THE SC1t ANTON THIHUNE-Fii aDaY MORNINO. MARCH 1G. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rcnusnrn daily ami WBBKLV is Ktiux ton. PA., UY tUU TMIBOHI I'dbushimi COiirANY. New Your Oman Thiiion Bmi.niNn, FnANK S. (llWY. Ma VAftEll IVrrrd at the IMaJlM at Scronton, 'a., Srroni-Clusi .Vail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON. MAKl'l! Hi, ISiU. Now lot oviry inperflaoni poli oouh down nt onoo, without waiting for u MCOIld tliriat of i lux Ir Tiir. editor of Mm Benratoa Tim hnil trtkfn tlx trouble to rend Thi Trihvne's loot) report of the tax com mittee hearing, he would have found that the sal mianee of Mr Pktoe'l ipeeoh ftTOflug thi dollar pole tax wm toonnitolj reprodooed. Tue Tlnee editor seems raihur to hv preferred not to be eiub.irrtje.l by mir facte. SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. To decision of Mm ChrlotUn ntaltv ter of Sorenton to Inangurate a oaoYe maut fjr better Sunday oneeiTanoe will b welcomed by all honeet belief era in law ani order. Many aluc bare dereloped looailr wltb rtrotot to the Saoday itatntea whlob pat 8oraa tou iu a (alee light before Tisitow ami do an Injoitioe to too larger portion of inr own ottiienahip, No one will con tend, for instance, that the maw of SorantonitM ar pSrpOMl; or even conaotooeli antasonUtle to Uw. They have as proouu.l a restwt for the v m spirit of the various itatnte against gacibiiuf. illicit liquor selliu and the many other common forma of IhosghUeM or malioioni rloe aa hu any like oommaoltjr aoywhere. They would uot, it the matter was properly called to their atieutioa. remain for long in an attitn'.e of apparent indifference to th Us phasee of law administration wir.-'h, by alow aoenmnlation, do not look so palpable to them at they aposar in the anprnetioed eyes of o bear rant v. si tors. Undoubtedly amah of the odium into which the anthracite region ha fallen in the eatimation of outside crit ios oaa) he traced to this looseness in Sunday otservmee w;u;h. while fa miliar and iaofensiv to thos. accostomed to it from birth, nevurtlu less looks bai to those wr.) view i: nisncderstaliaily from a distance. Ovrlook;n.:, bwc.iaae haying no chance t-1 JStimste, the great cordiality, liber ality and gcod-beartedness of onr peo ple, they come abruptly to the false 1 cocclasnn that we ars a community cf j chronic lawbreakers and pr.ceed to sire ns a correspondinsly low rating j Pennsylvania in the social scale , whereas, if they covid enter iz.lj into the spirit of oar customs this asperity of criticism w-juli give wey to more chariubis sympathy aal appreciation. ies on the Sunday teller, the violatora of holiday laws and the keepera of on lioeuaed groggariea If, while they are doing this, they should bo helping along the law and order movement of the ministors of Soranton, it will not bo ik thing which either need regret Lynch law is always in.iuitiee, no mntter how just it muy seem. It WOULD coat iliti oleotru-nl com- ptnlea wry little mom to do away with overhead wires and to nse curb tone conduita instead, than it costs then now to group llieir wires into awkward nnd ugly cables and to keep these cables in repair, The polo nnd cross bar nuisance must go. II MOD JUSTICE. The oppermoataentlment iutpired by the BtrottdlVurg lynching yesterday la not one of pity lor the vijtim, he be ing, according 10 ail lbs evidence, n villein who well deserved his fate, It is rather one of regret that the orderly procitisei of the law were not first given a fair U'st before it was decided to make this mad resort to the passionate tribunal Of BOb justice. That there were extenuating circumstances of great gravity, so far as the wrath of the populace concerned the ptroOQ ol the Qseing I'o. vo i. is readily admitted. Pnryea'e crime had been esoeptlonally brutal, coarse aud Inhuman. A u aged oonple had been shot by him, coolly, deliberately and with absolutely tie provocation, his solo aim being to se oure ivsseasiou of a small sum of eou ooaled money. But there is nothiug In evidence to prove that the courts of Monroe county would have failed in their duty toward Christian l-'.hler's burly assassin. Ttiey had been aoeordad noohanee to ihow either competency or loooupotonot. They were brushed aside by the mob as of mall concern compared with its own unnatural appetite for blood; aud not satisfied with this excess of animal ism, the lynchers added insult to in jury brOUttini the fatal rope iutJ little pieces, tor preservation as mementoes, aud strove, as we are told, like hende to got Krape of bar. from the tree that served as Poryaa'a impromptu gallowa The entire Incident is nauseatingly llsgrscefuL Notadetail of it breathes the spirit of justtco or of deliberation I was a crime crowned by a crime, and the crown is worse, if anything, than :Ue rotten deed it cover?. When lime shall have cooled the bounding pulses ot these amateur Uonroe county hang men they will bo assailed by shame and regret for this uaholy, this unmanly deed. They will viw with deep hu miliation the conspicuous share they took in bjiagia; oiium on a law-abiding peo ple. And they will slink off in anntterable dissatisfaction with their bloody work, if. indeed, they do not receivs aa even ait) pablio punishment. Liw is not readv to abdicate in But there are other persons than ministers who shoull unite to eipjdite this uecessiry movement. Incoagru-c-.s SS ::may appear to name the two classes i SS)Sh CtOSS juxtaposition, the licensed loci I retailors of malt aal apirituona liquors ought to occupy no laggard's place ia the efforts to viaii cate law and order. We do not expc: this assertion to escape sharp critieism We do not forget the, existence in Iscrantoa of earnest men who view in very vender of alcoholic stimulant a direct incarnation of Bstsaic impulse wholly beyond hope. Nevertheless, we are preoared to maintain, before aii;,rjju iiced and impirtial jurors, that it is the duty of the liq Ml dealers themlve to work anouller to shoolder with the ministers ani toe constables in a coacirte! e:T jrt to p-o- mots honest Uw oaeervance. And I why ? Ars they not escu forced by the Itats to psy $300 for the nrivilsge of ! pnrsnmg their business? Is it not to tneir direct pecuniary gain to have tnis business continus 1 under the reoog nition aud with th lease 1 aanction of tnelaw? But if they do not themselves put form sincere eff jtt to oretarve the law, how can they expect to stem tne rising sentiment whim disapproves of the license system altogether and Which WOOid x'.arminte their basi nets utterly? Again, why should the respectable retailers tie forced to pay the large prios salted hy thi state for its legal protection if they are not afterward to get tnat promised protec tior.? And, if they do not have anv alternative but to pay ths priOS, why f'.o they not co-operate to insist upon getting what they pay for, which is to eay, freedom from illegal competi tion? Whether this quest. on Is viewed In its relation to ethics, or eimply to vuigar dollars and Otnts, thi conclu aion is 1 lenthal in either case that 1 1 is the duty of thoas liceassd retailers who really believe they are engage 1 in a legitimate business and who are will ing that the UOSSM law shall be en forced to its strictest letter, provided the enforcement be impartial, thorough and uniform, to enter heartly and earn estly into this coming campaign for law and order. The aj proviso, though, is Impor tant. It ia fair. It ia just. There should be a general move nil along the line, and not b aingling out of one place or another, In the manner of blackmailing constables or detectives The remark mado upon this anhjiot by n local retailor yesterday deserves thought lie eaid: "I psy $100 f,,r license and I wat.t $500 of protection from it. I would much rather d . my place on Sunday than to keep it open. I would much rather observe nil the detaila of tho license law than to overlook one of them. WbyV Bl cause if I do the law will last longer nnd I can remain in business longer. Tint I cannot afford to pav $-100 license money for a year of U0O business days nnd yet be compelled to competo with n man next door who sells to customers 885 days each year for the same price. It Isn't business." Bat it is busi ness fur the reputable dealer to com bine with his reputablo brother dealer and prosecute thelaw breaker. And that is just what the reputable retailers of this city should do. They should form r mutual protective association, pledge each member to honest law observance and open up their concentrated batter- Is DZCIDIIia to secure B. Fay Mills to or ach to them during Dr Taimage's absence, ths Brooklyn Tabernacle con gregation raiy yet be led to wish that the original resignation had resigned, Selun KJ Tiis right to deface pablii streets it $1 each defacement is no", guarding the interests of the people. It is trading them away. CITY ELECTRICITY. President W. W. Scranton' offer to sell the plant of the Electric Light and Heat compsoy to the city of Scran ton for $o0,000, the municipality to assume payment of principal and interest on the company's $'JOO,000 outstanding 5 Der cent debenture bonde comes iu the nature of a surprise, but is evi dently meant in gool faith and is en titled to serious consideration. It is fot the citizsns of Scranton, through their representatives in couucll. to say what answer snail be made, and t this en la frank discussion is advised As a rnle it is safe to confine the buainesa of municipal g jvernmsnt to as few and simple functions hs are con sistent with the general welfare, thus leaving large latitude to individual en terprise, jolgmsnt and discretion There was a flurry in'favor of rnnriio Ipll paternalism a few years ago Every Bellarnyite in the country and many who were mentally drifting in that direction grew vociferous in de manding city ownership and control of nearly uvery kind of private industry Bit many of the exprlrnnts begun While R ationallam was thi fad, failed finally lamentably to fnlfill eXpCOtS tions, nnd B-illaravisin itself ran its course an1 dropped ont of view. The presnt proposition, howovor.can seircoly be claasified ni a Ballnmyitu scheme. The plant in question has long been til successful operation. It haa.npori n private footing, been nut on a solid, and with the city inter eeted in its management and dally creating new business for it, there ia difficulty in p-rceiviug why it should not be fairly satisfactory municipal Ustituti on. Ita purchase by lee city would at least put an mi l to all QOSSr lelnty ns to the truth or falsity of as serted overcharges for atrent lighting under the present system. And It ighta also, nfTird a neat and wimble insight into the interior financial work ings of corporations xornatliues thought by the uninitiated to be literal mints of golden profit The tlfflS for dlHcussleii in now open. What do tho cillziris siy'f Ii l . NO argument in favor of liar phyism. McK triolein, f'rokerism ami SliQidiauism to nay that sometimes H pnblioan beams are also corrupt. The duly of good citizenship is to purify its franchise, let the chips full wuere they may. FLOWER TALKS. Governor Flower, from Tain in any atBndpoint,is unDardoiiably awkward In his efforts to flounder from under the terrlblo responsibility of hie ibarslo the murder of Robert Hose, The governor tries to brush aside his connection with tlmt tragedy by the commonplaoe com ment thns it ie "absurd" to charge 4 the crime to his failure to sign .the non partisan election inspection bill. Then be ndds: "T have sent for Mayor-elect Molloy, and have told him that the boitoui of the Troy nffitr must be reached, no matter who suffers by the exposure. He has promised me to do all in his power to nl l in bringing the guilty ones to justice. If I find that that there is a deposition to shield anyone or drop the matter, 1 shall take a hand in it myself." The governor reveals by this awk wardness that tho tragedy presses home. Ho is evidently not sufficiently schooled 111 electoral outrages to view the present crime with unconcern. Perhaps it Is not yet too late for him to repent aud get out of the unenviable teredos of his blood staiuod masters odiridnally, lbs gorsrnor lias alwsyi been reputed a generous mil kind hearted man. The sooner, th n, ho shakes otf the ruthless yoke of Mur phyism and its kindred r dUi s, the better will it ait upon his OOaSOltBOS and the sounder will bi Ills llssp Ol nights. Hut the governor should first of nil things ascertain tho value of silence. With talk comes danger. His com ments already will return to plsgna him "Absurd", is it, to charge him with a share 111 the crime,' Then were the tWSnty-asVCQ Troy ministers "ab surd'' iu asking him to sign the BOO" partisan Inspection bill. Then were they "absurd" lu stating that If lie did not sign it. If, by his outright refuail or failure to not promptly, the old scenes worn re 10 SO ted at tho Trojan polls, the old crimes committed, the old thugism perpetrated nnd ap plauded, hu would be amoral partici pator iu them, Sttd Would assume moral retpousihtlily lor whatever might happen, No, Governor Flower, you need not "lake a hand" in this matter. Yon hate taken oun already, and It Is n hand that is stained with a suggustivo aoqnlesosnos in Murphylsm'a immoral sway. IF FBI telephone companies are loo poor to pay the dollar pole tax, or pre ferable, to bury their wires, why are they not also too poor to string danger ous big cables through the heart of the eltyl BY ACT OF CONGRESS. The fact that the seuate of the Uuited States, which once stool firm agiasl threatened attacks upon ttioatability of our national credit, has at last suc cumbed to the pernicious principles of the western Populists comes In the na ture of a foreseen misfortune. Iu 1S90 the country sowed the storm of fusion ism and dltCOOtent, and today it is reaping such a whirlwind as not even its wisest prophets had then dured to foretell. Nor is this the end. Meanwhile, the other nations of civ IllntiOB are invited to feast their eyes en the speatacle of an intelligent peo ple trying to keep a on-third intrinsic valne-and-i-twotbirds-shesr-ftst kind of money upon a parity with money good for its face value in any mart of commerce. Meanwhile, the American people, or that portion of them resid ing west of the Mississippi river and dominating tho American congress, will with yonr kind permission give nn illustration of how to rSTOltttionil the multiplication taole, perform uddition by means of subtraction and add to wealth by vitiating the umsure of wealth. Mr Cleveland is fortunately nn ob stinate man. Once upon n time, by clear dint of that wonderful luck of bis, he adjnstod his mini to the dimen sion of nn intense although narrow be lief in a gold standard. It is generally Mr. Cleveland's habit, when once he formulates an opinion, to stick ever lastingly to it. He has been known to yield and also to cringe. But not often. The chances that he will not, this time, are in the country's favor. Thus does chance rather than com -mon sense determine our financial des tiny. SPRINGTIME AFFLATUS. ALMOST DUE. BVon will the busy little ll y Improve tnch shining hour In Hpeihog just as tunny naps As celiie within his ower. Chicago Inter Ocean. ASAl PgOaTBOT, The youth whrom best ulrl effects the "high church," And who's faithfully keeping Lent, lias been living in clover for tour or live weeks, Not a penny upon her lie's spout. Hut Master ll rurniug, nnd full well hn knows He must lend her, or give up his lenun, A dozen choice nisei, for which he'll bo "sonked ' Not less than one dollar npior. Ilrnoklyn I'.aglr. VHtY RAIH, In the spring the youn man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of cashi And he pawns his wlnti r ulster, Which, in March, In vr rash. Vhilii'lrljihia llrinrd. A ( HA NCI-. A i- -in of passion to him she nddrenaeil, A firry production which made hi . heart glad. And lie snyn, as he wears it today on Ills breat, Tls the best chest Brotecturn man ever had. Sparc domenfs. a DgsWuii rout, llrlm winter now no longer shrouds The veins nnd BWBBtSlB-TatrSf Htnrs dip their fn -ns In white clouds, With lakes for looking glnsns. --Atlanta t'nnntitutlon. WOULD II R WKI.OOMP, How welcome would thi' llaknlets be That hurry from the sky, Uontd we inii, pickle snowballs, nnd Ooniome then in Jjly, ltWn'ni(m Slap, Oirj DOLLag i -uit. Taintly sweet, and far nway As IbSSBMII of theiiHW PaOWD hny, Oomes the iragrance en (he hree.e, i if the early l t aw.hor-riea. Mpofl Ins Visa, 1 1 moor, lie loll iiis wife, ddseoaragsd, he'd Ah SOOfl he '.hot ns not. Then went, mm If to prove It. And gol, utrnlgblwny. half idiot. lUiffata Courier. The If Ilk In the riooonnu'. l'hiiii'i' itiii fese, The Hiilgnlerage hill Weiihl not. have a chance but for the bargain made In l" i ; liy (irover Cleveland's cnmpnlgn managers by Which the lleitiocrats fused with I'epullsla snd loflationisis in the west sons to pjoa up electoral votes In the mining and i'n cllli: cnast stales. The coalition In costing tins country dear, and eastern capital Is paying the ptios, Itni ilr-m Bublims Nsrvs. lUtntim Jimrnal. It reimires colossul iuipudenci for the political pnrty which Is responsible for Tweed, MuKiuie nnd their gignntio steals to ntigmatizu ns a tbiof and pauper the broken-down veteran who draws bis honest stipend of to 111) u month from tho public treasury. Elections JTuot T Pure. gfSOftaya .'oy e. tValt Tarifr, silver, taxation the relief of suf fering are QUeetioos iiwarfed by couinari' son wilh those which (Iruvesoiid crime, Troy crime, Buffalo crime and Tiunmiiiiy ci line have tuised to the front. Against Hint confederated crime all good citizens should unite. Among tie .01 party lines mast dissolve until election! san elect and Voting cnii vote in tills ItatS and iu Us Cities. Weill Isn't That W hat III Ur Mouth Chunk 'ni M The Ncn anton Tumi Mi refers to the award of a banner to the coaaty showing the luruest percentage of UepuhllCSB gains lit tho late election, an I icinuiks that. "the fortunate coaaty is roek-rlbbed Northampton, ths horns of that curious soooomio enigma, Howard Uutchlsr," A PeC'pirlaoii of Wisuks. ir. Iahih tjitihe Dessoemf, The dlffsrsBOs between the Kesrssgs nnd the Dsntocrstlr party is that the former is 11 wreck Willi glory altaclnxl to it. while the latter la a wrsoh with shams ail orsr it. ,i I'rscklnrldire EhOOld Holtf i. IIMAri llarru RsCOnt, The United Slates congress has evils enough of a political nature to deal with It mast not ns tainted with the vices ol kocisi depravity. Hu lleeklns or ni own. .111 efom Leader. Breckinridge oaghtal to nave any dim rulty ubout tdackonliig the character of Miss Pollsrd, lie has plenty of black ing umt to spare. ' a Will Weur Thslr Own Uuds. Dolfsiofs ilasertessi Men's fashions this spring, owing to the hard times, will bo little changed. In fact, they will generally lie the nniuo old hints. k WUhes- Ilarrs BchoSI the Ory. H lIA ra- gflri I AV COI Qlvs ns the fenders, gsntlemen, without delay. They have become necessary nd- Janots to every well managed trolley sys tem Dose Thi Refer 10 Blneef WiXkttBwrt a mm fltffllef. Men who 1110 loudest shouting ugaiust trunts do SO to prevent putillu attention Uutig cnlled to a little cinch or their own. Thsrs'a Sucli u Buiplcloa All lut. Atlanta t onttitution. SjH'.ikiiig of a tarilT for revenue only, dooiu'l il seem that home of the brethren nru trying to got the revenue ilrstr 1 IVfl.r lias Hie Uses. Chicago ;.'. eordl Senator Poffsr has accomplished tho feat of chipping off a fragment Of Senutor Quay's atony sileace. Ojur, bin Not Forgottou. Chicago Tribune. With great presence ol mind the Tam many chieftains are still maintaining their absence of body. Iv tou decide to take Hood's Sarsaps rilla do not be. induced to buy any substi tute article, rage UOOOS and only Hood's. SEE WHAT ton Will buy in the way of a a AT CONRAD'S GRAND EXHIBITION OP Tin; must ARTISTIC MILLINERY From the lending New York Honses, in connection with our own designs, next week. JENKINS & MORRIS, 406 Spruce Street. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lackawanna Avenue. MARCH 1G, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON four choioc of throe beautiAil plot oroB, "Telephone Girl," "De livering Ohrutnuu Pweenti" nnd "Maidens Swinging' Send by until or netBonger or bring ooupom likr thisof tbroo dlfllu cnl dales, willi 10 ci nls, slumps or coin, In TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. 1'iiriti Ave. and Hjiruru Ht GOLDSMITH'S O BAZAAR NEW STYLES Capes and Jackets For Ladies, Misses and Children. Ladies Suits and Tea Gowns Are also daily arriving and an in spection is invited. Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Shades and Home Decorations Are some of our greatest specialties. It is conceded that we are leaders as to Assortment, Patterns and Prices. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. BLANK HOOKS LANK BOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADING MAKES. Fine Stationery WTRT,WATERM AN and FRANK LIN FOUNTAIN PENS. All Guaranteed. Agent (or Crawford's Pons and Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. EASTER NOVELTIES In Gold and Silver. Easter "Egg Spoon." Prayer Book Mark ers, Easter Book Marks, Hand-painted Easter Eggs. Silver-mounted Leather Goods, suitable for Easter Gifts. Mercereau & Conneil Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. 017 LACKAWANNA AVK HOT LACKAWANNA AV: Ml. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE. Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds. B RICK 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER DRAIN TILE FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Best In tho market Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICKi Blnghftmton, N.Y FACTORY: ltran.ll. H FOR THE LENTEN SEASON Ml klnda rnu liah rMtlvtd dallj 1 mm. y Imokad iiniiixii.'IrMN Cod. Varannuth Bloatara, ; nil Maaktral. Rnakawavi Chmjlka Hajr, AVCTUUC Nanrloa Mlvr "i U 1 01 ilu Bin I'.iint h.iii ihaii i lama, siirimi, hrnlln, Jti'. w. H. PIERCE, 1 KNN AVE I tub rcMcm hi iii n. .r. v r. 1 ID KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Fa. NORWAY lUON DLAl li DIAMOND 8ILH icil EXTRA RPBCIAL SANORRSONf) BNOI mi .ii ssors RNGLISH CAST RTKRL HORSE BROBS W 1LKY .V fOM CALK 1 IRE M HCRINER1 tPKINQ BOKT STEEL ANVILS H LLOW8 HORSE NAILS 111 BSELL AND WELLS BROS, CI raiNQ MACHINERY, VQON HEE1 9 AXLES SPRINGS RODS SPOKES RIMS BTBBL SKEINS R II. SIMM S SCREW Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Wholesale ainl retail dttaWt' in WtgOMISkMt1 and BltokSQutbj' BUFPLISS, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ ICSAMTOS AND TTItiatH liSSB, i a . MAVOVAOTOB1BS Ol Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRANTON. PA ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS' DELICIOUS, MILD f-.TTOYVXl OXTX1.XIX7 ABSOLUTELY rUIlE HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. iragwLiBD THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA 1HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, QIC LACKAWANNA AVK.NUF, OlO OBAMTOXj I'A. TT AAVINd MADF. iv roiilrnct with T frnmo fnrt.TV to turn pat l.WX) tl irHiii'd iMitwoon now iran (.Br t A niuii I t1b1i t iiintumnoe to th pub- lie that 1 will niako n OENUINR CRAYON rORTKAIT 101111411001 anv smiill ono ABSOLUTELY KBEE OK CllAKGE. 1.A1K-I BTYIittfl OT IIIAMKS FROM t'I'WAKO. Workmanship cuarantPfHl. Kramos o0 per cent, low thmi rpgnlar prim 1. UtlUKIL, ArtU.
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