THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNINtf, JANUARY 13. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wanti of all kinds cost that much, cx Cfpt Situation n'anled,ichich art insti led t'HEE. Situations Wanted. S'"TvATIWrWANTED BY A BUTCHER 2ti years old who umlersUndj the bust liege) oan give referiMioo it required. Addrosa ta," box 'A Taylor, Pa. WANTt'.D-A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES to read to elderly ludy or gentleman u few hours each day. Address header, PUU tou. Pa. ( UfANTED-A SITUATION BY A A1AK ried man. aged 'Ji: Ha a fair education uud can give the best of reference in regard to c haracter. Has bad experience as clerk in store, as farmer and as school teacher, Ad dreas N. N., Tribune office. V A NTEDBTaT Ml Tub LK AGED LADY t position a IMMMMpei or QtltM t.-nnj fur nurelug, !8 pjr week. He oieuce glvcu. Addroas, Houaekeepjr. Tribune oilier. 'clTI'AflOS WAN 1 1 1 A 3d EKK'A N MAN i? US veais ot age ai d married, to act aa watchman, janitor reference. Addles or talesman, A, io. 1 Ki '1 rlbune ofllc v U 'ANTED SITUATION GOOD PIAN ist, .. ,l- well up lu show busi nesi. T. M ., Tribune o'Bce ll'AXTED-VOUN'O LADY DKSlKtS A II position lu office as Uunogravdier and typewriter. Will work for the experience she vtuuldgaiu. Would prefer a place Hat in a few weeks would receive salary. Address A. B , Tribune office. For Sale. FUlY SALE FINE' 'UP RIG H"t"p1AN O AT a bargain. Mi .letlersitn avenue. 50B SALE -- BS-ACRB FARM, STOCK I1 and utenslla. J M. SHEFFIELD, M Monro; ave. i -OR SALE HOWLING -M.'.I.V i'lX 1 turoi, comp ete. 30i tenter street, city. J'OR SALE OKB M'.W YOST TYPE I writer, also jiioiiou- Abbott cheek punch, at a bargain. Address H. J., care Tribune of fice. L'Olt SALE OR EXCHANGE Fori SCRAN " ton property A bearing orange- grovu 'increasing in promotion und value yearly ul the orange section in Florida. Addres F. E. METTLETuN". Lak. Helen. Fioriua GENERAL NEW S OF INDUSTRIES Alms and Purposes ot the Antliraclle Coal Operators' Association. DEFINED AT THE GOTHAM MEETING While Willing to Co-operate with the Large Companies the Association Does Not Propose to Let Theso Companies Steal a March on Its In dividual Members Other Live News Relating to the Contemporary In dustrial Situation. For Rent. 'c'i'OKE PoS KI'.'nT-STOrITrOOM AND 0 basement. No. 123 Peau avenue, now oc cupied by C. S. Woolworth as a il cent store. Inquire of B, 0. HILL, 131 North Washington avenue. -- HOB KENT - A LARGE STOKE ROOM AT 1 Spruce itrect. Inquire at 114 Wyom ing avenue. ftOB KENT - THE FURNISHED RtSL f deuce of the late William W Manness, 127 Jefferson avenue, with or without barn lu tho rea- Inquire ot H. A. Kuapp, Republieun building. "POR RENT-LARGE STOREROOM ND 1 taeoinent I) ke in aveuue.t-reen Ridge t-uitable for tnrnituie and und rt iking. Kent low. O. A. C l.E Art V ATER. POR RENT-TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL I ling house; modern improvi'inerTta. 313 Foreat court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent, Tsu West Lackawanna avenue. rpo LET FOR AJEKM OF YEAH8 1 Part or ail of three hundred feet of yard 100m along railroad. Apply at IM Franklin avenue. RENT-STOKE 26x9(1 OK FURNISHED hall on flreen Rida stn'Ot. Very deslra- ole location and on reasonable terma. Apply toF. E. NETTLETON or C. S. WOODRUFF, Republican buildiag. Special Notice. mo 'IMIE ANNUAL 1 .Tin imam 1 ,i i.- Ilia AK.IVilU U 1 V. 1 . . !,.. ' nf tha . ' Mill f . f,ii , I . . . ,.H.-,,, titiiiof bv-luws. election of nfflllAM mill mieh other business as may come before the meet ing, will be held ut the First National bank at eight o'clock p. in., Suturdav, January j 10. 1S91. A. W. DICKSON, Secretary. LECTION NOTICE - THE ANNUAL I 1 meeting of the stockholders of the Scran ton Stove Works will be hald at til office of the company in Scrantou Saturday. Jan. 13, UN, at 'IM p. m. A. p FULLER.Secretary Scruuton. Pa.. Dec s, MM. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I I Hrm of I. A. Finch & Company, having Mild their entire plant business and goodwill to the Finch Manufacturing Company, havo this day, December Ben, IMj gone out of business All persons having claims against the retiring llrni are reques ed to present them o Mr. Irving A. Finch, through whose hands all such payments and all collections will be made. "THE SOLDIER IN' OUR CIVrL WAR.' J containing Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated. Over USD pages. Asauedu cat or it is unexcelled Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete. Address P.O.Moody. J, Fraimlln avenue, agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvania. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT HI, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue Twenty meal ticket tor 3.oO Good table board . CKANTON WRINGER 0 Spruce atreet, ground floor. HOSPITAL, 310 1 lie best olid white rublier rollers, nno dollar each. Work guaranteed by the oldest and only el pert wringer repairer in Scranton. Reii tit ate. L'OR SALE-SINGLE HOUSE. tmiyUlNOV J avenue: very aesirable location. Anply G F ItEYNOLDS, or WILLARD, WAKKEN .V KNAPP. V'.'.UjOWILL IiUY MOD URN NEWS-BOOM O house, all improvements; terms easy; cor net Madisou avenue and Delaware street. Ap ply HARRY LEES yl.-WU WILLbUV VEKV DESIRABLE LOT '? corner Madisou avenue and Delaware atreet Terma easy Apply HARRY LEE3. Business Personals. CANTAO-FOR MEN ONLY OKKATEST lij restorer and developer known, strenglitj eus, invigorates. Price 12 Guaranteed -ssend stamp for confidential circular Dr. H T. MILLER, 21 y i:im- strdet. Chicago. LADIES TONTE IS THE ONLY SI C cesBful Bust Developer known Never fails HMb Full confidential particulars s ealed i for 2e. stamp Mrs. Dr. H. T. Miller, 21 Qnincy St.. Chicago. New York Produce Market. Nw Yoiuc. Jan. l'A Floor-DuII, week. WHKAT-Motlerateiy active, firmer. No. 2 red, store and elevator, 66Hfa6fic.: afloat, 698680.; f. 0. b., 7a68c.: No. 3 red, 1. : ungradetl red, 6i.'KaCc. ; No. 1 northern, 2a7J,Vc. ; options ?ery dull, ,'aXc higher, closing firm. No. 8 red closed, JHnunry, February, 67kc.; Marob, 68Kc! May, 71c; June, 7l)c.: Jaty J2Jic. ; Deceruber, 77o. corn Dull, unchanged iteady; No. 2, ljc. elevator, 49Xc afloat: ungraded mixed, 41a42H'c; options mill, closing steady and unchanged: January, 414'c. ; February. 42c; March, 43)c.: April, 4-U,c: May, 44 c. UAT8 Dull, weak: optlonn, doll, firm er; January, 88,Vcj February, 8SKc; March, 8430.; May, 84Jo.; spot prices: No. 2, aici No. S wfiite, 35c; o. 2 Chicago, 8iVa; No. 8, 32c, ; No. H white, 83c.; mixed western, oa8a; white do.. 35h40c; Whit state, 85a40c Bkef-DuII, bKEF Hams guiet. Arm, $10alO.GO. Tiekoro Hekk- Inactive. Cut Meats More demand, firmer, pickledbelllea, 7Jc; pickled shoulder?, etfo.1 pickled hama9n9)Vc. Lard Nearby firm, futures easier; western steam closed at 8.65n8.W!j city, 8 : aabtfo: option Sales, none: refined, quiet: continent. $9.10: Houth America, )U.SU: compound, OXuBlc. Point Quiet; firm; moss, 14.B0al5. Bitter Quiet; fancy, steady. t'HKESK Fair fleniand. Eoos Steady. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know it value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try H Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Botyle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co , Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Fills, Free, as well as a copy or Guide to Health and Hon-ehold Instructor, Free. ' All of which it guaran teed to do you good and coat you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. This is how tho Philadelphia Times looks at it: "The independent opera tors of the anthracite coal tra le.known as the Anthracite Coal Operators' as sociation, held a very largely attended meeting in New York. The orgnniz.t tiou is new. It was formed for the pur pose of protecting; tho interests of its menbers. Its membership constitutes almost the entire iudepeudetit interest. Last year independent operators pro duced ttbont 10,DUO,000 tons out of the 43,000,000 tones miued. Heretofore in dependent operators have alwayu been considered a part of the company over whose lines they ship. They have al ways hseu very aggressive and the "shipping companies have often found it impossible to prevent them rrom overproducing an! cutting prices. I Their organization recognizes that it is better to ttecuro a profit on a smaller tonnago than to put out a large ton nae with little or uo profit. With this as a basis they propose to heartily co operate with the shipping compan ies. Restriction will be the basis of their plan. They agree not to produce more than thoir proportionate rate. For example, if the sales agents should put tho trade on a 00 per cent produc tive basis for the mouth the independ ent operators woul J expect to confine their mining within that limit. While the independent operators' organizi tion will co-operate with the compan ies, it will also look sharply ufter the interests of its members, seeing that they obtain all they are justly entitled to iu the way of output." Among those holders of New Eug 1 aid securities who signed a petition to the court asking to have Thomas C. Piatt made permanent receiver wss Russell Sage. The latter has a large interest in the bon Is of the' company which c ime into his possession when be and Jay Gould were actively Inter ested in the road. It is not generally known that Mr. Sige continued to hold these bonds, and the fact that he does explains the interest shown by him in Mr. McLeod's pland for the ex tension of the New England system Much significance Is. attached to the fact that Mr. Sage desires the appoint ment of Mr. Piatt for permanent re ceiver. Says the Stockholder: ''There is no longer reason to donlit that the rela tions of the Lehigh Valley and Jersey Central railroads have been seriously strained, and the breach is likely to be widened through the present struggle for business The competition between the two companies must necessarily be -harp, with, however, the result ae disastrous to one as to the other. The fight for coal traiiic is already on, and indications are that it will continue ind -finitely, increasing in severity as the dull period approaohes. Aside from the fact that the two roads are natural competitors, the action of the Jersey Central during tne recent Lehigh Valley strike has inteusifi id the feeling of dissatisfaction between the compantei. That this is true is shown by President Wilbur's annual report, in which he Bays.referring to the transfer of bis road's New York connections from the Jersey Central to the Penn sylvania: "During the strike we found it impossible to continue to run our Ireight trains between Jersey city and Rosello over the tracks of the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey. That company first positively declined to furnish pilots for our trains, and sub sequently gave ub such hesitating and qunlifi'd assurance of aid as to be prac tieally of uo avail ; and although every effort was made by us to put traina over their line between the points named, little could be done owing to the hostility of their employes and the apparent indifference of their operating officers." Statement of shipments of anthracite coal (approximated) for week ended Jan. !, 1894, compared with the corre sponding period last year: 1-HI Region. Wyoming. . Lenutn, Tom. to : 159,141 Schuylkill Totuln &4-.',743 Tons 9ML824 77.(01 1 v Dec. Inc. Inc. Tons fi.OUs U,7U 20,li returned to work the first of this month they were reduced to 7 cents. Their wages now will be i)i cents per 100 pounds. The National Tube works, at Pittsburg, will resume operatiors next Monday. There are at present about 800 men em ployed in making repairs und getting things in roadinoss. When the mills are running full about 0,000 employes will be giveu work. lu thousands of cases the enre of a cough is the preventive of consumption. The surest cough medi ine lu tht world Is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Bold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. aU7,tKf Inc. Si,uau freneral Freight and Paaieuger Agent Berriman, of the Bech Creek, says the report that the company has been cutting prices is one which 19 cir cnlated each calendar year. Sometimes it relates to his company aud at other times to other ompanies. There is absolutely no truth in the report. The New Haven road has notified the New E-igbwd that hereafter it will require the prepayment of all freight received from the New England for points on the line of the New Raven road, or, iu other words, Boston mer chants shipping to New Haven points via tho New England must prepay all their freight. Minor Industrial Nkws: The bituminous coal that is used for fir ing locomotives on the Lnbigh Valley railroad la mixed with anthracite one barrow full of bituminous to throe of an thracite. The output of pig Iron did not Increase Id December, but stocks did slight ly. The weekly capacity of the furnaces in hlaat is less than 100,000 tons, so that in December tho country was consuming iron at the rate of about 5,1X10. 000 tons per annum, or something more than half the consumption of IbWiund 1898. Receiver Payne.of the Northern Pacific , says tbo earnings on the average per day are from 40 to 45 per cent below those of last year. The Allentown Spinning company has announced n reduction of 10 per cent, la wages. Oyer 400 employes are affected. Iteiug unable to procure work and hav ing uo fuel to keep himself and family warm, George Kline, a resident ot Allen town, on Thursday stole some coal. He was arretted and Alderman McUloskey sent him to jail for ten days. Davey it Wesley, thn well known rock contractors, of Wllkas-Barre, have taken n contract for the sinking of a slope 1,000 feot In length in the interior of No. 5 col liery of the, Delaware & Hudson Coal com pany ut Plymouth. They are now sinking the mammoth Maxwell shaft at Ashley. Thn wire drawers employed nt the Brad duck Wire works, at Hnnkm. were notified that their wga would be cut Si per cent. They accepted the reduction end returned to work. A year ago they were receiving 75 ' cents per 100 pounds, aud wheu Uiey FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and. Ponds New York. Jan. 12. A better tone characterized the dealings at the Stock Exohnuge todav, except in the case 01 Louisville & Nashville, which fell from to40;i with astibieqaent recovery to 42 The improvement ranged from to per ceut. The market closed linn and U to2?J per cent, higher than last nigh'. Total sales were 120,231 shares. The foil wing comploto table showing the duv's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied and revised daily by LaUar & Fuller, stock oioKers, ill Wyoming avenue: Open- Hull ing. Am Cot. Oil '.H Am Sugar. "l'-i A. T. . F lul$ Can. So ti Con. N. J 11 ttZ Chic. & N, W.. uihi C, B. a y Chic. Uas 0.. C. C i. St. L. ( id , Hock.Val. & T D. A; H IM- D,, L. & W D. & 0. F mi Brie 14 O, E. Co N Lake Shore ttlfa L. A M 4ltf Manhattan 1-1 Hiss. Pile tm Nai. Lead K, Y. & N. K lls S, Y. Central 7?g N. Y.. O. & W U B, y.,s. & W V. S. C. Co North Fao 4h North Pac. pf HH Omaha Wu Pac. Mail Wi Reading IS Rock Island til R. T St. Paul 55;8 T..C. fc I LV4 T. it us & Pac .... Union Pac V Wabash, pf J8tJ W . Union 8I1 w. L, g n W. & L. E. pf Uj est. iMf t2W a lit1 1 11s HN 74M m Low est. at UM MM 4(iH 1U 1 ' wi u Clos 1 g. MM 53 it!" ui III Utw, m u :ni'., lEQ I 15 T US m vft iiij it M 41J f 15 M 4 it's U'4 U1., 85 M it HH H UH mi is m U5M (H 05 Kf 55M i l 1514 1 ii iiS a5t ml m Uif 12Js W Chicago Qrala end Provisions. Scranton, Jan. l.'.-Tue following quota tions aro supplied and 0 .rr I dally by La B ir St Fuller, stock brokers, 1-1 Wyoming avenue. WHEAT. Opening 01 mguesi , Lowuet ,. Closing COKiN. Opening. nig ghost. Lowest Closing OATS. Opening. . . Highest Lowest PORK. Opening Highest Low st Cl ising LARD. Opening Highest Lowest Cl sing 8H RT ribs. Opnniug Highest Lowest Closing Jan. May. July. 01 i6 erw ei ecu ti:l til i.i, 07 01 00 07J4 M iistg W 1W, 8P SSR H 4 m m ami 2SH 27 30M m WO 13W imi uu uj) m: - HJO 13 81 9H HSi 7W - S17 M tSi 785 80 087 - 09) K) 080 CSO two us; - "Disfigured For Life" Eoranton Wholesale Markets. Sorantov. Jan. 1 .' FnuiTa AMD Pao ducx urled apples, per lb., ea7e.: evap orated apples, Sa'Jc. per lb.; Turkiab prunes, 4(aSe.; English currants, 4a4'c.; layer raisins, $1.90a2.UO; muscatels, 11.40a 1.60 per box; new Valencies, Ja7Ve. per lb. Beans Marrowfats, I2.C0&2.C5 per bushel; mediums, Jl.sOal.OO. Peas Ureen, t -i.25al.30 per bushel ;spli t, f2.50a2.00; lentela, 8al0c. per pound. PoTAToxt 0570c. per bushel. Ojiiohs 70a75o. per bushel. Buttih 2iia25e. per lb. Cbeksc 10al2c. per lb. looa Fresh. 24c; pickled, 10c : coolers, 19o. Miats name, 10fe.: large. 10c.; skinned bams, lOe.; California hati 8c; shoulders, Sc.; dry salted belUes, '.''.ic; smoked breakfast bacon. 12o.; fresh pork loiua, inc.; "Wyoming" pork sausage, Uc.; Wyoming borne made sau sage, 8-pound pail, lardod. 11c; butch ers' sausage, 8)ic, our own mak: fresh pork shoulders, 70.: fresh pigs' feet. Sc.: fresh pigs' heads, 5a; freeb spare ribs, Sc.; fresb leaf lard, lie; fresh kidneys, 8c. doz.; rough sausage meat, 8V4'c: tongue, 8a;plucka, Sceach; whole hog', 1o. PORK Mess at tli; abort cut, $18. Lard Ivoaf in tierfte at 0)4.; In tubs, ''iC; in 10-pound pails, b ; in 6-pound pails, lOc; 8-pound pails, loe. per pound. Beef Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. e PooxTRT-chlelten, Halloo.; turkeys, 13ai:iXc; ducks. UaISc Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel $4.40a4.60; Ohio nnd Indiana amber, at $8.78; Clrabam at $3.fi0; rye flour, at Bcokwhkai Flodr-12.90 per cwt. Feed Mixed, per cwt., at $1.00. Qrai5 Kya, B6e.; torn, 4K to r2e. ; oats, 80a45c. per b, shel. Rtb (tiiaw- Per ton, lUalO, IlAY-Per ton, llnajs. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 12. Tallow was firmer, with n better demand. Price were: rnme city, in hogsheads, oc: priuieM COIintrv. in ImrraliemU ii flu ti hogsheads, 4tfc; cakes OJic ; grease. 430. Popular Everywhere. Beginning with a small local sale in a retail drug store the busine-s of Hood's .Sarsaparilla has steadily increased until there is scarcely a village or hamlet in the I'nitid States where it is unknown. To day Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head In the medicine world, admired in prosperity aud euviedin merit by thou sands of would-be competitors. It has a larger sale than any other medioine before the American public, and probably greater than all other aarsaparitlas and blood puri fiers combined. Such succeB3 proves merit. If you nre sick, is it not the medicine for you to try:- Hood Sarsaparilla cures. b the despairing cry of thousands afflicted with Unsightly skin diseases. Do you realize what this disfiguration means to sensitive souls? It means isolation, seclusion. It is a bar to social and business success. Do you wonder that despair seizes upon these sufferers when Doctors fail, Standard remedies fidl, And nostrums prove worse than useless ? Skin diseases are most obstinate to cure or even relieve. It is an easy matter to claim to cure them, but quite another thing to do so. CUTICURA Has earned the right to be called the Skin Specitic Because for years it has met with most remarkable success. I here are cases that it cannot cure, but they are few indeed. It is no long-drawn-out expensive ex periment. 25c. invested in a cake of CUTICURA SOAP Will prove more convincing than a page of advertisement. In short, CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS. And its cures a're simply marvelous. Now is the time To take CUTICURA. CURES made in WINTER Are permanent. Sold everywhere. Piice,CuTiruA, 50c: SoAf, ajc; RssOl VXNT,$i. Piittek Hi- ., and Chsm. Curf, Sole Props., Hollos. " "AH about u Skin, Scalp, aad Hair," mailed ait. DURING THURSDAY Look at This for a New Years Bargain. It Will Interest You. At These Prices You Cannot Help Buying. Electric Seal Capes, 18 inches, $4.4'J; forartriy 10. Astrakhan Capes, 18 inchos,S6.49: formerly 18. Mink Capes, 18 iuches, $12; for merly $45. Glimmer Capes, 18 inches, $G,49; formerly $13. Russian L ynx Military Capes, 22 iuches, $5.98; formerly $12. Electric Seal Military Capes, 22 inches, $9.49; formerly $18. Forty dozen Assorted Muffs at $1.49; formerly $.'. Fifteen dozeu Assorted Children's Sets at 98c; formerly $2.50. A fine lot of Sleigh Robes, plush lined, at $3 each. Plush and Cloth Coats soltfat your own price. Millinery almost given away. HIGHEST PRICES ,'119 (91 U FUfli J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. For Rheumatism, Lurabego. Nenralgis, Cramp and Colic there Is no reined jr supur ior to the genuine Dr. Thomas'Elactrlc Oil. Any subscriber of The mby se cure a book of Jiour tnd coal coupons worth f 5 and thus save SO cents on each barrel of flour aud tl cents on each ton of coal. 6 BONDS for SALE To Investors. Till: SCRANTON Axle Works have issued $75,000 of 0 per cent. Coupon Bonds, interest payable semi -annually .These bonds are to run for ten years, from Nov. 1, 1893. Only n limited amount are offered for sale to investors. These bonds are first mortgage on the entire plant of the company, uud are issued lor the tmrpose of enlarging the works. The bonds are of the denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100 each. For further particulars address JNO. M. KEMERER, Pres. Or E. H. RIPPLE, Treasurer, SCRAMOM, PA. . .lTli 9 - DON'T FORGET Thatwuarn lioaduuarteis for everything in the Una of W ATCHKS. If you have any Idas ot nuivnastuii any kind or a n ut. I., lady a or gent's. Oold or Silver, you will make u iiriet mil mintaki) It you do not give as a call and get our prices, which you will rind far below all otnari, especially In all the high grades of Elgin, Wulthum and Hampden movement!. If you have any doubts and are at all posted on price gi e us a call aud w,, will have no trouble in convincing von. W still have a large stock to dlspo e of, and will offer yon won derful inducement! In Jewelry, Silverware, Clock and all other goods whlub w have lii atock. C. W. Freeman Inn At. nnd Spruce St. Dueber Hampden 17-Jewel Adjusted Watches. ' RUBY JEWELED tS ADJUSTED cfJ V WATCHES AM V THE fM 2r It is marvelous- how these famous Watches arc taking the place ot ull others where accu rate time it required. Railroad men will have nothing elie. Mierwp Watch Worlfs. Upton, Ob Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Court Home Square. All kinds of Laundry work guaruntaed tu best, ' ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATIRDAY. JAX 18. The Tornado IIMPfllM I 'rh0 awful tornado. The LlnbULII Ji great rigging scene, alx tars PIDTCO'C furling a monster sail. The untiling collision of two ocean liners ai iuii speu. j ne migniy open eea acene, with waves running mountain high. Dis secting room of a medical college Chicago harbor at night and many other scenic wonders. SCENIC PRDD'CTION' Seats on sale Thursday. N. H. BROOKS, Supt. and Lecturer. HAHRY THOftNK Stage Manager. Week commencing MONDAY. JAN'U AHV 8 Tho Oreat Emotional Actreas, MISS FLORA STANIF0RD, Supported by the Henry Comedy Com'ny. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday EAST - LYNNE Thursday, Friday and Saturday. PRIDE AND POVERTY. Hie to back of balcony", Sue. to front of balcony and rear pariinetto; 30c. opera ehafrs. Performance at ...u and 8,1a p.m. Doers open at LW and T. EDEN MUSEE Week Gomme icing lao. 8, 94. CURIO HAL, 1 1 1 1 ll i1 ! 1 1:! :: ill t: i.i ! : . h Mi' ' 1 :i "f-lis WAT.T.Aflr? Th" '-nti-.mal.le I.Ion " AUUftUlJ, and other attractions, IN THE THtATER. Entire new ahotv. All now face. Admis sion to all parts of the houj TEN cents. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prlcea very reasonable. Space will not permit us to mention the good things for n Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be fouud in a first-class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. T HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, QIC LACKAWANNA AVIMK, SCRANTON, FA, H4f TT aviji JdADK a contract with a U frame factory to turn ont 1.000 11 iram a between now aud Cur at A mi, T nlali ...,.,..,...,,.., I,.. He that I will make a OKNCINE CKAYOX PuHTHAII' copied Irom anv small one ABSOLUTELY FREE OF OHAROB. 1 v ii i STTLKS or FRAMES FROM 3.S0 I I'H MIU. Workmanship guaranteed. Frame 60 per cent, lass than regular prloe. E. UUTUEIL, ArtUt. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer and Daalen Burning All AanJ Iririntinc UILO m Also ShaftiDg and Journal Greasa OFFICI.:-m Went Lackawanna At Vt vttkSi-jtfarldlan Street FRIDAY and SATURDAY OF This Week We will sell the balance of our stock of cigars and boots and shoes at about half price. We don't want to move a cigar or a shoe if we can help it. THE SCRANTON CASH STORE v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers