2 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 29, 1S94. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost (hut BMIOA, eW" epf StftiufiOH II UH(i'iiU7ui7t art inserted F8BB. Situations Wanted. QlT(jATil5i J iu copyist or to do work in an onic KX A 11.. collout reference furnished. Address Tribune office. PLACE WANTED I.N a QOOD FAMILY tor Herman girl of It (MM, where the work U not too heavy. Address Dr. Do.iu. city. anted"by Tioou iTkkssmakf.k ' lewlna, Reasonably and stylishly done at home, or will go out by the day. Call or address MISS STULLA DKADLER. OrOV street Taylor. Pa. SITUATION WAXTEH-BY A MIDDLE O aged laily as housekeeper or a companion (Or un invalid. Add KM. E D. TribUBOOfllcOi city Help Wanted Male. U' ANTED - A FIRST class COAT maker. Apply U ono. CHARLEttO, EVAN'S. Carbindale, fa ' ANTED UKNEBAl. VYHRBLRUIHT Apply -t U.lhool I Carriage works. w Hzli) Wanted Femaleo. "10OK WANTED AT ST. JAMES HOTEL, 105 Lackawanna ..venue GENERA L NEWS INDUSTRIES Agents Wanted. W AN FED MAN insurance evperieu,- w WITH lie;: AND FIRE 'li.-llor III Lackawanna county; good indunuenn to right ui.ui Address IU -H Beta building, Philadelphia. Pa. AX I'F.P HVli VOL' SO MEN OF OOUD addreaa to .all on business bouses Stea.lv employment (or (pod men. Apply National clean towel company. Arcade building, for Ren:. S?5S ' R EN i - NEW ' VrOtt E. NO." 4IU 1 spruce street, tnuulre ot 1UED WAU NER.il! Lackawanna avenue. Q FRONT .OOMS. FURNISHED OR IN - lurahihtd. 3 block from post office. In ...lire 11 La.kaw.mua avenue. ROOMS FOR BENT SECOND ELOOlt; tow rent iK'J Wyoming avenue. pott RENT-LAROE STOKE R MM AND V basement ou Dicksoo avenue, Qreett Ridg Q, a. CLEARWATER Von RENT FROM APRIL 1. HOUSil .U A it) Jeffersou avenue, u first elis condi tion modern Improvement, beet location, Apply to L. M. Hortou, No. J Commonwealth tu, d'ng MS LACK.'. L CHAKLLS r Henry at the L'OK RENT - Bi t. PINO JT wanna avenue from Apr:; H WtV! ES. Coat Eichange. I liA'SE FOR '.ISN1' NEArt POS roFFICE. 11 eootainlng fourteen rooun and laundry, all in Hue order BpUndld location (or rent ing f-irtdshed '.-.oms Apply at 507 Linden atr et TOR RENT TWO STORY BRICK DW1L X 1 ng house: mo lorn Improvements; Hi? Forts: place: rent, III Apply to MAI KICK COLLIN'S, agent, TH Wes: Lackawanna avenue. 1K BENT -ST ORE. i.l LACKAWANNA x st no, by April 1. Enquire t Frey, ttl Lackawanna avenue or y remises. T 'OR RENT TiLHEE ROOMS, FRONT ON X second d or. over N A Hulbert'j ntttslo Itors UT Wyoming avenue, from April L In ijuir ! .u the store. CUSE FOR RENT ONE BLOCK FROM post office, containing f,jurt-e:i rootn and laundry, all In cue . rder. Fine location to let furnlabed rooms. Apgly at Hi Liud.-u street. y LET FOB A TERM OP YEARS Part or ail of tflree hundred fee: of yard rxm iong railroad. Apply a: U Fnosa-lx av-nn. Tu BSN'T -STORE ax OR FURNISHED hall jn Oroen Rldgs stroet Very dwura cle '..nation and on reiuonab. terms. Apply to I- E. NETTLETON or C a. WOODULFF. h.fnblican bnilding. February S!a!eui3iit of Ilia Reading System Sliows favorable Results. OLD DEFICIT IS SCALED DOWN While tho HoaJ Is Not Making Any Money Thcso Democratic Cays, It Is at tho Saino Time Happy at the Fact That It Is Losing Lass Than Kormerly The Figures lor Last Month Presented in Dotail -Other Retdabla Topics of Industrial In terest. Tho lVbruary stateniont of t ho Ueadlni; Hailroail and Coal ami ton eouipauiea waa issued yaaterduy niter uooti. 1 ho Kross receipt of tho mil -road company were $1,870,01?! Hross rxpanaca, fSO.i.mi. Uvnn a profit trout ojisralliiK of tiTli; net ro Otlott trom other sources uiMo.l to I operating proliis make tlio proll'.s for uit moulli f4Si.fdt). ineiotsi cuurices for tho moDth agKttgttt W?,8flfl thru leavlog a I'.rtiott Tor the moutu of $449. 51k). The deficit of the tiseni yoar to date iibre month) it $890,791, a dc crease of f'.'.'T.ToT Horn tne deficit oT the corrpo:..lluj! peiiod of the pre viou tisc.il year Tho uro receipts of ktho Cal ana Iron company worotl,- I 480,009, ai:d tho t!fJ expeuso $l,5Sli - 4Tt; Oottwtlftn of tlie ear rent yenr's I tlxed cbnrjjes added to tho loM from mining makes the deficit for tee mouth f-JU.T'.'T. The detl. lt of the tUcl year : v i t -o mootbl) is $889,889, a decrease of from the drticit of th- coi- icspixiUiug period oT the previous tlseul year. Tho soft co:'.l oarrying rotdi hav tie oidtd upon a rtdnotion iu freight rates to take cOVct April 3 when the new circular rats of tho loft coal operators becomes pffectlvs. The rate to Pblla dslpbta, Nswporl News and Btltimort will he r'duce.l from $1.40 to f 1 3'J To South Auiloy the reduction will be 20 OentS par ton, and to Jersey City and New York harbor lo OOOtS per ton. ;'nes rates apply only tJ inob coal as m snipped thero for transportation by vessel to other point. Tne radnotion of S3 ceuts fer ton in the circuUr rate :s made up to tne operators by these re ductions and a cut In the wages of the ui;uer from 10 to 18 ceot p.-r too. For Sate "L"OB SALS-A FARM OF EIOHTY ACBaS, A one ar.d c,ne-half miles from Liaiton on thu Delaware. Lackawanna and W-'V.ern railroad. F'.rit elaas farm hooas wttb a never ra.iln,- spring neirby. -., barns, good land and good orchard Will be fold cheap. Terms eas . Addres B F FON BTOJICH or ISAA' ELMS eiecltors. Dalton, Lackawanna coqnty. Pa. POB BALI SS-ACB8 A and aVinslij. J. M. 31 n.-o ave VuR SAIX OB EXCHANGE FOB SCRAN A ton property A bearing oran grovo increasing in rrmiaction and value yearly :a Ihe am.iliratiuted association con frrencs commlttsa ani tue Mahoning Valley manufacturer reasbed an ,Sro?"i9nt at midnight after ten n.mrs' ssssloa A $4 barling rate w. agrsad to; cliUse 7 of the scale I tha aaun us the nerllui; rate; clans 8, $3 50; clans J. $3 J. la all muck milis not BTsrag log fifteen ton retura a week the Iragout absll be paid by the company; 2 tue aerappi'.i and hustli-ju depn rnent DtSes oa board Jl 5); cianse 2. $1 78; clause 4, 2. Tue scale will he tnbjeOt to sixty dayi notice Presi dent Garland And Svcrotary Kilsalion both think las aa'reemeut will oe aatis Isclory. The foiiowin; directors of the Pnr. sylvaaia Rai'.riad company Wars ra eiected Tudy. there being ru oppo sition: Geirgs 15. Roberts, Ales M. Fox, Alex Biddls, N Park-r Sbort ridgo, Henry D Wslsb, William L B.kins, H. H. Houston, A J. Cassal, U A. G:iicom, B B Comegys, Amos II Little, W. 1 Barnea a::d George Wood Sven bnndrod aad oia'bty three thonsan 1 taree hundred aul tcirty eij.it saares wera voted. the oranjfi see NETTLETON". Sixty colta vrorker eraploy.l by the ; J'nclf. Coke company, t Lsienring, FARM, sruCcC were discharged Tuesday, the nieu BBKFFtELD s eliita oa iceoont of their activity In ! peifecting their organiz itloDS fbi I th') osmpany officials deny, It i a dd I that oiher operators will jrin in tha uiivemifU and tiiat huudied of men will be dismissed at once Tno toinsri - I have toted their seal ) and threaten to Specia Noticea. atnEo ii .n lay ooisss tuvir aamanas ar ..... . Ids Laae iielen. FiC Ad ires I", 'ida IADlES-H-EASe CALL AT THE CUM j n.nn vealth hf st-Te. aabiaitcn av-.-nne and tea tho latest styles :u Ruaaia tin. Doagola thoasaod Oxfords B LANK BOOKS! PAMPHLETS. MA(A lines, etc , bond or rciejund at Tn Tuict'st office. Quick worlc Keaaonabla yr.' MEAL TICKETS CAM HE HAD T lit. cr.mer Spruce street and Franklin ave nue Twenty mal u.-iaet for gEflOt Oowd tal.l" Ujard. Notice to Taxpayera. The ja Ignients werennterad in tbfi Danpbili county court Tueslay iu state tax cases. Ltblgh Valley K ill road com pany, tax on loan f 'r Is'jS favor of eommonWOaitb, for $03 108 "7; Warren Saving hank, of Warren, la favor of dsfsndant. Tha Pbiltdslphla Time thinks that as the repreentrttiva center of the iu diviloal operator tha Fifth anthracite district has no parallel in th stale "VOTK'E 10 TAXPAYERS TilE :aX I I here are eignteen Kreat lriUrets 1 nayers of the city of Scrantor, Pa . will within a radlons of eighteen mile of Dereby UK notice that the board of a;iu-tls n i , ., ' . - , appoint t.v tv letty oooooOa at said iyto rt,;,,0"j ntnrl supply point of hearnd determine anneals trorn itvuses rr.enfa for the y-ar lsin are holding metin-s daily at the office of ths city olerk between then ursof tt. m. and 5 p. m. for tnepuipve nforesaid and that appeals will only b ba Ira In cases of ne w aaeasineDts for eald yoar. ..be anthority rested in Aatd board not permitting the revlalon of assessments for any year but that of 11 Tb m .-etinfrt of the board w',11 cease March A, IstM By order of board of apte-als it I LAVELLE City fierk. ; Educational. U' FOMIN') SEMINARY- A BOUND EDI.' cation ia the beat ern!pment a yoaag nan or woman can BSCON for auccesafiil llv iag. It pays to secure it even at a RK-at sacri got Such an education r an ! obtuhc-d at Wyoming Seminary. SpeWaltlea ( olievn prepaiatfon. business t'-aetilrv art and music. j.-ns May zi. tor Information address IS V L L Sl'kA'M'K I J . r . K Inks ton, ia the diitrict, and the annual report of the rnin inspector ju-t mado public ahows a total production of coal of O.U'39,Ob lODS with total ahipmenti at $,891,088 Bnt thro corporation fiuure iu the list of operators, indicating tho nicety of dlStrlbntion of available and I among the individual development, and of the output th corporation have credit for a million ton onlr Tha I'pper L'blgh conl field i very inter -rating, fit it present pnasea of the labor qaeStion abSSnl i the other, and mining With the operator there has btcoui very much of science. iu alougpclltori I the Philadelphia l'reta quotes the law governing the up polntmant of mios loapaotors, Aid ap povea th refusal of Governor Pattl son, upon rauoininondation of Diputy Attorney General H'ranahan, to ap point John MeGnire mine lospsotOf of the Kight anthraciio district, "It 1 not,'' the Prea iy, " riuefltion of In illflduata, but it la one ol very derided I concern its hearing upon the tffl IsOOJf Bsntlmsnt and B ern Fact. xmffon TtufA. In one of tho bed rooms of a hotel In South Lancashire la displayed the text: "I will lay tne down In pane, and tuke m y ret. for it ia Hion. Lord, only that mnk- cat me dwell in safety. " Imrnedlalely mi- j of niino inspection nnd tho aaluly of rler it tome this notice' ' Owing- to the frequenry of bctol robberies, you are re quested to bolt your door." A Quarter Oantury Tot For a quarter of a century Dr. King' New Discovery has been tested, nnd the million who have received betieflt from lis use testify to Its wonderful curative power in all diseases of Throat, Cheat and Lung. A remedy that has atood the last so long and that has given ao universal Fiitisfactton is no experiment. Each iKittht is positively guurauteed to give relief, Ot tho money tv ill be refunded. Ittsadtnltted to be the most reliable for Coughs ami Colds. Trial bottle Free nt Matthew liro's. Drug Store. Largo size o'Jc, aud $1,00. s The Query That's Unantwarid. Afinncnuolit 7Ymri. Is there a silver lining to the cloud on Jrover's browr The essential Inn-bealing principle of the pine tree has flnlly been Buccrusfully separated and refined Into a perfect cough medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. And Waitn Will Vanish. tint riiburg WWof. Wo look forward to next Novomber with some impatience. Colorado will then elect a new governor. perior, Wis., has been let to the Dodge Goal storage company, of Chiraco. It Will to of iron and steel aud will he one of Did most complete docks at the head of the lake, linviug a capaoity of liJ,()Oo tons. For the first time iu teu yeara theLy kons Valley coal inliioi are not iu opera tion. Work I. uk boi'ii suspended owing to lack Of Orders, but it it believed they "ill :dari np again about April l. About 1,1190 mtn at Lykons and Willlauistowu uro thrown out, of w in k. Vlce-Proaldant Odell, of theNewiOng land railroad, will perforrn the duties ol president, and it la not, the iutonuon of the dlrtctors to cliooso u president for eome time. Samuel Sloan, president of the Lack wanna, snysthai there Is no inuniii in on the part Of that company tu get control of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Miohl gau. fhe Olevaland Rolling Mill company's booth mill, at Newborn, which bus been idle since hist December on account of a luck of orders, Iturlod up w ith a full form of 100 men on onlen which It Will take six nioutha to turn out. A ateel uiaiiufactui lug plant has been located at Fianktoii, by I'lttsburg and Chicago capitalist, who have fornisd u stock concern ilh a ropltitl of JUKI.UOO, to be known as the ludmua steel company, Employment will hu given to a large num her of man when iho plant ttart iii Jons, The Cleveland panic has resulted la R loss of (I'd 0)10,1100 m revoiiua fioiu beer, spirit aud tobacco la tho past eight month. The coal tonnage over the Heading rail load lor the week tiuded Maicn 111 do created 101,478 tons, making a total do oreaee for tho naval year to date Mt,t7V ton. Tho troubles existing between the Head tug Sieel works aud their mounters liavo been adjusted. The eullro plant will bo in operation m a day or two, The now Platte Itiver Paper mills, erect ed ul Denver, i ol, at a cost of io-. have begun operations with a force of 2i0 meu iu addition to those employed la the old men. The Phenix Iroa works are working full time on two pieces of elevated railway In New York aud ibeyare bllSlnSSS now thuii they have heeu before In a year. ' ' EucUlai.'a AiiAaa Sal vs. The test salve ia the world for Cuts Uruises, Sores, L'lcer, Halt Kheum, Fever Sues, Tetter. Chapped llauda, Chilblains, Corns and 1.11 Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ;s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price BJ cent per box. For side by .Matthew, lirod. ' FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Ftecks and Roudi NEW Voitu. March 2S. London detei mine.i the course of our market today. English on'ors for fully 5,000 shares of St. I'anl, Union Paciflo, Louisville aud Nashville and other international stocks having been executed. A ruaior reached hrre late iu the day that tho linal seltle tneut of thH Baring dlttieulty had at last been accomplished. It ibis is so, no other resson i required for the recent haying of American securities. IToiou Paciflo was the favorite liuiong International stock and rose from I9ts)j tJ It waa stated that tno work of re orsanlxation bad male material progress and that the bill for the settlement of the Sonipany' debt on a two per cent, basis w ill bo Introduced early next week. Louisville and Nashville moved up 1?4; Atchison, Northern Pacific, pit-ferreu, X: Erie, yt. Tuia completes tho list of stocks bought for foreign account, Deieware and Hudson jumped nearly four points to lStl-,. The directors at their meeting decided to i me IS. (K0, 000 new Stock at par to the stockholder to retire maturing bond-. Tne (iransers were in ini.-k demand, St. Paol rising to 03), Northwest to 10:?,, Bock island to TOV, eX-dlvldSUdj IJili hngtou to Til?,' ar.d Omaha to 9,). Head ing flratdec lued io 19 and later rose to and closfd .it bugar fell I,1, to IS8K and recoTO'ed to 90 The market closed strong and Vn'iH I er cent, higher ou tbt day. Th-; e.lrs were 107, iju shares. Th following complain tao:e showmu the day' fluctuation in activo atooka la supplied and revised dally OS LaBar A Fuller, stock broker. 121 Wyoming avenue: Cpia- Hlih ln. st Promotes Digestion Am. Cot. Oil. Am Sucar. .. A.T. AS. 9.. Can. So Ceu. N. J. .. WW .. m .. 611a ..ii. Chic. 4 N. W l'cLi C, B. A Q 13 Chic. Gas Itf C C. C.&St. L... Col . Hock. Vol. & i SIM to III UM 115 i -1, s:.tn i Dm Low est. So m SI la ill's li pvj KM C!o PC. 31 16 61M irjj m K)i biiman life. There are eight of theae mlnn Inspector provided for the uu thraoitS region, whom anlariet nnd ex penses are paid by tho atate. If all of tbsm bad nttended to their duties with that eniciency which It 1 right to ripsol of them it is very cer tain SODS of the MOldsnlS in th i mines during tho ptat two or three yeara In volving lots of life would not have oc curred. Ills more efficiently and not less that is nqulred. If thut canuot b had by the present Dtthod of nppoint in til although that method appears lo have been well devised then it will ho necessary to create some other. The man who peril hi life In a coal mine l , entitled lo all the security and ap pliances for safety it ia possible to give aim. Governor Patiiaon is therelore right in refusing to appoint a man wno in hia extminatlnn lei l Iclow the legal standard. The faot that the board of examitieri", heedless of the law, rec ommended liim, does not offer nny ex cuse for the appointment under the cir cumstances. Let them fiud and rec ommend some one who meets the re quirements of tho law at least " Misoit Industrial NotiS: The contract for tho new dock of Ihe Lehigh Valley Coal company at West Su fi, k h p., L. & W D, 4: C. F Erie (. E. Co Lake Shore L & N Manhattan Mis. Pan Nat. Lead f. Y. A N. E N. Y. Central.... N. Y.. 0. & W... N. Y.,S. St W... H. S. C. Co North Pan North Pac. pf Omaha Pac. Mail Reading Re-k Island P. T St Pain T..C. AI Tsiaa A Pac L'nion Pac Wslsisn, pf W. L'nion w ft L I W. S L. E. of ... .un, HAM 136H UN :: B iai .. m US ..101 .. ii 2IV4 WM toii 7n m 6iM im Nti m ttit WH JIM MH 101 M Mt id BUM 3D 791 WM MM KM U I6M m 13 m mi M m iii 4M 13 1 a: 87 ll'.lSi II) iM TO M esM ID li I6U 8M 18 M 7M 1"'S an leoij Ml, ml lis asm lM 0M iiis4 In UN 7bU in! m 2lH id Chlcaio Grain - I Prnviilon. Bona mow. March 2-. '; .. following quota Hon are aupplled an 1 e ilTMted dully by l,n Bar ft Fuller, Itcxtk brokers.121 Wyomlug av no. V,' I IF, AT. 'inaniug rilgtu-at . Closing Coin, lopenlng Iluocst Loweot Clostnz OATS. Pnlng Illgheat liwnat ' I .si i ik. PURE Orwnlng Blghoal Lowest Closing LARD, Opening lllkdiaT. Lownat Closing SIP IBT RIBS Onetilng Highest I. e.. O Cloliig ar Slav Jnlv. Wi fVlV, nnU Km nu iiHij MiU IfU iliU nfjj wM t a illU fit LA SHU MM ItS I'aU MM STli mi tvl tspj ill mi I7t SI 31 Wi :n nib r, in oil, WH tut III) ))' 1 1 iu 11. 'II 11:111 lnj-i nit UN ii.vi wo (tuj o;o 7 70S nsj 710 nl 0711 " I) To1) Ml M7 foai IKKI Mt-g fl-J fiSd 60 1 m MO nm noil in i Naw York I'roiloo Uarkat. NkW Yoitic, March S8. FbOUB- Active Wiikat 'Dnlll No. 2 rod store and elevator, fMlfCt f.O.b., 05f ungradeil rod, 00aM '. ; nlloat OtWO.) No. 1 nortbaro. THUc.1 options, active, Irregular, olOSfd flpsti at 9'. over y ester d ay i No. u red March, twl,c,; May, 84Mo. June, Otc: .1 ill v. 000 ., .Hepteiubcr, liHc.; December, (IJie. i.ulia Dull, firmer: So. 2, 4n4'lo elevator, 46a47c; optlona advanced WuM'i and closed llrni: March 45Kc.; April, 4UKC.; May, SHKo. ; July, 4i: Oat Active, ItroUBeri March, Kfjjilc ; April. ;:.; May. Ki:.; July, ajw.. spot prices, No. li, WHO,) No. U w hite, miUc: No. H ChlciiRo, iWo : No. . IM! No. II white, ;Hr.: mixed western. HOiilic; white do., il3n41!c.; white state, 8a4:ir. kr-Dnll and atealy, Bebf ElAaUoQulSt. Lard Higher: western steam 7,00 city, t7: rellncd. Ilrroer; continent, I! South America, IS 6S; compound, CMe. PoliK Firm; mess, gt8. IIUTTtn Wn.ik; western dairy, llaMc; reunsyivania creamery, uic. ClIXKSK Active; ilato large. OalSe.: fancy, llMalDci do. email. IH'nlOo. : part Kims, .i hoc. ; i no HKim, t i(u" EGOS Fair; demand steady. Philadelphia Tallow Markt. riiiLAUELPiiiA, March 3s. Tallow was dull und weak. Prices wore: I 'mm. city, in hogsheads. Slid luinie conu try, iu hogshruda, ; do. dark, In hogs heads, vc. , cuke, oc. ; grease, -i. tc. DYSPEPSIA CURBS DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA Having suffered from Dyai penal a for three yeara, I us oiaea to iry linn a UlouV ,,a ft..r nulttu ... a bottle 1 found myself so much I bettor tnst i waa eocoaragoa to us,, another; alter iakinj this I find mvtelf 0 fully rx btonsl that 1 do not need any morn medicine, feeling truly grateful to li H B Mas ( Win is Tuberg.unsida Co , NT Connolly & Wallace We have decided that now is an appropriata time for another Great Sale of Cotton Goods Special endeavors will be made in our Domestic Department to make this sale a memorable one and a money-saving one for our friends. The special prices will hold good for ONE WEEK ONLY. BUS1MSS AND PROFESSIONAL !) I "IS Hit 1ANS AM' Ml noKON. Ult li EDQAB ULAN lia.i ruinovud io 1)1(1 spruce street. Hcranton, Pa CJiuton posits court bout dinars ) u a J. v.oN.NEl.L, UUea ul Wasbingtoi .u...,,,.. mmm Un ,.u. IVaucU.s ciiuK store. Hen! donee. 121 Vine at. Office hours: luAitoia. in. and - tut ..mi 10 to . p iu HuoCay. :. lo II p m- K. W IC. ALLEN, Hffl. oor, Lanka V' wanna ami WuahliiKton sves : over Loon ard sliou stel e, office, hours. lUtoUa. in. and .1 to i p m.; evuiiiugs at lusluejice, ul- wasblpgtop sviv Dtt l' L MIUY. l'laelliu llmllod to Ills, eases of tlie Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat utllce, 'tl Wyoming ava Koildenoe, Vim ttreei DK. LM HATES, Itu Waahlngton Avaaua. Ulllco hours, btoU a.m.. 1 iw to 0 aud I to S p.m. 1HN L Wh.N iA M. P., Uttloe M and ! omni.iuwoal'.h buildluj: residence ,11 ladlLotiavu, Owoa hours. 10 to 13, I to 4, f to - bundavs '2.(10 n, t. evculug at rneldenoe A specialty mad of dl-eaaes of Iho eye, ear. ihsm nod throat and STpeoidoity, v ia KUINABU BVHCBOMK Ix HTUKQE, Veterloarj Uurgeoo, Don i, tlstiy a specialty; gold uiedalKt of On tario Veterinary (JoUaga OflJce, Summer i livery, &H Dig at. near Kollor carrlago shop, jelepuono iso. tin. 36-in. Brown Muslins Atlantic P 5o Atlantic A Co Argyll oo Aiuory 7o 30-in. Bleached Muslin3 Hill I. Hindu In Prult of Loom Pride of West Oic 7 c 70 lie Sheetings Sheeting3 Atlaiillo Drown, S-4 A'.laiiLio Drown, 9-4, AtlatiUc Drown, 10-4 . .Die 0c 33c Lock wood Bleached, S-4 l7o Lockwood Dleached, 9-4 'c Lockwood Bleached, 10-4 ,3io U i ica Bleached. 8-4 !sOo Utlca Bleaobed, 9-4 !.23o Ulica Wenched, 10-4 !!!25o Other Liberal Offers Dur ing This Sale. A grtut special in WHITE GOODS. Th price la 12 I -2o. A revelation in value, were aoM lorSoo. Cream, White, in shirred and luce effecla. A good, staple. feuHible tbing.tbi is 10 pitcm 80. INCH WIDE Nainsooks- Plaids and Stripes, for aprons and chil dreu'a dresses. " You save 10c. on every yard you boy 1 5c. A lurgo line of PRINTED PIQUES Tho correct thing for ladle' vetts and children' kilt ikirti.etc. I 8c. per yard. We have a large line of MANILLA CttEPEH, in all the leading abade aud lint. I fo. is our price eliewhors you will pay, 30c. At tLis time, whfeu you are cleani ig home and fixiug over a little, you may want something new in the D.-.ip?iy line. Sea onr Assortment , ' i, (.and Silkelines at 12 120, per yurd. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. J, l ll VI. its I M U RANCK'b Law aud Oolleotlou of J . flee, No hu ttnruca opposite Korost House, .s : .o 1 l a,; colli ctlollS a specialty throughout l'enuaylvania; reliable correspond eiits in every oounty I hitittUfti tlAilU, Attorneys and COUuSse J lors at Law. Coiuuionwealth building. Waahiuton avu. w. u. Jiaanp. HORAOI K HARD, V II .leas vp, Ju. U.'il.LAKD, "WAKKKS ti K.SAPP, Attor uses slid rVmiisiCors at Law. Henubllcan building, Washington ave.. Boranton, Pa, IJATT'tlKSOW & WILCOX. Attoruoys aul I Ceaiusellors at Law; oQlceaU and Library tuildmg, Ucrauton, I'a HOSWEt.L II rATTlllSOS. William A l ll.cox LKRKDHAJfU, WILLIAM J. HAND, At toruev ai d Counaellors, Commouwealth liirHiiitf Room IS, JO and si E.N BY M. 8ERLY Law offices In Price bulldlne, 1M ... t -. avenue. r'liAXKT uK.LL. Attorney at Law. ltoom X .'i. Coal Exchange. Scraaton. I'a. Mii.'mN W. uiWKY, t Att'ye. w Washing C. H VOX STiiIti ll. i ton av . I 11 auuare lAtlEMW OAKKOKD, Attorney at Law I l noms t'.l. and 111. I ', 'inn. oh Wealth b'lV OAMUEL W. KDUaR, Attorney at Law. ii offlr,., :;i; S, nicest . Kcranton. I n. I A WATKLs, Attorney at Law. iii li. Larkawanoa ane. ejenoiton. Pa. I . 1'. nMll'H. Counsellor at Law. OOlee. 1 . rnouia 54. A V, I'onitno.iwealth bnildinc I li, rTTCHKst, Attorney at Law. Com v . mon wealth lodlnlng. Scianton, Pa. I . i OJIEUYS, 171 Mom-Mst i) B HAVE Vo17h i'kkus and taoRToAaKS written and aoknowledgau by J W. BROWNING, Attorney aud Notary Public. Commonwealth B'lildlnr B. REPLOULK. Attorner-Loani neso tinted on real estate aecurity.lOs Spruce. 1' KILL AM, Altoraev at Law. lai Wy omlngavenue. s -rant-.n. - 1 HU I - CCHOOL or' THE LACKAWANNA Baraa ij ton, I'a , preparaa lay and glria forcnllegt or business: thoroughlr train young children Catalogue at request. Rev. TnnMAs M CAHX Watvaw ii Bnai.t. Mian WOUCEBTEB'd K1NDKROARTBN and School, ill Adaies nvenu". Pupdt received i t all times Next term will open Januirv :ti US N I IST, C l.AUBACil, burgeon Dentist, No, lli ' . U'y, ;i ;iy lie,. K M. hTHA'PfoN, nfllea ISrad tSgr'Vanaa I HANS 'pilll KKPCHLIC Bavtnc and Lann ASM X ciation wiil loin i on m may on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other aosooiation Call on S. N CAi.LtN' liEit, Dime Bank building HOT 1 IS AMI III. ST A r It A N 1 - FpUE WESTM1NSTEK, '.C 2U Wy.m ug 1 avs Ihe, inn heated with steam, all m,I trn irnt'iovemcnia C Jl Thcman. 1'ion rt iKOLKR'a HOTKL, V, Lackawanna v- fj aue, Hcranlon 1 m.-s reasonable. Y bxot,n, Proprtetoi Ur ts'l'Mi.Na i i;r HOTEL W. O. CBENCS. Mnil.nrer. blxteenth strent, one block east of Hroadwa st I nioll Sllliare. Nf.w Ym le American plan, SJ&Op.r dav and upward C'OVXK HOUSE. European plan. gsi 1 rooms Open day aud uight. liar up plied with the brat P H. COYNft. rronrietoT ( It A .STUN HOCHE. mar li . U W pas Iway. 4J ItA.N'TUN HOt'HfcV n.r II. U , W pa i n'Miie: 1,-oot Conducted on the Rurones plan. Victob Knell Proprietor I a ecu i-oo 2 and k .In par day ' II A 1 Ii i lENTBAI Tie. largest an t l, .,: AVIS B) an Vn ion I' Ha iiskh I'r.ipi Ijtor, AHCH1TKCTS ft BOUPT, Arohltots Kuonii St I llii Comtnonw .alth bTd'. Hcratib.iL I) l(i L W A 1. 1 Ell, Arehlteel. Llbi ai y oul.d I tt inn WiMiulne avenit-. Korsnton I.' L HUown Arch li Archltawt, Prise I . biilldlnu. I'M M aalilngUiu Ave.,Hci snbei. a.si BI.LAKKOUM Moll ION D. hVVAllT's Wlllll.KSADR lumber, ' and Dim Hank bulldliiaV lerantoH, r MEOARUE'U BROTUERM, PRINTKRH' i.iippllua, envelop.,. pipr lanra. twine. Wiireliiuise. 100 Washington av.. He rant On, I'a I'oiTE.s LIVERY, IM tap,, im avtnno r Plrst Slut oarrlag. I. L FooTE.Agt Fttneral Dlreotor and RmhRitncr riRANK v. iikown a CO., WHOLE I i ii" dealers in Woodwarc., Cordage and Oil Clothi llO W. Luckawanna avenu H ACER'S UHOHEtsTRA MUH1U KUR balls, pinnies, partlae, ris eptlona weil dings and oono. i t work furnlahail. Tat tsrtm adiite.i it. J Bauer, canouotor, ill Wyoming a. , "vr liiilbert'a mnalc atore W7.HA HXN H SONS, builder and conlra" IIOIS. llie 'T l Ol VII ST. IIMtl AO, 1111 I vi . Serulitoti ave , i Aah st. and Penn UK Its. (I It. CLARK ft CO., BeedTttiea, Florlsbi I. and Niirseryincn; atom HU Washington avenne; grm-n houan, lOal North Main avenue, store telephone 7H?. IIUANP UNION TEA CO., .lonei Un M WlltlE s in: i ns. 1 OB Kcr.TTEL, r,ij Laoka wanna venu fJ Kcranton, i'a., manner ol Wm. Roreena TTIAS. Rett Estate 1'OR SALE SINULK llol SM, me, yL'INUi' avenue; vory dealrabli. looatlpn, Anply Q, F. RKVNULUS. or WILLAUD, WARREN KNAPP, sWWILL BUY MODERN NEWS-ROOM bouse, idl Imolov, intuits; tonus aasv: ear. per Jtadis.ui nveuuo and Deieware street- An- ply HARRY LKKft ttbl,4UI V. ILL bl) Y VERY HEHlKAllLE LOT corner Madison avanus aud Delawarj street, '.eru.s easy. Apply UARUV 1.1.1. e LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbradt coal used (xomaively, Insuring cleanjlneis aud i omtort. timk lAiiLK in nrntoi rxs, i. MM, Trains leave Bcratttoa for ITttston. Wllkos Harro. otc , atS.lo, 0.1.1, 11 JO a. m. 12.10, 2 0,1. II, O.OU, 7 tS, 11 lis p. ui Sunday, v.W a m , 1.01,2.00, r.io p. m. I'or Ailantic l ity, 8 111 a. m. I'or New York, Newark and Elizabeth, a 11 (cxnrceai a.m. 12.3d (express wltn Duffel parlor ear;, 0 liu (expros; p. in. hunday, -.10 p. m PORMADCH CHL.sk. Allxxtowx, Bxthlx Iii:m, EasTOX and fun. win. nil a, h ,10 a m 12,90, li.:w. i0 (except I'hnadelpaiai p. m. Sunday, I Uo p. m. For LoMO Iiiiaxch, OCKAM QnOVX etc., at M0 a m liWlp m. For Leading. Lebanon and Hamburg, via Alleutown, 8,10 a. m, 12.0'J, S.00, p.m. bundar, 11 1.0 p. in Per 1'otUville, Kin a. m . I3.B0 p m. Rotiirbing. have New York, fool of Liberty street, North river, at t.lo (oxpreM) a- m.. I I", 1.00, (Jl (express with liutfel parlor cari 1 . m. Sunday, t.ili a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. S.00 ii. in , '.00 and 4 Ti p m. Sunday, n T a. u,. 1 hrough tickets to all points k'i lowoit rates may bo had on acplicatlon In -.dvat.ce to the ticket ageut at ths station. 11 P. BALDWIN, lien Pass Agent. J. 11 0LHAU8KX, Oen Snpt. You can get a Mattrets made to or der at Factory Prices. WE AWE RETAILING. The Scranton Bedding Co. TecaiL m and 604 Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. 1 KUIOS VALLEY RAILROAD. Ikb. 11, law:. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia anl N.w York v.a. 1) ti II It H ut 5 a.m. 1110, 2,81 and 11.85 p. m via D, L A: W. It. It. too, B.0s,ll.20a.m.,and I.SO p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttrton and WilkS Harre via D.. LAW. It. It., 0.0.1, h.0s, 11 i) it. in , 1.0". 8.60, it. 07, H.liii p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha.-.leton. Pottsvillo aud all points on tlie Denver Meadow and Pottsvilie bunches, via E & W v., ti tils. m.. v a I), it 11. H R. at K am.. 12.10 SM, t If. p.m . v:a 11 , 1. A- W. B. U., ti.oo, s.OS. U.aia.m., 1 on, .T.Vj p.m Leave Scranton for Bethlehem Easton. Rending, llarrisburg and ali lntermedlaH points viu I) A 11. H. U , t- a m .1J.10. 1H4 11.35 p.m., via 1)., L Jt W. It H..i.W,b.0S.. 11.5) a. m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Boranton forTu lkhtnmck. Tofrand i, Elmlra. Itbaoa, Ooneva nul all interniedi it ) point via 1. ft H R K.. I,? a m.,12 ldand 11.35 p. m.. via 1). L. it W I', ft . 8.0:1 a ic.l.Hp in. Leave Scranton for H s-h , stir. Butfnlo. N"i agara Falls, Detr- it. Chicago and ail point, west viaD. II It. R. 9.07 t.m.,12 lo.e.p, 11.8) P.m., via D. L A W, It. It. nr.d PltUtoi Junction, mis a m., 1J0 8.88 p. m.. v.a E W. R H. I'.tl o. rr. For Ehn raand th - we'.t via BaltmtDOI. vii n. H ii It 8.07 a.m., U 10,8.18 p. m , via D L. A W R it., .six a m.. 1 in and C'i7 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L V. chal csrs on all tru n between L ft B Junction or Wilkes Harre and New Yo k Phliadalp lis, Buffalo and Suspen-lon Rnds. KOLLIN H WILBUR. O i Sunt. Esst Die OBAB, S, LtE Oen. Past a j t. Phila.Pi A.W NONNEMACHER .Asst O.-uP.iu Ag t. South Bethlehem. Pa, &l r DELAWARE AND HUD SUN RAILROAD. Commencing May (9, 1882, trains WIU run as follow: Train leave Bmigo street St.it'on. Scranton. for Pitta- ... . , . I .... u Vr0SSar .. ,,sw ie, eu .. .- "e ffa Mm49 : "': Wa.ni 12.10, f M M m !."-' E8J8, 4.18, 6,16, S.1A, is e r ana 11 oa p. in nt' For New York und Philn ' delpnia. K0ia. m. 1240, ; :;.V 218, i 18 and 11.80 p. m. For Hoauedaj (from Delaware, Laoka wanna and western depot i, 7 0), S. at, ID lu a.tn , ItUU m, 'J 17, j 10 p. m. For I at to id ale and Intermediate station 5.10. 7 00. a. HO. 10. It) s m.. li.w m ,117, 3 U lo. ilSnaiirt M3S p, in . trom Bridire Street Depot, f ill a. m.. S.ltaud II S6 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl r, ndaofi Mountains, Boston and New Eugland points, 6-40 a ui . arrtnnj at Albany IS. 46 t-urstohta 2 Idl i. m , and leaving Scranton at 3 p m. arriving at Albany at 8.60 p in.. Sara toga. I.' .'Aa. m . and B -aton. 7 Oil a m Tlie only direct route between the coal lloldi and Hostou "The Leading Tourists' Route of America to the Adirondack Mountain re sort, Lakes Ooorgo aud Chauipiain. Montreal etc Time tables showing local and through train service betweeu station ou all division Dela warn and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H O Yul'NO, J W BURDIOK, Ke.ximl Vice President. (leu. Pasi AgL nLLAW'AHE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN' RAILROAD I Train leave Scrntcn a folloas Express for New York nnd all points East. 1 iJ iiu, 6 IT, 8 On and k 50 a. ni : 12 6i and C 50 p, m i Expn-s or Eaaton, TrentOt, Philadelphia and the South, 51" tw and V 5n a. m.; .iij and 3 .VI p in Washington nnd way station 2.40 p m. Tobyhanna accommodation , 0 lu p. m. Expr ss for Intighamton. Oswego, Elmlra, Coming. Hath. Dansvdie. Mount Morris and Rnffalo. 12.10, 215 a. m. and 1 24 p. in., making close connection at Buffalo to all pjinu in the West. Norths net and Southwest. Buffalo .oconimodatiorj. 9 0i a. m Binghamton nnd way station. 12J7 p. m. Nicholson and nv stations 5.45 p. m. Binghamton and Elanra Express. 6 05 p, m. Kxpreas for Cortland. S-yracus. Oswego. I'tica and Hichfiell Spnaga. 2 io a m. aud 1J14 p m. Ithaca. 2.15 ar,d O.'X) a. m and lil p m ForN'ortliomlierland Pittston. Wiige Barre. Plymouth, Bl,msburg and Danville, making cli.se connections at Northumberland for WiUlamaport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Wash mgt ui and the South. I Northumberland and Intermediate station, (jM 8.6U a. m. and 1 jll and 6-07 p. m. Nanticoke and intermediate stattoaa. AOS and ll.Sia m Plymouth and intermedial stations. 3Aiand B.8B p. m Pullman parlor and liuep.ug coaches on all express train. I For uctailed Information, pocket tim a tablet, etc . apply to M. L Smith, city ticget offic-. 32 Lackawanna avenus, or depot ticket office KRiE AND WYcMiNM VALLEY RAIL hOAD 1 Train leave Scranton for New York and in termediate points on the Erie ra.lr.iad at ii.35 ' a. m. and 3.S1 p m ANo for Hawley and local points at 8 St, t. 48 and 3 24 pm. Train leaving al P 46 a in and 3 21p.m. , are through train to ar.d from HonexJal. I Train leave lor Wilkes Barre utS tO a. m and ! ;i 41 r. m. THi: FR0THINGHAM Frltasn: Sa'.urJiy, Mjrc'tt 30 k 3 I. Saturday Matinee at 2.60 o'clock, C ii JEFFERSON. KLAW ft ERLAN'GER s COMEDY COMPANY Wil; present Glen McDcnongh't Merry Ccmedv, THE PRODIGAL FATHER No Pannier, No Merner.No Jollier Comsdy. The entire New York cast will be t.-es at , . he Frothingham F,nres tl. 7.. 60 andSic . i!"L"'-v :5c., 50c. K,- at J 2oc ACADEMY OF MUSIC. IHl BfOAT, MA It. 29. MR BUROUXDIR ealti anaetal attaaUoa to the great enoymeti of the performance and the exc-d.nce ol the entire ccmpany. r Yfip; ttji r-- -.- W W .1 . WWlYifiW i W w . Preeenticg witb spec:, s enery and alab- rate letaua, aarre us i-.vfr. for one entire season in New York, t-a-ciou't Comedv AMERICANS ABROAD Maud Harrison. J H. O lmore. ijertrade 'Rivers. , B, P. It, Helen Kibns-.rd Oeorg. rVt''0 ' lenr"f Kctriarcr. Owen Faueett. I'ra i , Absll. Fi-ear: k c onger Vkry F..,ictt t'age, IA Mrta OaUaUn, Vaagca Oiater R Jonas. BPJ5t5ARICKH.Oaltox,ej;SJM I anl 7i; fl-st flor . T.'i tr $; I'YfJttjaXT It ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, MARCH 80. R turn and final performance this eaton. "A tSreat Sue?.'' THE CRUST OF SOCIETY CBj Ipadal rranien-.ent With Mr John Stetton). l I l i I T1LBL RY, ARTHl'K LEWIS. ELIZA PR4X7TOR OTIS AND A COMPLETE COMPANY PRICK S-tL 75 60aadr. cent. Sal 0 pen W . ... ... ,v alNriLl . CTl s IIIM'.IN IMVIeiON. In i ii.-. i Jaaaarr ssth. isiu. Knrih Hiimia. 8 OO.SOt 80S III I 2, 5 MOitltt Round. " iOS u4 2HH P DON'T FORGET Tht we are headquarter for everything in th line of W A II UK If vor, hue anv idea of purchasing auv kind or a W atch, lady's or I gent's Hold or Stiver, yon w-.'.l make a griev i oils mistake it you do n t give u a call and gat oM prices. Which yon will find far below I all qtnarjt eapeoially in mil iho high grades of I Klgln. Waltham and Ttampden mcreuints If rou have anv doubts aed are at all peated on prn-ea gn. uaa call una we win nave no trouble iu convincing y ou We a till have a large took to lltpe of. and will offer yon won dertul inducement in .t-w.lrr, ellverware. Clocks and all other goods which we have in to, k C. W. Freeman ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY. APRIL a DEN MAX THOMPSON'S Celebrated Beautiful Ha-. THE OLD HOMESTEAD i resented bj a Rtroftg oosapanj an.t iih specinl teeaerr and properties L PRICE Pint ti.wr $1 and 7Jc ; Balcony, nj and H . ial.ry, Ho leof teat eph 1 rdsv. "8 ipT'i i. 'ii 7 M 7 4.', fM 7 av 7 n it 7 UN SM 141 Itatlons -s a a a a, u u 1 1 rnin Pallv . Kx- CIS Cm S y, rept hundav p v J j r m .iri.c reave tffiN Y Praiiklla s: 7 io West tvnd street . 7 on Wssmswken , . i- m Arrive l.iavc m i tr tin:.. .luneiiou ii ui l'luti Ave. and Sprue St 7 7. Ill HU) ' M 16 4.'lIf.V vS 8 n nieJ fil n nt'i fit it 0 If, f(l lit 8 10 8 i im 11)511 UN!, HI 47 18 84 is as IS i:u US si II w ti .111 4c ; nuo. J II 8.1 5 Kill n 5 nituiff,: ii n ii i? ii l II 13, ii wi ii 5 it .', 0 461 a re ft H 4 Willi 06 r alt -, lei,,, li.inc .,'k Mai light Piettmi l'atk Coma Poyntelle llelimmt ITeiiaant Mt.. I'lllondale Porset city Cai liondam lute llililgo M.l) lb Id Jermyn Aichlhald InlOO Peoivttlo Olvphatit Ulokson Throop Providenos Park Plain Horanton a co n id 6 g.1 1)81 04 a 4fi os.v HIM 7 Ilia 1108 l It g4 8 Hi I! 41 I'M 8 si :l 0,1 3 08 .1 III VI .1 .11 s 4S 13 .'IS ; ss r H3 f j 4 7 si 8 fl i ia 7 til IU e'8i 8 .11 7 3 10 05 a at 7 43 111 10 8 r-8 ' U IU 18 4 04 7 at 10 17 ti7 7.'C 10 4 10 NOi'UM t It aiming;! 4 17 ml :,i."o 4 8 Bijou Theatre 'i WO PERF0RI1HCES DAILY WEEK COHWENC1NO MARCH S7 Aniic a at is All ti Bins run dally except sundny. f slgiilile3 that trains to;i on signal tor pas cngera. Audit lonal trains leave I'arb nidiilc for Seian- , ton I. in and it. li p. in . arriving at tlcraiiloii i.ial and ; 80 Leave scranton for Cm buiulale 8.80 und .to arriving ut rai b mdsla nt 7 it and 8 IS p. ni I H'Ciire rate via nutai lo a WsatSrn before ! nnrcbasliig tickets and nave atone). Day anil Nlhgt Express io the Meat .1 0. Andurson, lien, r., . et. T. ITltcroIt, Dlv. Pass, Agl. Ucrauton, pu Return of i niton's Favorite, MISS FLORA STAMFORD IN TWO URF.AT PLAYS. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, East Lvnne Kr.vlny nnd Sftturiluv. FACTORY GIRL These Two (Irest T!av4 will he elegantly staged and costumed Week commencing MONDAY, MAR! M '.'6 Mi N DAY. Tl'KSDAY A.ND WEDNESDAY, Reproduction of the Grandest Soenic and Banaatloaal Drama v.r preeented at tint house, Under the Gaslight, See the W'ha-f Scene, the Railroad Seen and the DotTOrj Dance. THURSDAY, PRIDAY AND SATURDAT, Sir (ins Homer's Dramatisation of Julo Verne s ilreat Story. Michael Strogoff ADMISSION, 10.30 nnd SO CENTS. 1'ertertnane.a every afternoon, except Mon day and Thursday, ut IH, aud every even lugatal6 Diana open at 1.30 and 7.00 P 51 MALONEY Admission, io, 20, 30c. 1 01L m MANUFACTURING Ca A Handsome Comnlexlon I la one of the greatest charmn a woman can IXISsesS l'OIJ. ,:.''M tiivvuimu a.nn Ogives it, IWm mm m l -kl is - Performanoes at t oo and 8, 16, AHTOHEHARTMAN yU6 South Wtolnngton Avemio. Contractor and Imlldrr of Concrete Flagging, Concrete Dliwks. Potato, llutler and Coat Bin. Wet Cellars drle I up Order may b left ut Thompoon Ss Pratt. William St Co.. Main and Kyaon Streets, or at Scranton Stove Works. Alio Foundations, Cisterns, Piah Wire Tuuuei and Cotliiu. Flagging for Oaideu Walk. 5Ianufuctiirers and l)..iilert i Burning ltsiicjtlnf OILS anl Mini! .Iso Shafting and Journal Greisa. 'OFFICE:-71 West Lackawanna Av. V. oRlatt; -Meridian Stre h5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers