A STUDY IN SCARLET. A STUUf IN SCARLET mutton A STUDY IN SCARLET A STUDY IN SCARLET EIGHT PAGES--5G COLE Mis S. SCKATvTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 13, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. KEEP AM El E If El FOR A SOU HON OF THE MYSTERY BE "I ! SI 7 If MLET, 99 DOWN 10 DEATH II DRAW'S FALL Collapse of Portion of a Bridge Sends Sixty .Workmen Into Creek. SEVERAL OF THEUi ARE DROWNED Temporary Draw Over Newton Creek Is Precipitated by the Effort of a Tug to Sqeeeze a Large Schooner Through, and the Crowd of Bridge Carpenters Is Thrown Without Warning Into the Waters Beneath. Dramatic Scene of Death and Rescue. Long Island City, L. I . Jan. 12, n BOUT sixty men were thrown M into Newtown creek tonight by L the collapse of a section of a lTU temporary draw bridge over the creek connecting Bradley vimh at Laurel Hill, with Meeker avenue, Brooklyn. Just how many mn were drowned cannot as yet be determined. The following were on the bridge at the time and have not been seen since; Patrick Briody, H. Markey, George Mills. Michael Mc (Jurky and James Smith. Tbey were all employes of the Laurel Hill Chem ical work", Mills beinir foreman there. Timothy Gannon, of 108 Ecicford street, Brooklyn, was brought to St. John's hospital, this city. One of his feet wn badly crushed and he was cut about the bead. The section of the bridge that fell was a draw thirty feet long. It was built of wood and rented on tbe centre abutment from which point another sestion continned on tue Brooklyn aide. The draw on the Brooklyn ride was open. It was lew tiJo and a tug was trying to force a schooner through the draw. It was a few minutes be fore (5 o'clock and tbe bridge was crowded with men from nearby factories anxious to get to their homes in Brooklyn. HEMMED TO THEIK PATE. Suddenly there was a crackling of timbers and the draw broke in two. The men uiado an effort to get off but the jam on the shore end of the bridge prevented their making thoir escape. Tbey fell into the water in a heap, and theu commenced a wild struggle for life. Somo climbed on to the wrecked draw, while others sougut safety in swimming for the shore. A passing tug picked np a number and landed them on the Brooklyn side where they were attended by turgeonii from Brook lyn hospitals. The work of rescue was' a difficult one, as there were no small boats at hand. Ropes were thrown out to some of the men and they were hr.uleu ashore in that manner. During the work of rescue there were somo lively scenes in tbe water. Men struggled with each other in their frenzy to es cape. Some hauled under water and nearly drowned bv those whom they were trying to assist Thomas Dobbins, of Meeker avenue, Brooklyn, reached the scene in a row boat in time to save four men who were point of sinking. The captain of the schooner rescued over a dozen men. He got away before his name or that of hia vessel could be learned. CRAWLING OCT OF THE WATER. After striking the water the draw broke in two pieces and in an instant both were covered with men. Some managed to climb up clear of the water, while others hung on to keep their heads above water. It took con siderable time to get all the men ashore. As fast as they were lauded, they jWure taken to Toner's Penny Bridge hotel and filled up with stimu lents. Many of the rescued had close calls and for a long time after they were brought ushore they were unable to tell how they got there. The wreck draw bad not ben nsed in three weeks, owing to pile drivers working on it. Bridge Keeper Daniel Hiakley was on the Laurel Hill side Jwhen"the ac cident occurred. Ho said that it was due to the overcrowding of tbe bridge. He said that be had frequently warned the men not to crowd on the bridge, us it was dangerous to do so, bnt they paid no attention to his repeated warn ngs. TWO NARROW ESCAPES. William Fdgan aud Patrick Mc- Namara, or Meeker avenue, Brooklyn, both had narrow escapes. They do not know how they got ashore and say thoy came near drowning. The search for bodies was kept up till a late hour, but none were recovered. ed the ferryman to row them from the root of Broadway over to thur vessel. The wind was blowing a gale. The boat was swamped before it had gone 500 yards. The cries of the drowning men were heard on board the police boat Lanuon, and its search light revealed the struggling men In the freezing waters. One of the Lannon's boats was immediately launched, but before it reached the spot six of the men had disappeared. In attempting the rescue of the re. maining three men the boat was swamped, throwing Lieutenant Napier and his two men in tbe water. The crew them theu did noble work. Grasping tbe exhausted sailors, Napier and his men supported thoir inanimate forms and held their beads above water until their lusty yells brought help, A boat from the Mareca manned by six sailors came none too soon. The be numbed men were drawn into the boat and hastily conveyed to the hospital. All of the drowned seamen bel onged in Eugland. WILL WAGE VIGOROUS FIGHT. Republican National Executive Com mittee Proposes to Capture the Next Congress, if Possible. Washington, Jan, 12. The final session of the meeting of the Repub lican executive committee was u long one, lasting from 11 o'clock ustil nearly 3, without intermission. Nearly the entire session was taken up in a con ference with Chairman Caldwell and Vica Chairman Babcock, of the con gressional committee, ai which plans for concerted action during the coming campaigu were discussed. The utmost harmony prevailed, and it was stated tuat active preparations would al once be begun for the workiu hand. The question of the selection of per manent headquarters was taken up, and, after some discussiou, it was de cided to postpone tho selection until the next meeting of tbe committee, which will likely be held in two or three weeks hence. New York city seemed to be the choice of the majority of the committee, and that city wouid undoubtedly have been selected at once but for the fact that with headquarters in Washington the executive and con gressional committees would be in closer communication than if New York were selected. During the session the resolutions favoring the admission to the U.iion of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Okla homa were adopted. DENOUNCING WILSON'S BILL. Immense Mass Meeting of Gotham Ar tisans Raises Protest. New York, Jan. 12 In Cooper nnion tonight a mass meeting wus held under the auspices of the Work ingmeu's Trade association of New York, New Jersey, Penn sylvania, Delaware and New to protest against of the Wilson tariff bill, representatives present of trades in and around New York and nearly all of them de livered five minute speeches. The audience was composed mostly of working people living on the eust and south sides of this city. Resolutions were passed declaring that the Wilson bill would result in widespread idleness and want, robbing at least 500,000 people ot their meaus of employment. SOME REMARKABLE STRIKERS. CONGRESS YET IN THE The Hawaiian Correspondence Remains Pigeonholed in the President's Chamber. BUT IT WAY BE SENT IN MONDAY Long Cabinet Meeting Is Held, but Nothing Is Made Public Concerning the Result of Its Deliberations The Tariff Debate Occupies the Time of the House, and in the Senate Very Little Is Done or Said. England, the passage There were from a score Thy Agree fcp Accept a Reduction of Twelve and One-Half Pet Cent. Pittsburo, Jan. 12. The 400 em ployes of the Charl-roi Plate Glass cotnpanv are oti a strike against a re duction in wages from 25 to 27 per cent, with an addition of work in many departments. The striker offered to accept a re duction of Vii per cent. Ives Deflate Slosson. CHiCAfio, Jan. 12 Ives won tonight's Rame in the tournament at Central Music. hall, defeating Slosson by a score of 600 to MM. IN THE KEYSTONE STATE. TRADE OUTLOOK BRIGHTER. The New Tear Seems to Have Inspired a Measure of Hope. New York, Jan. 12. Business has distinctly improved since the new year came, says Dun, and the gain is based upon actual increase in tbe production in the industries. Tbe output of pig iron, Jan. 1, is reckoned at 99,087 tons weekly, which is slightly less than Dec. 1, though Pittsburg authority makes it a little larger. In either case it is from 41 to 43 per cent less than a year ago, and stocks of unsold pig increased 19,457 tons in oember, though they de creased as nnch in November. Several more furnaces begin production this month. Prices, however, show no re covery. Failures for the past week hare been 474 in the United States, against 386 last year; and 57 in Canada, against 20 ast year. VICTIMS OF THE BIG GALE. Biz Men Drowned In Baltimore Harbor by Capsizing of Small Boat. Baltimore, Jan. 12. This morning's gale cost six lives in Baltimore's har bor. The names of the drowned men are: Neal Finlayson, William H, Nel son, Robert J. Wilson, John Hughes, and an unknown sailor of the British Steamer Mareca. and Peter Salranski, a ferryman. Three men were rescued by the craw of tbe police boat Lanuon. The men all belonged to the British steamer Mareca. At abont 2 o'olook this morning the eight sailors employ- T William Wolf, ex-commissioner of Lu zerne county, died at bu home at Glen, aged SO years. The annual meetinz of tho State Editor ial association will he h ld at the Lochiel hotel, Uarrlsburg, Jau. ill. Ecklev B. Coxo, of Drifton, was appoint ed by Governor Pattiaon, a member of the Geological Survey Commission. .lames Kappand his niece. Miss Id Kapp, are in Lebanon jail, accused of having pre tended to be husband and wife. The body of an infant that had come into tho world alive was found in the rear of Elmer Trout s yard at Litltz. Serious Injuries resulted to Joseph Wargleand Stephen Waclslca, by being run over oy a car in a mine uearnazie ton. Green glass bottle and vial manufactur ers of the United States, in session at Pitts burg, re-eiected William E Smith president. bamuol rrey. or Mecuauicsliurg, was killed at the orld's fair grounds, Chicago Wednesday uight, while removing an ex Dibit. Frank Albaugh, aged 10 years, was drowned by breaking through the ice while skatiug on Rudy's dam. at Harris burg. An explosion of dynamite In s tool house neat tho campus Miook the Lafayette col lege buildings and brought every student from bis bed. Thnxorotier is investigating the death of Christine cugueust, upper 1'axtou, Dau- puin county, wno is suici to nave oeon ler ribly beaten by her husband. A stage coach, carrying mall aud passen gers between Jlolirsville and Bernville, Berks county, tumbled over a nana Into creek, but no one was injured. Ou his way from Middlehoro, K v , to visit the family of A. P. Eugelbert, at Ly kens, J 'annum county, E. A. Launer disap peered, and it is feared he fell from the train. The report of Revenue Collector Fridy for this district shows that the total re ceipts for 1893 from the tax on cigars were ti,nO8,OH60, a decrease of 38,878.28 from 1SI. August Somnierfield, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in causing the death of his 10-year old son, August, by whipping him until n jumped from a third story window, was sentenced by Judge Ewiug to psy $100 tine and undergo one year's imprisonment in the workhouse. Washington. Jan. 12. HE adjournment of the senate un til Monday may not prevent the transmission of the Hawaiian comspondence to congress to morrow, although the probability is that it will uot be sent in until both houses are in session again Custom and precedent are agains the transmission of messages of simt ilar import intended for bot senate aud house when only one is in session. But custom and precedent have not provided for esses where both branches of congress call for the same matter for tbe executive department by separate resolutions. It is pre sumed that tbe president will send in the Willis communication to the house tomorrow because the house called for it independently of the senate. Everything is ready at the state de partment for the transmission of the correspondence. It was expeited there this morning that copies of ail matter received from Mr. Willis by the Cor win would go to both houses this after noon, but the president did not give the word. The cabinet meeting began at 11 o'clock, with all the members present, aud continued for three hours and ten inluutea At its close cabinet officers refused to say whether it would go lu tins week, No inkling was given as to the reason Tor holding it back. little worn: IN CONGRESS. The house early resolved itae If- into committee of the whole this morning. Mr. Brosius, Pennsylvania, concluded the speech which be was delivering when the house took a recess at o 30 yesterday. He was followed in turn by Representative hveritt (Dein , Mass.), Blick. Dam, I Pondelton (Drin., W. Va.) Pavue (Hip.. N. Y.), Simpson (Pop., Km.). Daniels (Rep., N. Y .), McDjwsII (Rep, Penna.), and Meililejobn (Rep , Neb.) ihe senate wee lu session thres hours today, but only half an hour was p issed with op m doors, the reuiainde? of the time being given to the consideration of executive business, and it large num ber of nominations wore confirmed, among tnem oeing Director of the Mint Preston and Indian Agent Wool en. During the open session no busi ness of any importance was taken up, and without resuming legislative mat ters, the senate at 3 p. m. adjourned uni.il Mondav. WAS CRAZEDBYTHE GRIP. Farmer Wocdworth Flees, Is Pursued and Cuts His Throat. Wilkes Baiwe, Pa. Jan., 12, J. Miner Wood worth, one of the most prominent and wnlthy farmers of Lu zerne county, residing near Sbloklhin -ny is dead at hia home tonight. He was in this city lhnrsday attending to business and returned to his home in tne evening apparently in bis usual health aud frame of mind He arose this morning feeliug quiet unwell, suf fering from grip. The disease rapidly ihcressed in severity and affected bis head with particular violence. At seven o'clock tonight he snddenly rose from the couch and dashed out of the door. His family followed in pur suit, and tbe chase continued along tbe country road for a quarter of a mile. When the sufferer saw that the pursuers were close uprn him, he took trom his pocket a large knife and drew it across his throat, tailing dead in his tracks. He was 50 years of age, quite wealthy and one of the most promiuent farmers in this county also implicated. It is believed that Dr. Campbell is in Ohio. Alda Robinson bas regained con sciousness and tells the same story as related by her sister Margaret yester day, Hartshorn admits that he be trayed Alda, but denies that he tried to kill the girl. The school board has annulled Hartshorn's contract. He is unable to secure bail and is yet 1 jail. ASLEEP BY HIS DEAD WIFE. Startling Discovery Made by Charity Offiotale In Pittsburg-. Pittsburg, Jan. 12 When the De partmeutof Charities' ambulance went to No. 235 Bank street, this olty, yes terday, to remove Frederick and Molly Dragorens, a destitute German couple, to the city farm, the driver found tbe woman dead in bed and the husband lying asleep at her side. The husband's limbs are paralyzed. His wife earned a living for them both until two weeks ago. Last night Mrs. Dragorens became worse. Her hus band crawled to a gaspipe and sum moned assistance by pounding on it. He was replaced in bed, aud his wife cared for. This morning she was found dead. SUPT. SANTEE RESb'NS. WHY NOT tOME TO SCRANTON? Committee Looking For a Suitable Looa tlon For a Steel Plant. Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 12 President A. J. Moxham, of the Johnstown com pany steel rail manufacturing plant, has given it out that a committee is now traveling over the country inves tigating the advantages of the various steel centers. He said that this meant that the new steel rail mill contem plated by the company might not be located in Johnstown and further that rolling mills here might go wherever the new plant goes The money involved in the con templated change is about $3.000.,000, It is proposed to go In debt $2,000,000. Congressman Tom, L. Johnson, of Ohio, is oue of the largest stockholders in the company. A THIEF BUT NOT A LIAR. For Many Years He Managed Lthigh Vallty's Supply Department. Hazlkton, Pa., Jan. 12. Timothy M. bantee, for many years superintend ent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad com pany here, today tendered his resigna tion, to toke effect Feb. 1. John 0. Sraithall, chief clerk for the company, will succeed Mr. Santee. Teller. Baker Told the Truth When He ' Said $47,000 Was Stolen. Philadelphia, Jan. 12 National Bank Examiner Hardt and the ac countants who have been inspecting the books of the Consolidated National bank, which were frandently altered by Paying Teller Baker and Receiving Teller Tlersol, finished their work to day and reported that the defalcation amounts to $47,000. This is tbe sum? Baker confessed was stolen. Baker is in jail, being unable to secure bail. CHILD WAS BORN ALIVE. Charge of Murder Will Be Preferred Against Professor Her shorn. New Castle, Jan. 12 Tht city of ficial claim to have evide icj that Miss Alda Robinson's child, wuioh was burned in a oooking stove on JNew Year's Day, was born alive, aud In ad dtion to other charges, that of ir urder has been preferred a;ainst Prtfessor Hartshorn and Dr. Campbell, wno is BANKER RQCKAFELLQW WEEPS. Sentenced by Judge Lynch to " Fine and Serve Over Two Years in Prison. Pay Wilkes Barre, Jan. 12. Judge Lynch this morning sentenced ex Banker F. V. Rockafellow to pay vfioe of 1,250 and uudergo an imprisonment of two -ears and two mouths in the Eastern penitentiary. Before sentence bad been pronounced, Attorney Wheaton reminded the court of the long aud honorable career of Mr. Rockalellow and spoke of his advanced age While the attorney was speaking, tho ex-baaker leaned against the rail ing with his face to his hands, and bit ter tear coursed down his wrinkled cheeks The court expressed regret at being compelled to perform its duty and. iu conclusion said- "Were it in my ju dicial power I would hesitate to pun ish you. But the present is not a mat ter of personal regret or sympathy. The court is in duty bound to take cjguizanoe of the jury's recommenda tion to mercy, and it is after consulta tion with the other judges that tbe sentence has been agreed upon." Attorneys John T. Leuahun and F. W. Wueatou will proceed immediately to Philadelphia ami ask of the Supreme court a special writ to again allow their clieut to be plnced under bail. The Supreme court will convene In April and if their decision in the case now pending is in favor of the defend ant, tbe other indictments now against him will be dropped. If however, the court finds against him, it is more than likely that be will end his days in the penitentiary. Mr. Rockafellow was taken to the county jail where he will remain until the result of his attor neys' mission is known. If the special writ is granted he will be released next Suuduy under bail. MINERS STRIKE AT PLAINS. Labor Difficulty la Precipitated at the Keystone Colliery. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jon. 12 The miners at tbe Keysloue colliery, near Plains, went out on a strike today, ow ing to some disagreement with one of the officials Up to a late hour this oveniag no set tlement has been mads. BLOWN FROM H IS TRAIN. Brakeman Harry Brown la Killed Dur ing Terriflo Storm. Wilkes-Barre, P., Jan. 12. The maiuied remains of Harry Brown, a brakeman ou the Pennsylvania rail road, were found on the tracks near Wolverton this morning. The deceased lived, at Sunbury, and fell from his train during a terrific storm last night. 1 ALGER OUT OF THE RACE. SCIRE E'S LIST FOOTS UP SIX Another Death Is Reported Id tbe Sorely Afflicted Albert Family. YOUNG DAUGHTER MABEL DEAD Declines to Run for Senator In Interest of Party Harmony. Detroit, Jan. 11. The Tribune pub lishes a letter from General Russell A. Alder in which he declines to be con sidered a candidate for United States seuator. He states that tbe declination is in the interest of party harmony. SPARKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Heroic Action of Dr. Thomas C. Wal ton, the Republican Leader in Mon roe County, Who, After Another Physician Had Been Frightened Away, Surrenders His Own Prac tice and Devotes Himself to the At tention of the Five Remaining Mem bers of the Albert Household. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Strocdsburu, Pa., Jan. 12. STILL another death from diph theria is tbe news received from tbe afflicted family of Andrew Albert, at Delaware Water Gap. A promising young lady, Mabel, aged 16, is the last victim of the dreaded disease, making a total of six deaths in the family siuce Jan, 1 A young lad i still 1 -ft at home tor the poor parents to bestow their affection on, and should he escape death, which now seems probabW, almost a miracle will have betn performed. The poor mother who has so faithfully cared for her children, will, it is feared, when she fully realizes h-r loss, be deprived of her right mind, for she has faced a bat tle which oven trained and experienced physicians have refused to face. There is some feeliug against the doctor from Portland who was en gaged to attend to the sick family by tho authorities of that place'. He per formed his dnties for a short time and then bscima forgetful, aud left the unfortunate family without medical assistance. Aid was soon found in the persou of Dr, Tuomas C. Walton, the Republican leader of Monroe county. Dr. Waltou who has fought many a lieroe political battle against tbe De mocracy of Monroe county and when this is said, a great deal has been said was not to be frightened by diphtheria. Although he had been feeliug unwell himself and was the father of two chil dren who might thus bo exposed to the eontagion, he offered his service, sacri ficed his large practicj and gave to the poor unfortunate family the best medi cal attention that could, be found in Monroe county. The citizens of the Gtp will not permit the Alberts to bear the expanse which iia' come to them on account of their affliction. Contributions iu liberal quantity are pouring in from all sides to a fuud of assistance. California's Midwinter exposition will be formally opeued on the vi . th. Having bathed and put on burial clothes, Mary Rlckert, of Baltimore, took lauda num and died. Tho lofty tower on the Chicago board of trade building will he demolished, having sunk eight inches. Unkuown fiends blew up tbe tailor shop of PiucusUans, or Aew lorl, nut fortun ately no one was hurt. For trying to depress stock on the New York exchange, Broker R. W. Sabiu was suspended for sixty days. Judge English, of West Virginia's su preme court, resigns his place as presi dent, and Judge Branson succeeds him. Explosion of a locomotive boiler at Bel mout, N. II. crushed iu Engineer Bowles' forehead and scalded Fireman rtallautine. Cuttiug Into M Cocheuthaler's jewelry store from the adjoining premises, Mon treal, robbers cot (3,000 worth of dia monds. With t6,'i00 for Eaaton banks, Cashier Pullman, of AsTieville, . C, National bank, left town two weeks ago and has not been seen since. While riding on a handcar on the Wood ward, Ala., Iron company's railroad, Foreman John Neal, Louis Frizzle and James Uwens were killed. Forty heirs, including coachman Richard .Savoy and Frank Addy, of North Adams, .Mass., divide the fortune of Mm shal Durand, of Baltimoie, getting ftW,- uuu uacn. GRANT HERRING CONFIRMED. His Nomination and That of .Others Is Favorably Considered. WasuixcToX, Jan. 12 During to day's executive session of the senate these nominations were confirmed: John M B. Sill, of Michigan, Minister resideut and Consul general of the United States to Korea. Collectors of Internal revenue R. E. Shearer, !)th district of Pennsylvania, Grant Her ring, 12tb district of Pennsylvania. 1 he following Pennsylvania post musters also went through: G. B. Nye, Ellwood City ; W. P. Walsh, Snietn port; J. F. Mover. Catasauqua: F. P. Sharkey, Mauoh Chunk; John Wolf, Bangor; J. h. Malone, Lancaster; T. A Butkiewiz, Nnnticoke; Thomas B. Gillouly, Ridgway. of the station. The passenger train cut thronghtbe freight, throwing five cars down an embaukment aud breaking some of them into fragments. Ihe baggage and express cr was turned partly over and the express messenger, John Dietz, was the only person hurt. His injuries are not ser ious. The passenger coaches were full of people and the shock created wild excitement among them. FIELD AGAIN IN JAJL. Son of Cyrus W. Field Goes Back to Ludlow Jail. New York, Jau. 12, Edward M. Field, who has been returned to jail' nere trom the Buffslo State asylum for the insane as cured, aud against whom there are five indictments for forgery and srand larceny, was today held in tho sum of $50,000 on tho charge and $15,000 ou another. As no bondsman was forthcoming Field went back to Ludlow Street jail. f SERIOUS FIRE AT GETTYSBURG. Had to Send to Hag-erstown for Engines and Men. GettVsburq, Jan. 12 A fire that threatened to destroy the northern portion of this town started in the stables of the Eigls hotel at 8 o'clock this morning, and fanned by a high wind it spread to the hotel and its annex, both of which were entirely gutted. It was necessary to send to Hagers town aud Hanover for aid before the fire was gotten under control. FORM A MILK DEALERS' TRUST. BLfZE IN A MEAT MARKET. Creates Consternation For a Time But Is Quickly Extinguished. Bpecfaj to the Svraittun Tribune. Caruoxdale, Pa., Jan. 12. At 4:30 o'clock tonight a fire broke out in the meat market of Benjapvra Lyons, at Church street and Salem avenue. The blaze was caused by the explosion of a lamp In the window which quickly ignited in some fanoy decorations. The scene for a few moments was very ex citing, but prompt action by the pro prietor brought the tire under control. Little damage was done. The fire compauies were on hand but their ser vices were not required. incomeIaFisIeaten. Dalton Dispensers of Laotaal Fluid Or iranlzi for 8nlf Protection. fitofefo! to the Seranton Tribune. Dalton, Jan. 12 About fifty farm ers met together Tuesday in Francis hall and formed a Milk Dealer's Pro tective association, the purpose of whioh will be to protect tlielr interests against any cuttiug of tho price of milk below a certain ugreed figure. The officers elected are: President, Thomas Smith ; secretary, H. W. Nor thup; treasurer, W. H. White. PECKVILLE'S NEW INDUSTRY. The Coming Fate of the Iniquitous Scheme Is Practically Decided by the House Committee. Washixotox, Jun. 12. The house committee on ways and means deotded today to present the income tax and all internal revenue propositions to the House in an independent bill. There was a hot fight in the commit tee and the victory for the nnti-income tax men was brought about by a fbp on the part of Mr. Bytiutn, who baf heretofore been ou the Income tax side. At the very outset Mr. Cockrati and Mr. Stevens announced that if the in come feature was put on the Wilson bill they would vote against the whole tariff bill. . The question of a caucus was dis cussed, and by a formal vote it was decided to ask for one, but later this action was reconsidered. The treating of tho income tax as a sepa rate measure practically insures its defeat. THE HEARSE WAS DEMOLISHED. Its Occupant Unconsotous of the Wreck About Him. Braddock, Pa., Jan. 12- This morn ing tbe horses attached to a carriage following the hearse in which were the remains of Elward Simmons, a 10 year-old hoy, took fright aud rati away. Tuey collided with and demolished the hearse and wrecked tne carriage, the casket was ouly slightly damaged. Tbe occupautsof the carriage were considerably bruised and worss fright ened. Another hearse was secured and the funeral proceeded. MURDER AND SUICIDE. Mrs. Her It Is a Citizens' Band, and It Is a Sing ing One. Special to the Scrantot Tribune. PliOKVii.LE, p.i., Jan. 14. A new baud has been orgauia-d here this week to be known as the Citizens' band. It includes some of the best players along the valley. CRASHED INTO A FREIGHT. Up Train on the Pennsylvania Has a Narrow Escape. Sunbury, Jan. 12.--The passengers on the WilKes-Barre train that left hero at 5 89 this evening hud a narrow escape. The train 'struck the New York time freight that was crossing the main truck about a half mile north Lewis Mistakenly Thought Husband Was in Jail. Cincinnati, Jan. 12. Edward Lewis, a young carpenter, waylaid his wife in a hallway this morning and shot her do d, then turned the weapon ou him self and ended his own life. They frequently quarreled and finally Mrs. Lewis had her husband arrested for-beatiug her. She was on her way to tbe police court thi . morninp, sup posing tic was locked up. FAVOR BLAND'S IDEA. Favorable Report on the Proposals to Coin Treasury Bullion. Washixotox, Jan. 12. The house committee on coinage has reported fav orably Mr. Blatid's proposition for the immediate issuance ot ' r, 000, 000 in certificates based upon the nominal seigniorage of the silver bullion iu tbe treasury, and providing for the coinage as rapidly as may be of all the bullion in the treasury. OVER TWO-THIRDS IDLE. Serlons Depression Exlsia in the Vicinity of Sparrow's Point. Baltimore. Jan. ,12. Of the 8,000 men usually employed by the Mary land Steel company at Sparrow's Point but GOO are now at work Lack of orders is given as the cause for the discharges. FINLEY'S 510 AND 512 LACKA. AVENUE. BLANKETS TO close balance of stock before in ventory at following prices: 22 pair Swansdown,full QOn size, per pair "Ovi 13 pairs, All-wool $2. 75 1 1 pairs Eleven Quar. QR ter All-wool at P" " U 9 pairs Eleven Quar- 00 ter Scarlet, at tj)0.ld 12 prs. Natural Wool M RA Eleven Quarter, at PtUvJ About 15 pairs Fine Cali fornia Blankets at heavy reductions from regular prices. Small lot of choice de signs in Wrapper C( AA Blankets at H'W Elegant stock of Fine Crib Blankets. PICKED UP AT WASHINGTON. It is not certain that the New Jersey bridge bill will be approved by tho presi dent. The treasury ofhcials now estimate the world's production of gold in 1893 at $150, 000, U00. Senator Quay has had a bill passed pro viding for iuspectiou ot boiler plates, etc., at the nulls. The series of official evening receptions given each year by the presulaut and Mrs. Cleveland has breu inaugurated. Hancock, Democratic uomiuee for coUKressmau-at-larKe in 1'euusylvania, was iu Vnliingtou talking cheerfully of bis chaucos. There Is said to be a deficiency of W00. 000 in sight iu tho appropriation for fees of wituesseH in United States courts for this fiscal year. Secretary Carlisle has ordered erased from the Fairchild commission report all Kerioue reflections upon high officials now or formerly connected vrith tho surveyor's office aud the naval office at- New York. FLASHED FROM 'CROSS THE SEA. England's hudgot deficit will probably reach 10,00U,0U0. Abolitiou of capital punishment Is pro posed by a French deputy. The French chambor of deputios re elected M. Dupuy as presidont. Hussia is strengthen inn her army on the Qerinau and Austrian frontiors. Sicily remains quint, under fear of troops, nml iliiueritl dt l.avriano. the commander in chief, will make a tour of the isiaud. Miss Elsie burrows, daughter of Ogden H. Barrows, of Now-port, R. L, was wedded at Loudon to Captain Johu Saul' aer, sou of a barouot. Ihe Ueluinu ministry will resign because the parliamentary majority will not pro Vide for tho representation of minorities in the suffrage reform bill. WEATHER FORECAST. FINLEY'S IHE GUTTA PERU & RUBBER M'FG IU FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHAS. A. SCHIEREN & CO. '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AOENT 313 Sprace St., Seranton, Pa. Lewis,F.eitly & Davies Reliable Footwear. sf ill Si Feet of overy description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. CLOSED EVENINGS. COLD ' fl-A"iToa, Jan. VJ. Forecast , for Sut unlay: For eastern 1'enn- yhxNlfa fair, decidedly cooler. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a per fect fit. WATCHES AT COST lor one week ouly. 1. J. !, ARCADE JEWELER 215 WYOMING AVE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers