Tin: sen anton" tiuijune-Monday Corning, rEBiirAnv 12, 1894 IN 1 BEST FINDS Our Series of the World's Choicest Books Eagerly Sought After. mUCH DELIGHT IS EXPRESSED The Splendid Quality of the Binding! and the Remarkably Low Prices at Which the Various Volumes Arc Sold, in Connection with the Tribune Coupons, to the Readers ot This Paper, Cause Admiring Comment from Thousands of Book-lovers. The ppjuilur inttrit manlfaiUd in the iiiAxmtu-tiit etiaap boo otter unite by Tn Tmbom aonUooai wttu no iiTii of abatsuieiu Soviral iustahuoiUs of the Tanous ssriea have basil or l; I aud exhausts, but the demand still continues. Much appreciation, is tt presisd for the DMiOtM mlirprln whtolt aaablaa raadara ol this paparto tvure, a t prion ordinarily paid for i :. vY--'0 onti 1 books, -(:..-. works of the !,..-: literary iinalitjr bound bonml in a manur iviniueusu r.it with ttaif worth The baadsotuo seti of itwdard aut'.i Ott, 111 luperior KiikUsu vellum cloth bindings, are greatly admired, and IN biii purchased witrt an avidltv ttiat liitUss an tally selection vlvisnble to all who have not yet availed thtUMtlftl of this unprecedented opportunity to equip their libraries wita t:is word's its ' ird literature. roar ooaponi out and Mloot fr the following titles: STANDARD SETS. Baargt Billot J voiu:u $J v Cocper i volumes I H t'ooper. Mttar bicdiag J volumes.... t TS luiuai volumes 1 W Liekem-10 volumes 9 74 Taanttr 1ft TTlaiaai Tirj bin s w CXFORO EDITION. You have jeneraily paid 89 oeutt for a psper oovrred bOM We propoaa to give you an elegantly bouuvi bock, tamptd in old, fresh from ice pres.. printed la Urge, clear t.sps, for M eents. You- oau at almost any title la tuis series. Oier 1 900 have been to.'d la the ;ast few days bOCll IN THIS SEMES, Cb-:3n;, Old aaJ Kaw Ejj: lyuae. buss's seoret. Chi'.dren of the A'jbcy. tale OgiWie. Torn (.'nngls s Loj. Vicar ol Waketield. .Arabian Nigtrs Huiertaiuoieu:. Deidee, or tho Iron Hand. Ejgene Aram. Tne Countess Eve. Tee Confess!'. Li v.f a WoOUM. Zanoat, ('2 Eutaw. Baiwl Uav Wco-d aud Marr.ed. To Years Before ;ns M u:. iMnbia. All Sort and Condition of il;a Brd Mover. Tom Brown a: Qstc rJ. Ked i .:'.etc. Tom Brown's ichcol Day. tbkHf. A Stran Story. O iver T is:. Monsieur Leccp Mill in Um Iw Dick's sweetaear:. Jo an Uaii'ax. Keaeiia C&illingly. Last Days A PtiaaptU, The Spy. Pitgrtm'l Progress. The Foragers. Daughters of HetU. Fein Holt. Heart ot i Id. EtataU Orayatoa Fair w .men. The Bondman. ChaDit at PenrU. Frederick th ijr:aid U.s Gur:. Armorel of Lyoaijs. Chariemon:. t-.f Helo. B ancanamp4 Liai- K.ia Llub. a . Arri: Laly. Aorora Fuyd. A Maraeit Man. Triops, Tae Carrier. Bifflno. The HnorabU Mi-i. Lad Maudes Mia.a. M ilea. The PaviaUm Border Ba -1 Bride ot Laaimerr.-. .' Life of Daiol Boone. Tke Rival Princes. Mm'.t Baw d. M jrdered In toe K it U )fg i i B-r'-acb of Ai.a :n.ey. Ka.. ,rih Last of the Mohicaas. hoandon Bells. Old Myddietoa'i il .aey. Binr. i The Mstariooa Island. Myitery af OrcirL The Soad Wife. Monastery. Hearth for Baail Lyndi. iMt. Rob Roy The flvm of the S-ivea 'iabls. Swat Vivaa. Tbe Wa;eof Sin. Vlvaa firey. fitrange Adventarof of a Pit Ml . t, B7ond pHrd in. T&a AntU jary. Birds of R i The i tm of Qirdlestoo Fern Lenves. Cnar'.es Aacheiter. Pool Play. Gold Blai. Martin Cruzilewit. GMadoa, Catherine. PMMader. Oor Mnttiul Friend. Pickwick Papers A Pair of Bine i. Tr.e Prairie. Tbs Unman and Dirloe. y eaeaaea, Tb story of an African Farm, Consln Pons. Crown af vv.id Oilves Life of Kit Canon. David ' . :leld. Child's History of England. The Fairy of the Alps fto Name. My Loid and My Lade. Tour of the World In Day. Twenty Thousand Leafvee Uadef Sea. The Phantom Bkip, Jane Eyre. Jnce. Kaiokerbrx-ker History of .S'ow York Lady Aodley'n Hecrei. A Hardy Ifora'Dian. IJ'.uKo ou the Maisli. The Owl ii i... Old Curiosity Shop, Kick ut t he Woodx. Wit, Humor and Pathos. Queen Uortens. In the Bchlldngocourt. Pleaeera. My Heart'n Darling. Life of David Crocket. Lady Qaatlemalaa'i Divorce. The Bin ot Joust Avulingh. Woodcraft. Hulf Hour with (ircai Humorists, licit Hour with (ireut Story Tellers. Silas Wurner. Half Hour with Ureal Novelists. History of the Uulted States. Southward, Ob. Her Dearest Foe. Orent Expect afloat, Grimm's Kulry Tales, Uilded Clique. The Vendetta. jEop'H Fables. Waverley. Vixen. v Faith and Unfuith. The Deemster. a fail start. Scenes from Clerical Ufa. Charlotte Temple, Griffith Uiiunt. Vrscousflos. Maoteruiau lloady. Muster Passion. Old Mamaelle'a Secret. The baroan fuse. March in the Uenks. Sloane Stpmi ii Sciuid il. The Wigwam and Cabin, liny M.niim'itiijj. Plying Dutchman, Maiittoti of Dare, Marry Lorreqoer Outldevoy. Don Quixote. Donald Qraat Cut Up i tbt Baa. Ol hat ran pie's Money. OthatBat, ttavaabj Sadga, Den nil Dnval, ll'ia i'horiie. Tl o Dove in the Eagle's Nest. The Fust Violin. Madcap Violet Melltohatnpe. Rlohard Bardla, Tbl I'artlng of i tie Ways. Fort Liars and Other Llai, The Vlcomta'i iinde. tataw. Far From the Maddeuiug Crowd. Aureliau. Draunie o l,if.. Fateoai or lufjuiious. Mary St. Jehu. Alien. Bhadawt and Bunbeanti. Alail ritra, ihi Phoenician. Sw: Family Kotitusou. Rot D'Mole. Ladles' Panlly physician An Egyptian Prlaoau, Anderson1 Fairy Tales. Vanity Fair. The HnoMtaaa, i n.- Blrghteyei lv-t:tv Vears Alter. The Sci!t Latter. The Partisan, The Scout. Mvrlei Crusade Bai n MaachaaaaBa Kathantio Waltou. lonlgsbv. The Arundel Motto. Is LUa Worth Uvlag, Prlaeeai Saaihtai tarda Willi RelUi Thaddetu ul vVaraavA The Wooiaa o t. Syrlia. Twice Told Tales, K..vkU Fleuimiug. The Young Duke. S-.taue Cise of Dr. Jekvll UJ Mr. Hvde. the RUGBY SERIES. T'lis series coutains over LOO titles end is peculiarly adapted to boys. The lUthon are aiuoni; the most noted iu C.e laud and the booki are all htirarv gems. Fifty cents would a good bargaiu, bat four coupon! and vIO ceuti takss the prize. B". Ob. IN THIS 6EKIK-. Peep Down. The Boys ta the Forecastle. Roauoke IslauU to Murfreesbor Popular Nstural History Barbara's Triumph. Stories from American History. The Bmngglere' Cava Erila; lue Bold. Adventures Amoui the InJiaus. The KiSeaad the Hojud. O.ltort the Traveler. Parents' Assistant. Anduboa :h-' NaturslUt. llarlie'a Letters. Haaff's Fairy T ilea For: Sumter to Boaaoke Islau I. Sv hoc! Life, or Three Years a: Welvar "CD. Ocean Waifs. The White Elephant. My Tour ia Europe. Xitttra's Yjung Sobleman. Uascoyae. Frank WiMaian's Adventurers oa Land and Water. Anat Diaaa. The Ooid-n Magnet. Round th l World. Scores Abcut Animals. Yoang Voygers. Grace Od Uwia. Oermaa Fairy Tales. Famous Men. Boys' and Oirls' Story Book, boy Lonqaeror. Yonisg Fuiis History of Greece. Adventures of Famous Sailors. Iioys ol the bible. The Adventures of Itb itoy. Y.ung F..ks B-jvko," BirJs. Th Yr.unu Foresters and Other Tales. Salt ''Valer. Boy Slaves. Yoiing Adventurer. Old hfarry'l Travel oa the Coatlneat. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. brauy Grahame. Grey Hawk. Fsirv Tain from l!r-tano. W; d Spfirts ia the Far West. Eaoorn Fairy Legends Correut la South irn India. Cliff Climbers. Pirate Island. Cdgewortb's Moral Ta'ss. Y nng Acrobat. Dick chnvelry. Perils of tint -lunge. Through the Looking Glass. Dirk Rodney. Oar Yonng Boldiefa Bush Bora, Onen'al Fairy Tal. Yoang Folks' History of Home. Spanish Fairy 'iales. Eric Dar.e. Eight Years' Wnndria?s in Ceylon. F'.rt Pillo'v to the End. The Fire Brigade Grsr.dfati.er s Ciinir Jacka-ips and Other Tales. Yo .ng I olks' lli'tory of Germany. M'jl'reeshoro to F ;rt Pillow. 1 ha Mo'intain Cave. I'Unt Hunters. Tho VI r 1 1i M Paol Disk. Baron Mniir-htusen. HteWOfth'l I lassie Tales Ji' k Wheeler. Yonng Folks Natural llisfory, Young i'f.lks ii;t.,rv nf I ruoe. vi.nrteraof tto Great Deep, Tho Wolf Bay in China, The atagtrian'a Show Bet, iluk Heawoftb. Lake (tnr,ett' Hi In Cut. Adventnri"! of Pamoni Travelers. BaodfOVd and Mertco, In the Wilds ot New Mexico. Thn Tiger Prini e. The Had Cric Number il. COLUMBUS SEHIES. 'J hie series If the triumph of the ag. All the popular bonks, over 1,0110 tiller, bonnd in i loth, stamped in gol I, at 10 cnt One young man took forty book! of this sarins, had all of Dickens', ill of Idiot's and a splendid Hue of miscellaneous woi Iff for only (A. Toy ptlnt ii large, the hooka lira new and for the pleaiureuf tooling they do the work, Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Man's Darling. Allan y iarterinnin. Ah In a Looking Glut, Arabian Nightv Bntertalontfeii At thl World's Mercy. Bonnie Dora. Bride of the Tomb. Camllle. Child's History of BngUad A Dateless llargnlu. The Uaer Slav. r The Duke'e Secret. Dedlee, or the Iron Hand. Dirk's Wanderings. Doubly Wronged. A Drapuruln Woman. A Dreadful TatBptatloa A Driilhbrd Man lege. East I.ymie. Essavs of Ella. The rroaen Pirate, Orlmmii' Household Fairy i'alo.s. Dm KenmerVi wife. The Houno on the, Marsh. Tne Hou. Mrs. Vereker. Handy Andy. Ivinhoe. Jacqnnliua. Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Gentiemen. Lady Audley's Secret, Lust Days ol Pompeii. Tho Last or the Mohicans, Lorna lioune. A Life's Remorea Little Ooldeu's Dnnghter. Little Nana. Mr. Forteeqttei tn Andreau ltomunce. Tne atattai of iho Miue. Malt; a Tale of thl Caravan. Molly Bairn, i'he Nun's ('urwi. 'Jld Mam'sollu'a Secret. Oliver Twmt. I he Patlitlnder, Tho Pioneera. i'he Prairie. a Prince of Darknafa, Quienie'i Tirrlbli secret. fill Reproiob t Aiiuesley. ftoblusOV 'rusoo. Keinulii Bory O Moore. The Rabbl'f Spell The Rom lad the Lily. She. The Sket, Ii Book, Thl Swill Family KoblolOB, Becond fhoahta SiiMiigeCaiu of l)r Jeykyll and Mr. Hyde. Tom Brown'i Bobool Pays. Tour of tbl World In iitKhty Dayi Twenty Thousand I.eaguVi Cudor ths- Sea i he Two orphans. rwoYean Before the xiat. i inter Onn anta, A agrant Wife The Wlteh'l Head. Wiiii Reply, t .hi bv Waiting. A Woinan'a F.uu. A wiftiv Orlna, ; dam Beds Crooked Path. Cardinal Bin, Blind Love. Uoylo'i (iatnea Wife III Name Onlv. Janet'i itepantancai Unter ot Batleatrae Ivan the Serf. Lady V'aliwoith'i Dlanoadii For Faith ami Freedou, We Witle ' hristiuns Stories. Col Quaritih Family Affair. a Mental Btrugels, For Aaothar'i Bin Myitmoai isinuu. Rsdieuied bv Love. Prlaeeai ol Tbitja We Two. At War with Herself. Missing Husband, ilel w eeu 'Two Slus. Ilarou Mumiiauseu. Evil Oeimis. UNIVEKSAL StRIES. The books embrace tho works of tne mist raoowned nuthorson subjects of science, history and fiction are really among the t I standards aud are worth more than double the amount which the readers of TtU TRUUM have to pay. i'hey are bound iu a uciiiue cloth 0OVII with gold top; BOOKS N THIS KKlti Horse Book. Hampbrey clinker. Hyi oriou. Irving's Sketch D.iok. irvmg's Lito ot Washington, lviiuboe. Jeremy Taylor's Holy Liviug. Juuius' Letters. The Koran. Last Days of Pompeii, Legend! of the Patriarchs an Pro, bets Lives of Celebrated Men. Lives of Calibrated Women, Macsnlay's biographical Belay. Miiidlemarcn. Mill on Liberty. Mrs. Candle'i Curtain Lectures. Natural Law In the Spiritual World. flight Side ol Nature. floctea Atubro-iauue One Hundred Years of a Nations Life. Outre Met Obiter Dicta. P.i' and Present, Pla: ot.xry and Sollar World. Hu aichV L vm. mtijo vuluma. Pr. Be Writers of America. t e's Tales. Pr. i ott'i Mbcellaai'i Reebtles of liiaa Life. Religion of the Ancient World. Kochoioucault s Maxims aud llolleo tlons. Siira Private, Sartor Kraur u. fcay n;s, wita and Othitwiee Beamita'l Ancient History. Bobmlta! History of England. chmltz s History of iirece. Pchmiti's II i. lory of Home. Seekers Aftft God. Self Help. Seneca's Morals. Saven Lamps of Arr hitecturo. Smith's Rejected Addraaetv, The Spect it r. Sejncer on Elucntluii. Sterne'a Sentimnntal .L.iirney. Story of an African Farm Taine's iiisturv of Bogliah Literature, 'l backaray'i Haiiy ami Late Papors. lain, for the Pnoole. The Bpiearian. 'iue R-iirii of Liw. The Unity of Nature Vanity Fair. Vathck. Westward II". v. iilnim Mcistci's Apprenticeship luJ Tiavels, American Humorists Ancient ib-ligious Art and Life, Artie Discovery, Bacon's Esays. Beyne'i lii-aya. BetW i ( harity. Biogrnphla l.lterari. My Literary Lift and Iplnlons, BroWB'l Hiblii Dictionary. Brown's I Sonoordnnoe, Bnffon'l Natural History. 111." II War Batfir'i Analogy i,r Religion. liulwor'a Wit and Wiailom. arlylv'a Kaininlscenriis. f heviifs,i'a AdVka to I Wifn and Mother. Ooafiasloai of aa Kafllah Opium Eater Confn'iiis mid Mencius. ook'a Voyigie, rrasy'n De( islVlBattlai of Ihe W uild i nrlom Myths Classic I ' .rim li , CliiS'l". )ssys. Cyclopedia.,! Bmluat Christians I Imroiidii David ' opperflild, I loii Vgiiixntp. Early Days of ' hrisllatilty. Eliot I (Qeorge) Esaaya, BffS and Babylon, An liiypllan Princess. Etaei ve Aninitie. Emaraoa'i Essay,. Fiist aud laooad Series. EmlaiBt Ann ricaoa Esfaya f RUs, FamOQI Warilnrs. Fox's Hook of Martyr. H'lklel Lit and words OfOhrial (Ireat ilanarals. ureal Tboaghti from Oreek Aatbon Ureal Thought, r, ,,lUu Authurs' Highways nf Literature, i hn llei mils. Hero, and Hern Worship, Historical Bvldeaoe, History or All itnllglona. Ultory of Middle Age, Hlitory ol 'Norway, iTwedin ami Dtnmark History of Ihe Ollnmiin Emplie HlHtoiy nf the Pilgrim Fathers History of Hnia. History of Spain and PortDga History of Frame, History of Uermaoy, Ulitory or Holland and Heigium lllstoiy or India. Hisinry of California. Hiaioty of Charles mi. illstury and Poetry of Finger Rings M ISC LLLANE )US SERIES. Tlilneries OODtllni ovir 100 tltlft, emhrsolng the brat worki of all tint famous nutlinra and covering Hie ii I i of science, ait, philosophy, hlntory, and Ration. Hu h look ii printed from larga type, on Hue paper, ami 1, mib stantlally bound. The regular price Is 75 oeuls, but you may have them at 110 cents BOfltn of thia class usuully re tail from 1 to l 2H Hu trnitlnn Utntt fxm ,.r ioi(ai; U Bl Iht lw u ili ( t$nt In mall. WEAK MEN YOnR attention II ' '.ii.io TO Tin: Ureal 1 nalieh Bexeadv. St Sl Oray's Speotflo Medicine IF YllU S1IFFFB from Ner HUM i i liu.1 lc Ili lit v Vl'....L ..,.- ,,f ll.lv bm.I M....I .. ......... v. f J .I1U, (.11.1 loi i Ilea, ami IiiipoO n.-y, and all dlauunm tiiat .... .. ,,,,, vl ,,, m.hw hu. Hia'amwe, aa l.ooa ut Memory and l'owor, Dinmam nf Yi, Ion, l'reinutiirn 'id Aun and many otliurdh sal that land to Insanity or Cnnsumptloo iei mi mill v grave write for a iiamoiiiot AddreesORAy M EDICTNl Co., liulfalo N. v Tn.. hpselhe Uedleiaa . sold iv au ortunlate at I per paokage, or i paekagsa lor sy,,ur mint by mull nn leei-ipt of money and "I n WOO "id,;r w i I'Aiia TEE (t""tM KOUOUIll M COUBtrftJtfl t UiiVit lUOpttfU ttlO VvllOW WntMiri, tl ly gfDU inc. Hold in icriBtoB bf Mm Umwi uirui Atlantic Refining Co. itanofaetureri ami Deelerilu llluiiiiiiatins aud Lubricating OILS Llniaed Oil, Naptiins ind Qaao lim-a of nil gradns Axlu (Dense Pinion Groaee and Colliery Com pound . also, n lirga lino of Par rgfllna Win ('undies. We alao bandlatba Fatnom CROWii ACME OIL, t In, only family aafuty burning oil In the market WILUAM MASON, Manage. ofttt'sj- Coul KlflUMMk WyoBilnj Vv ui ku ut riiio Brows ill Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tin) Calibrated PlLSENER fedy, uiiJim Kiutantjr, lackel Ly NwU)n.., .1 Kj HD r ifttv pMMii uj IM'PdM Iwiik.iUiHiMlH inu. H HB U(e I I" I e ii,. i KlnbHul M'f.iii 1 ami M. u. Oui M.iuio Remedy m H putttlvnlv cure. I OOk It VHP Hi (O, I tilaftajo, III. M 1 1 PHl Lageb Beer CAPACITY KX),OCXJ Bbk Per Annum, malonp:y oil and manufacturing coi alanulrieturers and Unaleri i Mttj am n. i itfanqUILO Also Shafting and Journal Creasa. OFKlCli:-7'-l Wt Lackawanna Ava. vjuab Haiidiap Strssl 1 ,.' i f f) If 4.R A -..,S,JrsijJ.- .V'M'"V' SUPERLATIVE 1 be above brand of Hour ran bo had at any of the following merchants wl will aooept Tiik TRIBUMa n ut it coLI'on of SS on each one hundred roands of Hour or ."iU on each barrel ol Hour. Eerinton - f P, rii. a, Wublagton avenue. i in .1 Modal Brand Hyde Park Canons) pevta, Wastabarti st. ii...M. Iiil Hrand; J. m ,i a Mi-ars,Main avenaa Bnpertatlv Brana. tireen Klila-e A L.Hpeiie.ir.Hiil.l Meilnl Hraml Dunmori r P Prfoa ii.,ui m,.,ibi Brand. "Ivihsnt -Jamas jordau, Boperlative bratel Iliinniore K i Mauley Su.rlti,i hraml. rrovldeaoi -Fnni 'imijii x Main avs nn. Hiiterlallvn hiiul:i'. J Uilloaple, V Maiket tre,.t. ilnlil Me.lil Hraml. Kiisor, Pureilatlve Pickville Bbaffsr Hl'an.l Jermyn O, i) Winters .V Suri'tulativj bread Carbon dalB B CUrk. field ItadalBiwid , Hoaaadale- j x. Poatar a 0a lioKi Medal ; Hraml ! Boneedela V,P Bobaaek.Bnwrlatlva Brand I niton S i: Finn it Ben, Held Mwlal Hran 1 (iniildsbnni S A. Aitiuns. (iold M. dal hraml Tonvaaana Tobyhanna a Lehigh Lumaa I Cn . 1 1, .1.1 Mi-dal bland Mercereau . 4 Connell :toT LACKAWASMA AVISNUH DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Cloc ks, Bronzes, Onys Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet 1 .amps, ( Choicest Bric-a-Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING EWtR PIPES, HUE LININGS. LIME. Bl? 1 1 on, tht x y. Triton, Aov. 1, U9X The Flour Awards "CniCAOO, Oct 81. Fba first offlcial aiiiiouiici'ineiit of Worlds Fair di I'lotnaa on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judge.? to the flour manti faclured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , io the preat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. Tho committee reports Ihe Hour strong ami pure, and entitles it to rank as Brat-clan patent Jluur for family and lakers' use.'' MEGARGEL & CONNELL VTBOLB8A1 BAG NT AND GOLD MEDAL Three Magnificent Oilers. i Trio of Chances to Get the Finest Art Portfolios Printed at ternn so easy that all can buy. OFFER NUMBER ONE. The World's 1 'air Portfolio, in four parts, each part containing between fifty and sixty views of the great exposition, and the whole forming a superb represen tation of the greatest exposition the world has ever seen, may be had as previously announced. Three Coupons, cut out as explained below, together with 10 cents in cash, will secure it. The demand is heavy, but we will fill all orders as fast as the Hying presses can print the hand some books. OFFER NUMBER TWO. I he "Wanamaker Panorama of the W orld s Tair. which has occasioned such a furore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertain ing to the young and old, and instructive to all. It is such a volume as should be in every patriotic home. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected his tory, it will be necessary to have all the parts. One new part appears each week. I here are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous, full-page views in each part. Ten cents in cash and two coupons of different dates, cut as directed below, will secure it Part One is now ready in unlimited quantity. Other parts will be announced. OFFER NUMBER THREE The young folks all delight to take that famous "Trip Around the World" by means ot the handsome and instructive Portlolio of Photographs showing noted scenes and picturesque spots in all parts of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa tion in itself; this album. Don't fail to have it, if you haven't it now. It will be a lasting treat. Just now. in particular, see the views it gives of Hawaii, the land where Queen Lil ruled. Two coupons and ? cents in cash will secure this treasure. e've had to do it. The demand was too great. We've had to make THREE offers where we though two, surely, would be enough, But the public wouldn't be satisfied. So we've added the Wanamaker series, and continue the other two. You need all three, to be really in the swim. Each one is better than the one before it; at least, that's what you think. Better order early it you want a prompt reply. All the various parts are going like hot cakes, lillltllllllllllllllllllltlllMlilllMllllsllllllllllllllllllll.lllllllllllllllilllllllll FEB. 12 I Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. This Coupon, with two like it, but of different I I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one s I part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parts tne one announced oaiore. 5 FEB. 9 2 1 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ-1 ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one a part of the celebratad "Wanamaker"' Portfolio, de- a scribed above. New part each week. Part One I a now ready. FEB. 12 Tho onlv aafn. aurn nnd 1 'I'.l .M ' .'1,1 ill' J I I . 1 , over offorod to Ladlcm. evpoolally recommoud- od to mamad Ladlaa. . A.li t..,. TAT. wnimiia afcaa .. t , t w a.,, I I .1 . .. . ..... Vf Bend lor ulroulnr. Price 1.00 p r oX, U box. a lor 5.00. Z SDOtS in all CliniGS DB, MOTT'H t'lIKMIC'AL CO.. - It vcKmd. OhU 9 P "IDB uruiuii M, iiAUiii-.. Drugtliti 11 fiuu Annua PENNYROYAL PILLS. This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- e ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo a graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted niiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiuiiuiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiv,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers