THE , SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 19. 1894. LIVE NEWS Of TWO PITTSTONS Tn BcrJnton Tribune's Pittnton de partment is in cbarge of J. M. Fhy, to whom news items and complaint! may be referred. NO COUNCIL MEETING. The West Side Borough Father! Fail to Secure a Quorum. The special uneting of the West Side oonncil, which was called for Saturday erening.failed to materialize. This was due to the failure of sufficient members absenting themselves from the meeting. When the time for convening arrived there were present O. C. Foster, F. B. Sanders, John Struthers and James Sutton. It was therefore decided that a meeting be ealled for next Thursday evening, Feb. 22 The meeting was ealled for the pur pose of considering and passing upon, if found satisfactory, the ordinance of the Traction corapnny now before the council relative to the paving, etc., portions of the streets upon whioh are laid tracts. It is calculated that, fit the rate of $1.38 per yard, which is the price of paving which the Traelion company Hgrees to pay, the money that would be received by tne boromru from the company would be iJS.OOO for paving between the rails aud $9,200 for paving outside of the rails on Wyoming and Luzrue avenues, Tne ordinance also provides for the payment of 0 per cent, interest on $8,000 from April 1, 1803, to the time of payment. The above cal culation is for brick, laid edgewise. At the present rates for paving, it is esti mated that the cost for paving b tween the rails, with bricks laid flat, would be 71 cents per yard, and for paving outside the rails, bricks laid edgewise, 93 cents. At these rates the money received from the Traction company would pay for the paving of eighteen feet, having but twelve feet for the property hot a ers on both sides of the street to pay for. The cost of paving half of the above, six feet, in trout of a sixty foot lot would be about $40. It is the concensus of opinion that the above terms are right and equita ble with the exception of one thing. It is nnderstood the council will insist up on the company filing an indemnifying bond of something in the neighborhood of $20,000 to insure the faithful per formance of carrying out their pledges. This done, it is said the council will give the company no further trouble, , THE MARDAMUS DENIEO. Court Rules It Has No Powar In the Matter. In the matter of the mandamus asked by Messrs. Donnelly and Shea to pre vent the commissioners from printing the names of candidates Seibel. Young, Campbell and Davis in the regular Re publican column the court handed down an opinion Saturday, Judge Kice saying in effect that the court had no jurisdiction as to the granting of a mandamus ordering the county com missioners to place the Republican ticket in any particular column or un-1-t any particular heading. The judge !urther remarked, however, that the court did not wish to be nnderstood as expressing an opinion as to the legality of the votes that might ba cast for the Republican candidates. The county commissioners, by this action of the court, being left free to place the Republican ticket wherever they chose to, ordered it printed iu the Republican column. Therefore, the names of Candidates Grow, Seibel, Young, Davis and Campbell will com prise the Republican column, there be ing no ward officers admitted. The regular Citizens' ticket will be allowed a eolnmn by itself, with a circle at the top, and will be headed "Orginal Citi zens " There will also bo a "Citizens" column, without a circle, for the names of independent candidates. narlier symptoms of dyspepsia, such as distress after eating, heartburn, and occasional headaches, Bhould not be ne glected. Take Hood's Barsaparillu and be cured. Hood's P'Us are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. A CREDITABLE SHOWING. Burgasi Dewey, of Weit Flttiton, Hal a Record Second to None. Burgess George W. Dewey, of the West Side, and Street Commissioner Walker have good cause to feel elated over the excellent showing they will leave behind them if they are not re turned to office on Tuesday next in ad ministering the affair of the borough. During their term, which is about to close, there has been an increase in the receipts of their offices over previous years as the following figures will show: Burgess' fees for past year, $331. 50, as against $247 the previous year; fines, licenses, etc.. collected by burgess an 1 turned over to borough treasurer, $320.25, as against $149 for previous year. Through the streot commissioner over $800 has been collected and turned over to borough treasurer, more than double the amount of any previous year. Beware of Frauds. Be sure you get the gonuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It cures colds, croup, asthma, deafness and rheumatism. on "The Duty of the Minister with Re spect to Publie Funerals in Casts of Contagious Disease." The Sons of Temperance, of Duryea, are making preparations for their sec ond anniversary to be held on the enen -ing of Feb. 26. Invitations have been sent to divisions at Plains, Miner's Mills, Forty Fort and Pittston to at tend. Iu re appointment of inspector of election in West Pittston borough, court his appointed Henry J, Luohi inger inspector of First district of West Pittston borough, vice George Damon, deceased, to ssrve at February election, the 20th inst. The closing exercises of the first term of the West Pittston night school will be held Thursday evening, Feb. 22. iu the Tabernacle Congregational church. The Rev. Dr. Parke addressed the young people of his Sunday school and congregation yesterday morning ou the life and character of our martyred president, Abraham Lincoln, the an niversary of whose birth occurred on Feb. 13 A branch of the Young Peoples' Christian Eadearor sooiety was formed in connection with the Durvea Presoy terlan ohurch recently. Rev. James Mitchell, the pastor, was appointed president; John R. Perry, vice presi dent: Miss Sadie Benediot, recording secretary; W. H. Law. corresponding secretary; Miss Isabel Allen, treasurer. At present there are thirty five mem bers. "Hands Across the Sea," an English melo-drama of much merit, will be the attraction at Music hall Wednesday evening. Iu the window of R. B. Cutler's fur niture store is displayed articles do nated by our citizens and merchants to the Eagle Hose Company's fair. In the window of the O and P. O. shoe store is also a quantity donated to the Hook and Ladder company by our merchants for their fair whioh opens Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Bosh, wife of the well known merchant, passed suddenly away at her home ou the West Side, Saturday morning at 5 o'clock, -She had been in her usual good health up to the previous eveniug when in com pany with her husband she went to the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain on Fulton street. While removing her wrap she was uddenly seized with a pain in her heart, She was immediately conveyed to her home where she lingered until death relieved her at the hour above noted. The struggle which is being waged so furiously by the several factions of of the borough will soon eud; and how That is the question. The decision of fudges Kice and Lynch, permitting the commissioners to print the names of the Republican candidates iu in the regular Republican column, has given renewed inspiration to Messrs. beibel, Young. Campoell and Davis, and to say that they are happy is but mildly ex pressing it. Horlow Ganies, of Chicago, is stop ping in town for a few days. Mr. Ganlss was np to a few years ago a re sident of the West Side and is there fore an ever welcome visitor. Dr. Voe who has been iu New York on business during the past week Has returned borne. Charles B. Strong, of the West Side, has been appointed weighinaster at the Babylon colliery Duryea. Mrs. George .smith, of Main Street, is rapidly recovering from her recent ill ness. Theodore Hart and wife are visiting in Baltimore. Mrs. J. M. Law has so far recovered from the stroke of paralysis which she suffered a few weeks ago, that she has been removed from her borne to the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Van Bmkirk, on Aun street. Rev. Thomas W. Swan, paster of the West Side Presbyterian church, at the rezular Sunday evening eervice intro duced for the first time a series of ser mons on "The Familiar Things of the Bible," His introductory ssrmon last evening was "A Half Biked Cake." Thomas Wylie, of William street. passed .Sunday, with Carbondale relatives. Ex-County Commissioner Harry Evans has been empowered to distrib ute the official and spicimtn ballots for this end of the county, and he has been kept more than busy day and night striving to have the work accom plished in time. The ballots for Pitts - ton and West Fitttton will not be ready for distribution uutll some time this afternoon. Paul Bohan, who went ssenrity in the sum of $500 for Ferdinand lug netti, who Is charged with theft, sur rendered Iugnetti to the authorities Saturday evening. He was given a hearing before Squiro James Gibbons. John J. Mangan became his bondsman. The soliciting committee of the Black Diamond Hook and Ladder com pany will on TuesJay (tomorrow) col lect all the goods contributed by our merchant from Water street to the lower end of town. They will perform the same duties for West Pittston on Wednesday, and for Upper Pittston on Friday and Saturday. It is the wish of the the committee that donors will have everything promised the solicit ing committee will be in readiness. It Is Moving Steadily On. K in mi Ttlegram. The Tribune people have occasion to smile, and the people of Scranton unite in congratulating the management of this enterprising paper, whose job omce ib running night and day in dull times, and whone Daper bus reached a standard of perfection equalled by few papers in the tate. inn art ana noon reatures Intro ducod by Manager Wood have captured tbe admiration of the town. .Success to The Tribune. PITTSTON CONDENSATIONS. The Wake Robin Literary and Social club will bold a banquet and musical in tbe Red Men's hall tbe 26th inst. The warm sun rays of yesterday played sad bavoo with the sleighing to the disgust of the liverymen. The S M. H. sisters of Scran ton, en joyed a sleighride to this place yester day. Seven dollars was the sum asked by liverymen yesterday for the use of i bora and cutter and tbe demand was greater than the supply by far. Henry Irving, the English actor, who has just closed a successful engage ment at tne chestnut street opera house, rmtadeipbia, passed up tbe Valley road yesterday with his com pany in a special train. The train, which was composed of seven cars, four of whioh were beautiful buffet coaches and three baggage cars, waa bound for Klmira. The funeral of Mrs. Bella Laird, of West Pittston, who died at the home of her son in Inkcrman Friday, oc curred yesterday and was largely at tended. Interment was mad io Pitts ton cemetery. The Old Forge Coal company is making arrangements to sink two slopes in the vicinity of their works to connect the Phouix and Old Forge ool lierics. The ministerial union of Pittston and vicinity will meet in the Young Men Christian Association room this morning at 11 o'oleek. The Rev. Dr. McAnulty will open a discussion Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: The Wlleoa Bill Defined. Wathingtun Pat. It would not be a tariff for revenue, would be a tariff for suicide. It Ha a Nerve to the Windward. Chicaiio Oiiimtch. After all. it anuears that the wnndchnck is o real siorm scenter. THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune DKITKR SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, 1,000,000. BKST hllOi: IN THE WORLD, UA dollar mired is a dollar IIM'RJff Thla I. ii.ll,.. Hoi Id French Don go hi Kid lint wm Boot delivered rree anywnere in inn u on rucjipt or uan, Money irat.-r, or Postal Not (or il.SO. Kqnala every way tbe booU told to nil retell itores (or tl.60. We main thla boot ouraelvaa, therefore we avar- ante the Jit, ttyle and wear. and If (my one (a not aailaflcii we will refund the money end another pair. Opera Loe or unoiinon Henae, width a 1). E. Kit, 1 to H and half , StrnJ yntr titt; will HI you. Illuitraled Cala logue FREE llrYTPR Sunp inSfflil. ... V'wn Wwi BOSTON, MAHo. Special term to I)taler$. M Mil Russian Ly.ix Circular Cap's, 24 inches, $-1,118 Electric Sual Circular Capon, it lu S.U8 Astrakhan Circular Capes, -n in 1 Wool Circular Cap . 21 in H.0J Stouo Marten Circular Capes, ift In 4tMXJ Browu Marten Circular Capes, 'it in 45.00 Otter Circular Capes, 24 lu 00.00 Seal Sacques Foal Sacoues, 38 tne' es lonir $1.10.00 Seal Jackets, 20 Inches 100.00 Soal JackotB. 24 inches long 00.00 Astrakhan Jackets, Jl iucuoj loiu 36. W Circular Capes Seal Circular Capo, 30 Inches long-, with; Butterfly Cape $85.00 Otter Circular Cano. 30 inches loug, with Butterfly Cape 105.00 Sable Circular Cape, 30 Inches long 85 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, 30 inches long 22 00 Elcctrio Seal Circular Capo, 30 in. long.. 20 00 Ur.iy Crimmer Circular Cape, 30 In. long 30 00 40 dozen American Seal Muffs at. ...$125 each 1 lot i f children's sets at 98c. each 1 lot of Sleigh Rubua, pluuh lined $3 each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city, Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Hotel Waverly Enrooean Plan. First-class Bar attuchod Depot (or Berguer ft Eugel's Tannhotusor Beer. IE Cor. 15th and Filbert Ms., Philadi Most desirahla for residents of N.E. Penn" fvlrania. All conveniences (or travelers to and (rom Broad Btreet station and the Twelfth and Market Street station Ho llrable (or visiting Sorautonlans and poo- llu In tho Anthraclto Ueglou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kind Kreitli I-lull received dully. Ym9J Smoked Halibut, Iloneletitt Coil, Yarmouth lUoateri), Salt Mackerel. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Three Magnificent Offers. A. B. Brown's e Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during i sale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Pelt Hats, this season's styles IOo. each. Coys' Winter Waist jfjc each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $.50 oaoh. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OP VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. Itncknwuv, t'liemipeukn Kay, Maurice Itlvcir Cove und lllue Point OYSTERS Soft Shell Clam, Shrimps, ScallopH, At W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE B RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BR IC Best in the market K Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICE: Binghamton. N.Y. FACTORY: Urandt. Pa. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and bulldnr of Concrota Flag-King. Cuucrate Blooku, Potato, Batter and Goal Bins, Wot Cellar drlod up. Orders may b left at Thompaon & Pratt. Williams Co. Main and Eynou Struots, or at H tton Btovn Works. Alio Foundation!, Ci roa. Fish Win. Tunnel, and Oifflus. Flags (or Gardou Walk A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE PITTSTON, PA. PUZZLE. Trio of Chances to Bel the Finest Art Portfolios Printed at terms so easy that all can buy. OFFER NUMBER ONE. The World's Fair Portfolio, in four parts, each part containing between fifty and sixty views of the great exposition, and the whole forming a superb represen tation of the greatest exposition the world has ever seen, may be had as previously announced. Three Coupons, cut out as explained below, together with io cents in cash, will secure it. The demand is heavy, but we will fill all orders as fast as the flying presses can print the hand some books. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable ag a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW $300 IN PRIZES Willi. Hi: D1STR1BUTBO TO THOSE DOING THE l'LZZLE IN THE SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES, STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, OR SENT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT Ol PRICE, 25 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AND 114 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. "NERVE SEEDS. It.' ...i.Ti'ui rndv gmr- nttea to fun HI urriom an MANHOOD RESTORED! Aii.o. Hiich an Wpftk Mnmm-T. lsnof Brain I'ower. llt-uillieho. Wakefulness, Lost Manhood, NlBhtlr Kmlsslons, Nerousness,allilrolnsanl loss or power In Generative Omans of oltaor sex caused b J oar exertion , yoathftil errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium or stimulants, which lend to Infirmity, Coy. isiiuniptlonorlnsanltj. Can be oarrted In vest pocket. l ier BOX, for BS, V... i'tr,.,,lnrfpAi Ai iM h v i 1 1 A fii fft.ts. A . k for It. take jEFOREIND AFTER other. Addross xtltVK SJKEUCO., Masonic temple, Chicago. IU For Sale in Scranton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Diwist, cor. Washington 6 BONDS for SALE To Investors. THE SCRANTON Axle Works have issued 87.r.,000 of 6 per cent, ('oupou Bonds, interest payable semi -annually .These bonds are to run for ten years, from Nov. 1, 1893. Only a limited amount are offered for sale to investors. These bonds are first mortgage on the entire plant of the company, aud are issued for the purpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominations of 81,000, 8500 aud 8100 each. For further particulars address S. B. MOTT, Financial Agt. Rooms 27 and 'i8 Commonwealth Ilulhl'ir, SCRANTON. BA. THI Upholstery Department OF- William : Sissenberger Oppoiito Baptut Church, Penn. Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIU Coal of the best quality for Aomestla of all staM, dollvered In huj part of tbe city at lowest prloe. Orders loft at my ofllco. NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUK, Rear room, flrst floor. Thir l National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will receivo prompt attention. Special eontracta will be mado for the aalo WM. T. SMITE Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITTSTON, PA. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and tee the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. MOOSIC POWDER CO. Rooms 1 aod 1 Commonwealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOSIC and KUS1I DALE WORKS. OFFER NUMBER TWO. The ''Wanamaker Panorama of the World's Fair,'' which has occasioned such a furore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertain ing to the young and old, and instructive to all. It is such a volume as should be in every patriotic home. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected his tory, it will be necessary to have all the parts. One new part appears each week. There are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous full-page views in each part. Ten cents in cash and two coupons of different dates, cut as directed below, will secure it. Part One is now ready in unlimited quantity. Other parts will be announced. Laftlin & Rand Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Dattoriea, Fuse for explor ing blast. Kafety Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co.'sHigh Explosives OFFER NUMBER THREE. The young folks all delight to take that famous "Trip Around the World" by means of the handsome and instructive Portfolio of Photographs showing noted scenes and picturesque spots in all parts of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa tion in itself; this album. Don't fail to have it, if you haven't it now. It will be a lasting treat. Just now, in particular, see the views it gives of Hawaii, the land where Queen Lil ruled. Two coupons and 5 cents in cash will secure this treasure. We've had to do it. The demand was too great. We've had to make THREE offers where we though two, surely, would be enough. But the public wouldn't be satisfied. So we've added the Wanamaker series, and continue the other two. You need all three, to be really in the swim. Each one is better than the one before it; at least, that's what you think. Better order early if you want a prompt reply. All the various parts are going like hot cakes. uiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiuHiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiHimuiiuiiuunmiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiii s FEB. 19 I This Couoon. with two like it. but of different g 3 riataa iinH uritVi Tan raah will aArnra one i part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four : parts the one announced before. 1 FEB. 19 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ s ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one 1 part of the celebrated "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de scribed above. New part each week. Part One now reaay. FEB. 19 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure I the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo S graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted 5 spots in all climes. .IllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIUIIUllllllllUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIilk' 1 !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers