9 TITE SCKANTO-N" TRIBUNE MONDAY MOItNTffG. I'EBTITTAHY 12. 1894. Chest Pains Short breath, jialpita tion, Wdk and sore llu!i, pleurisy, roughs, I col. Is, MUuni aiul bron chitis relieved in One MlNUTI liy the COTI" ctra Anti-Paix PlASTO, the first and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. FoC weak, painful kidneys, luck ache, uterine paint ami weakness, it is sitnj ly WondcrfuL It vitalizes the nervous forces, end hence cures nervous paint and mus cular weakness when all others fail. Flioti w. five, $1 At .ill dtutjtjttt si hy null, l'o n itu Dki'c AND Cum, Com, IWou. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT EARLY SPRING DRESS GOODS Wo tire almost daily in receipt of F-arly Spring Dress Textures. These early arrivals mostly N eltiesaud Mixed Baitings are of the very newest and latest, in eluded are: Mixed Cheviot Suitings, English Checks, Two-tone Novelty Striped Cheviot Suitings, Checked Casimir Suitings THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS font of town correspondents ofTUR Tiun ujnithonldaltn tUi.lr irnmos m full to eioti uow-a letter, not tor pnMlotUot uut to ntN lfltllll deception. I China and Japan PRINTED : SILKS We have tiw on sale an as sortment of beautiful designs and exquisite combinations for Spring and Summer Dresses. The result of careful selections and designs that are eon trolled exclusively by us for this city, at priees which we are sure will command atten tion. HERM3D0RF Black Hosiery Voit will find our line of Ho siery, Gloves ami Underwear complete as usual. We are offering some very choice things in Misses" and Children's Hosiery at very attractive priees. MONTROSE At BUJGdr. Harv-?t'in let A Schsms In th Inttr- est of Olid Music. Fperint to th Scrnntirti Tribune Montrosb, P. Feb. 11. -The eiliSSU ; committee appointed t the bind con cert last week ws at follows A H, McCollnm. A. R Smith, jr., and Pro fessor B. E. James and not John H. Coartrlfbt as pretlonely reported. It it the wish of tne eitizens that the ex cllnt musical 'ors?anizition miy con tinne to pionper under the Uaderthi,i of Professor Hawlr, but to this en I fonds must he rained to meet their ohligationt. Tr.e proptr pertom hav certainly been named to make the or ganization a mtesis, aa they ar hau ler. Dr. Hawkhnrst returned from New York on Friday evening Whitney, the Heart Like iceman. h i an order for 120) raj load of ice. Each car carrift twenty tont. A (fang- of men are at work night and dsy. Sidney Jtnckea lias pnrconted an in ternet in Mc. 'an stands drntf store. J. L. Ilolley, a practital plnmtntr, expecta to go into busints for himself in the spring. M S. Desmner and wife am the enoett of their daughter Mrt. J-icob Koch at Akron, 0. Mrt. (i W. Hiker returned from Cirbondale on Sitnrday, The mule membera of the Pretbyter Ian chnrch held service at the connty jail today. There are at preaent twelve prisoners confined trier. Mhh. m. SoHAsnnoia, Beaver Dan. Wia., writes: "We have tiied Dr. Thorn aa' Electric till In our family for Cooe'bs, Ooldt) Orqap ami Rheumatism. It cares every time." - - BROOKLYN oil fields. A Company of Nw York Capitalist Will Bifin Optratlona. K)cial to the firronton IWetNM MOtmOSfl, Pa., fab, II.- It ueetnt that th oil talk at lirookly a, Pa., bat not yet been Stopped, notwithstanding the nlurt from several news aper cor respondents. It ia reported that a coin puny hat been formed in New York, with a capital of $8,000, for the purpose of drilling for oil. People in thia taction ore greatly encouraged by the newt, and the oil fever will take 11 freeh start ia the spring. All Frse. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It Free, (.'all on the advertised Druggist anil got a Trial Rot tie, Free. Hend your name and address to II. E. Hucklen & Co. Chicago, and get a Bample box of Dr. King's New Ufa Pills, Free, aa well as a copy of Quido to Health ami Household Instructor, Free. All of which ia guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. lUtthtWl Uros. Drugstore. FILTERED AT FOREST CITY. An Intereitinir Baton of dntansetl New from n Live Rspirtar. Speotai fo tat Scroti ton IWfreaa Forks r ClTY, Pa,. Fob. 11 After tlio snow storm n little moist. Boroagh sleotioa one week from Tuesday. KlUiug ice houses it tho order of the day. w D Owens bus been tick the past two days. Miss .Mary Walker, of t'arbondale, is the gueat or her brother, Jamea .1 Wslker, on Ddtwirn stroet liev .1 ('. llogan occupied the pul pit of the Asbury Methodist Kpitt'op il ohnrob, Beraatoa, today. . Rev (). A Cure, pistor of th- A- bniw ebnroh, U ooonorlaf th. Forest t'itv Methodist Bpltoopal church pul pit. Mitt Charlotte tide returned to h-r home in C irb iudil tod it after having spent tho week pleasantly in tint place s the guest of aflat Flo Allen. Bntohw L A K-ltz'a teaui took n little liberty today and started for a run, but ware oaugbt after having atik'titly diaflgnred the fore rnnner, For- eet City butchers are 0 llnoky, as tine m ikes the third runaway of different t'u ehers' eqalnai this winter Action In regard to the granting of the Foreet City and Carbondala fran chise w is postponed last evening natll the regal ir meeting night. John UcLaughliu was ia Jermyn s ttarday, Joseph C Lappena, a stulent of Ray ttone aoadonty at Faotoryvllla, is run Ing hi parents, Kev. and Mr-. D P. LappsUt, for a few d ivs. Joe will re turn to his tohool llntl 's M on lav Mitt Leua Reynolds u oonvaltsing f on n attack of la grippe, his top rted thita boxing contest of au unlimited nntnberof rounds will eouo take place between two local snorts of thi plaes before the O ytu pbia elub. Tne referee aud bottle bolder have been ohottn M l B vans is sptndtng 8unday with Ins family at Soranton. Mr. Evatit will toon iu 'v-. hn family to this puce. L. L Bradley, tormrly of Basque haiiua, has started a jewelrv store in the Aden block Mr. Bradley it a gra.'uite of the Waltbam, Mass., horo logical school. !?ome of the names rem lining on en velope at the Forest City pottofflu ;or the month of Jaumry are: Aagelo Michael Benguare, K stanty Cioor rOWtky, Joseph Kusletowiz. Pelaos Simavasny, Witenty Wiecsorek, Josepn Yotxocaewies and many mji uupro uoauceabl names. llis Nora and Ella Mnlbolland, of Jermyn, are visiting their sitter, Mrs C E. Taylor. Rev. J" J. lleslv, of Pletsant Mount, spent the day pleasant y with Kev. J J. Coroner, pajtor of St, Agues' ebursh. The following registered at the For est House, J H. Cunningham, propne tor, yesterdiy: Frank W. Miller, Wilkes-Barre; H. L. Trowbridge, Binghamton, X V.. M. Kellam, Biag hamton, N. Y. ; Samul Verderver, Wilketbarre; C.J. Metzger, rtcrsnton; O. S. Dunn, Jermyn; J. A. Howell, Montrose; H. W. La Deer, Syracuse, N. Y. FESTIVITIES AT M00SIC. A Large Party Oiv-n ia Uoaor of H. L. Warner. Sperinl to the Scmnton Tribune. MooaiO, Pa , Feb. 11 A pink social was given Friday evening at the resi dence of Mr. an 1 Mrs L D, Warner in honor of the twenty-first anniver sary of the birth of their ton, H L Warner. A large number of invita tion! itsued ny ttiera were tne m 'tns of calling together a Urge number of his young friends from Scranton, Avoci and Penobscot an 1 this place so halp celebrate the occasion. Ail were determined to make the oc casion one not toon to bt forgotten. AtS o'clock the party began to fill the spacious parlors, and in a snort while after all was merriment and gl'e. The sweet strains of tne piano, which was played by Miss Rotl Warner, and the voices of thote present echoed in har mony aa they sing familiar airs. After the usual friendly greetings were exchanged between Iloni'ir and bit friends, the guetts wsre entertained in an inform il way amd in a manner which is familiar to all thott who have before enjoyed their hospitality. Their recent fnn teemed togive them bracing appetifs, and tnoy wer able to do j-u tice to one of tho fiiest of tnppert, wnich was serve I at 13 o'clock. After all had partaken of the refreshments, gam-s and d incing were resume I ami kept Up till the small hours of morn ing. Tne party left much pleased with their evening's enjoyment. Those present wre the Misss Annie and Agnes .Vichols, Agnes McDonald, Emma Mosteller, and the Misses (Jraco and Bella Dottd, (iraoe and Annie It.ise, and M if tie Wiiliains, of Soranton; Annie Kirk and Littie Jobottoa, and Lottie liean, of Penobtnot, Lizzie Buz z ird, L'.zie UeHue.Llatis UnMortrle, B-ssie Binds, Blanch" and Etta Tre Kella, Marnmin lloCrtndle, of Avoca; Minnie Green, Bertha Russell, Miry Qambell, Ella Levari and Arohit Dya mood, William Frost,J ones T Brown, Henry Kirk, Thomas Buldllfft, Eldie Johnslon and William I'litinie, of Penobseotj William Otlbraltb. Walter and Harry Hind', Ambrose AH"mtis, John (irxen, B-rt L-iwis, Alonz Ellis, Thomas Jones, e ALL ABOUT ARCHBALD. Ir.tTsa'leir Nws N' t Oa'lmrsi by Our Hp elal CorrespOndSBl Fprrlal to thr Srrontott Irihon. ARCHBALD, Pa,. Feb. 11 lh Mines Pace, Of Uteefl Ridge, visited Mr and Mrs. Michael Walsh last week Lust Friday loirglnrs entered the building near the Ontario and Wsstern depot occupied by Patrick Loftus, and took nearly everything ol value in the plno. Mr. Loftus whs absent at the time the burglary was c.ominilted. and there is no clue to the identity of the robber. Jamea P. Kearney, of Church ttreot, is building a handtoine dwelling on KailroHtl street Mrs James II. Jo'dnn, of Hcrnnton, visited friends In town last Saturday, Martin J. Swift, manager of th Scranton base ball id ab, was in Phila delphia and N'.'w Vork last week on tiueinees relating to the club. The only tvidenoeof the appronnhing polltioal struggle aiiparent so far. are the numerous handsnakiiigs seen on the streets and the campaign cigars that fill the air with their pungent aromt, A great deal of quiet work is being done, however, and the popularity of both tickets rondors tho result doubtful. STROUDSBURG NOTES. An Important Naws Lstter From Mon roe' Enterprising Ciipital. Bptrfai to the tvraitttm Tribune. . STROOOSBOaO, Pa., Feb 11. Miss Bmma Q Altmoso, ot Bronheadtville, will marry Q E Hill on Valentine day. Ex-Representative John A. Ktpp, whII known in Pike county politics, mis aooepted a position as talesman with the Eist Strondsbnrg Wooden Fiber company, Eipp evidently thinks there ia more, money In busioess than politics. At n mailing of tho Btroudaburg El etric Light company the following officers were elected President, Dr, J, P. Mutchler; secretin-, Charlee Bell) directors, Theodort Y. Hoffman ami John f r. trtbolomew, The Young Men's Social league, whose membership oontaini meet nil of the prominent you ig men of the i iwo, have elected the following officers Caarlee Bell, president J. 0. Ben. singer, first vice president; B. I''. Morev, second vice president. W. W Flint, MOretarj; . L J, Brown, treas urer. A banquet, is down fur March. In the death ot John SlIlwOOU tblt vicinity loses a valuable agent of the Society for Prevention of Crutdty to Animals Ho fought alone the battle ior a proper consideration of the dumb beast, and it will be hard to liud his successor. The new normal has now u lint elms reading room in operation. Six d lilies, tmong them the BOSAMTOM Tuhuink, four weeklies, betides many strictly tduoational papers and magazines irlucli include the North American It view. Forum, Review of Reviews, in i the Century, Students arenrlvi leged oulaide of study hour to visit the room. At a meeting ot the Shakespearean Society Normal, the following officers Were elected) H A Jackson, presi dent; John Mil Jill, vice president; MisaPlynn, recording secretary; Mia- Mamie K lie, corresponding secretary; El ward Qoldea, Dnanoial secretary, Professor Park.critic , Professor K -nip. censor. The model school of the normal will bold aa entertainment on Feb ui Va in the direction of Mrs Limb, the obil Iron are bavin.' exceptionally ad vantages. JERMYN NEWS NOTES. An KuttrtainiiiK Oorr-.sp miltnt's Biord of Paiuir Evsnts. StotHel fo fat fibril a f on ZWouae. JBRMYM, Pa., Feb. It. J. H. Solo mou lias moved into the Patterson building corner M tin and A streets. Mrt. Thomas Bray, of South Uain erect, is suffering from an attack of grip. The tea bntinets of the late George Bsstlaks will, in the future, bo con o.ucted by Mrs Eistlake. V . C. Nicholson, formerly with Wright, Dpew & Co., has aooepted a position with 1). W. Burr & Co. at s il siuin. As soon At the frost will permit ground will be broken for the now school budding which will be modeled after the one at Blakely. It will be hated by the Sinea 1 system. Con tracts were signed with ihe company Iset Friday It it to be the most per fect schooi building in the valley. Tne inturance on the school build ing has been increased to $11,000. Saturday Mr. Bailey, of Carbondale, called on town friends. Mrt. Thomas J. Williams, of Third street is serioutly ill. J. D. Wall, of Starrucca, tpent Sun day in town. Jsmet Nicholson, tr. who has been confined to the houte nearly a month with grip, ventured out Saturday for the first time. Night school closed Friday. Tiiere will be a juvenile branch of the Evening Star lodge. No. 65, Amor icin Protestant association, instituted Feb. IT at Old Fellows' ball. All Kepnblicafts are invitsd to Enter prite hall this evening to join the He publican club. The young men who wprs arrested for abusing Liveryman Woodmancy's florae, tettled tin matter by paying him the turn of $1M. , Eyirpta and Indigestion In their worst forms ure cured by the nse of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonic to regain Mesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take p, I'. I'., anil you will be strong and healthy. For shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (I'rickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium) is the king of all medicines, P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier In the world. For sale by nil (lrupgislp. ' - A PLEASANT SURPRISE. Edward Tnylorls Happily Honored Upon Hie Twentieth Wrthday. F-1rcolt to tlr Sciae ICS! Trilotnr. FORM City, Pa., Feb II A sur prise party was tendered Edward Tay lor, the popular dispenser, on Friday evening, the event bung in honor of his twentieth birthday A very enjoy able time wat had, and tinmen u gamet were played, A young lady and gentleman had a vary spirited tjisCUl linn in regaid to the Wilton Pill The voting lady, presenting the negative side, won Refreshment! wers served during the evening. Among those present were Mr and riiMULK, THIS, ANh DKLICATK women find that Doctor U Pierce's Favorite Pre go scrlptlon builds up their I 0- stienKih. 'Hie makers take Jeff m. ) "" " "' 'Iiiii; h "i JRW ft ' '"' I1 il doe' II I I telle wf.l'rrf "r cure, In the case of every nftlicleil woman. Nervous or Oeneral i'v they'll return her money. billty, Dizziness, Fninl ness, I' 1 i in. ,i , Inter nal I iil1iiiriiriritir.il nnd III ration. I ilunn Pains, nnd nil womanly wenkni'sHes or ol inenls urn rmrd by the " 1'ieu ription ." Aiiito flfawsBfj La, Da. R. v, PibSobi DeorSw Hrwlfetuf- fen il Irnm Isei nitlon of the wmnli iinil Inllsin- maUon she wus ooinpletelf had rtddso mid llnurreil tboUl one year nt denlh's tkhV. Cc i nl Spplll nllons were given her tad 1 1 r . I'ierci 's Kavmlte Prescription ; she urH'luiillv retrained Strrinrth atel OODtlnUM to do so until she re. covend I nm convinced that tiny esse of Womb disease enn Ik' certainly nnd peiitia- uenuy cureii ny mo use or your reineiiien. Agt. Hoiitbern Kxp. t'o. READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on pae 7. It is the best one yet made public. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rol Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Mrs. W. H. Bnlter, Miss McAvoy. of Derrick; Dr. and Mrs C. E Taylor. Miss McAndrSWS, of Forest City; and Alei Brydsn, of vandling, A nnmber of from Oarbondals were present ay . AT WAVNE'S CAPITAL. Brier Ktuord or Passlosj Bvsnts in th Mapln Oity. SpttUtl to th SoreafoS IVfbaaei II.' .1 i-m 1 I I. II - Tin, vioini people of the Presbyterian obnroh gavt an eiiieriaiiinieni in tne cn.ip-1 rnjuv evening Shadow ploturet ami other fealuies. followed hv refrealiiiieuts made a pleasant evening, 1 he scorn In the ill hard loin iiiiiiieul at the I'xe.lianie 0I11I1 no In ft i. n. Saturday gives the following at leading the Hit. Charles J. Bentley played eight games, soorlng 787 points ; W. a WOOll. eight sa 71 1 iiomts . F. M Spencer, th games, 1,917 points; r rank A. H un. seven games, 700 p 'Hits , Charles II iwknr, nine games, 779 points. There bio fourteen mm k to be played, allowing a player to maka a poSSIbl 1,400 score li the eei'on I class Dr. C K poster hat live irauus 107 points; C, W. Weston, three games, 800 points; it a. Bmith, jr., six , nu .. 684 P Hood's Praises Itself Kidney Troubles - Brlght's Disoaso Curod Now Able to HOi l; md Sound as a Dollar. Jlfr. .John Saxton Of Beottflale, Pa. " I do think Hood s BarUpariHa Is 'worth Itt Welghlln gold.' For four years I stiffercil ml.ery with terrlhle pains in my back and trouble with my kidneys. The doctors thought I had Height's disease. Many a time I had to give up work, Slid eiintlnually grew worse, and when I ut or stooped down f had to he helped up. At last had to give up and go to bed and remain six long weeks. It was then I hegan to hike Hood's SarsaparUta, and I soon found that it was help ing mc although I had heen told nothing would help me and thought I Would Havo to Dlo. Bet I continued to Improve till I am now in per fect health and ham ai good a hack ai any man in town. Today I QUI do a good day's work, and truly feel that Hood's Sanapunila was a God-scud to me. 1 .m. .i sound as Uiu heil o ,i- Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures lar that was ever made, and I want this itata ment put Into print so that everybody can seo what good It did tne. Kvcry word of the nhovo ran lie proved by B score ol people here who know how I siiftrn il nrnl how I have biro cured. I took hut six bottles. I think no one can pralso Hood's s-irsnpurllls St much as It will praise Itself" ,1,,hn S.xXTnN, Hcottdale, Westmoreland Co., IVnnsylvniiii. Hood's Pills are Hie bsstattsi dinner PUIS, a,ai ,1 dlgSStten, euro headache. Try a boi. Closing out the bal ance oi our Dr. FC. O rawer Ik Phllidelphla Specialist, And bta stapeUtsd staff of English and oer nan i Ljieiu,1Uittro uow (.r,UUIJUIlUy i1A;aloi temple Court Building :i i t RPRIM i : s r SCRANTON Whir., u.u umy bt M,iuit.i daily and . , SI MMV. TB Doctor Is i. giH'InuU nt tha UnlvnrsitT I snpsylvasJa, formerly demonstrator of Pjjsiotojrj and surgvrj at the Medico (jhir "SjosJ Collaga, of Philadelphia, He Is also siiBonorary luembtr ol tbt Hedieo-C'hiraT-VUkI Assoi'iatlon, hii.I was physielan nd surmpn In ohlef of tbt most noted Ani-rlean ",', .J"'.'"!" '"'"I'1"''". rWlO". highly Indorsod by laSMtdlng profsstor of rhlladolphla and j mw I iirif. Bis manr yean of boraltal experieno 0u- tiles this tmiMut physician nnd suryeou tj correctly dlagtlOtl nnd treat all dsfafmlt ! and disesnes with the moHt Haltering siiee.-ss, and his hlih Itandlnf in the Ktat'i will not ii w him in teetpt any Ineurablt ease LOHI HANatlOIJ i i 1 1 m i I) u I tKNKHN Ol V il m, in CUBED If yon iisve oaaa given up ny your physt elan cull upon the SOO tor and 1 naminod He euret the worst nates of Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores ( atnrrh, I'lles, Fetualu Weakness Affectioni ot tbt Eur, Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, iJeafness. Tumors, ('an etrs and Cripples of every description. Con sultation In Englltb and Dermaa Kree, which nan na consMerso sacrea and strictly court dentlal me llouc: Il . H. Ul Sunday, a. m. to i at. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Then arc hundreds of young men and young women in Uiii country who have splendid ability, but tliey Lave never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Ibis been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. common ENQIdSH COURSE. BUSINESS COURSE SHORTHAND COURSE. n mrr-n. n . , F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. M-W YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. Carpetings ! U P. M. Ually. the: Upholstery Department or William : Sissenberger Opposite Daptitt Church, Penn Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets.Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a bubstantial manner Will be as good as new. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ClttlAM.Kl) ls.il. at following prices: Uuwiiin Djrna CSroular Cap 'i Inehsa M.M r.leeirn-Meill I ir . II III r ( .pes 'I In SI'S Astrakhan Circular Cspta NIs hhs Wool n Olnftisr Cap a n la lino Stout Marl n UJtcultr Capes, .'i 1 1 w.iw rewa Merteu iirenis-Capss, St in Itin 'ler i irciilio ( upe. ' .....i0.UI Seal Sacques Issl Sacquss, n lac'ss imie IIMtfJO eat faeksts, M Inohtt iminu t-e.ii Jaelehv M he loai aiOO Astrakhan Jaeksta 81 Inohet Ion 4 .tajyu Circular Capes se.il cjreularO . :n Inch it loiur. thj Butterfly rN jwmi otter Clrnultr Caps, 90 incbet Ions), With Butterfly Ctpo 105,00 Bable Oreular Ctpe, ninohesloni ... sr,m AstrSknaS Circular Ctpe, n Inch Imin H DO Blootrhi Hei Circular Cape, 80 In, lone., or.iy Orhamsr Qlrunlarcsp, mm long m ot jfidosja Amerlosh leal stuffs tl i a nsrh I lot I rhll. iron's ssts st Mo, tach 1 lot of SUlfh Robes, pluth Hated n tad) Ladies Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. a J. BOI-Z 138 Wyoming Ave. Tiio only Practical Kurrior in tho city. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. ErAltt7EL HINBR,rPretldent W. w WA WON, Vice Preakltni a 11 Vi 11, 1. 1 a Ms. Cashier. Diasonna, S llivrs, jambs M Rvvnn.sRT. IliVIMi A Kim 11. PlSnCI B, PntLBT, josaen J JaitMve, m a KaMaeaa,, Cnas. P. MATTHSwa Jons T. Poaiaa . VI -ON PROMPT. LNLRliETIC, C0NISI RVAIIVL and LIBERAL Thh imnk invttss the patronage ot bnaUsssi men mi, 1 Droit isusraliy, Third National Bank of Scranton. Organized lstj. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - $240,000 mis lutnk otters to depositors sveiy facility v, Hrriuit. il iy thelv oeteneesi bus!" heat ami Nsipnntlelliky. Npeelnl ml. nil., 11 given I.. btttlB r- eounta Interest pala on lime il.-poaita. vVILLIAM (iomii President. I'l l). H. A i i in. v Ire-President, WILLIAM 11 I'l l K. tablet unti l ions Willliitii rnntiall. f. mm II ( .ill,, Villi, I III, 11. 1 .lniiii.a Anlil.ulil linirv ''". r-. MIIII1.111 I. Mo Ilh, I. other Keller, Now arriving. We are ready to show many patterns in all grades of Carpets- enough to suit all tastes-which we offer at the lowest prices ever known in the history of the carpet trade. Under the head of BARGAINS We offer what's left from the January Sale, consisting of certain patterns of Carpets that have been dropped, odd pieces, short lengths and some slightly soiled, together with a few Rug, Some Oil Cloths Linoleums and Mattings KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A I I A PPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss TUK TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect the best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition Off the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua ble. Read new announcement on page 7. lie Mai-"ft A NOT MANY ft Days left of our Odds, E nds and Remnant Sale, but still a few chbice things, maybe just your selection, are here. We Are House Furnishers That statement will never become threadbare; and we don't have simply a spatter ing ol everything only, but a complete, comprehensive stock of Furniture, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Crockery, Stoves, Baby Carriages, Re frigerators, Lamps, Clocks. Our Credit System Allows you to pay for it at your leisure in homeopathic doses. sffiffcsSstfa&ljff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers