THE .SCRANTON TRTI.UNE-MONDAY MORNING. FEBRTARY 19. 1894, MESSES FOR (UKLS. EFFECTIVE BUT VERY SIMPLE TOI LETS FOR FESTIVE OCCASIONS. Fleaatug Models Described Which May Br Copied 1,1 Home Materials lied t'ut Party GownaSaggestlona la Regard to Washing Fabrics and Trimming!. ELECTION PROCLAMATION, In compliance with law and the ordininco of the cityof Sorautoii.I, V. L. Connell.mayor of said hereby give notice that an cine Mm wU Da hold at thu nliiue-a of liolilln ' tlin i municipal slsotloni in raid city oil Tuesday, i the twentieth day of February, being the third Tuesday of tebruary, MM. for the iur- poao of obtaining the awunt of thu electors of said city to an increaso of indebtedness thereof by the issoi- of bonds in the amount ot JiW.OOO lor the purpose of building bridges over the Lackawauua ivtr at Linden stre t and over i Roaring brook from Spruce street to Front ,,.,.. . , . street, as pi-ov,d-u in ordinance of said city, ad original irocK lor a voting gin at nit-ir common couucil .No. is, im, entitle. that happy period where, "stunding with reluctant feet, maidenhood and child hood meet," may be made of any soft woolen fabric and velveteen if the tol lowing model be copied: The result is a dressy toilet, for the Velveteen forms a baud at the edge ot the skirt, which is embroidered, the ill , AN OBIOIKAIi FROCK, voik reappearing on the uw bodice, the sleeve capes and the bands between the puff of the sleeves at the wrist, at the throat mid lower on the nee If, keeping in place the toft plaiting! brought up high to the throat. The front of the bodice is treated exactly like the back. While this is a dressy frock, it is also it very wntlble one. as the materials of which' it is cdl&pOBed wear well, and when made of dark colors do not easily soil. This model may of course be simplified by omitting the embroidery and plaiting. Gowns for ' dress occaaiotu" for young girls not yet introduced into society are damty. but liuiple. The very mild fes tivities in which they are allowed to en gage demand grace and airiness of attire, but the gauze and tulle, which need im deraldrti and linings ,f silk or latin, are reserved for the bull gowns of the eldei sisters who are "out." Pale stiralis with lace insertions' and China silks erepoiis and nun's cloth, also trimmed with lace insertion!, art used for girls from 15 to 17 years old. Palo soft materials are piquautly trim med with dark velvets by way of eon trust. A pretty party dress may bt made of colored silk of any shade desired, with the skirt striped With wide lace in sertion. The waist and full sleeves have narrower insertions matching those on ; the skirt. The insertions are laid ovtt tile material after it is cut out and be fore lieing made up: if the dre6s is made of white material color, may be sup plied with knots of ribbon. There are washing silks, chiffons and other' light fabrics for party frocks which wash well, dry quickly and iron easily great desiderata where oateleka young folk are concerned. A pretty finish may easily be given to a long lleevi bv the iiome dressmaker. This, accord 'An ordinance providing for incroasine the city debt for the purpose of building bridges and submitting the question of inch increase to a vote of the electors thereof," unproved January 1 ism. .s nanired bylaw, tin fo'Jowlag informa tion is given to elo :ror First The amount of the lust asieised valuation of taxsole property ,u Slid , ity is Second-The amount ot the existing debt or said city is Jitm.sUl 7S. Third -The amount -t the proposed in- eieaseof debt is JJVi.WU, Fourtu- The BTOpOM I iuceits) of debt Is 1 uud 3.Mo-10,0X per cent, of the city's valua Hon lsiij. exolaalTool o, itapatloas. Fifth The parposstfor wolon the Inasbttd uess is to b incun ed are hcielubelure staled. Annexed hereto is th- city controller's ortl Qui statement of indebtedness and resources of the city, also oopjf ot city ur.liu.ince. W itness my band and th t toil of the city of Scranton, this diy,,t January, A. li , mi, W. L. CONMBLU, aiayor. BcBANtoir, Fu., Deo. uii, ism. nance otwa cwv eoxTituxKK. Statement of th" iudebte I newt and it-lour-oss ,ii thu city of ttcraatou at th cioat of liusii.css Dei.-.'mlwr i i. IV, HoMu u DIBT. C'ousoiidated lu-.ei sec.m,l series, due Dee i. lvue. per coat sioi.wj i tin IMFROVBatNT LOAM, ISSt), 4 HtH CKT. Due July 1. 1SV and auuuallv toyear ls at rate of JI.'jUU. 14,100 00 flue July 1. IMC. ami annually p, year IMM, at rate or j.'.uou. , , .' 20,000 00 Due July ). 1U07, and annaaJl) loyoar WW at rale ot i'M S4.0JJ 00 ritaniMa loan. issU 4 ran cext. Due July I IStHi ?Ij,UuU 10 Lue July I. UMJ Ki.eUO Ul Due July 1, WW J,ljii W MVKICIPAL SCILOINU loan. 1800,4 eeit cNX, Due Feb. 1, IMC. No. ! to 16 Inclu sive j ICON 00 Due Fib. I, i'.tv, N,... 10 to to inclu sive 90,000 hi Due Feb. 1. Ilr, No. 80 to 80 inclu stve Si.ooj oo Due Feb. 1 Win, f,,. 01 to DO in, Hi slve 31,010 UO Ml'NIlll'AI. ,IMPI:oVKUKSr liAX, 1801, 4t ran i est. Due lie Due Dec Hue Dec Hue Dec R80I UPT10N I 1 ' I . I, II' III.. I lull l. row.. 'JitM! 01 8B.OJ0 U) 22,000 i, S3, 000 tO 1903, Due June 1 sivo line June 1. 1808, 1. I8M, 4.1), ::i in, lu- I'KK s slfBIBS 01 T. No. 1 l.j $Ul.lKl 11 No. 88 to e inclu sive t; 1 1 io t oi i Duo June 1. ISUJ. No. CO to 100 Inclu sive :.8,J0 W Due June 1, nus. No. IU7 to 111 illclu- elusive US.uw Oil Total...! JV.K.jtW 00 si n 1K V CLAIMS. I npnid wanat.ts Deo 80, 1SW S 2,808 it) Contract and other ac counts subject to ad justments Silt) 043 40 $119,248 85 TotaJ indebtedness of city. $047 710 S3 HtSOL'BCKS OK elXV. Cash in general city fund 1117,173 74 l ash in interest and sink log fund 24, 70S 31 Deliesjttont taxes and other it. -ins estimated collectible gt.'i.OOOiO (148,91807 Net Indebtedness of city. MMWiM 7s in addition to t lit ab,,c,, stur,l .mIh city purchased bonds of its issii" of 1893, 4U par ec-nt to toe amo mi of 121,COJ for tho beneflt ot its -m.:.i, fund, Stutement of the amount ,,f last proceeding assessed aluation of tlK- tnxuble property uttheottyof Bereaton, l'enneyhunlu. being ilie assLSsiuent for year lsJJ: Ofunpatlons ' $ 1,088,710 Itt-al aetateand personal i7.S0I.S5o Klll.8M.ll&j i lie proposed inoreaae of debt amouau t,. Total Tho i $CS0,UOH for the purpose of building bridgas as per ordinance attaohad, and Is equal to i aod3(K&'IO,000 par ceut. of tbeeitr ralnatiou 1SK1 exclusive Ot OOCUpatlotlB, FliF.U J. WID MAYER, City Coutioller. ing to Harper's Bazar, consists of a little ' COJCMOMWaAtvrn ot 1'ksns i.vam i rullle gewed to the end of the sleeves and extending up around the hand. It is not a gathered raffle, but a circu lar frill, made from a sipiare of about aeven inches by rounding off the corner.- mfy 1 h- k , I :-.'. . .: " -I $ I bQ OO WS i vk I'RESS OCOAIUStV. gad Cutting a round Imlo in the middle for the hand to pass through double aud is stitched to the sleeve with out fullness. When the dress is trimmed with another fabric and one of a differ ent color, the added fabric forms the in fide next the hand, as a frill of black sacking faced inside with cerise velvet ir satin liku that used for the collar ami 'Ml. When finished, the ruffle is only tw inches wide. The outer edges are tir-l sewed together, then turned and Stitched ou the outside. The frill is attached fC Ihe sleeve bv two rows of stitching, an the sleeve is faced with a band of silk. That the hand may pass through the frill easily it is well to leave the outer seam of the sleeve open a space of two Inchei -uid close a by two hooks and loops. Tht ; lunapn i utile is also left open u slight distance beyond the sleeve, but the edges should meet closely to preserve the circular ap peurance. How to Plata B small tab, This) stitch enters so largely into every thing that it is Well to apeak of it here. Take a piece of linen in Which the threads draw easily. Fold and baste them. Draw i.oi nti ot Lackawanna, City or Bcrahtok, i oo tb fifteenth oay of January, a D. 1(U, paraonally appoarad ba(orenie,tns nubs Tiber, lb-.May , r ,,f the! Ity of Scranton, Fred J. Wldmsyer, who Jbalug duly sworn, doth do i p,,e and say, that h ii th Controller of the City f Bcrnnton, and last to the baetothts , knowledgea nd oallsfttaa foregoing statement ,jf the finanoos of the city uf loranton is just, correct ami tun. and thatthj uta jr forexjing statement is also correct. Sworn uud labscrlbed bttON me tile Uf tentli day of January. IS'J'1. W. L. CORNELL, Mayor. FILE OP COMMON COUNCIL NO. 1J. 1893. AN OKIdNANCF Providing for increasing the city debt for too pur p want building bridges aad submit- i time the ,ii;stioii of such In -leas,- tu a vote ,,f the electors thereof ISbct0. l. no it ordained i,v ihe Select and Comnoo Oounctli of tne City of Boran ton sn.l It la bm by orda btd by the authority ! of tue same. That for toe purpose f eon, i ktiuctinv a biidife over tue Lackawanna , river at Linden tttruot, and a bridyeover Roar j Ing bro ,k from Spruce street to Front street i together with the purchase of suoh riht of ay as may be necessary for the test ap i preaches to sa d bridges, all increase of tho clt) debt by the issue t dtv binds inthi I amount ,,f two bundre l and fifty thous.ind dollars is rereby antaonseu, snbjeet, never thslesSi to th ; consent of the electors of the City of Scranton. as herein provided. Sec. .-Th question of assenting to the above propo.ed increase of the cily debt shall Im sulnuktedto a vote of tho electors ot the City of St-iantoii, at ihein-xt imauing general election OCOUrrlag not leas than torty d-ns after Ihe i .. of thla oidinaoce Sec. 8. After the Peasege ot this ordinance and at 1 as thirty days before said plftotfaci the Iteyor shall publish a notice of tile also nun hereby eufh rid, in three dally news . . ,i papoisoi uio uiy auu ins ... i l,Uiri,l It IS mailt t bo published in such notice shall be the Ulslled 1,V tile I 'lt' Clltlollei . I Si 4 -if the o lectors shall agree' to In crease the indebtedness of 111-,- ,-ity for the pur I poessof building such said bridges and procur- lug the light of way. there shall be appropri ated uudsetupurt for the Linden street bridge I uud purcbeslag the right of way weret , the i sum of one li'indred and Iweisy -ftve tiiotisuui dollars, and for the spruce street bl Idee lh--eipial suiu uf i, lie hundred and twenty live thousand dollars Approved January 4. Is91. W. L. COMNBIil . Mayor. i tjd ixX Marl a . vaTll I 17 PH Vr ,,J w u vi w 1 1 above the edge of the fold from four to mx threads, according to the quality oi the material. With a suitable needle and a liner number of cotton than would be used for sewing the same stuff, insert i the needle into the edge of the fold, throw the thread to the left, take up a clustei jf threads, pull them together, insert the meedle into the edge of the fold and re peat . - Hints In HoiiselT&eper. Light scorch marks may be remove,) by simply moistening them with watei and lay ing in the sun. no. ....i.i HINDOO RFWEOy rBoecoss see auuvs IILSII.IS III SO WAV. CW II "II Nervous Diseases, failing Mticoiy I .,, . di Si4llvaiuiei MaTitly r ir, c . UIH1IU2I- i., hrunlttfii eiirniH. and ulckly lit lurely restorei i.uat M auli scil in eiu ..I , v,iiif. Easily earned In i -t peeks PrlweMe a paekaga six for Stt.Oo with a mi, asi-Mitte tv vurv muury rstMUSvil. Don1! let uur uiri 'lacussi Oravs1-1 'til ult -", tout - isiftarfaa, In nt unii, Ing i.mi tl(f i.i It lie liu njt got It. vs will lel,u It by Ins II upon r, eef ei i1 r in'.ii i ; in .van,,) Urli-nlal Hcillial Co ,rrv til -lolH- liee. A.lill .ciii.-tKu, ill. , arearatMiti SOLD by Matthewt Ui ua.. Wholesale and Ktiail UrnggMII, SLKAMOK, PA., and ulhel Lead-mg Every Woman Sometimes needs a rell able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PtAUS PENNYROYAL PILLS, ro prompt, asfeand certain In result. Tho seuu- or. I'csl never uisaupdnt. Sent auTMwre Spirits of umnioilia. if diluted, applied fealsseeiclnaou .cievalaoa.O tvith h sponge to faded or discolored spots iu a curpet, will often restore tht color. Center cloths, embroideries nnd the like ore being reseivethnnore eiclusively for luncheons than for dinners. Stale crBolters are improved by placing in n jiot oven a few minutes before serving.' Hold br JOHN 11 l'HEI.PS 'hai,ii, oonier Wyomiog uveiiua and Spruue street Scrantou. l'a. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Poiionl'a Powder. What is Cnstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcber's prescription for Infants aud Cliildron. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstauce. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothiuff Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers, ( astoria destroys Worms aud allays feverishuess. Castoria prevents vouiitiug Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoua aud AViud Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Pauaoea-tlie Mother's Friend. Castoria. u Castoria Is uu excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo ot Its goud effect ii . ii their children." Da, u. i'. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of w hich i am eeqatlntedi I hope the duy u not fur dlilant hen mi ,thers wlllcouslder the reul Interest uf their children, aud use Casluriu In steiul t,f the various quack nostrums lilch uro destroj lug their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, suothiue; syrup ami other hurtful agents doivu their throats, thereby aendlug Ihciu to premature graves." Dh. J. i Kiscreloi, Cuuwuy, Art'. Castoria. " Castoria is so c 1 1 adapted to chlldroa thai I recommend it ussupenui louuy presuriptiou known to me." H. A. Ant niu, M. D , 111 So. Orfurd St., brooulyn, K. Y. " Our phyaieians in tho childreu's depart meut hue spoken highly of their experi ence iu their uutuide practice with Custoriu, and ultbuugh e ouly have aniuiig out medical uupplies what is known as regulai products, yet we uro free to confess that the merits of Castoria lius won us to look with favur upon it." United h i. and UiapENsiRV, boston, Muss Allen 0 Smith. Prei., Tho Centanr Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. P Pimples, Blotches nnrl Cntno ,. aim uiu ouigo m EP. DDIPIfl V AQU DAIfC CnflT I niimL.1 nuiij wiu iivui g Hfl and potassium Catarrh, malaria S Makes jTfr SKNassssssgBgssI Sz Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism Sand Scrofula P. P. P. Luriaa lliti Mood, balltla ap the WQuk tiiiil sjeblhutud, icivud htretigth co Wriakentil hit-. , vipeln iliseae9,(flvlrnc the patient bealtb urnl ii-i ii. . wtturti Hlckntjes, Klomr fjellog!i RQd lasaituUe Urst bravllnd. IfvT urlniarv, , , ,i ,u and trtlary ariibllli, for blood polaohltiK. niercu" rlul - ... , i ...i : , dyapepala, aud In nil blood uml akin dlAeuee, Ilka l; i -, i .i. ; ! , old obroDlo ulcer, tetter, scald btu, boil, eryslpulHa, tjozeiua wo may aay, without fear uf cuntradlctloD.tbat P. P. P. lsthebust blood purifier In tho Wurl;l,aud mukea positive spoedy and pertuaneut curca In all ctides. Ladiea wbu.iu ayateiua ure poisoned pnd whose bloud ia in an Impure vuiidl tluo. due to lUbuetrual irreKUlarltlua, are peculiarly brneflted by tbe won di rful tonic audblooj cJeanslnff prop erties of P. I. P. - Prickly Ash, Poko Koot aud Foiasslum. fll'RlNOPIKLD, Mo., Auk. Hth. f9Se I oan speak In the bltfbt.t torus of. your medlcluo from my own personal K I.-,!, -. I wusulTt.cUd with heart gUMMg plouruy aud rticuuiatbrn for 3r years, was treated by the very best phyidrtmirt auu spcut hundrls of dol lard, tried every known remedy wttb uut flndliiK n llef. I hav ouly taken one bottle t "ur P. P. P., and t an cheerfully s:iy It has ooltV rntin ro uood than anything 1 bavu ever uU.u. lean rt c.mmend your mediclue to all liUQerers ul the above dUeartes, MItS. M. M. YKARY. 8piiat:Utfld, GroeuCuunty, Mo. and Kidney Troubles Are "Hi el., reuioti-d by P.P. P. -Prickly ash, i'oke Beet nnd Potas aluui, the greater bloou purifier ou oarth. AtiFnnr.itN, 0,, TOT 31,1801. MEH1KS. L1ITMAN HK,i9., HUVUIinsll, Qa. I bKAK Kilts-1 boueht a bottle of your P P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and it bas dune me more itood than three ueuths treatment ul the hot eprlns. Head three hoitlen i '. O, D. Kespectlully yours, j A I. M. HBWtOsT. Aberdeen, Krowu County, O. 1'npt. J. ! Joiiuslou. To all icium it mat fearer! I here by testify to the uonderlul ppipertles uf P. P. P. tor eruptlunn of the skin. I suffered for several yesrswith sn un sightly und dtsuirreeuble eruption uu my lace. I tried every known renio dy but In vulu, until P. P. P. waa used, and am now entirely cured. tSlgnedby) J. U. JOHNSTON. Hsvanuuh, uu. si. in Cenrrr Cured. fttitotyfnmi)iilliitrtf8Hpttk,TUt SaociN. Tki., January 14, 1S93. Mi.ssks. bin - . . Bitus.. Savannah, Qa. : Ventlewfit-l usvo tried your P. P. P. fur r dlease uf the skin, usually kuuwu as skin cancer. of thirty years' standing, and round great relief: IC purities tbe blood aud remove all Ir ritation from the seat ot the disease and prevents uny spreading- of tho sores. I have tiakeii tiveur six botclea und feel itldAt thai another courbo will ellect a cure. It has also relieved uie i -.ii Indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. BOfTi Attorney at LsSfa m on BioofJ Diseases Moiied Free. ALL, DltuaoiSTS SKL1. IT. L.PPMAN BROS. PBOPBIBTOBS, lLIiiiiian's,suiunuah,t;a AUCION, AUCTION AT illRDAMS 'Bargain Stores 133 Penn Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 11 A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy and Other Goods. s Sign Reel Flag. IS RESTORE LOST VIGOR afuu n,l Afltl I'nujf. JP1 'H ric you upln a week Bold with WRITTEN .l A HAN II i N.i. e,... ., i ,n .lib. i eel, Involutilsry Kuii.ilui,. rrousnv eu... If uvel.el.U. urh trnnhU. l.u t. ri,IKIilii,ln,li ui llias, ity, .(111 1ST hot bj t,i fr f,. With av.rt u I' ITe ulv.- H wrlll' II vnui.1,1,'1- tu 1-iilN cr 1.IU1.J t!i. uiuu.f . A rliAb MkblCl.Nl. 00..,Okl. For sals by JObiN 11. l'UKU'J, I'haruiaciit, cor. Wyoinlug Ave. and FpruceSt BcrautoD, l'a. OR. HEQRA'3 VIOLA CREAM Bcinovoa rraaUeu, F'impldi, User Molaa fl.ackSsndi, Bunburn ana Tan, ar.4 tc. alorcs lliu skin 10 US oriel- oui (reshiiiats, iroduliiK a,1 clear ana bcoltliy com-y plessoo, luperw to buisos prenemtloiis and pemetlr liarnilesa. At all uuiiled for JCku bend lor Cireular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP U iimsiy locompsnbii u rtin mMj inj su.p, ismaakl fi ia. wi, aaS wittoat . Ilvttl Ut tbo mrttij. Awolul-b' MM SBS SaMBSU oiU- o. .-i At druarli. Prl-js 2: Cents. G. C. BITTNER os CO.,Tc:.cdo,0. for sale by Matthews llroi V i sanlli'ui.Kiid Moi'KUU Ar Co, I Eaaoaiio ar ths Hiohist Midical Autnoritiis EninOLInllftLcH sm .hv',Sr . A -J N'H&WSl'i. -1 .'noaas! , 7.-k WW- tyriiiv;.. mruv vnu y ft-s- h rsrst e Asthma LH I Mn n n HBIMCHESKSB lVIIllll, ...... ..... , ...... ,,, lw. 7", i. n WOtwtrfu boon to sufferer, f i on, Cold., More Throat, Inflilenr:,, llrnuchltla, , 'IIAI KI'.VER. Af-nt tmnMUtttnUf, An eroncnt i, iiieiiT, cnnveitieni i,, cum v 111 por.pi. rpnnj 10 nrn oil nrfl lUUICStloll uf e .1,1 I'uiitlnurd Use Ktrrcta Peminnent Cure, Vnu. f, tlourimranteedurnioney -i,.,i Peter, f.",i. '1 rial free nt Urui;alxit, a,'nltere,l n nil W cents. H. i a'SaKlirS(r.,!hr. gmi, i,. , C S I MENTHOL 'I'"'""''"! and aafent reme,lv for mt.ui nuu aikindi.,t Ke,,m.i,. ,, ... , Klinunio'il ras. Dunis. Cun. w . , , r,-1 rem KiTforPll.KS. Prtaa.8Ssts.atPrue-esai gyfte or by mall preiadil. Aoflrsas asaansl. FJnLA' lors-4' S iltthi.a lliu.. Morsun 1 loj uud .';..,: .u to. .Ot M.R. T.ACCMM. sli ,t;aTiM. Aim UHM WEAK MEN Y0UR attention -i- , i J t ..i i i.i' iv rue (ircat liugliuli l. i;u-dy, Gray's Spacific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER fru,n Nor- n i vons ii,- biiity, Weuknoss ot Body and Mind, Spormn toi ruca, and bBPOtenejf, und uu diseases th:u srtso from uvor-indulireiico and felf -abuse, as Lobs uf Memory and 1'owor, Dinuees of Vis ion. 1'remat ure Did Ai;o nud many other dis enses that lead to Insanity or Consumption and linearly BTate, writeor a piimohlet. address tillAY MKDIt'INE CO.. Buffalo. K. Y. The Bpaeifle Medicine is sold by nil diUKiflsts at S per package, or aix packages for Sioraent bym lil on receipt of money. and with every BKCT order WE I.UARAsTEE et ruru or wmvy i t'iuunuu llPr On account cf cotiriti'rfcit-i we hnv Bduptcd thu Yollow Wrnpjmr, the only geuu ne btld in Sr'cruiitun bv Matthews hvo. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers uud Dealers In Illnminatin aud Lubricating C)lLaS Linseed Oil, Naptliaa nnd Gaso lines of all prudes. Axle. Grease, Pinion Grease aud Colliery Com pound , Also, a lurie lino of Par raftitio Wax Candles. We also liandle the Fatuum CROW.i ACME OIL, tho only family safety burning oil iu the market. WILLIAM MASON, Managar. Office: Coal hxchuii, Wyoming Avj. urka at flue bruok. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Mnmifacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, SHI ifsAVs Vfc A I ft ALU 'rTiiianoullir cured I MaglcRf.m-l I tjuj ui'Utr (Uaramy, Ld"i.e i i fDWi ,uw cat.l. I iNMilivfi proutaand luw i,.ic t. uk , tlluitretwl from I lift f nuu itplaenrsxl.(Ttw by niatl W)i0oHutSnnRii I Iiaa Mewuryfaii, Our Mnjfic Remedy "till IiCHflirely cure. OUK HEHI.DY rn.. 'hleutu, III. I MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers and Dealer) I lutricatins OILS' tlsoStiaRiDganil Journal Greasi OFFICr::-Ti:i West Lackawanna Avi WultKS -Jleridiau Stroll 1- w vif -Xtmm :,-r.;7 ftom Ihe X Y. Tribune, Aoi. 1, W$ The Flour Awards "CfllCAOO, Oct. 81. Phe first official annooncement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the Hour manti factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , iu the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports ihe flour strong nnd pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family und bakers' use." MEGARGEL & GONNELL WHOLES VLEAOENT9. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flonr can be hnd at any of the following merchants, who will accept THE TRIBUNE FLOOR eori'ON ot 25 ou each one hundred pounds of Hour or 00 on each barrel of flour. tcraliton -F. P. Pr'co, Washing on ay im I Uoid Mede Brand. Dnniuore F. P. Prlo Go l Mobil Bran! puntnore-V. D. Maniey. faperlttire Irail Hyde Far k Cerson si Davis, Waaiibaru st. Hold Medsl Brand; J aepli A. ilesrs.Muiu avenue. Superlative Brand. Green RMe JLlfcHpeaoenGoU II tdalBraad. X T.McUsle, f)dpi r ativo Providence Feaner & Cbappe!l.N' Va n uvo line. Suiierlativ.i liraudtt,'. J H.ll -.pi.., W. Market strejt.-llo' 1 iledil Brand olypbant Jiiinos Jui-dan. Bupsrlatiys Braaii IV, knile Stuff' tKhr Superlative. Jiiriiiya ('. u Wlittrs & Co bupsralattre Art hbul 1 J juts, S in ;s in si i.'o . 11 ild Medal. Carl oada'e ft, 8. Clara, Ookl Medal Brand. HonsMlele. 1 N. Foster A- Co Uo'.i Mel.i . Minooka -M. H. I.ivclle. Tuylui-JudgaJt Co, lidd Medal: Albeit, ui Slo Superlative. Dnrjrea Lawrence .Store Co., Gold Medal. Moi'lo John MeCrindle, ii ddMerinl. Plttamn M W. U'Soyle, trold Medil. Ulark'a Green Prsce A Pfrker. superlative Clark's Hartnit V. V. Tome, Gold Medal Llaltnii- S. E. Finn Jj Hull. Uo.d Medal BranJ Xi huUiii -J. E. ii rdiag. Wnvtrlv-M. I lias K Son, tb,ld Medal, l-'actirvvllle Charles lianl nor. Gld Msdal. H,,t,botti, n N. M. ilniiJc S . Ou'd M-nlal T-ibyhanu i Jt I. ulfj l.uui'iu r i n . uoio -te uu itrami. Pou dsbai-o-8 A. Adiiui. II ,11 Milal Briu d Muicuw Liaige A: Clements, (iold Medal. Lane Arii I Junes A. sort res. Gold Medal. Forest City J, L, Morgan & Co,, Gold Medal ercereau U Connell 307 LACKAWANNA AVW.NUU DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a-Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties ce . . Skcitcs, All Prices and all Sizes. GREAT PAINTINGS For centuries brilliant artist liave bfeu painting beautiful pic tures, and thu best of these pic tures are carefully preserved by wealthy people in their mansions, or by governments and cities In public buildings. They form tho great attractions to many of tin- old world cities, aud can all be seen only by much traveling and at great expenses As outlined below, a lover of pictures conceived the idea of plac ing these delights of the eye with in the reach of greater numbers, and the result is the beautiful art ork, Masterpieces FROM THE Art Galleries OF THE World lieing a lover of the modem styles of painting, he includes in this grand collection all that is popular and good in ART OF TODAY As well as the choicest bits, and tbe famous' and historical pieces Of the artists of all ages. This is uudoubtedlj the most beautiful aud complete art work ever published; and well it may be, for it contains the best work of the delineators of all that is beautiful. These pictures are engraved ou copper plates by the half-tone photogravure process; and are PERFECT REPRODUCTIONS Uf tlie original paintings, even to tho very brush mrtrki. Tucy are made from jiliotograjihs taken direct from the original paint legs. Each part contains fifteen of these engravings and oue pags cf de scriptive matter of thj picture aud the artists, and PRACTICALLY WE GIVE IT AWAY To our readers. Why do we go to this eipansi V Circulation in a newspaper is every, thing. If, by giving these msgniticent parts every week to the readers of W II FOR TEN CENTS AND A COUPON We add S3 por cent, to our circulation will be more than repaid for the cost. LIME, CEMENT Tie Way to Get It For the first portfolio, bring to this office one of the coupons printed else where on this page and 10 KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR jcents. For subsequent parts 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER PLASTERING SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. Blfohi uro ARCS UftNQ, RESTORED MANHOOD DR. MOTT'S MliVEKIM: PILLS The iinatroinfidy Torncrfoui prcntrfttlontnd WMTVOIItdtfNIMf of liiis or Luh Bliiiiliuud. liLiH-lenrv. KluUV Emlistfrai.TfiULHral KrrM f) AltMitnl WiHTT.tH'ffivo HHftot Tubat'cour Opium, irbK'ii li-nd to Con- biitl'hiuu auu insulin) . ii iui BTri crucr n 1 ive vrnuvn Kur ll n 1 1 ! v 1 ti ' 1 11 iv ' r i' I n 1 il t ti1' im 1 t . S. ,1 ut tjt I OO twr iox. i txilf 8 u tio.oc ai;. M01 i "c ikb:u alio., cicvtiunu.outv Lor S.U by (', M. UAltiCla, ariigwli 11 l'MU AvUU send threo coupons and ten cents. SCRANTON Til
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers