THE SCRAN TON TT?TBTTNE-TTTlTIisn AY MOANING. APTm. 12. 1894. r kjby(hahies 8. Lewis m.quar I WrV CHAPTER IX. Whan the troop had disappeared up Hie dusty highway, Kenton returned to tiv nouM to say goodby to its Inmates, and bait an hour later he had turned bn (ice southward, satisfied that bo bud K cured all iutonuutioa possible (or u icout to pick up. The fanner posted biiu as to where be would likely strike the Confederate ontpoata and warned him what highways, to avoid, but on that very day McC'lellan was pushing his cavalry forward and seizing now territory. At 4 o'clock In the afternoon as Kenton, who had been traveling in the fields and under cover of the forest, was about to ciuss a highway he beard the click, click of a carbine, and a voice called to him: "Halt where you arc, or you aro a dead man'." It was a Federal vldette, dismounted and posted among the bushes which (ringed the highway, Kenton looked up to find himself covered bj a carbine. Both wen on the tame tide of the road, lie had approached the vfifette in tear, and bad ho exercised more vigilance would have detected bis presence in time to avoid him, The men were nut over so (set apart when Kenton got the iiiinuions to bait. Many of the, Federal troops were still dressed in the gray uniforms supplied by their respective stares, whili the Confederates had a variety of uniforms, and It Was difficult to detect one side hi in the other. The vidette had florid his duty in balling the prowler, but be wus net suru what sort of game be bad bagged. ' Throw up your bauds'.'' he com manded as be advanced. Kenton obeyed. He was armed only with a revolver, and as that was hidden from fight he appeared defenseless, .'Now, then, who are youV" asked the Federal as he came to a halt scarce six feet away. "luiiaut ask you th same question," replied the SCOUt, making a great effort to appear cool and indifferent. "I know you might, but 1 yuess you won't! Answer my question!" "I have information to give." "What is it?" " Which side aro you on?'' "Oh. it makes a difference, does it? Well. I'm a Confederate, What's your Lews':" Kenton looked about lam in an un easy manner as if h bad fallen into a trap and contemplated making a bolt to escape. .'"Say, you look like a reb. butactliko IT Yank, " laughed the man us he loW- ered bia carbine, "I guess you've got news, and I guess you want to go to headquarters." Will you kindly tell me which way to go to strike headquarters?" "I'll do better'u that I'll go with you to the picket post and see that you ure passed along. Have you been scout ing?" "Yes." "Seen any iebs?" "Plenty of them." "Well, come along, and I'll ride down the road with you to the post. We are posted along here in hopes to catch a reh gcout who's been sneaking along our front for two or three days. What did you say your name was?" "Kenton. '' "And mine is Fisher. Hear anything about wb'jn we are going to move?'' "Not a word, though the army seems to be all raadv." j . "It is ready, and why McClellan doesn't push down and walk all over tho "Throw up yowhanthP' ht tommanXUA u k advanced, Confederate army is a puzzle to ine. Seeina as if he was waiting to let them get a good rendy. Everybody is giving him hail Columbia, but I suppose he knows wiiat he's about. What com mand do you belong to?" The pair had been slowly walking side by side down to where the cavalry man's horse was bitched to the limb of u tne. 'Die Federal bad quite accepted Kenton as belonging to his aide and was planning to do him a good turn by guiding him to the reserve. Kenton must avoid that. Ho had hoped to do it by strategem, and be bad excuses al ready on his tongue when asked for bis command. Answer ho must, but as ho did not know the exact location of u 1- .1 1 1 LI- . ?,iigitr i itiicihi leiiu.-ui ma iuihwer would probably betray him. He was hesitating when the trooper repealed: " What regiment do you belong to, and a here is it stationed?" "I'm independent," replied tho&eout as be suddenly snatched at the carbine dial twisted it out of the other's grasp, "Now throw up your bands! Uphigli r' F flm. vn:i hiivi, n MValva: tint: if you drop your hands by so much as an inch I shall fire on you! Forward! March into the woods!" "By George, but you don't tell nio yon are a rebel!" exclaimed tho aston ished and bewildered cavalryman. "I don't know yet whether 1 amor fiot." replied Kenton. "I'm a irgiu- CoptRKinTtO iSil E AMtftiCAN ASSOCIATION. ijn and in the Confederate army, and whether we are labels or patriots is a question 1 haven't ( styled. Keep to the left." "And you may be the very rebel scout we were hoping to capture'. " "You are ptetty near right about that. Keep right on I'm coming! Now halt and keep your hands still up!" " What are you going to do with uie?" asked the man as he was disarmed and permitted to face about, "How far is it to the nearest Confed erate outpost?" "About two miles down this road" "How many videttea between us and the boat?" "Three-or (our, Yon are not going to kill me cut hero in cold blood?" "You may rest easy on that ncoro," replied Kenton. "A year hence war will mean devastation, destruction, murder and assassination, but men's hearts not brutalized yet. 1 must teach the Confederate outpost, but 1 can't do it by lb" mad." "I don't think you could fool all the others as you did me," said the cavalry man, with a sickly smile. " rhe question is what to do with you? If I set you at liberty, you'll raise an alarm." ".Oueaa I would iu (act, I know 1 would." And 1 have nothing to tie you up with until 1 can get safely away." "That's so, You remind me of the chap who caught the bear and dasu't b t go." "1 must take you along with me to the Confederate outpost. We shall cut across the fields and woods to reach it. go ahead, and I will follow. It is needless" "I'm no foul!" bluntly interrupted the Federal. "When I'm down and the Other teller has got his thUinbs in my eye and my nose in his jaws, I know enough to cave. You won't have to Shoot me, and 1 want to ask a favor of yotrt" "Well?". "Don't walk mo in a prisoner." 'I'll see about that. Let's go ou." They stiack through the woods, cross ed an old field, skirted a meadow and entered another piece of woods. As they were traversing this they came upon a negro cutting firewood, and he informed them that the Confederate outpost was only iU rods below them on the high way. "At this stage of the game one pris oner more or less is of no earthly ccn Beqoence," eaid Kenton as be looked at ih. cay.iirymaa. "I'm going to let you tetarnT" "And I've concluded to he taken pris oner and seut to Richmond," replied the man. "For what reason?" 1 "Plain as a pumpkin on a gatepost. If I go back without my arms, what , can I say? I'd just have to admit that a Johnny reb came along and played me for a sucker and got the best of me. That would mean lidicule and disgrace f forever. If I don't go back until tx- I changed as a prisoner. I'll be all right. ' I'll sort o' give out that I was tackled j by about six of you, you know." "1 am Sony that I was obliged to de- ' rfive you to save myself." said Kenton after a moment of thought, "and there is no need to disgrace you'. Here me I your weapons, and you are free to re turn to your post. The war has not fair ly begun yet, There will be hate uud bitterness and rancor after awhile, and there will be fewopportunitiestoeitend ! courtesies. " "Say, Johnny, that's a square deal !"' ' joyfully exclaimed the Federal as he I I received his weapons, "and I want to shake hands with you! Put it there! Can't tell but what'We may meet again before this row is over, and if we do I hope it'll come my way to do the fair thing. So long to you!" Kenton watched him out of sight aud (ben walked down to the highway to find himself at the post of a vidette. He IV OS directed back to the reserve, his pass examined, and ho was then within the Confederate lines and ready to push on to Manassas and Jackson's head qua! ters. When his information lnnl been laid before the stem faced mini, wiiose title of "professor" had been j changed to that of "general" within u few brief months, he'quietlyjaid: "You have done, excellently. My Command is ordered into the valley. 1 shall bavourtla-r need of your services in this line, but you may return to your company at present." CHAPTBH X. part of tho soulb witnessed so much of the wreck and misery of war as the Shenandoah valley. Its high ways, fields and fotests, its houses, barns and sheds, its every breeze by day and night for three long years, echoed the fierce shouts of contestants and tho groans of wounded men. Nature made it ii garden. War converted it into a vnst graveyard. The Federals hnd begun their march up the valley from Harper's Ferry. Jacnoo was ordered over In bur tho j way. Historians may write with pre j I udico and politicians sienk in bitter : iicps. lilt us be fair and conscientious, even if we cannot be neutral. Jaok ! son's first battle was on the broad fields of Kernstown. All historians who have i written lor tho future have pronounced him a wonderful man in the science of war. Before his command was fairly in tiio valley Koyal Kenton ami others were far ahead, -conting for informa tion. Their reports decided Jackson on moving swiftly up and attacking the Federals as they reached KerttStOWn, i He was beaten back and fairly routed, i lint that was to be tho first and only time, As Jackson's own brigade swept for ' ward into the fight Kenton was in tho i tanks of the Shenandoah guards. On his right was Stevo Brayton, on his left Ike Baiter. He had known but little of liiu company since detailed for scout duly. He divined that Captain Wyle's bitterness bad Intensified, and that tho prejudice against mm among niscuni rades had rather, increased with his ab sence. He bad been detailed from his company, and his return to it as Jack Son ordered an advance and everybody knew that a hattlo would bo raging within a couple of hours proved hid metal in tho eyes pi all. Add yet not over a dozen men in the company had a nod or a word for him. Ike Baxter, un der tho tutorship of bia master, was car rying out a plan to drive him out iu dis grace. "He un's yere fur no good, and yo' kin lay to that I" Ike bad whispered from man to man. 'Jist yo' fellers keep yo'r eyes open! I'm gwino to do it, and if he an tries to play tho traitor I'll put a bullet straight into his car cass! Mebbe be un kin fule Ginural Jackson, but he on can't play no Yan kee tricks on me!" As they mul ched forward on the high way Steve Brayton fouud opportunity to suy : "liok yere, Kenton. Ike's goin to play yo' some onery trick if the chance comes, and yo'd better be ready fur him. He uu hates yo' like plzen, and he un's try in to make all tho rest do the same." "lam aware of that, " replied Ken ton, "but can von tell me the reason lor it?" "Reckon thnr ar' sevoral. In tho fust place, yo' didn't happen to be bo n down yere, while Ike Baxter and tho lest of us critters did. In the second, yo' took the shine out o' the officers at Bull liuu. In the third, as nigh as I kin make out, thar's a gal iu the case. Looks to me like Ike bad been hired to talk agin yo'. At any rate, lie's got the boys all stirred up. uud yo'd better be keerfnl not to git too fur ahead of the j crowd in case we DSV a lout down yere!" "How does it happen that you are iniot down on me With the rest?" asked Kenton. "Reckon tbar ar' several reasons in i that too. l'ustlv, yo' could hev got away to the Yankee inmy if yo' had wanted to. Yo' didn't, and that's a nnrty good sign yo' un ar' all right. Neztly, yo've got pluck, and I like a plucky man. Mo' nextly, the mo' men we liev the less chance of my bein hit myself. Lastly, I've seen Captain Wyle and Ike Baxter with their heads together about yo', and I've heard that both yo' and the captain was sweet on the same gal. aud I've sorter put two and three together and made seven. I'm goin to be right alongside o' yo' in this tout, 'cause I like yo'r way o' fightin, but yo' jist mind what 1 tell yo'l The bullet which hits yo' today is liable to come from our side!" Jackson's command, numbering not quite tl.OOD men, made, a rapid march of 40 miles down the valley to strike a blow at General Shields' command of 8.000. They were waiting for the Con federates, Jackson attacked at once. Even while the rear of his marching column was still two miles mvuy he at tacked. It was a tierce and bitter light. j As daylight began to give way to twi 1 light on that dismal March afternoon I the guards were ordered to charge a battery which was making a portion of I the Confederate line untenable. They I dashed forward to be met by a volley which killed or wounded a dozen men, I and a swift move on the part of a Fed I eral regiment resulted in tho capture of nearly one-half of tho others. An hour later Jackson was retreating. He hud been defeated. Ike Baxter was among tho wounded. With others he was taken to the field hospital to be cared for, while the an wounded were inarched to the rear and placed under guard. Ike had been hit in the shoulder. While his hurt was being dressed he said to the surgeon: "If a Yankee deserts to our side and tights cgin yo' tins, what happens to he un if yo' captnr' bim ?" "He'd be shot!" was tho blunt reply. "Buts'pOSin he uu also played spy fur our side?" "He'd be hung instead of shot! Do you know of such a case?" "Reckon I do, and I feel it my dooty I to ten yo auout mm, Jist tell yo r giueral to inqunr among the prisoners fur a man named Kenton Royal Ken J ton. He un's a Yankee deserter aud a i spy fur Oineral Jackson!" "But why do you tell if it?" queried the surgeon, " 'Cause it ain't a fair deal." Half an hour later Kenton was taken ' before General Shields under tho charge , made by Baxter. The latter had over reached himself. Had onlv the two been eaptured it would have been a dif ferent matter, but there were SO of the guards who gave testimony in favor of Kenton, though it came from most of th ' in grudgingly. A search of his per Son brought to light a pass trout Gen eral Jackson in which ho was mentioned as a scout. "WhiR" you are cleared of the charge, " said the general after a long examination, "how does it come about that you, a northern man. are found iu tho Confederate ranks?" "1 enlisted ifi the cause of Virginia, my adopted state," was the reply. "But tho cause of Virginia was and is unjust. 9b is guilty of treason. Kvery one of yon under arms inu traitor to the government. The principle is so plain that no one need doubt." "But there are doubts, sir. A largo proportion of the iuirrtn r:i peOpIO nro doabthlli uud sonic of !!; nioMt inlliu;n- tinl of tho Dartbem piper contend for right of secession." The general couhl not gaiiisriy tlint. Thw Kovuriiim'iit v.-iis rushing troops Into the held, and battles Were being fought, but the principle was still being discussed, and men eminent as jurists, stdtei men and journalists were still di vided. Kenton was dismissed to be re turned to his fellow prisoners. Only eno guard accompanied him. Half way between headquarters and tbo spot where the prisoners were be ing held under guard they encoun tered two men bringing in u wounded man on u sir, tcher. The victim proved to bo tbo Kuurd'a brother. For a mo ment he i org a his prisoner, and when ho hud recovered from his excitement over tho discovery he no longer had a prisoner. Kenton bad walked off into tbo darkness and made good his escape. And now us tho night drew ou apuee and the cold rain steadily beat down upon the battlefield purtiesof men went forth in search of the wounded. They cured not for the dead. At the front tbero is but little sentiment or sympa thy for the wounded, They arecared for because many of them will recover to light in tome ether battle, They were found in the njeii fields, in the futrows half full of water, in the deeper ditches skirting tbo forest, among Iho trees and bushes dripping with tho rainfall. Some cried out iu the darkness with tile broken voices ol lost ohildren; others prayed or cursed or wept. And hero and there, with their faces buried in the grass or dirt or with faces upturned to the sky of night und eytj half open, were dead men, a thousand or moie. The morrow would do for them, Tho dead of a battlefield ask nothing. The living give them u covering of a few Inches of Upod soaked soil, and give that grudgingly. hp Bit COSTIXCEU. Br. Pierce1! ravbrlts rrescriptum is a scientific medicine, carefully compounded by uu sxperlenced uud skillful physician, uud adapted to woman's delicate erguuizutiuii. It i:, purely vegetable and perfectly UnruuVss in iui iMiiilitinn of tin- system. 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Part One, which is NOW READY for delivery, conta'.ns foui handsoma scenes representing "Early Morning," "Indian Summer," "A Wintei Scene" and "The Country Brook " If, when you see a multichrome,you don't con fess it's the most wonderful thing out, bring it back and get a medal. - -.klJ,Mmrr .a- KKK REMEMBER, ONE C0U- pon with one dime SECURES 4 PICTURES. mTTrrs ret mtro r,TTTrVKT lxlLO lo La wurufll 1 i-!. 1" u - Art Students' c ultichrome mm MY a WM'SlWsf '" -' - ji:iiMtiniiW3iUitHUu:ii!aiiutiaoiiiiiHauiti.!iiiKiJHmiincm:iMiiiif; Scranto.i Tribune, Scranton, Pa., Apni 12, 1894. I Send this coupon, with lO cents I in cash' and f?nt of tlie mvelus I 5 MultHironic Art X greatest oiler of all. of a i Gems bv far the 3 .... . u Sail Cl'ilSrS ZC. CXtld. a.ii;EHiii..ii.miiHi.iim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers