mrs. (' I loO". rnt Aug Bishop, sui piles and rap. hydrant 1I.H u'Honrkn, nupplins I: J Barrttt, painting Patrick MoUonelt, supplies M Norton, siipi-lles Jiimes H White, services H. J. Beaiiuiari, 11 vices Ant U.wly. lainares Jno. .1. Fa hi y. sheriff P, J Munley. juilife of election j .1 Barrett, making iiupii.-nto nun Vapor l.u-l.i Co 3o ui 5o 05 117 oil 21) ti 22 , HI 41 SS 30 14 S5 2 IS) M HI 25 00 1J2 1X1 21 W 20 75 II 111 2 (ill 2 00 H HI 72 IV) 12 10 ::i ;n 0 45 8 00 UI 1 10 4 00 13 III 25 0 I 3 76 2 00 15 till 1, 1601 0 Total ami of ordtrt radtanad is.riou 112 ESTIMATED I.IAIilLI I IES. Bonded indebtedness 4,IKHI 01 nterti t on ontstannlnt bonds to Aoril 1 wioo nutstandlngorders 47 11 I 'i-.piiKl bllm of Sun Vapor Light 0019 pan m 17 Total. . .$5,401 as RE80URCEB APRIL l, loin. Am "lint due turn treasurer Amount one fi conunlasioner h por lest report Am. .tint rttnrnad by collector Ai int dun from ei Collector J J. Iti.i i "'t Viilimtl'.u "f boroafh property and furniture ,. Liiii'iiiti. i in .-.xi-i-in of rotourott 23 32 4H3 IIS uu 3 67 82 .IK' oo 1,102 73 $.-..4nH 84 Liabilities lu azottl of resources. ... $3,1112 73 HlllH for work don.. In year ending March ii. I8M8, m.t roturnad to Audit ora when making last rsport and an proved b 1 '..mi. il of ItM and ImU (ll.Olndi'il abovni apt HS wit, tnavnderslRi ad Auditor! of Arohbald Borongtai praeeut tin ai.ovo itatamtnt aa true and correct to boat "f OUT knowledge and be II. r. II c. i. r; iii:iiman. T V O'HORO Auditor. TIIOH. K V ELLS, ) MULTICHR0ME3. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. WEAK MEN your attention "MP' its 4J t I. I'll TO I III. .tr"". i h . i Han! ... we e- iS I " atfi Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER J "JT bMty, Veuknw or Kotly aud Mind, hpormu torrOM, and linpottntcy, and all tlltiuiiHuii that ar.Ht iron o?r inaainBoa mvumh Lush tif Mt-moiy audl'tivvtir, DtlDnMI Of VU- i.i' ill illt'IIMlI V HUH a liwm, ismi e mwm i.st. It .4 ...... i ii. i a ,l i,' ntlmr illt I tl'il--I l Mill H'.tH KJ llirtHIIliy .iiin.mv.ve uml uu i-ai'lv K''vt'. write for a iaiuptilt. AddniMrtdftAY M KL)U INK CO, HufTato, N. TIM Hi.-olllo Mfdlcmn 1h noli. iy an in unww mi o ir iiu khk!, n an pi" fur $5, or rwnt Iiy mull o roc.dpt of laoimy.aud - ui . ... I aats- iHIIDillTrC iii ovi'i) tjo.uo pruw wr. liuwnrti i r.c H eUrfl t'T niOMf ri-funilfd janBBaaaaajafjaaaanjJi lvf-Dn account of rounlvrLYlto wo liava idopted tiui Vi-iiow WfipMri t"1 ou'v Inc. Nld iu Mrrantoii bv Mattljovvu liroti BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'Iivnk IAMI ani lOnoRONK lit Q Kim Alt dkan barmovedto61l l' Hiu u.-B ali eut, Hi lantoll, I'a. Uual Of lioaittt l-ulll-l-llollso -.ill .ie ) OK a J. i. u.N. i.i.i. otlca WlWaahtagton avtiiiUH, coiner Hi. run street, over Kraneku s drui; etore. Uebidiiiioe, 722 Vine st. tltlli e boursi 10 30 to 12 a. in and 'i to4 and S 30 to 7.30 f, m Huinlay, 2 to i p, m. OR w B. ALLBN, Ufllea tor. Lack wanna and WaahlBBtiin avaal ovm Luun- ard h.,e alorr; utllue hours, 10 to 12 a in. aud ato 4 u in, eveiiliun at i tslliluneu, ..i. .s Washington nva iiiu i. r klv, Praettoa Unltad to Dta It at th Kve. Bar. N.aw and Throat; oflTu a, 122 Wyumlng avo. Uesldonoa, 5 Vine sti'tut j lit I. M HATES, 1411 Waahniatou Aveuuu. It Offls hours, StoS em, l.Duto 3 aud I t., S hi IOBM U WBNTZ, M D., Olllees 62 andjH il Couiiuoiiiinaltli Lull In. k roaidonoe 711 Madiisiuavn: otll. e hour, iff to 12, i to 4, 1 to b; Hiindavs 2 HO to 4. tivoulngn at restdeuoe A ipocialty made of diiuasss of tho eye. ear, nose anil ttuoat mid eyntOojogy. I il 1. 1 Aid MJHt;EllMH. P BTUROli Viiterlaary HurKOon, Won Eta tlstry a spneialty; sold medalist of On tarlo Veterinary CoUta. OfHcu. 420 Snruce street Teluphouu No. 1732. I AUY I US I M V. KANi'K ri Law and Collection ot J . il. ... No. 317 ttnrueo St, oppislite forest Houmi. Scranlou, I'a,; collections a specially tin mil -lit Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents iu every county. ii.ii ti ii., ,i. Attorney aud . i Ion at Law. Coiiiiiionealth building, Washiuk-toa ava W. 11. JESSUP, HoiiACk E Hanoi W H JKSKtll'. JH. U'lLI.AKD. WAKKKN KNAPl', Attir noya iiuii Counselors at l-iw. Reuubliuan bulldiinr. Waahinirtnu ave.. Scrantoa. Pa. 1) A l l KHnuHtcwTLCo. Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law; otlices n and n Library Lulldina. boranton. Pa ItOSWEIX H. rATTiasoti W 1 a n A. Wilcoi. A LKHEU HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND. At torneys and Counsollom, Coniniou wealth hutldlnit Kooms IB, 20 and ii. II ENKY M. SEELV Law orllcei lu Price liuil'liiiK. 12ti M ashiiivUin aveuua .''RaNK T OKLLL, Attorney at Law. Kooin I fi. Coal Exchanpe. Beranton. Pa MILTON W LOWRY, C. H VON STOHCH. Att'ya, !27 Waslnnu ton av., C. H square J AMES W. OAKPOHD, Attorney at Law. J rraiins 68, 84 and 8ft. Commonwealth b'l'g. CAMUEL W. ELH;aK, Attorney at Law. il Ofliee. 317 Snruce st.. Scranton. ft. LA. WA'l'HES, Attorney at Law. 421 . Lackawanna sue.. Smmton. Pa I) P. MIITH. Couimcllor at Law. Office. I . rooms 54, Sn, M Commonwealtb liuildinf c. K. P1T( HEIt. Attorney at Law, Com monwealth hollaing. Scranton, Pa C. CDMEGY8. m Spruce st. DB. RUPLOQLB, Attorney-Lonns ueno . tint.-.; on "--il if tt -urtt w Spruce. FTKiLLAJir Attornev-atXawy 12U Wy oniinjrsvenu... S.-ranton. HAVE YOUK DEEDS AND MORTGAGES writton and acknowledged by 1. W. BROWNING, Attorney and Notary Public, 29 Commonwealth Bull.llnir SCHOOLS SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scrm, i ton. Pa., prepares U and girls for college or businessr thoroughly trains voang children. Cstalovue at re.jua-t. Rev. Tiiomas M Cnx Waltkh 11. Bieix. MISS WOROKSTERU K1NDEKOAUTKN and School 412 Adamn avenue pupil i ncetved at all timea Next term will oueu April 9. lll-NTlsTS. p C, LATJBACH, Surgeon Dentist, No. 119 v . Wyimiinir nve R. M. sTKATi'i i.N. offlcn Coal Exelianire THE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan aho 1 elation will loan ou m .noy on easier ternn sun pay you nnttor on investment than any other association. Call on S. N. CALLfcN DER, Dime Bank building. HOTBM AMI UKSTAtinANT"!. THE WESTMINSTER, 217 21D Wyoming i svo. niKiiiM ncaicu wun stuam: all mod em Improvement, C M Thiimar, Prop rt ieuler s hotel. S27 Uokawanna ve d uue, Scrantoa Rates reasonable. P ZltOl.aH, Proprietor H'HSTMINSTER HOTEL. W. O. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth stret, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York American plan, tatOpw day and upward rOYNE HOUSE, liuropean plan; good " rooms Open day and night liar sup. piled wltb the beat r. ii. uywk, rroprletor. lCRANTON HOUSE, near 1) . L A W pas H tnnger depot, ('onducte.l on the European plan. Vii Ton Horn, Proprietor i RAND CENTRAL, 'in largest and best VI enulppel hotel In Ailuntown, Pa.; rates f2 and 12.50 per day. ViLTou D. Bakufb. Prnprleter. Alt! III! KI TS DAVIS HOUPT, Aiehitects Room i 211 and '.II Coinnionw.viltb n'ld'g. Scranton. 1 L WALTER Alchlteal Library bulld Iv. ing Wvominir si eiiiie. Scranton. f L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Pries I hnlldlnv. 120 Vvaallington Avo.,Sernnton. MIM l:i.l,AM Ol s HoitTiiN d. swAHfs Wholesale lumber. S and s Dims Bank building. Scranton. Pa M EGARGEH IIROTHERM, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, nsnor bam. twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avo, Scrantoa ra. j.OOTE's LIVhRY. 15414 Capmne avenue I Elrst class carriages D L 1- OOTE, Agt Funeral Director and KnihnlmiT. TMtANK V. BROWN , CO, WHOLE I sale dealers In W.iodwaro, Cordage aud Oh Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. llAIER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIU FOR if balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and abnotrt work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer. OOtduOtor, 117 Wyoming file . over Hulliet t's music store pSRA FINN ,v SONSp'bnlldcrs and coutrac J a tors lnrds: Corner Olive at. and Adams eve ; i-ornnr Ash st. end Paun avn,, Scranton aBKna, (I R. clark co Itadamta, florist VS, and Nurserymen; store I4U Washington avenue; green h.uise, 13.VI North Main avonne; etore teleithorn. 7H.V TEAS. GHANII IN ION 'I EA Co.. Jonas Urns. WlltK S 111 ; NN. "I OS KUKTTEL, 6i5 Lsckawanns avonne, O Scranton, Pa , iiianuf'r of Wire Screens. AHTOHEHARTIAN 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Concrete Flaggl tig Concrete Blocks, Potato, Butter ana Coal Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders may b left at Thompson & Pratt, Will aim A Oo, Main and Eynon Streets, or it Scranton Stove Works. Also Foundations, Cisterns. Pish Wire Tunnels and Coffin. Flagging for Garden Walks. WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ave. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Uade at the MOOSIC and KL Mi DALE WORKS. Laffiin & Rand Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuse for explod ing blast, Bafety Fuse and RcpaunoChemical Ca'sHigh Explosives MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO OILS an! lubricating Also Shafting and Journal Grease. OFFICE: -Rl West Lackswsnns Ava VHiUKS Meridian Strsst Hotel Wayerly Eui-opssn Plan. First class Tlar attsehed. Penal tor Bsrtucr Ik 1 1 Tannhssuspr Boor. E, Col 15th and Filbert Ms hkh Must dnsiralila for rssldsnts ot N V Venn lyh iu. 1,1 All ror.vsnlnnrss lor trsvelrs to and from Broad Clrort stain n and the Tnrirth and Msrkst Rtrwtt station Div tlrat'lu for vlsitlon Hersntonlans aad peo II lu tho Anthracite Kgtoa J. VICTORY, PK0PRIET0R SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. BavlBS snrurcd thn BBOBKQ FORGE el W llll m Bwia . S .11 for s r-erniBiiiut lul baaj ptand, l bu condael m. imtifl.- and l'stliulniilnal Mins.ii for tho rii.VDnti.ui, Kn llof and t'uis nf I.amsni'KH sutl othir Impndi inolitr In tho ii'.oviuints of Uoim'S luclilmitnl or dui' to inii'rltt sliiMlng I shsll nlvc tho work my iirrsonsl altoutl' n slid uusrauton no ultra charge. excupt lor um ..v-im-nt I.snu iixss, (to., will I.- tieata.l aftumooiis. A fro cllnli: and profosslonal sdvic kIvsd every Mondsy from I to . r. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y. S, THE Thatcher IS THE Bf ST. Get price and sen th furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, A .polio and Uauae Door Kange. CONLAFS HARDWARE P1TTSTON PA. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion most use Pozzonl's Pow4J dar. It producos a soft and beautiful skin, Furniture MOQSIC POWDER CO SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands ; of flour can be bad nt auy of the following merchants, i will accept The J MKsii IWVH qoPPOII of '4r, on each one hundred no an da Who will IK-l'elit of flour or 50 ou aaoh barrel of flour. Duniuore K P i'mja, Oold Medal Brand iH?g?.Tr,S !lTt BKtlv liran I 1 il', u v f'i i"n"" "V P" Whhuru (it. Oold Medal Brand; J. sejih A Mesrs M.n. avenue. Superlative Brand. Oreou Wdge- A L.Bpenor.Oold Medal Brand. J. l.MoUale, bun.. rim, ve. fiovideucu-Fenuer or ChalioelLN Main avu uue. Huoerlutivn brand;!; J in,mv. W Market street. Oold M-dil 'Brand Olynhant -Jatnes Jordan, Huperlali ve Brand Pi. knll.-shanVr ft K.U-r Bupurlative Jerinyn-U. o. Winters 4 Co Bupeialatlve Arulibald-Junes, B injiejn it L'o . Oold Medal tarlLdale -B 8 Clara. Oold Medal Brand, lionusdale 1 N. Foster at Co Oold Medn Mmooka M H. LsvellM. NORWAY IRON ULACK DIAMOND Si I, V EH KXTItA SPECIAL. (s.lNDEHKON-8 ENGLISH JESlsOF'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL HOUSE SHOES TOE CALK 'I I I IE MACHINERY BPKIMO SOET STEEL ANVILS BKLbOWS HOKSE NAILS WILEY & RCS3ELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY Bittenbender & Co., Scranton Wholesale and retail dealers' in WaRonmakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. Auction! Auction! AT SURDAMS'IZs" 133 Penn Avenue. A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Red Flag, E P. P. P. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT and potassium g: Hakes gr Marvelous Cures iin Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula tfa p. p. p. purifies th Mooil, bitMtVD th weuk ul npMUUtotS, ti.xrn Rtrcnfrih to weakcniMl nerve, oipei) tliHea-aoA.glrlnff ihopntlent tiMilth and toa iiappine whore si ok ms, Lr'..my li't'linK's ami laaattudo r.rst prevallinl. Fr primary. aoconilnrj and tertiary arphLltri, forolotHl pottntnK. merou--- rmlnoUon, malurta, tl fpcpsla, and Mfr In nil and akin 1leaaet, llko blotchn, plmplos, oM chronic U0Mt ' tetter, soalit hona, hollat eryalpelan, pu ecrema we Ml aay, wt thovit fear ot "g contra(ilctlon,thAl P. P. P. la the best 0- blood purlflor In the world.and tnakea mm poaltlre, apeedy and permanent ourca Innllca'seu. JkdlM whoo ayttema are pclaimd iB" and whttte blood iln an Impure condl-g- ttnn. duo to racnatrnal Irregularltlea, ore necullarly beneflteil bv the Won dorful tonic and bloHi cleahainir prop a--- ortlea of P. P. P. Prloklj Aih.Poke Hoot and Potaaalum. SraiNuFiSLD, Mo., Aug. l in.. 1893 1 can fpoak In the hltrhcat terma of " your modiclno f rom ni own poraonnl g Knowledice. I war affected with heart diaenae, pleurisy nnd rheumatUin for P 3j years, woe trenteil by the very host phyvlclaitM aua apont bundredi of dol- Ion, tried every known remedy with-0- out findlD): rollef. I hovo only taken ''"' Dottle of your P. P. P and onn cheerfully any it haa done me more 0 good than nny thing 1 havo ever taken. I can recommend vour medicine to all aB"""- ButTcrer ol tb above dlspnaea. jm - M M. VRARY. 8pr igUeld, Green Obunty, Mo. aMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiimHiHimiHiNgi 1 AMERICA Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, S With Ten Cents, and get one of tho series of sixteen magnificent I photographs. Eight numbers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra, j illlllllllllHIIIIIIUHIIIUIIUIUIIIIIHiniUlillHIIUiHUIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUnillll Inn tie X i Tribune, Aor. , ! The Flour Awards "CHICAOO, Oct 31. Fha first official annotmcement or World's Fair dip-loams on flour has been made. A medal haa been awarded by tha World's Fair judjres to the flour manu factured by tbe Washburn, Croaby Co, In tbe reat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reporte th flour strong and pure, and entitle it to rank as tirst-dai: patent flour (or lamily aud bak6rs' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL wsi'ii'Mi AOKMTi Tuy lor-Judge & Co , Oold Medal; AthertoO) A- Co., Superlativ. Jiuryea lawreuce .Store Co., Oold Medal. Moonic John IjteCrnala. Isold Modal l'lttston M. W O'Boyle, W1 Moaal Clark's Ore.-u-Fraoo tc Pi-rker. Buperlatlvt, Clarke ftuuiunt-F M. ioung. Oold Medal Lalton--S. E. Finn & Bon, Oold Meda. Brsul. Il 1c Pol son -J, E Harding. Waverly-M. w Bliss i Son, Oold MedaL Factory ville Chsrles Oarduer, Gold MedaL Hopijottoui K M Finn Ut Sou, Oold MedaL Tobyhar.na-Tobyhauna & babigh Lumber Co. Oold Medal Brand. Oouldsboro- I A. Adams OoH Molsl Brand. Moscow O&ige & Clements, Oold Medal. Lake Ariel J.-.mes A Boriree, Oold MedaL ForealCity J L. Morgan & Co., Oold Medal WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES KIMS STEEL SKEINS K. R. SPIKES SCREW MONDAY EYENING. JAN. 15 Pimpies. Blotches and Old Sores . , . . Catarrh, malaria and Kidney Troubles Ait . ni 1-. I . n mn b.T P.P. P. """P Prlcklj- Ash. Poke Root snd rotas- slum, tbe grcutevt blood purifier on ' W earth. ts Asssnrm, O. . Jul; 21, 191. -9 Mksshr. LirruAN Bros.. Savannah, Qa I Pear 8irs-1 bought a bottle of "aav Tour P.P. r. st Hot apt-turn, Ark. .and 9 It haa done me more ffoM than three 4Wt tnontba'treaiment ai the Hot Springs, Bond three bqttlea i O. D, -Of Kcbiioctrullv voura, JAS. M. NKWTOK, 'ag Abenleen, Krown Count;, . t 'up:. J. I. Johnston. Tc all vhom it may concern: 1 hers '""'V bv taal ifv to the nonderrnl ppernes 0 of r. P. P. for eruptlona of the skin. 1 pm pnftere.l for !o ersl year with an nn- "JJF ilsbtlj and disagreeable eruption on . jfi mv face. 1 trle.1 everv known reme- d but In vain, until P. F. P. was used, kW and am now entirely eure.1. o9 iSlgnedby) J. D. JOHNSTON. "g isarannah, tia. --Sv Skin 4'nneer Cured. S JYrtitinf.'rin Mayor of Scquin,TtX, m ""OW SKr.N. Tkx.. January 14, 1S93. " Mesas. i.iri'MAN Bros. . Savannah, jaV Ha.: S4fi I have trl.-d your P. b P. P. for a disease of the akin, ueutiily known a akin .-ureer.of thirty years . clam ling, Sad (ennj great relief: it ttm purities the hiiod and roinoves sll Ir- "aF rltai ion from the aent of the disease ffffj an. I prevents any spreading of the gj. sores. 1 have taken flveoraix bottles aF an.1 feel oontl.lent that another course s) will effect a euro. It has also relieved me from indigestion and atomacb "av troubles. Voum truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. "Baw Book on Blood Diseases Moiled Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. m PROPRIETORS, 'ajf Llppmnn's Ulork.SaiHnnnh, O , COUPON NO. 38. j
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